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Study Plan(最终版)

Study Plan(最终版)
Study Plan(最终版)

Study Plan

Dear visa officer,

The purpose of this letter is to explain my study plan while studying in Canada. As part of visa application process, I understand that a study plan is potential for my further success.


To pursue a Master Degree in Human Resources Management in Canada. Background

It has aroused my intense interest in Human Resources Management after working as an assistant of Human Resources Management for two months in XXXXX. With the economic globalization, this leads to a greater demand in Chinese labor market on professionals that equipped with the advanced knowledge on Human Resources Management and the relevant laws, as well as the excellent communication skills in English. I strongly believe that the Human Resources Management will be one of the most prosperous professions in China in the near future.

After four years of study in XXXXX, I received a Bachelor’s Degree of Laws, specializing in XXXXX, on XXXXX. In order to pursue a better career in Human Resources Management, I need to continue my study on Human Resources Management in a graduate program.

My choice of studying in Canada

Compared with the one holding a master degree from a Chinese university, a graduate holding a same degree from a western country is much more competitive in China’s labor market. In that case, the experience of study abroad and holding a foreign Master Degree can undoubtedly keep me competitive and help me find a better job in China. In addition, studying abroad may save one year for me to gain the Master Degree: two years abroad versus two to three years in China.

Without a doubt, there are many challenges for studying abroad. It is very different in culture and language between China and other countries. It will be more expensive to

study abroad than in China. I have to leave my parents and county to fly to a distant county.However, I consider studying abroad as good investment for my future.

Comparing with other western countries, Canada has a more peaceful and harmonious environment for studying and it is rich in educational resources. In addition, the expenditure of studying in Canada is much lower particularly in recent years.

The reason for my choosing to study Human Resources Management in XXXXX College

To directly enroll in a graduate program of universities in Canada, one needs to have a Bachelor Degree in a related discipline or a non-related Bachelor Degree plus a minimum of one year equivalent full-time work experience in a related field. Since the graduate program I choose is Human Resources Management and my Bachelor Degree is Law, I don’t meet the requirements for directly enrolling in a graduate program.

However, XXXXX has a wonderful Human Recourses Management Program: one of the top graduate certificate programs in East coast Canada , which only requires a bachelor degree and not necessarily related educational background. Moreover, XXXXX College ,one of the Canada's largest, most diversified and highly respected colleges ,has a transfer agreement with many universities. After one year of post graduate certificate study, I can then transfer to university to continue my study for about one year to obtain my Master Degree.(Please refer to appendix.)

Financial Support

My parents have deposited sufficient money for me to study abroad. My mother is an XXXXX and my father is a XXXXX, both in XXXXX, with a total annual

income of more than RMB XXXXX (CAD XXXXX).

Return to China and Career Objective

Studying abroad will provide me with opportunities to learn advanced kno wledge and a better future. After the completion of my study abroad, I will return to China to serve my motherland. With the unique study experience abroad and great effort, I confidently believe that I will have a successful and productive career in the Human

Resources Management field in China future. In addition, I am a family-oriented girl.

I would like to go back China to take good care of my parents,who are getting close to retirement.

Based on my own experience and strong study motive, please trust me that I have the ability to study in Canada. I really hope that you will approve my application and issue a student visa for me to study in Canada.

Y ours truly,

_________________ __________________ Date Signature of Applicant

Study Plan(最终版)

Study Plan Dear visa officer, The purpose of this letter is to explain my study plan while studying in Canada. As part of visa application process, I understand that a study plan is potential for my further success. Objective To pursue a Master Degree in Human Resources Management in Canada. Background It has aroused my intense interest in Human Resources Management after working as an assistant of Human Resources Management for two months in XXXXX. With the economic globalization, this leads to a greater demand in Chinese labor market on professionals that equipped with the advanced knowledge on Human Resources Management and the relevant laws, as well as the excellent communication skills in English. I strongly believe that the Human Resources Management will be one of the most prosperous professions in China in the near future. After four years of study in XXXXX, I received a Bachelor’s Degree of Laws, specializing in XXXXX, on XXXXX. In order to pursue a better career in Human Resources Management, I need to continue my study on Human Resources Management in a graduate program. My choice of studying in Canada Compared with the one holding a master degree from a Chinese university, a graduate holding a same degree from a western country is much more competitive in China’s labor market. In that case, the experience of study abroad and holding a foreign Master Degree can undoubtedly keep me competitive and help me find a better job in China. In addition, studying abroad may save one year for me to gain the Master Degree: two years abroad versus two to three years in China. Without a doubt, there are many challenges for studying abroad. It is very different in culture and language between China and other countries. It will be more expensive to


studyplan作文 【篇一:study_plan】 research proposal/study plan研究计划 / 学习计划 (please write in english) (请用英文回答) 1) research area of interest and major:(please explain what your major is and what you plan to study) 你的专业和研究方向: (请说明你的专业和学习计划) 2) academic advisor) 导师或有意向的导师:(是你的研究导师而不是学术导师) 3) is your program coursework only? if not, please tell us the name of your research project and give a basic description of your research. 你的学习项目只是授课形式?如果不是,请提供你的专项课题的具体名称和内容 4) research funding: (where is the funding coming from?)研究专项资金:(你的研究专项资金从哪里获得?) 5) practical application of research: 研究课题的实际应用 申请国外访问学者需要提交如申请信、个人简历、推荐信、研修计划等材料,其中访问学者研修计划书尤为重要。只有你申请的教授对你的研究课题感兴趣了,才能够顺利的拿到访问学者邀请函。那么访问学者研修计划该怎么写,怎么样的研修计划书才算是好的研修计划书呢?访问学者研修计划书应包含以下内容: 1.选择申请该导师进行访学的原因; 2.出国访学目的、预期目标、计划、实施方法及所需时间; 3.研究课题在国内外研究情况及水平和应用情况; 4.达到本次出国访学预期目标的可行性; 5.学成归国后的工作和学习计划。 在这些内容中,又以研修计划课题选取最为重要,因为导师最看重的还是你的研修课题。 在选择研修计划的课题时,要关注国外导师目前正在研究的方向,选取导师感兴趣的课题。课题选取角度要面向全球,不要拘泥国内的热点问题,要关注研究课题的国内国外研究情况和水平,以及该项目的应用情况。


2020转正定级申请书范文 导读:本文是关于2020转正定级申请书范文,希望能帮助到您! 转正定级申请书范文篇一 明光市教育局:我叫郑建,男, 1982 年 10 月 4 日生于安徽省明光市,20xx 年 7 月毕业于滁州学院政史教育专业(专科学历),后经进修于 20xx 年 7 月毕业于福建师范大学思想政治教育专业(本科学历)。20xx 年 11 月参加明光市教师招聘考试,通过笔试、面试、体检,20xx 年2 月被分配到明光市旧县中学参加教育工作。自 20xx 年 2 月参加工作以来,认真贯彻落实党的教育方针,坚持“爱岗敬业、教书育人”的原则,服从上级及学校工作安排,认真完成教育教学任务,同时不断学习新的教育教学理论,不断提高自己的思想觉悟和教育教学水平。 一、思想政治方面:自觉加强理论学习,努力提高政治思想素质,积极参与师德师风活动和创先争优活动,并用心实践;认真学习新的教育理论,及时更新教育理念;积极参加校本教研和校本培训;积极参与上级和学校组织的各项活动,在真抓实干中提升自我。 二、教育教学方面:定期给自己充电,自觉学习新的教育教学理念,及时更新教学方法,全面推行素质教育,努力提升教学质量;积极参加学习培训、课堂教学模式活动及上级组织的各项活动;虚心向同行请教,博采众长,为成为一名新形势下的好教师不断开拓进取。 三、工作成绩与不足:在上级领导、学校领导和同事的关心支持下,我在思想、工作、学习各方面都取得了很大进步,同时得到校领导和同事、学生、家长的充分肯定,使稚嫩的我逐渐成熟,实现了从学生到教师的快

速转变。工作三年来,每年都担任三个班级的思想品德课的教学任务(其中两个毕业班),所带毕业班的中考平均分连续两年位列明光市中上等,20xx 中考中所任教的三 (2)班中考平均分位列明光市第 14 名。在工作的同时积极进行教科研,20xx 年我撰写的《关于网络环境下青少年德育工作的几点新认识》获明光市三等奖。同时,我在工作中也存在一些不足之处,在今后的教育教学工作中,我将不断学习,总结得失,积极进取,在努力工作的同时更要用心工作,用更大的热情投入到今后教育教学工作中,在实践中不断激发潜能和提升自我,实现自己的价值,为教育事业贡献力量。特申请转正定级,请领导审核批准。 申请人:郑建 20xx 年 11 月 8 日 转正定级申请书范文篇二 ***县人力资源和社会保障局:我叫***,男,汉族,大学文化程度,出生于***年*月, ***年*月毕业于*********。20xx 年 1 月,到***工作。参加工作对于年轻人,是人生的一个转折点,也是一个新的起点。在***工作一年来,在领导的关心和同事们的帮助下,我逐步完成着从学校到政府机关、从学生到国家工作人员这种环境和角色的双重转变和适应,自己的思想、工作、学习等各方面都取得了一定的成绩,个人综合素质也得到了一定的提高,现将自己的思想、工作、学习情况作以下汇报。 一、自觉加强理论学习,努力提高思想道德素质一年来,自己主动加强政治学习,按时参加单位每周三的学习例会,系统学习了党的xx大、xx届五中全会精神、中央经济工作会议精神以及省市县最新会议指示、安排,认真做好每次的笔记,并将其运用到指导自己工作的实际当中。作为一名思想要求进步的青年,我还利用业余时间认真学习党章等党的知识,

My English Study Plan

My English Study Plan Before we do one thing. We should make some plan so that we can complete it perfectly So it is with English. First, reading is the most important, we should read English everyday so that we can remote our spoking English. So I decide to read English every morning from 6:00 to 7:30. In this way, I can recite many English articles and my spoken Engish must make great progress. Second listening is also an important point. Listening to English and American programs do good to our spoken English. What’s more, listening to is a great part of our English exam. So I decide to listen to English every evening from 9:00 to 10:00. I think my listening English must make great progress. The third one is writing. Since writing is my weak point. I want to practice it hart. I will read many excellent English articles to increase my English store. And I will learn to write some short passages. Learning English requires action, so just do it. No pains, no gains! I will make efforts to studying English.

Study Plan 范文二

Dear visa officer, The purpose of this letter is to explain my study plan while studying in America. As part of visa application process, I understand that a study plan is potential for my further success to pursue a Master Degree in Environmental Engineering in America. Background It has aroused my intense interest in Environmental Engineering after working as an assistant of Research on Ecological Civilization Construction, Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in the Thirteenth Five-year Plan Period in Weinan City,Shaanxi Province for two months in Chang’an University. With the rapid development of economy, environment where we are living now is facing huge problems, which leads to a greater demand in Chinese labor market on professionals that are equipped with the advanced knowledge on Environmental Engineering and the relevant laws, as well as the excellent communication skills in English. I strongly believe that the Environmental Engineeringwill be one of the most prosperous professions in China in the near future. After four years of study in Chang’an University, I received a Bachelor’s Degree of Water Supply and Drainage Engineering. In order to pursue a better career in Environmental Engineering, I need to continue my study on Environmental Engineering in a graduate program. My choice of studying in America Compared with the one holding a master degree from a Chinese university, a graduate holding a same degree from a western country is much more competitive in China’s labor market. In that case, the experience of study abroad and holding a foreign Master Degree can undoubtedly keep me competitive and help me find a better job in China. Without a doubt, there are many challenges for studying abroad. It is very different in culture and language between China and other countries. It will be more expensive to study abroad than in China. I have to leave my parents and county to fly to a distant county.However, I consider studying abroad as good investment for my future. Comparing with other western countries, America has a more peaceful and harmonious environment for studying and it is rich in educational resources. In addition, the expenditure of studying in America is relatively lower than other countries such as UK. The reason for my choosing to study Environmental Engineering in University of Washington First of all, UW has great reputation both in America and world. It ranks 14th in U.S.News’&World Report. In addition, the academic environment in UW really attracts me a lot.

UCLA研究生赴美留学 Study Plan 真实原文版

Study Plan Dear officer, I’m writing to apply an F-1 Visa due to the fact that I’m going to continue my study in the USA. Introduction of my background: I’m a student who just graduated from Pittsburg State University in May, with a diploma as Bachelor of Science, and was offered of admission to graduate study at UCLA. In the year of 2010, I was fortunately to become a transfer student from xxx University within a 2+2 program to Pittsburg State University, I changed my major from Sources Environment and Management of Rural and Urban Planning to Construction Engineering Tech, with the kind help from my professors and advisors, I successfully finished this degree and graduated at May 15th. After the discussion between my teachers and my family, I decided to further my study in Construction area and fortunately I was accepted by UCLA, with a master degree in Geotechnical. I’ve already received the admission documents and contacted my advisor, Jonathon Stewart, from the civil engineering department in UCLA. In the May of 2012, I came back to China to meet my parents and inform my family about this news. Why choose to study in UCLA? Throughout my past experience, especially a records to achieve my higher goals, as China becoming more and more powerful in any area includes construction and plays an active role in the global economy. An advanced education in construction in a western country is necessary for me to have an international perspective of construction and gain valuable knowledge of construction theories and practices. The advanced education system in UCLA can provides high quality graduated program for me, the reasonable tuition and high standard living condition also attracted me deeply. All these are reasons for me to determine to go to USA, a country which has the highly developed business system and fist class education quality, for my further education. Who offers all my tuition and living fees? MY parents are so supportive toward my studying overseas, they wish me enhance my social status and learn to live independent, by the time we decided to take the further education, they keep working with all their might in an endeavor to enable my dream come true, at the meantime, I’m going to take some part-time job in my leisure time even though the money they provide me suffices. Finally, after I accomplish my studies in UCLA, I will return to work in China, since my uncle hold a big construction & building designing company, it’s easy for me to follow his step and work in the area which I’m good at. Nearly all of my public relationships are based in China. During my 12 years’ study, I have already accumulated plenty of friends and relationship; those are very important foundation not only for my career but also for my daily life. I would never give them up. Furthermore, with the quickening of Chinese reforming and opening steps, there are more and more opportunities available for youth like me to put their talent to good use in addition, I’m the only son of my parents, it’s my duty to come back to take care of them according to Chinese tradition. Lastly and most importantly, my previous J-1 visa requires me to have the 2-years mandatory home-country physical presence. The above mentioned all determines that I am sure to develop my own career in China as soon as I finished my study in UCLA. Yours, xxx 2012-6-30

办签证用的study plan

总的来说,学习计划书需要包括以下几方面内容。 1、简单说明自己的学习经历,专业背景及工作经历; 2、说明自己进一步求学的动机及为什么选择该国、该大学与该专业; 3、详细的留学时间安排; 4、介绍留学所需资金及来源; 5、对未来职业目标的阐述,留学后回国的理由。 My name is ... I graduated from …. My deepest impression of United States is her good study environment and advanced education system. I am longing to pursue my further education,and I suppose that I can realize my wish in United States. It is why I write this study plan which outlines academic progress and career development in the near future. The program I applied is general project of LLM course, which will present me a basic legal circumstances and situactions of United States. I would concern the project as valuable experiences for its detailed course arrangements and spetacular professors. Therefore, I would draw my plan seriously as follows. Firstly, it is certainly critical to follow lecturers and professors carefully in class. While after class, reseaches are necessary in need for me to compare western legal systems to Chinese legal system. Furthermore, to improve my English, especially in legal field, is another major project to me. Last but not least, particiapating in legal activities and obtaining career experiences is greatly vital to me. I hope to progress my legal career in China after the program. It is suggested that attorney concerning foreign affairs suits me the most. Surely, the program is undoubtedly helpful and enlightening to me indeed. Mentioned above, my future career pursuit is a lawyer in China in charge of foreign issues. Certainly the program would cultivate me a great deal in foreign legal issues. Not only I absorb all the knowledge in legal field, but also I learn significant learning method on legal research, which is judged as critical in a whole lifetime. To conclude, knowledge, experiece and methods would enrich my outlook most after the program is completed, and it surely would helps me a lot in my future career in China. Finally, I believe that the program is a novel challenge to me, however, I have the courage and stamina to overcome the difficulties on the path of my reseach and study. I insist that my qualifications will produce an excellent performance. I would appreciate the approval of the George Washington University here. Its acceptance is an incredible motivation to me. I sincerely believe my study in the US would be a fantastic adventure to me.


转正定级表自我鉴定 范文一 时光如梭,我参加工作已将近一年。在领导的教导和培养,同事的关心和帮助下,我通过虚心学习和努力工作,在思想及工作方面取得一定成绩,个人综合素质也得到提高,完成了从学生向职业人的转变。 思想上,关心时事政治,自觉树立高尚的世界观、人生观、树立社会主义荣辱观,用先进思想武装自己,同时深入学习了宇通“崇德、协调、鼎新”的企业文化,铭记宇通人的行为准则,时刻约束自身行为,严于利己,主动奉献,弘扬宇通精神,激发正能量。另外,对于公司组织的活动,能够积极参加与配合,平常乐于助人,人际关系融洽,爱护公共财产,关心集体荣誉。 工作上,严格遵守并执行公司的规章制度,积极主动完成上级交代的任务。在老员工师带徒的“传、帮、带‘下,很快熟悉了工作情况,提早进入角色,少走了弯路。按要求参加了公司内部客车知识的系统培训,努力夯实专业基础,扩大了知识面,力求理论联系实际,在车身内饰设计的岗位上,更好的完成自己的本职工作,提高实际工作能力。通过积累,熟悉了sap系统操作、cad绘图技巧,能够独立完成医疗车内饰部分总成的设计和日常订单技术资料的处理,并且能服务车间,跟踪生产。 经过一年的锤炼,我认为我能胜任自己的工作,已达到转正定级要求,现申请转正定级,望批准。 范文二

距离研究生毕业,我参加工作已满一年。这一年来,在各级领导的教导和培养下,在同事们的关心和帮助下,自己的思想、工作、学习等各方面都取得了一定的成绩,个人综合素质也得到了一定的提高: ●一、思想上,我自觉加强理论学习,努力提高政治思想素质,通过以上努力, 我感到自己的政治素质有了长足进步。 ●二、在业务上,努力完善自身知识结构的和健全知识体系,让自己尽早、尽快 的熟悉工作情况,少走弯路。 ●三、在日常生活中,我认真服从领导安排,遵守各项规章制度和各项要求,养 成良好的工作作风,争取在以后的工作生活中以更加努力的优秀成绩来回报。 在今后的工作和学习中,自己要更进一步严格要求自己,加强思想政治、业务知识方面的学习,认真总结经验教训,克服不足。

study plan

吉林大学珠海学院商务英语课程 STUDY PLAN 学习计划 系别:物流与信息管理系 专业:电子商务 姓名: 学号:13081032

Study plan ㈠Personal Background My name is Yu Longfei, I was born in April ,1988 at JiLin Province where is the north-east frontier of our country.Snows decorate My hometown in winter. I come from a business family, My father, is an individual businessman who is capable and experienced, and my mother is a housewife. As you know ,there is a woman behind a successful man. My younger sister is a nurse. I had graduated from the 4th Huadian hight school in 2008, then I have entered Jilin University Zhuhai. And I chose E-Commerce as my major. ㈡Motivation to Study at Zhuhai I chose Zhuhai for many reasons. Firstly, more than ten colleges located on Zhuhai because of the favorable atmosphere of study, it also attracted me. I can feel the mixture of campus culture . And obtain more learned knowledges from my or other colleges. Secondly, Zhuhai abuts against HongKong and Mauca, in addition, it’s one of the Special Economic Zone s of China. The favorable location guarantee a promising future for this city. So study here is benefit to my job hunting in future. Thirdly, Zhuhai is along the coast, including 146 islands. Zhuhai is a dainty city, it will be a braw memory of college life in Zhuhai. There are also some disadvantages of Zhuhai. For one thing, Zhuhai delevoped slowly since became the Special Economic Zone than others, as result of having choose to progressing IT industry and restricting heavy industry. For another thing, various orientation of different chief official of this city baffles Zhuhai. Only every townsman combine his own delevopment with the delevopment of Zhuhai, could we make a great progress. ㈢Choice of Zhuhai University Once I thought over which college to continue my further study, I frist knew


( 转正自我鉴定) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-006574 2020转正定级审批表自我鉴定Self appraisal certificate of approval form for employment

2020转正定级审批表自我鉴定书 在公司3个月的试用期中,我较快地适应了新的工作,融入了新的团队里,也得到了同事和领导的肯定,在他们的教导和培养下,自己的思想、工作、学习等各方面都取得了一定的成绩,个人综合素质也得到了一定的提高,现将本人这三个月来的工作、学习情况作简要总结报告。 作为一名刚刚毕业的大学生,虽然有过专业知识的学习,但是实践的东西接触的少,对很多问题不了解。刚开始我做的是数据专业,对很多流程还不熟悉,不知道该如何做好这个专业的工作,遇到这种情况,我依靠老师的指导,以及自身认真的学习,促成自身知识结构的完善和知识体系的健全,让自己尽早、尽快的熟悉工作情况,少走弯路。 一段时间之后,我被借用到南京项目组做无线,在接触到新的陌生的领域时,缺少经验,对于业务知识需要一个重新学习的过程,自己在其他同事的帮助下,能够很快克服这种状态融入到崭新的工作生活中。碰到不懂的问题就虚心的向其他同事请教,看不明白的或者不会画的图就自己查资料,翻阅以前的图纸,尽可能自己解决问题,不打扰其他同事,无论是刚刚到公司时跟着老师学习还是独立的完成工作中的各项事务,都能够认认真真,兢兢业业。在日常生活中,我认真服从领导安排,遵守各项规章制度和各项要求,养成良好的工作作风。

Study plan

Study plan Objective:To pursue a master degree in Northeastern University in China. Background: My strong interest was aroused after learning Chinese for two years in Omsk State Institute of Service. With the globalization of economy, Russian's labor market professionals are equipped with advanced knowledge and good Chinese communication capabilities. It is important to master Chinese for seeking good working opportunities in Russia in the future. My choice of studying in China A graduate with a master degree from a Northeastern University is much more competitive in Russian’s labor market comparing with holding the same degree from a domestic university. In that case, the experience of studying abroad and holding a foreign master degree can undoubtedly keep me competitive and help me to find a better job in Russia. Inevitably, there will be many challenges and obstacles for studying abroad with culture, manners and customs differences between China and Russia. And I have to leave my parents and live in a distant country, to work part-time and to be a self-dependent woman, I am completely ready to conquer all these and I am fully prepared to take these as one precious experience in my whole life, I am sure I will be more mature and strong-minded after these 2 years learning and living there. I chose China to be the destination for its more peaceful and harmonious environment and its richness in educational resources will surly help me to grow soon as I wished. The reason for my choosing to study International trade in Northeastern University In July of 2010 I was graduated Baikal National University of Economics and Low. In September 2010 I was started to work in Logistics Company, which containerize importing goods. It is very interesting job, but I feel that my knowledge in the field of international trade is not enough to work for a big company. And now I want to learn this specialty in Chinese, in order to develop trade relations between China and Russia. Not long ago I knew that I have a chance to graduate with a master degree from a Northeastern University.
