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Ⅰ.给下面短文填上适当的衔接词语,使其符合逻辑,语意完整Li Ting likes traveling by bus better than by plane for four reasons. 1.First/Firstly,_it costs less. She can ride the bus from Nanjing to Shanghai for 20 yuan. 2.However,_ the air fare between the two cities is 78 yuan.

3.Second/Secondly/Then/Next,_traveling by bus gives her a closer look at the cities and countryside than she could get from a plane. For example, she enjoys riding a bus through the big cities of Suzhou, Wuxi, and Yangzhou.

4.Third/Thirdly/After_that/Next,_she finds that the passengers on the bus are often closer to her own age.

5.So they are easy to talk with,

6.while many airline passengers are businessmen who keep busy with their work while flying.

7.Fourth/Fourthly/Finally,_riding a bus allows Li Ting to pay

a visit to any place along the way.

8.For_example/instance,_once she got off the bus at a small town in Kunshan and spent the night with a girl friend. 9.Then the next day she took another bus to Shanghai.

10.For_these_reasons,_Li Ting usually prefers buses instead of planes unless she has to get somewhere in a hurry.


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1.It was a day when we were learning farming in a state farm near the sea.

2.We got up early in order to see the sunrise.

3.The sun was about to rise from the sea, and we all fixed our eyes in the direction.

4.In a little while, a piece of red cloud on the horizon (地平线) enlarged itself and intensified its light.

5.It roses step by step, as though it had been carrying a heavy burden.

6.In a few minutes, a small part of the sun actually appeared, very red, but giving no light.

7.By the time we reached the beach, the sky was turning light blue.

8.The colour was charmingly red, and soon the deep-red ball radiates such brilliant light as to dazzle (使目眩) us.

9.At last, however, it broke through the red cloud and jumped above the sea.

10.Was this not a grand sight?

11.At the same time, the clouds, the water and ourselves, were red.




I was far too happy that we made an appointment to visit

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