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变革后:四维评价:想法和剖析(Ideas and Analysis),开展与支持(Development and Support),文章组织(Organization),语言应用用及标准(Language Use and Conventions)

5. 算分办法





第一部分同义词替换 1. about(大约)—approximately 2. get —obtain 3. finish —complete 4. change —transform 5. method —technique 6. buy —purchase 7. ask —inquire 8. begin、start —commence 9. cheap —inexpensive 10. obtainable —avaible 11. use —employ 12. have —possess 13. get —acquire 14. extra —additional 15. help —assistance 16. about(关于)—concerning 17. enlarge —magnify 18. many —numerous 19. best —optimum 20. lively —vigorous 第二部分连接词使用 1.并列递进:moreover, in addition, furthermore, besides, likewise, also, then, additionally 2.转折:not, yet, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, meanwhile, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely, paradoxically, by contrast, in spite of,rather than, instead of, unfortunately


1、常用排比 最常用的三字词:可概括为性、感、多、点,不、化、新、力。 A、XX性:重要性、紧迫性、自觉性、主动性、坚定性、民族性、时代性、实践性、针对性、全局性、前瞻性、战略性、积极性、创造性、长期性、复杂性、艰巨性、可讲性、鼓动性、计划性、敏锐性、有效性; B、XX感:责任感、紧迫感、压力感、危机感、认同感、荣誉感、成就感; C、多XX:多层次、多方面、多途径、多渠道、多措施、多力量、多元素。 D、XX点:出发点、切入点、突破点、落脚点、着眼点、结合点、关键点、着重点、着力点、根本点、支撑点; E、不XX:不松劲、不懈怠、不折腾、不退缩、不畏难、不罢手、不动摇、不放弃、不改变、不妥协、不收兵; E、XX化:法制化、规范化、制度化、程序化、集约化、军事化、正常化、有序化、智能化、优质化、常态化、科学化、年轻化、知识化、专业化、现代化、规模化、标准化、品牌化、产业化、信息化、城镇化; F、新XX:新水平、新境界、新举措、新发展、新突破、新成绩、新成效、新方法、新成果、新形势、新要求、新期待、新关系、新体制、新机制、新知识、新本领、新进展、新实践、新风貌、新事物、新高度; G、XX力:活动力、控制力、影响力、创造力、凝聚力、战斗力、感染力、亲活力; 意识:政治意识、组织意识、大局意识、忧患意识、责任意识、法律意识、廉洁意识、学习意识、上进意识、管理意识; 点:找准出发点、把握切入点、明确落脚点、找准落脚点、抓住切入点、把握着重点、找准切入点、把握着力点、抓好落脚点; 新:当前工作要有新水平、队伍建设要有新面貌、廉政建设要有新举措、自身建设要有新发展、内部管理要有新突破。 政治认同、理论认同、感情认同; 历史的必然、现实的选择、未来的方向。 激发巨大热情,凝聚无穷力量,催生丰硕成果,展现全新魅力。 2、常用短语 立足当前,着眼长远,自觉按规律办事 抓住机遇,应对挑战,勇敢顺潮流而为 突出重点,分步实施,找准切入点实施 全面推进,统筹兼顾,综合治理,融入其中,贯穿始终,切实抓好,扎实推进,加快发展,持续增收,积极稳妥,狠抓落实,从严控制,严格执行,坚决制止,明确职责,高举旗帜,坚定不移,牢牢把握,积极争取,深入开展,注重强化,规范程序,改进作风,积极发展,努力建设,依法实行,良性互动,优势互补,率先发展,互惠互利,做深、做细、做实、全面分析,全面贯彻,持续推进,全面落实、全面实施,逐步扭转,基本形成,普遍增加,基本建立,更加完备,逐步完善,


英文作文常用高频词汇 英文作文常用高频词汇 1、环保: environment-friendly(生态型的,环保的)threat of global warming(全球变暖的威胁)promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变) curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control(治理环境污染)develop renewable resources (开发可再生资源)a low-carbon economy (低碳经济) 2、人物特征、情感描写: strong-minded(坚强的) industrious(勤奋的) promising(有前途的) dynamic(有生气的) responsible(有责任心的) influential(有影响力的) profound(渊博精深的)

devoted(忠实的,投入的) 3、文化: great and profound (博大精深的)integration and interaction(融合交汇) crash(碰撞) charming(极具魅力的) splendid(壮丽辉煌的) English fever(英语热) 4、大学生活/教育: cultivate(培养) further one’s study (深造) quality education(素质教育) foster abilities(培养能力) relieve the burden on students(减轻学生负担)be occupied with so much schoolwork(忙于功课) place emphasis on(以…为重心)comprehensive(全面的,广泛的) practical capability(实际能力) duck-stuffing(填鸭式)https://www.sodocs.net/doc/031144402.html,


话题一:中学生的兴趣爱好 Spare time,hobby,entertainment,be interested in,have special favor to,be fond of,be keen on,have a taste in,read novels,surf the internet,chat online,collect stamps,doing sports,develop an interest in,play musical instrument 话题二:劳动、求职与就业 Offer service to,heart and soul,physical labor,mental labor,honorable,earn pocket money,part-time job,full-time job,steel one’s mind,enlarge one’s knowledge,get working experience,apply for,major in,graduate from,degree,scholarship,be skilled in,confident,experienced,perform well in school,leadership,communicative,cooperative,competitive,diligent 话题三:中学生健康 Physical health,mental health,overweighted,,slim,thin,loose weight,near\short sighted,energetic,be on diet,keep healthy,build up one’s body,take regular exercise,good living habit,get into the habit of,nutrition,nutritious,eat snacks,skip breakfast,lose appetite,catch cold\flu,suffer from serious disease,pass out,runny nose,toothache,dentist,homesick,depressed,stay up all night,relaxation,reduce pressure 话题四:环境保护 Pollution,protect the environment,give off a bad smell,send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air,pour waste water into the river,cut down trees,throw litter,sandstorm,global warming-up,Green House Effect,live in harmony with,take proper measures to,improve the environment,pose a great threat to,be endangered,die out,become extinct,species,be from bad to worse,Spring up like mushrooms,Flood into 话题五:校园文明与安全 School rules and regulations,obey,be neatly dressed,respect one’s teachers and parents,be on time,keep the environment clean,break the rules,spit,cheat in exam,get in line,punish sb for,it’s shameful to,library card,student ID,bicycle-permit,be absent from,play truant, 话题六:友谊 Make friends with,friendship,friendly,trust each other,righteous,honesty,knowledgeable,standard,precious,be loyal to,keep in touch with,keep company with sb,have a lot in common,share happiness and bitterness with each other,treasure,good-tempered, A friend is a present which you give yourself. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.


公文写作常用词汇 领导讲话稿的标题 一、迎难而上,上半年保稳促调工作取得成效 二、咬定目标,以改革创新精神抓好下半年工作 三、振奋精神,以决战决胜信心抓好各项工作落实 一、认清形势、统一思想,切实增强……的责任感和紧迫感 二、明确要求、突出重点,扎实推进……的各项工作 三、强化责任、狠抓落实,确保……各项任务落到实处 一、突出重点,整体推进,全市巡特警工作取得新成效。 二、全面分析、科学判断,准确把握当前社会治安形势 三、全力以赴、再接再厉,努力开拓巡特警业务工作和队伍建设的新局面 一、履行本职,务实进取,……成绩可圈可点 一、提升境界、真抓实干,努力实现全市法制工作跨越发展。 二、统筹全局,全力推进,确保执法规范化建设取得显著效果。 三、固本强基,加强建设,努力锻造一支高素质的公安法制队伍。

1带“位”的词语:定位站位越位错位缺位补位,越位的退位,错位的正位,移位,上位,高位, 缺位的补位 2突出重点,紧抓节点,攻克难点,打造亮点,全力推进某某再上新台阶(新水平) 3在杭州1.66万平方公里土地上画出人与自然和谐的水墨丹青,要善用“留白”技法,为生态修复留出更多空间。就像下围棋一样,只有魅力城市和美丽乡村“两个眼”同时活起来,美丽杭州才算名副其实。--这是在求是上看到的一篇杭州生态文明的文章,很生动形象,感觉很美。 4企业改革:发展产业,做实资产;权责明确,重在转型;强化管理、夯实基础;重在监督,科学发展 一、称谓语 称与对方有关的事物常用“你”,如“你省”、“你部”。如是平行文则宜用敬辞“贵”,如“贵部”、“贵局”、“贵市”、“贵会”、“贵社”、“贵公司”、“贵单位”等。 称与自己有关的事物常用“我”、“本”,如“我省”、“我部”、“我局”、“本公司”、“本会”等。 公文中间接称呼有关的人或单位常用“该”,如“该同志”、“该人”、“该地区”、“该单位”等。 二、起首语 对下级机关或人民团体来文有所批复时,起首常用“关于



正确使用四种特殊句式 a 状语提前 Obviously, if elderly people live at home, their children can take care of them and they feel less lonely. Overall, the function of a building is more important to a building than its appearance. Most importantly, the government should make sure that citizens can improve their lives. b 倒装句 Not only should the parents spend more time with their children, they should also try to communicate with their children more often. Only in this way can this issue be effectively solved. c 强调句 It is the slits that make a chi-pao really special. It is the traditions in Beijing that attract many foreign tourists. d 虚拟语气 The schools would seem very impersonal were all the computers to replace human teachers. 写作中重要的语法 A 句子成分: 1 We should not underestimate the severity of this matter. Smoking is just a personal choice rather than a moral issue. It is hard to reach a consensus on this affair.


1.对…大有裨益have a good influence on = exert a positive effect on 2.加强strengthen=promote=enhance=improve 3培养 cultivate=foster 4.学校教育 schooling 家庭教育 upbringing=parenting 5.给..动力去做 give motivation to do=motivate sb. to do 6.青少年 adolescents=youngsters=youth 7.老人 senior citizens=the aged=the old = the elderly (adj) 8.严重的 serious=severe 9.学到 obtain=gain=learn acquire 获取 10.方法the approach to sth/doing =with this method= by means of = in this way 11.忍受 be fed up with =put up with=bear=stand 一般常用否定,多于can’t 连用 12.想要 look forward to=long to/for=want to 13.喜欢 have a great passion for=be fond of 14.忙于做某事 be engaged in=be busy in… 15.忙 as busy as a bee=busy 17.很多次 a hundred times=many times 18 .首先 to begin with=initially=firstly=first of all 19.便宜的 economical=cheap 20.充分利用 get the most use of =make the best of 21.但是on the contrary=oppositely=but=however=nevertheless 22.刻苦学习 study diligently=study hard (副) 23.非常 extremely=very =rather 24.重视 attach importance to=place emphasis on=pay attention to


第一部分同义词替换 1.about(大约)— approximately 2.get — obtain 3.finish — complete 4.change — transform 5.method — technique 6.buy — purchase 7.ask — inquire 8.begin、 start — commence 9.cheap — inexpensive 10.obtainable — avaible https://www.sodocs.net/doc/031144402.html,e — employ 12.have — possess 13.get — acquire 14.extra — additional 15.help — assistance 16.about(关于)— concerning 17.enlarge — magnify 18.many — numerous 19.best — optimum 20.lively — vigorous 第二部分连接词使用 1.并列递进: moreover, in addition, furthermore, besides, likewise, also, then, additionally 2.转折: not, yet, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, meanwhile, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely, paradoxically, by contrast, in spite of,rather than, instead of, unfortunately


语文作文高级常用词汇 笙箫:乐器名,引申为声音 踟蹰:徘徊不前的样子 颓圮、倾圮:坍毁,倒塌的意思 春帷:指春天即将开始 雾霭:雾气 流岚:山间流动的雾气 虹霓:彩虹 絮语:连续不断地低声说话 彳亍:慢步行走;形容小步慢走或时走时停 惆怅:因失意或失望而伤感、懊恼 静穆:安静,庄严 空翠:指绿色的草木;指碧空,苍天;指清澈的泉水幽咽:微弱的哭泣 遮断:遮蔽不见;掩盖消失 深邃:深刻而透彻

温存:真情安慰;温顺体贴 重帘:一层层帘幕 空漠:旷远的沙漠;指广阔寂静的天空;. 空虚寂寞;空洞浮泛 憩息:休息,少憩 撩起眼帘:张开眼睛 隽永:〔言辞诗文或其他事物〕意味深长引人入胜 晦涩:文辞等隐晦 , 不流畅 , 不易懂娜:枝叶柔长摇曳的样子,形容草或枝条细长柔软 斑驳:色彩杂乱;参差不一;形容色彩纷杂 约略:粗略,不详尽 游目骋观:纵目观望,尽览景物 恪守:严格遵守 壁龛 kān:安置在墙壁内的小阁子;有拾遗补缺或见缝插针的意思 劳顿:劳累疲倦 邂逅:不期而遇 拜谒:拜访

啁啾:形容鸟叫声、奏乐声 啜茗:喝茶;饮茶 浅尝辄止:略微尝试一下就停止 萦回:回旋环绕 安之若素:指安然相处,和往常一样,不觉得有什么不合适 端倪:推测事物的始末;头绪; 愤懑:抑郁烦闷 语言分类积累 1、外貌:鹤发童颜、亭亭玉立、眉清目秀、虎背熊腰、面黄肌瘦、尖嘴猴腮、五大三粗 2、语言:议论纷纷、滔滔不绝、畅所欲言、胡说八道、三言两语、口若悬河、娓娓动听 3、动作:手舞足蹈、眼疾手快、手忙脚乱、蹑手蹑脚、大步流星、大摇大摆 4、神态:垂头丧气、没精打采、大惊失色、无可奈何、神采奕奕、聚精会神、全神贯注 5、心理:喜出望外、忐忑不安、心慌意乱、胆战心惊、心旷神怡、心花怒放、乐不可支 6、山:崇山峻岭、悬崖峭壁、千山一碧、危峰兀立、怪石嶙峋、孤峰


高中英语概要写作高频词汇 续写为主,概写为辅。新高考已经考过四次续写了,挑了几个概写高频(替换)词,作考前最后的强化与提醒,看看会不会用。Wish you all good luck! 1. 目前: currently=nowadays=presently 2. 常见的现象: a common phenomenon =It's common for sb to do ... 3. 与...有联系;与...有关:be associated with...=be related to...=be connected with... 4. 导致:contribute to... lead to... / result in... 5. 解释:account for... 6. 对...负责:be responsible for... be to blame 7. 反对:be opposed to sth/object to... 8. 赞成:approve of (doing) sth 9. ...深受欢迎: ... gain/enjoy growing/great popularity 10. 促进:boost/promote/enhance improve/benefit/contribute to...

11. 有益的:beneficial/ rewarding be of great benefit to... 12. 对...有害:do harm to... 13. 合理的:reasonable/sensible 14. 吸引:attract/ appeal to... 15. 增长:increase/boom 16. ...见证...的增长: ...witness a great boom in... 17. 增长到:rise to.../increase to... 18. 解决:solve/deal with/ cope with resolve/ tackle 19. 许多: a large number of.../ abundant... 20. 对...在影响: have an influence/impact on... 受...的影响:be influenced by... 21. 毫无疑问:undoubtedly 22. 与...不同:be different from... =differ from... 23. 对...重要: be of vital importance to ... =be crucially important


IELTS写作高频宝典absurd 荒唐的 addictive 上瘾的affectionate 有感情的aggressive 有上进心的 alert 敏锐的;警惕的arduous 费劲的 artistic 艺术的 authoritative 权威性的awkward 尴尬的 balanced 平衡的 cogent 使人信服的 cold-blooded 冷血的 cold-hearted 无情的compassionate 富有同情心的compatible 兼容的complicated 复杂的confident 自信的contemptible 可鄙的contributive 有贡献的corrupt 腐败的 delicious 美味可口的demanding 要求高的

describle 值得要的detrimental 有害的 devious 偏离正道的dishonorable 不光彩的disturbed 受到干扰的eccentric 古怪的economical 经济的enlightened 开明的;文明的evil 邪恶的 exotic 异国的 fallacious 荒谬的fashionable 时髦的 feaible 可行的 fictitious 虚假的 flexile 灵活多样的 fruitful 有成效的glamorous 富有魅力的gorgeous 辉煌的 humane 人道的 ignorant(of) 无视的;无知的impressive 令人印象深刻的inborn 天生的incompatible 不调和的

incompatible 不和适宜的inconceivable 不可思议的indecent 不妥的;不检点的indifferent 冷漠的indispensable 不可或缺的inexhaustible 取之不尽的infectious 传染性的inferior 低人一等的 infirm (身体)弱的influential 有影响力的ingrain 根深蒂固的inhumane 不人道的initially 首先 innocent 多管闲事的inquistitive 有害无益insalubrious 有教育意义的instructive 智力的intellectual 中间的;过渡的interim 人际关系的interpersonal 密切的intimate 不可侵犯的inviolable 内在的 inward 不可挽回的

雅思写作必备的高频词汇 完全篇 免费下载

IELTS写作高频宝典 absurd 荒唐的 addictive 上瘾的affectionate 有感情的aggressive 有上进心的 alert 敏锐的;警惕的arduous 费劲的 artistic 艺术的 authoritative 权威性的awkward 尴尬的 balanced 平衡的 cogent 使人信服的 cold-blooded 冷血的 cold-hearted 无情的compassionate 富有同情心的compatible 兼容的complicated 复杂的confident 自信的contemptible 可鄙的

contributive 有贡献的corrupt 腐败的 delicious 美味可口的demanding 要求高的describle 值得要的detrimental 有害的 devious 偏离正道的dishonorable 不光彩的disturbed 受到干扰的eccentric 古怪的economical 经济的enlightened 开明的;文明的evil 邪恶的 exotic 异国的 fallacious 荒谬的fashionable 时髦的 feaible 可行的 fictitious 虚假的 flexile 灵活多样的 fruitful 有成效的glamorous 富有魅力的gorgeous 辉煌的

humane 人道的 ignorant(of) 无视的;无知的impressive 令人印象深刻的inborn 天生的incompatible 不调和的incompatible 不和适宜的inconceivable 不可思议的indecent 不妥的;不检点的indifferent 冷漠的indispensable 不可或缺的inexhaustible 取之不尽的infectious 传染性的 inferior 低人一等的 infirm (身体)弱的influential 有影响力的ingrain 根深蒂固的inhumane 不人道的 initially 首先 innocent 多管闲事的inquistitive 有害无益insalubrious 有教育意义的instructive 智力的


正确使用四种特殊句式 a 状语提前 Obviously, if elderly people live at home, their children can take care of them and they feel less lonely. Overall, the function of a building is more important to a building than its appearance. Most importantly, the government should make sure that citizens can improve their lives. b 倒装句 Not only should the parents spend more time with their children, they should also try to communicate with their children more often. Only in this way can this issue be effectively solved. c 强调句 It is the slits that make a chi-pao really special. It is the traditions in Beijing that attract many foreign tourists. d 虚拟语气 The schools would seem very impersonal were all the computers to replace human teachers. 写作中重要的语法 A 句子成分: 1 We should not underestimate the severity of this matter. Smoking is just a personal choice rather than a moral issue. It is hard to reach a consensus on this affair.


英语写作常用词汇 引导语:一些常用词汇的积累,有助于提高英语文章的质量,整理了以下英语写作常用词汇,希望能帮助到你! 1.完全: absolute,unconditional,unlimited,complete,unrestricted,unmixed,perfect,entire 2.好: extraordinary,amazing,miraculous,marvelous,stupendous,excellent,good,well,wonderful,fi ne,nice,of high quality,pleasing,surprising,agreeable 3.小:small,diminutive,puny,little,pocket-sized,petit,minute,tiny 4.多:big ,enormous,large,gigantic,vast,tremendous,gargantuan,huge,immense,a lot of,lots of,many,much,plenty of,a great deal of,a number of,an amount of,a great many,a good many,many a,scores of,dozens of,a great quantity of 5.高兴,快乐: delighted,delightful,pleased,pleasing,charmed,pleasant,cheerful,cheering,merry,happy,grati fied,glad,gay,agreeable,friendly,content,satisfied,light-hearted,joyful 6.真的: True,truthful,veracious,faithful,accurate,loyal,staunch,genuine,honest,real,trustworthy,con stant. 7.全,都:all,whole,entire,complete,perfect,total,the whole number of ,unbroken ,gross 常见的连接词 连接词根据其本身的意思和文章连接所需要的逻辑意义可分为几类: a.表示开场to begin with ,in the first place ,in general ,generally speaking b.表示总结to summarize ,to sum up ,to conclude ,in conclusion ,finally c.表示举例a case in point ,a good illustra tion / example of … is …, d.表示原因because ,since ,for ,the cause of ,the reason for ,now that e.表示结果as a result ,as a consequence ,consequently f.表示比较both ,like ,likewise ,similarly ,in common ,in the same way


1、动词:(共:115) A : advise 建议;achieve 实现;ask 问;agree同意;allow允许 B: bring 带来;break 弄坏,打碎;buy买;build建造;believe 相信 C:cover 覆盖,遮挡;come成为,变得;cultivate 培养;collect收集;can能够;change变化;call打电话;complain抱怨;catch抓住,赶上 D: develop 培养,养成;depend 依靠;draw 画;do做;drink 喝;dislike 不喜欢 E:explain 解释;enter 进入;encourage 鼓励;enclose 附上;eat吃;enlarge扩大;enjoy 享受,喜欢;educate 教育;expect期望 F: find 发现;feel 感觉;forget 忘记;fly飞; G:give 给,提供;get 得到;go去,走,到达 H: help 帮助;host 主办(会议,奥运会等);happen 发生;hear 听到;hope 希望;hold 举行;have有; I: improve 提高;invite 邀请;introduce 介绍; J: join 参加; K: know 知道;kick 敲打,击打; L: learn 学习;listen 听;laugh 笑;like 喜欢;let让;last持续,维持;leave离开;love热爱 M: mean 意味,用意;master 掌握;make 使得 N: need 需要;

O: obey 遵守;offer提供 P:prepare 准备;protect 保护;prevent 阻止;provide 提供;prove 证明;plant种植;play玩耍;praise赞扬; R: remember 记得,记住;read 阅读;relax 放松;realize 意识到;recycle重复利用,使再循环;remember 记住;run奔跑 S:smoke 吸烟;send 发送;speak 说;sit 坐;stop 阻止,停止;suggest建议;spend 花费(时间、金钱等);study 学习;see 看到;start开始;spread传播,开展;sell卖;save节约;show 表示,展现;swim 游泳;solve解决;stand承受,忍受; T: teach教学;tell 告诉;talk谈论说;think 认为;trust 信任;try 尝试;take拿,获得 U: understand 理解;use使用 W:want 想要;write 写信;win 赢,获胜;write 写信;watch看;wash洗;waste浪费;work 工作;walk走,步行 2、词组:(共:176) A: after a while 过了一会儿 at the same time 同时 ask sb to help sb 请求某人帮助某人 and so on 等等,还有很多 a lot of 许多 as students =as a student 作为学生


大学英语四级写作高频词汇详解 导致、造成: contribute to e.g. Both systems contribute to the decentralization of power. 这两套体制都有助于权力的分散。 lead to e.g. This type of situation may lead to massive disappointment for both of you and injure what you have. 这种情况发展下去往往导致双方失 望透顶并伤害到之前已经建立的关系。 result in e.g. This meeting should result in some change in how they work for the coming sprints, because they work to continually improve their team and practice effectiveness. 这个会议会导致迎接下一个冲刺阶段所做工作的一些转变,因为 他们会不断工作以提高团队的实践效率。 bring about e.g. The only way they can bring about political change is by putting pressure on the country. 他们能引起政治变化的惟一办法就是向该国施加 压力。 create e.g. This ultimatum was bound to create a grave crisis. 这一纸最后通牒必然会引起严重危机。 give rise to e.g. Limited resources, whether they are budgetary, human, or material, are what most often give rise to competing interests and create the


【行政材料用词积累】 1、“以...为XX”:为基础(基点)、为核心(中心)、为根本、为重点、为举措(手段)、为载体(平台)、为保障(保证\后盾)、为契机、为总揽、为抓手、为目标、为动力、为依托、为突破、为目的、为关键、为先导、为宗旨、为支撑、为指导、为导向、为方向、为驱动、为主体、为补充、为标准、为主线、为主题。 2、三字“为”:为立足点、为出发点、为切入点、突破口、为落脚点、闪光点、结合点、根本点、增长点、着力点、动力点、关键点。 3、三字“于”:立足于、着眼于、贯穿于。 4、“渐进类”词语:日益、日趋、日惭、日臻、不断、逐步、稳步、深化、深入、推进、推动、促进。 5、“建立类及程度类”词语:探索、实行、建立、健全、构建、打造、争创、创建、规范、完善、创新、强化、加大、加强、加快、加速、加紧、严格、突出。 6、“四导”:宣传倡导、服务指导、示范引导、监管督导。 7、“新XXX”:新机制、新路子、新模式、新环境、新载体、新途径、新突破、新优势、新方向、新跨越、新发展、新趋势、新期待、新局面、新格局、新成就、新变化、新面貌。 8、吹响集结号、齐奏交响乐、共谱和谐曲。 9、念好联字经、架起连心桥、铺就致富路、奏响和谐曲。

10、组合类:探索新路子、创新新模式、实现新突破、推动新跨越、促进新发展。 11、建立工作新机制、明确发展新方向、拓展增收新途径、积聚建设新优势、探索试点新路子。 12、启示类:两字类:是前提、是基础、是关键、是核心、是保证。四字类:前提条件、基础保证、关键环节、核心所在、有效举措、重要手段、有效载体。 13、时期类:关键时期、重要时期、攻坚时期。 14、重要类:重要源泉、重要支撑、重要因素、重要阶段、重要力量、重点途径。 15、战略机遇期、发展加速期、结构转型期、攻坚爬坡期。 【机关公文常用词句大全】 常用之“新”:新水平、新境界、新举措、新发展、新突破、新成绩、新成效、新方法、新成果、新形势、新要求、新期待、新关系、新体制、新机制、新知识、新本领、新进展、新实践、新风貌、新事物、新高度。 常用之“性”:重要性,紧迫性,自觉性、主动性、坚定性、民族性、时代性、实践性、针对性、全局性、前瞻性、战略性、积极性、创造性、长期性、复杂性、艰巨性、可讲性、鼓动性、计划性、敏锐性、有效性"。 常用之“化”:法制化、规范化、制度化、程序化、集约化、正常化、有序化、智能化、优质化、常态化、科学化、年轻化、知识化、专业化、系统化。


英语写作中的高频词汇 一.一般词汇 1.认为 hold,deem,in my view,in my book,for my part,for my money=in my opinion,personally. 2.表明 indicate,reveal(揭示),demonstrate(阐明),confirm(证明),reflect(反映),convey(传达),i mply,illustrate. 3.重要 vital,crucial,essential,significant,profound(有长远意义的),play a key role. 4.事件,现象 issue(事件,问题),incident,event,occurent. 5.热门的 urgent,heated,burning,pressing,pervasive,rampant,prevalent. 6.面临 confront,encounter,witness(见证) 7.争议 debate,controvery,contend,dispute. 8.棘手的(问题,近况),

involved,intractable,troublesome,tough,knotty problem(棘手的问题) 9.迅速的,有效的 valid,sound(健全的; 合理的; 可靠 的),effectual,efficacial,petent. 10.放弃 forgo,part with 11.教育 instill,impart,foster,nurture 12.消除,减轻 undermine,eliminate,diminish 13.增强,提升 enhance,promote,elevate 二.逻辑连接词 所谓逻辑连接词就是连接句子与句子,段落与段落的一些词汇。 1.表示先后次序的词汇 之前的 previously,anteriorly 同时的 simultaneously,coinstantaneously 最后的,最终地 eventually,ultimately 其次的 posteriorly 2.表示因果关系的词汇
