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$k——Thousands of dollars千美元

$M——Millions of dollars百万美元

% R & R——Gage % Repeatability and Reproducibility % 重复性和再现性ANOVA——Analysis Of Variance 方差分析

AOP——Annual Operating Plan年度运营计划

BB——Black Belt黑带

A process improvement project team leader who is trained and certified in the Six Sigma breakthrough methodology and tools, and who is responsible for project execution.经“六西格玛”方法论和工具使用培训并认证的过程改进项目的项目负责人,负责项目的执行。BOD——Board of Directors董事会

BPM——Business Process Management商业流程管理BTS——Breakthrough Technology Solution 突破性改进解决方案

C & E——Cause and Effects matrix因果矩阵

CAP——Change Acceleration Process加速变革流程


The total range of inherent variation in a stable process. It is determined by using control charts data.在稳定过程中全部内在固有变化的改变范围。它由控制图的数据来确定。


A calculated value used to compare process variation to a specification. Examples are Cp, Cpk. Can also be used to compare processes to each other. 能力指数为一计算值用来比较对给定区间的过程变异。例如:Cp, Cpk能用来对过程进行相互比较。

CEO——Chief Executive Officer首席执行官

CFO——Chief Financial Officer首席财务官

CIO——Chief Information Officer首席信息官

CNM——Customer Need Map顾客需要图

COB——Chairman of the Board of Directors董事长

Control Plan——A process control document that describes the system for controlling processes and parts. 控制计划流程控制文档来描述控制流程和部件的系统

COO——Chief Operating Officer首席运营官

COPQ——Cost of Poor Quality劣质产品成本

Cost associated with poor quality products or services. Examples: Product inspection, Sorting, Scrap, Rework, and Field Complaints. 由低质量产品或服务所导致的成本。例如:产品检验,挑选,废品,返修和客户抱怨。

COQ——Cost Of Quality质量成本

Cp——Index of process capability–process centered过程能力指数–



Cpk——Index of process capability–process not centered过程能力指数–非中心点过程

CTQ——Critical Of Quality 关键质量点

Defect——Any characteristic that deviates outside of specification limits or customer requirements.瑕疵任何偏离限制或客户需求的特征DFSS——Design Of Six Sigma六西格玛设计

DMAIC——Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control定义,测量,分析,改进,控制

DOE——Design Of Experience实验设计

An efficient method of experimentation that identifies, with minimum testing, factors (key process input variables) and their optimum settings that affect the mean and variation.一种试验的有效方法,通过最少次测试,来识别因素(关键过程输入变量)以及影响均值和变异的优化设置

DPMO——Defect Per Million Opportunity百万机会缺陷数

DPU——Defects Per Unit单位产品的瑕疵

EHS——Environment Health Safety环境、健康和安全

FMEA——Potential Failure Modes and Effect Analysis潜在失效模式和效果分析

FPY——First Pass Yield首次产出率

The percentage of products or services that are successfully completed on the first attempt without requiring remedial action or rework. 在第一次尝试中不经补救和返修得到的产品或服务的成功率FTA——Fault Tree Analysis故障树分析

Gage Bias (aka Accuracy)——The difference between the true or reference value and the observed average of multiple measurements of identical characteristic on the same part. 标准测量偏差对同一部件的某一可识别特征多次测量的平均观察值与真值或参考值之间的差异。

Gage Repeatability——The variation in measurements obtained with one measurement instrument when used several times by one appraiser while measuring the identical characteristic on the same part.标准测量重复性当同一位观察者使用同一测量仪器对同一部件的某一可识别特征进行多次测量,所得结果的变异。

Gage Reproducibility——The variation in the average of measurements made by different appraisers, using the same measuring instrument when measuring the identical characteristic on the same part.标准测量再现性当不同观察者使用同一测量仪器对同一部件的某一可识别特征进行多次测量,所得结果的变异。

GB——Green Belt绿带

GR&R——Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility测量系统重复性和再现性

Histogram——A graphic way of summarizing data by plotting possible values on one axis and the observed frequencies for those values on the other axis. It helps one visualize the central tendency and dispersion of the data.直方图一种把可能出现的值标注在一条数轴,把观测频率标注在另一数轴上从而形成图像的数据归纳方法。

HR——Human Resources人力资源

IS——Information Systems信息系统

ISO——International Standards Organization国际标准化组织IT——Information Technology信息技术

ITSPMIT—— Small Project Management信息技术小项目管理

KJ——Tool to Organize and Focus Qualitative Data分析客户需求并转化为产品功能要求的工具

KPIV——Key Process Input Variable关键过程输入变量

The vital few process input variables that have the greatest effect on the output variable(s) of interest. They are called “X’s”, (normally 2 – 6) 至关重要的过程输入变量,对过程输出变量具有最大影响。它们被称作:X,(通常有2至6个)

KPOV——Key Process Output Variable关键过程输出变量

The output variable(s) of interest. They are called the “Y’s”, (usually 1). May be process performance measures or product

characteristics. 过程的输出变量。它们被称作:Y,(通常只有1个)。可为过程表现结果或产品特性。

LSL——Lower Specification Limit下限

MAIC——Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control测量,分析,改进,控制MBB——Master Black Belt 黑带大师

A person who is "expert" in Six Sigma breakthrough techniques and project implementation. MBBs play a key role in training and coaching Black Belts. 他是六西格玛突破技术和项目实施的专家,在培训黑带方面起关键作用。

Measurement System——The complete process used to obtain measurements. It consists of the collection of operations, procedures, gages and other equipment, software, and personnel used to assign a number or value to the characteristic being measured.测量系统得到测量数值的全过程。它包括:收集运营,程序步骤,测量仪器和其他设备,软件,指定的测量人员。

Minitab——The main statistical software package to support Six Sigma六西格玛黑带使用的主要统计软件工具包

MOC——Management Of Change变革管理

MSA——Measurement System Analysis测量系统分析

Multi-Vari——Type of multiple variable process study一种多变量过程研究

Multi-Vari ——ChartA graphic way of depicting variation within a single part, machine or process, or between parts (produced at the same time or over time). Allows the study of process inputs and outputs in a passive mode (natural day-to-day process).多变量图一种用来描述单一部件,机器或流程,或部件之间(同时生产的)的变异的图形方法。该方法可用主动方式(自然的日复一日的流程)研究过程的输入和输出Normal Distribution——A continuous, symmetrical, bell-haped frequency distribution for variable data. 正态分布对变化的数据的一种连续的,对称的,钟形频率分布。

NPI——New Product Introduction新产品介绍

P/T——Measurement precision to customer tolerance ratio测量精确度比允许误差

PFT——Process Functional Analysis流程功能分析

PPM——Parts Per Million每百万单位

Probability——The chance of an event happening or a condition occurring in a random trial. 概率某一事件在随机试验中的发生或条件发生的机率。

Process——The combination of people, equipment, materials, methods and environment that produce output – a given product or service. It is the particular way of doing something. 流程可以输出给定产品或


Process Map——A step-by-step pictorial sequence of a process showing process inputs, process outputs, cycle time rework operations, and inspection points. 流程图对流程进行的分步的图解序列,它列示出流程的输入、输出、周期和检查点。

Process Spread——The extent to which the distribution of individual values of the process characteristic (input or output variable) vary, often shown as the process average plus and minus some number of standard deviations. Other related measures of spread include range and variance. 流程分布度对某一流程特性(输入或输出变量)的个体值的变化分布的扩展,经常以流程的平均值加减标准差来表示。与分布度相关的其他测量值为范围和变异。

QA——Quality Assurance质量保证

QC——Quality Control质量控制

QFD——Quality Function Deployment质量功能展开

R——Range范围, 极差

R & R——Recognition and Reward认可和奖励

R&R——Repeatability and Reproducibility (for measurement)重复性与再现性

Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)——The multiplication of all individual first pass yields of each step of the entire process. 累计产出率在全流程中全部每步个体首次产出率的乘积。

RTY——Rolled Throughput Yield累计产出率 (也作累积合格率) s——Standard Deviation标准差

A measure of the spread of the process (width of distribution).测量流程分布的一种方法(分布的宽度)

SIPOC——Supplier Input Process Output Customer高层流程图,包括供给,输入,过程,产出和顾客

Six Sigma Sponsor——A business leader who facilitates the leadership, implementation and deployment of the Six Sigma initiative and breakthrough philosophies, and provides support to black belt(s) and/or green belt(s) and their project(s). 六西格玛发起人为业务领域的领导,他推动项目的领导权,实施,展开六西格玛的主动行动,以及突破哲学,并向黑带和绿带们提供项目支持。SOP——Standard Operation Process标准操作程序

Standard Operating Procedure标准运营程序

SPACER——Safety, Purpose, Agenda, Code of Conduct, Expectations, Roles安全,目的,日程,行为规范,期望,角色

SPC——Statistical Process Control统计过程控制

Specification——The engineering or customer requirement for judging acceptability of a particular characteristic. 规格对某一特征用来判断是否接受的工程要求或客户要求。

Statistical Control——The condition describing a process from which all special/assignable causes of variation have been eliminated and only common/random causes remain. Applies to both the mean (location) and standard deviation (spread). 统计控制通过消除所有特定的或指定的影响变动的因素,而只保留共同的或随机的因素来描述一个流程的条件。对均值(位置)和标准差(分布)都应用统计控制。

TCS——Total Customer Satisfaction全面客户满意

USL——Upper Specification Limit上限

Variation——Difference between individual measurements. Differences are attributed to common and/or special causes. 变异个体测量值的差异。该差异归因于共同或特殊的原因。

VOB——Voice of the Business业务之声

VOC——Voice of the Customer客户之声

VOP——Voice of the Process流程之声

X——Process Input variable, including process variables过程输入变量,包括过程变量

X-BAR——Average of the variable X变量X的平均值

Y——Process Output variable过程输出变量


财务专业术语中英文对照表 英文中文说明 Account Accounting system 会计系统 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会 American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会 Audit 审计 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Bookkeepking 簿记 Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测 Certificate in Internal Auditing 部审计证书 Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书 Certificate Public Accountant注册会计师 Cost accounting 成本会计 External users 外部使用者 Financial accounting 财务会计 Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会 Financial forecast 财务预测 Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则 General-purpose information 通用目的信息 Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室 Income statement 损益表 Institute of Internal Auditors 部审计师协会 Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会 Integrity 整合性 Internal auditing 部审计 Internal control structure 部控制结构 Internal Revenue Service 国收入署 Internal users部使用者 Management accounting 管理会计 Return of investment 投资回报 Return on investment 投资报酬 Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会


《计算机网络》中英文对照 Chapter 1 End system P28 端系统 Modem P29 调制解调器(俗称:猫) Base station P29 基站 Communication link P30 通信链路 Physical media P30 物理介质 Coaxial cable P30 同轴电缆 Fiber optics P30 光纤 Radio spectrum P30 射频频谱 Transmission rate P30 传输速率 Packets P30 (数据)包,或分组 Routers P30 路由器 Link-layer switches P30 链路层交换机 Path P30 路径 ISP (Internet Service Provider) P30 网络服务提供商 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) P31 传输控制协议 IP ( Internet Protocol) P31 网际协议 Intranets P31 内网 API (Application Programming Interface) P32 应用程序编程接口Network edge P35 网络边缘 Access Networks P38 接入网 Ethernet P42 以太网 Network core P48 网络核心 Circuit Switching P50 电路转换 Packet Switching 分组交换 FDM (frequency-division multiplexing) P50 频分多路复用 TDM (time-division multiplexing) P50 时分多路复用 Statistical Multiplexing 统计复用 Store-and-forward 存储转发 Queuing delays P53 排队延迟 Transmission delay P60 传输延迟,或发送延迟 Propagation delay P60 传播延迟 Throughput P59 吞吐量 Internet backbone P57 骨干网 Delay P59 延迟,或时延 Loss P59 丢包 Packet-Switched Network P59 分组交换网络 Nodal processing delay P60 节点处理延迟 End-to-end delay P66 端到端延迟 Instantaneous throughput P68 瞬时吞吐量


品质名词(中英对照)A ABC analysis ABC 分析 Abnormality 不正常性 Abscissa 横坐标 Absolute deviation 绝对离差 Absolute dispersion 绝对离势 Absolute error 绝对误差 Absolute frequency 绝对次数 Absolute number 绝对数 Absolute reliability 绝对可靠度 Absolute term 绝对项 Absolute value 绝对值 Absolute variation 绝对变异 Abstract number 抽象数 Abstract unit 抽象单位 Accelerated factor 加速系数,加速因子Accelerated life test 加速寿命试验

Accelerated test 加速试验 Acceleration 加速度 Acceptable limit 允收界限 Acceptable process 允收制程水平Acceptable quality 允收品质 Acceptable quality level (AQL) 允收质量水平Acceptable reliability level (ARL) 允收可靠度水平Acceptability 允收性 Acceptability criterion 允收标准 Acceptance 允收,验收 Acceptance, probability of 允收机率Acceptance, region of 允收区域 Acceptance and rejection criteria 允收与拒收准则Acceptance boundary 允收界限 Acceptance coefficient 允收系数 Acceptance control chart 验收管制图Acceptance cost 验收费用 Acceptance criteria 允收准则Acceptance error 允收误差


Chemntherapeutic agents 化学疗法 thus xue fiao fa) Chemothcrjipy 化学疔,Z (hija xue Aaa fa) hns the goal of killing or stopping rhe development nf rapidly dividing cells. Examples are Cisplatin, Carboplat in, Bkomycin I 博来霉嗪1 (ftd l3f Sg S-fltinrncjrao 5 氟尿瞪喘(ft/ HiAO m dfinfl), mrthotrExate 甲員媒时{Jia 的 did /ioffk Vincristine fifr chun xJTj/a^, Vinblastine 衣祚碱 (chang chun ;ian}. Taxol and Tawiuvirtn .木戟题(SSfi ben 阳ng 钠* Since the sanK nicchanism (hat kilh malignant cdl or blocks de vela pment of a malignant cell cm have similar effects on a nnrnuil, rap idly dividing celt any of LhcNt agents ciin hax r c btid side clfccts. Some terms of cancer ircitLcd with chemcthera 卩、may cjus,e ihe cancer (o "disappear


1. 热力学thermodynamics 2. 热源heat source 3. 热力学平衡状态thermodynamic equilibrium state 4. 稳态steady state 5. 非稳态unsteady state 6. 可逆过程reversible process 7. 不可逆过程irreversible process 8. 热力学第一定律first law of thermodynamics 9. 热力学第二定律second law of thermodynamics 10. 热力学第三定律third law of thermodynamics 11. 内能internal energy 12. 焓enthalpy 13. 熵entropy 14. 热量heat 15. 理想气体ideal gas 16. 相变change of phase 17. 汽化vaporization 18. 蒸发evaporation 19. 沸腾boiling 20. 沸点boiling point 21. 凝结condensation 22. 饱和状态saturation state

23. 饱和温度saturation temperature 24. 饱和压力saturation pressure 25. 饱和液体saturation liquid 26. 饱和蒸汽saturation vapor 27. 过饱和supersaturation 28. 湿蒸汽wet vapor 29. 过热superheat 30. 过热蒸汽superheated vapor 31. 过热度degree of superheat 32. 过冷subcooling 33. 过冷液体subcooled liquid 34. 气-液混合物liquid-vapor mixture 35. 干度quality 36. 冷凝点condensation point 37. 冷凝液condensate 38. 共沸混合物azeotropic mixture 39. 共沸性azeotropy 40. 共沸点azeotropic point 41. 凝固solidification 42. 熔化fusion 43. 熔点melting point 44. 升华sublimation


第一部分、计算机算法常用术语中英对照 Data Structures 基本数据结构 Dictionaries 字典 Priority Queues 堆 Graph Data Structures 图 Set Data Structures 集合 Kd-Trees 线段树 Numerical Problems 数值问题 Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组 Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩 Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法 Determinants and Permanents 行列式 Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Linear Programming 线性规划 Random Number Generation 随机数生成 Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Knapsack Problem 背包问题 Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Fourier变换Combinatorial Problems 组合问题 Sorting 排序

Searching 查找 Median and Selection 中位数 Generating Permutations 排列生成 Generating Subsets 子集生成 Generating Partitions 划分生成 Generating Graphs 图的生成 Calendrical Calculations 日期 Job Scheduling 工程安排 Satisfiability 可满足性 Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支 Topological Sorting 拓扑排序 Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树 Shortest Path 最短路径 Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Matching 匹配 Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点 Network Flow 网络流 Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘 Drawing Trees 树的描绘 Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入




语文课程与教学论 名词术语中英文对照表 the Chinese Course and Teaching and Learning Theory in Chinese and English Teaching materials editing teaching materials /Chinese Teaching Materials /edit teaching materials /Uniformed Chinese Teaching Materials /Experimental Teaching Materials /Mother Tongue Teaching Materials /Teaching Materials of the New Course *textbook *reading book *teaching reference book *exercises book *studying plan Technology /Educational Technology /Modern Educational Technology /Educational Technology in Chinese Teaching /multi-media technology /net technology /cloud serving technology *white board *net meeting *chat room *blog Teaching Basic Theory of the Teaching teaching aim teaching task teaching objective teaching model teaching tactics teaching principle teaching program teaching reform teaching case Courseware teaching resources teaching experiment /mother tongue teaching A Term List of 1. 教材( JC ) 教材编写 /语文教材 /编写教材 / 统编教材 /实验教材 /母语教材 /新课程教材 * 课本 * 读本 * 教学参考书(教参) * 练习册 *学案 2. 技术( JS ) / 教育技术 /现代 教育技术 /语文 教育技术 /多媒 体技术 / 网络 技术 /云服务技 术 * 白板 *网 络会议 *聊天室 * 博克 3. 教学 (JX ) 教学基本理论 教学目的 教学 任务 教学目标 教学模式 教学 策略 教学原则 教学大纲 教学 改革 教学案例 教学课件 教学 资源 教学实验 /母语教学



————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期: ?

各种专业名称英语词汇中英文对照表 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学ChinesePhilosophy 外国哲学ForeignPhilosophies ?逻辑学Logic?伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion?科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science andTechnology?经济学Economics?理论经济学Theoretical Economics ?政治经济学PoliticalEconomy ?经济思想史History ofEconomic Thought ?经济史History of Economic 西方经济学WesternEconomics?世界经济World Economics ?人口、资源与环境经济学Population,Resources andEnvironmentalEconomics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics?区域经济学Regional Economics ?财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (includingTaxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance)?产业经济学Industrial Economics ?国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics ?统计学Statistics ?数量经济学Quantita tive Economics ?中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics?法学Law 法学Science of Law ?法学理论Jurisprudence?法律史Legal History ?宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)Civil Law and Commercial Law (i ncluding Science of LabourLawand Science ofSocial Sec urityLaw)?诉讼法学Science of ProcedureLaws ?经济法学Sc ience ofEconomic Law ?环境与资源保护法学Science ofEnvironment andNatural Resources Protection Law 国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、)Internationallaw (including International Public law, International PrivateLaw a


ATM:Asynchronous Transfer Mode异步传输模式 CDMA:Code Division Multiple Access码分多路访问 VPN:Virtual Private Networks虚拟私有网络MAC:Medium Access Control介质访问控制 WWW:World Wide Web万维网GPS: global positioning protocol 全球定位系统DNS:Domain Name System域名系统W AP:wireless application protocol 个域网LAN:Local Area Network局域网VLAN:Virtual Local Area Network虚拟局域网MAN:metropolitan area network 城域网W AN:wild area network 广域网 WLAN: wireless local area network 无线局域网 FDM:Frequency Division Multiplexing,频分多路复用 TDM:Time Division Multiplexing,时分多路复用 OSI/RM: Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model,开放系统互连参考模型 ISO:international standards organization 国际标准化组织 FTP:File Transfer Protocol,文件传输协议 HTTP:Hyper Text Transfer Protocol,超文本传输协议 TCP:Transmission Control Protocol,传输控制协议 UDP:User Datagram Protocol,用户数据报协议 SMTP:Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,简单邮件传输协 ICMP:Internet Control Message Protocol,Internet控制消息协议 IGP:Interior Gateway Protocol,内部网关协议IP:Internet Protocol,网络互联协议SONET:Synchronous Optical NETwork,同步光网络 PPP:Point-to-Point Protocol,点到点协议 RTP:Real-time Transport Protocol,实时传输协议 RARP:Reverse Address Resolution Protocol,反向地址解析协议 SAP:Service Access Point,服务访问点 VC:Virtual Circuit,虚电路V oIP:V oice over IP,IP语音 CRC :Cyclic Redundancy Check,循环冗余校验码 Pop: point of present DSL:digital subscriber line


仓库专业术语参考中英 文对照 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

收发存专用的英语大全; 收货组ReceivingTeam; 收货区ReceivingArea; 散装区BulkStorage; 货架区RackStorage; 入库Entry; 入库单"Warehouseentry;"; 收货单ReceivingNote; 收货产品ReceivingProduct; 物品接收时间GoodsReceiveDate;物品数仓库收发存专用的英语大全 收货组ReceivingTeam 收货区ReceivingArea 散装区BulkStorage 货架区RackStorage 入库Entry 入库单"Warehouseentry"

收货单ReceivingNote 收货产品ReceivingProduct 物品接收时间GoodsReceiveDate 物品数量总计GoodsTotalMaterialQuantity重量weight 毛重GrossWeight 净重NetWeight 最大重量MaximumWeight 最小重量MiximumWeight 总计容量TotalCapacity 出库单DeliveryList 拣货PickingGoods 拣货区PickingArea 转储单TransferOrder 检验报告单InspectionDocument 物料清单BillofMaterial 料号PartNumber 电子单据ElectronicsNote

码盘Pallet-Sorting 分拣Picking/Sorting 采购订单PurchaseOrder(PO)手写单HandNote 到货通知ArrivalNotice 报关到货ImportingGoods 检验单InspectionNote 入库扫描EntryScanning 扫描Scan 存货InStock 冻结的BlockedStock 库存Inventory/Stock 库存清单StockList 发货区ShippingArea 发货单Deliverysheet 盘点Count 日盘DailyCount


第一部分计算机算法常用术语中英对照 Data Structures 基本数据结构Dictionaries 字典Priority Queues 堆Graph Data Structures 图Set Data Structures 集合Kd-Trees 线段树Numerical Problems 数值问题Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组Fourier变换Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法Satisfiability 可满足性Determinants and Permanents 行列式Linear Programming 线性规划Matching 匹配Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Clique 最大团Cryptography 密码Random Number Generation 随机数生成Shortest Path 最短路径recursion递归Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Searching 查找Sorting 排序Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Calendrical Calculations 日期 Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Combinatorial Problems 组合问题 Median and Selection 中位数Generating Permutations 排列生成 Generating Subsets 子集生成Generating Partitions 划分生成 Generating Graphs 图的生成Job Scheduling 工程安排 Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支Topological Sorting 拓扑排序Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Network Flow 网络流 Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路 Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点Independent Set 独立集 Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘Drawing Trees 树的描绘 Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Vertex Cover 点覆盖 Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton回路Graph Partition 图的划分 Vertex Coloring 点染色Edge Coloring 边染色 Graph Isomorphism 同构Steiner Tree Steiner树 Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图Computational Geometry 计算几何 Convex Hull 凸包Triangulation 三角剖分 V oronoi Diagrams V oronoi图Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询Range Search 范围查询Point Location 位置查询 Intersection Detection 碰撞测试Bin Packing 装箱问题 Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简Shape Similarity 相似多边形 Motion Planning 运动规划Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割Minkowski Sum Minkowski和Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题 Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Packing 集合配置 Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配Text Compression 压缩 DP—Dynamic Programming动态规划Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串String Matching 模式匹配 Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化


Gredit Account货方科目 Exch Rate兑换率ASAP As soon As possible尽快 FTP File Transfer Protocol文件传递(输)协议CD-ROM compact disc read -only memory只读光盘存储器UV Ultraviolet紫外线 EC Engineering change工程变更 EV Equipment Variance量具变异 AV Appraiser variance作业者变异PV Part variation局部变异 Characteristic Diagram特性要因图 Stratification层别法 Check list查检表 Histogram直方图 Scatter Diagram散布图 Pare to Diagram柏拉图 Control Chart管制图 CEO Chief Executive Officer执行总裁 VIP Very Important Person贵宾 ERP Enterprice Resource Planning企业资源规划MRP I Material Requirement Planning物料需求规划MRP II Maufacturing Resource Planning制造资源规划OA Operation Analysis作业者变异 Gap Analysis差异分析PC Product Control生产分析 MC Material control物料管控 MTS make to--Stock存货式生产ATO assemble-to-order接单式装配ATM Applicotion Implementation应用系统导入方法 Unorder Receipt无订单的收料 Shop floor车间、职场 Shop floor control厂地控制、车间管理Shop floor production control工厂生产管理 Write书写 Observed观察 Read阅读 Listen听 UCL Upper Control Limit管制上限 LCL Lower Control Limit管制下限 Critical defect严重缺点 Minor defect次要缺点 Packing List出货明细 PCB Printed Circuit Board印刷电路板 PCBA Printed Circuit Board Assemblies 印刷电路板总成常用品质术语中英文对照表


术语表 Acceptance Criteria–接受标准:接受测试结果的数字限度、范围或其他合适的量度标准。Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient(API)(or Drug Substance)-活性要用成分(原料药)旨在用于药品制造中的任何一种物质或物质的混合物,而且在用于制药时,成为药品的一种活性成分。此种物质在疾病的诊断,治疗,症状缓解,处理或疾病的预防中有药理活性或其他直接作用,或者能影响机体的功能和结构。 API Starting Material–原料药的起始物料:用在原料药生产中的,以主要结构单元被并入该原料药的原料、中间体或原料药。原料药的起始物料可能是在市场上有售,能够根据合同或商业协议从一个或多个供应商处购得,或者自己生产。原料药的起始物料通常有特定的化学特性和结构。 Batch(or Lot)-批:有一个或一系列工艺过程生产的一定数量的物料,因此在规定的限度内是均一的。在连续生产中,一批可能对应与生产的某以特定部分。其批量可规定为一个固定数量,或在固定时间间隔内生产的数量。 Batch Number(or Lot Number)-批号用于标识一批的一个数字、字母和/或符号的唯一组合,从中可确定生产和销售的历史。 Bioburden–生物负载:可能存在与原料、原料药的起始物料、中间体或原料药中的微生物的水平和种类(例如,治病的或不治病的)。生物负载不应当当作污染,除非含量超标,或者测得治病生物。 Calibration–校验:证明某个仪器或装置在一适当的量程范围内测得的结果与一参照物,或可追溯的标准相比在规定限度内。 Computer System–计算机系统:设计安装用于执行某一项或一组功能的一组硬件元件和关联的软件。 Computerized System–计算机化系统与计算机系统整合的一个工艺或操作。Contamination–污染:在生产、取样、包装或重新包装、贮存或运输过程中,具化学或微生物性质的杂质或外来物质进入或沾染原料、中间体或原料药。 Contract Manufacturer–协议制造商:代表原制造商进行部分制造的制造商。 Critical–决定性的:用来描述为了确保原料药符合规格标准,必须控制在预定范围内的工艺步骤、工艺条件、测试要求或其他有关参数或项目。 Cross-Contamination–交叉污染:一种物料或产品对另一种物料或产品的污染。 Deviation–偏差:对批准的指令或规定的标准的偏离。 Drug(Medicinal)Product–药品:经最后包装准备销售的制剂(参见Q1A) Drug Substance–药物见原料药 Expiry Date(or Expiration Date)-有效期:原料药容器/标签上注明的日期,在此规定时间内,该原料药在规定条件下贮存时,仍符合规格标准,超过这以期限则不应当使用。 Impurity–杂质:存在与中间体或原料药中,任何不希望得到的成分。 Impurity Profile–杂质概况:对存在于一种原料药中的已知和未知杂质的描述。 In-Process Control(or Process Control)-中间控制:生产过程中为监测,在必要时调节工艺和/或保证中间体或原料药符合其规格而进行的检查。 Intermediate–中间体:原料药工艺步骤中生产的、必须经过进一步分子变化或精制才能成为原料药的一种物料。中间体可以分离或不分离。 Manufacture–制造:物料的接收、原料药的生产、包装、重新包装、贴签、重新贴签、质量控制、放行、贮存和分发以及相关控制的所有操作。 Material–物料:原料(起始物料,试剂,溶剂),工艺辅助用品,中间体,原料药和包装及贴签材料的统称。


. . 品质管理名词(中英文对照) QE=品质工程师(Quality Engineer ) MSA: Measurement System Analysis 量测系统分析 LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限 Control plan 管制计划 Correction 纠正 Cost down 降低成本 CS: customer Sevice 客户中心 Data 数据 Data Collection 数据收集 Description 描述 Device 装置 Digital 数字 Do 执行 DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计 Environmental 环境 Equipment 设备 FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect analysis 失效模式与效果分析 FA: Failure Analysis 坏品分析 FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证 FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制 Gauge system 量测系统 Grade 等级 Inductance 电感 Improvement 改善 Inspection 检验 IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制 IQC: Incoming Quality Control 来料品质控制 ISO: International Organization for Standardization 国际标准组织 LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制 LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限 Materials 物料 Measurement 量测 Occurrence 发生率 Operation Instruction 作业指导书 Organization 组织 Parameter 参数 Parts 零件 Pulse 脉冲 Policy 方针 Procedure 流程 Process 过程 Product 产品 Production 生产 Program 方案 Projects 项目 QA: Quality Assurance 品质保证 QC: Quality Control 品质控制 QE: Quality Engineering 品质工程 QFD: Quality Function Design 品质机能展开 Quality 质量 Quality manual 品质手册 Quality policy 品质政策 Range 全距 Record 记录 Reflow 回流 Reject 拒收 Repair 返修 Repeatability 再现性 Reproducibility 再生性 Requirement 要求 Residual 误差 Response 响应 Responsibilities 职责 Review 评审 Rework 返工 Rolled yield 直通率 sample 抽样,样本 Scrap 报废 SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书 SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制 Specification 规格 SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供应商品质保证 Taguchi-method 田口方法 TQC: Total Quality Control 全面品质控制 TQM: Total Quality Management 全面品质管理 Traceability 追溯 UCL: Upper Control Limit 管制上限 USL: Upper Size Limit 规格上限 Validation 确认 Variable 计量值 Verification 验证 Version 版本 QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈/QC 小组 PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划 执行 检查 总结
