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H al f p a st five,a fter the p ar ty, a b a sket of ban a nas

3、句子练习(先朗读,然后写出句子中含有[a:]的单词。1)The dancing party began at half past five. 2)Mark’s aunt walks rather fast.

3)He laughs best who laughs last.





C ar s and c ar ts,

P a ss the f ar m y ar ds,

They c a n’t go f a st,

For it was d ar k at night.





S o me m o ney,j u st for f u n,l o ve each o ther,a c u p of h o ney

3、句子练习(先朗读,然后写出句子中含有[?]的单词) 1)Hurry up, the bus is coming.

2)He jumped up and down just for fun.

1)______________________________________ 2)________________________________________


u s—a sk c u t—c ar t

d u ck—d ar k b u s—b a sket

h u t—h ear t


L o vely d u ck,w o nderful duck!

C o me here at o nce,

We want you for l u nch,

With a c u p of p u nch.





A d ir ty sh ir t, the f ir st t er m, the Th ir d W or ld

3、句子练习(先朗读,然后写出句子中含有[?:]的单词) 1)The nurse has a shirt and a skirt.

2)Turn to Page Thirteen and learn the new words first.

1)______________________________________ 2)________________________________________


T:T ur n Page Th ir ty. Let’s l ear n the new w or ds.

Read the f ir st line, please.

S:ear th,p er son,w or ld,w or th,

T:Good,the th ir d line, please.

S:b ir thday,Th ur sday,univ er sity,c er tainly

T:Good.Now look at the text. Who can tell me “The new t er m begins”in Chinese.




a long the riv er, a drop of wat er, th e wint er weath er, a n A meric a n teach er

3、句子练习(先朗读,然后写出句子中含有[?]的单词) 1)Peter’s younger brother is a doctor.

2)The writer’s report lasted about an hour and a half.

1)______________________________________ 2)_______________________________________


h er—heat er t er m—wat er

b ur n—bett er s ear ch—hands o me

t ur n –mutt o n d ir ty—doct or

W or d—visit or g ir l--sug ar


自考英语二怎么学 自考英语二怎么学 1 英语(二)词汇记忆方法 英语二词汇要求达到3800词,词组750.有的同学问是不是就只要背下册书的词汇就行了,回答是不够的,肯定是不够的,因为词汇没有说只考下册,上册也要背。但是有人说我短期内怎么记住这些大量的词汇呢?大家词汇学习第一个应该是有一定的时间,因为有的同学说一个星期或者两个星期教给你方法能够记住几千,他这个方法有点儿像变魔术,不太现实,我觉得词汇是一个积累。因为从心理学角度来讲学词汇有两个方向,一个方向是要把词汇学习的时候印象深刻,一个词能够像串葡萄似的串出一串来,比如同义词、反义词、近义词,应该把有关联的词相互记忆。第二,词汇一定得重复,从心理学角度学词必须这样。 2 英语(二)学习重点 英语是一种语言,任何语言都是由词和句子构成的,所以光会了词,不会把这些词组成句子是不行的,因此怎么组成句子呢?得知道组成句子的规则,还有一些习惯用法,你必须要了解这种语言的文化,所以说学英语光学词是不行的,因此是除了学词以外还得学词的用法以及文化,习惯用法就是一种文化,死背根本记不住。为什么记不住?背的这个词应该是灵活的,怎么灵活呢?这个词首先要知道词性是什么,做个句子,学了一个词不会做句子造一个短语,还要大声的念,李阳疯狂英语为什么风靡全国,就是要把词大声地念出来,这样从耳朵里能够听进去的,对大脑的刺激比眼睛里看见的要强得多,所以学习词汇的一个技巧要大声念,要组一个词或者组一个短语,这样记忆比光看两遍、写几遍要好得多。

3 英语(二)考前冲刺方法 最好的方法应该是做冲刺的题目,所谓冲刺的题目就是要做一些题目跟考试的真题一样的,每一部分都是给自己做测试,做模拟题,比如要设定时间是2个半小时,考试是2个半小时,你就要用2个 半小时做模拟卷然后做考试题,因为考试的真题都有答案,最后对 一下答案看得多少分。 4 英语(二)考试如何安排考场时间 考试时间安排,总有最后的翻译题来不及做的这种情况,所以我跟大家讲主观性题目,我刚才说了有30%,一定要留出足够的时间,至少三分之一的时间来做。有一部分比较难的,就像完形填空,那 个只有10分,但是有大部分同学在那儿花的时间太多了,完形填空 一段文章是比较难的,把10个空填进去,如果耗费了很多时间不值得。因为完形填空一般的同学语法知识比较差的话,做不好这道题。但是像第一个题目词汇结构题,如果有一定的语法知识这道题应该 是可以拿到分的。再有阅读理解题,也是30分,有的同学最后来不 及把文章仔细看,就随便乱选了很容易选错,所以把三分之一的时 间一定要留给阅读理解,还有三分之一的时间留给主观性题目就是 翻译题。 注意事项 备考英语(二)最大的资本就是课本,考生最少要留一个月时间,把课文从头到尾复习一遍,力求吃透课本知识。 重复学习法当感到知识已经掌握得的差不多的时候,再重复学一次。这一次也许会获得更深的印象和更多的体会。 换位思考法在自学中,不要老是把你自己当成是“学生”,处于被动地位,而要不断的把自己摆放到“先生”的位置上,采取主动,产生不同的想法来。


重点语法知识讲解 1.动词的时态和语态 动词的时态和语态一览表 时态语态一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时 主动被动 do are done did were done will do will be done 现在进行时过去进行时将来进行时 主动被动 are doing are being done were doing were being done will be doing现在完成时过去完成时将来完成时 主动被动 have done have been done had done had been done will have done will have been done 现在完成进行时 主动被动 have been doing 1.1 现在完成时 发生在过去的动作一直持续到现在,或对现在仍有影响。 现在完成时的标志: so far, by now/ up to now,for three years, since 1995, in the past two decades 1.2 过去完成时 过去的过去。 1)said, reported, thought 等引导的间接引语中。 He missed the train. He said he had missed the train. 2)hardly…when, no sooner… than句型中表示先发生的动作 No sooner had he got up than he received the call. 3)与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中

If I had tried harder, I would have won. I wish I had done better in the exam. 1.3 完成进行时 从过去一直持续到现在,没有间断。汉语提示语:一直 The water has been running the whole night. 1.4 过去时 过去某一具体时间发生的事,不考虑与现在的关系。 过去时的标志:yesterday, in 1995, last week,in the nineteenth century,five years ago 等等。 2.非谓语动词 2.1 非谓语动词一览表 非谓语动词形式意义 现在分词 一般式 doing 主动 , 正在进行 被动式 being done 被动 , 正在进行 完成主动式 having done 主动 , 已经完成 完成被动式 having been done 被动 , 已经完成过去分词 done 被动 , 已经完成 动词不定式 一般式 to do 主动 , 将要进行 被动式 to be done 被动 , 将要进行 完成主动式 to have done 主动 , 已经完成 进行主动式 to be doing 主动 , 正在进行 2.2. 非谓语动词作状语


III. 部分练习讲解 P128 Bridging the Gap Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. You may choose a suitable one from the list given. 解题方法:把词分类 动词名词形容词副词介词连词 fear fear unavoidable wisely without so that reach success under as long as reach between Lots of people don't dare to make mistakes. They 1 fearthat they will be ridiculed or blamed by others. They fear that they will lose their money and belongings or be 2 undera lot of stress. But risks are 3 unavoidableand they do pave the way you must tread(踩,踏)upon towards 4 succcess. Have you ever heard of someone who achieves success 5 withoutmaking any mistakes before?

So it is only natural that making mistakes in your effort to 6 reachyour dreams is considered a must, and you shouldn't worry about that as you may get a lot of advantages out of your mistakes. By making mistakes at least you then can distinguish 7 betweenthe correct and the incorrect portions of what you did. Anthony D'Angelo said: "In order to succeed you must fail, 8 so thatyou know what to do the next time", and Robert Louis Stevenson even went to the extreme as to say: "Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits(精神抖擞,情绪高昂)." You needn't worry about anything 9 as long asyou keep on going by 10 wiselylearning from your mistakes and trying even harder.


00015英语二课文精讲讲义(Unit4) Unit 4 The Joy of Work (工作的快乐) Text A Work is Blessing(工作是福) 共7个自然段,领读课文和单词。 一:本课重点词汇讲解,学习 1.blessing: n好事;动词:bless: v 祝福,保佑 如:1). The rain will be a blessing for the farmers. 2). May God bless you with a long life! https://www.sodocs.net/doc/011713354.html,plain: v 抱怨,埋怨;名词:complaint 如:1). I’m going to complain to the manager about this. 2). The most common complaint is about poor service. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/011713354.html,mitted: adj 尽心尽力的,坚定的;动词:commit犯罪,做错事;承诺,使…承担义务如:1). I have never committed any crime. 2). I would like to commit myself to teaching all my life. 3). She is a committed policewoman. 4.remind: v提醒; reminder: n 提醒物 如:Will you please remind me of his name? 5.victim: n 受害者,牺牲品 如:He said the female victim was his girlfriend。 6.terrorism: n 恐怖主义;terrorist: 恐怖分子 7.depression: n 萧条,不景气,萎靡不振,沮丧。 如:1). She suffered from severe depression after losing her job. 2). He never forgot the hardships he witnessed during the Great Depression (经


英语二作文预测 Exercise 1 高分范文: According to the investigation results shown in the pie chart above, people differ on the attitude towards waste sorting—52% of the respondents totally support such an idea, with another12% showing reserved consent, while 31% are strongly against it. Meanwhile, 5% of the respondents show no interest in such an issue, taking an indifferent attitude. It seems that the full import of waste sorting may take a while to sink in. Compared with the traditional way of collecting waste, the new method has varieties of benefits. For the first thing, wastes are sent to different factories according to their classification instead of landfills. Accordingly, less land is occupied with a slighter possibility of secondary pollution caused by waste combustion. Meanwhile, not only does waste classification cut the spending on treating waste, but, beyond most people’s expectation, it generates some handsome profits. Recyclable wastes, such as paper, glass and plastic, can be reused after being processed in related factories, while other wastes can be turned into the valuable. However, there still are a proportion of people who are so stubborn that they are not willing to break their old habit, which has been in the way of popularizing waste sorting. As far as I am concerned, necessary steps must be taken so as to push forward waste sorting, which entails not only the joint efforts from both the government and the media but also the contribution from the individuals. Government along with the media is supposed to popularize the significance and the necessity of waste sorting;


自学考试英语二真题卷 及答案 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

2014年10月全国高等教育自学考试试题 英语(二)试题 (课程代码00015) 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C,并将所选答案的代码(指A、B或C)填在答题纸的相应位置上。 The Stranger Who Changed My Life It was a sunny morning in the spring of 1966. I was driving a taxi,looking for a customer. While passing New York Hospital, l found a man running down the hospital steps,waving at me. I stopped. The man reached the taxi and jumped in. “ The Airport,please,“ he said. As always,I wondered about my passenger. Was this man a talker? After a few moments,he started saying,“How do you like driving a taxi?” ‘s i t’ s OK,”I said. “I make a living and meet interesting people sometimes.” “ What do you do?” I asked. “I am a doctor at New York Hospital. ”


考研英语(二)长难句讲解 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/011713354.html,lennials wanted more flexibility in their lives, "notes Tanya Michelsen, Associate Director of Youthsight, a UK-based brand manager that conducts regular 60-day surveys of British youth, in findings that might just as well apply to American youth. 【翻译】青春视野是一家位于英国的品牌公司,它定期对英国青年进行了60天的调查。其副总监(联合董事)Tanya Michelsen在同样可能适用于美国青年的研究发现中指出,“千禧一代希望在生活中有更大的灵活性。” 2.Restrictions that keep highly polluting cars out of certain areas—city centres, “school streets”,even individual roads—are a response to the absence of a larger effort to properly enforce existing regulations and require auto companies to bring their vehicles into compliance. 【翻译】限制高污染汽车驶入某些地区,——如市中心、学区街道等,甚至是个别道路,这一限制措施是因为我们没有付出更大努力来严格执行现有法规和要求汽车公司生产合格车辆。 3.Madrid’s back and forth on clean air is a pointed reminder of the limits to the patchwork,city-by-city approach that characterises efforts on air pollution across Europe, Britain very much included. 【翻译】马德里(西班牙政府)在治理空气问题上的反复不定,明确提醒人们整个欧洲(在很大程度上也包括英国)为努力治理空气污染所采取的逐个城市拼凑的方式是有其局限性的。


Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 , when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2 . As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was had to my overall fitness goats. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals. I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 7 altering your training program. The most 8 changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost. For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 10 . Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to 11 my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and 12 any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 13 my training program. I use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I’m constantly 15 and dropping weight, this is a 16 that I need to increase my daily caloric intake.

初中英语 国际音标入门+训练

音标 英语国际音标(48个) 元音(20个) 长元音/ɑ://?:/ /?://i:/ /u:/ [a:] calm [kɑ?m] 平静half [hɑ?f] 一半palm [pɑ?m] 手掌[u:] school [sku?l] 学校fool [fu?l] 傻的zoo [zu?] 动物园[?:] certain [?s?:tn] 必然的,skirt [sk??t] 裙子,sir [s??] 先生 [??] talk [t??k] 说ball [b??l] 球fall [f??l] 落下 [i?] he [hi?] 他me [mi?] 我be [bi?] 是 读下列单词:

party ['pɑ?t?] 政党door [d??] 门floor [fl??] 地板sheep [?i?p] 绵羊green [gri?n] 绿色purse [p??s] fur [f??] 毛皮movie [?mu?vi] 电影soup [su?p] 汤 短元音/?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /e/ /?/ [?]:strut, mud, love, blood [i]:hill, miss, sit [e]:bed, desk, head [u]:look, put, women, could [?]:apple [??pl] 苹果mad [m?d] 疯狂的 cash [k??] 现金family [' f?mili] 家庭 [?]:hot [h?t] 热的dot [d?t] 点nod [n?d] 点头

[?]:along [??l??]沿着banana [b??nɑ:n?] 香蕉about [??ba?t] 关于 bat 音标[b?t]蝙蝠 pat 音标[p?t] 轻拍 mat 音标[m?t] 垫子 dad 音标[d?d]爸爸 want [w?nt] 想要 wash [w??] 洗 what [w?t] 什么 meter [?mi:t?] 米 mother [?m?e?] 母亲 speaker [?spi:k?] 演讲者 双元音/e?/ /a?/ /??/ /??/ /e?/ /??/ /??/ /a?/


自考“英语(二)”复习资料 第一单元 1.常考单词: goal,objective,accomplish,predict,accompany,implement,tendency,achievement,argue,budget,define,entity 2. 常考词组: in the way,in part,point of view,contribute to,to apply for,in hand,to turn down 3. 常考句子: 1)A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available. 2)Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance. 3)If there is no choice,there is no decision to be made. 4)For managers every decision has constraints based on politics,procedures,laws,precedents and the like. 5)For example,managers sometimes treat problems in an either/or fashion. 6)Decision makers must have some way of determining which of several alternatives is best - that is,which contributes the most to the achievement of organizational goals. 7)In the larger scheme of things,however,increased funding for research to improve the products might be more beneficial to the organization. 8)Some of these objectives are more important than others,but the order and degree of importance often vary form person to person and from department to department. 第二单元 1.常考单词: escape,explode,collapse,shrink,gravity,measurement,basis,launch,convincing,companion,speculation,swallow,operate,to make use of,a great many,above all 2. 常考句子: 1)Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape. 2)The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point. 3)Some people think that the Start of Bethlehem could have been a supernova. 4)If a man fell into a black hole,he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly. 5)It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. 6)On the other hand,scientists have suggested that every advanced technology could one day make use of the energy of black holes for mankind. 第三单元 1.常考单词: weaken deteriorate debate legal request criterion ensure oppose tradition consideration disabled burden vulnerable prohibition sensitive 2. 常考词组: to debate on to make request for be opposed to to take … into account 3. 常考句子: 1)Affected with a serious disease,van Wendal was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating. 2)Van Wendel's last three months of life before being given a final,lethal injection by his doctor were filmed and first shown on television last year in the Netherlands. 3)The programme has since been bought by 20 countries and each time it is shown,it starts a nationwide debate on the subject. 4)What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is that dying people haven't the right. 第四单元 1.常考单词: demestic statistics diplomat exploit campaign execute convict despite de serving shelf minimum status deport 2. 常考句子: 1)There are estimated to be more than 20,000 overseas domestic servants working in Britain. 2)Of these 20,000,just under 2,000 are being exploited and abused by their employers. 3)The sad condition of women working as domestics around the world received much media attention earlier this year in several highly publicized cases. 4)A Filipino maid was executed in Singapore after being convicted of murder,despite protests form various quarters that her guilt had not been adequately established. 5)She used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory in Sri Lanka. 6)Because she found it difficult to feed her four children,she accepted a job working as a domestic in London. 7)So if they do complain,they risk being deported. 第五单元 1.常考单词: Musician,rhythmic,distinct, consciousness,originate,readily, instrument,electronic,thereby, passive,participant 2. 常考词组: to take place to take over to take on in a sense at a stretch to serve as in advance for the sake of 3. 常考句子: 1)The new music was built out of materials already in existence. 2)Folk music,old and modern, was popular among college students. 3)They freely took over elements form jazz,from American country music. 4)With records at home, listeners imitated these lighting effects as best they could. 第六单元 1.常考单词: efficiency increasingly inst all personnel expose reduc tion completion specific s witch critical intensity s cale defective 2. 常考词组: in that in question plenty of 3. 常考句子: 1)Most of today's robots are employed in the automotive industry,where they are programmed to take over such jobs as welding and spray painting automobile and truck bodies. 2)Robots,already taking over human tasks in the automotive field are beginning to be seen,although


新概念英语2逐句精讲Lesson40~42 新概念英语2逐句精讲Lesson40 1. Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. 在上星期一次宴会上,女主人安排我坐在了兰伯尔德夫人的身旁。 语言点1 cocktail party 鸡尾酒会 birthday party 生日聚会 tea party 茶话会 dinner party 宴会 evening party 晚会 garden party 游园会 weekend party 周末晚会 Christmas party 圣诞晚会 语言点2 sit next to sb.坐在某人的旁边,相当于sit close to sb 2. Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. 兰伯尔德夫人是一位身材高大、表情严肃的女人,穿着一件紧身的黑衣服。 语言点1 large 和 unsmiling两个形容词修饰lady,作前置定语,而 in a tight black dress则是介词短语作

后置定语修饰lady。 语言点2 修饰男人“胖”的词汇:strong,heavy,sturdy;修饰女人“胖”的词汇:large,plump。 3. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. 当我在她旁边坐下时,她甚至连头都没有抬一下。 语言点 look up意为“向上看”,请参考Lesson 15课文分析。 4. Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. 她的眼睛盯着她的盘子,不一会儿就忙着吃起来了。 语言点1 fix on = stare at = gaze at = focus on 盯着 语言点2 busy表达某人忙于做某事时,常用以下两种表达: 1) be busy doing sth. I am busy preparing supper. 我正在忙着准备晚饭。 2) be busy with / at sth. The students are busy with / at their homework in the classroom. 学生们正在教室里忙着做家庭作业。 注意:在表示某人忙于做某事时,也可以用occupied 代替busy。例:


2017 年考研英语二真题答案解析 Section I Use of English 一、文章总体分析及结构 这是一篇议论文,选自2016 年《大西洋月刊》,全文共352 词。文章围绕“没有了工作的未来会怎样”展开,首先说明工作的缺失可能会造成社会的不平等;接着指出另一种可能性,即没有了工作,生活就会没有意义;之后笔锋一转,提出在一个设计合理的社会中,没有工作未必会引起不安;最后举例对现实情况做出说明,指出现阶段工作劳累,使人们无暇专注与自己的爱好。 二、语篇精读 词汇详解: 长难句分析: Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again warning that technology is replacing human workers. 本句主干是主系结构Today is no different,with 引导的成分属于独立主格结构,具体来讲是with+名词/代词+动词的-ing 形式。 词汇详解:

长难句分析: Also ,some research suggests that the explanation for rising rates of mortality ,mental-health problems ,and addicting among poorly-educated,middle-aged people is a shortage of well-paid jobs. 本句的主干是主谓宾结构some research suggests that...,that 引导宾语从句,这一宾语从句为主系表结构,其中主语的中心词是the explanation,系动词为is,表语成分为a shortage of...。 词汇详解: 长难句分析: In the absenceof work,a society designed with other ends in mind could yield strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. 本句中In the absenceof work 为条件状语,句子的主干为主谓宾结构,其中主语的中心词为 a society,谓语动词为could yield,宾语的中心词为circumstances,strikingly different 作定语,用来修饰宾语circumstances。 词汇详解: 长难句分析: These days,because leisure time is relatively scarce for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional demands of their jobs. 本句为主从复合句,其中because 引导了原因状语从句,主句为主谓宾+宾补结构,其中主语为people,谓语动词为use,宾语为their free time,动词不定式to counterbalance...作宾语的补语。



英语国际音标表 英语音标一共有_48_个,其中元音有__20__个,辅音有_28__个 26个英文字母及发音音标如下: A a [ei] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] E e [i:] F f [ef] G g [d?i:] H h [eit∫] I i [ai] J j [d?ei] K k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [?u] P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:] X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:]

单元音 [i:] [i] ea t [i:t] 吃i t [it] 它 p ea[pi:] 豌豆 s i t [sit] 坐 b ee[bi:] 蜜蜂 b i t [bit] 一点儿t ea[ti:] 茶叶 b i g [big] 大的 [e] [?] e gg [eg] 鸡蛋 b a t [b?t] 球拍 b e d [bed] 床 c a p [k ?p] 帽子 p e t [pet] 宠物 gl a d [gl?d] 高兴的h ea d [hed] 头 m a p [m?p] 地图[?:] [?] b ir d [b?:d] 鸟 rubb er[`r?b?] 橡皮 g ir l [g?:l] 女孩 rul er[`ru:l?] 直尺 n ur se [n?:s] 护士 doct or [`d?kt?] 医生 sk ir t [sk?:t] 裙子 banan a[b?`na:n?] 香蕉 [a:] [?] c ar[ka:] 小汽车 d uc k [d?k] 鸭子
