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中西对比在日常交谈中,英国人彼此见面常常喜欢以“Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi.”打招呼;并且喜欢以谈论天气(Nice day, isn?t it?) 作为交谈的开始;美国人见面常常问身体等;而中国人却常问“吃过饭了吗?”

基本用语a. 见面问候:Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi.

b. 代向某人问候:Best wishes/regards to...=give one's regards to sb = give one's best wishes to sb = give one's best love to sb = give one's best regards to sb.

c. 替某人向……问好: say“Hi”/“Hello”to sb from sb = give one's regards to sb.

Please remember me to.... 回答用语: ----I will. Thanks.

d. How do you do? (初次见面通常用语) ---How do you do?

How are you? (比较熟悉的人之间用语) ---Fine, thank you, and you?/Very well, thank you.

How are you getting along with...? (你近来...可好?) --Every is fine!

How are you doing? (您工作还顺利吧?) --- I'm just great!

How is everything? (一切还好吧?) ---Very(quite)well,thank you!

How is your vacation/holiday(s)/Christmas Day/weekend? (假期怎么样?) --- Not bad! What's up? (近来可忙?) ---Couldn't be better, thank you!

What's going on? (近来可好?) --- Just so so. (一般; 还可以)

注意要点1. “Hello” 既可用于问候,有时也用于引起对方注意,打电话或叫人,多在熟人之间使用,而“Hi”的用法比“Hello”更随便,口语中多见。

2. Hello!和Hi!是互相熟悉的人之间的招呼语,比较随便,一天中任何时候都可以用。有时,后面还可加上对方的名字,以示亲热。Good evening! 一般用于晚上(通常是九点以前). 需要注意的是,不可用Good day来打招呼。Good morning!省略good 时,也可用来打招呼,但一般用于比较熟悉的人之间。

3. “How are you?” 则用于询问对方身体情况答语可根据实际情况,如:“Fine/ Very well,thank you.” 注意: (very) good不能用来表示身体健康. 假如身体确实不太舒服并想让对方知道,不妨说Not too well, I'm afraid.

4. 对于不认识的人,想要他/她停下的说法:Hey, Sir/ Madam! Just a moment, Sir/ Madam.

5. 与英美人见面寒暄时,不应问及他(她)的年龄、婚否、收入等个人隐私情况。★介绍


中西对比客人要走, 中国人会极力留客; 留不住也会送客很远很远; 嘴里说: “慢走!”,客人要走, 英美人决不留客, 通常一句“Good-bye!”出门一概不理! 对于客人到访, 时常要表示感谢: Thank you for coming.

基本用语1.直接的告别话语有:Good bye! (Bye bye! Bye!) See you (tomorrow)! See you later! So long! Farewell! Good night.

2. 委婉的告别辞有:I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. I'm calling to say goodbye. I?m afraid I must be leaving/off now. I think it?s time for us to leave now.

3. 其他带有祝愿以及叮嘱等的告别辞有:I'll look forward to seeing you soon.

Let's hope we?ll meet again. Hope to see you again. Drop in anytime you like.

注意要点a. Good night./Night!只限于晚上告别或上床睡觉时使用。

b. Have a nice day!限于白天告别时用(如早餐后家人互相道别)。

c. 告别前通常要说一两句客套话,如:I'm afraid I must be off (going) now. 长久告别时,

基本用语a. This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Comrade.... May I introduce you to...? I?d like you to meet....

b. How do you do? Nice/Glad/Pleased to see/meet you. Nice meeting you…

c. My name is.... I?m a(student/teacher, etc.). May I kno w your name? Margaret, can you introduce me to her? Let me introduce you to others.

Meet my sister Cathy. Bill, this is Tom. Hi, I'm Susan, this is my calling card.

注意要点“Nice to meet you.”与“Nice to see you.” 有一点区别。前者的意思是初次见面(认识你很高兴)被人介绍相识后的寒暄用语。后者与前者在意思上相同,但是用于熟人之间(一段时间未见面后再次相遇)两者回答用语与问候语相同。

Nice to meet you.主要表示初次见面时的问候,而Nice meeting you.则是初次见面分手时的用语。

难点:“ Nice to meet you.??为初次见面时的礼貌用语; ”Nice meeting you.??为初次见面后的告别语。

还可同时表达希望今后多联系(Keep/Get in touch),要对方保重身体(Take care),问

候对方家人(Please send my best wishes/regards to your family.)等。

d. 难点:“See you. ”道别时用语.同Good-by

e.但有别于Yo u see,“你知道”.如:You see ,

everything has two sides.而Take care 也是道别是用语,但表示“多保重”


中西对比西方人在发出“邀请”前常有一个引子,尤其在客气的场合,如可先这样问一下对方是否有空:Are you free this evening? 而Would you like to...和I'd like to invite you to...的句式较为客气,带有商量、询问的口气,多用于不知对方能否接受邀请的场合。

a. 接受他人邀请时通常还要表示一下感谢。常用: Yes, I?d love to.

Yes, it?s very kind/nice of you; Yes, with pleasure.

b. 如果是稍有保留地接受,可这样说:I will if I can.

It's very kind of you to invite me, but I'm not sure if I can come.

c. 拒绝他人的邀请一般不直接说No, 而要婉言谢绝(通常会说明理由),并要声明自己是愿意接受“邀请”的,但因某种原因不能接受,并表示歉意或感谢。常用:

I?d like to, but I?m too busy. / I?m sorry I can?t, but…

I really enjoy it, but I?ve got to go now.

I wish I could accept your invitation, but I?m afraid I don?t have time to go.

Thank you for your kindness, but I?ve got an appointment at that time.

基本用语a. Will/ Would/ Can/ Could you come to...? Would you like to… I'd like to invite you to...&

b. Yes, I'd love/ be glad/ happy to(...). Yes, I'd like to. / I'll be glad to. Of course. I'll be glad to.

Oh yes, thank you. Yes, it's very kind/nice of you. OK. Thank you very much. Yes, great. Sure, why not? Sure. That's a good idea. Yes, with pleasure.

c. I'd love to, but.... I'm sorry, but I can't.


基本用语a. Are you/Will you be free this afternoon/tomorrow?

How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening? Shall we meet at 4:30 at...?

b. Yes, that?s all right. Yes, I?ll be free then.

c. No, I won?t be free then. But I?ll be free....

d. All right. See you then.

交际例句1.-- Are you free next Wednesday evening? I want to go to the cinema with you?-- Yes, I'd like to.

2.-- When shall we meet, today or tomorrow? -- I don't mind. Either time is OK.

3.-- Are you free later today? -- Sorry, I'm free every day except today.

4.-- Are you free this afternoon? -- Oh no. Will this evening be all right?

5.-- Would you like to join us? (喜欢和我们一起吗?) Shall we dance?(我们可以跳个舞吗?)


中西对比1. 在英语文化中人们常常通过赞扬来鼓励某些合乎自己心意的行为,像You did a good job! Well done, everyone. You look nice. That's a beautiful shirt you're wearing. You are very clever. 而对他人的赞美,最普通、常用的答语是“Thank you.”而在中国的文化中,人们面对夸奖,常说“您过奖了”、“哪里,哪里。”(“Where, where?”)以表示谦逊。

2. 英国人收到礼物时,通常都会当着送礼人的面打开礼物,同时会说一些喜欢或赞美的话以表示谢意,送礼人此时常常附和说: “I'm glad you like it.” 而中国人往往说一些谦让的话“您太客气了。”“您这样做太破费了。”等。若用此表达方式对待英国人,对方肯定会觉得你不喜欢或对他的礼物不屑一顾。

3. 在西方, 别人给你做事、帮忙,别人向你问候或祝贺,别人给你鼓励或赞扬时, 不能直接说No,而应该说Thank you。

4. 当别人问你要不要喝茶或吃点什么东西时,你若要喝或吃应说Yes, please,若你不想吃或喝应说No,thank you.或No,thanks.

5. 没得到或不需要对方的帮助可以说:Thank you all/just the same. Thank you anyway。

基本用语a. Thank you (very much)./ Thanks (a lot)./ Many thanks. /Thanks for.... It's very kind of you to….

b. Not at all. / That's all right. / You're welcome. /That's OK./ It's a pleasure/

(It's) My pleasure。Don't mention it. I'm glad you like it. It's really nothing at all.

感谢:Thank you. Thanks. It?s very kind /nice of you.

回答:Not at all. It?s/That?s all right .You?re welcome. It?s a pleasure .

My pleasure .That?s OK. Don?t mention it.

难点:“My pleasure.?? 同”It?s a pleasure.??是感谢应答语译作“不用谢??;而”With pleasure.??是请求应答语译作“乐意效劳,非常愿意??


中西对比A. 对于他人的祝愿、祝贺,英美人表示感谢(Thanks)。

B. 和大家同庆同欢乐, 回答用: The same to you / You, too.

C. I?m glad to hear that. 用于向对方主动告知的喜事表示祝贺或“附和”.

D. 西方人喜欢收到礼物时当场打开并大加赞赏说:Wonderful!/ Beautiful!/ What a nice

present! / How nice a gift!并表示感谢!

E. 允许去玩乐说: Have a nice/good/pleasant/ wonderful time. / Have fun! 玩得开心点! 尽情去玩吧!

F. 为人送行用: Have a good trip. / Have a pleasant journey. / Good luck with your trip!

Good trip to you! Nice journey to you! 祝旅途愉快!祝一路顺风!

基本用语1. Best wishes to you! I wish you good health. Good luck and success to you! Wish you success! May you success/ succeed!

2. Merry Christmas! Happy birthday to you! / Happy New Year!

3. Congratulations (on…)! Well done! Good luck with…/ Good luck to you!

4. Enjoy your vacation! Enjoy your stay in China.

注意要点祝愿:Good luck! Enjoy yourself! Have fun! Congratulations.

应答:Thank you. The same to you . You, too.

难点: Well done!干得好,真棒!用以赞扬对方做得好。Congratulations!祝贺对方已取得成功。“Good luck !…? 祝愿对方交好运,反语为:Bad luck!或Just my luck! ”Have fun!??祝愿对方玩得开心,同Enjoy yourself.

四、道歉、遗憾和应答(责备和抱怨; 提醒)


中国人喜欢反复强调自己的谦意,并喜欢用“非常抱歉”、“深表歉意”等表示程度倾向的语句,而英美人士则不同,对于因客观原因而造成的过失或差错,不必主动工过分向对方表示歉意。如一定要向对方道歉,说声sorry 即可,一般不用very , terribly , truly 等表示程度的词。因为在美国,过分的道歉或自责反而显得不太诚恳,令人感到虚假或另有用心。

对于不能去做或已经发生的不幸的事情, 西方人表示遗憾说: What a pity/ shame! 表示同情说: I'm sorry to hear that. Bad luck!

基本用语1.(I'm)Sorry./ I'm sorry for/about…/ I'm sorry to do sth. / I'm sorry to have done sth…

2. Excuse/ Pardon me ( for… )

3. Please forgive me for... (请原谅…)

4. sb. be afraid that…

5. What a pity/shame! / It's a pity that…

A. It is not important. That's OK. That's all right. It's quite all right. Never mind. It doesn't matter (at all). Not at all. It's nothing. /That's nothing. (没关系) Please don't worry. It's nothing to worry about. Not to worry. Don't mention it. It doesn't really matter. Please think nothing of it. Let's forget it. / No harm done.

B. That's not your fault. It's not your fault. It was me to blame. (这是我的错) It was all my fault to have done... (这都是我的错…)

That's okay. Don't let it bother you. (没事,别想的太多了)

We really didn't mean that at all. (我们真的没有那样的意思)


Excuse me通常用于下列情形:需要打断别人谈话或工作时;有求于他人时;因故需要暂时离开时;就某事表示不同意见时;自己的言行将会影响他人时。(即:说或做

可能令人不悦的事情之前使用以引起别人注意)。注意: 打扰别人,意为“劳驾”;请求



“I beg your pardon.”用来表示听话人未能听清楚他人所说的话,而希望说话人重复所说的话时的礼貌用法,“没听清话语, 而要麻烦再说一遍.”。

I?m sorry to hear it/ that. 则是对说话者本人或近亲属已经发生的不幸, 进行安慰。

道歉:What a pity/ shame . I?m sorry.

应答:It?s /That?s all right .It doesn?tmatter. Never mind . Forget it . That?s OK.

难点:“Forget it.?? 共有三种意义:

①休想,不可能。You expect Tom to come earlier .Forget it, he always comes late.

②没关系,别在意。I?m terribly sorry for having broken your mirror.Forget it .

③别提它了,表不原重复所说之话。What were you saying just now? I didn?t hear.

Oh, nothing ,forget it. Get it .明白了Make it.干成,做成. Take it.拿去吧。


中西差异西方人说话比较直率。对于别人的打扰,自己受到的不公平待遇会以“提醒”、“明确表示”等方式说出来,但是不会不留面子。一般对责备与抱怨,人们通常的反应是表示抱歉(I?m sorry)与愿意接受。

基本用语A. 英语中责备与抱怨的话通常有:What on earth is the matter here? (到底发生了什么事?)

I'm afraid I have a complaint to make about the service. (我对你们的服务有意见。)

You ought to be ashamed of what you've done on me. (你应为你对我所做的事感到羞愧。)

Why on earth did you say such a silly thing to me? (你对我说这种蠢话究竟是什么意思?)

You ought to be careful enough next time. (你下次再不能这样粗心了。) It's no nice of you to behave like that. (你那样做太不像话。)

I am ashamed of you. 我为你感到羞耻。You can't do that to me. 你不能这样对我。Why can?t you do something about it? How dare you do that? 你怎幺敢这样做?

Can't you see? 你难道没看见吗?What do you mean by doing so? 你那样做是什


What on earth is the matter? 究竟发生了什幺事情?Why didn't you tell me the truth


Didn't I tell you to be here on time? 难道我没叫你准时到这里吗?

B. I?m sorry to have said that, but.... It's my fault,I am to blame. 这是我的过错, 我该


It's none of your business. 你不要多管闲事。


基本用语Don?t forget to.... Don?t you remember the days when...?

Make sure that everything is OK now. I must remind you of…Be careful!

考点:Mind your step/ head! Wet floor!、Look out!、Be careful!、Don?t touch!、Take care! 难点:“Look out!??警告对方有危险,英语解释为warn somebody they are in danger ."Take care ”警告对方做事要小心,英语解释为warn somebody to do something carefully,还可作道别时用语, 译为“请多保重??.与look 相关的交际用语还有:Just have a look.随便看看.Look what you ?ve done! 看看你干了些什么!



日常生活中,人们经常会碰到“禁止”“警告”的场合,如在博物馆里的No Touch (请勿触摸展品);影剧院里、公共汽车上的No Smoking (不许抽烟);公园里座位旁边的Wet Paint (油漆未干);交通要道处的No Parking (禁止停车)等。

在正式场合,提醒对方注意,语气一般较为婉转,如:Please be sure to come earlier tomorrow.

当对方处于危险状态而没有注意到时,你应该及时提出警告以防不测。如情况危险,就用简短有力的祈使句。如:Take care! / Watch out! / Be careful! / Stop!

接受了别人的警告必须向对方表示感谢并简要说明理由, 甚至道歉。


表示禁止时常用:You mustn't / You can't (不行) 。

表示警告时常用和:Take care. / Be careful! / Look out! / Mind out! 小心Watch out! 当心! 等。

基本用语You can't / Mustn't do …… If you ……, you will …… You had better not do …. Don't smoke. No noise, please. No + doing… Be sure not to do…

Look out!(紧急) / Take care!(提醒注意) / Be careful! Look out for…/ Be careful with…Make sure you lock the door when you leave! Mind the wet paint!

Mind your own business! 别管闲事!Watch out where you are walking.

No way. / OK,I will. / Sorry,I won't.

交际例句1.-- Don't climb that ladder! It's broken. -- OK. Thank you.

2.-- Look out! There's a car coming. -- Oh, thank you.

3.-- You mustn't play on the street. It's dangerous. -- No, we won't.

4.-- Don't touch the machine when it is working. -- No, I won't. Thank you.

5.-- You are not allowed to smoke here. -- Oh, I'm sorry.

六、请求、允许(提出帮助; 提出建议和忠告、):

基本用语a. May/ Can/Could I...? I wonder if I could/ can.... Do you mind if I do..? /Would you mind if I did…?

b. Yes/Sure/Certainly. Yes, (do) please. Of course (you may). Go ahead, please. (有请!)

That's OK/all right. Not at all. With pleasure. 很乐意.

c. I'm sorry you can't. I'm sorry, but.... You'd better not. All right./ OK.

▲ 对Would/Do you mind if…的回答。(首先要根据情况回答“是否介意”。如果真的介意, 都要委婉拒绝。不介意的答语:No, of course not. / Certainly not. / No, go ahead. / Not at all.

介意的答语:I'm sorry you can't. / Sorry, but it's not allowed. /You'd better not.

I would rather you didn't… / I'm afraid…

▲对I wonder if I could/ can的回答:允许Sure, go ahead./ Yes, please do. / Yes. Of course. Certainly. 不允许I'm sorry, but…/ I'm afraid not./ No, please don't. / You'd better not.

交际例句1.-- Please let me help you. -- No, thanks. I can carry it.

2.-- Can I see your licence please? -- OK.

3.-- May I call you James? -- Of course, if you wish.

4.-- Could I borrow a pen please? -- Of course. With pleasure.

5.-- Excuse me. May I use your dictionary? -- Yes, here you are.

6.-- May I ask you several questions? -- Yes, of course.

注意要点请求:May /Can /Could I…?Would /Do You mind…?


肯定:Yes/Sure/Certainly.Yes,please.Of course( not) ,you may/can. Take your time. Yes ,help yourself .Go ahead, please .Not at all .That?s OK /all right .Not in the least .Not a bit.

否定:I?d rather you didn?t .You?d better not. I?m sorry you can?t.

难点:“Take it easy.??安慰对方不要生气、紧张不安,即to tell someone to become less upset or angry; ”Take your time.??同no hurry .安慰对方不要急,慢慢来,即to do something slowly without hurrying; “Sure, go ahead .??当然可以,干吧、做吧、说吧等,即to tell somebody they can do something ; ”Yes ,help yourself.??同意对方使用,让对方自己动手取,英语解释为take something you want by yourself. Not in the least.一点也不.如: --I hope you don?t mind my turning on the radio . --Not in the least.


请求:Can/Could/ Would you please…?

应答:No/ Less noise ,please .What for?

难点:与what相关的交际应语:“what for??? 相当于“why???表??为什么??,还可表示??为何??,即for what purpo se ; “Guess what!?? …?你猜猜发生了什么事???用于说出令人感到惊讶的事情前;而“What?s up ???表示“What?s happening ???译作:有啥事? “So what??? 表

示“是······又怎么样??;??那有什么了不起?? “与我有什么关系?? “What?s wrong??? 表焦虑;

“What a shame!?? 表遗憾; “What is it??? 是什么; “What about…??? 表劝告或建议;

“What a surprise !??表惊讶.


基本常识1. 发现陌生人或不太熟悉的人有困难,一般用下列句子主动提供帮助。

Can I help you? / What can I do for you?/ Is there anything I can do for you?

Do you want me to call you a doctor? / Let me carry the luggage for you.

Would you like some coffee?

2. 如果是熟悉的人或朋友,可直接问对方需要什么帮助。

Would you like me to get you a book? / Do you want me to call you a taxi?

If you don't mind, I'll go and buy them for you. / Here, take my umbrella.

3. 不需要别人帮助时,还是得先表示谢意。Please don't worry. I can manage it myself. Please don't bother .Thank you all the same. No, thanks.

基本用语1. Can / Could / Shall I help you? 2. Would you like me to…?

3. Do you want me to…?

4. Would you like some……?

Thanks. That would be nice/fine. / That's very kind your help. /Thank you for your help. Yes, please. / Here, take this/my… (接受帮助)

No, thanks/thank you. No, thanks/thank you. I can manage it myself. Thank you all the same. That's very kind of you, but…





对于他人提出的建议和忠告, 我们不能使用汉语式的表达“我同意”(I agree。)因为,英语中的I agree(with you)一般用来表示“同意对方的观点、看法等”。

基本用语1. I advise you (not) to do … / you'd better (not) do … / I suggest that you (should) do … / Why not do … / Why don't you do …; How/ What about doing…/ Shall we…?/ Let?s…

2. Yes, I suppose so. / Yes, I certainly will. / Yes, but don't you think …?

That's great. Good idea. / That's a good idea. / Why not?

3. That's impossible, but thank you all the same.这不可能,但还是要谢谢你的。

It's not our fault. I'm afraid I can't do that. 这不是我的错,恐怕我作不了主。

I'm afraid I can't follow your advice. / I'm afraid not.


基本用语A . Expressing anxiety (焦虑)

1. What's wrong? / What's the matter ( with you )? / Is there anything the matter?

2. Oh, what shall I / we do?

3. Oh, what shall I/we do? We were all anxious about....

B . Expressing surprise (惊奇)

1. Really? / / Is that so? (是真的吗?) Oh dear?/ My God! (哦, 我的天)

2. Good heavens! My Goodness! / Goodness! / Thank Goodness! ( “庆幸”自己没遭遇不幸)

3. I can hardly believe my ears.

难点:G uess what!“你猜猜发生了什么事!”用于说出令人感到惊讶的事情前。What?则表对方介绍一种情况,说话者觉得难以置信,希望对方重复部分内容。No wonder.表因果,前一原因导致后来结果,译作“难怪,不足为奇??。How come ?“怎么会呢?”表惊讶。如:How come you are still here ? I thought you had left. How?s that?询问对方是否满意,译作“怎么样??? 如:Come up ! How?s that ? Can you see it clearer now ?还表示”“那是怎么回事? 如:I,m sorry I can?t go with you . How?s that? Haven?t we fixed it?考点:That?s nice /wonderful/great/lovely! How nice/wonderful! I?m glad/pleased /happy to…

难点:I?m glad to hear that.此句是考查热点,表高兴或喜悦。如:--I had a really good weekend at my uncle?s.

--Oh, I?m glad to hear that.

C. Expressing pleasure (喜悦)

1. I'm glad / pleased / happy to…

2. That's nice / wonderful / great.

3. Hopefully tomorrow will turn fine.


中西对对某件事情的真实性是否肯定,是否有把握,在英语中常用sure, certain, doubt 等

比词或may , might , must 等情态动词表达。may , might 具有试探性,must 表示一种逻辑推断的必然。此外,为了增强客气的口吻,表示不肯定时可以伴随一些表示遗憾、担忧或歉意的表达方式。

基本用语a. I?m sure(of that). I?m sure(that)... It is certain that… (不能说it is sure that…)

b. I?m not sure(of that). I?m not sure whether/if.... I doubt if....

There is no doubt about it. I have no doubt about it 对此事我敢肯定。

Not a hope. 不可能。No chance at all. 一点也不可能。out of the question. 不可能Yes, certainly. / No, certainly not. / Yes, it sure / certainly is. / No, it certainly isn't.

注意要点 考点:Perhaps/Maybe. It?s hard to say . I have no idea . It depends. It?s up to you . No chance. Not as far as I know . That?s right.

难点:It depends.“视情况而定??,表目前尚不确定,待情况发展而定。I have no idea .”不清楚、不知道??,表说话者对此事不曾知晓。如:--Has Bob finished his homework? --I have no idea . It?s up to you.“你看着办吧??,表说话者无所谓或无权作出决定,靠对方自己作出决定。






基本用语a. 表同意: Certainly/Sure/Of course. No problem. Yes, please. Yes, I think so. That?s true.

All right/OK. Good! / Excellent! / That's fine! What a good idea! That?s a good idea....

It?s a good idea that.... I/We agree (with you). That's the ri ght thing to do!

b. 不同意: No, I don?t think so. I?m afraid not. I?m afraid I (really) can?t agree with you. It's not very nice. I don't think that is a good idea. Do you think that is a good idea? Personally, I feel that it's unwise. What a terrible idea. What a terrible thing to do!

c. No way! Exactly (说得对. 正是)

交际例句1.-- I think the shop is closed at this time of day. -- No, I think it's open.

2.-- I think foreign languages are more interesting than science.

-- I really can't agree with you. I prefer science.

3.-- I think I shall read a book instead.

-- Good idea. That's much better than watching a bad TV Programme.

4.-- I think Chinese is more popular than any other subject. -- Maybe. But I prefer art.

5.-- Don't think in Chinese when you're speaking English. -- You are quite right.

注意要点同意:Certainly /Sure/Of course/Exactly .No problem.Yes ,please.Yes,I think so .All right OK.It?s a good idea.Sounds good. I couldn?t agree more.I will.With pleasure.

Sure, go ahead. Yes, help yourself. I dare say, .I should think so.

If you like, Why not? So it is.

不同意:No. I don?t think so.I?m afraid not. No way. Far from it. Forget it. No chance. 难点:No way.没门儿:No chance.决不可能,即说话者确信某事不可能发生;I couldn?t agree more .我非常赞成或我再同意不过了。比较级用于否定句中表最高级。又如:It can?t be better/worse. Far from it. 远不是,差得远呢,表远非达到某种程度,视具体语境,译法灵活。如:Do you think he is a good worker ?Far from it. “I will.??表允诺、同意,译作”我会的??。如:--Do you remember me to your wife ? --I will. I should think so.表强烈赞成,译作“当然??.I should think not.与之相反译作”当然不??。如: --I?m not going out tonight. --I should think not, you?re always busy.


基本用语a. He can/may.... It is possible that.... It is likely that....

b. He may not.... Sb. is not likely to do/ that …(不能说: sb is possib le to do/ that…).

c. It looks as if / though it might rain later. It appears to me that we?ll have to go on foot.

d. We?ll probably do …. / I doubt if ….

e. That?s / It?s quite impossible / It?s very unlikely. That?s hardly possible.

That?ll never happen . / Probable not.

f. Perhaps/Maybe. It's up to you. (由你决定) It depends. (看情况再


It's hard to say (难说). I can't decide. (我拿不定主意)。



在表明自己对事物的判断时,好坏要明确,是非要分明。尤其在对方干得比较出色时,要多加鼓励。如:Well done! Good job! Quite perfect! 等。

如果要陈述自己的某些观点时,英语中一般要使用一些较委婉的短语,如:In my opinion (依我看);As I see it (在我看来) ;So far as I know (据我所知);Personally speaking (就我个人而言) 等。



语1. What do you feel like doing? I feel like …

2. Personally, I?d rather (not) + 原形动词/ I?m ready to do 很乐意干……

3. What would you like to do? I?d like to …

4. —What do you plan to do? —I?m planning to do…/ I want ( intend, wish, plan ) to do…

5. What is your opinion of…? =What do you think of…?

= How do you like…? = How do you find…? 你觉得……怎么样?


6. Yes, I quite agree with you about that. You are quite right here. I have no objection. There is no doubt about it. I think this one will do. I rather doubt that. (我非常怀疑。)

I don't quite agree with you. I?m against it. (我不十分同意你的意见,我反对。) That's where I disagree with you. My own view exactly. (这正好是我的观点。)

I don't think it's very practical. (我不认为这很实际。)

7. I bet. 我敢断定。It's hard to say. 这很难说。I can't decide. 我拿不定主意。

▲ 口语中,在上下文明确时,常用省略句表达自己的意见。如:

肯定: I believe so. 否定: I believe not./ I don?t believe so。

类似用法的词还有:suppose, think, fear, expect, imagine等

注意对比:hear, hope, be afraid否定形式只有:I fear not. I hope not. I?m afraid not.

没有: I don?t hope so.



语1. I guess that …… / I believe …… / It seems that …… / It seems to sb that ……/ It looks as if ……

It looks as though ……

2. She must have done…… 当时她一定是…… / It certainly is. / I believe what you said.

Do you think I'd believe a story like that? / How is that possible? You're not serious, are you?

You must be joking. /Don't be silly. / I think it's hard to believe.


句— Is that true? — Maybe, I'm not sure. — Will he come? — Perhaps not.

—Can you play basketball with me now? —I'm afraid not. I'll have to finish my homework first.

— May I borrow your bike?— Certainly. / Sure. — Can you dance? — I certainly can. / I sure can.



识◆What w ould you like … 一般用于服务员询问客人想吃点什么,主人询问客人想吃点什么,或在商店购物时,售货员询问顾客想要买什么。

◆What would you like to do? 表示询问对方想要做什么。


语a. I?m going to.... I intend/mean/plan to.... I?d like to.... I (do not) want/hope to....

I feel like doing (going out for a walk). I?m ready to.... I would rather not tell you.

b. I want/hope/wish to.... I wish that.... I would like to....


见 考点:I hope so /not. I would rather not tell you .I believe so /not. I guess so/ not. 难点:I(don?t)guess/ believe/think /suppose so /not.但不可说I don?t hope so.



在提示对方的职责中常用情态动词must, should, need, have to, had better, ought to, don't have to 以及be supposed to do, be necessary to do 等。

Please leave it alone. 请别理它。

— Must I be present at the meeting at 7 o'clock? 我必须7 点到会吗?

— No, you needn't . You may come at around eight. 不,不必要。你可以8 点左右来。

— Do I have to return the dictionary before Friday? 周五前我必须归还词典吗?— No, you don't have to . 不,没必要。



a. Help! Thief!

b. What?s the mat ter? 十一、打电话

中西对比1 打电话人自我介绍:用英语打电话时,开头打招呼的第一句话通常是Hello,然后便自报姓名,再告知想与谁通话。Hello! (it?s) Mike (here). / Hello! This is Mike (speaking).

2 打电话人要某人接电话-:需要证实对方的身份时,不能说Are you...?或Who are you? May/ Can/ Could I speak to Kate, please? /Is that Kate? /Is Kate in/ at home? /Who's that?

3 本人接电话:Hello, 8244011. /Good morning. This is Kate (speaking). /Yes, speaking. a接电话时,第一句招呼语可以是Hello, 也可以视情况说Good morning!紧接着再报自己的电话号码或姓名,也可报单位名称。不打招呼,直接介绍自己,再问对方是谁也可以。

b问对方是谁时可以这样说:Who's calling?/Who is that speaking? /Is that Mike speaking/calling?

4 代接电话人叫某人接电话时:先对打电话的人说: Hold on please. / Just a minute please. 然后叫人接电话: You are wanted on the phone./There's a call for you./For you.

基本用语1. Can/ Could/ Would you ring up/ call/ call up…?

2. The line's busy. I can't get through. I'll try again later.

3. Can I take a message (for you)? Will/ Would you give a message to…, please?

4. Can you ask … to ring me back, please? I'll ask … to call you back.

5. He/She isn't here right now.

打电话考点:Is that… speaking?Hold on,please。Just a minute,please. Hello,who is it /that 〈speaking〉?Hello ,this is …speaking。There?s no Pippa here. Speaking.

难点:熟练掌握打电话用语.指对方时用指示代词that/it.指说话者本人时用指示代词this.打电话用语还有:Are you there?你还在接听吗?Suppose you ring me up.你给我打电话好吗?等等.



语1 . What day is ( it ) today? 2. What's the date today? / What date is it?

3. Excuse me, what time is it by your watch?

4. It's Monday/Tuesday… It's January 10th.


句1.-- Hi, Mary. What time is it now? -- It's about three.

2.-- What day is it today? -- It's Wednesday.

3.-- Excuse me. Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?

--Certainly. It leaves at ten in the evening.

4.-- What's the time? My watch has stopped. -- Let me see. It's five to ten.

5.-- Excuse me. Have you got the time? -- Yes, it's six twenty.

6.-- Excuse me. Could you tell me the time? -- Oh sorry, I don't have my watch with me.

★谈论天气(Talking about the weather)


语a. What?s the weather like today? How?s the weather in.../ today?

---It?s rather warm/cold/hot...today, isn?t it? ---Yes, it is./ Yes, isn?t it? (注意答语) b. It?s fine/cloudy/windy/rainy.... It?s getting cold/warm.... It?s a beautiful day today.


范1.-- It's a fine day for a walk. -- Yes, the air is nice and clean.

2.-- Oh dear! It's very cold today. -- Yes, you need to wear warmer clothes.

3.-- What's the weather like today? -- It's fine.

4.-- What's the weather like in your country now? -- It's very hot.

5.-- Lovely weather, isn't it? -- Yes, isn't it?

6.-- I missed the weather report this morning. Did you hear it?

-- Yes. It said partly cloudy today, with a strong wind from The northwest.

十三、语言困难(Language difficulties)


语1. 没听清楚请求重复: Pardon?/ I beg your pardon?/ Sorry.

Would you please say that again?/ Would you please say that more slowly?

Would you mind repeating that? What do you mean by…in Chinese?

2. 询问是否听清楚:Is that clear? / Have I made myself clear?/ Do you see what I mean?

3. 澄清错误: I?m sorry I?ve made a mistake. I?m sorry, I should have said…

What I mean is… That?s not what I meant. I?ll try to explain that again.


句1.-- I don't quite follow you, Mr Green. Will you please say it again? -- OK.

2.-- Do you follow what I'm saying? -- Sorry, I can't follow you./ I didn?t quite catch you.

3.-- I beg your pardon. Will you say it again? -- All right.

4.-- Will you say it again more slowly? I can't follow you. -- OK.

5.-- Will you please repeat what you've just said? -- OK. I'll repeat what I have said.

6.-- I'm sorry, I don't understand French. Do you speak English? -- Yes, I do.



西方人听到自己的亲人、朋友或熟人等谈到有关身体健康的问题时,如:“I think I have a bad cold.” 如果听话人与说话人是朋友或同事,通常回答: “I'm sorry to hear that.”或“You'd better see a doctor.”

但如果是说给医生,医生则不能用上述答话,而需用“Take it easy.”来回答。



1. What can I do for you? / What was the matter? / What's the trouble?

2. Does it hurt here? / It's nothing serious. / Let me examine you. / Take this medicine three times a day. / And I advise you not to do …

3. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. / You'd better have a good rest.

4. Show me your tongue. / Stick out your tongue. / Did you cough much? / Fortunately, you only have the flu (流感) . / You'll have to be hospitalized (住院) .

5. How long have you been like this? / Well, let's see. Open your mouth and say “ah”.

Keep warm and don't catch cold. / You'll be well soon.


1. I've got a pain (cough, headache, toothache). / I don't feel well. / There's something wrong

with…. / This place hurts. / I feel a great pain here. / I feel dizzy (头晕). / I don't feel like

eating anything. / I have a sore throat (喉咙痛) and my chest hurts. / It started bothering

me yesterday afternoon. / I feel hot and feverish. / I'm aching all over. / I've been losing

sleep. / My whole body feels weak. / I've lost my voice. / My ears are ringing, and my

cheeks burning. / I feel a pain in my left leg.

2. I took some medicine last night, but they didn't help. / Doctor, please give me an

examination. / I've had my temperature taken. I indeed have a fever.

I was hot and cold by turns. (忽冷忽热)



型用英语问路、指路的方法。Asking Directions:

★Excuse me,

Can you tell me the way to…?

How can I get to…?

Where is…?

Where is the nearest…?

Which is the way to…?

Giving Directions:

★Go straight ahead till you see…

down this street till you get to…

through the gate and you will find the entrance to…

★It's about…yards/metres down this street.


语1. 一般先说Excuse me:Where is the nearest station? Which is the way to the station? Can you tell me how I can get to the station? Could you tell me how to get tot the station? How far is it to the station? Could you tell me the way to the station? 等。

2. 常用的提供信息的用语有:Go along / down,Walk down / along this road / street…Take the first / … turning on the left (right) Turn right / left at the first……crossing. Go on until you reach the end of the road. It's between A and B.

It's in front of / behind / near to B You can't miss it. You can find it.等。

十六、Taking Meals (就餐)
