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Directions:There are20blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked[A][B][C]and [D]on the right side of the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

When our restaurant business failed,we headed north in a camping truck to Texas,hoping to have a“fresh start”.

At the___1___of Palo Duro Canyon(峡谷)State Park,I___2_a job advertisement hiring park hosts.The position offered a ___3_,permanent campsite in the park,and__4___,the hosts served as a link between the park’s guests and the rangers(护林人).It was the perfect solution:a rent-free place to reorganize our lives.We entered the park and I made an____5__for the following day,

The park was__6__,so it took us some time to find an available site.That evening,as we finished our dinner,my wife saw two large skunks(臭鼬)walking toward our table.We__7___climbed onto the table and,for the next four hours,waited for them to___8___our camp.

Having survived that night,we were__9___that everything else would be all right.The next day we met with the people who ran the park.They explained our___10___and gave us a beautiful campsite.

That evening,__11____,we learned about the canyon_12___.They were strong and cold,rocking our little camping truck violently,and we lay__13___in the dark until the winds died away.

__14___the weeks that followed,we learned to survive in our truck and___15__the little money my wife___16__ by substitute teaching.Building a successful business and then losing it had left very little time for building a successful ___17___.For a time after our business__18___I thought I might lose my family as well.

Living in the tiny__19___with no television,we sat close together reading and talking.One evening,standing under a jeweled shy,I found myself___20___for al the hardship.We had walked the trails and climbed the canyon walls.We had become a family!

1.A.back B.entrance C.centre D.edge

2.A.answered B.notice C.published D.sponsored

3.A.free B.safe C.convenient D.beautiful

4.A.in return B.in turn C.in sheet D.in time

5.A.attempt B.appear C.agreement D.appointment

6.A.quite B.ideal C.crowed D.dangerous

7.A.calmly B.eventually C.immediately D.repeatedly

8.A.search B.pass C.leave D.attack

9.A.aware B.confident C.determined D.satisfied

10.A.responsibilities B.requirements C.circumstances D.conditions

11.A.meanwhile B.therefore C.moreover D.however

12.A.winds B.snows C.woods D.trails

13.A.nothing B.morning C.quarrelling D.shaking

14.A.After B.Beyond C.During D.Between

15.A.live on B.hand out C.give away D.put aside

16.A.raised B.posted C.earned D.borrowed

17.A.image B.family C.career D.business

18.A.declined B.expanded C.failed D.started

19.A.camp B.house C.park D.truck

20.A.desperate B.ready C.suitable D.thankful


1.It occurred to me suddenly that I had met him somewhere.

2.It goes without saying that in order to speak good English,we must first of all learn good pronunciation.

3.Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environments where there are many stimuli which

develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.

4.Television,it is often said,keeps one informed about current events,allows one to follow the latest

developments in science and politics,and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive and entertaining.

5.In the long run,there is no doubt that everybody would be much better off if smoking were banned

altogether,but people are not ready for such drastic action.

6.The debate was launched by the Government,which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC--including ordinary

listeners and viewer to say what was good or bad about the Corporation,and even whether they thought it was worth keeping.


Passage One

The art of public speaking began in ancient Greece over2,000years ago.Now,twitter,instant messaging,e-mail,blogs and chat forums offer rival approaches to communication—but none can replace the role of a great speech.

The spoken word can handle various vital functions:persuading or inspiring,informing,paying tribute,entertaining,or simply introducing someone or something or accepting something.

Over the past year,the human voice has helped guide us over the ups and downs of what was certainly a stormy time.

Persuasion is used in dealing with or reconciling different points of view.When the leaders met in Copenhagen in December2009,persuasive words from activists encouraged them to commit themselves to firmer action.

Inspirational speeches confront the emotions.They focus on topics and matters that are close to people's hearts.During wars,generals used inspiring speeches to prepare the troops for battle.

A speech that conveys knowledge and enhances understanding can inform us.The information must be clear,accurate, and expressed in a meaningful and interesting way.When the H1N1pandemic(流行病)was announced,the idea of“swine flu”(猪流感)scared many https://www.sodocs.net/doc/013800646.html,rmative speeches from World Health Organization officials helped people to keep their panic under control so they could take sensible precautions.

Sad events are never easy to deal with but a speech that pays tribute to the loss of a loved one and gives praise for their contribution can be comforting.Madonna's speech about Michael Jackson,after his death,highlighted the fact that he will continue to live on through his music.

It's not only in world forums where public speaking plays an important role.It can also be surprisingly helpful in the course of our own lives.

If you’re taking part in a debate you need to persuade the listeners of the soundness of your argument.In sports,athletes know the importance of a pep talk(鼓舞士气的讲话)before a match to inspire teammates.You yourself may be asked to do a presentation at college or work to inform the others about an area of vital importance.

On a more personal level,a friend may be upset and need comforting.Or you might be asked to introduce a speaker at a family event or to speak at a wedding,where your language will be needed to move people or make them laugh.

Great speaking ability is not something we're born with.Even Barack Obama works hard to perfect every speech.For a brilliant speech,there are rules that you can put to good use.To learn those rules you have to practice and learn from some outstanding speeches in the past.

1.The author thinks the spoken word is still irreplaceable because

A.it has always been used to inspire or persuade people.

B.it has a big role to play in the entertainment business.

C.it plays important roles in human communication.

D.it is of great use in everyday-life context.

2.Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the role of public speaking?

A.Speeches at world forums can lead to effective solutions to world problems.

B.Speeches from medical authorities can calm people down in times of pandemics.

C.The morale of soldiers before a battle can be boosted by senior officers'speeches.

D.Speeches paying tribute to the dead can comfort the mourners.

3.Public speaking can play all the following roles EXCEPT

A.to convince people in a debate.

B.to inform people at a presentation.

C.to advise people at work.

D.to entertain people at a wedding.

4.According to the passage,which of the following best explains the author's view on“great speaking ability”?

A.It comes from observing rules.

B.It can be perfected with easy effort.

C.It can be acquired from birth.

D.It comes from learning and practice.

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Public speaking in international forums.

B.The many uses of public speaking.

C.Public speaking in daily life context.

D.The rules of public speaking.

Passage Two

From2007to2010,American households lost$l1trillion in real estate,savings,and stocks More than half of all U.S.workers either lost their jobs or were forced to take cuts in hours or pay during the recession.The worst may be behind them now,but the shocking losses of the past few years have reshaped nearly every facet of their lives—how they live,work,and spend—even the way they think about the future.

For Cindy,the recession began when her husband was relocated to Rhinelander,Wisconsin.by his company forcing the family to move in a hurry.The couple bought a new house but were unable to sell their two-bedroom home in Big Lake,Minnesota.With two mortgages(抵押借款)and two young children to care for,Cindy couldn't imagine how to stretch her husband's paycheck to keep her family fed.

Then she stumbled upon an online community called Blotanical,a forum for gardeners,many with an interest in sustainability.“The more I read and discussed these practices,the more I realized this would help not only our budget but also our health,”she says.

Cindy admits that before the recession,she was a city girl with no interest in growing her own dinner.“I grew flowers mostly—I didn’t think about plants that weren’t visually interesting."But to stretch her budget,she began putting in vegetables and fruit—everything from strawberry beds to apple trees—and as her first seedlings grew,her spirits lifted.She no longer thinks of gardening and making her own jams as just a money saver;they’re a genuine pleasure.“It’s brought us closer together as a family,too,”she says.Her kids voluntarily pitch in with(主动帮助)the garden work,and the family cooks together instead of eating out.The food tastes better—it's fresher and organic—and the garden handily fulfills its original purpose:cost cutting.Now she spends about$200to$300a month on groceries.less than half of the$650a month that she used to lay out.

After discovering how resourceful she can be in tough times,Cindy is no longer easily discouraged.“It makes me feel proud to be able to say I made it myself,”she says.“I feel accomplished,and I'm more confident about attempting things I've never done before."Now she avoids convenience stores and has begun learning to knit,quilt,and make her own soap."I don't think I would have ever begun this journey if it weren’t for the recession,”she says.“I have a feeling that from now

on,it will affect my family’s health and happiness for the better."

6.We learn from the first paragraph that the recession

A.affected Americans in certain occupations.

B.had great impact on Americans’work and life.

C.had only brought huge losses in savings and stocks.

D.is over with some of the losses recovered.

7.What made the family's financial situation even worse was that they

A.moved to Rhinelander in a hurry.

B.had two children to raise.

C.didn't know anyone in Rhinelander.

D.couldn't sell their home in Big Lake.

8.Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

A.Cindy had seen the benefits of gardening in a different way.

B.Cindy had developed a hobby of gardening before the recession.

C.Cindy had already had a keen interest in sustainability.

D.Cindy had already planned to meet the gardeners.

9.In addition,Cindy views gardening as a genuine pleasure because gardening

A.helped her cut living costs almost by half.

B.enabled her to make her own jams.

C.built up family ties and kids’enthusiasm.

D.enabled her to know more about plants.

10.What does Cindy think of the difficult times she has gone through?

A.It gave the couple and their kids a tough lesson.

B.It gave her confidence and optimism.

C.It would come again and affect the family.

D.It left a lasting psychological impact on the family.

Passage Three

Will there ever be another Einstein?This is the undercurrent of conversation at Einstein memorial meetings throughout the year.A new Einstein will emerge,scientists say.But it may take a long time.After all,more than200years separated Einstein from his nearest rival,Isaac Newton.

Many physicists say the next Einstein hasn’t been born yet,or is a baby now.That’s because the quest for a unified theory that would account for all the forces of nature has pushed current mathematics to its limits.New math must be created before the problem can be solved.

But researchers say there are many other factors working against another Einstein emerging anytime soon.

For one thing,physics is a much different field today.In Einstein’s day,there were only a few thousand physicists worldwide,and the theoreticians who could intellectually rival Einstein probably would fit into a streetcar with seats to


Education is different,too.One crucial aspect of Einstein’s training that is overlooked is the years of philosophy he read as a teenager—Kant,Schopenhauer and Spinoza,among others.It taught him how to think independently and abstractly about space and time,and it wasn’t long before he became a philosopher himself.

“The independence created by philosophical insight is—in my opinion—the mark of distinction between a mere artisan (工匠)or specialist and a real seeker after truth,”Einstein wrote in1944.

And he was an accomplished musician.The interplay between music and math is well known.Einstein would furiously play his violin as a way to think through a knotty physics problem.

Today,universities have produced millions of physicists.There aren’t many jobs in science for them,so they go to Wall Street and Silicon Valley to apply their analytical skills to more practical—and rewarding—efforts.

“Maybe there is an Einstein out there today,”said Columbia University physicist Brian Greene,“but it would be a lot harder for him to be heard.”

Especially considering what Einstein was proposing.

“The actual fabric of space and time curving?My God,what an idea!”Greene said at a recent gathering at the Aspen Institute.“It takes a certain type of person who will bang his head against the wall because you believe you’ll find the solution.”

Perhaps the best examples are the five scientific papers Einstein wrote in his“miracle year”of1905.These“thought experiments”were pages of calculations signed and submitted to the prestigious journal Annalen der Physik by a virtual unknown.There were no footnotes or citations.

What might happen to such a submission today?

“We all get papers like those in the mail,”Greene said.“We put them in the junk file.”

11.What do scientists seem to agree upon,judging from the first two paragraphs?

[A]Einstein pushed mathematics almost to its limits.

[B]It will take another Einstein to build a unified theory.

[C]No physicist is likely to surpass Einstein in the next200years.

[D]It will be some time before a new Einstein emerges.

12.What was critical to Einstein’s success?

[A]His talent as an accomplished musician.

[B]His independent and abstract thinking.

[C]His untiring effort to fulfill his potential.

[D]His solid foundation in math theory.

13.What does the author tell us about physicists today?

[A]They tend to neglect training in analytical skills.

[B]They are very good at solving practical problems.

[C]They attach great importance to publishing academic papers.

[D]They often go into fields yielding greater financial benefits.

14.What does Brian Greene imply by saying“...it would be a lot harder for him to be heard”(Lines1-2,Para.9)?

[A]People have to compete in order to get their papers published.

[B]It is hard for a scientist to have his papers published today.

[C]Papers like Einstein’s would unlikely get published today.

[D]Nobody will read papers on apparently ridiculous theories.

15.When he submitted his papers in1905,Einstein_______.

[A]forgot to make footnotes and citations

[B]was little known in academic circles

[C]was known as a young genius in math calculations

[D]knew nothing about the format of academic papers

Passage Four

Imagine waking up and finding the value of your assets has been halved.No,you’re not an investor in one of those hedge funds that failed completely.With the dollar slumping to a26-year low against the pound,already-expensive London has become quite unaffordable.A coffee at Starbucks,just as unavoidable in England as it is in the United States,runs about $8.

The once all-powerful dollar isn’t doing a Titanic against just the pound.It is sitting at a record low against the euro and at a30-year low against the Canadian dollar.Even the Argentine peso and Brazilian real are thriving against the dollar.

The weak dollar is a source of humiliation,for a nation’s self-esteem rests in part on the strength of its currency.It’s also a potential economic problem,since a declining dollar makes imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates.And yet there are substantial sectors of the vast U.S.economy-from giant companies like Coca-Cola to mom-and-pop restaurant operators in Miami-for which the weak dollar is most excellent news.

Many Europeans may view the U.S.as an arrogant superpower that has become hostile to foreigners.But nothing makes people think more warmly of the U.S.than a weak dollar.Through April,the total number of visitors from abroad was up6.8percent from last year.Should the trend continue,the number of tourists this year will finally top the2000peak? Many Europeans now apparently view the U.S.the way many Americans view Mexico-as a cheap place to vacation,shop and party,all while ignoring the fact that the poorer locals can’t afford to join the merrymaking.

The money tourists spend helps decrease our chronic trade deficit.So do exports,which thanks in part to the weak

dollar,soared11percent between May2006and May2007.For first five months of2007,the trade deficit actually fell7 percent from2006.

If you own shares in large American corporations,you’re a winner in the weak-dollar https://www.sodocs.net/doc/013800646.html,st week Coca-Cola’s stick bubbled to a five-year high after it reported a fantastic quarter.Foreign sales accounted for65percent of Coke’s beverage business.Other American companies profiting from this trend include McDonald’s and IBM.

American tourists,however,shouldn’t expect any relief soon.The dollar lost strength the way many marriages break up-slowly,and then all at once.And currencies don’t turn on a dime.So if you want to avoid the pain inflicted

by the increasingly pathetic dollar,cancel that summer vacation to England and look to New England.There,the dollar is still treated with a little respect.

16.Why do Americans feel humiliated?

[A]Their economy is plunging

[B]They can't afford trips to Europe

[C]Their currency has slumped

[D]They have lost half of their assets.

17.How does the current dollar affect the life of ordinary Americans?

[A]They have to cancel their vacations in New England.

[B]They find it unaffordable to dine in mom-and-pop restaurants.

[C]They have to spend more money when buying imported goods.

[D]They might lose their jobs due to potential economic problems.

18.How do many Europeans feel about the U.S with the devalued dollar?

[A]They feel contemptuous of it

[B]They are sympathetic with it.

[C]They regard it as a superpower on the decline.

[D]They think of it as a good tourist destination.

19.what is the author's advice to Americans?

[A]They treat the dollar with a little respect

[B]They try to win in the weak-dollar gamble

[C]They vacation at home rather than abroad

[D]They treasure their marriages all the more.

20.What does the author imply by saying"currencies don't turn on a dime"(Line2,Para7)?

[A]The dollar's value will not increase in the short term.

[B]The value of a dollar will not be reduced to a dime

[C]The dollar's value will drop,but within a small margin.

[D]Few Americans will change dollars into other currencies.

Passage Five

Directions:Reading the following text and answer questions by finding a subtitle for each of the marked parts or paragraphs. There are two extra items in the subtitle.Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET.

A.Slow Down Your Life

B.Escape Now and Then

C.Separate Your Actions

D.Allow Yourself to Be Weak

E.Relieve Pressure by Firmly Saying"No"

F.Stop Expecting Everything to Be Perfect

G.The Pressure is on Increase

How to Simplify Your Life

Less is more.This is why we say:reduce things by half instead of doubling them,get rid of junk instead of piling it up, relax instead of stressing,slow down instead of speeding up.Apply these principles in your everyday life in a conscious way. You will then find yourself well along on your journey to simplification.


When you concentrate on one task,you find you have energy that you didn't even know you had.Just imagine:you are at a fair and you have to carry two heavy pigs over100yards.If you keep grabbing one and then the other,it will take forever,because one of them will keep slipping out from under your arm and running off.But if you tie one pig in a place, pick up the other,gather all your strength and make a dash for the finish line,pause for a moment,run back and get the other one,and with great determination,carry the second pig to the finish line,then you can be sure of success.


The pressure at work is on the increase in all occupations.In the modern nuclear family,the expectations that formerly would have been shared among all the relatives are now concentrated on the individual partner.

If you have the feeling that24hours per day are not enough for all the things you need to do,then it's not because the day has too few hours,but because you have too many activities.A simple fact that overloaded people often tend to forget. The solution is equally simple:refuse to accept so many work assignments in your private life or your working life.


"I can handle stress"is regarded as a positive statement in the world of work.People who can handle stress are given more and more to cope with--until one day they break.

Pay careful attention to the signs that tell you that you are under more stress than you can cope with.These signals can come from various areas of life.You become ill,or your work efficiency decreases.

If you have any of these symptoms,change your life goals and decrease your tolerance of stress.Say quite openly,"I can't manage that."


"If only I were slimmer,more beautiful,richer,more clever,then I would be happier."This is a dream that makes a lot of people ill,depressed,and unhappy.Life has its flaws,defects,corners,and edges.Only those who accept this reality can lead a really full life.

Of course there are activities in which errors are dangerous:driving a car;crossing the road.But life doesn't consist entirely of these things.In among them there is a lot of room for small and large mistakes.


Successful people all have their own places where they can withdraw in order to work.Find out which places improve your creativity.For me it's the train.When I know that I'm going to be traveling for four hours without phone calls and people knocking on my door,I find my mind is free and I can read or write complex articles.There can be problems working on the train,of course,if the person sitting opposite you keeps talking away,or if train traps make you tired(some people fall asleep after a few miles).


Directions:Suppose your cousin Li Ming has just been admitted to a university.Write him/her a letter to

1)congratulate him/her,and

2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the https://www.sodocs.net/doc/013800646.html,e“Zhang Wei”instead.

Do not write the address.















Passage One


Passage Two

6.B had great impact on American’s work and life

7.D couldn’t sell their home in Big Lake

8.A Cindy had seen the benefits of gardening in a different way.

9.C built up family ties and kid’s enthusiasm

10.B It gave her confidence and optimism

Passage Three

11.D.It will be some time before a new Einstein emerges.

12.B.His independent and abstract thinking

13.D.They often go into fields yielding greater financial benefits.

14.D.Nobody will read papers on apparently ridiculous theories.

15.B.was little known in academic circles

Passage Four


Passage Five




Dear Li Ming,

Congratulations on your success in the University Entrance Examination to be admitted to Peking University.Your hard work has paid off and we’re all so proud of you.。

As setting out on a new journey,I guess you may have some doubts and worries.I have experienced the same with you, so I think I may be in a position to give you some suggestions.First,you need to realize that to be independent emotionally is the first step in adjusting to university life.Then,I think it is necessary to remind you that university is a diversified place where academic achievements and interpersonal skills are equally important.

I wish you have a brilliant start in university life and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problem.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei


大学英语口语测试试题 1.Shopping 1)Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not? I seldom go shopping. It takes too much time. I like to go shopping very much. It is so interesting. 2) What do you usually buy when you go shopping? I only shop for daily necessities, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, cleansing cream, soap, shampoo, washing powder… I like music/books so sometimes I go to campus bookstores to look for my favorite CDs/the recent bestsellers. 3) Where do you usually go shopping, supermarkets or department stores? Downtown or in campus stores ? I usually do my shopping at large supermarkets/campus stores/shops nearby since they often have good buys/it saves time. I enjoy shopping at supermarkets. I love to see shelf on shelf stacked with all kinds of delicious /nice things. Supermarkets are so convenient. You can get almost everything you want in a big supermarket. I hate shopping in a supermarket. It’s always so crowded/the quality of goods is questionable/not so good/ not guaranteed. I like going shopping in big department stores downtown because I think they offer a better service. 4)When you buy a dress or a coat, which do you give first priority to: color, price, quality, style or brand name? I think price/color/style/quality is the most important. I love to buy clothes that are in fashion but they are mostly too expensive for me. I love buying things when they are on sale and I often manage to get a good deal. 5) Do you enjoy bargaining? Are you good at it? I love sales/enjoy bargaining/am good at bargaining with street peddlers. I always/never ask for a discount. 2. Sports 1) Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? I like swimming/jogging/fishing/tennis, etc. My favorite sport is basket/volleyball/football, etc. 2)Do you like jogging? Why or why not? Jogging is considered a healthy sport for both the young and the old/for people of all ages. Many people begin jogging because they believe it is a very good form of exercise/can make their hearts stronger / can help them lose weight. Jogging against the cold wind is also a test of one’s will power. 3)Why do people need to play sports? Playing sports can help us to relax. Sitting in a chair all day has made me very lazy. I can get my figure back if I play a sport. I can meet some new friends when I play sports.


一、单项选择 P270 1、Here,as in most other parts of the hilly county,one school served for up to four or five________ villages. A)scattered B) maintained C) outdated D) surrounded 2、Work ______ on the construction site last April and was completed within fifty-two weeks. A)varnished B) commenced C) departed D) projected 3、As to this product, the technical obstacles to be ______ for designing are much less than for manufacture. A)generated B) prescribed C) overcome D) exceeded 4、The doctor told me I had to expect such things at my age and simply ______ some vitamin pills. A)dissolved B) stuffed C) recommended D)exceeded 5、I ______ upwards and could see a few stars twinkling in the sky; one seemed much brighter than the others. A)tuned B) gazed C) pleaded D)twisted 6、Lucy stood at the gate waving to her departing daughter until the car is ______. A)out of style B) in all likelihood C)out of sight D) out of place 7、The Party should be able to respond to these ______ needs more effectively than any other organization and provide clear leadership. A)urgent B)characteristic C)remarkable D)arbitrary 8、The weed in the pool should be left untouched until the young frogs have ______. A)shaped B)departed C)soared D)detached 9、The woman and three children were now laughing and I was pleased about that, as they had looked ______ when I entered their house a few moments before. A)bruised B) scared C)poised D)scrubbed 10、Few gardens are large enough to ______ a full-grown tree like oak or beech. A)overtake B)maintain C)surround D)accommodate 11、With the spread of vast computer data banks, it will soon be possible to _______ individuals walking along a street , whether or not they have committed a crime. A)identify B) embody C)subsitute D) picture 12、In a few hurried situations I Forgot to switch on, and missed the picture opportunity while trying to ______ why the camera wasn’t working.


五年级上册英语译林版-零五网英语 课课练答案 综合英语第五册课后答案 第一单元 IV Mother meant to deliberately overlook whatever she did not like and could not change. From June to the end of July school closed for the summer vacation Literally, the writer was unable to open wide her eyes due to the dazzling summer sunlight as well as her eyes defect. Figuratively, the freedom, equality and democracy all American citizens were allegedly entitled to were simply distorted

images in the author’s eye. Mother was bright and father brown, and the three of us girls represented gradations from bright to brown. Inside the Breyer’s the soda fountain was so dim and the air so cool that the pain of my eyes was wonderfully lessened. My forceful question got no response from my family; they remained silent as if they had done something wrong and shameful walking into Breyer’s. My anger was not going to be noticed or sympathized with by my family members who were similarly angry, though. Language work III 1. has decreed 2. agonizing 3. approvingly 4. ensconced 5. flair 6. vulnerability 7. relief8. avowed


大学英语1测试答案 注意:标红为答案 测验一: (AABAA BBACA CBCCA CAAAA,题目顺序随机)题目1:They have a share.

A. each; B. every 题目2:child enjoys Christmas. A. Every; B. Each 题目3:My pen is lost. This one is my A. brother; B. brother's 题目4:Have you the skirt by yourself? A. made; B. built 题目5:My room is than the one next door. A. cleaner; B. cleanner; C. cleanest 题目6:John is the of the three brothers. A. taller; B. tallest; C. tall 题目7:We've entered an agreement. A. for; B. into; C. * 题目8:He entered his son the English examination. A. for; B. into; C. * 题目9:No one saw the thief when he entered the buliding. A. for; B. into; C. * 题目10:Everyone he will win. A. believes; B. believe 题目11:Just then, the telephone rang. It rang____. A. at once; B. immediately; C. again; D. at that moment 题目12:The shop assistant found some curtain material___me.


<大学英语语法>考查试题 一.选择正确答案填入相应的空格处:(70%) forest guards often find campfires thet have not been ______completely. down B. put out C. put away over 2..Of all the economically important plants, palms have been______. least studied the least less and less study the less is a continuous supply of fuel oil. things needed is needed is needed their need 4.The survey indicates that each Chinese family averaged_____of daily television usage in 1994than in 1993. many as 60 minutes B. 60 minutes more C. 60 minutes C. more 60 minutes 5.All evidence the court has collected boils_____to the fact that he is a spy. A. down B. off C. up D. overluggage, the group of tourists hurried to the airport.2009-2010学年第二学期() A. After packed packed packing was always nervous_____ in city traffic. driving B. driving driving driving 8. I saw Alan skimming over the water and, finally, ____ into it.


英语测试题及答案 为大家收集的英语测试题及答案,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语测试题及答案1 I. 单项选择(15分) 1. Mr Johnson _________ a child at the start of the 1950s. A. is B. are C. was D. were 2. -How about the young lady? -It’s hard to say, but her voice _________ beautiful. A. sounds B. hears C. listens D. smells 3. The temperature was below zero. It was difficult to _________ the car. A. move B. got C. begin D. start 4. John Lennon and Paul _________ the main songwriters of the Beatles in 1960s. A. are B. is C. was D. were 5. -What do you usually do on Sundays? -We _________ at the guitar group. A. enjoy B. have good times C. enjoy ourselves D. like ourselves 6. -May I help you with some jeans, sir? -Yes, I’d like to try on the blue _________. A. pair B. one C. two D. ones 7. More and more people in Beijing can talk and write _________


小学英语六年级下册课课练答案 【篇一:新人教版pep六年级下册英语全册课课练习题 集】 txt>unit 1 how tall are you? 第一课时 一、判断每组单词是(t)否(f)同类。 ()1.a.youngb.tall c. old ()2.a.smallb.big c. than ()3.a.meterb.hall c. short ()4.a.meb.you c. him ()5.a.long b.taller c.old 二、按要求完成下列各题。 1.迈克比约翰更高。(根据汉语完成句子) mike is ________ than john. 2.the tallestthatis hall this dinosaur in ( ______________________________________________ 3.she is 1.64 meters. (对画线部分提问) _________ _________ is she? 第二课时 一.根据首字母填入合适的单词 1. this pencil is l_______ than that one. 2. this skirt is s________ than that one. 3. my father is o_____ than my mother. 4. i’m t______ than my brother. 5. i’m ten years old. i’m y_______ than you. 二.对话排序 ()1.i’m 1.61 meters. 连词成句) ()2.oh!i’m taller. ()3.how tall are you? ()4.you’re older than me too. 第三课时 一、根据图片提示填空。 1.a:what _______ are your shoes? b: my shoes are size 38. 2.a:i wear size 35 shoes.


精心整理 大学英语(一) 行政班级分级班级姓名学号 C. A measuring system. D. A control system. 2. A. Car prices. B. Car services.

C. The company’s business. D. The company’s culture. 3. A. It’s easy to do. B. It’s challenging. dialogue, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. Conversation 1

6. A. Breakfast. B. Dinner. C. A 5 dollar gift card. D. Bus service to the airport. 10. A. Make an appointment with her. B. Talk with her about a new order.

C. Send her an email about the shipment. D. Call her back when receiving the shipment. Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.


Network Education College, BLCU 《大学英语(一)》模拟试卷一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷试题为客观题,请按要求填涂答题卡,所有答案必须填涂在答题卡上,答在试题卷上不给分。 I.Multiple Choices. (2 points for each, altogether 40 points) Directions:There are 20 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 1. The house isn't big enough for a family of four, and_______, the price is not reasonable. A. even though B. furthermore C. therefore D.in that 2. Now there is no need to worry about the deadline since we are ahead of_______. A. table B. chart C. schedule D.graph 3. Doing all the housework_______ my mother at least three hours a day. A. spends B. affords C. occupies D.spares 4. _______ the form with your name and your address. A. Write B. Fill in C. Take down D.cover 5. The_______ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes. A. common B. usual C. average D.general 6. Since it is late to change my mind now, I am_______ to carrying out the plan. A. obliged B. committed C. engaged D.resolved 7. By the time you get to New York, I_______ for London. A. would be leaving B. am leaving C. have already left D.shall have left 8. Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that_______ disease resistance in neighboring plants. A. contracts B. activates C. maintains D.prescribe 9. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have_______ opportunity to change his mind. A. accurate B. urgent C. excessive D.adequate 10. The article suggests that when a person_______ under unusual stress he should be especially careful to have a well-balanced diets. A. is B. were C. be D.was 11. If he _______of all the dangers, he should change his mind. A. knows B. be clear C. hears D.be aware 12. This crop has similar qualities to the previous one, _______both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil. A. being B. been C. to be D.having been


电大英语考试试题及答案 交际用语 A((句子的开头字母)) 1、Afternoon, sir. Where to? A. Please get me to the airport 2、Are you sure about that? D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive 3、All the team members tried their best,We lost the game, .A.However 4、A lecture hall is where students attend lectures.C.one B 1、Before I got to the cinema, the film . A.had begun C 1、Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?-- B. At the office 2、Can I help you to get it down? C. Thanks. It’s so nice of you 3、can you turn down the radio,please?B.I’m sorry,Ididn’t reahze it was that loud 4、Can I get you a couple of tea?A.That’s very nice of you D 1、Do you think the exam will be put off? C. Not likely 2、Don’t worry,There is --------------roomfor all your books here C.enough E 1、Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? A. Certainly. Here you are 2、Excuse me,now can I get to the nenrest supermarket?D.Sorry,sir,I’m a stranger here myself F 1、Fine weather it is! A.What H 1、Hello, Sally. How’s everything?— D. Just so-so 2、Hello, could I speak to Don please?-- _D. Who’s speaking? 4、How’s the movie? Interesting? C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV 5、Her parents died when she was very young,so she was brought up byher aunt. 6、-------he said is quite right. B.What 7、Hello,Saiiy,How’s everything? C.Just so-so I 1、I don’t like the spots programs on Sundays.—B. Neither do I 3、In my opinion, you’d better take a couple of days off.A. I’ll take your advice 4、I think the Internet is very helpful. — A. Yes, so do I 5、I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. —C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now 6、I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer. D. Really? Maybe she’s out 7、Is this the motel you mentioned? B. Yes, it’s as quiet as we expected 8、It happened on a winter night 9、I know it isn’t important but I can’t help thinking about it 10、I don’t suppose he will attend the meeting,B,will be 11、I think all these are main points much attention B.worthy of 12、I prefer classicmusic pop muice. D.to 13、I’m tired. I working very hard.B.have been L 1、Let’s take a walk. A. Yes, let’s 2、Let me the case carefully berore I apaw a conclusion.B.look into M 1、May I help you, madam?-- D. Yes, I’d like 2 kilos of oranges


新版苏教版五下英语课课 练答案 Prepared on 22 November 2020

五下英语课课练答案 Unit 1 Cinderella Period 1 A a4 b3 c2 d5 e1 B 1 Cinderella 2 because 3 has to 4 try on 5 fairy C cannot, have, fairy, puts on, runs away, prince, try on, take, off, Finally Period 2 A 略 B 1a 2b 3c 4c 5b C 1 have, has 2 go 3 are, try 4 like 5 studies D 1c 2a 3d 4e 5b E 1 wants, prince’s 2 has, good/great, time 3 wants, on 4 look, Because, can’t, find 5 do, go, library F 1 Because his leg hurts. 2 They come to see Mike after school. 3 They bring two storybooks for Mike. 4 Yes, he is. Period 3 A 略 B 1F 2F 3T 4F C 1 tall, to, kite, dirty 2 red, desk, dirty 3 dress, draw D 1b 2c 3c 4a 5b E 1c 2b 3c 4b 5c Period 4 A 略 B 1a 2b 3b 4a 5c C l reading, fairy, stories 2 would, bad, about D g, c, f, a, b E years, has, Why, What, How, Where, tries, library, find F 略 Unit 2 How do you come to school Period 1 B 1 near 2 on foot 3√ 4√ 5 near 6 Sunshine 7 √ 8√ C 1 She lives on Moon Street, near City Library. 2 She goes to school on foot. 3 Yes, he does.


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/013800646.html,/wenkxd.htm(报名网址) 综合题,请根据题目给出的内容,来回答下面给出的试题。Part ⅡReading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part, Each passage is followed by some questions at unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. In 1985 when a Japan Air Lines (JAL) jet crashed, its president, Yasumoto Takagi, called each victim’s family to apologize, and then promptly resigned. And in 1987, when a subsidiary of Toshiba sole sensitive military technology to the former Soviet Union, the chairman of Toshiba gave up his post. These executive actions, which Toshiba calls “the highest form of apology,”may seem bizarre to US managers. No one at Boeing resigned after the JAL crash, which may have been caused by a faulty Boeing repair. The difference between the two business cultures centers around different definitions of delegation. While US executives give both responsibility and authority to their employees, Japanese executives delegate only authority—the responsibility is still theirs. Although the subsidiary that sold the sensitive technology to the Soviets had its own management, the Toshiba top executives said they “must take personal responsibility for not creating an atmosphere throughout the Toshiba group that would make such activity unthinkable, even in an independently run subsidiary.” Such acceptance of community responsibility is not unique to businesses in Japan. School principals in Japan have resigned when their students committed major crimes after school hours. Even if they do not quit, Japanese executives will often accept primary responsibility in other ways, such as taking the first pay cut when a company gets into financial trouble. Such personal sacrifices, even if they are largely symbolic, help to create the sense of community and employee loyalty that is crucial to the Japanese way of doing business. Harvard Business School professor George Lodge calls the ritual acceptance of blame “almost a feudal (封建的) way of purging (清除) the community of dishonor,”and to some in the United States, such resignations look cowardly. However, in an era in which both business and governmental leaders seem particularly good at evading responsibility, many US managers would probably welcome an infusion (灌输) of the Japanese sense of responsibility, If, for instance,


《大学英语》试卷考试时间:90分钟闭卷任课老师: 班级:学号:姓名:成绩:Ⅰ.Match the words in column A with the explanations in column B. (15 points) Column A Column B 1.term a.. easy to get to 2.department b. accept sth.as true 3.overseas c. give great pleasure to 4.charge d. one of several division in a university, etc. 5.worth e. abroad 6.believe f. one of the periods into which the academic year is divided 7.somewhat g.. become less tense; rest 8.convenient h.. good of useful enough to do or have 9.relax i. responsibility, care or control 10.delight j. a little II.Multiple choice questions (15 points) There are five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one or more that you think are suitable. 11. Take your camera with you. We’d like to take some of the beautiful park. A. paintings B. pictures C. files D. films 12. The is very useful. She can helps me to find many good books. A. employer B. member C. monitor D. librarian 13. Small cars are of fuel, so they have more appeal for consumers. A. free B. short C. typical D. economical 14. Next Sunday is her birthday.I ______her a bicycle as a present. A.allow B.give C.offer D.promise 15. I was in s small countryside in China. A. brought up B. bring up C. raised up D. raise up 16. Miss Yang is likely to be for promotion. A. sent B. recommended C. advised D. reported 17. The number of people invited _________ fifty, but a number of them
