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Dear editor,

I am a postgraduate from XXXX. I submitted the manuscript “XXXX” on 17th, May. The manuscript ID isXXXX. The status of the manuscript at my Corresponding Author Center in the XXXXX has always been awaiting editorial office checking for two weeks. Please help to check it for your convenience.

Thank you for your attention.




Proof of Employment Letter [employer’s address] [Manager or HR department Tel] To whom it may concern: This letter is to confirm that (employee's name, Ms. Li Su) has been employed by (company name,) since (date) as a (job title).(Employee's name)receives a salary of (dollar amount),which is paid (weekly, monthly, etc.), and a bonus of (dollar amount), which is paid (annually, bi-annually, etc). She currently works (number of hours, if paid by the hour) a week. Her business trip to Canada is invited by Cramer Inc. Canada and has been approved by our company. If you have any further questions, please call me at (phone number). Sincerely, (Employer's name) Employer's job title) (注:申请人若持因私护照旅行,一份由中方雇主签发带有公司抬头的证明信原件、注明其邀请信中提及 的加拿大的旅行已获批准。此信须包含中文注明的雇主姓名、地址、电话、传真,及申请人的职位、薪金 和起聘日期)


一、最初投稿Cover letter Dear Editors: We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed. In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”. The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration: 1) Name A E-mail: ××××@×××× 2) Name B E-mail: ××××@×××× We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below. Thank you and best regards. Yours sincerely, ×××××× Corresponding author: Name: ××× E-mail: ××××@×××× 二、催稿信 Dear Prof. ×××: Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Pap er Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not? I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.

SCIcoverletter 催稿信 修稿回复

Cover letterDear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled 一、最初投稿. No conflict “Journal Name”“Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was for under consideration published has not been previously, and not original research that publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript ). I hope this paper is (简要介绍一下论文的创新性that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated ……your reviewers for is a list of possible Journal suitable for “Name”.The following deeply ××××We Name B E-mail: ××××@A consideration:1) Name E-mail: ××××@××××2) appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments t hesitate to contact me at the address from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don'E-Corresponding author: Name: ×××below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the Dear Prof. ×××mail: ××××@××××二、催稿信Paper right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “has been lasting for more than two With Editor”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of Title“”months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer's comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards! Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author: Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@×××× Dear Editor, I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript which is submitted on Jun 24. The manuscript number is “SERREV-D-14-00023”and title is “Prediction and Structural Analysis of Impact Factor for Journals Indexed in SCI: A Case Study of Nature”. I have not yet received a reply and am wondering whether you have reached a decision. I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for me. With best regards Sincerely yours SCI投稿---稿件状态咨询信四个范例 范例一(推荐): 邮件标题:Inquire about the status of manuscript (No: XXXX) 正文: Dear Editor, Sorry for disturbing you. I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled XXXX (ID: XXXX) although the status of QUEUED FOR REVIEW for my manuscript have been lasting for XXXX months. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been send to reviewers or not? I am very pleased to hear from you. Thank you very much for your consideration. Yours sincerely, XXX


证明信英语格式范文 有知情人士向卓伟“花焦大料”提供著名歌唱家阎维文向法院出具的证明,证明指出阎维文在xx年6月份没有参加过《艺术人生》节目录制,暗指弦子去年关于朱军的爆料说谎。 刑事上诉状格式和范文 刑事上诉状是刑事案件的被告人、自诉人和他们的法定代理人,不服地方各级 ___第一审的判决、裁定,在法定上诉期限内,向上一级 ___提出上诉,要求撤销原判、依法改判或发回原审 ___重新审判时而制作的法律文书。 我国《刑事诉讼法》第一百八十条规定:“被告人、自诉人和他们的法定代理人,不服地方各级 ___第一审的判决、裁定,有权用书状或者口头向上一级 ___上诉。 被告人的辩护人和近亲属,经被告人同意,可以提出上诉。 ”这是制作刑事上诉状的法律依据。 刑事上诉状由首部、上诉请求、上诉理由和尾部组成。

上诉请求和上诉理由是该文书的核心内容,亦可称为正文部分。 (一)首部 1.标题。 在文书上部正中写明“刑事上诉状”,比正文字体大一号。 2.当事人的基本情况。 有以下几种情况:第一,自诉案件,提出上诉的一方当事人称为上诉人,对方当事人称为被上诉人,分别写明其姓名、性别、出生年月日、民族、出生地、文化程度、职业或工 作单位和职务、住址等,并在土诉人和被上诉人的后面用括号注明其在一审中的诉讼地位,如上诉人(原审自诉人),被上诉人(原审被告人)。 一案有多名被告人的,未提出上诉的写为“原审被告人”第二,公诉案件,只有L诉人,不能把人民检察院列为被上诉人。

上诉人的基本情况写法与自诉案件上诉人相同。 第三,被告人的法定代理人提出上诉的,上诉人仍列自诉人或被告人,写明其基本情况。 法定代理人的基本情况写法与上诉人相同。 第四,被告人的辩护人或近亲属经被告人同意提出上诉的,应把被告人列为上诉人,写明其基本情况;下一栏写代为上诉人的基本情况,代为上诉人为律师的,只写其姓名、律师事务所名称和法律职务;代为上诉人为近亲属的,其基本情况写法与上诉人相同,并表明与被告人的关系。 3.上诉事由。 是一段承上启下的过渡性文字,在最高 ___格式空白处,根据实际清况填写适当文字。 (二)上诉请求 即上诉人提出上诉所要达到的目的。


向老外求全文的信函模板 根据作者E-mail地址,向作者索要。这是一种看似麻烦,实际非常有效的办法。为了更方便大家向作者索取原文,天天特意写了一份英文信函的模板,您只要把作者姓名、文章标题等等加上就成了。拜托您使用时稍加改动,避免千篇一律。信的内容如下: Dear Mr./Mrs.: ________(作者名) I am a graduate student of NanJing Medical University in China. I major in "________"(您的专业). Recently, I found one of your articles, titled "__________" (文章名)in Medline. I found it may help me achieve my goals in this research field. This would make a really positive contribution to my work. I would like to be able to read the full text of this article. The abstract makes the article sound very intresting. I know there is usually a fee required to obtain the full article from Medline ; however, as a student, my only income is a small scholarship which is about U S $30.00 per month. I wonder if you would consider sending me the full text by Email. Perhaps you would consider this as an act of friendship between our two countries. Thank you for your kind consideration of this request. Sincerely: ___________(您的名字) My Email address is: ____________________ (你的email地址) 催稿信: 第一次: dear edtiors : My manuscript named " 。。。" have been submitted to your magazine for nearly 5months, but there is't reply toit .known from the elsevier editorial system, the manuscript is still under review. I will be grateful for you if you tell me what has occured to the review process of my manuscript in the several months .I am looking forward to your reply. best wishes 第二次: Dear Dr. It has been 6 months since my manuscript " 。。。" was submitted to your magazine . it was kind of you for informing me the state of my paper last month, however, It was too long of the process of reviewing which puzzled me a lot . Will you please inform the reviewer again or send my manuscript to another reviewer so that the process of reviewing will be accelerated. Thank you very much. Best wishes. 第一封,客气点! Dear Prof. Dr. Editor *** I submitted our latest work to your journal *** last November. I want to know the review process. If there are some reponses from there viewers. Would you please tell me the results so that I can


S C I的c o v e r l e t t e r催稿信修稿回复 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

一、最初投稿Cover letter Dear Editors: We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed. In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”. The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration: 1) Name A E-mail: ××××@×××× 2) Name B E-mail: ××××@×××× We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below. Thank you and best regards. Yours sincerely, ×××××× Corresponding author:? Name: ××× E-mail: ××××@×××× 二、催稿信 Dear Prof. ×××: Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not? I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments. Thank you very much for your consideration. Best regards!? Yours sincerely, ×××××× Corresponding author:? Name: ××× E-mail: ××××@×××× Dear Editor, I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submit ted manuscript which is submitted on Jun 24. The manuscript number is “SERREV-D- 14-00023” and title is “Prediction and Structural Analysis of Impact Factor for Journals Indexed in SCI: A Case Study of Nature”. I have not yet received a reply and am wonder ing whether you have reached a decision. I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for me. With best regards Sincerely yours SCI投稿---稿件状态咨询信四个范例


AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA Certificate No.: XXXXXX PERSONA CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT Certificate Code: XXXXX Identity Type: ID Card Identity Number: XXXXXXX We hereby certify that Mr./Mrs./Ms. XXXXXX has financial assets with Agricultural Bank of China Limited as follows: Type Account No. CCY Amount Value date Deposit Certificate XXXXXXXXXX CNY XXXX XXXX *********************It is the end******************** This certificate shall be valid from XXXXX (YYYY/MM/DD) (Issuing Date) to XXXX (YYYY/MM/DD) (expiry date) Authorized Signature: XXXXX Agricultural Bank of China Limited Bank Business Seal of Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd. XXXXX Sub-branch (Seal) Note: Please read this certificate and the Statement on the back of the certificate.


附上帮一位学生写的催稿信,学生急于毕业,没办法就催稿。编辑回信说主编辞职了:)DearEditor, Iamverysorrytodisturbyou.IamaPh.Dcandidateof…,andIwillbegraduatedinMay,2012.However,Iam worryingaboutthatbecauseIneedanotheracceptedorpublishedpapersothatIcangetthequalification tobegraduated.Mymanuscript(ManuscriptNumber,MN:…)isstill"underreview".Couldyoupleaseim provethereviewprocessforme?Bytheway,Inoticedthatthereareexisting"aneditorialrestructuring"in thisjournal.Willthisimpactthereviewprocess?Thankyouverymuchforyourconsiderationandhelp.Loo kingforwardtohearingfromyousoon.BestRegards,Yourname 再附上一封撤稿信,投稿后审稿人提出修改,需要补充数据、理论等一堆内容,短时间不能修定,只好撤稿,撤稿也需要理由。 DearEditor, Thankyouverymuchforyourkindremindandhelps.However,wearesorrythatwehavetowithdrawthes ubmissionofourpaper(ManuscriptNumber,MN:…).Thereasonisthat,first,ifwerevisethepaperaccordi ngtothereviewers'commentspointbypoint,wewillpaymuchtimetomaketestsandthenplotthedataint herevisedpaper,second,wefeelthatwehavenotyetstudiedourworkcompletelyandhavesomedifficult iestoanswersomequestionsofthereviewers'commentsandaddtheiranswersorsolutionsintherevised paperquickly.Ofcourse,ourworkinthispaperiscomplexanddifficultbecauseitisrelatedwiththemagne tism,mechanics,electrostatics,electricsandsomecouplingsamongthem.Iamverysorrythatwehadto makethisdecisionandcontinueourinvestigationofthisworkfurther.Iappreciatethereviewersverymuc hfortheircarefulworkandhelpfulsuggestions.Thankyouagain. KindRegards, Yourname 最后附上作者修改稿件时,给编辑和审稿人的response,这个文件名最后命名为Responsestothereviewers’comments DearEditor, Thankyouverymuchforyourreplyandhelp.Thanksalot forthereviewers’commentsandtheirkindsugge stionsofourmanuscriptentitled“Titleofyourpaper”.Weprovidethiscoverlettertoexplain,pointbypoin t,thedetailsofourrevisionsinthemanuscriptandourresponsestothereviewers’commentsasfollows.In ordertomakethechangeseasilyviewableforyouandthereviewers,intherevisedpaper,wemarkedther evisionwithredcolor.Besides,wehavecarefullycheckedthroughthewholemanuscriptandcorrectedso megrammarmistakes.Wehopetherevisedpaperwouldsatisfyyouandthereviewers. Wearelookingforwardtohearingfromyousoon. KindRegards, Yourname RevisionlistaccordingtothecommentsfromReviewer1 (1)Comment1Reply: Thankyouforyourremind.Wecorrectthisintherevisedmanuscript.ThecorrespondingrevisionisonPag e10,Line1,andwepasteithereforyourcheck:…. (2)InthefirstparagraphReply: WecorrectthisintherevisedmanuscriptandthecorrespondingrevisionisonPage1,Line5(inthesection ofExperiments): ………………… RevisionlistaccordingtothecommentsfromReviewer2


英国留学申请工作证明英文模板 导读:本文英国留学申请工作证明英文模板,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 每年去英国留学的大军中,除了在校学生,还有一部分已经工作几年的“大龄”学生,而这些学生申请却是需要准备好工作证明,那该如何准备?也为各位整理了英国留学申请工作证明英文模板,一起来看看吧! 工作证明英文模板: Dear Sirs, Mr. / Ms. XXXX(申请人姓名)works in our company. He/She will be on travelling purposes visiting your country and some other Schengen countries from XX.XX.XXXX to XX.XX.XXXX (出国具体日期某年某月某日). All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself/herself/XXXX (出资方的公司名称或个人名字). He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after his/her visit to Schengen countries. Name Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Annual Income XXXX XXXXXX GXXXXXX XXXX XXXX Your kind approval of this application will be highly


英文文章催稿信 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

Dear Prof. Lin, Firstly, I must apologize to you for my impoliteness to disturb you. I submitted our latest work to your journal TETRAHEDRON last January. The manuscript entitled “Synthesis, optical characterization, and solvatochromism study of a new series of two-photon absorption compounds” (manuscript number is TET-D-16-00124). I want to know the review process. Would you please tell me the results so that i can deal with it as early as possible if there are some responses Please understand me that fast publication of our work is important for me. I would be grateful if you could let me know any further information about my manuscript at your earliest convenience. Kind thanks to you for your care. Looking forward to hearing from you. With best regards! Yours sincerely, Yan-Tao Zhou


在职、收入、准假证明 兹证明,女,出生日期年月日,护照号码,自年月至今在工作,现任职位为,月收入元。 现我单位批准于年月日至年月日期间赴。此次旅行的主要目的是。此次旅行的所有费用由承担。我公司保证其在期间会遵守当地法律法规,访问结束后按时回国并回原职位继续工作。 特此证明! 公司地址: 负责人签字: 负责人职务: 电话: 传真: 单位盖章 年月日

Work, Income and Leave Approval Certificate This is to certify that Mr. , D.O.B is , passport No. , has been worked at since . His/Her present position is with monthly salary RMB 20,000. Now we approve Mr. /Ms. to go to during dd-mm-yyyy and dd-mm-yyyy for tourism/business. The main purpose of this trip is . All the expenses during the trip will be borne by . Our company guarantees that he/she will obey the rules and regulations there and he/she will come back to China for work on time. Hereby certify! Address: Signature of the Principal: Position of the Principal: Tel: Fax: Seal of the Unit dd-mm-yyyy


Dear Editorial Office, My revisions entitled with “Calcium sulfate bone scaffolds with controllable porous structure by selective laser sintering”was submitted on Apr 09, 2015. It is about a month and we haven't got the comments from the reviewers. I'd like to ask if the peer review process is all right. Could you please check whether the statue is all right? Thank you very much for your assistances and considerful work. Kind regards, Shuping Peng Dear editor: I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted revisions. My manuscript, Calcium sulfate bone scaffolds with controllable porous structure by selective laser sintering(JOPO-D-15-00014R1), has been submitted to your journal on MAR. 25 2010. The status of " under review " for my manuscript has been lasting for approximately five monthes. I would be grateful if you could let me know any further information about my manuscript at your earliest convenience. With best regards! Yours sincerely (1)客气版 Dear Prof. Dr. Editor *** I submitted our latest work to your journal *** last November. I want to know the review process. If there are some reponses from the reviewers. Would you please tell me the results so that I can deal with it as early as possible? Please understand me that fast publication of our work is important for me. I appreciate your contribution to the publication of the high quality papers. Kind thanks to you for your care. Best Regards Yours sincerely (2)态度加强版 Dear Dr. Prof. *** I am sorry to make you in trouble. It takes too long for reviewing my manuscript (***) which was submitted to Journal "***". Generally, only about two months are necessary for the reviewing process on my usual submissions to other Journals. Hence, I decide to withdraw this submission. I am sorry to make this decision. Please understand my condition because the rapid publication of my work is important for me and our group. I hope that I have chance to get a rapid publication in this Journal in future. Thank you for your attention and kind help. Best Regards Yours sincerely 确认信 Dear **
