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一. 阅读:

( 1 )

The world’s population continues to grow. There now are about 4 billion of us on earth. That could reach 6 billion by the end of the century and 11 billion in a further 75 years. Experts have long been concerned about such a growth. Where will we find the food, water, jobs, houses, school and health care for all these people?

A major new study shows that the situation may be changing. A large and rapid drop in the world’s birth rate has taken place during the past 10 years. Families generally are smaller now than they were a few years ago. It is happening in both developing and industrial nations.

Researchers said they found a number of reasons for this. More men and women are waiting longer to get married and are using birth control devices and methods to prevent or delay pregnancy. More women are going to school or working at jobs away from home instead of having children. And more governments, especially in developing nations, now support family planning programs to reduce population grow.

China is one of the nations that have made great progress in reducing its population growth. China has already cut its rate of population growth by about half since 1970.

Each Chinese family is now urged to have no more than one child. And the hope is to reach a zero population growth with the total number of births equaling the total number of deaths by the year 2000.

Several nations in Europe already have fewer births than deaths. Experts said that these nations could face a serious shortage of workers in the future.

And the persons who are working could face much higher taxes to help support the growing number of retired people.

1. The world’s population could reach ____________.

A. 6 billion in 75 years

B. 11 billion in 2075

C. 11 billion by the end of this century

D. 600 million in 15 years

2. Which of the following is true?

A. The world’s birth rate is higher than ten years ago.

B. There has been a slower population growth in the past ten years.

C. Families are as large as before.

D. Birth control has been well practiced in all nations.

3. By the year 2000, the number of births and the number of deaths in China will _______.

A. be greatly different

B. drop a great deal

C. be equal

D. become much larger

4. According to the essay, China’s population control ________.

A. is not quite successful

B. should be considered a big success

C. is far from being successful

D. is a complete failure

5. It may happen in the future that the people who are working in Europe will have to pay much higher taxes because___________.

A. more and more children will be born

B. the number of retired people will become ever larger

C. fewer and fewer children will be born

D. they will be making a lot of money

二.语法与词汇:(请认真复习好第一册课本Unit 3课后Pick up Your Grammar


6. By the end of 2020 China __________ much stronger and richer.

A. will become

B. would become

C. is becoming

D. will have become

7. It _______________ years since I last saw you.

A. was

B. is

C. will be

D. has been

8. If you ________ quiet, I’ll tell you what happened.

A. be

B. are to be

C. are

D. will be

9. The room _____________ often cleaned by the worker.

A. has

B. will be

C. was

D. is

10. The railway ______________ in three years.

A. is complete

B. will completed

C. has completed

D. will be completed

三. 介词填空: (按课本第1-2单元课文内容填入适当的介词)

11. Successful language learners are learners _____ a purpose.

12. Successful language learners are independent learners. They do not

depend _____ the book or the teacher.

13. It is just like a 24-hour library, which enables us to search ____ the right

information we need by simply typing in some key words.

14. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate

____ these people and to learn from them.

15. ____ the other hand, if your language learning has been less than

successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.




1 B

2 D

3 C

4 B

5 B

6 D

7 C

8 C

9 C 10 D

11 with 12 on 13 for

14 with 15 on


专业 PAPER ONE PART I VOCABULARY ( 20 minutes, 10 points) Section A ( 0.5 point each) Directions: In this section there are ten sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1.Outbreaks of teenage violence here are confined to technical schools students fighting mindless. A.restricted B. confirmed C. relevant D. dedicated 2.Something clearly disturbs Thai youth and parents who need to do something before things get worse. A.boosts B. disrupts C. annoys D. stuns 3.They came from different backgrounds, but both resorted to the use of handguns to resolve their problems. A.objected to B. took to C. amounted to D. turned to 4.Children do not learn what it is to lose and will seek violence to restrain their disappointment. A.release B. check C. eliminate D. restore 5.Streep possesses a fragile, fleeting beauty that allows her to be as earthy and plain as she can be glamorous and radiant. A.fragmentary B. permanent C. delicate D. tender 6.Faced with such a dilemma, the top executives had to weigh one option against another. A. scale B. seek C. balance D. reject 7.Despite conflicts and disagreements, the fundamental sympathies and similarities between the two countries will continue. A. essential B. intense C. necessary D. difficult 8.The car broke down about five kilometers short of the destination, so they had to go on foot. A. lacking in B. except for C. up to D. away from 9.Kant revolutionized philosophy, questioned established authorities and placed reason and freedom at the center of his thinking. A. founded B.accepted C. overthrown D. s tereotyped 10. The freshmen will be introduced to some methods of coping w ith stress and depression. A. handling B. executing C. cooperation D. c onsuming Section B (0.5 point each) Directions: In this section there are ten sentences. Each sentence has something omitted. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best completes each sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line


题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 Not until the 1980's, when the company was taken over by Eisner, ________ an advantage in the hot competition. A、had it gained B、did it gain C、it gained D、gained it 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 ________extremely fashionable clothes and ________ by reporters, the famous actress picked up the microphone. A、Wear,surrounded B、Wearing,surrounded C、Wearing, surrounding D、Wear, surrounding 学员答案:b 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to _______ the investment plan in a week. A、work out B、put out C、point out D、set out 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ________ on benches, chairs or boxes. A、having seated B、seating


一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. –What time is it? –____________________. (A) My watch keeps good time (B) My watch is five minutes fast (C) My watch says three o’clock (D) I say three o’clock 正确答案:C 解答参考:[第三单元] 本题问句是“现在几点钟”,C项“我的表是三点钟”。A项“我的表走时准确”,B项“我的表快五分钟”,D项“我说是三点钟”都不符合习惯表达法。 2. –Could you tell me the time, please? –____________________. (A) Yes, I can (B) No, I can’t (C) It’s four thirty (D) It’s Friday 正确答案:C 解答参考:[第三单元]C 本题仍是问时间,回答应该直接告诉对方时间,故C项正确。 3. –What day is tomorrow? –Today is Tuesday. So it’s________. (A) Monday (B) Wednesday (C) Thursday (D) Saturday 正确答案:B 解答参考:[第三单元]B 本题问“明天是星期几”,回答“今天是星期二,所以明天是星期三”。 4. –When is your birthday? –____________________. (A) It’s April 18th (B) It’s Sunday (C) It’s August


关于做好2010级学术型硕士研究生毕业资格审查 和学位论文评审答辩工作的通知 各学院: 2010级学术型硕士研究生将于本学期毕业,相关教学管理工作要求如下: 一、毕业资格审核 1、成绩学分审核 毕业研究生的课程学习应取得不少于34个学分的最低学分要求。其中:学位必修课不得少于24个学分(75分为及格),选修课不少于10个学分(60分为及格)。 2、学位英语成绩审核 学术型硕士研究生必须通过校内学位英语考试,未通过者,不能申请学位。 3、发表论文情况审核 学术型硕士研究生在校期间必须公开发表与本专业相关的学术论文1篇(独撰、或第一作者、或导师为第一作者,学生为第二作者),未公开发表论文者不能申请学位。 4、补考安排 专业课程补考由各学院安排;公共课补考由研究生院安排,四月底之前完成,具体时间另行通知。 各学院对应届毕业研究生的课程学习成绩、学位英语考试成绩要进行认真审核;对学术型应届毕业研究生在读期间科研和发表论文情况要由专人负责核查发表论文原件,并登记汇总到《江西师范大学学术型硕士研究生在读期间发表论文情况登记表》(表格格式另行发送到各学院教学干事邮箱),登记表纸质稿由审核人签名、学院盖章于5月10日

前报研究生院培养办,电子稿报徐志红OA邮箱,培养办将根据各学院报表情况按一定比例抽查发表论文原件。发表论文最后认定截止时间为2012年6月30日(包括录用通知书发出时间)。如未发表论文、学位英语考试成绩不合格或课程学分不够的,要督促其抓紧时间按要求完成,否则不能授予学位。 二、论文撰写、印制、送审和答辩要求 1、论文撰写和印制 学位论文须按照《江西师范大学硕士学位论文写作要求》和《江西师范大学研究生学位论文规范(暂行)》(可到研究生院网站的“学位工作”栏下查看或下载),在导师的指导下写作和印制。 2、论文送审 为保证硕士学位论文质量,防止抄袭和剽窃等学术不端行为,各学院对送审论文必须自行做好论文检测工作,研究生院将按专业随机抽取10%的论文进行集中检测,检测超过标准的论文不能送审。 学术型研究生硕士学位论文全部实行一题两审的双盲审制。研究生院按专业随机抽取10%送往外校两所同类大学实行双盲审,其余90%由各学院自行组织双盲审。 双盲审要求: (1)送审论文的封面和论文中任何页面必须隐去作者姓名、导师姓名; (2)每篇学位论文必须由两位同行专家评审(指导教师不能担任评审人),两审中至少要有一名外校专家; (3)评审标准统一以《江西师范大学硕士学位论文专家评议意见表》的各项指标为准。


您本学期选择了“英语 2 说明:本次作业总分为60 分,您的得分为60 分 A 型题: 请从备选答案中选取一个最佳答案 1.He ___ his Marxist knowledge __ the events around him. [1 分] A.replied ?to B.applied ?to C.applied ?with D.replied ?with 2.She had returned, unknown to me, _ the previous afternoon. [1 分] A.by B.on C.at D.in 3.The news announcer gave a comment on the _ social problems. [1 分] A.conscious B.confused C.cautious D.current 分] 4.On hearing the order to search for a lost child, the policemen at once. [1 A.set out

B.set aside C.set down D.set back 5.After the revolution, the political of that country remained tense. [1 A.air B.weather C.atmosphere D.climate 6.I shall be __ pleased to come to your birthday party. [1 分] A.too B.only too C.only D.only just 7.This picture will to you some ideas of the beauty of the scenery. [1 A.pass B.hand C.give D.convey 8.It is said that several top officials in the bribery. [1 分] A.were joined B.were participated 分]分]




专业 PAPER ONE PART I VOCABULARY ( 20 minutes, 10 points) Section A ( 0.5 point each) Directions: In this section there are ten sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Outbreaks of teenage violence here are confined to technical schools students fighting mindless. A.restricted B. confirmed C. relevant D. dedicated 2. Something clearly disturbs Thai youth and parents who need to do something before things get worse. A. boosts B. disrupts C.annoys D. stuns 3. They came from different backgrounds, but both resorted to the use of handguns to resolve their problems. A. objected to B. took to C. amounted to D.turned to 4. Children do not learn what it is to lose and will seek violence to restrain their disappointment. A. release B.check C. eliminate D. restore 5. Streep possesses a fragile, fleeting beauty that allows her to be as earthy and plain as she can be glamorous and radiant. A. fragmentary B. permanent C. delicate D. tender 6. Faced with such a dilemma, the top executives had to weigh one option against another. A. scale B. seek C.balance D. reject 7. Despite conflicts and disagreements, the fundamental sympathies and similarities between the two countries will continue. A.essential B. intense C. necessary D. difficult 8. The car broke down about five kilometers short of the destination, so they had to go on foot. A. lacking in B. except for C. up to D.away from 9. Kant revolutionized philosophy, questioned established authorities and placed reason and freedom at the center of his thinking. A. founded B.accepted C. overthrown D. stereotyped 10. T he freshmen will be introduced to some methods of coping with stress and depression. A.handling B. executing C. cooperation D. consuming Section B (0.5 point each) Directions: In this section there are ten sentences. Each sentence has something


新大学英语(2)第三次网络作业 (三次网络作业的平均成绩占期末考试总评成绩30%,作业一经批改评分,将不能修改;此次作业完成后应交到“在线作业”一栏本次作业界面中;作业必须按最后一页答卷表格格式作答,并且不要以附件形式缴交) 一.阅读: I arrived in the United States on February 6,1966, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three o’clock in the afternoon. The weather was very cold and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind. From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyline(轮廓)of Manhattan (曼哈顿)for the first time and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers and their man-made beauty. My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then left me because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the next day. Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaurant near the hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldn’t speak a word of English, I couldn’t tell the waiter what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some gestures(手势), but the waiter didn’t understand me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights(霓虹灯), and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I continued to talk around the city. I wanted to see everything on my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wanted to try. When I returned to the hotel, I was exhausted(筋疲力尽), but I couldn’t sleep because I kept hearing the fire and police sirens(警笛声)during the night. I lay awake and thought about New York. It was a very big and interesting city with many tall buildings and big cars, and full of noise and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to speak English. 1. On the way to his hotel, the writer______. a. was silent all the time


《英语2》第3次作业 A型题: 1. The skin loses its ______ appearance as we grow older [1分] B.youthful 2. I ______ the rush hour traffic so much so that I often avoid it by coming to work late. C.dread 3. Many politicians find such laws difficult to _______. [1分]A.live with 4. How she managed to find that gold watch was really ______ me [1分]B.beyond 5. Industry cannot develop until more trained engineers are _______. [1分] D.available 6. Though he didn't feel very well, he_____ that he be present at the opening ceremony. [1分] A.insisted 7. Whenever I have to make a speech, I get butterflies in my _______. [1分] D. stomach 8. Why have you singled me out ______ criticism? [1分] B.for 9. I want to know more about the hotel, but where can I get the _____ [1分] https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0a7684648.html,rmation 10. He's stopped taking drugs now, but he may ______ them again [1分] B.revert to taking 11. Be careful to handle any difficulty you ______ in your practical work. [1分] D.encounter 12. You must accustom yourself to be more ______ when you are with people [1分] A.at your ease 13. Hypocrisy can't _____ his evil-doing. [1分]B.mask 14. It was a large diamond, but it had a ______ [1分]B.flaw 15. When the mistake was ______ to him he hastened to correct it [1分]A.pointed out 16. Those _____ close-fitting white caps are nurses. [1分] D.dressed in 17. His expenses do not _____ his income [1分]A.correspond to 18. _______ is constantly complaining. [1分] B.That wife of Mr. Brown's 19. It's no use _______ the past. [1分]C.dwelling on 20. The ease _______ which he started the engine was remarkable [1分]A.with 21. ______ he realized what she meant, he would be angry. [1分] B. Once 22. Nick had _____ the fuel gauge _____ and spread through his inexperience [1分] D.taken…apart 23. John's back home ______; he won't go away again. [1分]A.once and for all 24. The man was so ill, he was lucky to _____ his operator. [1分] https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0a7684648.html,e through 25. It is necessary that he _____ sent there at once [1分] D.should be 26. The great bulk of wealth has passed into the hands of ______ few [1分] B.relatively 27. The idea sounds good, but will it work ______? [1分] B.in practice 28. Taxi drivers are usually ______ with shortcuts [1分]B.familiar 29. The woman began to _______ because her son was late coming home [1分] C.worry 30. How long does it ______ to travel from Beijing to Shanghai? [1分]C.take 31. Most of the things he has suggested so far have ______ [1分] D.worked out


English Examination for Master Students Part one:Listening comprehension(15%) Section A:Compound Dictation (10points) In this part, you will hear a passage three times. Listen carefully and fill in the missing words. For the first time, listen carefully and try your best to understand. For the second time, write down what you hear on the tape. For the third time, check your answer. (10 points) Thank you. Chances are if you've surfed the web you've used the search engines Google and Yahoo. But, here is something you might not know. Behind every search is a fierce battle for advertising dollars and so far, Google is winning the war. More now from CNBC's Carl Quintanilla: It's become a research ritual, find something, anything you are interested in and google it. Enough of the habit for millions of web users that other Internet icons are now getting hurt. This week, Yahoo, one of the web's (1)________ poster children, said competition from Google is affecting its ability to make money. And experts like David Vise, co-author of a new book on Google, say the company is the (2)________ breakthrough in media since the printing (3)________. “It's very rare, that ur, we have a, something happen in our(4)________ and we know at that very moment that it’s history. You go anywhere in the world today and people are (5)________.” Google and Yahoo make money from those ads you see every time you do a search. The industry has estimated to hit 12 billion dollars by the year (6)________. But so far no other sites can catch Google or its high-flying stock, which approached 500 dollars a share recently, making celebrities out of the two Stanford University dropouts, who (7)________ Google just eight years ago. “We are on a quest to build a better search engine.” But some say the enthusiasm is overdone that Google is not invincible, noting its stock fell this week when other tech companies(8)_______ _______ _______. “It's gonna be interesting to see whether Google will blow the doors off. They were, as estimated, like it did last quarter, or whether it too is going to disappoint investors like (9)_______ _______ _______.” Both Google and Yahoo are now branching into other areas like cell phones, letting users conduct searches (10)________ ________________________. Which means the battle of the Internet titans is far from over, and being fought with every click you make. For Today, Carl Quintanilla, NBC News, New York. Section B:Note taking (5 points) In this part, you will hear a passage twice. After the first time, there will be a pause of 30 seconds. Please try your best to write down the main idea and 4 details of the passage. Then listen again and check your answer. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________


课程名称:英语Ⅱ(1) 作业标题:第三次记分作业 答题说明: 一、单选题 1、We have our house ________ every week by a cleaner. clean 2、— Nice weather, isn’t it --- _____. ’m not sure know it well , it is , it isn’t 3、It is very convenient ________ here. live 4、-- Hello, could I speak to Don please -- _____. are you ’s the problem you Jane ’s speaking 5、— What’s the problem, Harry --- _____. problem trouble at all

you for asking me about it can’t remember where I left my glasses 6、I don’t want you to make any trouble, _________, I urge you to solve the problem. the contrary as 7、— Which language do you speak at home -- _____. speak English very well can speak English and French is my mother tongue , most of the time 8、The bedroom needs __________. decorate 9、— Do you think the exam will be put off -- _____. good news exam is difficult likely was put off yesterday 10、— Let’s take a walk. -- _____. , let’s , thanks , please , thank you 11、He, as well as I, __________ a student.


成人高考常见问题答疑 近期收到不少网友和学员的来电来函,咨询一些关于成考招生的一些相关问题,为了让大家对成考招生有一个较全面和清晰的认识,我们做了一些整理,把大家常问到的一些问题汇总如下: 1、可不可以不参加你们的考前辅导,直接报考你们的合作院校? 收费也一样吗? 答:原则上是不可以的,首先,无论你是否参加辅导,总费用都是一样的,你现在所缴纳的考前辅导费,录取后是直接冲抵你第一学年的学费的,所以考前辅导相当于我们免费赠送给你的;其次,参加博大教育集团统一组织的考前辅导,由名师把关,复习更有针对性,能确保你的通过率;第三,集中学习还可以认识很多来自各行业、各岗位以及五湖四海的朋友,可以学到比书本以外更多的知识,即能开拓视野,又能拓展人脉,这是一举多得的美事;所以我们建议你参加考前辅导; 2、你们的合作院校有那些?各有那些专业呢? 答:中南大学、湖南大学、江西师范大学、广东石油化工学院、广西师范大学、桂林理工大学、湖南中医药大学、广西中医药大学等,这些学校的热门专业在我们的招生资料里都有,可根据你的个人情况来选取一门合适你自身需要的专业。

3、比如我不想报你们的合作院校,也不参加你们的考前辅导,可 以在你们那里报考吗?怎么收费? 答:可以报考的,但是首先来说,不报考我们的合作院校:1、通过率不保;2、学校录取名额不保。其次,不报考我们的合作院校,参不参加我们的考前辅导都要收取考前辅导费800元(本科1000元) 4、你们考前辅导是怎么上课的?要多长时间?考不上怎么办? 答:由我们聘请的具有多年成考辅导经验和命题经验的资深老师集中授课,一般需要1个半月左右的辅导周期,轮动式开班,早报早学也可以多学,我们去年600多成考学生的通过率达到了98%以上。退一万步来说,如您万一没达到录取分数线,我们也会跟考试院及院校沟通,可以降分录取的。 5、在考前辅导的学习中,假如中途没时间上,落下的课程老师可 以补上吗? 答:如果中途没时间,我们的老师会根据你的个人情况,收集相关的资料(包括讲课内容或光盘)给你,你可以汇总一些不懂的问题,到时由老师统一解答,不会影响你的通过率。而且我们学校还有网上学习平台,你如果平时没时间来参加面授,可以直接在家通过网络在线学习,非常方便。


您的本次作业分数为:100分 1.【Unit Three (2)】_________ was 1998 __________ I graduated from the university. A It; that B It; when C That; that D That; when 正确答案:A 2.【Unit Three (2)】Can you lend me the book _____________ the other day? A about which you talked B about that you talked C which you talked D that you talked 正确答案:A 3.【Unit Three (2)】I have two cats and I like ___________. A all of them B every one of them C them both D them each 正确答案:C 4.【Unit Three (2)】There are no tickets _________ for Friday's performance. A suitable B valuable C available

D comfortable 正确答案:C 5.【Unit Three (2)】He is always very careless about his ____________ appearance. A blind B confident C free D personal 正确答案:D 6.【Unit Three (2)】____________ is standing at the corner of the street. A A police B The police C Policemen D A policeman 正确答案:D 7.【Unit Three (2)】He ____________ his arm to protect his face from the blow. A put B rose C set D raised 正确答案:D 8.【Unit Three (2)】The news reporters hurried to the airport, only __________ the film stars had left. A told


第三次作业 一、交际英语 1.- How do you like this dress? - _________ A.I am fine, thank you. B.It's very pretty. C.I bought this dress at a sale. D.It's my sister's. 2.How can I get to the cinema? -- _________ A.It's very far. B.Yes, there is a cinema near here. C.It's well known. D.Go down this street and turn left. 3.What day is today? -- _________ A.It's March 6. B.It's a fine day today. C.It's March. D.It's Monday. 4.What do you think of this novel? -- _________ A.I've read it. B.It's well-written. C.It was written by my uncle. D.I bought it yesterday. 5.- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! - _______ This is not the end of the world. A.Good luck. B.Cheer up. C.Go ahead. D.No problem. 二、阅读理解 These days, more and more young people wish to be more beautiful, so they turn to plastic surgery(整形手术)for help. They spend thousands of Yuan on these painful surgeries to fix their nose, to change their eyelids(眼皮)or to take off weight from their stomachs.
