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1. Where would you like __________(do ) the shopping?

2. The girl ___________(call ) her mother now.

3. I _________ (buy ) a watch yesterday.

4. Where _________ you __________(put ) my shoes?

5. I ___________(put ) them under the bed.

6. We ____________(visit ) the Palace Museum next Sunday.

7. What __________it __________(mean ) in Chinese ?

8. She with her parents ____________(live ) in a flat on a busy street.

9. Please ask them ___________(not climb) the tree.

10. The teacher tells us ___________(not talk ) in class.

11. We are looking forward to ___________(meet ) you.

12. I can’t wait __________(open ) the present .

13. When did you finish ___________(read ) the story ?

14. When ________ you __________(arrive ) in Beijing ? Three days ago.

15. This is my ____________(sit) room .

16. We often have meals in the _____________(dinner) room .

17. Neil ______________( lie ) on the bunk beds now.

18. You must be _____________(friend ) to your neighbours.

19. Shanghai is one of the ___________(big) ______________(city ) in China.

20. She _________ (get) to Beijing the day before yesterday .

21. Every year ________________(thousand ) of people come to visit our town.

22. There are about nine _______________(million ) people in this city .

23.We're ____________ (interest) in physics.

24.The boss went to the office ___________ (quick).

25. Can he __________( sing) Beijing Opera? Yes, he can.

26. Look! The cats ______________(climb) the tree.

27. Uncle Jim is busy today. He ___________(not come ) to our party.

28. Peter _____________ ( live) two floors below Mary in that year.

29. The thief tried __________(run) away but the policemen __________(catch) them in the end.

30. Go to the bookshop in the shopping mall, and you ___________( find ) a lot of postcards there.


( ) 1. ______school is much larger than ______. Really?

A. Our, your

B. Our, yours

C. Ours, yours

D. We ,you

( ) 2. I don’t like the colour of the T-shirt. Would you show me _____one?

A. other

B. the other

C. another

D. others

( ) 3. Is the maths problem _______? Yes , I can work it out_______

A. easy, easily

B. easy, easy

C. easily, easy

D. easily, easily ( ) 4. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive____ Paris___ the morning of July 9.

A. at, in

B. in, on

C. in, in

D. at, on

( ) 5. He __________ here three years ago.

A. was lived

B. is living

C. lives

D. lived

( ) 6. Mum was ill. So I _____ at home.

A. have to stay

B. had to stay

C. have stay

D. has stay

( ) 7. Walk ______ the shop. You’ll find the café.

A. through

B. over

C. past

D. down

( ) 8. We stopped_______ , but heard nothing.

A. to listen

B. to listen to

C. listening

D. to listening to ( ) 9. Is there _______ in today’s paper?

A. new anything

B. new something

C. anything new

D. something new

( ) 10. My friends and I _______ to the beach last weekend.

A. go

B. went

C. going

D. to go

( ) 11. Tom, ______ Jack, ______ to school by bus every morning.

A. likes, go

B. likes ,goes

C. like, goes

D. like, go

( ) 12. The girl is afraid __________.

A. at fly

B. at flying

C. of fly

D. of flying

( ) 13. There ________ a class meeting this afternoon.

A. is going to have

B. is going to be

C. will have

D. is going to has

( )14. Some shops _______8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. in my hometown.

A. are open from

B. are open at

C. open from

D. open between

( )15. Ask the boy not to make any ______ . The baby is sleeping .

A. voice

B. sound

C. noise

D. singing



My father ________________________________________________.


_______ we ____________________________________________?

3.昨天晚上Lily 开着窗户睡觉了。

Lily _____________________________________________________.


__________ it _______________________________________every day?


Can you ______________________________________________, please?


Mr. Reece was a farmer. He and his wife grew a lot of things. They worked very hard. One day, Mr. Reece said to his wife, “let’s go to the city next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there, and then we’ll go to the cinema.”

His wife was very happy when she heard this, because she and her husband always ate a lot . She didn’t like cooking three times a day.

They went to the city by train the next Sunday. They walked about for an hour. When it was twelve o’clock, they wanted to have a meal. They looked at some restaurant s. One of them was a notice, “Lunch12:30 to 2:30 , 1.5 dollars.”

“Well, that’s good,” said Mr. Reece, “we can eat for two hours for 1.5 dollars here . That’s too cheap. This is the place for us.”

( ) 1. Mr. Reece usually worked in____________.

A. the fields

B. the city

C. the restaurant

D. the theatre

( ) 2. Mr. Reece and his wife went to the city_____________.

A. to have a good lunch

B. to see a film

C. to do some shopping

D. A and B, maybe C, too

( ) 3. When did Mr. And Mrs. Reece arrive in the city?

A. At about 11:00

B. At about 12:00

C. At about 12:30

D. At about 2:30

( ) 4. We can see that Mr. Reece ________________.

A. was poor

B. was rich

C. understood the notice

D. didn’t understand the notice

( ) 5.Why did Mr. Reece say that restaurant was the place for them?

Because ___________

A.that was the best restaurant

B.12:30 to 2:30 was the best time for lunch.

C.He thought they could eat a lot and it was cheap.

D.They were very tired and hungry.








第七条别让自己成为新文盲你以知识为载体,让一块黑板,一支粉笔成为你驰骋空间缰索。但这世界变化得比我们想象要快得多,因为你昨天也许才将WINDOW98橾练熟悉,可恼他人今天使用的却是WINDOW XP。经过一段安稳而平静的教书生活后,我们不仅对新知识会感到欠缺,而且对新知识还有一种习惯性的拒绝。在这个知识爆炸的时代,我们应是一个学习狂。

















初一英语寒假作业设计 李卓玉 寒假即将来临,学生在放松娱乐的同时,也不应该忘记对英语的学习。下面就李卓玉为学生们精心计划的寒假英语作业,希望学生们完成作业,巩固所学知识和技能的同时,让学生们度过一个有意义的假期! 为了更好地贯彻减负精神,真正实现轻负高质,优化作业设计是其中的重要内容,然而作业形式单一、枯燥、效率低下等问题一直困扰着我。在新形势和新理念下,我们的假期作业设计该如何优化呢? 传统作业被视为“课堂教学的延伸和补充”,作业内容日趋封闭僵化,仅局限于学科知识范围,远离学生实际生活和社会生活。 作业方法、手段、技术日趋单一,注重作业程式规范统,强调死记硬背和机械训练,既削弱教师的主导作用,又忽视了学生的主体地位,更忽视了学生非智力因素的培养。作业目的与内容越来越注重学生死记硬背、机械训练,注重重复与模仿,而学生的困惑、情感、态度、价值观、创造能力、实践能力则被冷落了。而新课程作业的价值观要求作业应是具有学生鲜明的价值追求、理想、愿望的活动,作业应当成为学生课外、校外的一种生活过程和生活方式,学生对待作业的态度也就应该成为一种生活态度,让学生在作业过程中体验幸福和快乐、苦恼和辛劳。这样作业已不再是强加给学生的负担,而是学生成长的一种自觉的生活需要、人生需要、学习需要。 因此,我经过几天的思索,设计了以下的作业。 尊敬的家长,亲爱的同学们: 经过一个学期紧张的学习生活,同学们终于迎来了盼望已久的寒假。在与家长、朋友欢度寒假新年之际,大家每天也要抽出至少两个小时的时间学习英语,巩固已学,汲取新知。为了使同学们明确自己的任务,下面从听、说、读、写四个方面给大家布置了一些任务。同学们要独立、认真完成,并请家长给与监督和检查。 巩固已学: 七年级人教版上册、和下册前两个单元所学语法:1 一般现在时;2 一般疑问句,特殊疑问句;3 情态动词,be动词,实义动词(助动词do/does);4 词类(名词、冠词、数词、代词);5句子种类(陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句)。 本学期听力:对全英授课有初步的感知与认识。 本学期口语:1.课堂Free Talk,及report等活动有效结合,进行口语训练。2.用英语思维,完整句子回答问题。3.多种阅读材料与教材相配套的阅读材料同步听力并用,并且增强实效性。 本学期写作:加大写作训练根据单词造句, opening sentence, concluding sentence、以及每单元写作训练大量应用注重思维过程。 请利用假期查缺补漏,巩固所学,勿忘汲取新知。 一:听/说


2019人教版五年级上册语文寒假作业答案 第二页 五、快乐阅读 1、跨、踮、钻、挤。写店里顾客很多,也写出了“我”读书的如饥似渴。 2、突出了“我”对书、对知识的渴求心理。 3、在上书店看漫画书时,体验过这种既快乐又惧怕的滋味。 六、心领神会 “读书好”:读书对自己有益;“好读书”:喜欢读书;“读好书”:读有益的书。 第三页 三、词语接龙 呕心沥血--血气方刚--刚柔相济--济困扶危 大显身手--手无寸铁--铁案如山--山清水秀 悲欢离合--合家幸福--福寿齐天--天下太平 天长日久--久别重逢--逢凶化吉--吉祥如意 四、句子乐园,按要求写句子 1、我们只有多读课外书,才能提升我们的语文水平。 放寒假后,我不但要去北京,还要去青岛。 2、我差不多把这个小图书馆所有的文艺书籍都借阅了。 这个小图书馆所有的文艺书籍差不多都被我借阅了。

3、你不会因为熟悉家中的一切就弃家而去。 4、吃饭是身体成长的需要,读书是精神成长的需要。一个人要成长,既要吃饭,也要读书。 第四页 五、活学活用 1、朋友;故地;书能带给我们温馨的感受。 2、(1)营养;书能充实我们的头脑。(2)阶梯;书能使我们进步。 (3)船;书能拓宽我们的眼界。 3、一位良师,能让我们积累知识,了解人生。 六、口语交际 张华,这几天老师让我们写读后感,我想再看看那本书。你看完了吗? 张华,我有个同学向我借那本书,你看完了吗? 水浒英雄榜 即时雨--宋江;母夜叉--孙二娘;拼命三郎--石秀; 浪里白条--张顺;神行太保--戴宗。 第五页 三、仿照下面画线句的句式补写句子。 老师的课堂;鱼的海洋;翅膀的鸟。 第六页 四、阅读感悟 1、刻、果然。


2019-2020学年度高一下学期五一假期作业一 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,满分60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的). 1.若角α是第二象限角,则 是( ) A. 第一象限角 B. 第二象限角 C. 第一或第三象限角 D. 第二或第四象限角 2.已知z 轴上一点N 到点A (1,0,3)与点B (-l ,1,-2)的距离相等,则点N 的坐标为( ) A. (0,0,12- ) B. (0,0,25-) C. (0,0,12) D. (0,0,2 5 ) 3.若2{|1}M y y x x R ,==-∈,22{|1,,}N x x y x R y R =+=∈∈,则M N ?=( ) A. ()1,1- B. []1,1- C. [ )1,1- D. ? 4.圆O 1:x 2+y 2-4x -6y +12=0与圆O 2:x 2+y 2-8x -6y +16=0的位置关系是 ( ) A. 内切 B. 外离 C. 内含 D. 相交 5.下列函数中,最小正周期是π且在区间(,)2 π π上是增函数的是( ) A. sin 2y x = B. sin y x = C. tan 2 x y = D. cos 2y x = 6.已知直线0(,,ax by c a b c ++=都是正数)与圆221x y +=相切,则以,,a b c 为三边长的三角形是( ) A. 锐角三角形 B. 直角三角形 C. 钝角三角形 D. 不存在 7.直线1:l y x a =+和2:l y x b =+将单位圆22:4C x y +=分成长度相等的四段弧,则22a b +=( ) A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 8.函数()()2 cos 22 x f x x x π= -+的部分图像可能是( ) A. B. C. D. 9.给出下列命题: ①正切函数图象对称中心是唯一的; ②若函数()f x 的图像关于直线2 x π= 对称,则这样的函数()f x 是不唯一的; ③若1x ,2x 是第一象限角,且12x x >,则12sin sin x x >;


第10周周末作业(高阶) Class ___________ Number ___________ Name_____________ Score ____________ 一、完型填空 John is ten years old and he is a very ___1___ boy. All of his classmates go to school ___2___ bus. Only Jack goes to school by car. Because he gets up too late, his father has to drive him to school every ___3___. At school, h e doesn’t like doing any work. And he doesn’t study hard and tries to do as little work as possible. His father and mother are both ___4___. They hope that their son can also work in the hospital when he grows up. One day, John says to his mother, “I want to___5___ a cleaner when I finish school.” “A cleaner?” his mother asks, and she is very surprised. “That’s not a very pleasant (令人愉快的) job. ___6___ do you want to become a cleaner?”“Because I can only have to ___7___ one day a week,” John answers.“Only one day a week?” his mother says. “But how do ___8___ know that?”“Well,” John answers,“I know that the cleaner come to our ___9___ to work on Thursday, because I only see ___10___ on that day. ( ) 1.A. clever B. lazy C. hard-working D. good ( ) 2. A. at B. in C. on D. by ( ) 3. A. second B. minute C. year D. day ( ) 4. A. workers B. drivers C. teachers D. doctors ( ) 5. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 6. A. Why B. How C. Where D. When ( ) 7. A. study B. play C. work D. sleep ( ) 8. A. you B. your C. I D. my ( ) 9. A. house B. school C. party D. city ( ) 10. A. he B. his C. him D. himself 二、阅读理解 A Susan has a big and happy family. Alan and Linda are her grandparents. They are old but very kind. They like reading at home, and sometimes they take a walk in a park. Susan's father Peter is a teacher. He teaches in a middle school. He likes playing sports, such as volleyball, basketball and tennis. He doesn't like taking a walk in the park. That isn't interesting, he thinks. Susan's mother Jasmine is a beautiful lady. She goes to work from Monday to Friday. She is a policewoman. Peter has a brother. His name is John. He and his wife live(生活)in the big family, too. They have a daughter called Joanna. She and Susan are in the same school. She has many school things. She puts them in the right places. So her room is always tidy. ( ) 1.How many people are mentioned(提到的)? A. 6. B.7. C. 8. D. We don't know. ( ) 2.Who doesn't like taking a walk in a park? A. Susan's grandparents. B. Susan's father. C. Susan's uncle. D. Susan. ( ) 3.Joanna is Susan's. A. aunt B. mother C. grandmother D. cousin ( ) 4.What does "right" mean here in Chinese? A.好的 B.合适的 C.漂亮的 D.整洁的 ( ) 5.Which is NOT true? A. Susan's grandparents like playing sports. B. Susan and Joanna go to the same school. C. Peter is Susan's father. D. Jasmine is a policewoman. B M rs. Andrews had a young cat, and it was the cat’s first winter. One evening it was outside when it began to snow heavily(下大雪). Mrs. Andrews looked everywhere (到处) and called its name, but she did not find it, so she called the police and said, “I lost a small black cat. Did anybody find one?” “No, Madam,” said the policeman. “But the cats are really very strong animals. They sometimes live for days in the snow, and when it melt (融化) or somebody finds them, they are all right.” Mrs. Andrews felt happier when sh e heard this. “And,” she said. “Our cat is very clever. She almost (几乎) …”


练习一 一、DCCBBDDCDB 二、 1、fifth 2、minutes 3、easily 4、friendly 5、shelves 6、 usual 7、brother’s 8、colourful 9、quietly 10、healthy 三、DFAEC 四、CBACBDDAAC 五、1、spend or 2、Shall we 3、different from 4、less than 5、too young to 六、DCBCA 七、1、Chen Hua wrote this invitation letter 2、The students of Class 3, Grade 7. 3、At Wang's Reatuarant on Nanjing Road 4、On Saturday,30th May. 5、Yes,there is. 6、It's in Wangfu Street 练习二 一、DCDBABCABB 二、1、knives 2、third 3、qucikly 4、driver 5、lives 6、 teeth 7、lovely 8、poisonous 9、western 10、loaves 三、EDBFA 四、BBCDAADCDA 五、1、There are in 2) goes by bike 3) How cold 4) for supper 5) How much cost 六、BBCAB 七、CADBBDACDC 练习三 一、ADCBCDBBDB 二、1) underground 2)outside 3)daytime 4)birthday 5)everybody 6)goldfish 7)footbridge 8)bookshelf 9)notebook 10)postcard 三、EACFB 四、BCDCADBCBD 五、1)another am free 2)Does belong to 3) when she was 4)is fond of 5) above ninth 六、BADAA 七、is cooking is writing writes tells had went were saw didn't want went was went saw felt wrote live is will go will see will be (提示:空隙较小的是在同一条 横线上的词语)


七年级英语五一假期作业 7B Unit1 一、句子翻译 1. 她想和她妈妈共用那个房间。 She ______ _______ _______ _______the room with his mother. 2. 放学以后我会让他打扫教室。 I’ll ______ _______ _______ ________ the classroom after school. 3. 我的邻居对我很友好。 Our _______ are very ______ _______us. 4. 我们学校有200名学生。 There _______ ______ ______students in our school. 5. 一周的第一天是星期日。 _______ _______ ______ _______ a week is Sunday. 6. 老师总是站在讲台前。 The teacher always ______ ______ ______ ______ the teacher’s desk. 7. 请让你妈妈给我回个电话。 Please ask your mother ______ ______ ______ ______. 8. 我想邀请我的朋友来吃饭。 I want to ______ my friends ______ have dinner. 9. 我想和朋友们分享我的生日蛋糕。 I’d like ______ ______ my birthday cake ______ my friends. 10. 小比尔每天都玩的很开心。 Little Bill ______ ______ every day. 二、语法精炼 Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. December is the t______ month of the year. 2. We have nineteen students here. The new comer is the t_______. 3. When is Lily’s birthday p______? 4. M_______ is the third month of the year. 5. The n_______ month of the year is September. Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Today we will learn the ___________ (twelve) lesson. 2. I sit in the _________ (two) row in the class. 3. It’s August ____________ (twenty-one) today. 4. We have ____________ (45) sheep on the farm. 5. I think the __________ (eight) lesson is difficult. 7B Unit2 一、句子翻译: 1.别像那样看着我。____________ 2.他爷爷病得很厉害。_______ 3.他妈妈得照顾他生病的爷爷。____ 4.他爷爷生病住院了。______ 5.你住在像那样的一个社区真幸运. 6.我的洗衣机出故障了. _____


2014年春五一节假期作业学号姓名 一、看读拼音,我能规范地写出相应的字词并抄写: y?u zhìwǔrǔyíhu?líng lìkuíwǔpái huái ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) jiǎo xìng jiān áo h?ng máo shēn qǐng mai lìmiǎo shì( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) yù bèi míng yùbō xuēshūjíkǒng bùxīng wàng ( ) ( ) ( ) ()()() guàng jiēbiān pào zhēng r?ng chúchuāng duàn liàn zhǎn xīn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) () chōu yēyǔzh?ng xīn cháng ( ) () 二、从括号内选一个正确的读音划“———” 优待(dài dāi)剥削(xiāo xuē)夹(jiā jiá)衣 转(zhuǎn zhuàn)椅被铺(bǔ pǔ)散(sǎn sàn)布 三、给带点的字选择正确的解释 1.顾: ①买货物或要求服务的②拜访③回头看,泛指看④照管,注意 顾名思义()奋不顾身()顾客盈门()三顾茅庐()2.素:①本色,白色②颜色单纯,不艳丽③本来的,质朴、不加修饰的④向来 素不相识()素质教育()银装素裹()衣着素净() 四、根据提示,在句子中填写恰当的成语 1、元宵节到了,北京的大街小巷到处()。(挂着灯笼,把街道装饰得五彩缤纷) 2、在自己家里,我们可以()。(按着自己的心思做事,想怎么做就怎么做) 3、中国上海世界博览会上的展品琳琅满目,令人()。(一时看不过来太多美好的东西) 4、广场上的音乐响起,四面八方的人()。(像蜂一样成群而飞,一起向前) 5、日本海啸发生时,黑色的海浪(),瞬间冲毁了一个个村庄。(形容来势很猛,到处都是) 6、当她穿着一身小丑的衣服站在同学们面前的时候,同学们()。(一起放声大笑起来)五、把下列的词语补充完整。 轻于()毛精兵()政不()不忙一()而入 死()其所千()一发满脸()肉重于()山 六.把下面词语中用错的字找出来,并在括号里改正。 南袁北辙()锱珠必较()流光益彩( )神机秒算()赞叹不己() 前府后仰()完璧归赵()赴荆请罪()螳螂捕婵()一言九顶() 七、字词 1.按查字典的要求填空 “幻”字,用音序查字法,应查字母(),用部首查字法应查部首(),除部首外()画,它的第四画是()。字典里的“幻”字解释有:(1)不真实的;(2)奇异地变化。“幻想”的“幻”应选第()项解释;“变幻莫测”的“幻”应选第()项解释。 2、在横线上填入恰当的叠词组成词语 ()善诱()计较()如生()之音 ()向荣()不断()俱到()无闻 3、补全词语 汹涌( )( ) 弄( )成( ) 好( )( )远抑()顿() 身( )其( ) ( )胜( )汰请( )自( ) ( )死( )伤 4、用"赞"字组成三个恰当的词,分别填入括号里。 (1)在升国旗仪式上,同学们高声朗诵( )祖国的诗篇。 (2)中队委员会建议星期日去春游,大家一致( )。 (3)老师和同学们都( )小丽的字写得好。 八、句子练习 1、这句最简单的话不正足以表达我这时的全部感情吗?(改成陈述句) 2、我们不能容忍这种大量浪费国家财产的现象。(改成反问句) 3、夏日,烟台的海水常常水平如镜,宛如一个恬静、温柔的少女。(照样子写句子)


七年级下册英语周末作业(七) 一.词汇 1 How many_____-(people) are there in your family? 12 How much milk _____(be) there in your cup? How much _____(be) these bages? 13 ______(not put) your keys here, you must look after your ___________.(thing). 14 Why not ______(put) them away? 15 There are two floors in the building, she lives on the_______(two) floor。 16 There _____(be) some children play football over there.。 17 I am glad ____-(make) friends with you。 18 Listen! Who __________(sing) over there? 19 My father is reading newspapers in the _____—(live) room。 20 Thank you for _______(teach) us English well。 二.单选题 ( )1 W hat ______ behind the door? There _____ two brooms。 A is /is B are /are C is / are D are//is ( ) 2 there is a bird ___- this tree ,but there are some apples ___—- that tree. A in /in B on /in C in /on D on /on ( ) 3 what is the boy doing? H e is______— his pet dog. A play with B plaing with C playing with D plays with ( ) 4 who_________ China ? T om _______-his parents in Ghina. A live in/ live in B lives in/ lives in C lives in/ lives with D lives with/ lives with ( )5 Don’t put your keys here. P lease______。 A put them away B put away it C put it away D put away them. ( )6 there ______ beautiful flowers. A is so much B are so many C are so much D is so many ( ) 7Tthess books are______, the woman is _____ mother。 A Tom's and lily’s/ Tom and Lily’s B Tom and lily’s/ Tom’s and Lily’s ( )8 they are ___-their school life. A talking about B talking with C talking to D talk about () 9 How much water is there?__________ A only a little B only a few C only little D only few ( )10 His _____ is large, and his______ are kind, they are all at _____—。 A home /house/ family B house/ family/ home C home/ family/ house D family/ home/house ( )11. There _____ a tall tree and some chairs at the back of this community。 A。 am B。 is C. are D。 be ()12.—What can you see _____ the left of the yard? —A small garden and some


七年级英语寒假训练(三) Class:_________ Name:_________ Marks:__________ 第一部分听力部分(略) 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分) ( )1.—____ is the cap? —Twenty yuan. A. How much B. How old C. How many D. How heavy ( )2.—Could you ask her ____, please? I have something to tell her. —OK. A. call me back B. to call me back C. call back me D. to call back me ( )3. —I don’t like the green coat. —____ the red one? A. What’s B. Where’s C. What about D. How ( )4. —I like these shoes. Can I ____? —Sure. A. try it on B. try them on C. try on it D. try on them ( )5.—Look! It’s 11:45 now. —Oh. I t’s time lunch. Let’s go. A. have B. has C. having D. to have ( )6.—Could you buy some bread your way ? —Sure. A. on; home B. on; to home C. in; home D. in; to home ( )7. —What time is it? —It’s ____. A. five to a quarter B. a quarter to five C. three quarters past four D. forty-five four ( )8.—Would you like to go to the zoo tomorrow? —Yes, . A. I would B. I like C. I would like D. I’d love to ( )9. —Do you want ____ with me? —Yes, I do. A. to do any shopping B. do any shopping C. to do some shopping D. do some shopping ( )10. I don’t have ____ apple juice, but I have ____ orange juice. A. any; some B. some; some C. any; any D. some; any ( )11.—May I speak to Jim, please? —Sorry, ____ now. A. I’m not Jim B. this is me C. this isn’t me D. he isn’t in ( )12.—____ —I want a pair of shoes for my son.


2016--2017学年第二学期五一假期作业(初二1---4班)一、基础(24分) 1.根据课文默写古诗文。(10分) (1)学而不思则罔,。(《论语》) (2),坐断东南战未休。(《南乡子·登京口北固亭有怀》)(3)辛弃疾《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》中表现作者理想追求的是: ,。 (4)《诸葛亮集》中有这样的话:“赏不可不平,罚不可不均。”这与《出师表》中“,。”两句意思一致。(2分) (5)默写范仲淹的《渔家傲·秋思》 ,。 ,千嶂里,。浊酒一杯家万里,燕然未勒归无计。羌管悠悠霜满地,人不寐,将军白发征夫泪。 2.根据拼音写出相应的词语。(4分) (1)读书费时过多易惰,文采zǎo shì()太盛则矫,全凭条文断事乃学究故态。 (2)万卡嘴角撇下来,拿脏手背揉揉眼睛,chōu yē()了一下。 (3)陶渊明主张读书要会意,而真正的会意又很不容易,所以只好说bù qiú shèn jiě()了。 (4)“正确答案只有一个”这种思维模式,在我们头脑中已不知不觉地gēn shēn dì gù()。 3.下列各项中加点的词语使用不恰当的一项是()(3分) A.一到冬天,大地更显得全无一点生机了:群山萧索 ..,百树凋零,不见鸟飞,不闻兽叫,乍看去,就像低垂的云幕前面,凝固着一幅死气沉沉的图画。 B.蕾妮惊叫了起来,她本来因激动而变得发红的面颊变得煞白 ..。

C.这个花瓶造型别致,图案新颖,真是美不胜收 ....。 D.老师告诉我们读书不能囫囵吞枣 ....,要读深读透。 4.下列对病句的修改不正确的一项是()(3分) A.如果美国政府不履行它在中美贸易协定、多种纤维品协定和纺织品协议中所应承担的义务,因此,任何人都难以预料中美两国之间的贸易是否会出现逆转。(“因此”改为“那么”) B.当山林中的老枫树伸开它依然绿着的手掌时,令我想起大慈大悲的千手观音。(句末加“来”) C.今年我省招收的自费大学生,是自恢复高考制度以来最多的一年。(去掉“一年”)D.如何管理、把握、认识网络舆论场,已成为全世界各国十分关注的问题。(“认识” 和“管理”调换位置) 5. 请仿照下面的例句再写一句话来形容你心中的唐诗。(4分) 例句:唐诗,是中国诗坛的珠穆朗玛峰,在小农社会里前无古人后无来者,是一个无法企及的高度。唐诗,是中国诗坛的长江、黄河,以广阔的流域面积灌溉着中华民族文化的国土。 仿写: 二. 阅读(19分)完成第6至18题。 (一)(10分) 出师表 诸葛亮


( )1. The boy ____ his mother to buy him a ball. A. has B. wants C. sells D. affords ( )2. —Do you like the pants? —Yes. ______. A. I’ll take it B. I like it C. I’ll take them D. I don’t like them ( )3. —______ do you want? —Some oranges. A. How B. What C. What color D. How much ( )4. The backpack is 25 yuan each. I buy two for ______ yuan. A. twenty B. thirty C. fifty D. sixty ( )5. The store sells sweaters ______ a very good price. We can buy one ______ 40 yuan. A. in; at B. on; for C. at; on D. at; for ( )6. I don’t want long pants. I need ____ pants. A. red B. black C. short D. big ( )7. The black socks ______ two dollars. A. have B. are C. need D. sound ( )8. —I know you have a new sweater. Can I have a look? —______. A. It’s thirty yuan B. It’s good C. Here you are D. Thank you ( )9. —Where do you ______ the backpack? —______ that store. It’s on sale. A. sell; From B. sell; To C. buy; For D. buy; From ( )10. —Come and see the blue sweaters. —I don’t like them. I like _____ red ones. A. this B. those C. they D. that ( )11. —How much ______ the broccoli? —______ two yuan. A. is; It’s B. are; They’re C. is; They’re D. are; It’s ( )12. —Come to the clothes store and see for ______. —OK. Thank ______. A. you; you B. you; yourself C. yourself; you D. yourself; your ( )13. —Your pants are beautiful. ______? —Thirty-one dollars. A. How much are they B. How many are they C. How are they D. Where are they ( )14. —Can I help you? —______. A. You’re welcome B. I’m sorry C. You are nice D. Yes, please.—What color is it? ()15.—It's ______red. It's ________red apple. A. a, an B. /, a C. /, an D. a, a,



1.常见标志 A 不准停车安全出口 肯德基小心路滑 B No parking No smoking No photos 不会 C No food No music 2.广告英语 1.I'm lovin'it(我就喜欢)——麦当劳 2.Obey your thirst. (服从你的渴望。)——雪碧 3.We lead Others copy. (我们领先,他人仿效。)——理光复印机 4.The taste is great. (味道好极了。)——雀巢咖啡 5.Let's make things better. (让我们做得更好。)——飞利浦电子 6.Good to the last drop. (滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。)——麦斯威尔咖啡 7.Feel the new space. (感受新境界。)——三星电子 8.Just do it. (只管去做。)——耐克运动鞋 9.Focus on life. (瞄准生活。)——奥林巴斯相

机 10. We're the dot. in. com. (我们就是网络。)——太阳微系统公司 广告英语的语言特点简单,明了一般都是几个字 3.动物与英语 pig dog cat 1.Love me,love my dog. .爱屋及乌 2.I wanted mother‘s present to be secret,but my sister let the cat out of the bag. .给妈妈的礼物我本想保密,但妹妹却露出了马脚 3.He was lake a cat in hot bricks before his driving test. 面临驾驶考试,他急得像热锅上的蚂蚁 4.The pian is a dead duck :there is no money. 计划泡汤了,因为没有钱 5.My new car gose like a bird.It runs fairly well. 我的新车行驶自如,它跑得非常好。 6.You can taik till the cows come home;you'll never make me clange my mind. 你就算说出大天来,也休想改变我的主意


七年级第十三次英语周末作业 时间:90分钟满分:120分 出卷人:刘德刚 一、词汇(20分) A. 中英互译(10分): 1. Take a shower ________ 6.弹吉他________ 2. Get up ________ 7. 下象棋________ 3. Go to school ________ 8. 弹钢琴________ 4. Eat breakfast ________ 9. 到家________ 5. Go to bed ________ 10.说一点汉语________ B. 填入合适的词(4分): 1. I want to join the swim club . Can you ___________ ? 2. I can play chess . I ___________ join the chess club . 3. I can sing . I can join the ____________ club . 4. I can speak Spanish . I can join the _______________ club. C.将拼写错误的单词的标号填入题前括号内(6分): ( )1. A. piano B. kid C. trumpt D. dance ( )2. A. rock B. act C. show D. bant ( )3. A. talent B. Sonday C. Japanese D. May ( )4.A. why B. because C. o’clock D. haur ( )5. A. after B. practice C. jaket D. get 二、单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. ____________ club ________ he want to join ? A. When, do B. Where, does C. What’s, do D. What, does ( ) 2. Can you _________ chess ? A. join B. take C. play D. do ( ) 3. Are you good __________ dancing ? A. at B. for C. of D. with ( ) 4. --- Can you play the guitar ? --- No, I can’t . A. good B. bad C. nice D. well ( )5.“Can you speak French?” “Yes, but only________.” A. a few B. a lot C. a little D. many ( )6.Maybe he can _________ in our school concert . A. be B. is C. are D. am ( ) 7. There is a book on the desk . _________ book is his . A. A B. An C. The D. \ ( ) 8. On the table _________ any boxes . A. I have B. there is C. there aren’t D. has ( ) 9. ---- Nice to see you , please sit down . ---- ___________ .
