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High resolution observations and mass modelling of the CLASS gravitational lens B1152+199

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0110099v 2 5 O c t 2001

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000(0000)Printed 1February 2008

(MN L A T E X style ?le v1.4)

High resolution observations and mass modelling of the

CLASS gravitational lens B1152+199

D.Rusin 1,M.Norbury 2,A.D.Biggs 2,D.R.Marlow 2,N.J.Jackson 2,I.W.A.Browne 2,P.N.Wilkinson 2,S.T.Myers 3


of Physics &Astronomy,University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,PA 19104-63962Jodrell Bank Observatory,University of Manchester,Maccles?eld,Cheshire,SK119DL

3National Radio Astronomy Observatory,P.O.Box 0,Socorro,NM,87801

1February 2008


We present a series of high resolution radio and optical observations of the CLASS gravitational lens system B1152+199obtained with the Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN),Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA)and Hubble Space Telescope (HST).Based on the milliarcsecond-scale substructure of the lensed radio components and precise optical astrometry for the lensing galaxy,we construct models for the system and place constraints on the galaxy mass pro?le.For a single galaxy model with surface mass density Σ(r )∝r ?β,we ?nd that 0.95≤β≤1.21at 2σcon?dence.Including a second de?ector to represent a possible satellite galaxy of the primary lens leads to slightly steeper mass pro?les.Key words:gravitational lensing –galaxies:structure


Multiple-image gravitational lens systems are potent tools for investigating a wide range of astrophysical and cosmolog-ical issues.One promising application of strong lensing is the determination of the Hubble parameter through the mea-surement of di?erential time delays (Refsdal 1964;Schechter et al.1997;Kundi′c et al.1997;Lovell et al.1998;Wisotzki et al.1998;Biggs et al.1999;Fassnacht et al.1999;Koop-mans et al.2000;Patnaik &Narasimha 2001).In addition,lenses can directly constrain the inner several kiloparsecs of galaxy mass distributions (e.g.,Kochanek 1991,1995;Rusin &Ma 2001;Cohn et al.2001;Mu?n oz,Kochanek &Keeton 2001).Much of the recent interest in ?nding arcsecond-scale gravitational lenses through systematic searches such as the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey (e.g.,Myers et al.1995,1999)and the southern survey of Winn et al.(2000)has been driven by these goals.

High resolution observations are the essential step in transforming lens systems from mere novelties into useful tools.For example,optical or near-infrared imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)is necessary to pinpoint the centre of the lensing galaxy,determine its shape and orientation,and search for nearby objects that may be per-turbing the potential.This is complemented by observations with high resolution radio arrays such as the Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN)and the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA),which o?er precision astrometry and search for milliarcsecond-scale substructure

in the lensed radio components.Taken together,these data

provide the raw material for developing models of the grav-itational potential,from which the structure of the lensing galaxy is investigated and time delays are predicted for use in Hubble constant determination.

B1152+199(Myers et al.1999)was identi?ed as a grav-itational lens candidate in the third phase of the CLASS survey observations.The source consists of two compact ra-dio components with a ?ux density ratio of ~3:1,separated by 1.′′56.Follow-up observations with the Very Large Ar-ray (VLA)demonstrated that the components have nearly identical two-point spectral indices between 8.4and 15GHz,as expected for images of a single lensed source.The lens-ing hypothesis was de?nitively con?rmed via follow-up spec-troscopy obtained with the Keck II telescope,which detected lines from a background quasar at z s =1.019and a fore-ground galaxy at z d =0.439.Imaging of the system with the Palomar 5-m telescope revealed a bright (m g =16.5,m i =16.6in Gunn magnitudes)stellar-like object at the ra-dio position.The lack of structure suggested that the fainter of the images may be attenuated by dust extinction in the lensing galaxy.Subsequent observations with the Nordic Op-tical Telescope (Toft,Hjorth &Burud 2000)detected a weak counterpart to the secondary lensed image.The large opti-cal ?ux ratio between the images (?60:1at V band)points to signi?cant di?erential extinction by the lensing galaxy,which was detected following the subtraction of scaled point-spread functions (PSFs).

This paper presents vastly improved radio and optical



2 D.Rusin et al.

observations of B1152+199,and constructs models for the lensing mass distribution based on the high resolution data. Section2analyses the radio properties of B1152+199,in-cluding expanded VLA radio spectra and deep observations with MERLIN and the VLBA.Section3presents optical imaging obtained with HST.In section4we investigate mod-

els for the system and constrain the lensing galaxy mass pro?le.Section5summarises our?ndings and outlines ad-ditional work.


B1152+199consists of two radio components with a?ux density ratio of~3:1and a separation of1.′′56(Myers et al. 1999).Each of the components is unresolved by the VLA.To investigate the spectral properties of the components over a wide range of frequencies,the system was observed at1.4, 5,8.4and15GHz using the VLA in A con?guration on 1999July15.The phase calibrator was J1150+242,and ob-servations of3C286were used to set the?ux density scale. The VLA data sets were calibrated in the Astronomical Im-age Processing System(AIPS)using the standard procedure and analysed in DIFMAP(Shepherd1997).In each case the visibility data were?tted to a pair of compact Gaussian com-ponents using several iterations of model-?tting and phase-only self-calibration,with a solution interval of0.5min.The component?ux densities are given in Table1,and the ra-dio spectra are plotted in Figure1.The spectra are nearly identical,as expected for lensed images of a single back-ground source.The overall spectral indices between1.4and 15GHz areα151.4=?0.07±0.01(A)andα151.4=?0.07±0.01 (B),respectively.The?atness of the radio spectra suggests that the source may exhibit su?cient variability to allow for the measurement of a di?erential time delay.However,trial monitoring observations using the VLA at8.4GHz have thus far failed to detect any signi?cant variability(<~2%)in the lensed components.

MERLIN5GHz observations of B1152+199were per-formed on1999January2for7hr and again on1999Jan-uary5for14hr.The?ux density scale was determined by 15min observations of3C286and the point source calibra-tor OQ208.Alternate observations of the target source(8 min)and a nearby phase reference source J1148+186(2min) were iterated.The combined data were calibrated in AIPS and imaged in DIFMAP by repeating a cycle of cleaning and phase-only self-calibration,starting with long solution intervals(40min)and gradually decreasing to a minimum interval of2min.Once the model had su?ciently converged, an amplitude self-calibration was performed using a solu-tion interval of30min.The?nal map has an rms noise of70μJy/beam and is shown in Figure2.The data were modelled by two compact Gaussian components with?ux densities of52.6±0.1mJy(A)and18.2±0.1mJy(B).No further emission was detected down to the3σlevel of the residual map.

VLBA5GHz observations of B1152+199were obtained on2001February27and March18.The observing time was three hours per epoch,which was divided among three widely spaced hour angles to maximise the uv coverage.The data were recorded in two IFs,each of which was split into 160.5-MHz channels giving a total bandwidth of16MHz.



Figure 1.B1152+199component radio spectra based on the VLA1.4,5,8.4and15GHz data of1999July




Figure2.MERLIN5GHz observation of B1152+199taken1999 January2and5.The lowest contour is3×the map rms noise of 70μJy/beam,and contour levels increase by factors of two.The restoring beam is72.5×63.7mas at+38.1?.The data have been naturally weighted.

Table1.B1152+199component?ux densities(in mJy)at1.4, 5,8.4and15GHz.Data for the1999July15VLA observation. Errors in the?ux densities are taken to be equal to the rms noise of the respective maps.

Comp S1.4S5S8.4S15



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M i l l i A R C S E C











-5-10-15M i l l i A R C S E C











Figure 3.VLBA 5GHz observation of B1152+199taken 2001February 27and March 18.The lowest contour is 3×the map rms noise of 75μJy/beam,and contour levels increase by factors of two.The beam is 3.6×1.9mas at ?1.8?.The data have been naturally weighted.Left:Component A.Right:Component B.

Table 2.B1152+199component substructure.Data from the VLBA 5GHz observation of 2001February 27and 2001March 18.Listed are the coordinates of each model component,its ?ux density and model-?tted position angle (for the Gaussian jets).Errors on the positions are ?0.1mas.All errors are the nominal 1σuncertainties estimated by the AIPS OMFIT https://www.sodocs.net/doc/038853603.html,p x 1x 2

S 5(mJy)

P A Gauss A core ≡0≡033.4±0.2A jet +0.′′0115+0.′′000617.1±0.1+87?±1?B core +0.′′9353?1.′′245411.9±0.1B jet





The data were digitized using two-bit sampling and both the Stokes L and R polarizations were recorded.The integration time per visibility was 2seconds.A ?ve minute scan of the bright source 4C39.25was included for fringe-?nding pur-poses.Alternate observations of the target source (3min)and the nearby phase reference source J1148+186(1.5min)were then iterated.

Data reduction was carried out in AIPS on the com-bined epochs.The data were ?rst ?agged and amplitude calibrated using recorded system temperatures and known telescope gain curves.Next the data were fringe-?tted,using 4C39.25to derive an initial delay correction.The phase cali-brator was then used to ?nd the residual rate,phase and de-lay solutions as a function of time.This was initially fringe-?tted assuming that it was a point source and later mapped and self-calibrated to produce a model that included the e?ects of resolved structure.The solutions so found were then applied to B1152+199.The data were mapped using the IMAGR task.As the correlation centre of the data was a position close (50mas)to component A,the data were not averaged in time or frequency so as to avoid any smear-ing in the ?nal images.Maps were made of two ?elds at the positions of the lensed radio components.Several iter-ations of mapping and phase-only self-calibration were per-formed until the CLEAN model converged.The data were then amplitude self-calibrated using a long solution interval

(80min).The resulting maps are displayed in Figure 3and

have an rms noise of 75μJy/beam.Each of the components is resolved into a compact core and extended jet structure.Finally,the data were model-?tted using the OMFIT task.For each image,two components were used to crudely de-scribe the observed structure:a delta function for the core and a Gaussian for the jet.The positions,?ux densities and orientations of these components are listed in Table 2.

Note the apparent peculiarity of the B1152+192ra-dio substructure.In component A the jet is quite straight.Speci?cally,the position angle of the Gaussian jet compo-nent (+87?)is nearly identical to that of an axis drawn between the centre of that component and the core.The jet in B,however,appears to be slightly bent.Here the position angle of the Gaussian jet (+143?)is signi?cantly larger than that of an axis passing through the centres of the core and jet model components (+134?).The bending of B could be produced by substructure in the lensing mass distribution (e.g.,Metcalf &Madau 2001).Deeper imaging at higher resolution will be essential for con?rming this discrepancy and evaluating possible solutions.


HST observations of B1152+199were obtained on 2000March 28with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2(WFPC2).The F555W (“V-band”)and F814W (“I-band”)?lters were used.For each ?lter,four dithered exposures of 500sec duration were obtained.A standard reduction was performed on the data sets using the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (IRAF).The resulting I-band image is dis-played in Figure 4.The V-band image detected all the same features but at a lower signal-to-noise,and is not shown.The lensing galaxy (G)and counterparts to the lensed quasar components (A &B)are clearly detected.In addition,a faint extended emission feature (X)is seen to the west of https://www.sodocs.net/doc/038853603.html,ponent X certainly cannot be an additional lensed


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Figure4.HST WFPC2I-band image obtained2000March28. The shading is logarithmic.Counterparts to the lensed quasar images(A&B),the lensing galaxy(G)and a possible satellite galaxy(X)are detected.The region displayed is3′′×3′′.

Table3.HST photometry and astrometry.Listed are the posi-tions of the components derived from the I-band image,and their integrated magnitudes m V and m I.The magnitude of X was cal-culated using only the central150×150mas.Errors are10mas on the positions and?0.3on the magnitudes.

Comp x1x2m V m I





image,as it has no radio counterpart.It may therefore be a satellite galaxy of the primary lens.In addition,evidence of a di?use arc is seen to the west of image B.This may be lensed extended emission from the quasar host galaxy.Its position would require that part of the host galaxy resides in the region enclosed by the tangential caustic curve,inside of which sources are lensed into four images.

Photometry and relative astrometry were performed on the HST data.The positions and magnitudes of the com-ponents are listed in Table 3.There were di?culties in subtracting PSFs because image A is probably saturated. Consequently,the errors in the magnitudes are quite large (?0.3).The relative optical and radio positions of A and B are consistent to within the HST error bars(?10mas).The position of G di?ers from the ground-based measurement of Toft,Hjorth&Burud(2000)by more than100mas,which demonstrates the importance of HST observations for inves-tigating lens systems.Finally,elliptical isophotes were?t to G.At a distance of225mas from the galaxy centre we?nd a surface brightness axial ratio of f=0.84±0.9and a po-sition angle of?63?±17?.Closer to the galaxy centre,the isophotes tend to have smaller axial ratios and somewhat more vertical orientations.


We now investigate simple models for the B1152+199lens-ing potential.The models were constrained using the posi-tions(x1,x2)of the two lensed core components from the VLBA data and the?ux density ratio.The consistency of the measured?ux density ratio among the various radio data sets strongly suggests that the value has been a?ected very little by variability and is therefore close to the true magni-?cation ratio.We thus set r=|S A/S B|=3.0and assumed an uncertainty of?r=0.15(5%)to account for possible e?ects from low-level variability or model-?tting errors.We set?x1=?x2=0.1mas,and the lens and source red-shifts to their measured values of0.439and1.019,respec-tively(Myers et al.1999).A?at?Λ=0.7cosmology with H0=100h km s?1Mpc?1was assumed for all calculations.

Because the lensing mass in B1152+199is dominated by a single galaxy,we modelled the system using a singular power-law ellipsoid(SPLE)mass distribution(e.g.,Barkana 1998),with scaled surface density






(x′i,2?x i,2)2



where primed quantities are model-predicted and unprimed quantities are observed.To reduce the number of free pa-rameters and ensure a constrained model,the position of the galaxy was?xed at(+0.′′544,?0.′′991)relative to A. With the pro?le slope also?xed,the model has?ve pa-rameters:the normalisation,axial ratio and position angle of the SPLE,and two coordinates for the unlensed source. The number of degrees of freedom(NDF)is zero,so the best-?tting model should be described byχ2=0,regardless of the assumed uncertainties.Monte Carlo simulations were performed to examine the stability of the models.Gaussian-distributed errors accounting for observational uncertainties were added simultaneously to the galaxy position(10mas in each coordinate)and?ux density ratio(5%).The models were optimised for each of10000trials.The uncertainties in the parameters were found from the ranges enclosing95% of the results.

The optimised model parameters and time delays for

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Figure 5.The critical curve (thick line)and caustics (thin lines)

of the isothermal (β=1)lens model.The ?lled circle marks the recovered source position.The open circles indicate the positions of the images.Dashed lines denote contours of constant time delay in increments of 9.0h ?1days outward from the global minimum at image A.

various values of βare listed in Table 4.The di?erential time delay for the isothermal (β=1)model is 35.9±2.0h ?1days in a ?at ?Λ=0.7cosmology.The delay varies linearly with the assumed pro?le slope,as predicted by Witt,Mao &Keeton (2001).Critical curves and caustics for the isothermal case are plotted in Figure 5.

The above models can be subjected to a pair of con-sistency checks.First,the mass distributions of ellipticals tend to be well-aligned with the light (Keeton,Kochanek &Falco 1998;Kochanek 2001),so it is useful to compare the position angles of the SPLEs with the surface brightness of the lensing galaxy.From Table 4we see that the model-predicted position angles are generally compatible with the HST value,but the agreement diminishes as the pro?le is made steeper.The discrepancies are,however,broadly con-sistent with the range found by Kochanek (2001).O?sets between the mass and light position angles are often due to external shear ?elds,but we lack a su?cient number of con-straints to unravel the distribution of internal and external shear in B1152+199at this time.

Second,we considered the relative orientations of the B1152+199radio components.An in?nitesimal vector d x A associated with image A is mapped to a vector d x B associ-ated with image B according to

d x B =A ?1B A A d

x A (3)

where A A,B =? y /? x are the magni?cation matrices (e.g.,Schneider,Ehlers &Falco 1992)at the image positions A and B,respectively,and y represents a vector in the source plane.We de?ne the position angles of the radio components using the axes passing through the centres of their respective core and jet subcomponents,as our experience indicates that

this will be the cleanest indicator of orientation.Given the values in Table 2,P A A =+87?±1?and P A B =+134?±2?.Using eq.(4)and the recovered magni?cation matrices,we projected a vector d x A with P A A =+87?to a vector d x B and calculated its position angle.The resulting values are listed in Table 4,with the uncertainties determined by the Monte Carlo.Note that steeper mass pro?les lead to larger position angles for component B.A mass pro?le with β?1.1provides the best ?t to the observed orientations.The popular isothermal model is still compatible with the VLBA data,but shallower mass pro?les fail to reproduce the substructure.

To better quantify constraints on the mass pro?le,we calculated a new ?t parameter

χ2=χ2img,pos +χ2img,f lx +χ2gal,pos +χ2

P A B ,


that includes contributions from the position angle of com-ponent B (χ2P A B )and the galaxy centre (χ2

gal,pos ),which was now allowed to vary in order to best reproduce the sub-structure.The galaxy position was constrained by the HST astrometry,with a ?t tolerance of 10mas on each coordi-nate.The model-predicted position angle of B was again computed by ?xing A at the observed value of +87?.A ?t tolerance of 2?was assumed for the orientation of B.The models have NDF =1.A plot of ?χ2as a function of βis presented in Figure 6.The value of ?χ2is dominated by the contribution from P A B .The data favour a lensing mass pro?le with 0.95≤β≤1.21at 2σcon?dence (?χ2≤4).The limits are changed only slightly when the rather arbi-trary error assigned to the ?ux density ratio is set to 1%or 10%.Finally,the absence of additional components in the 5GHz MERLIN map requires that any third lensed image have a ?ux density S C such that S A /S C ≥150(see also Rusin &Ma 2001),where S A is the ?ux density of image A,and a conservative detection limit of 5times the map rms noise level has been assumed.This condition is satis?ed for all SPLE mass models with β≥0.60.Therefore,the lack of a detectable third image leads to no improvement in the pro?le constraints in this particular system,but is consistent with the bounds derived using the observed images.

We also investigated the expected perturbation due to the possible satellite galaxy X.Relative velocity dispersions can be estimated from the galaxy luminosities L and Faber-Jackson (1976)relation σ∝L 1/4.Because q ∝σ2∝L 1/2,q G /q X ?3using the V-band data and q G /q X ?5using the I-band data.?We ?xed the position of X according to the HST astrometry and modelled it as a spherical de?ector with the same power-law slope as G.We ran trials with q G /q X =3,4and 5,and the results are listed in Table 5.The inclusion of X has a negligible e?ect on the position angle and axial ratio of G for each β,but the time delay is decreased by 15?25%relative to the single de?ector case.In addition,the predicted value of P A B is smaller for a given β,making steeper mass pro?les necessary to reproduce the data in the two de?ector model (Table 5).Fixing q G /q X =4,for example,implies that 1.04≤β≤1.26at 2σcon?dence.

?Note that these values assume spherical de?ectors.Modi?ca-tions would be required in the presence of ellipticity (e.g.,Keeton,

Kochanek &Seljak 1997).For this preliminary analysis,however,we ignore such issues.


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Table 4.Lens modelling results for power-law de?ectors with di?erent mass pro?les β.Listed are the axis ratio f ,galaxy position angle P A G (in degrees),predicted time delay ?t (in h ?1days),magni?cation matrix elements A A and A B at the image positions,and the predicted position angle (in degrees)of component B assuming that P A A =+87?.Uncertainties are determined from the range enclosing 95%of the Monte Carlo results.All values assume a ?at ?Λ=0.7cosmology,and were calculated using the ?t parameter de?ned in eq.(2).






f 0.787+0.024










P A G ?73.4+3.3







?t 28.3±1.6







A A,11+0.379+0.018






?0.026A A,12?0.273+0.011





A A,22+0.682+0.009








A B,11+0.247+0.054









A B,12?0.681+0.028










A B,22?0.356+0.097






















Figure 6.Constraints on the lensing galaxy mass pro?le.Plotted is ?χ2as a function of pro?le slope βfor the single de?ector model (solid line)and two de?ector (dashed line)model with q G /q X =4.The horizontal marker indicates the 2σcon?dence limit.The vertical marker denotes an additional upper bound for the two de?ector model from the absence of a third image.

For pro?les steeper than isothermal,a third,negative-parity image can be formed near X.This image becomes brighter as βis increased over the range of pro?le slopes investigated.The absence of the image tightens the upper bound on the pro?le for more massive secondary de?ectors:β≤1.13for q G /q X =3and β≤1.24for q G /q X =4.

Finally,note that if we had used a larger position an-gle for B,steeper mass pro?les would be required to ?t the data.Assuming that P A B =+143?,as derived from the orientation of the Gaussian model component in Table 2,the pro?le constraints become 1.14≤β≤1.34(2σ)for the single de?ector case and 1.2≤β≤1.4(2σ)for the two de-

Table 5.Lens modelling results for two de?ector mass models.

Listed are the ?xed normalisation ratio q G /q X ,the 2σcon?dence limit on the pro?le slope (βbound I)from the observed images,an additional upper bound from the absence of a detectable third image (βbound II),and the time delay for the isothermal (β=1)case in h ?1days.q G /q X

βbound I βbound II ?t 31.06≤β≤1.26β≤1.1327.741.04≤β≤1.26β≤1.2429.85




?ector case with q G /q X =3?5.The absence of a detectable third image is satis?ed for the same range of pro?le slopes given in Table 5.This rules out virtually all βfor q G /q X =3and 4.


We have presented high resolution observations of the grav-itational lens CLASS B1152+199obtained with MERLIN,the VLBA and HST.Such data are vital if lens systems are to ful?ll their potential for constraining galaxy mass distri-butions or determining the Hubble parameter.While pre-vious spectroscopic (Myers et al.1999)and ground-based optical (Toft,Hjorth &Burud 2000)observations were suf-?cient to con?rm B1152+199as a gravitational lens,they o?ered little detailed knowledge about the structure of the system.The motivation for this paper was therefore to pro-vide the high resolution data necessary for more advanced astrophysical and cosmological investigations of this lens.

VLA and MERLIN observations of B1152+199show two compact radio components separated by 1.′′56,with a ?ux density ratio of ~3:1.Both components have nearly identical ?at radio spectra between 1.4and 15GHz,as expected for lensed images of a single background source.VLBA 5GHz observations resolved each of the components into a compact core and extended jet.HST observations with the WFPC2camera detected optical counterparts to each of the quasar images.The ?ux density ratio is ?70:1at V band and ?20:1at I band,con?rming the strong ex-tinction of component B as it passes through the lens.In


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addition to clearly detecting the primary lensing mass(G), the images show a faint nearby emission(X)feature that may be a satellite galaxy.

We investigated mass models for B1152+199based on the new radio and optical data.The predicted time delay for an ellipsoidal mass distribution with an isothermal pro?le is 35.9±2.0h?1days,assuming a?at?Λ=0.7cosmology. The delay varies linearly with the assumed mass pro?le,as predicted by Witt,Mao&Keeton(2001).The inclusion of a second power-law de?ector to represent the possible satel-lite galaxy X decreases the time delay by15?25%.The relative orientations of the lensed radio components were shown to be powerful probes of the mass pro?le.Assuming a surface mass distributionΣ(r)∝r?β,the milliarcsecond-scale substructure requires that0.95≤β≤1.21(2σ)for a single galaxy model,and slightly steeper pro?les when X is included.The lower limit onβis particularly secure,as an alternate de?nition of the component orientations,based on the model-?tted position angles of the Gaussian jets,would lead to steeper mass pro?les.B1152+199is the simplest gravitational lens system in which both upper and lower bounds on the lensing mass pro?le have been derived.This system demonstrates the power of VLBI data for the inves-tigation of mass models.

Additional modelling insights are likely to be obtained from higher resolution VLBI observations of B1152+199. Note that the jet associated with image A appears to have a pair of hotspots(Figure3).If corresponding features can be resolved in component B,it may be possible to con-struct models based on the detailed substructure of the jets,similar to the analysis performed on QSO0957+561 (Barkana et al.1999).Such observations should also deter-mine whether the slight bend in the B jet suggested by the current VLBA5GHz data is real.Observations with the HST Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS)will also be undertaken in an attempt to detect and map emission from the quasar host galaxy.The informa-tion provided by lensed extended emission is a vital ingre-dient for properly reconstructing the mass distributions of lenses(Kochanek,Keeton&McLeod2001).Finally,future studies will focus on measuring the di?erential time delay. The system is currently being monitored at the VLA along with several other new CLASS gravitational lens systems. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

We thank the MERLIN,VLBA and HST sta?s for their assistance during our observing runs.We also thank the ref-eree,Alok Patnaik,for insightful comments that helped us improve our initial draft.The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Founda-tion operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities,Inc.MERLIN is operated as a National Facil-ity by the University of Manchester,on behalf of the UK Particle Physics&Astronomy Research Council.This re-search used observations with the Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute,which is operated by Associated Universities for Research in Astron-omy Inc.under NASA contract NAS5-26555.D.R.acknowl-edges funding from the Zaccheus Daniel Foundation.This work was supported in part by European Commission TMR Programme,Research Network Contract ERBFMRXCT96-0034(“CERES”).



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李阳:我热爱丢脸 我热爱丢脸 李阳和他的公司10年来只做一件事,仍然是10年前提出的——让3亿中国人讲一口流利的英语! 其实疯狂英语最初的动机,只是针对当时传统英语教学中聋哑英语的很多问题,反其道提出的将英语脱口“说”出的办法。其次,李阳本人是一个性格内向的人,小时候,他认为自己能够去买一瓶酱油,就是很大的成功了,因为他不敢和陌生人说话。所以至今他的父母跟同学都会感到纳闷:那是李阳吗?是什么力量使他突破自己最早禁锢的心?李阳说,他是通过喊英语喊出自信来的。为了克服自己的弱点,他找了一个同学跟他一起喊,这个人绝对认死理,一旦制定计划就一定要做到,他们两个相互鼓励坚持喊英语。一段时间后,他们到外语

角讲英语,得到了别人的夸奖,尝到甜头后他们又继续努力。就这样一步一步地,小小的成就感,渐渐地坚定了信念,获得更大的成就。 当问他进展如何时,他说当时提出3亿人觉得还是容易做到的,现在才发现,这是一个庞大的工作:“第一,中华民族是一个要面子的民族,不但自己要面子,而且要求别人要面子,自己不但不能练英语,别人也不能练,你要练他还会给你泼冷水。比如你在单位讲英语,别人会把你当作异类。在中国学习英语口语的环境非常恶劣,这是个巨大的障碍。第二,我们有三四亿人在为了考试而学习英语,每年为考试而出版的书有几十亿册,要砍掉多少林木,这太可怕了,更重要的是没有去用。语言的目的就是交流,为了交流,为了完成一个国际交流的任务,而我们却把语言当作一个游戏,喜欢出选择题,三个错误答案,一个正确答案,中国人四分之三的时间在复习错误答案,这是一个非常严肃的问题。就这样,中国人一张口就是错误的英语,因为他每天都在看错误的答案,正确的东西反而记不清楚了。”


关于张海迪的励志小故事 每一个名人的励志故事都是很值得我们去阅读的,一起来看看关于张海迪的励志小故事吧。下面是给大家整理的关于张海迪的励志小故事,供大家参阅! 关于张海迪的励志小故事:童年童年的张海迪,天真活泼,好奇心强。她爱唱歌、爱跳舞、活泼得就象林中的小鸟。她整天唱啊、跳啊,快活极了。不想,5 岁那年一场大病使张海迪失去了行动的自由。 该上学了,同龄的小朋友背起书包,高高兴兴地去上学。张海迪也哭着让妈妈找出户口本,拉着妈妈的手央求道: “妈妈,我也要上学去!我也要上学去!” 妈妈指了指张海迪的双腿,告诉她说: “玲玲(张海迪的乳名),你还不能下地,怎么去上学?” “不,我要去!我要去!我不要一个人在家里。” 张海迪哭着嚷道。 妈妈没有作声,眼泪直在眼圈里转,只是一个劲地用手抚摸着张海迪的头,任凭小海迪脸上的泪水成对成双地滚下来。 哭了一阵,张海迪又开始央求妈妈: “妈妈,你送我去吧,早晨你把我送去,中午再把我接回来。我一定好好学习,听老师的话。” 海迪的话深深刺痛着妈妈的心,多懂事的女儿啊,妈妈多希望她

能站起来,跟别人的孩子一样去读书。妈妈别说送、接,再苦再累也愿意。 可是,不能坐着怎么上课呀? 想到这里,妈妈再也抑制不住辛酸的泪,抱住海迪哭起来,懂事的小妹也在一旁哭,母女三人哭作一团。 半响,妈妈擦擦眼泪,安慰海迪说: “好玲玲,听妈妈的话,等你治好了病,妈妈就送你上学去。” 妹妹也在一旁说: “姐姐,我以后不出去玩了,在家陪你。” 妈妈和妹妹的泪水使张海迪清醒了:上学的热望,将永远成为泡影。这是多么残酷的事实啊!海迪幼小的心灵真的难以承受。 张海迪是一个自尊心很强的孩子,她暗暗下决心,不能上学,就在家里自学,别人会的,我也要会。这个性情倔强的小姑娘,她要以不同寻常的生活方式,走出自己的人生之路。 小海迪开始学识字了。她先根据识字卡片学习汉语拼音。会了拼音,不久她又学会了查字典。识字关她是“连蹦带跳”过来的。根据上、下文,她常常能“猜”出不认识的生字来。每当她“猜”到的字被别人证实是对的时,张海迪就对自己的学习方法更有信心了。谁知,这样的日子也没有维持多久,第三次的手术后,她只能一动不动地躺着,连脖子也不能扭,张海迪多么想看书啊!妈妈看出了海迪的心思,一边护理她,一边抽空给她念书听。 有一天,小海迪忽然对妈妈说:


一楼度娘并献给所有一直默默奋斗的人们。在此说明,由于工作原因做为手机党,我不能为大家整篇的去讲述我的历程,但我会一直连续的写下去。所以我希望进来的兄弟姐妹不要插楼,让我能完整去述叙我的故事。如真想留言,请大家留在回复里,我会一一为大家回复。在此先谢过。无意中进入励志吧已经有好长一段时间了,一直想写自己的故事,但总觉的不知从何说起,今天我终于鼓起勇气在这里写下自己的故事。希望与大家共勉..... 我生在一个很贫脊的小山沟里,小时候虽然贫穷但童年还是很幸福。姐姐比我大三岁,从小就待别疼我,从记事起好像我们姐弟俩从来没有打过架,村里人都说我们真是一对听话的孩子,这点我跟姐姐都很自豪。到现在我们俩都无话不谈。从小我就不太调皮,学习一直很好,尤其是数学。成绩一直在班上第二名和第三名上徘徊,因为第一名她妈是我们的语文老师加班主任。也许,如果一直这样我这辈子也就这样过了。上学,毕业,分配,娶个农村媳妇儿,生娃,上班,种地.....一辈子也就这样平平淡淡的过了。可是命运偏偏就跟我开了个玩笑,从那以后我的生活发生了彻底性的改变。 那一年初二,那天下午上着生物课。突然间发现邻居大哥在窗户外面给我挥手,示意让我出来。不知道为什么我有一种不详的预感,当我听到你妈不行了,你赶紧回去看看。那一刻我全身骨头都软了,耳朵嗡的一声。那天,我真不知道我是怎么走回家的,只觉得脚步很沉,两条腿好像贯了铅一样。回到家之后,母亲在炕上躺着。胳膊上吊着点滴,嘴唇发青。屋子里的人都乱成了一片,我不知道我该干什么我又能做点什么?我唯一能做的就是用我的小手抓紧母亲冰一样的手。我当时想的就是把母亲的手暖热,把她抓住别让她离开自己。可是.....三天后母亲还是离我而去,她自私的走了,走的无声无息,她甚至没有给我和姐姐留下一句嘱咐的话..... 母亲的离去,对我的打击很大,对这个家庭的打击也是毁灭性的。记的当时父亲一个月瘦了十多斤,后来听父亲说,他当时也想到了死,但是,看在我和姐姐无人照顾的份上,他活了下来。从此,我知道活着比死需要更大的勇气。从此,上课我总是走神。有时候想的什么连我自己都不知道。就这样成绩一次不如一次,中考那年考的一踏糊涂。考完试后我给父亲说我不想再读书,父亲没有责骂,他只是质问我你不读书,你以后干吗?只要你读书,我砸锅卖铁都要把你供出来。那年夏天,我基本上都是一个人待着。暑假过后我进入了补习班,曾经的前三名竟然也在这补习,因此,我开始把自已自我封闭,一天除了学习就是在那儿发呆。也许是因为底子好,也许是因为这一年的默默努力。第二年中考,我以全乡第一名的成绩进入了县一中。从此,我以为我会青云直上,向


李阳,疯狂英语地创始人,以自己不懈地追求和不断奋斗,演绎了精彩地人生传奇.他凭一口地道地美式英语被破格录取为英语新闻播音员和“ ”节目主持人,凭一口地道地美式英语让许多外国人认为他是美籍华人,而他却非英语科班出身,也从未出果国. 李阳并非生来就是英语天才,小时候,李阳只是一个普通地孩子,他害羞人、内向、不敢见陌生人、不敢接触电话、不敢去看电影,甚至做理疗时仪器漏电灼伤了脸也不敢出声…… .年李阳考进了大西北地兰州大学工程力学系.进大学后地李阳,生活没有出现亮色,第一学期期末考试中,李阳名列全年级倒数第一名,英语连续两个学期考试不及格. 大学第二个学期即将结束地时候,李阳已是门功课不及格,他觉得很丢脸,他告诉自己必须从灰色人生突围出来!他选择了英语为突破口,发誓要通过四个月后举行地英语四级考试. 这时地李阳,也像其他人一样,开始大量做题.很偶然地一次,李阳发现,在大声朗读时精神会变得特别集中,于是他就跑到校园空旷地地方大喊英语.十几天后,李阳到英语角,别人奇怪地说:“李阳,你地英语听上去好多了.”一言惊醒梦中人!李阳想,这样大喊英语也许式学英语地一种好方法. 为了防止自己斑秃而废,李阳约了他们班中学习最刻苦地同学每天中午去大喊英语,在兰州大学地烈士亭,李阳和他地同学顶着凛冽地大风,扯着嗓子大喊英语句子.他们从年冬一直喊到年春,四个月地时间里,李阳重复了十多本英文原版书,背熟了大量四级考题;每天,李阳地口袋里装满了抄着各种英语句子地纸条,一有空就掏出来念叨一番,从宿舍到教室,从教室到食堂,李阳地嘴总是不断地运动着.个月来,李阳地舌头不再僵硬,耳不再失灵,反应不再迟钝.在当年地英语四级考试中,李阳只用了分钟就答完试卷,并且成为全校第二名,一个考试总是不及格地李阳突然成为一个英语高手,这一消息轰动了兰州大学. 初尝成功地李阳,从此开始迈上奋发进取地人生道路,他发现,在大喊地时候,性格地弱点在大喊地过程中被击碎了,精力更加集中,记忆更加深刻,自信逐渐建立起来.他想,这种方法在他地身上已取得成功,那么何不把这套方法系统地总结,传授给其他还在苦苦挣扎学英语地同学呢?内向地李阳作出了一个惊人地决定--开讲座,他让自己地同学贴满海报说,有个教李阳地家伙,在学英语方面有些体会,希望与大家一起分享.演讲开始前地一两个小时,李阳还恐惧得想要放弃,在同学地掌声中,他跌堞撞撞地被推上了讲台,开始了他人生地第一次演讲.十年后回忆起来,李阳说:“当时我前言不搭后语,根本没有什么演讲技巧.但我地观点很特别,方法很有效,就掩盖了演讲技巧和经验不足.” 年月,李阳从兰州大学毕业,被分配到西安地西北电子设备研究所,从宿舍到办公室,有一段黄土飞扬地马路,李阳每天从这条马路经过,手里拿着卡片,嘴里念着英语,起初他是孤独地,人人都称他“疯子”,慢慢地他地身后有了个、个、个、……同时,李阳每天坚持跑到单位地九楼顶上喊英语,躺着喊,跪着喊,跳着喊,冬天喊在雪花飞舞中喊英语;夏天,光着膀子,穿着短裤,迎着日出大喊英语.就这样,坚持每天在太阳出来之前脱口而出个句子,喊了一年半之后,李阳地人生道理又一次走到了新地转折点. 年,李阳来到了广州,在多人地竞争中脱颖而出,考到了广东人民广播电台英文台,工作后他才发现入选地播音员中别人都是北外、广外地研究生,只有自己是非英语专业出身地本科生.很快,李阳又成为广州地区最受欢迎地英文广播员和中国翻译工作者协会最年轻地会员. 随后地几年,李阳得了个外号“万能翻译机”,曾创下过小时美金地口译记录和每分钟港元地广告配音员记录,超过香港同行,成为广州最贵地同声翻译. 想想全中国又三亿以上地人为“聋哑英语”而苦恼,为向更多地人推广自己地英语成功地经验,年,李阳毅然辞去了电台地工作,组建了“李阳·克立兹国际英语推广工作室”,开始了苦行僧般地“传道”生涯.十年来,他不断总结,不辞劳苦、跋山涉水,向全国余城市近万


李阳疯狂英语演讲稿 李阳,1969年出生,疯狂英语创始人,全球著名英语口语教育专家,英语成功学励志导师,中国教育慈善家,全国新青年十大新锐人物,全国五百多所中学的名誉校长和英语顾问,北京奥运会志愿者英语口语培训总教练。以下是小编整理了李阳疯狂英语演讲稿大全,供你参考。 李阳疯狂英语演讲稿全文如下: 中国人学习英语的现状 虽然中国有四亿五千万人曾经学过或正在学习英语,比美国人的人口还要多,但真正能用英语交流的人却寥寥无几。中国人辛勤耕耘英语十来年,付出了大量的时间,金钱,和精力,但结果还是聋哑英语,半吊子英语。 中国人有一个有趣的现象是学了十来年英语连打招呼都没有过关,一见面还是: how are you ,fine ,thank you ,and you, I’m fine too, thank you bye bye !!!如果外国人没有说and you 中国人就会给外国人挑毛病,你错了.我说你那个外国人同志啊,你怎么不说and you 啊,你不说and you 我就没有办法向下说啊,你只有说and you 我才能说I’m fine too!!为什么我们全国打招呼都是一样,因为我们使用是同一个教材,我们没有选择,要弱智大家一起弱智。讲到打招呼,中国人还是比日本人好一点,大家都听说过日本首相僧喜朗的故事吧,日本首相僧喜朗将要去美国访问,日本的英

语专家就教他,how are you , how are you , fine ,thank you, 但是僧喜郎还是没有记住,一见到克林顿,就脱口而出:who are you ?克林顿吃了一惊,心想日本人还挺有幽默感的,就说:我是西拉里的丈夫,僧喜郎就说:me too!! 日本人讲的英语是最难听的,thank you very much!都不会说。。。。。。 每年中国人有上百万大学毕业生 通过了国家的四级,六级考试,中国的大学生说:我这辈子英语算过关了,拿到了四级六级证书,他们到外资企业找工作,一进门,外国人问他的英语怎么样,他们就会说,我的英语很好,这是我的四级证书,这是我的六级证书,外国人就说,“不要让我看证书,你给我讲两句好不好,”我们的大学生就会说,不让我说英语,你给我两道最难的选择题吧,我做选择题很厉害,我保证能选对,我也最擅长用淘汰法A不对,B不知对不对C好象不对,D不对,一高兴就选择B,这叫自欺欺人.然后那个外国人就说,get out of here,你可以离开了,下一个.只会做选择题的人终将被社会所淘汰。另外做选择题最可怕是:一句话里有五个单词我不会读,有三个单词意思都不懂,但是我能选对,因为前面有个to,那是动词不定式的标志,后面一定要跟动词原形!!或者是前面是had better,后面一定跟动词原形,管它前面是什么。中国学生什么时候最激动,一听说是常考题的时候,是不是,好激动啊,老师,多给几个。我们想一想,用这样的体系培养出来的学生能应付21世纪残酷的商业竞争吗, NO!!!


The best way you can preidict your future is to create it. 你能预测未来的最佳方式就是去创造它!Instead of thinking about doing something, do something. 与其空想,不如马上行动! A brave heart is a powerful weapon. 一个勇敢的心是一件有力的武器。 Work on your weaknesses until they become your strong points. 在你的弱点上下功夫,直到他们成为你的优势。Focus on realizing your amazing potential. 全力以赴,实现潜能! The quality of our life depends on the way we live it. 我们生活的质量在于我们生活的方式。 Don't hate your life, it's the only one you get! 不要恨你的生活,因为这是你的唯一。 A positive attitude leads to success. 积极的态度带来成功! Don't lose sight of your dreams. 不要忘记自己的梦想! (2008-02-19 19:56:54) 转载 标签: 杂谈 领袖的十大素质 第一素质:优秀的人际关系; 第二素质:果断; 第三素质:战略家的眼光; 第四素质:坚强; 第五素质:敢于承担责任; 第六素质:最大承受压力的能力; 第七素质:优秀的学习能力;


李阳励志演讲稿 no. 1 关键词:feel今天你觉得怎么样? a: how are you feeling today?(今天你觉得怎么样?) b: i feel a lot better, thanks for asking.(我感觉好多了。谢谢你的关心。) 【发音秘诀】请注意,are, lot, better, thanks和ask都是典型的美国发音。它们的"发音外号"请查表。 no. 2 关键词:people 关键句:the chinese are a great people.中华民族是伟大的民族。 a: the chinese are a great people.(中华民族是伟大的民族。) b: i pletely agree with you. (我完全同意。)【发音秘诀】pletely是一个"五星级副词",读起来很过瘾。请夸张地反复练习"pletely"!和它对应的中文是"彻底,完全,十分"。下面给你两个纯正美国英语例句: 1) oh, my god! i pletely forgot!(噢,上帝!我彻底给忘记了!) 2) your progress in english is pletely amazing.(你在英语上的进步简直是太惊人了。)no. 3 关键词:give 关键句:she gives me a big headache.她让我头痛。 a: she gives me a big headache.(她让我头痛。) 第1 页共23 页

b: i know. it's really annoying.(我知道,真的很烦人。) 【发音秘诀】请你数一数,上面的对话中一共有多少了"短衣音"。 no. 4 关键词:little 关键句:i feel a little sick today.今天感觉有点不舒服。 a: what's wrong with you?你怎么啦? b: i feel a little sick today.今天感觉有点不舒服。 【发音秘诀】正是因为一个句子中有短元音、长元音和双元音,所以这个句子才会读起来悦耳动听。请反复练习"i feel a little sick today."! no. 5 关键词:expensive 关键句:everything is so expensive in japan.在日本什么东西都那么昂贵。 a: everything is so expensive in japan.(在日本什么东西都那么昂贵。) b: i can't even afford to go there for a week.(我甚至无法负担去那里一星期的费用。)李阳疯狂英语国际音标第二节:中元音no. 9 关键词:love 关键句:i love money.我喜欢钱。 a: i love money.(我喜欢钱。) b: everyone loves money.(每个人都喜欢钱。)


中长篇的哲理励志小故事 中长篇哲理励志小故事:不要相信“可以复制的成功”不知这算不算是福气,因为我从小就是看着励志故事长大的。 其中有一个故事是这样的: 著名书法家王羲之当年在绍兴兰亭这个地方“临池学书”,把池水都染成了黑色,于是成为震铄古今的一代宗师。一次,他儿子王献之问他写字的秘诀,他指着家里十八口大水缸说:“盖学字之秘诀,皆在这十八口缸里。你把这十八口缸里的水都写完,自然就知道了。”也不知是不是绍兴那个地方从不下雨,反正故事里说,王献之真的把十八口缸里的水都写完了,因而他也成了一代书法大家。 那时候我刚上小学,在南京市郑和公园里的少年宫学书法,没有大缸,不过正好公园里有一个大池塘。于是,我每次上完课都去公园,撅着屁股趴在池塘边上洗毛笔,过几天就用完一瓶墨汁,指望把池子染黑。直到有一天被公园管理人员制止,他从背后一把揪住我的领子:“小孩,不要命啦!以后到自来水龙头那儿洗去!”想到以后再也不能在池子里洗毛笔,当时我为长时间的努力即将前功尽弃而感到极为悲怆。不用说我书法自然也没有练成。 后来我大了一点,到了“厌死狗”的年纪,经常和院子

里的小孩发生肢体冲突,苦于是独子,常被别的小孩喊来大哥助拳而挨揍。遂发誓一定要练成一门神功。去少林寺学艺没有路费,要练铁砂掌在家里没找到适合的装沙的大铁锅。 不过有一本小人书给了我很大的启发。书中英雄少年自小是个孤儿,忍气吞声给打骂他的地主放牛。每天把一只小牛犊抱上山吃草,牛吃草的时候,他就拿山顶的一棵小树练脚,牛吃完草再抱下山。后来牛长到八百斤,他的力气也长到八百斤;小树渐渐地长成环抱大树,他的脚力也奇大无比,一身本领。 当时,让我苦恼的是,大学的家属院里,唯一的家养哺乳动物就是猫,我天天抱,估计也长不到八百斤。不过小树倒是找到了几棵,于是我选了一棵茶杯口粗的小树天天去踢几脚,可惜不到一年我就发现这棵小树和其他几棵相比,枝叶稀疏而且枯黄。最后神功计划也只有半途而废了。 还有一个德国大叔过去一直是我的偶像,我小时候读书,至少听到十个不同的人告诉我,他之所以能写出《资本论》这样不朽的作品,主要在于他总是长年累月坐在大英图书馆的某个固定座位上,以致脚下水门汀地板上都磨出了两个明显的脚印。 后来到西安上大学,在最豪情万丈而且相信自古英雄出少年的岁月里,我效法先贤,几乎天天去图书馆阅览室靠窗的位置读书、自习。


感人的励志故事演讲稿范文大全 现在的小学生演讲不屈于只是演讲那些童话故事了,演讲名人的故事是传播正能量的方式之一。下面是我带来的感人的励志故事演讲稿,希望大家喜欢。 感人的励志故事演讲稿篇一 尊敬的各位评委、老师,亲爱的同学们:大家晚上好! 今天我给大家演讲的题目是——感悟心灵的成长:青春与奋斗。 火山喷发过,熔岩才会定格为坚硬的岩石; 流星飞驰过,天空才会闪耀着美丽的弧线 ; 人生奋斗过,生命才会烙下坚实的脚印。 青春过于美好,于是我们尽情享乐,尽情挥霍。但生命也过于短暂,当我们 老去的时候,回头翻看着时光,我们将发现,年轻没有留下脚印。于是,一股失 落涌上心头,因为我们的生命之书缺少了完整的书页,我们无能为力,光阴的沉淀使我们不再年轻。朋友,难道我们不应该为自己年轻的书页留下些什么吗?哪怕只是浅浅的脚印 ? 事实上,我们可能尝试着为目标奋斗过。眼前的路,那样虚幻,那样黯淡。 我们奋力前行,去触摸周围一切能带给我们现实与光明的东西,结果被撞得头破血流,摔得粉身碎骨。因为吝惜青春,所以,我们有时候会停止奋斗的脚步。于是,刚刚踏出的脚印又被我们磨平。 今天,当我再一次站到镜子前,发现自己,额头上的道道又变多了,眼睛里 不再有儿童时代的那种纯真。我感到,我的青春已经逝去。脑海中又浮现那句话:“几乎没有人能感觉到青春正在逝去,而几乎所有人都能感觉到青春已经逝

去。” 也许,我们还不明白自己该干什么,也许,我们以为明天会更好,也许我们相信会出现奇迹。于是,我们选择无谓的等待。可是,我们的青春,却没有时间 等待那一天的到来,因为我们的青春只剩下今天。莎士比亚说过:“在时间的大钟上,只有两个字—现在。” 我们没有太多的时间可以等待。“不屑今天,等待明天,”的观望态度,会像一条肆无忌惮的蛀虫一样,吞噬我们的心灵,吞噬我们头脑中的时间紧迫感, 蛀空我们谋求上进的灵魂。最终留给我们一具空洞而毫无战斗力的躯壳。 生命的主流,应该是水不停歇的奋斗而不是等待。人活在这世上,只是一种形式,奋斗才是对它的注解,因为生命无法承受之轻,因为生命无法接受堕落, 因为生命无法容忍平庸。人生短暂,白驹过隙,拥有生命是一种最大的幸运,带 着奋斗上路,才会让生命闪耀光彩! 所以,还在犹豫徘徊的同学,请迈开你的脚步,往前走吧! 不用去管是否会成功。既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。放手去追求吧! 有句话说得好:“人的生命是在他停止追求的那一刻结束的。”不要吝惜自己的青春与生命,因为它的价值恰恰是在不断地为理想奋斗中体现出来的。 也许那些在落叶上写诗的心情会渐渐老去,也许成长要以孤独作为代价,逝去的日子无非给我们一个把握今天的启示。其实,又有谁能够对美好的日子- 完 整的人生下一个固定的概念呢?外部原因固然重要,但自身的拼搏才起决定作用。 更多的时候,我们必须由自己去擦拭旅途中心灵的尘埃,用自己的问候驱散跋涉 的疲顿。在人生旅途中,我们必须用奋斗去奠基自己的人生大厦,把握自己生命 的价值,演绎出自己人生的辉煌。奋斗应该在不甘寂寞中周而复始,只有这样,


俞敏洪的疯狂故事 俞敏洪,一个在中国当代教育史上值得大书特书的平民教育家,在20世纪90年代初期,着寒风,拎着浆糊桶,在北京海淀区的大街小巷到处张贴他的托福培训广告,让他没有想到的是,他的这把“魔刷”,竟然刷出了当代中国留学史上最激动人心的华章! 成千上万的中国学生,经过新东方的洗礼,走上了出国留学的成功之路。今天的新东方,已经成为了当代中国高级人才众望所归的起飞跑道和精神堡垒,在中国现代教育史上,突破了无数记录,创造了一系列的“新东方神话”。报刊称俞敏洪是“民间力量的一个符号”,“出国梦的制造者”,“他和他的新东方将中国人望而生畏的出国考试变成了福特式生产线”。 如今,北大、清华学生不认识自己校长的人大有人在,但只要想出国,没有不认识俞敏洪的。有人调侃,北大、清华是出国留学的预科学校,不管学生的实力如何,无一例外,都要到新东方走一趟,以增加保险系数;在北美任何一所著名的大学里,新东方学员至少占了中国留学生总数的一半以上。当俞敏洪走进北美的校园,走过来的中国学生,十有八九会带着惊喜和崇敬,像在中关村新东方课堂一样亲切地称他“俞老师”。 毫无疑问,俞敏洪是中国当代优秀知识分子的杰出代表,是名副其实的“留学教父”,新东方巨舰的舵主。他不仅创造了英语教学的奇迹,更创造了中国式管理的奇迹,带领他的新东方一步步走向更大的辉煌。 我们不禁要问:俞敏洪老师是怎样获得在中国教育舞台上跃马扬鞭、纵横驰骋的资格?他的灵魂深处的力量到底来自哪里,使得他在新东方巨舰的惊涛骇浪中,战胜了一次次的险情,获得一次次的洗礼呢? 一、质变 俞敏洪出身于江苏农村的一个平民家庭,1980年考入北大外语系,先当学生,然后教书, 经历了中国改革开放后托福、GRE考试的全过程。社会零资源的家庭背景,和骨子里渴望成 功的枭雄本性,成就了俞敏洪坚韧、刻苦、百折不挠的坚强品性。这一性格特征,在他学生时 代的三次学习的质变中,就能得到充分的印证: 第一次质变发生在两次高考落榜后 大年初一的早晨,睡不着的俞敏洪,坐在自己的床上,静静地想着自己的前途。不经意的 翻开了一本英语书,就读了起来,就这样,从早上开始读英语、背英语,直到天黑,一天共背 了6篇文章,从此找到了读英语的感觉,知道了什么是语感。这种感觉导致他下了重新复读的 决心。 高考补习班的费用是15元人民币,这对当时的俞敏洪来说,是一笔很大的费用。他狠了 狠心,把自己开拖拉机所赚的钱,交到了补习班上。 第二次质变发生在高考补习班里 补习班的英语老师,综合各年的高考题,总结出了300道考题,要求学生练习。俞敏洪用 最笨的方法,抛弃了一切杂事,一心一意,从早到晚,用了20多天的时间,把这300道考题,共800个句子背了个滚瓜烂熟,他的英文成绩从此一跃飞升,由倒数第一上升到正数第一。尤 其在介词的运用上,体会颇深。这一飞跃,导致他下了必须考上北大的雄心。 第三次质变发生在进入北大英文系以后 俞敏洪来自农村,口音的家乡味很浓,英文说不了,听力更是不行。老师说他:“你除了 俞敏洪三个字能听懂外,恐怕再什么也听不懂了!” 俞敏洪决心改变现状。他戴着耳机,在北大语音实验室废寝忘食地练习英文听力,但是两 个多月以后,不会说、听不懂的现状依然没有多少改变。这时,他想到了自己百试不爽的老办法,果断地摆脱了北大现行的教学模式的束缚而另辟蹊径。他从小书店里买了一套《新概念英


初中生励志故事演讲_励志故事演讲稿三分钟 在心情低沉的时候,灌一碗励志鸡汤,瞬间活力满满有没有,那么,分享给你身边的人,为他们作一次励志演讲吧。下面是小编为你整理的几篇初中生励志故事演讲稿,希望能帮到你哟。 初中生励志故事演讲稿篇一 各位老师,各位同学,大家好。今天,我很荣幸站在这个舞台,来表达我从开学到现在一些浅薄的看法,即使与和谐无关。 一位美国演说家说:两个小时的演讲不用准备,15分钟的演讲准备一星期,3分钟的演讲要几个星期。所以,请允许我看着自己写的一些文字,来带给你们一些思考,一些感悟。也请你们静静地听我讲完,不要打断我,谢谢。 有一个问题,我一直在思索:何为人生的意义?毕淑敏曾经说过,人生是没有任何意义的。或许听到这里的时候,你们会感到困惑,人生怎么会没有意义呢?而她的回答,令台下的学生记忆深刻:人生是没有任何意义的,但你要为之确立一个意义。细想开来,这比那些言不由衷的人生意义,更有思考的价值。回到现实当中来,我们作为学生,是否也在确立自己生命的意义呢? 或许你们会说,我们都是高考的残兵败将,来上学只不过是父命难为。那么,我将替这些人感到悲哀。他们把自己的权利交给父母,而不是自己驾驭内心。这些人,外表看上去还很饱满,但脑子却是空空的,没有思想,没有追求,在我看来无异于一具行尸走肉。我真的很难明白,为什么游戏会令这些人通宵达旦,为什么电视剧会令他们难于自拔?可能他们连目标、自制力都没有吧。美国剧作家鲍西考尔特说:当人们在谈论如何消磨时间的时候,时间正在消磨他们。这让我想起了一个故事:温水中的青蛙。最后的下场,想必大家清楚。我有时甚至想冲他们大骂:你们干脆回家去好了,来上学,不仅浪费你父母的血汗钱,更浪费你宝贵的游戏时间。与其在课堂上呼呼大睡,不如回到家里躺在棺材里睡觉,这样比较好。可是,我没有,我无法对他们残酷,只能在这短短的演讲中,发出我这个学期可能的唯一的呐喊。 李开复的第四封信大学四年应该这样度过的开篇写到:大学是人生中最关键的阶段。他认为,进入大学的人,都应该掌握七项学习:自修之道,基础知识,实践贯通,兴趣培养,


李阳疯狂英语励志演讲稿 第一部分中国人学习英语的现状 虽然中国有四亿五千万人曾经学过或正在学习英语,比美国人的人口还要多,但真正能用英语交流的人却寥寥无几。中国人辛勤耕耘英语十来年,付出了大量的时间,金钱,和精力,但结果还是聋哑英语,半吊子英语。 中国人有一个有趣的现象是学了十来年英语连打招呼都没有过关,一见面还是: how are you ,fine ,thank you ,and you, i’m fine too, thank you bye bye !!!如果外国人没有说and you 中国人就会给外国人挑毛病,你错了.我说你那个外国人同志啊,你怎么不说and you 啊,你不说and you 我就没有办法向下说啊,你只有说and you 我才能说i’m fine too!!为什么我们全国打招呼都是一样,因为我们使用是同一个教材,我们没有选择,要弱智大家一起弱智。讲到打招呼,中国人还是比日本人好一点,大家都听说过日本首相僧喜朗的故事吧,日本首相僧喜朗将要去美国访问,日本的英语专家就教他,how are you , how are you , fine ,thank you, 但是僧喜郎还是没有记住,一见到克林顿,就脱口而出:who are you ?克林顿吃了一惊,心想日本人还挺有幽默感的,就说:我是西拉里的丈夫,僧喜郎就说:me too!! 日本人讲的英语是最难听的,thank you very much!都

不会说。。。。。。 每年中国人有上百万大学毕业生 通过了国家的四级,六级考试,中国的大学生说:我这辈子英语算过关了,拿到了四级六级证书,他们到外资企业找工作,一进门,外国人问他的英语怎么样,他们就会说,我的英语很好,这是我的四级证书,这是我的六级证书,外国人就说,“不要让我看证书,你给我讲两句好不好,”我们的大学生就会说,不让我说英语,你给我两道最难的选择题吧,我做选择题很厉害,我保证能选对,我也最擅长用淘汰法a不对,b不知对不对c好象不对,d不对,一高兴就选择b,这叫自欺欺人.然后那个外国人就说,get out of here,你可以离开了,下一个.只会做选择题的人终将被社会所淘汰。另外做选择题最可怕是:一句话里有五个单词我不会读,有三个单词意思都不懂,但是我能选对,因为前面有个to,那是动词不定式的标志,后面一定要跟动词原形!!或者是前面是had better,后面一定跟动词原形,管它前面是什么。中国学生什么时候最激动,一听说是常考题的时候,是不是,好激动啊,老师,多给几个。我们想一想,用这样的体系培养出来的学生能应付21世纪残酷的商业竞争吗, no!!! 说过中国的大学生,那么我们再讲讲中国的小孩子。 现在小孩子很幸福.从四岁就开始学英语,辛苦学了五年,花了几千块钱还是不行,基本上就会讲两个单词


李阳疯狂英语 送给一定要征服英语的的人 “20个自我激励的句子” 20 Powerful Self-motivating Sentences 李阳老师为英语学习者准备的20个自我激励的句子。 1.I’m going to be a great person. (我将会成为一个伟大的人。) 2.I can make a difference in this world. (世界因我而不同。) 3.I believe in myself. I love myself. (我相信我自己。我爱我自己。) 4.I’m strong! I’m powerful! I’m healthy.(我强壮!我充满力量!我健康!) 5.I can do great things. (我可以做伟大的事情。) 6.I’m capable of achieving all my goals. (我能够达成我的所有目标。) 7.I can realize all my dreams. (我可以实现我的所有梦想。) 8.I have unlimited potential. (我有无限的潜力。) 9.I can conquer any difficulties and overcome any obstacles. (我可以客服所有困难和障碍。) 10.I can make the impossible possible. (我可以把不可能变成可能。) 11.I can change the future. (我可以改变未来。) 12.I can set the world on fire. (我可以获得巨大成功!) 13.I can help countless people. (我可以帮助无数的人。) 14.I can make a great contribution to society. (我可以为社会做出巨大的贡献。) 15.I will make China stronger. (我会让中国更强大。) 16.I will make Chinese people feel proud. (我会让中国人民感到骄傲。) 17.I will be a role model for others. (我将会成为别人的榜样。) 18.I will be someone to look up to. (我将会成为别人崇拜的人。) 19.I will improve myself constantly and inspire others naturally. (我将永远改进自己, 自己激发自己。) 20.I will live a fantastic and worthwhile life. (我将过灿烂的、有价值的生活。) (李阳疯狂英语“三最”记录为:30秒) (李阳疯狂英语“一口气”记录为:2口气)


“疯狂英语”创始人李阳的故事(下) 李阳:一路喊到2008 人们会不自觉的把他和俞敏洪做比较,因为某种类似:当年同样是自卑而失落的性格,同样是成绩平平甚至挂科连连,却最终均以最自信的姿态站到了语言培训的讲台,掀起了国人外语学习的风暴。 他也会总提到新东方,但是却因为"不同"。"新东方主张'从绝望中寻找希望',仍然是personal value,而我们的口号是'让3亿中国人说一口流利的英语',是national value。"他说连俞敏洪都会羡慕他,"因为同我打招呼的人比同他打招呼的人更多"。 这是个善于利用媒体的人,熟谙媒体的操作流程。还没开始采访,李阳便拿出《北京青年报》和《竞报》上的大篇报道递给我,说其中有的文字干脆就是他自己写的。看着报纸上"一路喊到2008"的字样,不由想起曾几何时跟着他在操场上张大嘴挥着臂魔鬼训练的样子,感慨时间过得快。而他自己,从1988年开始从事"喊"的事业,如今也已经走过了20年。 就在不久前,李阳疯狂英语的团队成功竞标成为2008年北京奥运会语言赞助商。语言赞助商是个前所未有的新事物,因为只有亚洲国家才可能存在语言问题。这让他兴奋不已,"终于可以用国家力量和国际力量来做我自己想做的事了。" 他的计划总是一个赶着一个。2008年奥运会之后,他筹划全力以赴做环保,带领小孩子们去捡垃圾袋,然后把装东西的塑料袋改用布袋。 想当商人的老师 李阳是个有争议的人。很多人不喜欢他,因为他太商业了。 但这个被很多人叫作"李老师"的人,却一点不讳言他的商人身份。不仅如此,对于中国的国民心态和现世的商业机会,他拿捏的分寸得当,以致于创办"李阳疯狂英语"至今20年来,他倡导的口号做的事情始终没有太大变化。在这个沧海桑田的20年,如此一以贯之的以一种思维做一件事的人,怕是屈指可数。"让3亿人说一口流利的英语,这样的口号永远不会过时。" 他说"疯狂英语"的构成是"50%的方法+50%的精神"。以"手势突破"为代表的"疯狂"方法,甚至成为一些国外语言教学界的研究课题;而公开演讲中的"励志"篇章--百折不挠、奋发向上,在他看来更是与奥运精神天然契合。"我们与奥运的结合完全不需要任何过渡。" 前段时间,他和萨马兰奇及其他奥委会成员在一起,发现这些老爷子当了一辈子志愿者,句句不离精神。但同时奥运本身又是最成功的商业。"没有任何一个东西像奥运这样商业,但又没有一个人说它商业,每个人都在门口等着送钱。"他们到洛桑总部去买东西,不能用master card,只能用visa。到了奥运期间,为了保证赞助伙伴的利益,每个举办城市都要


?Do your best this moment and you will be at the best place for your next moment and opportunity. 此时此刻全力以赴,你就会永远处于人生最佳的时刻 ?Sometimes unhappiness is not only the best form of therapy, it is also the only form possible for teenagers. A crash course in reality is the only way to change an adolescent's behavior. 有时候,痛苦不仅是最好的治疗手段,也是改造青少年唯一的手段。残酷的现实才能改变青少年的行为! ?Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而且学会在雨中跳舞 ?In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure!为了获得成功,你对成功的欲望要超过你对失败的恐惧 ?Good fortune favors the brave and courageous.好运总是宠爱那些勇敢的人。 ?Our responsibility is to make our teenagers miserable. If they are happy every day, you're doing something seriously wrong. They don't need any phone, mp3, vedio games, QQ to live.我们的责任就是让青少年悲惨。如果他们天天快乐,你一定做错了事情。他们不需要电话、游戏机、QQ也能生存。 ?Education is the most important key to success. 教育是通向成功最重要的钥匙 ?Listen, follow, and imitate! You can speak standard English! 听,跟读,并模仿! 你可以讲一口标准的英语! ?Instead of thinking about doing something,do something.与其空想,不如马上行动。?The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going. - 只要你明确了自己的方向,世界也会为你让路。 ?此时此刻,我在北海机场享受飞机晚点带来的读书时光。吃了一碗无比难吃的康师傅泡面,买了三本超级好书,准备在两小时之内看完。今天再次上演飞车行动,在高速公路上开到了180公里,赶到机场却发现飞机还没有从起始地起飞。不要抱怨,要马上采取行动,让自己人生的每一分钟都充满意义!开始读书了! ?控制情绪是一生需要操练的能力、修炼的品德!与您分享:寒山子问拾得:“世间有人谤我、欺我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我,如何处之呼?”拾得笑曰:“只要忍他、让他、避他、由他、耐他、敬他、不要理他,再过几年,你且看他”!感悟“心净、心静、心境”! ?今天三八妇女节,我再次创造工作纪录:一天之内到访三个省,五个城市,五场演讲;一趟飞机,四趟汽车,睡着了五次。收获:迟到三分钟仍破例登上了飞机,享受了免费头等舱。真是太疯狂了,我的团队太牛了,能把我利用到这个地步!Winners are simply people who are willing to work more than losers. ?李阳对俞敏洪说: 俞老师,您永远是我的榜样!是所有从事教育事业的人的榜样。我是李阳。 ?无论我多么辛苦,还有比我更辛苦的人!要付出不亚于任何人的努力!吃苦就是吃补!越苦就越补!今年我准备每天工作18个小时,每天演讲至少三场,每个月至少直接影响60万人!今年,我要在1000所大学建立李阳疯狂英语俱乐部!英语就是大喊出来的,事业就是苦干出来的!吃苦才是人间唯一正道!一起来吃苦! ?美国人是世界上最伟大的销售员!发布一款ipad2,连中央电视台都当成新闻联播!真够弱智的!为苹果公司叫好!太牛了!没有比这更伟大的营


李阳励志疯狂英语演讲稿 导语:学英语就得疯狂的学! 第一部分中国人学习英语的现状 虽然中国有四亿五千万人曾经学过或正在学习英语,比美国人的人口还要多,但真正能用英语交流的人却寥寥无几。中国人辛勤耕 耘英语十来年,付出了大量的时间,金钱,和精力,但结果还是聋 哑英语,半吊子英语。 中国人有一个有趣的现象是学了十来年英语连打招呼都没有过关,一见面还是:howareyou,fine, thankyou,andyou,I’mfinetoo,thankyoubyebye!!!如果外国人没有 说andyou中国人就会给外国人挑毛病,你错了.我说你那个外国人 同志啊,你怎么不说andyou啊,你不说andyou我就没有办法向下 说啊,你只有说andyou我才能说I’mfinetoo!!为什么我们全国打 招呼都是一样,因为我们使用是同一个教材,我们没有选择,要弱 智大家一起弱智。讲到打招呼,中国人还是比日本人好一点,大家 都听说过日本首相僧喜朗的故事吧,日本首相僧喜朗将要去美国访问,日本的英语专家就教他,howareyou,howareyou,fine,thankyou,但是僧喜郎还是没有记住,一见到克林顿,就脱口而出:whoareyou?克林顿吃了一惊,心想日本人还挺有幽默感的,就说:我是西拉里 的丈夫,僧喜郎就说:metoo!! 每年中国人有上百万大学毕业生通过了国家的四级,六级考试,中国的大学生说:我这辈子英语算过关了,拿到了四级六级证书, 他们到外资企业找工作,一进门,外国人问他的英语怎么样,他们 就会说,我的英语很好,这是我的四级证书,这是我的六级证书, 外国人就说,“不要让我看证书,你给我讲两句好不好,”我们的 大学生就会说,不让我说英语,你给我两道最难的选择题吧,我做 选择题很厉害,我保证能选对,我也最擅长用淘汰法A不对,B不 知对不对C好象不对,D不对,一高兴就选择B,这叫自欺欺人.然
