当前位置:搜档网 › 全地膜覆盖棉田咸水滴灌对土壤水盐分布的影响


龙源期刊网 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/089373476.html,




摘要:通过田间定位小区试验,以淡水滴灌为对照,设置不同矿化度咸水滴灌处理,研究全地膜覆盖条件下,咸水滴灌棉田土壤水分和盐分的动态变化和分布特征。结果表明,咸水滴灌减少了棉花对土壤水分的吸收,HCO3--Na+型咸水矿化度对棉花根系吸水的影响要大于Cl--Na+型咸水。土壤水分受到前期灌溉水量和灌溉水盐分的影响,这种影响在整个生育期都存在。各种灌溉处理都使得0~100 cm土体剖面的土壤EC值增加,土壤盐分随着灌溉水矿化度的增加而增加。从土壤盐分的积累来看,利用滴灌补灌一次6 g/L以下的咸水,通过种植前黄河水压盐和夏季降水淋洗,不会造成棉花根系分布层土壤盐分的明显积累。


中图分类号:S275.6 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1001-4942(2015)01-0055-04

Abstract A field experiment with locating plots was carried out to research the changing dynamics and distribution characteristics of soil water and salt in cotton fields via drip irrigation with saline water under full film mulching. Different salinities of irrigation water were set with fresh water as control. The results showed that drip irrigation with salt water reduced the soil water content absorbed by cotton. The effect of HCO3--Na+ type water on water uptake of cotton root was greater than that of Cl--Na+ type water. Soil water was affected by pre-irrigation water and its salinity, and the effects existed in the whole growth period. The EC values in 0~100 cm soil layers were increased by all the irrigation treatments. The soil salinity increased with the salinity of irrigation water. Drip irrigation one time with water whose salinity was less than 6 g/L would not cause obvious accumulation of soil salinity in cotton root distribution layer through irrigation with the Yellow River water before planting and leached by rainfall in summer.

Key words Cotton; Drip irrigation with saline water; Full film mulching; Dynamics of water and salt

随着社会经济的发展和人口的不断增加,淡水资源紧缺的形势越来越严峻。我国水资源总量约为2.8×1012 m3,人均占有量不足世界平均水平的1/4,到2030年前后将达到世界一般公认的1 700 m3警戒线[1]。微咸水和咸水资源的利用成为解决水资源问题的重要途径,而滴灌被认为是最适合利用微咸水和咸水的灌溉方式[2,3]。

