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The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness
The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness

The right to pursue happiness is promised to Americans by the US Constitution, but no one seems quite sure which way happiness ran. It may be we are issued a hunting license but offered no game. Jonathan Swift conceived of happiness as “the state of being well-deceived” or of being “a fool among idiots,” for Swift saw society as a land of false goals.

It is, of course, un-American to think in terms of false goals. We do, however, seem to be dedicated to the idea of buying our way to happiness. We shall all have made it to Heaven when we possess enough.

And at the same time the forces of American business are hugely dedicated to making US deliberately unhappy. Advertising is one of our major industries, and advertising exists not to satisfy desires but to create them—and to create them faster than anyone’s budget can satisfy them. For that matter, our whole economy is based on addicting US to greed. We are even told it is our patriotic duty to support the national economy by buying things.

Look at any of the magazines that cater to women. There advertising begins as art and slogans in the front pages and ends as pills and therapy in the back pages. The art at the front illustrates the dream of perfect beauty. This is the baby skin that must be hers. This, the perfumed breath she must breathe out. This, the sixteen-year-old figure she must display at forty, at fifty, at sixty, and forever. This is the harness into which Mother must strap herself in order to display that perfect figure. This is the cream that restores skin, these are the tablets that melt away fat around the thighs, and these are the pills of perpetual youth.

Obviously no reasonable person can be completely persuaded either by such art or by such pills and devices. Yet someone is obviously trying to buy this dream and spending billions every year in the attempt. Clearly the happiness-market is not running out of customers, but what is it they are trying to buy?

Actually, the essence of happiness is in the pursuit itself, in the pursuit of what is engaging and life-changing, which is to say, in the idea of becoming. A nation is not measured by what it possesses or wants to possess, but by what it wants to become.

大学英语作文:幸福 Happiness

【篇一】幸福 Happiness The definition of happiness varies from person to person. Most people believe that earning a lot of money and living the comfortable life are the symbol of great happiness. It is true that making great achievement is our target, so we work so hard to realize our goals. But as we grow up, we realize the different definitions of happiness. 幸福的定义因人而异,大多数人认为赚大钱,过舒适的生活就是幸福的象征。确实,取得伟大的成就是我们的目标,所以我们努力去实现我们的目标。但随着我们的长大,我们意识到关于幸福不一样的定义。 When I graduated from college, the job I chose was far away from home. I never thought about the distance between me and my parents. But in the first year of working, I met some difficult time in my career, just like other young people. At that moment, all I could do was to face the challenge by myself, because I didn’t want my parents to worry about me. Every time when I called home, my parents always comforted me by asking me to go home often. I realized the happiness for me was to have my parents stood by my side. 我大学毕业的时候我选择了离家很远的工作,我从来没有想过关于我和父母之间距离的。但工作的第一年,我的职业生涯就像其他年轻人一样遇到了一些困难。那一刻,我能做的就是独自面对挑战,因为我不想让父母为我担心。每次我打电话回家,父母总是安慰我,让我常回家。我意识到父母能够陪在我身边就是我的幸福。 As an ordinary girl, my definition of happiness is to company my parents as often as possible. Nothing can compare the time to stay with my families. 作为一个普通的女孩,我对幸福的定义是尽可能多地陪伴父母。没有什么能比和家人呆在一起的时间更宝贵了。 【篇二】国际合作节 International Day of Cooperatives Today, the world is globalized and more and more foreigners come to China to seek for business cooperation. Many years ago, a non-profit organization named the second Saturday of July as the International Day of Cooperatives. Its purpose is to call for more cooperations between countries. 当今世界是全球化的,越来越多的外国人来中国寻求商业合作。许多年前,一个非营利组织将7月的第二个星期六定为国际合作日。其目的是呼吁各国之间进行更多的合作。 With the development of Internet, the world gets smaller, because the communication between countries has increased. America is the superpower all the time, but during recent times, there are so many business cooperation between Chinese people and American people. It is known to all that China’s market is full of vitality, so there is no doubt that cooperation between countries will be the main trend. 随着互联网的发展,世界变得越来越小,因为国与国之间的交流增加了。美国一直是超级大国,但在最近,中国和美国之间进行了很多商业合作。众所周知,


happiness的英语演讲稿 篇一:HAPPINESS的英语演讲稿 the road to happiness good morning/afternoon distinguished judges and my fellow students. i am ..from..##. i am going to start my speech with a question. how can we harvest happiness? as for this question, most of you have thought about it incidentally or purposefully. while have you figured out the way? next, i will share my understanding of this question. for me, the road to happiness is the way to fight for my goals and desires. as a matter of fact, i have been on the road to happiness from the moment i was born. when i was 5, i racked my brains(绞尽脑汁) to get a barbie doll or a teddy bear. in order to get them, i was willing to attend the

piano class which actually was the last thing i wanted to do. however, on thinking of my little dolls, i forgot all the pains in the piano class. i deeply believed that i was realizing my happiness, and i was on the road to my happiness. when i was 10,i was fascinated by the title of no.1 which could bring me a huge sense of success. to be the no.1, i sacrificed my rest time to attend all kinds of training classes, and i saved my pocket money to afford reference books. these might sound painful for most 10 years old children. but as long as i achieved my goal, i thought i was on the road to happiness. when i was 15, i became an enthusiast of painting. i enjoyed the way to express myself by means of different colors.. with a strong desire to improve my painting

Feeling happiness幸福

Feeling Happiness What is happiness?Am I a happiness person?Why do I always feel unfortunate?Maybe everyone has asked a few questions just like these but they have different anwers. So to be happy or not to be happy,it’s a question worthing thinking. One would be happy if he or she makes a girlfriend or a boyfriend.Someone may feel very cheerful for getting good grades or social status.Of course,a number of people may be content with eating delicious food or traveling around the world.In a brief, different eyes have different understandings of happiness . Finding happiness is not difficult at all.But why do we always complain about our life? We take it for granted that life should be smooth and think that we should complain. No money, no status, no beautiful appearance or no lover, as long as we like ,we can find a lot of unhappy reasons to let ourselves suffer from all kinds of pains.Maybe sometimes we just need to change our angle and there will be a new field of vision.Every day,we can breathe the fresh air;see the colorful flowers and hear birds singing.Our parents and friends all deeply love us.Why do we feel unhappy? Most people would like to compare with others.When they are more healthy,more beautiful or more unsuccessful,they will feel very happy.But if not,they will feel upset.But we don’t need to compare with anybody.Happiness isn’t luxury.As long as we cherish every moment and everything we own.We can appreciate it.The more we feel from the bottom of heart,the more we will discovery. We can easily feel that happiness is all around us.

Happiness Is an Attitude幸福是一种态度

Happiness Is an Attitude 幸福是一种态度 Maybe you wouldn’t say yesterday was a happy day, because you had a misunderstanding with your friend. But were n’t there moments of happiness, moments of clear peace? Now that you think about it, wasn’t there a letter from an old friend, or a stranger who asked where you got such a great haircut? You remember having a bad day, yet those good moments occurred. 或许你会说,昨天是一个不愉快的日子,因为你与朋友之间产生了舞会。难道说那天就没有快乐和平和之时吗?现在想想看,昨天你是否收到了老朋友的来信?是否有陌生人问你:这么漂亮的发型是在哪儿里剪的?你只想着今天是倒霉的一天,却忽略了发生美好事情的某些瞬间。 Happiness is like a visitor, you can’t command her appearance; you can only appreciate her when she does show up. And you can’t force happiness to happen—but you can make sure you are aware of it when it does. 幸福像一位游客,你不能掌控他的出没。只能欣赏她出现时的倩影。你无力迫使幸福出现——而当幸福来临时,你一定会感觉得到。 Happiness is an attitude, not a condition. It’s cleaning the Venetian blinds while listening to an aria, or spending a pleasant hour organizing


Happiness If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence. – Aristotle . What is happiness? Happiness is widely considered as a feeling which make us feel pleasant or hate of sadness. What’s your definition of happiness? As we can see, happiness exists almost everywhere. However, happiness only applies to the differential people. Your happiness maybe sadness to others For instance, in team sports, especially ball games, champion only exist one .There must be one winner and one loser. Take the National Basketball Association or the NBA as an example, in 2014 final game between San Antonio Spurs and Miami heat, one person is the fan of San Antonio Spurs, through the fierce game, both teams tied 3-3.At the final game, San Antonio Spurs wined the final game and got the cup. The fan felt very happy and he thought it is the happiest thing in the world. On the other side, the fans of the Miami heat thought it as the saddest thing .Can you tell this kind of things is a happiness or sadness? Happiness can’t exist unless it is based on one thing. We can also talk about the background of the happiness after the basis of happiness. Take the war as one example, Nazi has done abundant things which amazed the whole world. This kind of devoid of humanity hurt the whole world and the Jew. However it’s happiness for Adolf Hitler, isn’t it? He destroyed the whole volk which he hated very often. This kind of examples maybe cruel, but it


教师英语演讲稿:Happiness 教师英语演讲稿:Happiness As we all know, happiness is something that everyone is chasing. But, what is happiness? Does happiness have a universal definition? I say no. But there must be something in life that makes you realize what it means. When you are hungry, you have something to eat. Don’t you feel happy? When you’re in sick, there is a short message full of care and love from your friend. Don’t you feel happy? When you have each tiny wish come true, don’t you feel happy?I always try my best to find out what is the true meaning of happiness. And I think I have got lots of it from my career. Today, standing here, I’d like to share with you a little piece of my happiness from my school life. “Dear queen, how do you feel? Do we massage well?” Lee said softly around me. Of course, the “queen” was me. One day, our P.E teacher was out for business trip. So it was my duty to be the leader in this P.E class. After guiding students to play games for a long time. Everyone was tired. Then, one student lay down. Then, another…in a minute, all of the students lay down on the playground. It was so enjoyable for me to see such a great situation, as in the classroom our lovely guys always sit properly to show their poritive attitudes. The sun was shining. The wind was blowing. Smelling the faint smell of flowers, I couldn’t help closing my eyes and lying on my back. Suddently, a tiny hand touched my arm. “Queen, you must be tired after a day’s work. Right? I’m your faithful maid. Let me serve for y ou.” Then, the other students came over to sit and serve around me. Head, neck, leg. Wow, that was really a great happiness to have such an experience. Dear friends, everyday we have a lot of work to do. Everyday we have a lot of things to complain. But, just like Xiao Shenyang saying, “The eyes close and open - a day is over. The eyes close but never open , all life has gone.” Time is limited. Why can’t we focus on our lovely students and keep a happy mind in the school life? Just like me. Lie down and enjoy the happiness from my kids.

On Happiness英语作文

On Happiness Happiness, I can't give you the exact definition of it, and maybe everyone used to have the different understanding. Nonetheless as a student I think happiness is a feeling, it relays on the person's position of mind, the most crucial is what do you think. People every day do the work is remarkable hard and not earn considerably money either, nevertheless he thinks it was his favorite thing to do, he feels extremely pleased and satisfied. At the party, people raised a glass to the new couple and wishing them a happy life forever, which is happiness also. What is happiness, happiness is to have a grateful heart, not only have a healthy body, but also have many friends whom can trust in, a felicity family and a hopeful tomorrow. The American president Abraham Lincoln has been said, most folks are about as happy as they make up their mindsets. In the end, you need to constantly remind yourself that you will discover that happiness is around you. My only suggestion is to cherish every moment, to cherish what belongs to you is the most important!


关于幸福的英语演讲稿 篇一:什么是幸福的英文演讲稿 幸福是什么? Hello everybody, today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of is happiness It is what everyone is longing for. Sometimes happiness would be rather simple. Winning a game is happiness; getting a high grade in the exam is happiness; even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also happiness. 大家好,今天我很高兴在这里与你分享我的想法的幸福。幸福是什么?这是每个人都渴望。幸福有时很简单。赢得一场比赛是幸福;考试得高分是幸福;甚至我现在站在这里演讲,也是幸福的。 However, as far as a person’s whole life is concerned, happiness becomes very complicated(复杂的). Is fortune(财富) success Is fame(名誉) happiness Is high social status happiness No, I don’t think so. Happiness in my mind is the attitude(态度) towards things. Nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who have much money, but the fact is they are not happy. My dictionary defines happy as "lucky" or

大学英语作文:幸福 Happiness

大学英语作文:幸福 Happiness 【篇一】幸福 Happiness The definition of happiness varies from person to person. Most people believe that earning a lot of money and living the comfortable life are the symbol of great happiness. It is true that making great achievement is our target, so we work so hard to realize our goals. But as we grow up, we realize the different definitions of happiness. 幸福的定义因人而异,绝大部分人认为赚大钱,过舒适的生活就是幸福的象征。确实,取得伟大的成就是我们的目标,所以我们努力去实现我们的目标。但随着我们的长大,我们意识到关于幸福不一样的定义。 When I graduated from college, the job I chose was far away from home. I never thought about the distance between me and my parents. But in the first year of working, I met some difficult time in my career, just like other young people. At that moment, all I could do was to face the challenge by myself, because I didn’t want my par ents to worry about me. Every time when I called home, my parents always comforted me by asking me to go home often. I realized the happiness for me was to have my parents stood by my side. 我大学毕业的时候我选择了离家很远的工作,我从来没有想过关于我和父母之间距离的。但工作的第一年,我的职业生涯就像其他年轻人一样遇到了一些困难。那一刻,我能做的就是独自面对挑战,因为我不想让父母为我担心。每次我打电话回家,父母总是安慰我,让我常回家。我意识到父母能够陪在我身边就是我的幸福。

on happiness 高级英语写作练习 关于幸福

On happiness Everyone have their own way to pursue the happiness they think,but also have a lot of people who have no idea of happiness while working busily everyday. “What is happiness?”.Everybody has his own different opinions for this question. Some people believed that happiness accompanied with the satisfaction in the well relationship just like Victor Hugo,the French novelist,said:“The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved”. There is only the pain which we can feel if we accompany day and night with the person we dislike. But Thomas Edison also said that achievement provides the only real pleasure in life. Well-being comes from intense self-identification and realizing one’s self-value in his view. Different from them,Abraham Lincoln have suggested that the most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.Based on this statement,we might conclude that the happiness is only a feeling which depend more on what you think than what the reality is. This just right consistent with the old Taoist wisdom that happiness consists in contentment to a certain extent. Although the adults have made a lot of discussion in this question,happiness for most of children sames just as simple as joy which is easy to obtain.

中学生英语作文:The Pursuit of Happiness 观《当幸福来敲门》有感

中学生英语作文:The Pursuit of Happiness 观《当幸福来敲门》有感 I have watched amovie, which named “The Pursuit of Happiness”. I have to admit that this is amovie excite people’s mind. 我看过一部电影,叫做《当幸福来敲门》。我得承认这是一部触动人们心灵的电影。 It is a real story. The film is about happiness. Chris was an ordinary salesperson. He wentout to sell his scanner every day. He was hard enough, but almost nobody thoughtthe scanner was useful for him or her. Nobody bought it. 这是一个真实的故事,一个关于幸福的电影。克里斯是一名普通的销售人员。他每天出去卖扫描仪。尽管他足够努力,但几乎没人认为扫描仪对他们有用。没有一个人买他的东西。 Chris had a wifeand a son. They need money to live. However, at that time, Chris could not givehis wife an ideal life. Therefore, his wife chose to leave him. This madeChris’s life worse. However, in the end, he still had his own insistence andefforts to get the success. I admire him very much.


(CNN)Happiness -- you know it when you see it, but it's hard to define. You might call it a sense of well-being, of optimism or of meaningfulness in life, although those could also be treated as separate entities. But whatever happiness is, we know that we want it, and that is just somehow good. We also know that we don't always have control over our happiness. Research suggests that genetics may play a big role in our normal level of subjective well-being, so some of us may start out at a disadvantage. On top of that, between unexpected tragedies and daily habitual stress, environmental factors can bring down mood and dry up our thirst for living. Being able to manage the emotional ups and downs is important for both body and mind, said Laura Kubzansky, professor of social and behavioral sciences at Harvard School of Public Health. "For physical health, it's not so much happiness per se, but this ability to regulate and have a sense of purpose and meaning," Kubzansky said. Why be happy? Many scientific studies, including some by Kubzansky, have found a connection between psychological and physical well-being. A 2012 review of more than 200 studies found a connection between positive psychological attributes, such as happiness, optimism and life satisfaction, and a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease. Kubzansky and other Harvard School of Public Health researchers published these findings in the journal Psychological Bulletin. It's not as simple as "you must be happy to prevent heart attacks," of course. If you have a good sense of well-being, it's easier to maintain good habits: Exercising, eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep, researchers said. People who have an optimistic mindset may be more likely to engage in healthy behaviors because they perceive them as helpful in achieving their goals, Kubzansky said. Lower blood pressure, normal body weight and healthier blood fat profiles were also associated with a better sense of well-being in this study. Why trying to make your kids happy can backfire For now these studies can only show associations; they do not provide hard evidence of cause and effect. But some researchers speculate that positive mental states do have a direct effect on the body, perhaps by reducing

关于幸福 About Happiness(初中英语作文)

关于幸福About Happiness 初中英语作文 The definition of happiness always causes the public’s attention. Some people believe that making a lot of money and earning great reputation are the standard to define success, while some people think that spending more time with their families deserves all the things and it is their bliss. In my opinion, the meaning of happiness varies according to different people, but there is one thing in common, which is their positive attitude to life. I am so lucky to born in a happy family, and my parents give me all their love. Though we are ordinary, I am so satisfy with my life now. I cherish the thing I have.幸福的定义总是能引起公众的注意。有些人认为赚大钱,拥有好名声就是定义成功的标准,而有些人则认为花更多的时间和家人在一起是值得的,这是他们的幸福。在我看来,幸福的意义因人而异,但有一个共同点,那就是他们对生活的积极态度。我很幸运出生在一个幸福的家庭,我的父母给了我他们所有的爱。虽然我们很普通,但我现在对我的生活很满意。我珍惜我所拥有的。 1
