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Error Concealment for Dual Frame Video Coding with Uneven Quality

Error Concealment for Dual Frame Video Coding with Uneven Quality
Error Concealment for Dual Frame Video Coding with Uneven Quality

Error Concealment for Dual Frame Video Coding

with Uneven Quality

Vijay Chellappa,Pamela C.Cosman and Geoffrey M.V oelker

University of California,San Diego,vchellap@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0c12469418.html,,pcosman@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0c12469418.html,


When losses occur in a transmission of compressed video,the decoder can attempt to conceal the loss by using spatial or temporal methods to estimate the missing mac-

roblocks.We consider a multi-frame error concealment approach which exploits the

uneven quality in the two reference frames to provide good concealment candidates.A

binary decision tree is used to decide among various error concealment choices.The

uneven quality of the reference frames provides an advantage for error concealment.


Video transmission over error-prone wireless channels requires some form of error han-dling mechanism.In standard video coders,errors caused by the communication channel can propagate across frames due to temporal prediction,which uses the previous reference frame for coding.There are many different types of error handling mechanisms,including forward error correction,retransmission,resynchronization codes,and error concealment. By error concealment(EC),we mean post-processing EC methods,those methods where the decoder,recognizing that an uncorrectable error has occurred,seeks to hide or mini-mize the glitch from the viewer so that a more visually pleasing rendition of the decoded video can be obtained.

In this paper,we propose a dual frame EC algorithm which chooses between a short-term(ST)reference frame(the previous frame)and a long-term(LT)reference frame(from the distant past).We use a binary decision tree algorithm called Classi?cation and Regres-sion Trees(CART)to make the concealment choice.This paper is organized as follows. Background on EC and on CART is provided in Section2.We describe our methodology and results in Sections3and4.We conclude in Section5.


In this section we describe previous work in error concealment,and provide background on CART decision trees and how they apply to the problem of EC.

2.1Prior work on error concealment

In this paper,we are concerned with the set of post-processing methods that can be em-ployed by the decoder.When errors strike the bitstream,we assume the decoder loses a slice up to the next resynchronization point.In the absence of block interleaving,this slice corresponds to missing a horizontal swath of macroblocks(MBs).The decoder’s post-processing methods seek to conceal this loss from the viewer.Many post-processing EC methods have been proposed(see[1]for a review article).They can be divided into three main approaches:frequency,spatial,and temporal.

In frequency concealment,DCT coef?cients of the missing blocks are estimated using either the corresponding DCT coef?cient of neighboring blocks,or using the neighbor’s DC values,or other neighborhood features.In spatial concealment,one interpolates directly in the spatial domain,using,for example,bilinear interpolation(if neighboring blocks on all4 sides are available)or one-dimensional linear interpolation(if only MBs above and below are available),or directional interpolation(to preserve edges).In temporal concealment, blocks from other frames are used for concealment,either by attempting to reconstruct the motion vector of the lost MB,or by searching for a block that has a good match to the sides and neighborhood of the missing block(see,for example,[2,3,4]).If the estimation of the motion vector(MV)is inaccurate,the block obtained will have distracting artifacts at the boundaries with its neighbors.The MV can be estimated using,for example,the average or median of the MVs from neighboring received MBs.Many video decoders today conceal errors using the simplest possible temporal concealment approach:using the co-located MB in the previous frame to conceal a lost MB in the current frame.

Hybrid algorithms combine more than one of the frequency,spatial,and temporal ap-proaches.For example,in temporal concealment,the referenced block can be further im-proved by spatial smoothing at its edges to make it conform to the neighbors,at the expense of additional complexity.Often,EC involves using a single?xed method for reconstructing any MB which is lost.However,a few adaptive EC methods have been proposed.In[5], the coding mode and block loss patterns are clustered into four groups,and the weighting between the spatial and temporal smoothness constraints depends on the group.A further level of adaptivity appears in[6]and[7].In[8],a CART decision tree is used to decide upon a particular EC approach among several EC algorithms.

Multiple-reference frame concealment:Multiple-reference frame coding has been in-cluded in the new H.264standard.A small number of papers have studied how multiple reference frames might be used to improve EC.In[9],two reference frames are examined for candidate concealment blocks.Either boundary matching conditions are used to se-lect one concealment block,or else candidate concealment blocks from different reference frames are averaged together to produce the?nal concealment block(called a multihy-pothesis block).In[10],candidate concealment blocks from different reference frames are adaptively weighted to minimize a boundary match criterion,or one candidate concealment block is held constant while another one varies until a cost converges.In[11],a lost block is?rst classi?ed into foreground or background based on neighboring pixels.If it is in the background,then temporal replacement with the co-located block in the previous frame is used.If it is in the foreground,then candidate concealment blocks in each of the multiple reference frames are found and either selected or averaged.

2.2Classi?cation and Regression Trees

The CART algorithm for designing classi?cation and regression trees[12]is applied to

error concealment as follows.Let be a vector of measurements associated with a missing

MB.For example,includes information on whether the MBs above and below are better

concealed by the ST or LT reference frame.Let be a set of classes,where each class

represents a possible EC method:.The classi?er assigns to every vector a class from.

A learning sample or training sequence consists of data,,,

on cases where the class is known,that is,MBs for which the best EC method is known.To form the training sequence,we can take each MB in the sequence,assume it is lost,reconstruct it using each of the EC methods,and see which one yields the smallest distortion.The measurement vector can include both ordinal and categorical variables.The root node of the tree contains all the training cases;a mix of best EC methods is present for the data in this root node.The goal of CART is to successively subdivide the training set using binary splits in such a way that the data associated with the terminal nodes of the tree do not have a mix of best EC methods;rather each node should be as“pure”as possible.We measure the impurity of a set of data using the Gini index of diversity[12].

During the design of the classi?cation tree,we consider,for each terminal node of the

tree,a standard set of possible splits of the data in that node.In the standard set,each

split depends on the value of only a single variable.For each ordered variable,we include all splitting questions of the form“Is?”If is categorical,taking values in,then we include all questions of the form:“Is?”as ranges over all subsets of.There is a?nite number of distinct splits since the learning sample contains only distinct points.For each single variable,we?nd the split which provides the greatest decrease in node impurity.We compare all of these,and?nd the best overall split of the data.A class assignment rule assigns a class to every terminal node.We use the plurality rule which assigns the most popular class for each terminal node.There are three standard ways of estimating the true misclassi?cation rate of a classi?er:cross-validation,test sample,and the resubstitution estimate.As discussed below,we used10-fold cross-validation to determine the size of the?nal tree,but we used test samples to estimate the misclassi?cation.


Dual frame motion compensation is depicted in Figure1,and works as follows.While encoding frame,the encoder and decoder both maintain two reference frames in memory. The ST reference is frame.The LT reference can be selected in a number of ways; we used jump updating in which the LT reference frame varies from as recent as frame to as old as frame.When encoding frame,if the LT reference frame is ,then,when the encoder moves on to encoding frame,the ST reference frame slides forward by one to frame,and the LT reference frame jumps forward by to frame.The LT reference frame then remains static for frames,and then jumps forward again.We refer to as the updating parameter.This approach was?rst adopted

in [13]and was also used in [14,15].

In this paper,as in [15],every th frame is coded with additional bit rate at the expense of other regular frames.This high-quality frame is then buffered and used as the LT ref-erence frame for the subsequent frames.The amount of extra quality to be given to the high quality frames is subject to further research.If there is too large a difference in quality,the end user will notice an annoying pulsing of the quality even though the overall average distortion of the sequence may be lower.In our work,the rate allocation was heuristic.Pulsing of quality was not perceptible.

In dual frame motion compensation,each macroblock can be encoded in one of three coding modes:intra coding,inter coding using the ST buffer (inter-ST-coding),and inter coding using the LT buffer (inter-LT-coding).In [14],the choice among these three was made using an optimal distortion estimation.In the current work,we choose between inter/intra coding using a similar method to ([16],p.178).For the two inter coding modes,we choose the one with lower distortion.

Current Frame Short-Term Frame Buffer


Frame Buffer Figure 1:Dual Frame Buffer Motion Compensation.

We simulated the dual buffer coder by modifying a standard MPEG-4encoder.The frame rate for all sequences is 30frames per second.The bit rates for the sequences are 70-75kbps.

CART predictor variables:To form the predictor variables for CART,we ?rst exam-ine whether the six neighboring MBs are motion compensated using the ST or LT frame.For each neighbor,a value of zero is assigned for ST compensation,and a value of one for LT compensation.The input variable OPTBITS is the sum of these 6values.If the neighboring MBs are not lost,it is possible to calculate,for each of them,whether it would have been better concealed (had it been lost)using an ST MB (motion compensated or co-located)or using an LT MB.As above,we assign the value zero if the ST MB conceals better,otherwise the value is one.A CART variable called CONCEALBITS is the sum of these values.The distortion between each neighbor MB and its previous co-located MB is computed;the sum of these distortions is another CART input,which we call DIST0.Similar distortions are computed for the case of ST median MB,LT co-located MB,and LT median MB.The respective CART input parameters are DIST1,DIST2and DIST3.So far,all the input variables depend only on information about the neighbors of the lost MB,and so the information is available at the decoder (assuming the neighbors themselves

arrive intact).One last input variable,OMNIBIT,is different,in that it depends on the lost

MB itself.OMNIBIT=1if LT prediction was used by the current MB,or it is set to zero

if ST prediction was used.For this particular variable to be used,we must assume that

the information(single bit)corresponding to the reference frame choice is prioritized more

highly than the rest of the data,and is received losslessly even when all other information

about the MB is lost.This is not an unreasonable assumption,since it is less than0.3%of

the bit rate even at the low rates we used,and would be a much smaller percentage of the

overall rate if higher overall rates were used.We have constructed the CART tree both with

and without using this particular input variable.

Error Concealment modes:Our decoder is equipped with four possible temporal EC

methods:it can conceal using either a co-located or motion compensated MB from either

the ST or LT reference frame.The co-located MBs of the ST and LT frames are the MBs

with MV=0.The median of MVs is computed using the MVs of the three MBs above

and the three MBs below the missing one.The medians of the and components are computed separately.Of the six neighbors,only those that point to the same reference

frame are used;e.g.,if we are computing the ST median MV,then only those neighbors

that have MVs pointing to the ST frame are used.If none of the neighbors points to the

ST frame,then the ST median concealment is taken to be identical to the ST co-located

concealment.The same rules apply to the LT median concealment.

The MBs on the edge of the frame do not have6neighbors;these MBs,if lost,are

concealed by using the ST or LT co-located block.Where OMNIBIT is available,the

reference block speci?ed by it is used to conceal a lost MB on the image edge.Where

OMNIBIT is not assumed to be losslessly preserved,the ST co-located MB is used.


We carried out simulations for the Carphone,News,Container,Akiyo,Claire,Football,

and Tennis sequences.The?rst four sequences are QCIF with300frames each.Football

and Tennis are352240with125and112frames,respectively.For each video sequence, we constructed a binary classi?cation tree using all the other sequences as the training data, and reserved the sequence of interest as the test data.

For each of the six sequences to be used for training,we formed a training sequence

by considering each slice in the sequence as being lost.We computed the7-dimensional


for each MB in the lost slice.We concealed that MB using each of the4concealment

methods,and determined which one produced the lowest mean squared error(MSE).That

method was considered the class associated with that training vector.We used10-fold

cross-validation within the training set to determine the size of the?nal decision tree.We

repeated the same procedure in constructing the tree without using the OMNIBIT.

To obtain the results in Table1,each MB in the test sequence is individually assumed

to be lost,and the concealment MB for it is found using the concealment method named

at the top of the column.The average Mean Squared Error is reported,averaged over the

entire sequence in each case.The?rst column is the name of the test sequence.The second

column is the average concealment MSE when the ST median approach was used for EC

for all MBs.The ST median was chosen because that was the single best EC method among the4approaches.The third column gives the value of the MSE when an omniscient decoder knows the exact concealment mode to use.

The next two columns give results for the CART decision tree concealment.The col-umn labeled CART show the case where OMNIBIT was used,and the column labeled CART1did not use OMNIBIT.So far,we can observe that the two variants of the deci-sion tree both produce higher MSE than the omniscient decoder(as expected)but they also both produce lower MSE than the ST median concealment.CART constructed using OM-NIBIT provides superior performance over ST median,ranging from as low as1%to as high as57%.Without using OMNIBIT,CART still gives a good performance improvement from no gain to46%gain.When OMNIBIT is not used,the concealment is fully standard compliant,and the results are nearly as good as when CART uses OMNIBIT.

For comparison,we also simulated the multihypothesis EC algorithm proposed in[10] using optimal weight coef?cients(which is shown in Table1as the opt weights column). We found that,in our pulsed quality dual reference frame scenario,the algorithm did not give good results.Upon further investigation,the basis block which is used in the algorithm is insuf?cient to judge the concealment candidates from the long-term frame.We found that there was almost always a bias towards choosing the ST frame candidate using this method.

The column labeled“With OMNIBIT”shows results for when the decision tree is not used,but rather the concealment choice between ST median and LT median is dictated directly by OMNIBIT(i.e.,if the ST frame was used for motion compensation,then the ST median is used for concealment).We introduce another parameter OMNIBIT2,whose value is zero if ST median provides better concealment than LT median,and whose value is one otherwise.The last column gives the result when the concealment choice between ST median and LT median is dictated directly by OMNIBIT2,assumed transmitted losslessly. Using OMNIBIT or OMNIBIT2directly to dictate the concealment choice in general per-forms less well than using the CART tree.Sending OMNIBIT2improves performance marginally over just using OMNIBIT at the expense of added complexity and rate.Unlike OMNIBIT,which states which frame was used for motion compensation,and is therefore part of the compressed stream,OMNIBIT2states which frame is better for median con-cealment,and therefore requires the encoder to compute the best concealment method for each MB,and to transmit an additional bit.

In one?nal variant(not shown),we also simulated the case when the LT frame is not a high-quality frame.We found that even here,CART performs better than the ST median of motion vector EC.

In Table2,the?rst4columns present the fraction of time the omniscient decoder chooses each of the4concealment modes when operating in a pulsed quality mode.Most of the time,the omniscient decoder chooses between the ST median and the LT median. We observe that the LT frames are very useful for concealment:across the sequences,the omniscient decoder uses the LT median22–45%of the time.Further,co-located blocks are used by the omniscient decoder only7–15%of the time,so they see substantially less use than the median MV concealment.

In the last4columns of numbers,the table presents the fraction of time the omniscient decoder chooses each of the4concealment modes when operating in a regular quality mode.In the regular quality mode,every Nth frame is still used as an LT reference frame

Sequence Omni.CART1With

Med weights OMNIBIT2







211208240209 Table1:Mean Squared Error for different concealment approaches

in a dual frame coder,but the Nth frame is not allocated more than its share of bit rate, so it has the same quality,on the average,as any other frame.We see that the omniscient concealer chooses the LT frame for concealment substantially less often when the LT frame is just a regular frame.In earlier work[14,15],we concluded that pulsing the quality of frames for use as long term reference frames can have a bene?cial effect on lowering the overall average distortion of the sequence.Table2shows that pulsing the quality of long term reference frames can also provide an advantage for error concealment.

Regular Quality Coder ST med LT CL ST med LT CL News39 4.521.2 6.3

55.7 3.980.14


50.4 1.8756.2 4.1


57.4 3.769 2.1 Carphone25.19.914.812.5 Table2:Percentage of time that each concealment mode(ST median,ST co-located(CL), LT median,and LT co-located(CL))provides the best concealment.

In our scenarios so far,the CART tree is not transmitted to the decoder since the learning data used to construct the tree is independent of the transmitted data.Hence a stand-alone decoder implementation with a preloaded tree is feasible.Another option is to customize the CART tree for each video sequence.This can potentially improve performance at the cost of needing to send the CART tree as side information.To explore this tradeoff,we used each test sequence as its own training sequence to construct the CART trees.Table3 shows the video quality results using this approach.The columns labeled“ST Med”and “CART”are the same as in Table1.Under“Customized CART tree”,the column labeled MSE gives the MSE of the customized CART tree,and the column labeled“%imprv.”shows the percentage improvement that the customized tree gives over the tree created

Sequence CART Omniscient concealment MSE MSE Bits bits News1211480 1.67

1325451049599 Claire413722 3.5

703075136884 Football1178-18420.8

60250997073260 Carphone20815119 2.1 Table3:Customized CART tree MSE shows the MSE for a CART tree constructed from transmitted sequence.The percentage improvement over the generic CART tree is also shown,as well as the number of bits required for transmitting the customized CART tree. Under omniscient concealment,the MSE,number of bits,and percentage of bits are shown for achieving omniscient concealment.

from a disjoint training set.The improvement from customizing the tree is generally small.

The cost of using a customized CART tree is that the tree must be transmitted in ad-dition to the data.The next column in Table3shows the number of bits required for the customized CART tree for each sequence.The number of bits required for each transmitted tree is negligibly small and would not impose much overhead on transmission,but the gain from using a customized tree over a generic tree is also small,so customizing a conceal-ment decision tree does not appear to be useful.We note that,for real-time transmission, sending a customized tree of this type would in any case not be feasible,since hundreds of frames are not available in advance.

Rather than sending the CART tree as side information,we could instead send infor-mation to the decoder informing it speci?cally which of the four EC methods to use.This approach would provide the video quality of the omniscient decoder.However,it would also require extra overhead.The last two columns of Table3show the number and percent-age of bits(using Huffman coding)required to inform the decoder of the best EC method. Across the sequences,this approach would require1–3.5%of the transmission bandwidth to transmit this side information.

Finally,we simulate the CART EC algorithm using actual packet loss ratios of5%and 20%.Recall that,in the experiments above,we averaged across all MBs assuming slices of each frame are lost in turn.Since each slice is individually lost and concealed,the results above do not have any case where the concealed block also has its neighbors lost,or where the neighbor is motion compensated using a block that was concealed.

In simulating with actual packet losses,there can be adjacent lost slices.When con-cealing a lost MB,the decoder avoids using a replacement block that was itself based on a lost block.For example,if the ST replacement MB is corrupted,we use the LT median MB as the candidate.Table4shows the results of this experiment.CART provides better performance than ST median of MV for both loss rates.The difference,though,is smaller for lower loss rates.For the CART tree with20%loss,not using the OMNIBIT slightly de-

grades performance0.1–0.2db.For5%loss,the CART results with and without OMNIBIT show negligible difference.

Sequence ST Med CART with











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