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英文Proposal 范文

To: College of Business Administration Dean’s Office From: Zihao Fu Subject: A Proposal for setting up a food truck beside the new business building Introduction As the construction began in September, the new business building is finally coming to us. Taking up 140,00 square feet of space the building will have one 250-person lecture hall, three tiered 80-person classrooms, thirteen 50-person classrooms, three 50-station computer labs and many other features. This is definitely exciting for students, as they will be enjoying the business education in a fresh environment with brand new facilities. Faculties should also be pleased with bigger and brighter offices. The new business building can also work as an attraction that appeals to potential future K-State students. Since this is still a very early stage of the construction, it is still feasible for us to add more practical features to the building to better dealing with potential problems. Meanwhile the proposal can also increase the overall attractiveness of College of Business. Problem Description In the blueprint of the new business building we could see that a coffee shop is included. However, having only one coffee shop may not be sufficient. At a round 11 o’clock to 1 o’clock is the “peak hours” f or lunch. Long-winded lines are very common in Union’ food court, Einstein Bros Bagels as well as Derby Dining Center. It is hard to imagine a coffee shop with limited capacity can serve the whole business school, which has the biggest amount of undergraduate students in the university, efficiently. Taking a close look at the campus map I could not help but notice that the new business building is located at the Southeast side of the campus and seems to be alienated from other major buildings. With only one dining facility near the building can result in students who are taking classes at noon in the building has very limited choice for lunch. In addition, they will have to walk a long way to other dining facilities around the campus. Some other students might decide not to have lunch due to the intense schedule and the tiring long way. However, the lacking of essential nutrition and energy intake can cause really negative impact on students’ brain function. The lacking of concentration and reduce students’ attention in class, which ultimately affects their academic performance. Hence, I am proposing a solution to the problem.


大多数学生和刚起步的研究者都不了解什么是研究计划,也不知道其重要性。简单的说,一个人研究计划的好坏决定了其研究的好坏。一个构思欠佳的研究计划会毁了整个项目,即使它勉强通过了论文答辩委员会。另一方面,一个高质量的研究计划,不仅确保了研究项目的成功,你作为一个研究者的潜力也会给论文委员会留下一个好印象。 一个研究计划是为了说服别人你有一个有价值的研究计划,同时你有这个能力和相应的工作计划来完成它。总之,一个研究计划应包含所有研究过程中的关键步骤,同时也会给读者足够的信息来评估这个拟定的研究。 不论你的研究领域是什么,你选择了什么样的方法,所有的研究计划必须解决以下问题:你打算完成什么,为什么你要做这件事,以及你打算怎样去完成它。 研究计划应该有足够的信息来向你的读者证明你有一个重要的研究想法,你对相关文献和主要问题有很好的把握,同时你的方法是切实可行的。 研究计划的质量不仅取决于研究项目本身,同时也取决于你的计划书写作。一个好的研究项目也可能会有仅仅因为不好的写作而被否决的风险。因此,非常值得你去写得连贯,清晰并且令人信服。 这篇文章强调的是计划书的写作,而非研究思路的开展。 标题: 标题应该简明扼要。比如,“一个关于…的研究”,这样的句子就应该避免。通常,标题是表达功能关系,因为这样的标题清晰的表达了独立和相关的变量。然而,应尽可能,想一个内容翔实又吸引人的标题。一个有效的标题不仅会激发读者的兴趣,也预示了他们会喜欢这个计划。 摘要: 摘要是一个300字左右的简要归纳。它应该包括研究问题,研究的理论基础,假说(如有的话),方法以及主要发现。对方法的描述可能包括试验设计,步骤,样本,还有任何将被用到的手段。 引言: 引言的主要目的是为你的研究问题提供必要的背景。如何设定研究问题可能是计划书写作最难的部分。 如果研究问题被限定在一个概括的,不着边际的文献回顾里,研究问题就会显得琐碎和无趣。然而,如果同样的问题被设定在一个当前非常被关注的研究领域里,它的重要性就变得不言而喻了。 不幸的是,对如何设定你的研究问题并没有任何硬性规定,正如没有对如何写出有趣和翔实的开头段的规定一样。很大程度上要靠你自己的创造力,要取决于你清晰思维的能力和你对问题领域理解的深度。 首先,尝试着把你的研究问题放到当前的热门领域,或是一个陈旧但依然可行的领域;其次,你需要提供一个简要而适当的历史背景;再者,提供该问题的当下背景,在这里,你提出的研究问题应该是关注的焦点。最后,确定“关键角色”(key players),参考最相关和最有代表性的论文。总之,把你的研究问题放到

Research Proposal的写作步骤及组成部分

STEP 1 定研究题目的大方向 选择标准:与自己的本科专业、相关研究或调研经历、要申请的专业、目标教授有关。 注意: 1. 浏览国际上相关领域知名期刊近年来发的文章的题目和摘要,归纳总结一下别人都在研究些什么;也可以在有几个兴趣方向后,问问相关专业领域的老师,他们会比较清楚。 2. 一开始没必要把题目定的太细致,有个大方向即可。 到下一步阅读文献的过程中,随着对研究主题了解的深入和看别人的研究,会产生很多新的想法。如果一开始就限定死了,很可能到后面就发现这个研究缺乏可行性、或者前人已经研究过了。 STEP 2 找文献&阅读文献 文献选择的几个标准 1. 以英语文献为主。参考文献列表中也可以有少量中文文献。在刚开始读文献时,可以先看些中文的,方便了解相关研究背景。以免在看英文文献时云里雾里,看不懂。 2. 相关专业具有影响力的期刊上发的文章; 3. 相关领域权威泰斗人士发的文章(可以追踪他长期的研究,一一阅读他从早期到现在的论文,这样能了解到这个研究主题发展的脉络); 4. 近几年的文章,太久的(比如10年前的)参考价值降低; 5. 如果你的目标教授有发表相关的英语文章,也可以找出来看看。 6. 中文有很多垃圾期刊,少看那上面的文章,不如不看 7. 硕士和博士学位论文涵盖的内容比较综合,可以看个几篇,用于了解该领域的研究情况,来龙去脉,补充一些基础背景知识之类的。

找文献的方法: 英文:通过Google学术搜索; 如果你所在的学校买了该数据库,就可以直接下载。 中文:一般是通过中国知网搜索。 需要看多少篇文章:写一篇研究计划书,需要精读15篇以上英文论文。中文的5-10篇,多看一些也无所谓(看得快嘛),但要避免看垃圾文章。 看文献的Tips 1. 将觉得需要认真看、反复研究的重点文章打印出来,反复看,也方便做记号和前后对照翻阅。 2. 在读的过程中,遇到写得好的、关键的、觉得有可能在研究计划书中用上的句子,复制粘贴到一个word文档里并简要标明出处。 3. 读文献的过程中有任何想法都要赶紧记下来。可以用笔记本手写,也可以建一个word文档记。 4.认真研究英文文献的句子,模仿他们的行文和表述方式。在此推荐一本英语学术写作的书,可以先简要阅读一遍,名字叫The elements of style,网上能搜到英文原版和中译版。 STEP3 开始写 1. 写的过程中,记得随时翻阅相关文献。觉得写不下去时,就再去看文献,也可以求助于老师或学术能力比较强的师兄师姐。 2. 字数在1500-2000字左右为宜(不包括参考文献)


Introduction This proposal sets out to examine options for the successful globalization of our ‘Borders’ brand. The initial market under consideration is Continental Europe. For the purposes of this proposal, we will be considering three aspects of the brand, namely our logo, the ‘Borders’ concept and finally, the product itself, ‘Borders’ wellington boots. Findings The following points summarise our key findings. ?It was found that our existing logo, a pair of wellington boots encircled by the word ‘Borders’, is visual enough to be used in markets where English is not widely spoken. ?Attitudes to outerwear differ throughout Europe and our boots are likely to appeal to different market sectors in different countries. This has serious implications for the benefits we wish to publicise. Although Danish farmers would be willing to purchase such a high quality, product, farmers in some countries would be unlikely to choose a British brand over a domestic product. However, the very Britishness of the product would appeal to the style-conscious elements of the French and Italian markets, summoning up images of the English upper classes and country houses. ?Our current product is multi-purpose and as such would not need adapting to suit different sectors of the European market.

申请文书Research proposal怎么写

申请文书Researchproposal怎么写 首先,先讨论最常见的SOP。无论申请什么学校,一定都会要求SOP。这份文件通常分以下几个部份:大学时期修过课程,大学时期研究,硕班时期修过课程,硕班时期研究,课外活动,打工或经验,毕业后的研究经验,未来研究计划。Statementofpurpose里的研究计划大概只有一段左右。整篇statement大约为1000字上下最为常见。Researchproposal一般来说是申请博士才会需要,但是有一些硕士班申请也会要求。通常researchproposal会比statementofpurpose长。依学校要求可能少则1000字,多则高达十几二十页。至于researchproposal要写得多详细有两种方式:一个是挑一个研究的方向,写得很详细,展现出现你有能力做深度的研究;另一个是挑两三个研究的主题,每一个都讨论一页左右,让学校觉得你是一个很有弹性,愿意多方学习的人。最重要的是,一定要去学校的网站看有哪些研究者,哪些教授,这些教授最近的学生在做什么主题,他们自己又是做什么主题。你写的研究方向如果是教授几年前在做的主题,可能他现在已经没有在做了,或是做腻了,教授可能就不会特别想收你。教授最近在做什么研究,学校的网站会给你最初步的了解,但是最重要的是看教授最近发表的paper或是书,或是他的学生发表的paper或是书是在做什么主题。Researchproposal通常还会包含一个literaturereview,也就是把目前为止学者们做的研究做到哪里了,写出来。那接下来你得说明,你赞成哪些**,不赞成哪些**,以及最重要的是,你未来的研究,跟前人的研究有什么不同,你的学术贡献在哪里如果是你比较toppriority想申请的学校,建议博士班申请可以将自己的研究想法,过去做过的研究成果,以及未来想走的方向写一封大约500字的email给你中意的教授。甚至如果有时间的话,可以去参加conference,遇到教授时就直接上前跟他攀谈。如果没有conference可参加,那就直接寄信问教授是否有意愿跟你会面。寄简短的researchproposal给教授,要注意的是,不要只写:我对你的研究很有兴趣…我毕业于XX大学…我觉得你


文章作者Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada). 题为:How to Write a Research Proposal.全文转载如下: Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one’s research is only as a good as one’s proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher. A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study. Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it. The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound. The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written. Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and compelling. This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas. Title:

Business_Proposal常用句型 及范文

Tips on Writing (注意事项) √建议书要以事实为根据撰写 √提出的建议要具体,操作性要强。 √对采纳建议能带来的好处既要写的乐观,也要防止吹嘘。 √非自发性建议书中的项目投标书,作为一种营运文件,用于一项任务开发之前,往往需要附有预算表。 Useful W ords and Phrases(单词和短语) A.W ords (单词) annually adv. 每年 benefit n. 益处 bidder n. 投标方 concrete adj. 具体的 convincing adj. 令人信服的 diagram n. 图表 disqualify v. 取消资格 economize v. 节省 elaborate v. 阐述 escalation n. 提价 evaluate v. 评估 exhibit n. 正表 favorable adj. 有利的;积极的 formula n. 公式 hypothesis n. 假设 impartial adj. 公正的 inquiry n. 询价 logical adj. 逻辑的

negative adj. 负面的 objective adj. 可观的 offer v. 发价 optimize v. 优化 qualification n. 资格 quotation n. 报价recommendation n. 推荐;建议regulation n. 规章制度 statistics n. 统计(数据)teleconference n. 电话会议 tenderee n. 招标方 zoning n. 区域划分 B.Phrases (常用短语)acceptance criteria 接受标准 bid opening 开标 budget forecasting 预算 constructive proposal 建设性意见cooperative project 合作项目 costing presentation 成本核算executive summary 建议大纲;执行总结form of tender 投标书 general contactor 总承包商 in view of 鉴于 invitation to tender 招标 license fees 执照费用 letter of guarantee 银行保证书 local labor cost 本地劳务费用 long-range planning 长期规划operating expenses 运营费用 primary source 原始资料 profit margin 利润率 return on investment 投资收益率


如何写 proposal Dissertation Proposal Outline 1、研究缘起、目的、意义: 1)、研究的问题: 我的研究问题是什么? 包括什么主要问题和子问题? 研究问题中的主要概念是如何定义的? 研究问题包括什么内容?内容相互之间是什么关系? 2)、研究的目的:我为什么选择这个研究问题? 通过研究这个问题希望达到什么目的? 3)、研究的意义: a 、个人的目的 b 、实用的目的:即研究的问题必须有助于增进人们对现实世界中此类问题的认识。 c 、探究的目的,也是本研究的学术意义,即研究的成果必须在学术界对这一问题现有的了解之外作出新的贡献。 2、文献综述:文献主要可以分为:核心文献、相关文献。我在写文献综述时会涉及我是如何进行文献检索和评述的?主要代表作、代表人物、主要的理论、主要的研究方法优点及缺点及这些文献是如何为自己的研究提供参考思路的?我的的研究与前人的研究相比有什么不同?文献综述后即确定了研究意义(研究方法、内容上的贡献)重点、难 点和创新点。 3、理论框架:我的研究的理论框架是什么?我是如何使用前人的理论、自己的经验性知识和预研究结果如何形成这个理论框架的? 4、研究方法及研究步骤与时间:倾向采用文献法、质性研究的方法;向调查对象了解情况或征询意见时也会使用问卷法进行研究, 1)文献法根据文献对研究对象的记载、分析获取可供进一步分析的材料。2)质性研究 a 、抽样:打算选择什么人、地点或事件作为研究对象? 为什么选择这些样本? 抽样标准和抽样方法是什么?为什么选择这些标准和方法?预选择的抽样方式有:滚雪球抽样、机遇式抽样、目的性随机抽样、方便抽样(下策)、综合抽样。 b 、观察:设定观察的场景、行为和人物。设计观察提纲,观察表格;注意观察中的记录、整理和再整理。 c 、收集实物: 设计实物收集清单并对实物进行归类整理和分析 d 、访谈: i.设计访谈提纲, 列出所有重要的问题, 并且附上相应的追问提示。访


BSM 577 Research Methods Research Proposal – Assessment Guidelines This document provides guidelines for the content, structure and presentation of the research proposal. The document is divided into three sections: 1.The purpose and benefits of preparing the research proposal; 2.The content and structure of the research proposal; 3.Presentation and style. 1.The purpose and benefits of preparing the research proposal The research proposal is the starting point for the Masters dissertation and it discusses the essential features (e.g. aims and objectives, rationale, previous research, methodology, resources, time plan) of a research study that will be conducted in the future (this will be an actual project if you are planning to proceed to the MSc stage or a hypothetical one if you are not). There are three key purposes behind a research proposal: to present the research problem / issue; to relate the proposed research to other “key” research in the field; to present a clear rationale and plan (e.g. research methodology, necessary resources) for the proposed research. A good research proposal will include descriptions of: what will be done (i.e. the research problem or specific area for investigation/exploration, aims, objectives) why it will be done (rationale and justification critically discussing previous research) how it will be done (data collection and analysis methods) where it will be done (locations, organisations etc) to whom it will be done (research subjects, populations, samples) what the benefits of doing it are what resources are required (facilities, time, travel, costs) ethical issues related to the proposed research the time plan for completion of the different stages of the research Well-prepared proposals can be seen as ‘road maps’, indicating clearly the location from which a journey begins, the destination to be reached and the route to get there. As with a map, the proposal should also identify any potential 1


Abstract2 Introduction2 Background and rationale:2 Research questions and objectives:3 Preliminary literature review4 1.Understanding customers shopping motivations4 2. The different consumption ways5 3.Good relationship with consumer7 4. Personal values and attitudes9 Methodology11 Target ,Sample and Questionnaire11 Case study12 Evaluation and Qualitative Research13 Research Procedures13 Reference14

Consumption habits change the influence of retail (Research Proposal) Abstract Consumption habits of consumers is one of the key issues which would be taken intoretailers’ considerationfor their strategies and selling plans. In recent years, lots of new consumption patterns have appeared and come into vogue.The researchers carried out a study using the grounded theory approach through participant-observation and questionnaire research. The researchers chose the retail industry for the study because it provided the ideal conditions to answer the research question. This study aims to finding the way to make clear and assess the affectthat comsumption habits changes brought to retail and improve the attractiveness of traditional consumption pattern.The choice of methodology has provided the insight necessary to answer the research question.With improvement and consummation of its outcomes, the research could provide a useful framework of reference for further research ofconsumption patterns and retail crisis. Key words:consumption habits, cunsumption pattern, retail, influence Introduction


英语研究计划书(Research Proposal)的写作步骤和组成部分 STEP 1 定研究题目的大方向 选择标准:与自己的本科专业、相关研究或调研经历、要申请的专业、目标教授有关。 注意: 1. 浏览国际上相关领域知名期刊近年来发的文章的题目和摘要,归纳总结一下别人都在研究些什么;也可以在有几个兴趣方向后,问问相关专业领域的老师,他们会比较清楚。 2. 一开始没必要把题目定的太细致,有个大方向即可。 到下一步阅读文献的过程中,随着对研究主题了解的深入和看别人的研究,会产生很多新的想法。如果一开始就限定死了,很可能到后面就发现这个研究缺乏可行性、或者前人已经研究过了。 STEP 2 找文献&阅读文献 文献选择的几个标准 1. 以英语文献为主。参考文献列表中也可以有少量中文文献。在刚开始读文献时,可以先看些中文的,方便了解相关研究背景。以免在看英文文献时云里雾里,看不懂。 2. 相关专业具有影响力的期刊上发的文章; 3. 相关领域权威泰斗人士发的文章(可以追踪他长期的研究,一一阅读他从早期到现在的论文,这样能了解到这个研究主题发展的脉络); 4. 近几年的文章,太久的(比如10年前的)参考价值降低; 5. 如果你的目标教授有发表相关的英语文章,也可以找出来看看。 6. 中文有很多垃圾期刊,少看那上面的文章,不如不看 7. 硕士和博士学位论文涵盖的内容比较综合,可以看个几篇,用于了解该领域

的研究情况,来龙去脉,补充一些基础背景知识之类的。 找文献的方法: 英文:通过Google学术搜索; 如果你所在的学校买了该数据库,就可以直接下载。 中文:一般是通过中国知网搜索。 需要看多少篇文章:写一篇研究计划书,需要精读15篇以上英文论文。中文的5-10篇,多看一些也无所谓(看得快嘛),但要避免看垃圾文章。 看文献的Tips 1. 将觉得需要认真看、反复研究的重点文章打印出来,反复看,也方便做记号和前后对照翻阅。 2. 在读的过程中,遇到写得好的、关键的、觉得有可能在研究计划书中用上的句子,复制粘贴到一个word文档里并简要标明出处。 3. 读文献的过程中有任何想法都要赶紧记下来。可以用笔记本手写,也可以建一个word文档记。 4.认真研究英文文献的句子,模仿他们的行文和表述方式。在此推荐一本英语学术写作的书,可以先简要阅读一遍,名字叫The elements of style,网上能搜到英文原版和中译版。 STEP3 开始写 1. 写的过程中,记得随时翻阅相关文献。觉得写不下去时,就再去看文献,也可以求助于老师或学术能力比较强的师兄师姐。 2. 字数在1500-2000字左右为宜(不包括参考文献)

14 Business Proposal 商务建议书

Business Proposal 商务建议书 建议书是指单位或个人对某项事业或工作有所研究和思考,进而向有关领导、政府、企事业单位、专业团体提出改进措施和建设性意见所形成的一种书面材料。它也是英文商务写作常见的一种文体。可以将其视为报告类文书之一种,但是它与其他报告相比有其自身特点,因此英文中常用一个特定的名称“Proposal”来界定此类文书。 Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (书写场合) “Too many good ideas die in business for the lack of a written proposal.”当你想就某一问题提出对策、设想、建议或行动方案时,你可以进一步考虑“是否应该起草一份建议书?”这种主动提供的建议书在英文中称为unsolicited proposal,其主旨大多在于改变现状或改善局面。因为不是受命于人,自发性建议书的内容可有很大的自由度。但这样的文章必须有很强的针对性。首先要使对方意识到现存问题的严重性或某种需求的迫切性,然后拿出你的方案,提出建设性意见。 非主动提供的建议书(solicited proposal)则指那些应对方要求而写的规划或方案,如投标书则属此列。一般此类文书均属于正式文件。收件人在审阅完建议书后往往必须做出明确答复,要么“肯定(接受、认可)”,要么“否定(否决、回绝)”。你的目标是:使对方无论从文本的外表还是内容本身都能很好体会到你作为文件呈递者所具备的高度责任感、求实敬业精神和良好的职业风范。其次,你的说理必须充分,使对方完全了解他想知道的内容,并相信你有足够的把握兑现自己的承诺,这样才能说服对方给你开绿灯。 … Part II How to Write (如何书写) 针对自发性建议书,其行文大体可分为三个步骤: √Problem 揭示或认定问题所在 √Objectives 提出目标方向 √Solution 推出实施方案 更具体的布局体例可参见下列小标题: √Problem 问题 √Proposal Solution 对策 √Schedule 日程 √Cost/Budget 支出/预算 √coordination 协调 √Benefits 效益 √Conclusion 结束语 有时简短的建议书只需表述三个基本内容:项目规划(Proposed action)、人力配备(required personnel)和经费(fees)。 … 针对非自发性建议书(以其常见的项目投标书为例),其行文大体可分为四个步骤: √Introduction 导言 √Technical and legal details 技术及法律程序详细资料 √Acceptance criteria 接受标准 √Personnel and Facilities 技术力量和设备条件 当涉及企业项目时,更具体的内容可能包括:


PROPOSAL: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it. TITLE: It should be concise and descriptive. 简明的,叙述的 ABSTRACT: It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. Including: 1. research question 2. rationale for the study 3. hypothesis (if any) 4. method: the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used 5. main findings INTRODUCTION: 1. State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study. 2. Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance. 3. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing. 4. Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research. 5. Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your experiment. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study. 6. State your hypothesis or theory, if any. For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.) 7. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus. 8. Provide definitions of key concepts. (This is optional.) LITERATURE REVIEW: Functions: 1. Ensures that you are not “reinventing the wheel”. 2. Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research.

怎样写一篇好的research proposal

怎样写一篇好的research proposal? 每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是Research Proposal的写作。它大致对应中文里的“开题报告”、“选题报告”、“研究报告”,是一项研究开始之前的提纲、规划和陈述;既是为了帮助自己梳理文献、整理思路、廓清方向,也常常是写给相关他人的说明:研究动机和意义何在?可能有何成果?为什么它值得你的资助/认可/支持/批准?不知道是否可以说,好的proposal是研究成功的一半。但实际而功利的说,如果你的proposal很烂,可能根本就不会有开始研究的机会。 How to write a research proposal? 能否写出漂亮的proposal,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。但形式也很重要。英文的Research Proposal自有一套“八股”。程式化和结构化的好处就在于,可以让读者直接集中注意到最本质的内容上,而不是为形式分神。对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识。下面这篇流传甚广的Research Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利。[点击这里,查看更多关于Research Proposal以及Grant Proposal、Project Proposal写作的网上资源] 文章作者Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada). 题为:How to Write a Research Proposal. 全文转载如下: Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one’s research is only as a good as one’s propo sal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher. A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study. Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it. The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound.
