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1.(NMET2002,B篇) 6

2. What’s the meaning of“the organic trend”as the words are used in the text?

A. growing interest in organic food

B. better quality of organic food

C. rising market for organic food

D. higher prices of organic food

Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend,and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.由此可知,越来越多的人购买organic food,所以全英国的超市才增加了organic food business,以期望有像Gold这样的人前来购买。因此,“the organic trend”就是指购买organic food这样一种流行趋势,所以,此题答案为A。

2.(NMET2001,A篇)56. the words“deluxe sedans”,“minivans”and“station wagons”used in the text refer to _________.

A. cars in the making

B. car rental firms

C. cars for rent

D. car makers

Shanghai Bashi Tourism Car Rental Center offers a wide variety of choices—deluxe sedans,minivans,station wagons,coaches. Santana sedans are the big favorite.由此可知,car rental center是出租车公司,所以,这里应选择的只能是cars for rent(出租)。



1.(NMET2002,A篇) 57. What does the underlined word“it”(paragraph 2) refer to?

A. Discovering the moon’s inner space.

B. Using the earth’s inner space.

C. Meeting the“moon people”again.

D. Traveling to outer space.

However,the question that“moon people”asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.由此可以看出it指上句中的the question,而the question 又指第一段中“月球人”所提的问题。所以根据第一段中的问题“Why are you traveling to outer space when you don’t even use your inner space?”就可以判断出答案为B。

2. (NMET2002,D篇) 67. the underlined word“them”(paragraph 1) refers to _______.

A. red herrings

B. treasure hunts

C. HenryⅧ’s six wives

D. readers of Masquerade

文中提到…but Williams put in a lot of“red herrings”,or false clues,to mislead them.意思是在书中用一些假线索误导他们,显然,他们(them)就是指书的读者,故答案为D。



Biggest power failure in the city’s history...All of our ice-cream and frozen foods melted.后一句承接前一句,前一句的原因导致后一句的结果。根据因果关系,停电很可能导致冰淇淋和冷冻食品融化,所以melted的词义应为“融化”。



(NMET2002,E篇) 74.What does the underlined word“hassle”(paragraph 1) probably mean?

A. a party designed by specialists

B. a plan requiring careful thought

C. a situation causing difficulty or trouble

D. a demand made by guests

通过上下句,A child’s birthday party doesn’t have to be a hassle; it can be a basket of fun...可以看出,hassle和a basket of fun肯定是近乎相反的意义。所以不难判断,答案为C。



1.(NMET2001,D篇)...and other Germanic and Nordic peoples,who spoke what we now call Anglo-Saxon (or Old English),a Germanic language.

Anglo-Saxon也就是古(Old English),是日耳曼语(a Germanic language)的一种。

2. (NMET2002,A篇) the“Chunnel”,a tunnel(隧道) connecting England and France,is now complete.此句中a tunnel是Chunnel的同位语。因此,The“Chunnel”就是英法之间的海底隧道。



1. (NMET2002,B篇) Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences—but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete.


2. (NMET2002,E篇)“Our parties are aimed for children 2 to 10,”Anaclerio said,“and they’re very interactive(互动)and creative in that they build a sense of drama based on a subject...”



In old days,when girls from rich families were married to their husbands,they expected to bring with themselves a large quantity of dowry.






1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更

2.burst vi.n. 突然发生,爆裂

3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)

4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉

5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽

6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的

7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃

8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出

9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略

10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片

11.bacteria n. 细菌

12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔

13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排

14.candidate n. 候选人

15.campus n. 校园

16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的

17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换

18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递

19.transplant v. 移植

20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具

21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变

22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化

23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见

24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子

25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心

26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0712985993.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的

28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的

29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)

30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的

31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进

32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的

33.boundary n. 分界线,边界

34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车)

35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目

36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的

37.vain n. 徒劳,白费

38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的

39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的

40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分

41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因

42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精

43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求

44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏

45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准

46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励

47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到

48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0712985993.html,work n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络

50.tide n. 潮汐;潮流

51.tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的

52.trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹

53.torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨

54.wander vi. 漫游,闲逛

55.wax n. 蜡

56.weave v. 织,编

57.preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持

61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂

62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的

63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会

64. battery n. 电池(组)

65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏

66. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物

67. career n. 生涯,职业

68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管

69. vertical a. 垂直的

70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激

71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊

72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度

73. exterior n. 外部,外表a. 外部的,外表的

74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的

75. petrol n. 汽油

76. petroleum n. 石油

77. delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁

78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽

79. decent a. 像样的,体面的

80. route n. 路;路线;航线

81. ruin v. 毁坏,破坏n. 毁灭,[pl.]废墟

82. sake n. 缘故,理由

83. satellite n. 卫星

84. scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度

85. temple n. 庙宇

86. tedious a. 乏味道,单调的

87. tend vi.易于,趋向

88. tendency n.趋向,趋势

89. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的n. 极端

90. undergo v. 经历,遭受

91. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的

92. adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳

93. adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写vt. 使适应

94. bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉

95. casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的

96. trap n. 陷阱,圈套v. 设陷阱捕捉

97. vacant a. 空的,未占用的

98. vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器

99. oral a. 口头的,口述的,口的

100. optics n. (单、复数同形)光学

101. organ n. 器官,风琴

102. excess n. 过分,过量,过剩

103. expel v. 驱逐,开除,赶出

104. expend v. 消费

105. expenditure n. 支出,消费;经费

106. expense n. 开销,费用

107. expensive a. 花钱多的;价格高贵的

108. expand v. 扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀

109. expansion n. 扩大,扩充;发展,膨胀

110. private a. 私人的,个人的

111. individual a. 个别的,单独的n. 个人,个体112. personal a. 个人的,私人的;亲自的

114. personnel n. [总称]人员,员工;人事部门115. the Pacific Ocean 太平洋

116. the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋

117. the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋

118. the Antarctic Ocean 南冰洋

119. grant vt. 授予,同意,准予

119. grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的

120. invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭

121. acid n. 酸,酸性物质a. 酸的;尖刻的122. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢

123. balcony n. 阳台

124. calculate vt. 计算,核算

125. calendar n. 日历,月历

126. optimistic a. 乐观

127. optional a. 可以任选的,非强制的

128. outstanding a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的

129. export n. 出口(物)v. 出口,输出

130. import n. 进口(物)v. 进口,输入

131. impose vt. 把...加强(on);采用,利用

132. religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰

133. religious a. 宗教的

134. victim n. 牺牲品,受害者

135. video n. 电视,视频a. 电视的,录像的

136. videotape n. 录像磁带v. 把...录在录像带上

137. offend v. 冒犯,触犯

138. bother v. 打搅,麻烦

139. interfere v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍

140. internal a. 内部的,国内的

141. beforehand ad. 预先,事先

142. racial a. 人种的种族的

143. radiation n. 放射物,辐射

144. radical a.根本的;激进的

145. range n. 幅度,范围v. (在某范围内)变动

146. wonder n. 惊奇,奇迹v. 想知道,对...感到疑惑

147. isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立

148. issue n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期

149. hollow a. 空的,中空的,空虚道

150. hook n. 钩vt. 钩住

151. adequate a. 适当地;足够

152. adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持

153. ban vt. 取缔,禁止

154. capture vt. 俘虏,捕获

155. valid a. 有效的,有根据的;正当的

156. valley n. 山谷,峡谷

157. consistent a. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的

158. continuous a. 继续的,连续(不断)的

159. continual a. 不断地,频繁的

160. explode v. 爆炸;爆发;激增

161. exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采

162. explore v. 勘探

163. explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增

164. explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的

165. remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的

166. removal n. 除去,消除

167. render vt.呈递, 归还, 着色, 汇报, 致使, 实施vi.给予补偿n.交纳, 粉刷, 打底168. precaution n. 预防,防备,警惕

169. idle a. 懒散的,无所事事的

170. identify vt. 认出,鉴定

171. identify n. 身份;个性,特性

172. poverty n. 贫穷

173. resistant a. (to)抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的

174. resolve vt. 解决;决定,决意

175. barrel n. 桶

176. bargain n. 便宜货vi. 讨价还价

177. coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的

178. coach n. 教练;长途公共汽车

179. code n. 准则,法规,密码

180. coil n. 线圈v. 卷,盘绕

181. adult n. 成年人

182. advertise v. 为...做广告

183. advertisement n. 广告

184. agency n. 代理商,经销商

185. focus v.(使)聚集n. 焦点,中心,聚焦186. forbid vt. 不许,禁止

187. debate n./v. 辩论,争论

188. debt n. 欠债

189. decade n. 十年

190. enclose vt. 围住;把...装入信封

191. encounter vt./n. 遭遇,遭到

192. globe n. 地球,世界;地球仪

193. global a. 全球的;总的

194. scan vt. 细看;扫描;浏览

195. scandal n. 丑事,丑闻

196. significance n. 意义;重要性

197. subsequent a. 随后的,后来的

198. virtue n. 美德,优点

199. virtual a. 实际上的,事实上的

200. orient vt. 使适应,(to,toward)使朝向n. 东方201. portion n. 一部分

202. target n. 目标,靶子vt. 瞄准

203. portable a. 手提式的

204. decline v. 拒绝,谢绝;下降

205. illusion n. 错觉

206. likelihood n. 可能,可能性

207. stripe n. 条纹

208. emphasize vt. 强调,着重

209. emotion n. 情感,感情

210. emotional a. 感情的,情绪(上)的

211. awful a. 极坏的,威严的,可怕的

212. awkward a. 笨拙的,棘手的

213. clue n. 线索,提示

214. collision n. 碰撞,冲突

215. device n. 装置,设备

216. devise vt. 发明,策划,想出

217. inevitable a. 不可避免的

218. naval a. 海军的

219. navigation n. 航行

220. necessity n. 必需品;必要性

221. previous a. 先,前,以前的

222. provision n. [pl.]给养,口粮;准备,设备,装置223. pursue vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行

224. stale a. 不新鲜的,陈腐的

225. substitute n. 代用品vt. 代替

226. deserve vt. 应受,应得,值得

227. discrimination n. 歧视;辨别力

228. professional a. 职业的,专门的

229. secure a. 安全的,可靠的

230. security n. 安全,保障

231. scratch v./n. 抓,搔,扒

232. talent n. 才能,天资;人才

233. insurance n. 保险,保险费

234. insure vt. 给...保险,保证,确保

235. nevertheless ad. 仍然,然而,不过

236. neutral a. 中立的,中性的

237. spot n. 地点;斑点vt. 认出,发现;玷污238. spray v. 喷,(使)溅散

239. medium a. 中等的,适中的n. 媒介物,新闻媒介240. media n. 新闻传媒

241. auxiliary a. 辅助的,备用的

242. automatic a. 自动的

243. compete vi. 竞争,比赛

244. competent a. 有能力的,能胜任的

245. competition n. 竞争,比赛

246. distribute vt. 分发

247. disturb vt. 打搅,妨碍

248. infer v. 推论,推断

249. integrate v.(使)成为一体,(使)合并

250. moist a. 潮湿

251. moisture n. 潮湿

252. promote vt. 促进;提升

253. region n. 地区;范围;幅度

254. register v./n.登记,注册

255. stable a. 稳定的

256. sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的257. splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的

258. cancel vt. 取消,废除

259. variable a. 易变的,可变的

260. prospect n. 前景,前途;景象

261. prosperity n.兴旺,繁荣

262. aspect n. 方面;朝向;面貌

263. cope vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理

264. core n. 果心,核心

265. maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张

266. mainland n. 大陆

267. discipline n. 纪律;惩罚;学科

268. domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的269. constant a. 不变的,恒定的n. 常数

270. cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁

271. authority n. 权威;当局

272. audio a. 听觉

273. attitude n. 态度

274. community n. 社区,社会

275. commit vt.犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等)276. comment n./vt. 评论

277. distinguish vt. 区分,辨别

278. distress n. 痛苦,悲伤vt. 使痛苦

279. facility n. [pl.] 设备,设施;便利,方便

280. faculty n.能力,技能;系,学科/院;全体教员281. mixture n. 混合,混合物

282. mood n. 心情,情绪;语气

283. moral a. 道德上的,有道德的

284. prominent a. 突出的

285. substance n. 物质;实质

286. substantial a. 可观的;牢固的;实质的287. prompt vt. 促使a. 敏捷的,及时的

288. vivid a. 生动的

289. vocabulary n. 词汇(量);词汇表

290. venture n. 风险投资,风险项目v. 冒险;取于291. version n. 版本,译本;说法

292. waist n. 腰,腰部

293. weld v./n. 焊接

294. yawn vi. 打哈欠

295. yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃n. 产量296. zone n. 地区,区域

297. strategy n. 战略,策略

298. strategic a. 战略(上)的,关键的

299. tense a. 紧张的v. 拉紧n. 时态

300. tension n. 紧张(状态),张力

301. avenue n. 林荫道,大街

302. available a. 现成可用的;可得到的303. comparable a. (with,to)可比较的,类似的304. comparative a. 比较的,相对的

305. dash vi. 猛冲,飞奔

306. data n. 数据,资料

307. dive vi. 跳水,潜水

308. diverse a. 不同的,多种多样的

309. entitle vt. 给...权利,给...资格

310. regulate vt. 管理,调节

311. release vt./n. 释放,排放;解释解脱312. exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张

313. evil a. 邪恶的,坏的

314. shrink vi. 起皱,收缩;退缩

315. subtract v. 减(去)

316. suburb n. 市郊

317. subway n. 地铁

318. survey n./vt. 调查,勘测

319. wealthy a. 富裕的

320. adjust v. 调整,调节

321. attach vt. 系,贴;使附属

322. profit n. 利润,益处;v. 有益于,有利于323. profitable a. 有利可图的

324. slope n. 斜坡,斜面

325. reinforce vt. 增强,加强

326. reject vt. 拒绝

327. fatal a. 致命的;重大的

328. fate n. 命运

329. humble a. 谦逊的;谦虚的

330. illegal a. 不合法的,非法的

331. award vt. 授予,判给n. 奖品,奖金332. aware a. 意识到

333. column n. 柱,圆柱;栏,专栏

334. comedy n. 喜剧

335. dumb a. 哑的;沉默的

336. dump vt. 倾卸,倾倒

337. deaf a. 聋的;不愿听的

338. decorate vt. 装饰,装璜

339. principal a. 最重要的n. 负责人,校长340. principle n. 原则,原理

341. prior a. 优先的,在前的

342. priority n. 优先,重点

343. prohibit vt. 禁止,不准

344. remarkable a. 值得注意的,异常的,非凡的345. remedy n./vt. 补救,医治,治疗

346. repetition n. 重复,反复

347. vain a. 徒劳的,无效的

348. undertake vt. 承担,着手做;同意,答应349. unique a. 唯一的,独特的

350. obstacle n. 障碍(物),妨碍


351. odd a. 奇特的,古怪的;奇数的

352. omit vt. 省略

353. opponent n. 敌手,对手

354. opportunity n. 机会,时机

355. orchestra n. 管弦乐队

356. semester n. 学期;半年

357. semiconductor n. 半导体

358. seminar n. 研讨会

359. terminal a. 末端的,极限的n. 终点360. territory n. 领土

361. approximate a. 大概的,大约v. 近似362. arbitrary a. 随意的,未断的

363. architect n. 建筑师

364. architecture n. 建筑学

365. biology n. 生物学

366. geography n. 地理(学)

367. geology n. 地质学

368. geometry n. 几何(学)

369. arithmetic n. 算术

370. algebra n. 代数

371. entertainment n. 娱乐;招待,款待

372. enthusiasm n. 热情,热心

373. entry n. 进入,入口处;参赛的人(或物)374. environment n. 环境

375. episode n. 插曲,片段

376. equation n. 方程(式)

377. restrain vt. 阻止,抑制

378. restraint n. 抑制,限制

379. resume v. (中断后)重新开始

380. severe a. 严重的

381. sexual a. 性的

382. simplicity n. 简单;朴素

383. simplify vt. 简化

384. sorrow n. 悲哀,悲痛

385. stuff n. 原料,材料vt. 填进,塞满

386. temporary a. 暂时的,临时的

387. temptation n. 诱惑,引诱

388. terror n. 恐怖

389. thrust v. 挤,推,插

390. treaty n. 条约,协定

391. arise vi. 产生,出现,发生;起身

392. arouse vt. 引起,激起;唤醒

393. burden n. 重担,负荷

394. bureau n. 局,办事处

395. marvelous a. 奇迹般的,惊人的

396. massive a. 大的,大量的,大块的

397. mature a. 成熟的

398. maximum a. 最高的,最大的

399. minimum a. 最低的,最小的

400. nonsense n. 胡说,冒失的行动

401. nuclear a. 核子的,核能的

402. nucleus n. 核

403. retail n./v./ad. 零售

404. retain vt. 保留,保持

405. restrict vt. 限制,约束

406. sponsor n. 发起者,主办者vt. 发起,主办,资助407. spur n./vt. 刺激,激励

408. triumph n. 胜利,成功

409. tuition n. 学费

410. twist vt. 使缠绕;转动;扭歪

411. undergraduate n. 大学肄业生

412. universal a. 普遍的,通用的;宇宙的

413. universe n. 宇宙

414. via prep. 经由,经过,通过

415. vibrate v. 振动,摇摆

416. virus n. 病毒

417. voluntary a. 自愿的

418. volunteer n. 志愿者v. 自愿(做)

419. vote v. 选举n. 选票

420. wagon n. 四轮马车,铁路货车

421. appoint vt. 任命,委派

422. approach v. 靠近,接近n. 途径,方式

423. appropriate a. 适当的

424. bunch n. 群,伙;束,串

425. bundle n. 捆,包,束vt. 收集,归拢

426. ceremony n. 典礼,仪式

427. chaos n. 混乱,紊乱

428. discount n. (价格)折扣

429. display n./vt. 陈列,展览

430. equivalent a. 相等的a. 相等物

431. erect a. 竖直的v. 建造,竖立

432. fax n./vt. 传真

433. fertile a. 肥沃的;多产的

434. fertilizer n. 肥料

435. grateful a. 感激的

436. gratitude n. 感激

437. horror n. 恐怖

438. horrible a. 可怕的

439. Internet n. 国际互联网,因特网440. interpret v. 翻译,解释

441. interpretation n. 解释,说明

442. jungle n. 丛林,密林

443. knot n. 结vt. 把...打成结

444. leak v. 漏,渗出

445. lean vi. 倾斜,倚,靠

446. leap vi. 跳跃

447. modify vt. 修改

448. nylon n. 尼龙

449. onion n. 洋葱

450. powder n. 粉末

451. applicable a. 可应用的,适当的452. applicant n. 申请人

453. breadth n. 宽度

454. conservation n. 保存,保护

455. conservative a. 保守的

456. parallel n. 平行线;可相比拟的事物457. passion n. 激情,热情

458. passive a. 被动的,消极的

459. pat v./n. 轻拍,轻打

460. peak n. 山峰,顶点

461. phenomenon n. 现象

462. reluctant a. 不情愿的,勉强的

463. rely vi. (on ,upon)依赖,指望

464. relevant a. 有关的,切题的

465. reliable a. 可靠的

466. relief n. 轻松,宽慰;减轻

467. reputation n. 名气,声誉

468. rescue vt./n. 营救

469. triangle n. 三角(形)

470. sequence n. 连续;顺序

471. shallow a. 浅的

472. shiver vi/n. 发抖

473. shrug v./n. 耸肩

474. signature n. 签名

475. sincere a. 诚挚的,真诚的

476. utility n. 功用,效用

477. utilize vt. 利用

478. utter vt. 说出a. 完全的,彻底的479. variation n. 变化,变动

480. vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆

481. applause n. 鼓掌,掌声

482. appliance n. 器具,器械

483. consent n. 准许,同意vi (to)准许,同意484. conquer vt. 征服

485. defect n. 缺点,缺陷

486. delicate a. 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的487. evolve v.演变

488. evolution n. 演变,进化

489. frown v./n. 皱眉

490. frustrate vt. 使沮丧

491. guarantee vt./n. 保证

492. guilty a. 内疚的;有罪的

493. jealous a. 妒忌的

494. jeans n. 牛仔裤

495. liquor n. 酒,烈性酒

496.liter/litre n. 升

497. modest a. 谦虚道

498. molecule n. 分子

499. orbit n. 轨道v. (绕...)作轨道运行500. participate v. (in)参与,参加

501. particle n. 微粒

502. particularly ad. 特别,尤其

503. respond vi. 回答,答复;反应

504. response n. 回答,答复;反应

505. sensible a. 明智的

506. sensitive a. 敏感到,灵敏的

507. tremble vi. 颤抖

508. tremendous a. 巨大的;精彩的509. trend n. 趋向,倾向

510. trial n. 审讯;试验

511. apparent a. 显然的,明白的

512. appetite n. 胃口;欲望

513. deposit n. 存款,定金v.存放,储蓄514. deputy n. 副职,代表

515. derive vt. 取得,得到;(from)起源于516. descend v. 下来,下降

517. missile n. 导弹

518. mission n. 使命;代表团

519. mist n.薄雾

520. noticeable a. 显而易见到

521. notify vt. 通知,告知

522. notion n. 概念;意图,想法

523. resemble vt. 像,类似于

524. reveal vt. 揭露

525. revenue n. 收入,岁入;税收

526. shelter n. 掩蔽处;住所

527. shield n. 防护物,盾vt. 保护,防护528. vital a. 重要的;致命的,生命的

529. vitally ad. 极度,非常;致命地

530. urban a. 城市的

531. urge vt. 鼓励,激励

532. urgent a. 急迫的,紧急得

533. usage n. 使用,用法

534. violence n. 强力,暴力

535. violent a. 强暴的

536. violet a. 紫色的

537. weed n. 杂草,野草

538. welfare n. 福利

539. whatsoever ad. (用于否定句)任何540. whereas conj. 然而,但是,尽管

541. essential a. 必不可少的;本质的542. estimate n./vt. 估计,估量

543. evaluate vt. 评估,评价

544. exceed vt. 超过,越出

545. exceedingly ad. 非常,极其

546. exclaim v. 呼喊,大声说

547. exclude vt. 把...排斥在外,不包括548. exclusive a. 读有的,排他的

549. excursion n. 远足

550. flash vi. 闪光,闪耀

551. flee vi. 逃走

552. flexible a. 易弯曲的

553. flock n. 羊群,(鸟兽等)一群;一伙人554. hardware n. 五金器具

555. harmony n. 和谐,融洽

556. haste n. 急速,急忙

557. hatred n. 憎恶,憎恨

558. incident n. 事件,事变

559. index n. 索引,标志

560. infant n. 婴儿

561. infect v. 传染

562. inferior a. 劣等的,次的,下级的

563. infinite a. 无限的

564. ingredient n. 组成部分

565. inhabitant n. 居民

566. jail n. 监狱

567. jam n. 果酱;拥挤,堵塞

568. jewel n. 宝石

569. joint a.连接的;共同的

570. junior a. 年少的;资历较浅的571. laser n. 激光

572. launch vt. 发动,发起

573. luxury n. 奢侈;奢侈品

574. magnet n. 磁铁,磁体

575. male a. 男性的,雄的

576. female a. 女性的,雌的

577. manual a. 用手的,手工做的n. 手册578. manufacture vt./n. 制造,加工

579. marine a. 海的;海产的

580. mutual a. 相互的

581. naked a. 裸露的

582. negative a. 否定的,消极的

583. neglect vt. 忽视,忽略

584. origin n. 起源,出身

585. oval a. 椭圆形的n. 椭圆形

586. outset n. 开始,开端

587. presumably ad. 大概,可能

588. prevail vi. 流行,盛行

589. quit v. 停止

590. quotation n. 引文,引语

591. recreation n. 娱乐活动

592. recruit vt. 招募,吸收(新成员)593. rival n. 竞争对手,敌手

594. shuttle n. 梭子;航天飞机

595. skim vt. 搬(去),掠过;浏览596. sketch n. 草图;梗概

597. slender a. 苗条的,修长的

598. theme n. 主题

599. textile n. 纺织品

600. tropical a. 热带的,炎热的

601. kneel vi. 跪

602. label n. 标签

603. merchant n. 商人

604. mere a. 仅仅的,只不过的;纯粹的605. nuisance n. 令人讨厌的东西(或人)606. numerous a. 众多的,许多的

607. parade n. 游行v. 列队行进

608. pants [pl.] n. 长裤;内裤

609. partial a. 部分的

610. passport n. 护照

611. prescribe vt. 开药,吩咐采用...疗法

612. primitive a. 原始的,早期的

613. ridge n. 脊,山脊,埂

614. ridiculous a. 可笑的,荒漠的

615. rigid a. 严格的;僵硬的

616. withstand vt. 经受,承受

617. witness n. 目击者;证据vt. 注意到;证明618. withdraw v. 收回,撤销

619. slippery a. 滑的

620. smash vt. 粉碎,打烂

621. snap n./vt. 折断,拉断;快照

622. software n. 软件

623. solar a. 太阳的

624. lunar a. 月的,月球的

625. submerge vi. 潜入水中

626. submit vi.(to)屈服,听从

627. timber n. 木材,原木

628. tissue n. 组织;薄纱,手巾纸

629. title n. 题目,标题

630. tone n. 语气,音调

631. drift vi. 漂,漂流

632. drip n. 滴

633. durable a. 耐用的,持久的

634. duration n. 持续,持续期间

635. dusk n. 黄昏,薄暮

636. leather n. 皮革

637. legislation n. 法律,法规;立法

638. leisure n. 闲暇;悠闲

639. loose a. 松的,宽松的

640. loosen v. 解开,放松

641. earnest a. 认真的,诚挚的

642. earthquake n. 地震

643. echo n. 回音,回声

644. elaborate a. 精心设计的,复杂的

645. elastic n. 橡皮圈(带)a. 有弹性的646. elbow n. 肘

647. electron n. 电子

648. volcano n. 火山

649. volume n. 卷,册;体积,容量

650. fatigue n. 疲劳,劳累

651. faulty a. 有错误的,有缺点的

652. favorable a. 称赞道;有利的,顺利的

653. favorite a. 特别受喜欢的n. 喜爱的人或物654. gallery n. 画廊

655. gallon n. 加仑

656. gap n. 间隔,差距

657. garbage n. 垃圾,废物

658. gaze v. 凝视,注视

659. gear n. 齿轮,传动装置

660. gene n. 基因

661. lest conj. 唯恐,免得

662. liable a. 可能的,大概的;(to)易于...的663. liberal a. 自由得

664. liberty n. 自由

665. license /license n. 许可证,执照

666. moisture n. 潮湿

667. motivate vt. 激励,激发

668. motive n. 动机,目的

669. generate vt. 生成,产生(光、热、电等)670. genius n. 天才,天赋

671. genuine a. 真的,真诚的

672. gasoline n. 汽油

673. germ n. 微生物,细菌

674. gesture n. 姿势,手势

675. giant a. 巨大的n. 巨人,巨物

676. glimpse n. 一瞥,一看

677. glory n. 光荣,荣誉

678. glorious n. 光荣的,极好的

679. golf n. 高尔夫球运动

680. hydrogen n. 氢

681. oxygen n. 氧

682. hostile a. 敌对的,敌意大

683. household n. 家庭,户

684. hook n. 钩

685. holy a. 神圣地,圣洁的

686. hint n. 暗示,示意

687. hesitate v. 犹豫

688. highlight vt. 强调,突出

689. hence ad. 因此,所以;今后,从此

690. herd n. 兽群,牧群


阅读理解之猜测词义 一. 解释: eg:It will be very hard but also very brittle --- that is, it will break easily. eg:Modern medicine began with the stethoscope, a medical tool used for listening to the movements of a person’s lung and his heartbeats. ◎A person who is skilled at making or repairing wooden objects is called a carpenter. ◎His uncle is a zoologist, an expert who does research on animals. ◎The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year. ◎We are on the night shift --- working from midnight to 8 a.m. --- this week. 二. 上下文: 1. e.g. Though Tom’s face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains grubby. e.g. John usually wastes a lot of money on such useless things, his wife, however, is very abstemious . ◎In the past the world seemed to run in an orderly way. Now, however, everything seems to be in a state of turmoil. ◎If you agree, write “yes”; if you dissent, write “no”. ◎Some human actions are learned, but quite a few other actions are innate. Although a large number of people considered him to have stolen the money, I was sure that he was innocent of the theft. 2. e.g. Mother was tall, fat and middle-aged. My aunt was an old woman, almost as plump as mother, but much shorter. e.g. The new tax law supersedes, or replaces, the law that was in effect last year. e.g. Mr Smith loves to talk, and his wife is similarly loquacious. eg:American businessmen expect employees to be punctual. They do not expect that the workers will come late. ◎One of symptoms caused by this kind of illness is a high fever. ◎Because this chemical liquid is highly volatile, we must keep it in a bottle which has a tight lid. ◎In the strong wind, the beggar shivered with the terrible cold. 3. e.g. Rubber can be made to stretch more than nine times its normal length because it is very elastic. e.g. The river is so turbid that it is impossible to see the bottom even when it is shallow. ◎Since I could not afford to purchase the original painting, I bought a replica. An inexperienced eye could not tell the difference. ◎He’s such a shrewd businessman that he loses no money in any trade. ◎She wanted the hairdresser to trim her hair a bit because it was too long. 三. 构词法: 1. With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners 猜一猜: minicar postwar supermarket preview preschool recall irrelative nonstandard disloyal unlock co-worker overactive vice president e.g. We must safeguard the world peace. A protect B care C prevent D to keep safe with guns e.g. Don’t listen to his nonsense. A having no meaning B meaningless words C humorous speech D not making sense 四. 举例子: e.g. On the farm they mainly raise poultry, such as chickens, ducks and geese, for their eggs and meat. e.g. I have found Lucy is quite generous, for example, whenever she meets a beggar, she gives some coins to him.


阅读理解之词义猜测题 词义猜测题常见设题方式:: 1. The word "…” refers to / probably means / could best be replaced by __________ 2. The word "…” is most likely to mea n _________ . 3. What do you thi nk the expressi on "…” sta nds for? 4. The un derl ined word "…” means. _____ ..... 解题方法 1. Definition 定义法 2. Con trast 对比法 3. Similarity 相似法 4. Cause and effect 因果法 5. Example例举法 6. Word Formation 构词法 7. Con text上下文 8. Com mon Se nse 普通常识 1. Defin iti on 定义法:一般通过定义、定语(从句)或同位语(从句)来确定词义。______ a. It will be very hard but very brittle —that is , it will break easily.() b. The herdsma n , who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yua n a year._() 2. Contrast 对比法:利用文中的反义词以及表对比关系的词(组)猜测词义。表示对比______ 的词有but、while、however、otherwise 等。 a. Most of us agreed, however, Bill dissented.() b. She is usually prompt for all her classes, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class. A. on time B. late C. slowly D. quickly 3. Similarity 相似法:利用同义词、近义词或词组猜测词义。 Clea ning up waterways is an eno rmous task .The job is so large, in fact, that the gover nment may not be able to save some of the rivers and lakes which have bee n polluted.() 4. Cause Effect因果法:从原因推测结果,从结果推测原因。 One who is destitute has a great n eed for food and cloth ing. b. That museum is so imme nse that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day. () 5. Example 例举法:禾U用文中的举例猜测词义。常见的举例的提示词有for instanee, for example, such as 等。 Today young couples often spend lots of their money on appliances, for instanee, washing mach in es, refrigerators and color televisi ons.() 6. Word Formation 构词法:英语单词大多是由词根、词头(前缀)和词尾(后缀)所组成。 词根是单词最基本的部分,表达单词的基本含义。在词根前或后加上前缀或后缀,可 以用来引申或转变原词的意义。只要我们掌握了各种词根、词头和词尾的基本含义,那么就可以很容易猜测出由其构成的新词的含义了。 中学英语中常见的前缀和后缀有: super-(超)mini-(极小的,微小的) micro-(极微小的)re-(再,反复) mis-(误,恶)im-(不)un-(不,非)in-(不,非) non-(不,非)-able (能…的)-less (不,无)-wards (向) Can you guess the right meanin gs? superma n microwave nonn atural mispr onounce homeless non smoker rebuild eastwards Eg. I ' m goitogbuy a microbus.(


龙源期刊网 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0712985993.html, 词义猜测题的解题技巧 作者:杨富章 来源:《高中生学习·高三文综版》2015年第04期 词义猜测题是高考阅读理解题中的一种常见题型。通过对近几年湖北卷高考题的阅读理解题的统计,我们会发现2014年词义猜测题在阅读理解部分有1题,2013年考了1道,而2012年湖北卷考了4道。虽然近两年直接考查这种能力的题目不多,但是这种不借助词典,而是通过阅读上下文来推断生词含义的能力,是同学们在考试时必须具备的,它能让我们更好地理解上下文,其实这也是阅读理解题对这种能力的间接考查。 词义猜测题的常见考点有: 1. 直接猜测某个词的含义; 2. 判断文中的某个代词指代的对象; 3. 对文中的多义词或短语进行精确定义; 4. 对英语中特有的表达、格言、谚语等进行直接或解释性的描述。 常见设问形式有: 1.The word “ABC”in the passage probably means . 2.The underlined word “ABC” in the passage ref ers to/means . 3.Which of the following is closest/nearest in meaning to the underlined word in the second paragraph? 4.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means . 5.The word “it/them” in the first paragraph refers to . 词义猜测题的解题技巧我们可以归纳为8条: 1.根据近义词关系推测。 作者可能会用一个近义词或者同义词去解释另一个更难的词,以使它的意思更清楚。我们可以通过寻找近义词来推测生词的意思:一要看由and或or连接的同义词词组;二要看在进 一步解释的过程中使用的同义词。近义词往往出现在同一句或者同一段落中。如:


III词义猜测 【命题特点】考查根据上下文推测生词和短语的能力,突出考查对语境的分析和把握的能力。【常见考法】 1. The underlined word “…”probably means____. 2. The word “…”used in paragraph “…”refers to/suggests____. 3. The phrase “…”in the sentence can be replaced by ____. 4. Which of the following is the cl osest in meaning to the word “…”? 5. What is the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph “…”? 6. By saying “…”, we mean_____. 7. What do you think of the expression “…”stands for? 8. The meaning of word “…”in the passage is related to_____. 一.通过定义或解释推测语义 有些概念性生词出现后,作者会给出它的定义、同位语、修饰性从句或是定语。这些修饰成分可以帮助我们推断出生词的语义 (1)定义句的谓语动词在文中多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define(下定义), represent, signify(表示,表明), constitute(指。。)等。 (2)解释则常用as you know, to be called, to mean, to refer to, that is(to say), in other words, namely 等词语以及同位语和定语从句来提示下文将前面的信息加以重复或解释。 (3)有时作者会用复述的形式来解释语义,而复述部分可以是词、短语或从句。 (4)还有下一些标点符号,如冒号、破折号、括号等都表示后文要继续解释说明前文。eg. 1. The powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid, that is, it could not be tasted, seen, or smelled. (无法察觉的,感觉不到的) 2. The Greek marriage was monogamous-----men and women were allowed only one spouse (配偶) at a time. (一夫一妻制) Exercises: 1. Pantomime refers to a short play in which no words are spoken. ____默剧,哑剧_______ 2. Anthropology is the scientific study of man. _____人类学______ 3. We will meet you in the foyer, the entrance hall of the theatre. ____门厅_______ 4. He began to shave his whiskers, which had grown thick on both cheeks(脸颊). ___胡须______ 5. Some computer scientists are developing artificial-intelligence machines that they say will think like people. ____人工智能_______ Test1 There is no cure(治愈)for Alzheimer’s. But a drug called ARICEPT has been used by millions of people to help their symptoms(症状). 61. What is ARICEPT?(C) A. A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s B. A medicine to delay signs of aging. C. A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. D. A medicine to cure brain damage. Test 2 Here is The Pines, whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou, wild boar and reindeer with surprising sauces. (1)According to the passage, The Pines is a ______. (D) A. place in which you can see many mobile homes


中考英语词语释义题解题技巧 重点、难点、考点 一、重点是: (1)常见的构词法 1)合成词:合成词是由两个或两个以上的词构成一个新的词。如:blackboard(黑板),newspaper(报纸),afternoon(下 午) ,pencil-box(铅笔盒)。 2)派生词:派生词是由词根加派生词缀构成的词,词根是派生词的基础,同一词根加不同的派生词缀可以表示不同的意义,还可以表示不同的词的词性。 动词变名词:+后缀er drive(驾驶)——driver(驾驶员) teach(教)—— teacher(教师) read(阅读)—— reader(读者) +后缀or invent(发明)——inventor(发明家) visit(访问)—— visitor(访问者) +后缀tion invent(发明)——

invention(发明) operate(手术)——operation(手术) 名词变形容词:+后缀y wind(风)——windy(刮风的) sun(太阳)——sunny(晴朗的) +后缀ful help(帮助)—— helpful(有帮助的) care(小心)—— careful(小心的) +后缀ly friend(朋友)——friendly(友好的) 形容词变名词:+后缀ness good(好的)——goodness(善良,美德) kind(和善的)——kindness(和善) 形容词变副词:+后缀ly bad(坏的)——badly(糟糕地) quick(快的)——quickly(迅速地) 改变词义:+前缀un happy(高兴的)——unhappy(不高兴的) usual(平常的)——


(教师版) 一、目标预设 通过本节课学习,提高学生阅读理解猜测词义的解题能力。 二、知识梳理 (一)猜测词义常用的十种方法 在阅读中,我们会经常遇到一些生词,需要根据上下文猜测它们的词义。此类问题考查考生紧扣原文,根据上下文语境判断单词、短语或短句意义的能力。 1.根据定义或解释猜测词义 这类定义或解释通常由生词后的同位语(从句)或定语从句引出。 例:The modern age of medicine began with the stethoscope, an instrument for listening to a patient’s heartbeat and breathing. 析:同位语意思是,stethoscope是用来听病人心脏跳动和呼吸的仪器,即“听诊器”。 2.根据对比关系猜测词义 当句中含有but, however, yet, though, although, on the other hand, instead,in contrast等表示转折意义的词时,前后句含有对比意义,据此可以猜测生词的词义。 例:Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I knew. His brother, in contrast, is quite modest. 析:in contrast对比之下,supercilious与modest意义相对应,我们便能猜出supercilious 意为“傲慢的;目空一切的”。 3.根据因果关系猜测词义 表示因果关系的信息词有:because, so, therefore, thus, so…that等。 例:I found I was paying too much attention to the job and thus sacrificing my study time. 析:thus是信息词,因为我对工作过分注意,因此失去了许多学习的时间,这样就得知sacrifice意为“牺牲;失去”。 4.根据同等关系猜测词义 表示同等关系的信息词有:and, or, or rather, to be more exact, namely, that’s to say, in other words,that is等。 例:His secret for a living and healthy life has been well publicized---no alcohol, no cigarette and no anger. 析:由a living and healthy life以及同类名词cigarette可推测alcohol意为“酒精”。 5.根据同义词、近义词或反义词猜测词义 这类同义词、近义词或反义词往往有and, or, but, however等信息词作暗示。 例:In our competitive world of today, examinations have a highly selecting or filtering role. 析:句中selecting 与filtering含义相近,可由selecting(挑选)推测filtering 意为“筛选;选拔”。 6.根据标点符号猜测词义 这类标点符号通常为括号、冒号、破折号、逗号等。 例:You can take any of the periodicals: The World of English, Foreign Language Teaching in School, or English Learning. 析:根据冒号后面所举例子可知periodicals意为“magazines published at regular times”,即“期刊”。


高考阅读理解词义猜测题解题技巧 猜词悟义是应用英语的重要能力,也是高考阅读理解中必考的题型。它不但需要准确无误地理解上下文,而且要有较大的泛读量,掌握或认识较多的课外词汇。考生应学会通过构词、定义、同位、对比、因果、常识、同义、反义及上下文线索等确定词义。 一、题型特点与命题方式 此类题型有逐渐增加的趋势,尤其是猜测词组、句义题。因为猜测词组、句义题涉及题材背景、句子结够、文章主旨、作者的观点态度等。联系主旨、整合上下文信息是解答这类题的关键。近几年阅读理解的生词率略有上升,加大了猜测力度。命题者着重考查考生利用同义或反义关系、构词法、语法和语篇文脉等理解生词的能力。 【命题趋势】 1、要求根据阅读材料所提供的信息,结合中学生应有的常识和经验,正确判断生词词组的含义或成熟词在特定语境中表达的具体含义以及一些句子的意思。 2、要求猜测词义的词一般为实词及其词组,通过构词、定义、对比、因果、联想、上下文等线索确定词义的具体内容。 3、代词复指理解题也是猜测词义的常考类型。用―逻辑关系梳理法‖、―递向寻踪法‖理清人物及事物之间的逻辑关系是关键所在。 【设问形式】 The underlined word ―…‖ in the second(third…) paragraph refers to(means) ______. By saying ―…‖ in the first(second…) paragraph, the author means that ______. In paragraph …, ―…‖ can be replaced by ―______‖. The meaning of ―…‖ in paragraph… is related to ______. Which of the follow ing has the closest meaning to…(paragraph…)? The underlined sentence in the … paragraph probably means that _____. 二、解题思路与应试技巧 做这种类型的题,要根据词、词组、句子所在的语境上下文来判断其意义。因此熟练掌握一些猜词技巧是做好这类题的关键。命题者在出这类题时惯用常规词义来麻痹考生,我们要特别注意熟词生义,切不可脱离语境主观臆断。 下面结合近几年高考试题,对猜词悟义的技巧加以解读。 1、根据定义或上下文解释进行猜测 有时短文中出现一个需要猜测其意义的词或短语,下面接着出现其定义或解释,这就是判断该词或短语意义的主要依据。例如: Annealing is a way of making metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool very slowly. 句子给予annealing 以明确的定义,即―退火‖。 It will be very hard but also very brittle — that is, it will break easily. 从后面that is(也就是说)的解释中我们可以了解到brittle是―脆‖的意思。 The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year. 定语从句中looks after sheep 就表明了herdsman的词义为―牧羊人‖。 【考例】 (2014福建卷,E篇)73. The underlined words ―tipping points‖ most probably refer to ―_______‖. A. freezing points B. burning points C. melting points D. boiling points 【解析】C。请看原文:In his book, he had challenged readers to make deep cuts in personal emissions to keep the world from reaching extremely important tipping points, such as the melting


词语运用 一、考点解读 词语运用题主要考查学生在特定语境中对词汇、表达法的灵活运用能力。试题的主要考查点是名词、数词、形容词、副词、动词及常用动词短语。 1、名词:名词单复数、名词所有格以及星期、月份等特殊名词的拼写; 2、形容词和副词:形容词与副词的选用及形式转化,形容词与副词的比较级等级; 3、数词:序数词变为基数词的规律; 4、动词:动词的过去式、过去分词、现在分词以及动词不定时、动词短语的拼写及用法。 二、解题方法及技巧 (一)阅读全句,理解句意 正确理解全句有助于准确判断所填的单词,若只看所填词的提示而忽略整个句意,往往填不上或填错单词 e.g. We can’t breathe f air because of polluted environment. (二)认真分析所填词的词性 做题时结合语境、语法要求去判断所填词的正确词性 e.g.1.This morning I was two minutes late for train,but (luck),I didn’t miss it as the train was late,too. 2.What a (sun) day! Let’s go hiking. 3.She was one of the greatest Chinese (write) of the 20th century. 各种词性之间的相互转换表 (1)v.+er/or n.(人):teach visit work (2)adj.+ly adv. : careful luck quick

(3)n.+ly adj. :friend month (4)adj. n. :important different healthy dead (5)v.+tion n. : invent pollute (6)v.+ment n. : develop move (7)adj.+ness n. : happy ill sad (8)-less后缀,un-前缀都表示否定含义 careless ——(反) helpless——(反) useless ——(反) unhappy——(反) unusual——(反) (三)要判断所填词的正确词性 (1)名词要注意复数和所有格 (2)形容词、副词要注意比较级和最高级的变化 (3)动词及词组要注意各种时态、语态及非谓语动词等各种形式 (4)数词注意分数和序数词的变化 e.g.1. In China, students have two (term) every year. 2. After exercising for a few months, she is a little (thin) than before. 3. Mr.Green lives on the (twelve) floor of the building. 4. When I (arrive), it was early in the morning and it was raining. (四)注意固定搭配 e.g. I am (interest) in reading books. 词语运用解题口诀: 空前空后要注意,名词单复要牢记,还有’s不能弃; 动词注意要变形;形、副注意用三级; 要填数词请留意,千万别忘“基”和“序”; 填入代词需谨慎,五格变化要谨记; 介词、连词最省力,看见照抄就可以。


二轮复习阅读理解解题技巧之词义猜测解题指导 命题方式的特点 词义猜测是英语阅读的重要技巧,词义猜测题也是高考中常考的题型。考生要学会“顺藤摸瓜”,通过构词、定义、对比、因果、联想、上下文等线索(各种已知信息)确定词义。要求猜测词义的词一般为实词(动词、名词、形容词等)。另外,这类题也包括对短语和句意的猜测。 考试中经常考查的词汇有以下几种: (1)在特殊语言环境中具有特殊意义的常用词。 (2)专业化程度较高的词。 (3)生僻词。 (4)常用代词。 命题方式的考法 1.猜测单词或短语意义------巧用线索猜词义。 (1)“定义同位”猜词义,主要包括定义释词和同位/举例 (2)“逻辑关系”猜词义 (3)根据构词法猜词义 2.考查代词的指代意义---------“就近原则”猜词义 3.句意猜测类-------“意义吻合”定句意 常见设问形式 (1)The underlined phrase “___” in the second paragraph could be replaced by ______. (2)The underlined word “________” in the first par agraph probably means________. (3)What is the meaning of the underlined word in the second paragraph? (4)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “________”? (5)What does the underlined word “________” in Paragraph 2 refer to? (6)What do you think the expression “________” stands for? (7)Which of the following words can best take the place of the underlined word “______” in Paragraph 3? (8)According to the passage, the underlined word “________” is known as ________. 选项特点 (1)正确选项的特点 ①相应词语的同义词语。 ②对相应语句的解释、复述或概括。 (2)干扰项的特点 ①对原相应表达方式的不正确改写。

阅读理解---词义猜测 (公开课)

阅读理解―词义猜测题 Step 1: Warming-up---guess the meanings of the underlined words. 1. The company?s profits are decreasing year by year due to mismanagement. 2. She did not hear what you said because she was completely engrossed in her reading. 3. If you agree, write “Yes”; if you dissent, write “No”. 4. It will be very hard but also very brittle —that is, it will break easily. Step2: 词义猜测题基本方法:___________; __________ ●构词法 1. Valentine?s Day is a time of happiness for lovers. Boys like to give girls flowers as presents. That day, he came to see me with a forget-me-not in his hands. 2. When he reached the place with his army, he found an impassable river in front of him. 构词法通常考虑_________和_____________ ●语境法常利用以下技巧 利用同义(向)关系:and,also,or(或者)… 3. Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful. ?Which of the following words can replace “detrimental”? ____ A. helpful B. useful C. harmful D. meaningful 4. Frequently it happens that a place has two names: One is named by the people and the other by the government. As in many areas, old habits die hard, and the place continues to be called by its unofficial name long after the meaning is lost. ?What does the underlined phrase “die hard” probably mean? ____


高考阅读理解之: 猜测词义练习案 Excise1 1. Annealing is a way of making metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool very slowly. 2. It will be very hard but also very brittle — that is, it will break easily. 3.They traveled a long way, at last got to a castle, a large building in old times. 4. We are on the night shift—from midnight to 8 a.m.— this week. 5. Perhaps, we can see some possibilities for next fifty years. But the next hundred? 6.The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was permanent. So the player could never play the sport again. 7.Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful. 8. She is usually prompt for all her class, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class. Excise2 A Plagiarism is one of the most serious problems in schools and colleges. It has occurred as lon g as there have been teachers and students, but the recent growth of the Intenet has made it much worse. Recent studies show 30% of all students may be plagiarizing on every written homework th ey’ve done. What is plagiarism? It is using others' ideas and words without clearly mentioning wh ere the information is from. Q: The word "plagiarism" means ________. A. cheating in the exams B. putting others' words in quotations C. rewriting others' articles D. stealing others' ideas or words B Both warm-blooded and cold-blooded desert animals have ways to escape the desert heat. Wa rm-blooded desert animals, such as rats and mice, rest during the day, often staying in cool underg round burrows. At night they search for food. Animals that are out during the day, such as cold-blo oded lizards and snakes, are active only for short periods. As their body tem- perature rises, these r eptiles move into the shade in order to cool down. In the early evening, when the sun grows weake r, the reptiles become more active and begin their search for food again. Getting enough wate r to survive is a major problem for all desert animals. Q: The underlined word "burrows" in the first paragraph can be replaced by _______ A. holes B. caves C. rooms D. openings C Fishermen later killed and sold the shark after oceanographers confirmed that it was a whale s hark and therefore not under State protection. Q: The underlined word "confirmed "probably means ________. A. said B. believed C. thought D. made sure
