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1. Is the ability to write well more important than that of speaking?

What is supposed to be the major elements that make up one's overall quality? The answer lies in those essential skills that anyone who dreams of a bright future ought to be equipped with. Among these abilities, both speaking and writing are to be emphasized.

A general controversy rises up when the two are presented together. Some people attach greater importance to speaking than writing, while others hold the opposite attitude.[1] In my view, speaking is no less important than writing.

With reference to the skill of speaking, eloquence is a most direct indication of one's outstanding talent, thus paving the way toward career success. We could trace evidence to Oprah Winfrey, the world-renowned talk show queen.[2] Her unparalleled talking skills appeal to all ages and races. Her fearless courage and ability to emphasize key points indicate that she is able to connect with the hearts and souls of her guests and audiences.[3]

Martin Luther King is another role model. His famous address "I have a dream" was delivered without a draft and touched the hearts of all. Actually, he was speaking on behalf of the entire human race and the influence of his speech will last forever.

Moreover, a competent speaker is able to communicate to others with ease . Thus, understanding can be achieved and the circle of friendship can be broadened and strengthened. The careful choice of words while speaking helps to determine one's communicative abilities. No one wishes to make friends with those who are poor at speaking. In most cases, improper remarks may considerably hurt others' feelings. Therefore, in order to be welcomed by others, it is imperative to improve one's oral expressions.[4] My roommate Linda used to be a bad speaker . For the first two years in college, she had very few good friends and led a lonely life. As soon as she realized the importance of speaking, she chose to enroll on a relevant training course. Her efforts finally paid off. Before graduation, she boasted a large number of close friends.

The significance of a person's writing ability should also be mentioned. Excellent writing skills do not merely ensure one's academic and professional success, but also help produce far-reaching influences in society, maybe even making history. To illustrate, for a student, good writing ability helps them obtain high marks on the examination papers. For a graduate student, completing a satisfactory thesis means they will be granted a dream academic degree or reward . For a white collar worker, having the competence to draft articles may be an important stepping stone leading toward promotion and career success. As for professional writers, their popular works record essences of history and might be regarded as milestones of an age. We may cite the story of Lu Xun, who compared the pen to a weapon. By expressing his sharp viewpoints about the society, he made the world aware of the social reality of the time.[5] The same is true with any other masterpieces to be eternally cherished and memorized.

In conclusion, there should be no prejudice against either of these two basic skills. As long as our society continues to progress, the demand for talent in comprehensive skills will be on the rise. Both speaking and writing abilities are critical to a person's overall development and each one deserves our ever-lasting attention.

d A(B J 些停 A)B 众 A B 众

A+B 众

A,B4[ F I 众

中 众中 击享 2

厚x 佛 享 2 助予 坚 写 伐 中出宝 中yb 些元中 中 享 促 击亲宝 u不 b 令 与 宝厚几 击 些元中 b与 厚几 m 宝 b u 中 击享宝

众 中 医b 厚x b q 刚 冷倦宝 包 / ( ] 偏j书 价宝 减 p 厌 宝 域哪 享 中 伙 中 m号 公宝

危g]倦 ]分 厚 宝 减 l圆 伙实 厚x b今 宝 些 b 实 厚x 包器 l增 宝

b厚x m 宝 b 剂 仅 入 b 动 m启

宝伙 中 仿些 厚x 圾军中 宝 ml 伙 宝 kbl 众 宝 b 光b 些元中 匹 享 宝 元 厚xl 介估 宝 u 出b 命b 宝 份 击享

b 厚xm 代伦 宝 宝 q b 厚 万 宝

出b 中 击享宝 l 中 厚x q qj b与o 全 b 主 中 宝 与 b 厚xy 伙b 单 下企y 宝 厚x 伙b 厚 号 宝 厚x 单 伙b 们 便 q 击享 临 宝与 q 伙b 以 定b o 中 仍 厚x 宝 l b y 宝 军先 些元为 b 与 份 减x 宝 乱 伤不 ,予 宝

b u 中b l 京宝 享 l 入 %b 佛 动 宝 众中 m 中 厚x 医 主 击享 bu不 宝

2. Is it more important to work quickly with risks making mistakes than to work slowly with

everything correct?

Time and tide waits for no man. No matter what one is engaged in , the concept of time is always a primary concern and decisive factor . Any delay during the progression of a work task might be fatal . On the other hand, quality is also important in a task. To some extent, high speed might incur mistakes and risks, but that does not mean one cannot work with efficiency . From my point of view, it is a better choice to work with speed without neglecting quality.

In the first place, every minute should be made full use of once a task is initiated. A second saved is a second gained. Any intentional delay is a waste of time and might lead to severe consequences . Therefore, a feasible schedule should be drafted and strictly followed. Nobody is allowed to work slowly. In a sense, deadlines that have been settled are the most effective stimulus urging people to concentrate on their work. In most cases, completing a job ahead of time can also give a person that sense of self-fulfillment , thus helping maintain their enthusiasm in the future. Here is a concrete example to testify to the importance of time. My cousin is a person who never works slowly.[1] As a PhD candidate at Northwestern University, he is able to participate in many projects. Last semester he was appointed as the team leader of an emergent project. After working out a suitable timetable, which he strictly adhered to, he and his partners worked efficiently together. The project was completed on time, and with very few mistakes.

Secondly, there is no need to fear making mistakes and taking risks. These experiences are worthwhile and beneficial to future development. Learning from the past help to avoid future blunders . If no mistakes are made, or no risks taken, how can a person have opportunities to improve himself?[2] Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor the world has ever seen, taught us that making mistakes is only a precursor to success. After making numerous experiments and experiencing uncountable failures, he finally succeeded in finding the most suitable material for electric light bulbs.

In the third place, attentiveness and care help reduce the possibility of making mistakes when speed is required. With the mental pressure of time restrictions, one's attention may not be so easily distracted . Immersing himself in the task at hand can help him avoid careless mistakes. Taking this aspect into consideration, speed and quality may not be totally contradictory to one another, but rather complimentary to personal job satisfaction.

To sum up, during the course of an endeavor, all participants should attach great importance to both speed and quality in their plan. All the time spent on one's work should be treasured. Even though there may be encounters with faults or risks, working at a reasonable speed while having focused attention is highly recommended.[3]

engaged in e

primary concern 印享

decisive factor

fatal adj.举

efficiency n.

neglecting v. 亲e n.?

(neglect of duty ) )

intentional adj. b

sever consequence v击

feasible adj. 互

sense of fulfillment

concrete example

worthwhile adj. blunder n. 判; 判优 succeed in doing distract vt. ;停 at a reasonable speed d [1] 众 [2]if 众 [3]付 众

判优 卡加 h 厚 击享 2

l 宝 厚x b 剂 印享 m 宝 入 先 yb 优 中 举 宝 厚 医b 佛 击享宝 与介b 中 举判优m卡加b 与b减l 厚x 宝 b l 亲佛 宝

印 b 厚 b 享 宝乐 厚 厚 宝 佳 剂b与o 中 举v击 宝 b 享 互 些 v 准 宝 l 们 宝 伙b 力 n 宝 kb中 厚 为 b b yb 宝 厚x偏允 价 剂 击享 宝 些 厚x l 大优 宝 b m 升 y 宝jx 厚x 升 剑住体 宝 中 v 准 剂些 b 升 厚促 宝 b o 判优宝

b 享 味 判m 加宝 m 宝 先 代 判优宝 l 判 先卡加b厚x 中 书 为 2p j b 判 宝 先 企却b l 何 b 宝

ibn m 判 宝 剂力 b厚x l 宝 y k 判优宝切 b 佛 们 l b 与mx 储 宝

与介 b 互厚升 先 yb m不 从 y 佛 击亲宝享, 剂宝 们 决判优 卡加b 势y 受 宝

3. Land: for human needs or for endangered animals?

The earth is now witnessing a controversial issue in the using and saving of land. There is no denying that land use is essential to the development of human society. If no more land is available for people to explore , the living space will no longer endure the pressure from the growth in population.[1] On the other hand, if the land that animals inhabit is invaded by humans, an increasing number will reach the verge of extinction . Thus, the ecological balance will be severely disrupted . Consequently, only through having a good balance between land use and land conservation can such a dilemma be solved.[2]

First of all, land use ensures further development for human society. It involves the management and modification of wild land into areas for human needs. As many as 7 billion people are living on this planet today. To satisfy the most fundamental demand of the growing population, land ought to be properly used.[3] For instance, if there is not enough supply of farming fields , fewer crops can be harvested for food. This will increase the number of starving people in the world. The same is true with land for residential use. No one wishes to witness the rootless existence of those who are not settled down due to the lack of living space. In addition, the construction of commercial districts and public open spaces as well as the creation of industrial parks are all major projects that make a society advance towards a higher level. Evidently, the use of land is of essential importance to the survival of mankind and the advancement of modem society.

Without a doubt, humans should also be on a mission to protect animals from dying out . Endangered species like jaguars, leopards, brown bears, giant pandas and tigers are disappearing at an alarming rate due to the overuse of land and deforestation . Ancient ecosystems are being disturbed during human's excessive exploitations . Such problems have intensified over recent years with unprecedented population growth and urbanization. A thriving and healthy environment is of vital importance to people's well-being, but it is met with potential crisis owing to the extinction of rare animals. The earth where humans survive and develop also belongs to other creatures. If more endangered animals are extinct, humans may face the same danger sooner or later. As valuable inhabitants on this planet, animals, especially those in danger of extinction, should never be deprived of a space to live and thrive. In a sense, saving land for these animals is equal to saving their lives.

Therefore, the government should seek to order and regulate land use in an efficient and ethical way. It is also imperative to make cautious plans to maintain the balance between using and saving land.[4] Meanwhile, assessing the land potential and searching for alternatives for land use are also favorable options for the government. In doing so, the needs of humans can be ensured and natural resources can be safeguarded .

In summary, the harmony between humans and nature is of vital importance in the modem world today. Land management is by no means an easy task. It involves all-round consideration and foresight . Excessive exploitation ought to be strictly prohibited. To use the land cautiously while protecting the endangered animals is a wise choice . Indeed, the far-reaching advancement of a society owes much to a well-balanced social and natural environment.



保 e 制

X TI 允


TO I F e 够

TX I FL% 官



F T E q

F W TO I FL% 周 X TW X % % 先 E X 先 W T E F F FL% b JT X I FL% e D I % 1 客 O J[ E E D I 偏 宣 O T X FL%共 T E [ FX%v EJ E


d A(B 众 A)B [ 产 A Bl 众 众 A+B 众


/ m 乐 令 博宝l b 主 击享 宝 b 剂 l 中 为 制 宝 厚 医b 供 b减 保 保 宝 b v击 宝 b 军先 乐 剂 中仅 入具u 宝

印 b 入厚 宝 享 头 m 宝 b .' /j宝 制 b 伐 宝 b 够 医 l b夕 宝 p 官 宝 宝 剂与坛 宝 b q m b q司 b 厚x 击 宝 b 入 伙 主 击享 宝

地 丁 b 伐太住促 宝 先 b伟 始 垫 垫城 上争 宝 先 先 y 宝免 b动 制 到 b 刺博 v击 宝 主 击享 b 与b , b 医 宝 供 / 宝 b 六 医 宝 x /j, b b 减 中 bl 为 剂宝 jb 回 宝

b 伐 o冷 写 协 宝 b 击 从 m 乐 剂 匹 享 宝m b任 佛 宝 b 享 b为 例 宝

b m为 伴 p 主 击享 宝 匹 b 享 下事m全京宝先 v 宝 宝 b 制全入 j m为 之 宝

4. Should the government focus more on preserving natural environment and less on economic development?

Conflicts will arise whenever official decisions are to be made regarding the environment and the economy. Both of them are closely interrelated with the fundamental interests

of mankind. Should the government allow the slowdown of economic development by focusing mainly on natural preservation?[1] Or should emphasis be laid upon the rapid advancement of economy at the cost of a deteriorated environment? As far as I am concerned, neither of these issues can afford to be neglected. It is the inescapable obligation on the part of the government to ensure the sustainable development of both nature and economy.[2]

To begin with, as the foundation of society, economy is of top priority in all nations. The thriving of a country depends on its economic conditions. Today, globalization has already produced chain effects in economy, whose impacts have gone beyond national boundaries from one nation to another.[3] Undoubtedly, the neglect of economic development will bring people back to poverty and hunger . To maintain a smooth and healthy economic development, government is a major force . There is no excuse for a government to shun the responsibility of helping to further develop their country's national economy.[4] Take China as an example. The economic reforms and the opening-up policy adopted last century benefited the nation and its people as a whole. Nowadays, more preferential policies are being formed and implemented, which further testifies to the powerful role of the government in economic development.

Likewise, environmental preservation is also of vital importance. In reality, the unprecedented environmental problems are closely associated with economic and scientific advancement, thus demanding attention from the government. To illustrate, among these issues, the most noticeable ones include air and water pollution caused by industrial waste, global warming, acid rain, land depletion, rainforest destruction as well as the excessive consumption of natural resources. Undeniably, no individual is capable of handling all these disasters without tremendous official support. It is the government's responsibility to implement effective policies and take immediate measures to combat these hazards . Moreover, efforts should also be made to increase the awareness of the public to participate in these activities to preserve the environment and avoid further problems.

In effect, it is sustainable development that is crucial in saving modern society from the torturing conflicts between economy and nature.[5] That is to say, whenever an economic decision is to be made, related environmental concerns ought to be taken into consideration, so that a plan can be verified with the purpose of preventing potential threats. For example, if some resources are planned to be used for human needs, research should be conducted in advance on the current storage of these resources. If these resources are not sustainable, alternative resources must be found instead.

In spite of diversified economic situations around the globe, sustainable development constitutes the common goal shared by both developed countries and developing countries. Attention should be focused on establishing healthy and harmonious systems that reduce the chance of potential economic and ecological crisis . Thus, if the economy is to prosper further then the environment is also to become friendlier than ever.

W F O T e

F % 1

J E %%%

E D FL% 兼 l 1

D I %


D T T [ ] 印享

1 %%

EJ E 公初 X T [ F JW I T 委 m 官 O J F J J[ O L T TE 享 D E [ E F J m J TF % 加 加 T WT I FL%基九 e 增 FL% T X T WTE 例 F X T F FL% E I E ET

d A(B 刺 A)B 众 A B匹力 A+B J T D A,B J 伯

击 b 击亲 2

令宝u不 m 宝 们 b 享 为 y 2 不b b 2 b u 不 l中 亲宝 为 m 医 l 体 宝

印 b 印享 宝 区 宝 b / 单 公初 b 全全借保 宝地 丁 b 亲 委 官 宝享 b 享 宝 兼 体 宝 y bjxp j 宝 m 入厚 价 y 宝

b 主 击享 宝 刺博m b 享 击亲宝 刺博yb q 促 m / 宁 土 为 例 先 且宝l b bx 宝 体 互 l 严宝 b l m 份b 刺博 宝

jb m为 v击 y仅回 击享宝 伙b b 享 下事 刺博b b 严b x从 入互 宝 b 从 例 b 例 入互伯 宝 例 l b减 例 宝

/ l b 元 m y 宝 击 势y 伴 jb m 宝 b 便 入厚 b 宝

5. Should people work in the same company or for the same employer for their whole life? Outwardly, it appears to be a desired privilege for an employee to be granted a life-long post in a company. No longer will he be involved in the tense competitions on the job market and a stable professional future is held in his hand. However, such an ideal expectation has a series of hidden limits that should be emphasized. Today our modern society is advancing at a remarkable speed . Not a single person is capable of foreseeing the future that is full of a million uncertainties. As a result, in my opinion, it is naive to dream of a life-employment opportunity nowadays.

There is no denying that serving under one employer for life might have been advantageous in the past. Under the planned economy, China used to designate life-long posts for college graduates. For those who were offered such a position, they were blessed with stable incomes and ample staff welfare . This ensured pay helped enhance their living standard and overall life quality.[1] In addition, the company was just like a big family where all members were united and determined to make contributions. As for the leaders, they were able to keep their working forces going strong with employees cooperating and working together. To some degree, it also helped maintain social stability.[1]

Nonetheless, the market-based economy today makes life-long employment unrealistic . A series of complicated social elements are the major obstacles that force job hunters or employees to give up the ideal of a life-long position. To illustrate, modem economy can never do without personnel transfer , which is the symbol of a vigorous job market. The growing number of candidates has made the competition fiercer than before. As a result, even if one succeeds in filling a long-term post, he is still faced with unexpected challenges from other employees or new job hunters. Besides, the prosperous economic environment encompasses more potential opportunities for the working class. Whenever a better job opportunity in a different company appears, few people would wait around , but would strive to improve their situation instead.

On the part of the employers, most of them are unwilling to offer life-long positions. A major reason lies in exceedingly heavy financial burdens . Some bosses also fear that if there is no pressure of job losses, employees will lose the impetus to make progress and thus working efficiency might be negatively affected.

In conclusion, both the job candidates and the employees ought to adopt objective views on their career life. The social reality today no longer allows people to become absolute idealists and perfectionists ( ). As a matter of fact, it is unimportant whether one can work for the same company for their whole life or not. What really matters is to be prepared for new opportunities and potential changes that might appear in one's future endeavor toward success.[2]

obstacle n. 努 ; ;努


L D O TM q




O O [O

偏 友

O FL% e



l D E % 努 1 1努 T T T 1 伯 E F I [ FX% 匹 1 先 1 DWTF %住 I X [ FX% d A(BJ "l A)B 众

厚 厚x 2

些医j b 厚 中 书 b 宝 l 务 j q b q 写 y宝 与b 出 厚 促击亲 助 宝 b 存入宝 厚x l 中 l 宝 b b 享书 声 宝

l b 先 出b 厚 们 宝从 丧 k y 军 q 凭 宝 减 与介b 例 z 宝 努 佛 宝 b 厚 b 厚 姓 宝 单 与介b 剑 宝 j 宝

与b 偏天 l 宝厚 共 不 书 享努 宝 伙b l b 宝保 保 宝 b 厚x 制 b 享医 不 宝 b 出 决宝 厚 b

b b 为 与 喻宝

b l 宝 享 先 击 住 宝厚 上 t b 入 b 与 住医 宝

b 不m q 宝 l 们 不 不宝 jb厚x 中 厚 各 l击享宝 击享 b q 与各 冷倦jb享 光 含 决 宝

6. Should young people try different jobs before they decide on their long-term job or career? Before stepping into the workforce, school graduates are filled with endless curiosities about their new stage of life. In many cases, uncertainties exist in their minds. The lack of working experience makes it difficult for them to make a good decision about long-term job choices.[1] Some of them are at a loss , not knowing which professional field really suits their abilities and interests. Consequently, it is definitely advisable for young people to try different jobs before they make a final decision. To begin with, the accumulation of working experience is critical to a person's perspective about their career. Taking up diversified positions in different companies helps young people learn many valuable skills that cannot be learned from textbooks. Experience definitely makes one mature and more capable. What's more, each company has its unique cultural atmosphere that helps improve one's overall outlook . Young people could take advantage of every job opportunity to accumulate these precious values and this knowledge for their future utilization . Expanding their circle of friends from different job experiences is also of great benefit. No one could deny that interacting with more people paves the way to success.[2]

Furthermore, in the face of uncertainties, practice is the only criterion for testing truth. It just resembles buying shoes at a store. The best way to judge which pair suits a buyer is to let them try on different shoes until they find the right pair [3]. The same is true with job hunting. Young people are mostly suffering from doubts about which job suits them best. An effective way dealing with uncertainties is to try working in different companies.

However, overly frequent changes of employment might lead to an unfavorable impact on one's career. Young job hunters should be reminded of some potential defects. For example, future employers might judge them and regard them as the type of person who could never devote wholeheartedly to the company. They will also question the reasons for leaving one job after another. Honesty and skillful speaking techniques could be useful at this time. Undeniably , when the moment arrives for a young person to join in the fierce competitions of the job market, making a careful decision is meaningful to their professional life.[4] Needless to say, it is exceedingly fortunate to encounter a most suitable job opportunity in the first instance. As for those who are still suffering from uncertainties [5], engaging in different jobs might be valuable and applicable stepping stones toward a brilliant future .

EWT [ % 1

失 1 l 仅

FX D FL% 1 ET E FL% 利 e

T E X % 1

X W D M 中

W SW FL% 厚 e

O J T %场

W M % 1


W % 1


F T OD X % X T [ FX% 先 W X T D O E l J J T F [ FX% SW X % DT W WT d A(B 众 A)B J 众 A BW 众 A+B J 剂 众 A,B J

制 q 企 l 2

假入 不剑 b q 含 剧 宝 b伟 l y宝 却b 制 q 宝厚 失 bl 冷 q 中 m 修宝 b b 企l 丢 宝

印 b 却 厚x q 击享宝 l l j 书 们 伦 j 中宝 却 中 b 中 宝 b x 场 b y p 宝 x 份 举 宝l b 伙 宝地 丁 b 刚倦宝

b 医 兴失 b 倾 却 厚 宝 出 完宝 享 完 b 付作 不企 l 完b 临 减 宝 宝 为 与九品宝 事 写 企 l 宝

与b先 值 中 厚x q l 宝 不 l 宝 b 们 厚 偏 b 佛 l 宝 kb奴 之 宝

l b 厚x l l y b q 宝 b 中厚 决 b减 克l先 宝 兴失 y 伙b l 们 存 孔型 q 临 宝

7. Are some scientists responsible for the negative impacts made by their discoveries? Undeniably, any breakthrough made in the field of science symbolizes not only the unmatchable

intelligence of mankind, but also significant progress of human society.[1] Some of the most noteworthy discoveries have rendered prestige to scientists due to the far-reaching benefits their achievements have brought to the entire human race. The Nobel Prize and many other high-ranking rewards in science further testify to the importance of scientific discoveries. Nevertheless, regarding the negative impacts produced by some discoveries, a number of people believe that scientists are to blame.[2] In my opinion, such a prejudice should be eliminated .

In fact, everything in the world is double-sided, and scientific discoveries are no exception to this rule. In other words, science is a two-edge sword . If applied in the correct way, it will bring forth tremendous benefits to human beings.[3] Conversely , the abuse or misapplications of scientific discoveries might lead to catastrophes . What's worse, there is also the possibility that some ill-intentioned individuals take advantage of some scientific advancements to commit crimes or other immoral deeds.[4] Radium is an epoch-making discovery made by Madam Curie. X-rays radiated from this element could serve for medical use to cure many fatal diseases including cancer.

However, if it is not used in a proper way, the radioactive rays will do harm to human health. Another example lies in nuclear energy, which could be utilized to build nuclear power stations that serve the people.[5] By contrast, the use of nuclear weapons will undoubtedly bring about nightmares to the entire human race . Therefore, it is the shared responsibility of all to guard against any possible hazards some discoveries might produce.

In order to make their discoveries beneficial to society, scientists have a duty to offer effective guidance that helps prevent any potential threats.[6] For instance, before a new discovery is put to use for human needs, the discoverer is obliged to formulate official instructions which must include the most detailed introduction, the most accurate methods of application, and all the areas it can be used, as well as a list of potential side effects or threats it might bring. These preparations are of vital importance [7], thus deserving wholehearted attentiveness on the part of scientists. Besides, governments should also shoulder the responsibility of supervising the applications of major discoveries, making sure that they are used legally and correctly.

In conclusion, the world of science is full of mysteries that need to be probed deeper by scientists. Without their painstaking efforts and wholehearted dedication, human society can never advance further. Therefore, in spite of those side effects hidden beneath the application of some discoveries, scientists still deserve acknowledgement and support from the general public. It is a combined responsibility for both the scientists and the ordinary people to prevent their negative impact.


W O EJ D FL% l 中 四

I E FL%击享 e

T J[ FL%

T I % 仍b



F WD F F FL% u医



E T J %

T T FL% b EJ O M I FL% JWO T E F E J W F T X % e太住 M I FL% 九 1 d A(B [ DW A)B J 众 A B 众 A+B J 众 A,B J EJ 匹力 A-B TF T 众 A.B D

住医 住体 2

l b 厚升 l 四 唯 但…b 击享入 宝 p塞 侵b 全 十宝传低 们 升入厚 价 击享 宝 b厚 住医 b 判宝 b 功 京宝

jbp剂h u医 b l 宝 伙b 厚 古 宝 中 b 宝 优 中 举 宝 外 史 中 厚 入互 l冷 宝 出 击 宝 b 堆 宝 与b l b 像 宝 中 厚x 宝 中 宝 b 宝 b 中 严 体宝

b 体 严宝 b b 不 伙 b y 休 单 b o 中 宝 主 击享 b 偏 宝

b 体 击 b m 宝

与介 b p b 享 入厚 宝 b 临 宝 b b m 宝 住医 m 军万 体 宝

8. Are environmental issues too complex to be handled by the individual?

Issues concerning the environment are still on the rise.[1] In the face of such a complex situation , immediate actions ought to be taken, or else this planet might no longer endure human inhabitation in the unpredictable future. Before it is too late to mend past faults, neither the government nor the ordinary people can be excused from the responsibility of solving these problems.[2] There is no denying that depending solely on the dedication of an individual is unrealistic. However, that does not mean the role people are playing is unimportant. In my opinion, to settle these complicated issues, each person is obliged to cooperate with the government and the public.

Above all, individuals are no small contributors to the complexity of environmental issues. We can find evidence of personal impacts in many aspects. For instance, the use of private cars not only exerts excessive burdens on energy preservation, but also causes pollution with the exhaust gas discharged into the air.[3]

Furthermore, a news report says an average of 3 kilograms of rubbish is being dumped by each household every day, which will undeniably lead to serious pollution problems if the waste is piling up and cannot be treated in time. Even in public places or tourist sites, pollutants like waste plastic bags, paper, empty cans and boxes can be found everywhere. Regarding these aspects, individuals are to blame .

In fact, the ignorance of social members and their over-reliance on the government will undoubtedly make matters worse. Suppose everyone takes it for granted that the government should be fully responsible, then the environmental issues will inevitably become more and more complex. People's lack of self-awareness in daily life has already led to serious pollution problems and excessive consumption of energy. If no immediate attention is paid to these unacceptable deeds, severe consequences may be incurred. An environment-friendly world is the common aim cherished by all living beings. Hence , people from all walks of life , young and old, poor and rich, should offer to join in the campaign against environmental hazards.

Admittedly, under the support of each individual, the government is in the best position to ensure all the

environmental issues smoothly solved. By cautiously implementing relevant policies, laws and regulations, the authorities are obliged to supervise and pilot the behavior of the public in case unwanted actions are taken. To illustrate, the local governments in some major cities are restricting the use of private cars through implementation of laws. Besides, it is crucial for the government to set up more funds by attracting larger investments to solve financial problems encountered during the course of environment-related projects.[4]

As long as the entire society is on a mission to combat the existing and potential environmental challenges, sooner or later the day will arrive when the earth is safeguarded and its environment is further improved rather than deteriorating. Although it is only a distant target so far, with all individuals and the government collaborating together, human power can be highly effective against any undesirable and complex issues.

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享 b 厚 b / b 入厚 与 匹 宝 厚x制全 与 b 万 b 刺博 b 宝

9. Were people friendlier in the past than they are today?

In my childhood, my grandma used to tell me many stories about their "good old days". They have all been etched deep in my mind. I could never forget them, even down to the smallest details. Those stories illustrated that the relationships between people at that time seemed to be purer and closer. As time goes by, society has undergone dramatic changes and so have people's feelings towards each other. Realizing this, I have gradually accepted the reality of these changes. Indeed, people in the past were friendlier than people are now.

Needless to say, social reality has made human relationships more complex than in earlier times. In today's money-oriented world, friendships may be built on the grounds of business profits, personal gains, or other hidden agendas. As a result, it is difficult to distinguish between true and fake friendships.[1] People are gradually getting accustomed to such a modern way of making friends. In most cases, as soon as one's purpose is satisfied, the relationship breaks down. [2] How could a person show pure friendliness to others while wearing a smiling mask? No one is certain whether the real face behind the mask is good or evil. Thus, psychological reactions occur to people all the time, making it impossible for them to express their heartfelt feelings to others. In this respect, the emotional world of modern people is no longer as pure and simple as it used to be in the past.

Besides, the fierce competition in today's society exerts so much pressure on people that there is no time for them to show friendliness. [3] Rushing nonstop from home to the office, the working class is living and working under unusually heavy burdens . Everyone seems to be fighting for their survival and prosperity. Accordingly, their attitude and feelings toward others are becoming numb. The tight schedule allows no time for them to maintain stable and pleasing relationships with others. In a sense, despite the explosion of population and the trend of globalization, modern citizens are more isolated than ever. Moreover, the prevalence of the Internet encourages people to sit in front of the computer screen all day long. They can hardly afford the time to be friendly to people in the real world.

By contrast, simplicity and openness may be the best words to define people's relationships in the past. For instance, before the market-based economy was adopted by China, school leavers[graduates] faced far less competition than today. Most of them could be assigned long-term jobs by the government. The working atmosphere made it easier to establish good ties between colleagues . [4] They regarded their working unit as a large family.[5] It was their shared goal to serve the people with their heart and soul. Without a doubt, friendship spread among them with ease . During the time of war, human relationships were even stronger. Both the soldiers and ordinary citizens were united as one and treated each other like brothers and sisters.

In a way, some modern social changes have been detrimental factors in people's lack of interest or response to others these days. Despite such a cruel reality, there are still instances of true friendship to be found. I think it is advisable, that as people in modern society, we learn the superior qualities of the older generations and start to show more friendliness towards each other.

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jb 厚 举 宝 孩b 如宝 b b 伐 子 佛b o b 宝

10. Choosing a subject that interests you or one preparing you for a better job or career? Just as a classic Chinese saying denotes, every trade has its master. Indeed, the profound meaning lying in this proverb persuades us that whatever subjects a student learns, are all worthwhile and useful for their future career life . Undeniably, in today's highly competitive social atmosphere, choosing a popular field of study might prepare students for better job opportunities.[1] However, in my opinion, it is more important to select a subject that suits a person's interests .

First of all, emphasis should be placed on what has been suggested in the famous saying "interest is the best teacher". Evidently, the primary step toward a person's success is to have an emotional preference. It constitutes the biggest impetus in learning. Interest also keeps one refreshed and prevents feelings of boredom and tiredness. Those epoch-making accomplishments in the scientific world owe much to the initial interest of the scientists.[2] To illustrate, Charles Darwin is famous for his masterpiece entitled On the Origin of Species. His early interest in nature led him to quit his medical studies at the University of Edinburgh and explore activities instead. Further education at Cambridge continued to encourage his passion for natural science. At last, his learning enthusiasm and untiring efforts paid off . His story perfectly indicates the importance of interest as a factor in a person's success.

Besides, choosing a favorite subject ensures one's learning efficiency, allowing him to accomplish better results. According to the data analysis revealed by a research team, school students score higher in the subjects they prefer than in the subjects they dislike. Therefore, taking up a favorite subject improves performance during their course of study and brings about more satisfactory results. In a sense, excelling in a subject paves the way for a student's academic success in the future. Conversely, if a student is forced to learn a subject not in his interest, it is difficult for him to achieve the same results, not to mention difficulty in applying it in his future career.[3]

Furthermore, to choose a favorite subject makes the learning experience full of joy. Happiness lies in the process, not just in the final result.[4] To some extent, interest is a good friend keeping one company and making one joyful much of the time. For example, whenever a math problem arises, so does a moment of pleasure. It is time to enjoy the process of solving the problem. Whenever a new theory in biology is grasped, another cheerful moment ensues. It is time to explore more deeply and to make more interesting discoveries. Without doubt, fascination with a subject makes each step of learning delightful.

In conclusion, there is no need to be prejudiced about certain subjects. As long as they are being taught in schools, they are all serving some purpose for personal success and social development.[5] Therefore, before choosing the subjects to study, the primary requisite ought to be "does it interest me?"

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