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1. As Kara happily flipped through her college catalogues, her parents looked on in dismay, mentally calculating the total_costs.

A. faire

B. wage

C. tuition

D. fee

2. 1 attribute her success in science_the encouragement she received from

her parents.

A. on

B. to

C. with

D. into

3. Even when it was_for her to keep her mouth shut, she was always

ready with a retort.

A. advised

B. advisable

C. advisory

D. advising

4. It is difficult to believe the newspaper accounts of the dots because of the way some reporters distort and_the actual events.

A. exaggerate

B. enlarge

C. widen

D. overtake

5. Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular_for 30

million participants of all ages.

A. fantasy B.pastime C. symposium D. penalty

6. In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small_,but after she moved·

to New York, she was just only one among many millions.

A. pond

B. sea

C. ocean

D. lake

7. Although he thought he was helping us with the job, he was only_.

A. in a way

B. in the way

C. on the way

D. by the way

8. Because these lines are taken out of context, they do not_the message

the author intended.

A. convert

B. transfer

C. exchange

D. convey

9. Inability to relax, to_a problem, often prevents its solution.

A. let off on

B. let up on

C. let go of

D. let down in

10. Try to be_in your eating this holiday season; if you control your

appetite, you won't gain too much weight.

A. temperate

B. terminal

C. tranquil

D. tender

11. Spanish women_just 4.1%of corporate boards, according to a study

by the European Professional Women's Network.

A. make off

B. make for

C. make out

D. make up

12. If you don't eat a more_dinner, you'll be hungry later on.

A. vast

B. considerable

C. resourceful

D. substantial

13. On our vacation we_an interesting antique store.

A. chanced upon

B. concentrated upon

C. counted upon

D. congratulated upon

14. Now, there's absolutely no question in any objective observer's mind that

entry to Oxford and Cambridge is_competitive.

A. finely

B. firmly

C. fiercely C. flexibly

15. The new Lenovo laptop with the butterfly keyboard and the built-in FAX

modem is a pretty _____machine.

A. profound

B. significant

C. fundamental

D. sophisticated


1. A dog's_to its owner is one of the reasons why that animal is a

favorite household pet.

A. accuracy

B. fidelity

C. hospitality

D. ingenuity

2. The tenant must be prepared to decorate the house_the term of the


A. in the vicinity of

B. in quest of

C. in accordance with

D. in collaboration with

3. Alice's blog contains_photographs and hundreds of articles and short videos from her trip around the globe.

A. prosperous

B. gorgeous

C. spacious

D. simultaneous

4. After the quarrel, Tina said nothing could_her to talk to Tony again.

A. deduce

B. tempt

C. excite

D. induce

5. Up until that time, his interest had focused almost_on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.

A. restrictively

B. radically

C. inclusively

D. exclusively

6. She is_at every aspect of the job; all she lacks is imagination.

A. sufficient

B. adequate

C. proficient

D. ample

7. He was so committed to the ____of his faith that he was unable to evaluate them impartially.

A. credits

B. doctrines

C. certificates

D. documents

8. It would be imprudent of you to_from your present job before you are

offered another.

A. resign

B. reject

C. retreat

D. retire

9. When it comes to fishing, I beat him by_.

A. kilometers

B. grams

C. meters

D. miles

10. The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it_into fragments.

A. broke off

B. broke away

C. broke through

D. broke up

11. His speech was confusing and full of_.

A. contrary

B. conflict

C. contrast

D. contradiction

12. The statute of limitations sets limits on how long you have to take legal

action in____ cases.

A. eccentric

B. specific

C. unique

D. odd

13. Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in pre-literate societies in

order to attract good health or to_disease.

A. set aside

B. ward off

C. shrug off

D. give away

14. At last they had to resort_forcing the door to rescue the boy.

A. with

B. against

C. from

D. to

15. The criminally insane are said to have lost the ability to_between

good and evil.:

A. tell

B. discriminate

C. classify

D. categorize


1. No matter how_the patient's mutterings may seem, they give us some

indications of what is on his mind.

A. irrelevant

B. irresistible

C. invisible

D. intolerable

2. In certain countries the law_parents to send their children to school.

A. imposes

B. obliges

C. conforms

D. submits

3. Supporters of the death penalty argue that the regulation would_criminals from carrying guns.

A. detach

B. deter

C. desert

D. destine

4. Despite their lack of success so far, research scientists have _____in their

research for a cure for AIDS.

A. maintained

B. retained

C. insisted

D. persevered

5. The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally_.

A. pulled together

B. pulled up

C. pulled through

D. pulled over

6. Rosa was such a last-minute worker that she could never start writing a paper

till the deadline was____.

A. emergent

B. adjacent

C. compulsory

D. imminent

7. When a number of people_together in a conversational knot, each individual expresses his position in the group by where he stands.

A. pad

B. pack

C. squeeze

D. cluster

8. They are taking_steps in preparation for a possible war.

A. primitive

B. preliminary

C. productive

D. progressive

9. Language, culture, and personality may be considered_of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact.

A. indistinctly

B. separately

C. irrelevantly

D. independently

10. Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial

system will_down the economy.

A. put

B. settle

C. drag

D. knock

11. He drew on his cigarette and blew out a_of smoke.

A. flash

B. stream

C. storm

D. circle

12. The beauty of Venice largely_the style of its ancient buildings.

A. consists in

B. relies on

C. composes of

D. comprises in

13. The wealth of a country should be measured_the health and happiness

of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.

A. in line with

B. in terms of

C. in regard with

D. by means of

14. He was very sick and his life was hanging by a_.

A. rope

B. thread

C. cord

D. string

15. 1 tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat_.

A. disapproval

B. rejection

C. refusal

D. decline


1. Although her early poetry was clearly_in nature, the critics thought she

had promise and eventually would find her own voice.

A. destructive

B. digestive

C. distinctive

D. derivative

2. The future of this company is_:many of its talented employees are flowing into more profitable net-based businesses.

A. at odds B.in trouble C. in vain D. at stake

3. Don't bring Robert to the picnic. He's such a wet____.

A. sheet

B. carpet

C. blanket

D. bedclothes

4. The police fired tear gas into the crowd to_the protesters.

A. distribute

B. disperse

C. spread

D. stretch

5. After her appointment_this eminent position, she seldom had time for

her former friends.

A. to

B. with

C. at

D. over

6. Mike's strong desire to outshine his elder sister was all the ____he needed

to do well in school.

A. incentive

B. attraction

C. temptation

D. appeal

7. He felt_at the ill-treatment of helpless animals.

A. indignity

B. indignation

C. indulgence

D. inconvenience

8. One of the responsibilities of the Coast Guard is to make sure that all ships_follow traffic rules in -busy harbors.

A. cautiously

B. dutifully

C. faithfully

D. skillfully

9. She thought of her retirement day as the light at the end of the_.

A. tube

B. tub

C. tunnel

D. channel

10. Despite the monthly lovers' quarrels, we always manage to_.

A. adjust

B. reconcile

C. modify

D. vary

11. Henry doesn't know what to_at the university; he can't make up his

mind about his future.

A. take in

B. take up

C. take over

D. take after

12. I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a_character.

A. gracious

B. suspicious

C. skeptical

D. passive

13. When I_my senses, I found myself wrapped up in bed in my little

room, with Grandma bending over me.

A. woke up

B. took to

C. picked up

D. came to

14. His_greeting made me feel unwelcome from the start.

A. isolated

B. solo

C. distant

D. private

15. The chairman of the board_on me the unpleasant job of dismissing

good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.

A. compelled

B. posed

C. pressed

D. tempted


1. The_of the U.S.S.R. has been the most momentous event of the last quarter of the 20th century.

A. solution B.resolution C. distillation D. dissolution

2. The bandits desolated the countryside, burning farms and carrying_harvest.

A. out

B. off

C. on

D. through

3. Stella held her ground against several attempts to_her as secretary of

the club.

A. remove

B. shift

C. cancel

D. transmit

4. Soon after the shooting, “No Trespassing” signs appeared in_colors around the preserve.

A. conspicuous

B. suspicious

C. spacious

D. conscientious

5. It is through learning that the individual_many habitual ways of reacting

to situations.

A. retains

B. gains

C. achieves

D. acquires

6. Both parties promised to_their contract to be signed the following day.

A. keep with

B. tangle with

C. adhere to

D. devote to

7. Some insects have a life_of no more than a few hours.

A. potential

B. span

C. scale

D. scope

8. The_newspaper accounts of the marital problems of the royal couple fascinated many readers but made others a little uncomfortable.

A. sensitive

B. sensible

C. sentimental

D. sensational

9. 1 needed more money and so I decided to take the_by the horns and

ask my boss for more pay.

A. bull

B. cow

C. goat

D. wolf

10. Failure in a required subject may_the denial of a diploma.

A. result from

B. bring down

C. result in

D. bring out

11. The limestone was eroded by the_water until only a thin shell remained

A. spilling

B. dropping

C. dripping

D. leaking

12. These areas rely on agriculture almost_,having few mineral resources

and a minimum of industrial development.

A. respectively

B. extraordinarily

C. incredibly

D. exclusively

13. The ranch owners appropriate the lands that bad originally been_for the

Indians' use.

A. set away

B. set aside

C. set back

D. set out

14. The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing

and capable_his financial situation.

A. with respect to

B. in accordance with

C. regardless of

D. in terms of

15. Too polite to laugh in anyone's face, Roy did his best to_his laughter

at Ed's inane remark.

A. distress

B. oppress

C. impress

D. suppress


1. Digby's embarrassment when he met Madonna was_:his ears turned bright pink and he kept scuffing one shoe in the dirt.

A. acute B.manifest C. keen D. severe

2. Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations_.

A. simultaneously

B. spontaneously

C. homogeneously

D. contemporarily

3. 1 am afraid that this border raid is the to more serious attacks.

A. symptom

B. reference

C. prelude

D. inference

4. The elderly Russians find it hard to live_their state pensions.

A. on

B. through

C. with

D. up to

5. The farmers have taken strenuous pains to turn the_land into fertile


A. bald

B. void

C. blank

D. barren

6. Even though the Red Cross had_a large sum for the relief of the

sufferers of the disaster, many people perished.

A. indicated

B. allocated

C. designated

D. appointed

7. Individual sports are run by over 370 independent government bodies whose functions usually include_rules, holding events and promoting international links.

A. drawing on

B. drawing in

C. drawing up

D. drawing down

8. 1 think you have permitted your son too much_in this matter.

A. attitude

B. altitude

C. latitude

D. aptitude

9.The deaths of such_actors as John Candy and George Bums tell us

that the galaxy of Hollywood superstars is rapidly disappearing.

A. obvious

B. conspicuous

C. noticeable

D. renowned

10. As the mountains were covered with a_of cloud, we couldn't see their


A. coating

B. film

C. veil

D. shade

11. The college is about to_a program for reducing math anxiety among


A. generate

B. initiate

C. yield

D. bear

12. The children can repeat the poem they've just learnt by_·

A. chance

B. heart

C. sight

D. experience

13. There are many who believe that the use of force_political ends can

never be justified.

A. in search of B.in pursuit of C. in view of D. in light of

14. The government are trying to_their involvement in the affair.

A. play down

B. go off

C. read up

D. take out

15. They claim that they can_worn shoes so that they look like new


A. refresh

B. innovate

C. renovate

D. modernize


1. 1 will_to this opinion until proof that I am wrong is presented.

A. comply

B. confirm

C. adhere

D. accord

2. If you go to the park every day in the morning, you will_find him

doing physical exercise there.

A. logically

B. persistently

C. ordinarily

D. invariably

3. Even after she'd retired from work, she kept up her habitual practice of rising

at the ___of dawn.

A. beginning

B. crack

C. track

D. break

4. He is the only person who can_in this case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.

A. testify

B. accuse

C. charge

D. rectify

5. The table linen was neatly folded up and_.

A. put away

B. break away with

C. pass away

D. do away with

6. If you pay authors by the word, you tempt them to produce_manuscripts

rather than brief ones.

A. tedious

B. boring

C. diffuse

D. monotonous

7. Some American colleges are state-supported, others are privately_and

still others are supported by religious organizations.

A. ensured B.attributed C. authorized D. endowed

8. Drops of supplies are being made to villages still_by the snow.

A. cut off

B. cut short

C. cut into

D. cut up

9. In_with our rules and regulations, I am calling a meeting of our organization.

A. approval B.treaty C. conformity D. harmony

10. She has recently left a job and had helped herself to copies of the company's

client data, which she intended to_in starting her won business.

A. dwell on

B. come upon

C. base on

D. draw upon

11. During the period of_from oil heat to gas heat the furnace will have

to be shut off.

A. transfer

B. transmission

C. transition

D. transportation

12. There is a_difference in meaning between the words surroundings and


A. gentle

B. subtle

C. feeble

D. humble

13. I have_in my stomach before I go on a first date with a girl.

A. dragonflies

B. bees

C. butterflies

D. birds

14. Your fears are_because no such animal as you have described exists.

A. fanatic

B. fascinating

C. fantastic

D. favorable

15. The terrorists had_their prisoner in a small room. However, they had

not chained him to the wall.

A. restrained

B. refined

C. confined

D. restricted


1. The government has the right to_undesirable aliens.

A. deport

B. abolish

C. abandon

D. desert

2. In an inventive mind, imagination often serves as a necessary_to


A. compliment

B. resource

C. complaint

D. complement

3. Why don't you_smoking for a while until your cough gets better?

A. lay out

B. lay off

C. lay aside

D. lay down

4. After his vacation in this_section, he felt soothed and rested.

A. plausible

B. placid

C. plain

D. plump

5. Todd_payments on the car until the company had corrected the mechanical defects.

A. dispensed B.suspended C. appealed D. compressed

6. It really got Mr. Brown's_when he had to wait two hours to get his

plane tickets.

A. sheep

B. goat

C. horse

D. cow

7. His_directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads

to take.

A. ambiguous

B. complicated

C. arbitrary

D. intricate

8. After learning more about the sufferings of the refugees, they felt_to

make contributions to the relief agencies.

A. dispelled

B. repelled

C. compelled

D. reinforced

9. He tried and tried, but all his efforts were_____.

A. in no way

B. on the contrary

C. at a loss

D. of no avail

10. The terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plane in Athens, set to_

when it arrived in New York.

A. go off

B. get off

C. come off

D. carry off

11. I was impressed by the range of_accessories of my microcomputer

that were available.

A. acceptable

B. compulsory

C. optional

D. random

12. Don't answer_the elders; it's not polite.

A. to

B. for

C. back

D. about

13. She remains confident and_untroubled by our present problems.

A. indefinitely

B. infinitely

C. optimistically

D. seemingly

14. Because Jack had based his argument upon a faulty_,his opponent

cheerfully pointed out the holes in his logic.

A. promise

B. prelude

C. premise

D. preface

15. The helicopter_a light plane and both pilots were killed.

A. coincided with

B. stumbled on

C. conflicted with

D. collided with


1. Doctors often make higher_for their works than they should.

A. bills

B. costs

C. charges

D. payments

2. 1 know you can_any difficulties that may stand in the way of your

getting an education.

A. surmount

B. deal

C. cope

D. manage

3. The defense called several witnesses who were able to refute the false

testimony of the prosecution's only witness.

A. respectful

B. respective

C. respectable

D. respecting

4. The younger person's attraction to stereos cannot be explained only_

familiarity with technology.

A. in quest of

B. by means of

C. by virtue of

D. in terms of

5. 1 caught a_of the car before it disappeared around the comer of the


A. glance

B. glare

C. glimpse

D. gleam

6. Some well-known scientists believe that there is not enough oxygen on Mars

to ____human life.

A. remain

B. sustain

C. retain

D. last

7. How do I know what he's going to do?His intentions are always as clear


A. soil

B. day

C. water

D. mud

8. They are convinced_the singularity of their good taste.

A. of

B. on

C. over

D. at

9. Frequently single-parent children__some of the functions that the absent

adult in the house would have served.

A. take off

B. take after

C. take on

D. take in

10. As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals_a

substance to absorb harmful chemicals.

A. relieve

B. dismiss

C. release

D. discard

11. A_editor, she checked every definition for its accuracy.

A. conscious B.conscientious C. contagious D. contemptuous

12. Why do you have to_adhere to such out-dated ideas?

A. harshly

B. tightly

C. bitterly

D. rigidly

13. Since it is too late to change my mind now, I am_to carrying out the


A. obliged

B. committed

C. engaged

D. resolved

14. He has failed me so many times that I no longer place any__on what

he promises.

A. faith

B. belief

C. credit

D. reliance

15. Ted knows all about servicing cars but his ideas don't always__.

A. get over

B. get away

C. get off

D. get across


1. Officials working behind the___urged them to avoid further confrontation.

A. scenes

B. sights

C. views

D. scenery

2. Katya's_love of justice caused her to champion anyone she considered

to be treated unfairly by society.

A. descended

B. inherent

C. derivative

D. blessed

3. Such specialists teach phobic people how to deal with their fears and, eventu- ally, _them.

A. overlook B.overcome C. overtake D. overthrow

4. Astronauts are_all kinds of tests before they are actually sent up in a spacecraft.

A. inclined to

B. subjected to

C. prone to

D. bound to

5. Physical education is an_part of our curriculum; a sound mind and

sound body are complementary.

A. fractional

B. comprehensible

C. intact

D. integral

6. Exposure of the body_strong sunlight can be harmful.

A. of

B. with

C. to

D. by

7. The club will_new members the first week in September.

A. enroll

B. subscribe

C. absorb

D. register

8. As the boat leaves only on_days, you have no choice but to stay here overnight.

A. successive

B. subsequent

C. alternate

D. alternative

9. He said that they had_been obliged to give up the scheme for lack of support.

A. gravely

B. regrettably

C. forcibly

D. graciously

10. The slow_of the flood waters created problems for the crews working

to restore power to the area.

A. recycle

B. recess

C. recovery

D. recession

11. Don't let such a matter as this come between us so that we can con-

centrate on the major issue.

A. trivial

B. slight

C. partial

D. minimum

12. The detective and his assistant have begun to_the mysterious murder.

A. come through

B. look into

C. make over

D. see to

13. The farmers successfully_some of the river water to irrigate their crops

during the drought.

A. divert

B. convert

C. alter

D. reverse

14.__the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a severe

shortage of food, clothing, fuel and almost everything.

A. As far as

B. As long as

C. As well as

D. As soon as

15. In devoting herself to the study of gorillas, Dian Fossey_on a course

of action that was to cost her life

A. boarded

B. embarked

C. mounted

D. ascended


1. We are_both by water and land, without either fleet or army.

A. sensitive

B. susceptible

C. vulgar

D. vulnerable

2. The urge to wider voyages caused men to_upon New America.

A. stun

B. stumble

C. stammer

D. stagger

3. The people had given him their command, and to the people alone he was

A. suitable

B. dependent

C. favorable

D. responsible

4. It is announced that a wallet has been found and can be____ at the manager's office.

A. declared

B. obtained

C. reclaimed

D. recognized

5. They have always treated us with a(n)_hand, so we must be generous

m return.

A. open

B. heavy

C. iron

D. full

6. The bird watchers were on the_for the rare species.

A. alter

B. alert

C. alike

D. altar

7. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man_the exit as quickly as possible.

A. made for

B. made off

C. made up

D. made out

8. All the finished products are stored in a_of the delivery port and shipping is available at any time.

A. garage

B. cabinet

C. capsule

D. warehouse

9. Satellite communications are so up-to-date that even when_in the middle of the Pacific, businessmen can contact their offices as if they were next door.

A. gliding

B. cruising

C. piloting

D. patrolling

10. Without telephone it would be impossible to carry on the functions of_

every business operation in the whole country.

A. practically B.preferably C. precisely D. presumably

11. Tony is a day laborer,_from town to town.

A. flowing

B. spilling

C. drifting

D. splitting

12. Mary wants her identity to be kept in_.

A. black

B. dark

C. purple

D. blue

13. Life insurance is financial protection for dependents against loss_the

bread-winner's death.

A. at the cost of

B. on the verge of

C. as a result of

D. for the sake of

14. A large percentage of the population in this country is_.

A. illogical

B. illegimate

C. illiterate

D. illegible

15. The of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in

understanding the universe.

A. essence

B. content

C. texture

D. threshold


1. Did you_on the insurance after your car accident?

A. proclaim

B. exclaim

C. acclaim

D. claim

2. Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were_.

A. in no way

B. on the contrary

C. at a loss

D. of no avail

3. When you worry you tend not to be able to fall asleep and when you can't fall asleep you worry even more. It's a_circle.

A. repetitive

B. bad

C. round

D. vicious

4. By the last quarter the fans were_to losing, but two miraculous touch- downs snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.

A. restrained

B. resumed

C. resigned

D. retired

5. After the harvest, the peasants began to_and enjoy the results of hard


A. set back

B. settle down

C. load down

D. sit back

6. In this factory the machines are not regulated_but are jointly controlled

by a central computer system.

A. independently

B. individually

C. irrespectively

D. irregularly

7. The city is an important railroad_and industrial and convention center.

A. conjunction

B. network

C. junction

D. link

8. I should like to get rid of the responsibility for this job, but there doesn't seem to be anyone fit to_to.

A. hand in B.hand out C. hand down D. hand over

9. I'll help as much as I can, but there is a limit what I can do.

A. to

B. in

C. through

D. on

10. If you know what the trouble is, why don't you help them to_the


A. simplify

B. modify

C. verify

D. rectify

11. I was unaware of the critical points involved; so my choice was quite_.

A. arbitrary B.rational C. mechanical D. unpredictable

12. Was it just a(n)_that John and she had met at the market for three

days running, or was he deliberately trying to seek her out?

A. coincidence B.occasion C. incidence D. accident

13. When you define a new word, be_:the shorter the definition, the

easier it is to remember.

A. precise

B. concise

C. credible

D. relevant

14. Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above_.

A. timber

B. log

C. board

D. lumber

15. According to what you have just said, am I to understand that his new

post_no responsibility with it at all?

A. shoulders

B. possesses

C. carries

D. shares


1. The biologist, the philosopher, and the astronomer all try in their ways to

understand the ____of the cosmos

A. mysteries

B. myths

C. riddles

D. fiction

2. People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in_populated areas.

A. densely

B. intensely

C. abundantly

D. highly

3. A lack of appetite may be_of a major mental or physical disorder.

A. symbolic

B. addictive

C. indicative

D. informative

4. John said that he didn't quite_and asked me to repeat what I had said.

A. snatch up

B. summon up

C. catch up

D. watch out

5. When I finally secured a small part in a television play my mother was as proud as a_and told all the neighbors about it.

A. goose

B. peacock

C. swan

D. duck

6. The 215-page manuscript, circulated to publishers last October,_an outburst

of interest.

A. flared

B. glittered

C. sparked

D. flashed

7. The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that_the speakers stopped for refreshments.

A. at large

B. at intervals

C. at ease

D. at random

8. Even though the young team did not win in the tournament, they turned in

a__performance in the playoffs.

A. predictable

B. profitable

C. creditable

D. credible

9. Mr. Smith had an unusual_:he was first an office clerk,then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.

A. profession B.occupation C. position D. career

10. Some of her suggestions have been adopted, but others have been turned_

as they are not practical enough.

A. down

B. away

C. out

D. back

11. Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not_

to the environmental change.

A. adept

B. adopt

C. adapt

D. adhere

12. 1 think I remembered to switch the oven off but you'd better_that I did.

A. look into

B. look up

C. account for

D. check up

13. Watching Tweed and Jeffery battle, Alice wondered what had caused this


A. accord

B. discord

C. accusation

D. discourse

14. The Oscar best actor_his success more to luck than to ability.

A. contributed

B. celebrated

C. committed

D. owed

15. When any non-human organ is transplanted into a person, the body…immedi-

ately recognizes it as_.

A. external

B. strange

C. alien

D. foreign


1. The beauty of the artist's style_in its simplicity.

A. assists

B. consists

C. insists

D. resists

2. Blackberry stickers are the most_weeds I know: once established in a yard, they're extremely hard to root out.

A. rigorous

B. stern

C. obstinate

D. harsh

3. Four years of prep school should_those children.

A. wax

B. purify

C. polish

D. filter

4. Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is__.

A. firm

B. company

C. corporation

D. enterprise

5. South Asia continues to be the most_economic region in the world.

A. dynamic

B. fictional

C. vivid

D. illuminating

6. He spoke so_that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.

A. bluntly

B. convincingly

C. emphatically

D. determinedly

7. He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to himself occasionally.

A. grant

B. donate

C. reward

D. award

8. She hoped her business would eventually_into a $1billion business in


A. blow B.hoist C. blossom D. elevate

9. Some species disappeared or became_as new forms came into being

that were better adapted to the Earth,s changing environment.

A. extinguished

B. massive

C. extinct

D. feeble

10. Without microscopes and other modern__,attempts to teach science were


A. utilities

B. equipment

C. costume

D. products

11. As the old empires were broken up and new states were formed, new official

tongues began to_at an increasing rate.

A. bring up

B. build up

C. spring up

D. strike up

12. The survey results seem to_a connection between poor housing condi-

tions and bad health.

A. indicate

B. swear

C. indulge

D. complete

13. The authors of the United States Constitution attempted to establish an effective

national government while preserving_for the states and liberty for individuals.

A. autonomy

B. dignity

C. monopoly

D. stability

14. Mike is a first-rate leader who knows how to call the___.

A. snaps

B. shootings

C. shots

D. strokes

15. At last the prisoner decided to_the police and told them the truth

instead of all those lies.

A. level off

B. level with

C. level at

D. level up


1. The government_on industry the importance of low pay settlements.

A. ushered

B. uttered

C. urged

D. upset

2. In the event of tie, the winner will be decided by the_of the coin.

A. toss

B. fling

C. hurl

D. suspense

3. To trace the_of the Irish problem, we have to go back over three

hundred years.

A. birth

B. infancy

C. ancestry

D. origin

4. The factory had to lay_one third of its workers because the demand

for its products decreased in the market.

A. off

B. out

C. aside

D. down

5. We keep the old clock for_reasons; it was a present from my father.

A. serial B.serene C. sentimental D. sensitive

6. The minister was forced to_after a scandal involving him with another

minister's wife.

A. surrender

B. abandon

C. discard

D. resign

7. For three-quarters of its span on Earth,life evolved almost_as micro-


A. precisely

B. instantly

C. initially

D. exclusively

8. We will never fail to_what our parents expect of us.

A. live on

B. live with

C. live through

D. live up to

9. Eying Lucy_,Jason could hardly believe that his long lost friend was standing before him.

A. from head to feet

B. from head to toe

C. from hair to feet

D. from hair to toe

10. The plant, which he had deemed dead, blossomed with_suddenness.

A. monstrous B.monotonous C. instant D. miraculous

11. It is naive to expect that any society can resolve all the social problems it is

faced with ____.

A. for long

B. in and out

C. once for all

D. by nature

12. I had a rude comment on the_of my tongue, but I decided not to say it.

A. edge

B. rim

C. tip

D. border

13. The new secretary is a quick,_worker, and the boss is quite satisfied

with her.

A. effective

B. efficient

C. adequate

D. ample

14. His grandfather made a real difference to his life by leaving him a generous

A. legend

B. legacy

C. legion

D. heritage

15. He_at the falling child, and was just quick enough to draw him out

of the path of a car.

A. mastered

B. tightened

C. grabbed

D. adhered


【Vocabulary and Structure】专项练习100题 1. It is well known that Tomas Edison __________ the electric lamp. A. discovered B. Found C. developed D. invented 2. I couldn’t enter the lab because I had ____________ the key in my office. A. taken B. left C. missed D. got 3. I regret ____________ you that we are unable to offer you employment. A. informing C. to inform B. having informed D. to have informed 4. The chairman has informed us that he ____________a few minutes late after the meeting begins. A. has arrived C. could arrive B. should arrive D. may arrive 5. She had made __________many mistakes in the article that we couldn’t catch what she meant. A. such B. that C. so D. as 6. I sincerely ____________him to make great progress with his new job in a short tine. A. expect B. believe C. think D. instruct 7. Is ____________ necessary to complete the design before National Day? A. this B. that C. it D. such 8. She said she would live in London for ____________ four or five years. A. another B. others C. other D. the others 9. Mr. Smith used to smoke ____________but he has given it up now. A. badly B. seriously C. heavily D. hardly 10. Thousands of people took part in when the old temple ____________. A. was rebuilding C. would be rebuilt B. was being rebuilt D. had been rebuilt 【1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A7.C8.A9.C10.B】 11. ____ with each other, two systems can work better. A) When combine C) When combined B) When combining D) When they combined 12. It's important that everyone ____ here on time. A) is B) will be C) must be D) be 13. The stormy weather gradually gave _____ to a period of sunshine. A) room B) way C) space D) place 14. I could not do anything except just _____ for him to come round. A) waiting B) to wait C) waited D) wait 15. I can't _____ the sight of that poor man. A) suffer B) endure C) bear D) put up 16. Wang Ming ____ ill. I saw him playing basketball a moment ago. A) needn't have been C) couldn't have been B) must have been D) can't be 17. ____ that her son had fallen from a tree and broken his leg, she hurried back home.

中考英语词汇运用 专项练习(含答案)

名词专项 1.识别可数名词,不可数名词 2.可数名词单数变复数及其修饰语 3.名词所有格 4.变名词 1) +er / or / ist / ian (play --- player; visit --- visitor; science --- scientist; music --- musician) 2) +ion / sion (collect --- collection; decide --- decision) 3) +ment (develop --- development) 4) +ing (mean --- meaning; paint --- painting) 5) +ure (press --- pressure) 6) +ness (kind --- kindness; happy --- happiness) 7) +y / ty (difficult --- difficulty; honest --- honesty; safe --- safety) 8) t变ce (important --- importance; silent --- silence) Group 1 得分: 1. ___________ say five minutes laughter is as good for you as fifteen minutes in the sports hall. (doctor) 2. Wang Ping tried his best and saved the ___________ life. (baby) 3. The proper time to rest should between 10 and 30 ___________. (minute) 4. Now more and more people in the cities keep ___________ as their friends. (pet) 5. Many young parents choose to buy some books as presents on ___________ Day. (children) 6. Parents sometimes have difficulty understanding the strange ___________ in their children’s mind.


1. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. He pratices (speak)English every day. 2. Our English teacher made us ____ __ (not talk)about our friends in Chinese. 3. I often see them (watch)TV. 4. My father always (teach)me how to study English last term . 5. I (call)you when I arrive there. 6. It’s seven o’clock. Everyone (read)English. 7. Don’t worry. I will tell you how (use)the computer.. 8. It is very important ________(not give)them a shower. 9. Do you mind my (close)the window? 10. I hope you (come).next Friday. 2. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.Tony usually _________(get)up at seven o'clock. 2.Betty _________(not often do)her homework on Friday. 3.Let's _________(go)to a Taijiquan class. 4.Daming can _________(talk)about jobs in English. 5.Kate _________(not have)got any brothers. 4. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.He works hard and becomes a _____(law). 2.I don't like eating _____ fish.(fry) 4.Tom often goes to school without ______ breakfast.(have) 5.Do you live on the _____ floor? (nine) 5. 用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。 1.He has much (interesting)in collecting stamps. 2.Believe in (you),Tony,and you are sure to succeed。 3.I found something important in (today)newspaper。 4.More trees and flowers should be (plant)to make our hometown beautiful,5.Don’t worry,Kitty.With our help,you will do much (well)next time.6.More and more people in the world are (begin)to learn Mandarin(普通话).7.It’s such a (wonder)song that we all like it.


一、选择题 1.--Mary failed the exam yesterday. --- Give her a phone call. We should ______. A.cheer up her B.cheer up C.cheer her up D.cheered up 2.Because of his mistakes when dealing with the electricity problems, last Friday he was by the company. A.got off B.took off C.kicked off 3.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 4.We can’t trust him. He always some excuses for doing something wrong. A.makes up B.sets up C.takes up D.puts up 5.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 6.George couldn’t wait to _________ his new car. A.put off B.set off C.take off D.show off 7.—You look so sad. What happened? 一The exam to be much harder than I thought. A.broke out B.carried out C.put out D.turned out 8.—Who is your favorite singer, Mike? —TF Boys. They are very ____ boys and girls. A.proud of B.popular with C.strict with D.worried about 9.______ a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself. A.Try on B.Get on C.Turn on D.Put on 10.— Can I speak to Mrs Green? — Sorry, wrong number. Please to 114 and check the number. A.put out B.put off C.put through D.put away 11.--You hate that TV play, don’t you? --Not _______. I just think it’s a bit boring. A.likely B.exactly C.nearly D.carefully 12.The math problem is so difficult that only few students can _______. A.work on it B.work for it C.work it over D.work it out 13.You should go to see him since he is so seriously ill. ________, he is your brother. A.In all B.First of all C.Above all D.After all 14.—It’s everyone’s duty to join the Clean Your Plate Cam paign. —Sure. We should try to _______all the food that we’ve ordered. A.give up B.eat up C.turn up D.show up 15.---Jack, you seemed _______ at the party.


一、选择题 1.—Hardly any people believe that a(n) ________ meeting will lead to a lasting love. —I agree. A.familiar B.distant C.accidental D.present 2.In modern life, shopping online is________ used by many people, especially for teenagers. A.exactly B.badly C.heavily D.widely 3.—Oh, my God! I have ________ five pounds after the Spring Festival. —All of the girls want to lose weight, but easier said than done. A.given up B.put on C.got on D.grown up 4.That path ________ directly to my house.You won't miss it. A.leads B.forms C.repairs D.controls 5.I don’t want to go. __________, I am too tired. A.However B.And C.Besides D.But 6.My sister Nancy often gets lost because of her bad _____ of direction. A.sense B.feeling C.experience D.information 7.People who always do sports are in spirits than those who don't. A.high B.higher C.tall D.taller 8.He is wearing his sunglasses to himself from the strong sunlight. A.prevent B.stop C.keep D.protect 9.He can’t wait to get a ticket to the movie, so he________ for it yesterday. A.spent B.paid C.took D.cost 10.Mr. Smith gave us some________on how to improve our speaking skills. A.advice B.news C.knowledge D.information 11.Kangkang gets up early every day and he is ________ late for school. A.sometimes B.often C.never D.usually 12.Remember to return the book to the school library in time, ________ you will be fined(罚款). A.or B.and C.but D.so 13.—Do you know what the meeting is about? —Yes, of course. It will ________ some important rules we need to know about our new senior high school. A.talk B.achieve C.memorize D.cover 14.—Bill, do you like________? —Yes. They’re healthy. A.ice-cream B.carrots C.salad 15.He wrote his phone number ________ a piece paper. A.on B.for C.in D.from 16.Maria ________ speaks Chinese be cause she doesn’t know much Chinese.


九年级英语词汇专项练习题 练习一 A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。 1. Little Jim is ______________ (独自的) at home when his parents got to work. 2. The earthquake in Taiwan made a lot of people ________(无家可归). 3.Summer is his favourite season because he likes ______________ (游泳). 4. Be quiet! I heard someone _________(哭) in the bush. 5.There is more and more air ________( 污染) in the big cities. B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. I know only one of the ____________ (visit), how about you? 7. It’s _________(danger) for the boys to p lay on the street. 8. It’s _______(usual) for Sandy to stay at home at weekends because she is outgoing. 9. My father was watering flowers in the garden while I _________ (read) in it. 10. When his favourite match began, he stopped ________ (play) the computer game. 练习二 1. The food is (美味的). Will you have some? 2. Teachers always (鼓励) their students to practice speaking English in class or after class. 3. He (坚持认为) he shouldn’t give seats to the mid-aged woman because she is very impolite. 4. The trucks go through the street (吵闹地) 5. When giant pandas were born, they looked like little white (老鼠) B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

(英语)高中英语词汇训练测试(一)Unit 1—Unit 8

高中英语词汇训练测试(一) Unit 1—Unit 8 姓名分数 一、根据汉语写出单词的正确形式。(每小题一分) 1. Speaking with a strong (口音), be was laughed at sometimes. 2. Free (住宿)will be provided for all the contestants. 3. All the children must be (陪伴)by adults when riding the roller coaster. 4. His boss doesn't (欣赏)his talents, making him depressed. 5. Please ask him to leave his (地址)to us. 6.You should be (羞耻的)of yourself for telling such lies. 7. He was________(意外地) caught stealing when a postman was sending mail. 8. At school, we not only a (获得)knowledge but also improve ourselves in other aspects. 9. The students' union (倡议,提倡)that we beautify the campus by planting trees 10. (酒精的)drinks are forbidden in this restaurant. 11. He is so (好斗的)that his classmates tend to avoid him. 12. As an (有抱负的)young man, I aim high and spare no effort to achieve my goal. 13. After (分析)the situation, we agreed to take action immediately. 14. The book will teach you how to deal with (焦虑)in an effective way. 15. The (申请者)are required to hand in their resumes before May 15th. 16. His remarks aroused an (争论)among the people present. 17. After-class (活动)are treated as an essential part of school life. 18. I dream of being an (建筑师)in the future. 19. He went onto the stage and the audience began to (鼓掌)him for his courage. 20. (运动员)from all parts of the world will take part in the competitions. 21. My teachers are good at creating a relaxing (气氛)for us. 22. My neighbor is related to the (企图的)murder. 23. They entered the hall through the (自动的)door. 24. Don't judge others by (外貌). 25. The freshmen are listening to the pre8ident (专心地). 26. It is really a (廉价货)compared with goods of the same quality. 27. I will help to clear away all the (障碍)on the path ahead. 28. We were amazed at the (美)of nature. 29. I sleep for an (平均)of eight hours every day. 30. They can provide practical courses, especially for the (初学者). 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。(每小题一分) 1. Theories are too abstract to be understood by kids. 2. The family members of the performers will have free admission. 3. There is an abundant supply of fresh water in this area. 4. We must stop abusing animals. 5. We were all shocked by his account of the accident. 6. The country children have access to good education now.


初中英语专题训练题 专题一:词汇部分(名词、数词、冠词) A:名词专项 可修饰名词的常用词: 1)修饰可数名词与不可数名词:some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 2)饰可数名词的有:many, (a)few, a large (great) number of 3)只修饰不可数名词的有:much, (a)little, a great deal of 2、难点 1)名词所有格的归纳 1、a student's room, students' rooms, father's shoes。 2、Children's Day 3、a friend of my father's 4、a twenty minutes' walk,ten miles' journey,a boat's length,two pounds' weight, ten dollars' worth。 (说明:表示时间、距离、长度、重量、价格、世界、国家等名词的所有格要用 's)5、a map of China,the end of this term,the capital of our country, the color of the flowers。 (说明:无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构) 6、Li Lei and Wang Fei's bedroom, an hour and a half's talk (说明:表示两个名词共有一样东西时,在第二个名词后面加's) 7、Jim's and Peter's desks; Joe's and David's books


一、选择题 1.—Billy, you are very confident all the time, how do you make it? —I think confidence is more than just an attitude, it comes from a strong ________ to take responsibility rather than just let life happen. A.present B.care C.promise D.protect 2.Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ________ plants can spread to new places. A.so B.or C.but D.for 3.— Can you tell us about our new teacher? —Oh, I’m sorry. I know________ about him because I haven’t seen him before. A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 4.When I as well as my cousins __________ as a volunteer in Beijing, I saw the Water Cube twice. A.were treated B.treated C.was served D.served 5.Gina didn’t study medicine. ________, she decided to become an actor. A.Instead B.Again C.Anyway D.Also 6.Her only problem, ________ you can call it a problem, is that she expects to be successful all the time. A.if B.because C.though D.since 7.We should learn_______ each other. A.to B.from C.for D.of 8.Mr. Smith gave us some________on how to improve our speaking skills. A.advice B.news C.knowledge D.information 9.Danny looks sad. How I________ telling him the bad news! A.remember B.regret C.refuse 10.—Look! It’s raining________ outside. —Yes, it is. It has been dry for many days, and the rain is good for crops. A.heavily B.hardly C.quietly D.badly 11.The next Olympic Games will be held in Japan________ 27th July 2020. A.on B.in C.at D.of 12.My email ________ to you last night. Have you received it ________? A.sent; too B.is sent; already C.was sent; yet D.was sent; either 13.—What do you think of the performance today? —Great! ________ but a musical genius could perform so successfully. A.All B.None C.Anybody D.Everybody 14.You can’t ___ how I missed my mother at that time.


三年级(上册) Unit 1 _______钢笔_______铅笔_______铅笔盒_______尺子 _______橡皮_______蜡笔 _______书_______书包 _______卷笔刀_______学校 Unit 2 _______头_______脸_______鼻子_______嘴_______眼睛_______耳朵_______胳膊_______手指 _______腿 _______脚_______身体 Unit 3 _______红色的_______黄色的_______绿色的_______蓝色的 _______紫色的_______白色的_______黑色的_______橙色的 _______粉色的_______棕色的 Unit 4 _______猫_______狗 _______猴子 _______熊猫 _______兔子 _______鸭子_______猪_______鸟 _______熊 _______大象_______老鼠_______松鼠 Unit 5 _______蛋糕_______面包_______热狗_______汉堡包_______鸡肉_______茶_______榨薯条_______可乐_______果汁_______牛奶_______水_______咖啡 Unit 6 _______一_______二_______三_______四 _______五 _______六_______七_______八_______九_______

十_______玩具娃娃_______小船_______球_______风筝 _______气球_______小汽车_______飞机 三年级(下册) Unit 1 _______男孩 _______女孩_______教师_______学生 _______这个_______我的 _______朋友_______好的。愉快的 _______早上好_______下午好_______遇见。碰见 _______再见_______也。太 Unit 2 _______父亲。爸爸 _______爸爸(口语) _______母亲。妈妈_______妈妈(口语) _______男人_______女人_______(外)祖母_______(口语)(外)祖母 _______(外)祖父_______(口语)(外)祖父 _______姐妹_______兄弟 _______让我们_______太好了_______真地。确切地_______和。并且_______多么。怎么样 Unit 3 _______十一_______十二_______十三_______十四 _______十五_______十六_______十七_______十八 _______十九_______二十 _______多少_______能够。可以_______看。瞧 Unit 4 _______桃 _______梨 _______橙子_______西瓜 _______苹果_______香蕉_______草莓_______葡萄_______喜欢_______一些。某些_______多谢 Unit 5 _______公共汽车 _______自行车 _______出租车_______吉普车_______课桌


2011年中考英语词汇分类专项练习题及答案 I. 单词拼写 A). 请根据词义填词,首字母已给出。 1. a_________ (be able to meet the cost of) 2. c_________ (a kind of thing for taking photos) 3. j_________ (become a member of) 4. r_________ (give or pay something back; come or go back) 5. q_________ (a line of people waiting for something) 6. i__________ (a piece of land with water all round it) 7. p_________ (a person who is being treated in a hospital) 8. f_________ (fail to remember) 9. S_________ (the first day of the week) 10. w________ (not having, not with) B). 根据句子意思,写出下列划线部分的对应词,注意正确形式。 1. I can ride a bike. It’s easy. But I can’t drive a car. It’s too _________. 2. We must save water, don’t __________ it.. 3. I like milk with sugar, but my brother likes milk _________ sugar. 4. My mum cooked both cabbage and peas, but my grandma could eat ________ of t hem. 5. My sister wants something nice to eat, but there isn’t _________ in the fri dge. 6. A policeman carried him to __________ when he was in danger. 7. Lucy, your hands are very __________, but Lily’s are clean. 8. Mike does well in English, but he is __________ in maths. 9. The girl is a short student. Any other student in the class is __________ t han her.


中考题型集训(四) 词汇运用 __题组训练1_ [中文提示写单词] 根据句意和所给中文提示,写出下列句中所缺单词。 A 1.[2017·连云港]—What do you think of the Art Festival in your school? —Colourful! All the students enjoy ________(他们自己) and show their different talents. 2.[2017·乐山]I didn't hear the phone because it was too ________(吵闹的) in the supermarket. 3.I don't want to ________(浪费) my time talking with her. It's like playing the lute to a cow. 4.[2017·南充]Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize. We are very ________(自豪的) of her. 5.September is the ________(第九) month of a year. 6.We shouldn't take these game shows too ________(严肃地) while watching them. 7.Tom and Peter are good friends. They can talk about and ________(分享) everything. 8.[2017·连云港] Some classical pieces at the concert are traditional and have a lasting ________(价值). 9.[2017·天水]Because of his ________(粗心), he didn't pass the exam. 10.[2017·南京]—What do I need to make a thank-you card? —You need some ________(纸), glue and a pair of scissors. B 1.[2017·宿迁]There is a ________(刀) and some pens on Wang Jun's desk. 2.Drivers should drive more slowly on ________(下雨的) days. 3.[2017·苏州]In Switzerland, some of the old clothes are ________(卖) in charity shops. 4.[2017·苏州] Life is like a race. I'm ready to take on new ________(挑战) any time. 5.Everyone, you need to have a dream. The future of China ________(依靠) on you! 6.My grandma always tells me ________(没有什么) is more important than health. 7.[2017·泰州]David showed great ________(勇气) during his fight against illness last year. 8.My mother goes shopping every week—there is a shopping mall just ________(在……对面) our house. 9.[2017·南京]Liu Hua is the chief ________(工程师) of the high-speed railway connecting Moonlight Town to Nanjing. 10.[2017·南京]More than six ________(百) teams took part in 2017 Nanjing primary and secondary school robot competition in May. C 1.The glasses can keep the worker's eyes ________(安全的). 2.The houses are so expensive that he can't ________(承担得起) to buy one. 3.My parents are always ________(严格的) with me. 4.Nobody was ________(缺席) from school though it rained heavily yesterday. 5.His uncle is going to ________(参加) a business meeting in Beijing next week. 6.It's important for young people to make a right ________(决定) for their future. 7.Some wild animals are in ________(危险)as the earth is getting warmer and warmer. 8.Mary goes to work every day ________(除…之外)Sundays. 9.[2017·镇江]The dentist suggests that the girl should brush her ________(牙齿) before going to bed. 10.We've got a lot of new ________(杂志) in our school library. D 1.Tina is my cousin. She is tall and she has long ________(直的) hair. 2.[2017·乌鲁木齐]The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation(一带一路国际合作高峰论坛) which was held in Beijing on May 15th had a very deep ________(影响) on almost all the countries. 3.Nowadays people like to eat out on Spring Festival, ________(特别地) young people.
