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缘分 predestined relationship

无缘无故地 for no reason at all

世上没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨。There is absolutely no such thing as love or hatred without any reason or cause.

不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。I can't tell the true shape of Lu Shan because I myself am on the mountain.

花径不曾缘客扫。The garden path has never been cleared for the visit of a guest.

血缘 blood relationship

人缘 relations with people

姻缘 predestined marriage

前世因缘 predestination

天赐良缘 a godsent marriage;a good marriage arranged in Heaven 天缘巧合 a luck coincidence

投缘的街坊们 congenial neighbors

化缘 beg for alms

有人缘 enjoy great popularity

喜结良缘 tie the nuptial knot

缔结姻缘 form marital tie

聊得投缘 talk congenially

有缘结识某人 be lucky to get acquainted with sb.

无缘结识某人 have no opportunity to get acquainted with sb.

与某人有一面之缘 happen to have met sb. once

婚姻是缘分。 A couple's conjugal fate is prearranged.

他们的结合是美满的姻缘。 Their wedlock is a happy marriage.

有缘终相逢。 Fate brings together people who are far apart.

无缘不相逢。 There is no meeting without predestination.

我与烟酒无缘。 Smoking and drinking don't appeal to me.

好事似乎与他无缘。 Good luck seemed to be wholly denied to him.

千里姻缘一线牵。 Two beings destined to marry each other,though thousands of miles apart,are tied together with an invisible red thread by an old man under the moonlight.

他们俩有情无缘。 The are attracted to each other but are not fated to be conjugally tied.

机缘凑巧,我找到一份工作。 As luck would have it,I found a job.

有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。 As decreed by providence you have met him;otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a long way.

我发现班里有几个同学和我挺投缘。 I found quite a few classmates congenial to me.

我在班里有人缘。 I am popular with my classmates.

真遗憾,我们一直无缘相见。 It is a pity that we have no opportunity to meet each other.

兄弟及表兄弟有血缘关系联系着。 Brothers and cousins are united by ties of consanguinity.

他化缘为生。 He followed the life of a mendicant.

为盖新厂房他四处化缘。 He went about seeking financial help from the sponsers to build new workshops.

外缘 outer fringes

攀援 climb up

缘木求鱼 climb up a tree to look for fish

他若想那样解决问题,无异缘木求鱼。 He would be milking a bull if he tried to settle the prblem that way.

有巨人的肩膀可攀缘,侏儒看得比巨人还远。 The dwarf sees farther than the giant, when he has the giant's shoulders to mount on.

缘故 reason;cause;sake

缘由 reason;cause


观点用英语说范文 考研英语翻译中“表达观点”的译法无论在中文行文或是英文表达的过程中,都会出现某个人表达自己的观点的情况。而考研英语翻译考查的中也不乏类似表达,那么下面我们就来看一下,在考研英语真题中,出现了哪些用于表达观点的词语。而对于这些表达,我们又该如何处理。 这些词语根据意义可以分成两类: 第一类,直接译为“认为”的动词: 例1. Behaviorists, in contrast, say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy. (1990年65题) 译文:相比而言,行为主义者认为?? 例2. Those who support the “nature” side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors.(1990年62题)

译文:那些在争论中支持“天性”一方的人们认为?? 例3. And it is imagined by many that the operations of the mon mind can be by no means pared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training. (1993年74题) 译文:很多人认为?? 例4. Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements. (1997年72题) 译文:有些哲学家认为?? 例5. The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.(xx年61题) 译文:希腊人认为??


As far as I concerned…In my view… For my part…I believe / feel…Personally speaking,…As to me… 表示赞同: Amazing. Great. I agree with you…I cannot agree with you more. I have no problem with that…I feel the same way. I see what you mean. I go along with you. 表示反对的: I don’t quite agree with you. I truly cannot agree with you. I cannot agree with you completely. I’m afraid I cannot make myself agree with you. I’m afraid you are off the point. I’m against… 表示部分反对的: I agree with you to some extent. It may be true…, but it is not the same case. To some degrees, what you said is true. However…

As far as I concerned…In my view… For my part…I believe / feel…Personally speaking,…As to me… 表示赞同: Amazing. Great. I agree with you…I cannot agree with you more. I have no problem with that…I feel the same way. I see what you mean. I go along with you. 表示反对的: I don’t quite agree with you. I truly cannot agree with you. I cannot agree with you completely. I’m afraid I cannot make myself agree with you. I’m afraid you are off the point. I’m against… 表示部分反对的: I agree with you to some extent. It may be true…, but it is not the same case. To some degrees, what you said is true. However…


英语口语技巧:13种表达意见的方式 In life we’re often asked to give our opinion, or in some cases, we give our opinion even if it hasn’t been asked for! 生活中,经常有人会询问我们的意见,或者在某些情况下,即使没有被询问,我们也会给出自己的意见。 Sometimes we can be very direct with our opinion and it won’t upset the other person. However, more often than not we need to be careful how we share our thoughts so as not to offend or hurt the other person’s feelings. This can be especially true in business where cultural differences can have adetrimental effect on business dealings. 有时我们可以非常直接地表达我们的意见,且不会让别人不开心。但是,为了不伤害或冒犯到他人,我们通常需要小心翼翼的分享我们的想法。这在商界尤其重要,因为文化差异可能会对交易产生不利影响。 The British are especially careful when giving their opinion (in business, that is). They often don’t want to cause offence and consequently, will start their sentences using certain expressions to soften the blow. A number of my clients have said that the British are very polite and considerate in their dealings with colleagues and clients. So much so, that the British way of doing business is often admired. 英国人在表达自己的意见时特别小心(在商界)。他们通常不想冒犯别人,所以开始会使用一些特定的表达来缓和接下来的内容。我的顾客中有很多人都说过英


英语时间点的表达 甘肃武威第三中学陈金杰 英语时间点的表达,是目前英语各级各类考试的热点、考点,同时也是日常交流中经常遇到的话题。正确地掌握和运用英语中时间点的表达,不但能在各种考试中应答自如,更能在英语实际运用中给我们以极大的帮助。本文主要分析了英语中两种表达时间点的方法,重点介绍了第二种方法,即“倒读法”。理解并掌握窍门是正确运用的前提。 【关键词】英语时间点 past to 时间,与我们无时无处不发生着联系;英语,在我们的日常交往中已显得越来越重要。而用英语表达时间,尤其是时间点,不仅是各级各类考试的热点考点,而且也是我们在日常交往中必须要掌握的基本技巧。正确地掌握和运用英语时间点的表达,不但能在各种考试中应答自如,更能在实际运用中给我们以极大的帮助。本文就英语中时间点的表达方法,如何准确、灵活、恰当的用英语表达时间点做一经验性总结,仅供参考,不足之处请各位同仁多多批评指正。 英语中时间点的表达方法通常有两种,一种比较常用,比较简单,可以叫做“直读法”;另一种比较容易作为考点,比较复杂,考借助介词past或to来表达时间点的方法,可以叫做“倒读法”。下面分而述之。 一、“直读法” 所为“直读法”,顾名思义,就是按照汉语习惯将时间点按照先点

钟后分钟的顺序,用基数词读出的方法。例如3:20即可直读为three twenty;6:35可直读为six thirty-five. 这种方法使用频率很高,也是日常交往中时间点表达最常用、最 简洁、最直观、最有效的方法。用英语表达时间点的这种方法,顺序 和汉语顺序一样,只要熟练掌握基数词的读法,就变得非常容易了。 二、“倒读法” 所谓“倒读法”,就是借助介词past或to,把时间点按照先分钟后 点钟的顺序表达的方法。这种表达时间点的方法和汉语习惯正好相反。例如汉语中我们说八点二十,英语中则表达为twenty past eight。 这种表达时间点的方法在实际运用中的使用频率较“直读法” 要低,但却是各级各类考试中有关时间点表达的热门考点。而且对于 初学英语的人来讲,掌握这种方法也比较不容易。因此,本文将就如何 有效掌握这种方法做一重点阐述。 在多年的教学过程当中本人就如何用介词past或to来正确表达 时间点做了一些经验性总结,编了一段四句的顺口溜,以帮助有效掌握 和运用这种方法。这段顺口溜是:“分钟在前点钟后,分钟过半须用to; 分钟须用60减,点种还要往后赶。” 如何来理解这段顺口溜呢?其实很简单。“分钟在前点钟后”说 的是时间点表达的顺序问题。前面已说过,先表达分钟,再表达点钟, 只是分钟和点种之间须用介词past或to。而“分钟过半须用to”指 的是当分钟超过半个小时,即大于三十分钟时,此时分钟和点种之间就 须用介词to来连接。等一等,这样还不够,还得继续看下面两句,“分


高考英语万能写作模板:表达自己观点的短语 1.In my humble opinion, 以我愚见 2.As far as I'm concerned, 就我而言 3.In the case of me, 就我而言 4.I hold that…我持有这样的观点 5.It occured to me that…突然想到 6.When it comes to sth=Speaking of sth. 一提到.....(某事、某物、某人) 7.I share with sb. the same views…我和某人有同样的观点 8.What impresed me most was that=What concerns me most is 让我印象最深的是......' 9.I have every reason to believe…我完全有理由相信 10.Mind that I say=keep in mind 记住我说的 11.I desperately hope that…我强烈地期望 12.I firmly hold the belief that= I firmly believe that…我坚定地相信 13.I couldn't help looking back on sth. 我忍不住想起 14.I do hope that…我只是希望 15.I have some piece of advice about sth. 我有一些关于.....的建议 16.Believe it or not. 信不信由你 17.The very thougt of......delight me 正是这个想法使我高兴 18.We should keep it in mind that. 我们应该记住 19.I‘ll put forward the suggestion我将提出我的建议 20.I'll live by such a statement 我想要引用这么一个谚语 21.I couldn't sighing with emotion 我不禁喟叹 22.We have no choice but to 我们别无选择,除了...... 23. I make an urgent appeal that 我急切地呼吁 1

用英语陈述自己的观点 有用的句型

Word List on Opinion and Statements Use each beginning statement to make a sentence. Stating your Opinion It seems to me that … In my opinion, … I am of the opinion that …/ I take the view that .. My personal view is that … In my experience … As far as I understand / can see, … As I see it, … / From my point of view… As far as I know … / From what I know… I might be wrong but … If I am not mistaken … I believe one can (safely) say … It is claimed that … I must admit that … I cannot deny that … I can imagine that … I think/believe/suppose … Personally, I think … That is why I think … I am sure/certain/convinced that … I am not sure/certain, but … I am not sure, because I don't know the situation exactly. I am not convinced that … I have read that … I am of mixed opinions (about / on) … I am of mixed opinions about / on this. I have no opinion in this matter. Outlining Facts The fact is that The (main) point is that … This proves that … What it comes down to is that … It is obvious that … It is certain that … One can say that … It is clear that … There is no doubt that …


英语写作中表达观点的句型 英语写作中表达观点的句型 1. There are some good reasons for... 这是一个用来分析原因的句型。我们看下面的例子: 人民生活状况改善的原因有两点。首先,我们一直在贯 彻执行改革开放政策。其次,国民经济正在迅速发展,而且出生率已经得到控制。 There are two reasons for the improvement in people's living conditions. In the first place, we have been carrying out the reform and opening-up policy. Secondly1, there has been a rapid expansion of our national economy. Furthermore, the birth rate has been put under control. 2. My suggestions to deal with the problem are as follows. In the first place,... Secondly,... Finally, ... 这是一个提出建议的句型。我们看下面这段文字是如何 使用这个句型的: 我对解决这个问题的建议如下。首先,迫在眉睫的是建 立自然保护区。其次,有些濒临灭绝的珍稀野生动物应该收捕、人工喂养并繁殖。最后,对于捕猎珍稀野生动物的人必须严惩。

My suggestions to deal with the problem are as follows. In the first place, it is urgent to create nature reserves. Secondly, certain rare wild animals that are going to be extinct should be collected, fed and reproduced artificially. Finally, those who hunt them must be punished severely2. 3. It is important (necessary, urgent, difficult, easy, expensive, desirable, advisable, convenient, comfortable) for sb. to do sth. 这是一个用来发表意见的句型。我们看看下面的例文: 人们希望建立更多的医院、购物中心、娱乐中心、电影院和其他公用设施来满足人民日益增长的需求。 It is desirable to build more hospitals, shopping centers, recreation centers, cinemas and other public facilities to meet the growing needs of people. 4. As a popular saying goes "Everything has two sides." 这是一个用来引起利弊分析的句型。看看下面的文段是怎么运用它的: 常言道:“事物总是一分为二的”。如今人们从科技发明中得到越来越多的好处。另一方面,科技进步也给我们带来了许多麻烦。现在许多国家的人民饱尝公害之苦。


英语重点句型:表达看法支持反对的句型 重点句型一:表达看法的句型 1. some of them think that it is necessary to start learning English from childhood. 2. Some of the students point out that it is good to start learning English from childhood. 3. Some of them hold the idea that it is necessary to start learning English at an early age. 4. Their point of view is that it is necessary to start learning English from childhood. 5. In those people‘s opinion,it is good to start learning English at ah early age. 6. Some of them argue that it is a good idea to start learning English from childhood. 重点句型二:表示支持的句型 1. Some of them agree with the idea that English learning should start early I childhood. 2. Some of them are for the idea that English learning should start early in childhood. 3. Some students think that it is right to start learning English from childhood. 4. Some students think it is a good idea to learn English from a young age. 5. Some students consider it reasonable to learn English from childhood. 【reasonable adj. 合理的;有道理的】 6. Some people are in favor of learning English from a young age. 7. Some of them approve of the idea that it is good to start learning English from childhood.【approve of:赞成;满意】


表达不同观点的常用句子结构: 开头部分: 1)We have discussed whether to surf on the net on weekdays. 2)W e have debated whether China should develop private car industry. 3)The students of Senior Three in our school have had a heated discussion about whether Senior Three students should attend the sports meeting. 过渡句: ?Opinions are divided on the question. ?Opinions vary from person to person. ?A coin has two sides. ?引入观点的持有者: Nearly a quarter of people think//believe that… Almost a half of the students suggest that … Two fifths of our group are for the idea of … Thirty percent of us be are against that The rest of the interviewees agree that… The majority of them disagree the opinion of… Another fifty percent of us hold the belief that… The majority of them support that…/oppose that…


表达观点的英文句式 I think ... As far as I am concerned... For my part... Personally speaking... As to me,... As I see it,... It seems to me that... In my view... If I may say so,I think... I'm of the opinion that... If you ask me,... I believe/feel... In my opinion ,... 1) As for me, I am on the latter part of the argument. The reasons are as follows. 至于我,我支持争论的后半部分。原因如下: 2) From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。 3) The following reasons can account for my inclination. 如下的原因可解释我的倾向。 4) To make myself as plain as I can, I should give my standards for …为使我的观点更加清楚,我给出我关于…的标准。 5) I disbelieve, and therefore strongly resent, the claim that …我不相信,因此强烈反对,这一主张,即…


漂亮的表达观点的英文句式 1) As for me, I am on the latter part of the argument. The reasons are as follows. 至于我,我支持争论的后半部分。原因如下: 2) From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。 3) The following reasons can account for my inclination. 如下的原因可解释我的倾向。 4) To make myself as plain as I can, I should give my standards for … 为使我的观点更加清楚,我给出我关于…的标准。 5) I disbelieve, and therefore strongly resent, the claim that … 我不相信,因此强烈反对,这一主张,即… 6) My final and p erhaps my best reason for not doing something is … 我不做某事最终的,或许最好的理由是… 7) For the same reason, it matters to me that … 同样原因,我很在乎… 8) For these reason, I recommend that … 出于这些原因,我推荐/建议… (recommend做建议讲时,接从句要用虚拟,即谓语用(should)+动词原形) 9) My answer is that …. I have several reasons, and they’re good ones. The first is the one that … 我的回答是…。我有几个理由而且它们是很充分的


Starting a meeting会议开始时可能用到的句子: "May I come in?" "Can we get started?" "We are here today to discuss..." "The purpose of this meeting is..." "May I say something?" "I'd like to make a point here." Ask other people's opinion需要询问他人观点时的表达法: "Does anyone have anything to add?" "What's your opinion on this?" "What's your view on this subject?" To add something on someone's speech在他人的谈话基础上要再加点什么时的表达方式: "Well, that's a very good point. I 'd also like to add..." "There is something I'd like to say..." Respond to someone's speech对他人的谈话作出反应的表达方式: "Yes, I feel the same way about this." "Yes, You made a very good point." To interrupt someone's speech要打断他人的讲话时的表达方式: "Excuse me, may I add something here?" "Could I interrupt you for a minute?" To stop someone from interrupt you不让他人打断你的讲话可以这么说: "May I finish my speech, if you don't mind..." "I am sorry, if you could let me finish..." Keeping people from focused on the subject不让他人扯开去可以这么说: "Please let's stick to the subject." "We are getting a little sidetracked here, please get back to the subject." "Please get back to our agenda." Finishing a meeting结束会议时可以这么说: "Is there any other business we want to discuss?" "OK, I think that all for today. Thank you all for coming." PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建w https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0d17534871.html,


考研英语翻译中“表达观点”的译法 无论在中文行文或是英文表达的过程中,都会出现某个人表达自己的观点的情况。而考研英语翻译考查的句子中也不乏类似表达,那么下面我们就来看一下,在考研英语真题中,出现了哪些用于表达观点的词语。而对于这些表达,我们又该如何处理。 这些词语根据意义可以分成两类: 第一类,直接译为“认为”的动词: 例1.Behaviorists, in contrast, say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy. (1990年65题) 译文:相比而言,行为主义者认为…… 例2.Those who support the “nature”side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors.(1990年62题)译文:那些在争论中支持“天性”一方的人们认为…… 例3.And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training. (1993年74题) 译文:很多人认为…… 例4.Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements. (1997年72题) 译文:有些哲学家认为…… 例5.The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.(2004年61题) 译文:希腊人认为…… 例6.Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character.(2008年50题) 译文:达尔文认为…… 其它出现表示“认为”的意义的句子还包括1994年的71题,1997年 74题,2004年的65题和2008年的46题。 第二类词语,根据词语本身含义来表达观点。 例7.They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors.(1990年61题) 译文:他们想要解释…… 例8.Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many


2019高考英语作文训练 李仕才 作文训练之报告(情况描述+分析原因+表达观点)

句型提示: 1、书信功能句: 2、英语作文万能句: 1)I am writing to you to …(谈写信目的) 2) I am looking forward to your reply. (写信结束语) 3) I would appreciate it if you could …如果你能…,我将非常感激。 4) I wonder if you could …我想您是否能…. 5) Would it be possible for you to …? 您是否可以。。。? 6) Would it be convenient for you to …? 您是否方便…? 7) I would like to …我想要… 8) It would be better for you to …您最好…

9) You might as well …您最好… 10) If I were you, I would …. 如果我是你,我会… 11) Would you please …? Could you …? 请您… 3、英语作文常用句式: 1) 主+谓+…,doing/done … 2) 主+谓+…,which/who 从句 3)主,同位语,+谓+… 4)主+谓+…,with 结构 5)What +从句 is that 从句 6)强调句或倒装句(起强调作用,需要强调时,用) 7)其他:so/such …that…; It is …before …; too … to …等 写作训练(10) 手机(cellphone)深刻影响着我们的生活。你校将要举办一场关于手机“为了社交还是反社交?”的讨论。请你参考上面图片以Cellphones, Social or Anti-social?为题写一篇英语短文表达自己的观点。 写作要点:1. 简述手机如何影响人们的日常生活; 2. 表达你的观点并说明原因。 写作要求:1. 文章中不得出现个人真实信息;2. 词数100左右。 思路点拨:1、人称:第三人称为主;时态:一般现在时为主; 2、要点:1)引入话题,手机如何影响生活,侧重对社交生活的影响;2)表达 自己的观点;3)2-3点原因,支撑自己的观点。 参考句型:1 have an impact on … 2. bring sb great convenience; make it easy for sb to communicate 3. have both social and anti-social effect 第一稿


阐述个人观点的文章的参考表达句式 1(引言):There is no consensus(一致)of among people as to the view of _______.Some people suggest that ________,while some other people argue that _____-I agree with the latter to some extent..(论点) I think _______. (论据) I can think of no better illustration of the (结论)My personal experience leads me to conclude that _________ . 2. (引言) In the past few years , there has been an growing trend that _____ .People have confliction views of this fact .Some support and others worry . (论点)Firstly , _______ .Secondly ,_____ . 3. (引言) For the first time in history , ______ was officially adopted It has found immediate welcome and much popularity ever since . (中心论点)Indeed , there are many obvious advantages to ______. (论据) First , _______ .Second , _____. Third ,__________ . (结论)________ benefits more than individually and economically , and with the passage of time (随着时间的流逝), it qill show more profound significance (更深远的意义) . 4. (引言)Inrecent years there has been a big growth in the area of _____ .(中心论点) ______ is popular that it has become an imdispensable (必不可少的)part in our life . (论据) ______ contribute both to _____ and to _____ .Besides , _______ offers ______ .And most importantly , _______ help to promote _______ . (结论)______ plays a viole in people’s life , and it desetves further attention from . 5. (引言)Ever since early this century , (中心论点)_______has become an essential psrt of our modern life . It has played a decisive role in modem . Noboy can deny that the delopment of our civilization depends on _______. (论据)If there were no ____ , our modern world be in trouble . For one thing , _________ . For another , ______ . (结论)Therefore , we should make better use of _______ .We should ____________ . 6.(中心论点)________ plays a vital part in our daily work and life . Ever since its invention , _______ has made contributions to the development of world civilization . (论据) Can we imagine how difficult work and life would become if all the supplies of _____ suddenly disappeared ? There would be no ________ .We would no longer be able to ______. Without ______ , our


Ways of Presenting Ideas and Arguments

5. Section 3 discusses the aspects of... 6. Section 3 describes the system itself in a general way, including the ….. and also discusses how to evaluate system performance. 7. Section 3 describes a new measure of xx. 8. Section 3 demonstrates the use of f… in the analysis of xx. 9. Section 3 is a fine description of ... 10. Section 3, is developed to the modeling and processing of … 11. The main idea of the … is described in Section 3 while Section 4 describes the xx strategies. 12. Section 3 and 4 show experimental studies for verifying the proposed model. 13. Section 4 gives a specific example of xxx. 14. Section 4 is the experimental study to … 15. Section 4 contains a discussion of the implication of the results of Section 2 and 3. 16. Section 4 applies this … to the analysis of xx and illustrates its use on exp erimental data. 17. Section 5 presents the primary results of the paper: ... 18. Section 5 contains some conclusions plus some ideas for further work. 19. Section 6 illustrates the model with an example. 20. In Section 2 we shall list a collection of basic assumptions which a ... scheme must satisfy. 21. In Section 2 of this paper, we present representation and uniqueness theorems for the fundamental measurement of… when the domain of discourse is…. 22. In Section 3, we describe the preliminary results of an empirical study currently in progress to verify the measurement model and to construct .... This Section “本部分”的说法 1. In this section, the characteristics and environment under which … is designed are described. 2. We will provide in this section basic terminologies and notations which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results. Next Section“下一部分”的说法 1. The next section describes ... 2. However, it is cumbersome for this purpose and in practical applications the formulae were rearranged and simplified as discussed in the next section. 3. The …will be described in the next two section, and an example of xx analysis of … will then illustrate their use. 4. We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the following sections.
