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Influence of Lysobacter enzymogenes Strain C3 on Nematodes

Influence of Lysobacter enzymogenes Strain C3 on Nematodes
Influence of Lysobacter enzymogenes Strain C3 on Nematodes

Influence of Lysobacter enzymogenes Strain C3on Nematodes J.C hen,1W.H.M oore,1G.Y.Y uen,2D.K obayashi,3E.P.C aswell-C hen1

Abstract:Chitinolytic micro?ora may contribute to biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes by causing decreased egg viability through degradation of egg shells.Here,the in?uence of Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3on Caenorhabditis elegans,Heterodera schachtii,Meloidogyne javanica,Pratylenchus penetrans,and Aphelenchoides fragariae is described.Exposure of C.elegans to L.enzymogenes strain C3on agar resulted in almost complete elimination of egg production and death of94%of hatched juveniles after2d.Hatch of H.schachtii eggs was about50%on a lawn of L.enzymogenes strain C3on agar as compared to80%on a lawn of E.coli.Juveniles that hatched on a lawn of L.enzymogenes strain C3on agar died due to disintegration of the cuticle and body contents.Meloidogyne javanica juveniles died after4d exposure to a7-d-old chitin broth culture of L.enzymogenes strain C3.Immersion of A.fragariae,M. javanica,and P.penetrans juveniles and adults in a nutrient broth culture of L.enzymogenes strain C3led to rapid death and disintegration of the nematodes.Upon exposure to L.enzymogenes strain C3cultures in nutrient broth,H.schachtii juveniles were rapidly immobilized and then lysed after three days.The death and disintegration of the tested nematodes suggests that toxins and enzymes produced by this strain are active against a range of nematode species.

Key words:Aphelenchoides fragariae,biological control,Caenorhabditis elegans,chitinase-producing bacterium,Heterodera schachtii, Lysobacter enzymogenes,lytic,Meloidogyne javanica,Pratylenchus penetrans,nematode management,plant-parasitic nematodes

The egg shell of nematodes contains chitin (Maggenti,1981;Bird and Bird,1991),and it is pre-sumed that exposing eggs to chitinase can disrupt egg hatch.Both chitinase and chitinase-producing bacteria have been considered for use in reducing numbers of plant-parasitic nematodes in soil(Spiegel et al.,1986, 1987;Mercer et al.,1992;Cronin et al.,1997;Chen et al.,1999).

The genus Lysobacter is in the family Xanthomonada-ceae(?-subdivision of Proteobacteria)and is a genus of gliding and non-fruiting bacteria(Christensen and Cook,1978;Christensen,1984).Lysobacter species are typically found in soil and water habitats and are char-acterized by having gliding motility,high G+C content, and lytic activity against other microorganisms(Chris-tensen and Cook,1978).Lysobacter enzymogenes degrades chitin and produces lipases and proteases(Katznelson et al.,1964;Christensen and Cook,1978;Sullivan et al., 2003).“Myxobacteria”strains,which were later placed in L.enzymogenes(Christensen and Cook,1978),were reported to lyse bacteria-feeding nematodes but not the stylet-bearing nematodes Aphelenchus avena e and Het-erodera trifolii(Katznelson et al.,1964);the lytic activity, however,was not investigated further.Lysobacter enzymo-genes strain C3,which was repositioned from Stenotroph-omonas maltophilia(Sullivan et al.,2003),was found to be effective in the biological control of several fungal pathogens(Zhang and Yuen,1999;Yuen and Zhang, 2001;Yuen et al.,2001).Suppression of fungal patho-gens by L.enzymogenes strain C3was attributed in part to chitinase production(Zhang and Yuen,2000a,2000b; Zhang et al.,2001).The research described here was initiated to investigate the effect of L.enzymogenes strain C3on nematode eggs because the bacteria produce chitinases and other potentially antagonistic enzymes and compounds.Our observations led to an assessment of effects on vermiform stages of different nematode species.

Here we report on the effects of L.enzymogenes strain C3on the reproduction and viability of the bacteria-feeding nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.Caenorhabditis elegans has been used as a model system to identify bac-terial virulence factors(Kurz and Ewbank,2000).We also examined the in?uence of L.enzymogenes strain C3 on the survival of egg and juvenile stages of economi-cally important plant-parasitic nematodes,including the sugar-beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii,root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica,root-lesion nema-tode Pratylenchus penetrans,and foliar nematode Aphel-enchoides fragariae.

M aterials and M ethods

Bacteria:A spontaneous rifampicin-resistant deriva-tive of L.enzymogenes strain C3was used in these experi-ments(Giesler and Yuen,1998).Escherichia coli strain OP50,the uracil auxotroph used as food for rearing C. elegans,was obtained from the Caenorhabditis Genetic Center(CGC),University of Minnesota,St.Paul,and was included as a control treatment.Cultures of both bacteria were maintained as cryopreserved stock sus-pensions at-80°C(Stiernagle,1999).For these experi-ments,L.enzymogenes strain C3and E.coli strain OP50 were cultured using two different media,agar Nema-tode Growth Medium(NGM)(Brenner,1974)or liq-uid Nutrient Broth(NB)(Becton,Dickinson and Co., Sparks,MD).Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3was also cultured in a chitin broth medium modi?ed from

Received for publication17November2005.

1Department of Nematology,University of California,Davis,CA95616.

2Department of Plant Pathology,University of Nebraska,Lincoln,NE68583. 3Department of Plant Biology&Pathology,Rutgers,New Brunswick,NJ 08901–8520

This research was supported by funding from the USDA(5306–22000–013–01S)and from a faculty research grant at the University of California,Davis. This manuscript is a contribution of the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research Division,Journal Series No.15008.The C.elegans N2strain and E.coli strain OP50used in this work were provided by the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center,which is funded by the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR).Thanks to John Chitambar of the California Department of Food and Agriculture for nematode cultures,Jennifer Haynes and Kristi Sanchez for assistance in the laboratory,and Bruce Jaffee,Harry Kaya,and two anonymous reviewers for helpful suggestions on the manuscript.


This manuscript was edited by Andrea Skantar Journal of Nematology38(2):233–239.2006.

?The Society of Nematologists2006.


Zhang and Yuen (2000b),which induces chitinase pro-duction in strain C3(Zhang and Yuen,2000a).

Chitin broth contained (NH 4)2SO 4at 1.0g/liter,MgSO 4.7H 2O at 0.3g/liter,and KH 2PO 4at 1.4g/liter.Practical-grade chitin (Sigma-Aldrich,St Louis,MO)was added to the solution at 10g/liter as a carbon source.Yeast extract solution (0.5g yeast extract in 50ml distilled water)(Sigma-Aldrich)was autoclaved separately and added to the sterilized broth to a con-centration of 0.5g/liter.

Bacterial lawns were created on NGM agar plates by pipetting 0.1ml thawed stock suspensions onto each petri dish and spreading the bacteria with a sterile glass pipet.Broth cultures were prepared by pipetting 0.1ml thawed stock suspension into 100-ml volumes of sterile broth in 500-ml Erlenmeyer ?asks,which were incu-bated at 26°C with shaking at 125rpm (Innova 4330Refrigerated incubator shaker,New Brunswick Scien-ti ?c,Edison,NJ).Chitin broth cultures of L.enzymogenes strain C3were inoculated 7d before the start of an experiment and were sieved through a 25-μm-pore sieve to remove larger chitin particles prior to use.Nematodes:The wild-type C.elegans strain N2(Bristol)was obtained from the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center.It was cryopreserved at ?80°C,and cultures were initi-ated for each experiment by pipetting 0.1ml cryopre-served culture onto NGM agar seeded with OP50.Nematode cultures were incubated in the dark for 3d,and the freshly laid eggs were transferred onto fresh NGM with OP50.The adults that subsequently devel-oped were used in the experiments.

An isolate of H.schachtii from Half Moon Bay,CA,was maintained on sugarbeets and cabbage in a green-house.Cysts were rinsed from roots,?oated from soil,and collected on sieves.When eggs were needed,they were removed from cysts by gently tearing open the cyst walls using forceps and immersing the cyst contents in 5%commercial bleach for 3min.Second-stage juve-niles were collected from cysts placed on Baermann funnels for 3d.

Cultures of A.fragariae and P.penetrans were obtained from the California Department of Food and Agricul-ture and maintained on carrot discs in jars.Juvenile and adult stages were recovered by adding water to the jar and swirling it around to collect nematodes loos-ened from the carrot surface.Juveniles of M.javanica were obtained from hydroponics cultures (Lambert et al.,1992).Eggs were obtained by bleach extraction (Barker,1985)of infected tomato roots obtained from plants grown in greenhouses.

Arti?cial tap water (ATW)(Greenaway,1970)was used to rinse nematodes and was included in some of the experiments as a control treatment.Petri dishes and cell culture plates containing bacteria and nema-todes were sealed with para?lm (Pechiney Plastic Pack-aging,Menasha,WI)to limit moisture loss and main-tained in a dark incubator at 25°C.Microscopic obser-vations of nematodes were made at x40magni?cation.Caenorhabditis elegans experiments:Adult C.elegans from NGM-E.coli OP50cultures were placed in ?lter-sterilized tap water on NGM to reduce bacteria adher-ing to the nematode cuticle.A young or gravid adult nematode was then transferred onto NGM on which C3had been cultured for 1,3,or https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1c919095.html,ing a separate set of L.enzymogenes strain C3cultures on NGM,bacterial numbers were determined by rinsing bacterial cells off the agar surface with ATW and plating dilutions of the rinse on NGM.Populations were expressed as log 10colony-forming units (CFU)per plate.Caenorhabditis el-egans were also transferred to 1-,3-and 5-d-old NGM cultures of E.coli OP50as the controls.The develop-ment,reproduction,and survival of C.elegans were de-termined daily.Nematode body length was measured to assist in the identi?cation of developmental stages of C.elegans .Each treatment was replicated three times,and the experiment was repeated.

A separate set of experiments was conducted as a comparative control for con?rming the effects of com-mercial chitinase on C.elegans.Chitinase (EC Serratia marcescens was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis,MO).Chitinase prepared in 0.05M potassium phosphate buffer was added after the auto-claved NGM agar was allowed to cool to 55°C so that the chitinase would remain stable (Brurberg et al.,1996).Final chitinase concentrations were 0,0.021,and 0.21units/ml.Each agar-chitinase mix was pipetted into wells (0.8ml/well)of 48-well cell-culture plates and into 6-cm-diam.petri dishes (2ml/dish),and the hard-ened agar was inoculated with E.coli OP50.In one ex-periment,one newly hatched juvenile of C.elegans was transferred into each of 12replicate wells in a cell-culture plate containing 1-d-old cultures of E.coli OP50.The plates were incubated at 24°C ±1°C.The nema-todes were examined daily and the juveniles counted over 7d.When the progeny that arose from the origi-nal nematode placed in a well reached maturity,the original nematode was transferred into a fresh well con-taining the same chitinase concentration.In this man-ner,the total number of ?rst-generation progeny from the original nematode could be determined.In an-other experiment,a juvenile nematode was placed in a petri dish containing a 1-d-old culture of OP50.There were three replicate cultures per chitinase concentra-tion.These were incubated at 20°C ±1°C for 7d with-out any nematodes being removed.Progeny produc-tion and population numbers of C.elegans were assessed by suspending the nematodes on the plate in ATW,diluting the suspension to less than 200nematodes/ml,and counting the nematodes in 1ml of a subsample using a dissecting microscope.

Meloidogyne javanica in C3chitin broth cultures:The in?uence of L.enzymogenes strain C3grown in chitin broth on juveniles of M.javanica was evaluated with

234Journal of Nematology,Volume 38,No.2,June 2006

ATW as the control treatment.Aliquots of0.9ml of a 7-d-old L.enzymogenes strain C3culture and ATW were added to wells of48-well cell-culture plates.There were eight replicate wells for each treatment.Nematodes were added to each well in a0.1ml ATW suspension containing23to37nematodes.After the nematodes were incubated in the treatments for4d,the contents of each well were removed,diluted with9.0ml ATW, and incubated for an additional day in a60-×15-mm petri dish.Nematode survival was assessed based on the percentage of nematodes moving.The experiment was performed twice,once with a fresh culture of L.enzy-mogenes strain C3and the second time with the same culture of L.enzymogenes strain C3that had been stored for16d at4°C prior to use.

Plant-parasitic nematodes in C3NB cultures:These ex-periments tested the effects of L.enzymogenes strain C3 on various plant-parasitic nematodes by exposing nematodes to the following treatments:ATW;sterile NB;NB culture of E.coli OP50;NB culture of L.enzy-mogenes strain C3;and NB culture of C3?ltered using a 0.22-μm Millipore?lter to remove bacterial cells.Three day old bacterial cultures were used.Experiments were carried out in24-well cell-culture plates(Falcon),with 0.9ml aliquots of each treatment dispensed into each of?ve replicate wells.

Separate experiments were conducted twice for A. fragariae,P.penetrans,and M.javanica juveniles.For the experiments involving vermiform stages,approximately 10nematodes were transferred into each well.Nema-todes were counted daily and scored as active,inactive, or missing.The results of the two experiments were similar,so the data from the two experiments were combined for presentation.

Effects of L.enzymogenes C3on H.schachtii egg hatch:An experiment was conducted to investigate the in?uence of L.enzymogenes strain C3on H.schachtii egg hatch. Eggs suspended in?lter-sterilized tap water were pipet-ted onto the surface of NGM with established1-d-old lawns of L.enzymogenes C3or E.coli OP50.One and2ml ?lter-sterilized tap water was added to the NGM cul-tures on d0and5,respectively,to maintain the mois-ture level necessary for hatching.The effects of L.en-zymogenes strain C3on eggs and the numbers of eggs hatched were examined10d later.Each treatment was replicated three times and the experiment was con-ducted twice.

Effects of NB concentration on C3activity:Separate ex-periments were conducted to evaluate the effects of L. enzymogenes strain C3on juvenile stages of H.schachtii when the bacterium was grown in full-and half-strength NB.The half-strength medium was included to reduce the growth rate of L.enzymogenes strain C3.This experi-ment was performed twice,the?rst time using ATW and0.5×NB as control treatments.A mixture of anti-biotics(50units penicillin,0.05mg streptomycin,and 0.1mg neomycin,per ml,Sigma Chemical,St.Louis,MO)was added to restrict the growth of contaminating bacteria in NB.C3was cultured in full-strength and diluted NB for3d,at which time1ml of each treat-ment solution was pipetted into wells(?ve wells per treatment)of a24-well cell-culture plate.Five H. schachtii J2were transferred into each well.The number of active,inactive,or missing juveniles in each well was determined daily.This experiment was repeated.

R esults

Caenorhabditis elegans experiments:The reproduction of C.elegans was inhibited on NGM cultures of L.enzymo-genes C3,and the inhibition was greater in3-and5-d-old cultures than in1-d-old cultures(Fig.1).Shortly after transfer to L.enzymogenes strain C3cultures,the nematodes were observed actively feeding with vigorous metacorpal pumping.After1d of exposure to C3,how-ever,the rate of metacorpal pumping as observed at ×40magni?cation was reduced in adults exposed to C3 compared to adults exposed to OP50.After feeding for 1d on1-and3-d-old C3cultures,nematode adults produced35and3progeny/dish,respectively,com-pared to53and68in the E.coli OP50control.On 5-d-old cultures of C3,there was almost no progeny production,compared to61progeny produced on E. coli OP50.Numbers of C3at the beginning of the ex-periment were approximately107in1-d-old cultures and approximately1011in3-and5-d-old cultures.Cae-norhabditis elegans adults placed on1-d-old C3cultures did not produce eggs or survive into the second day (Table1).None of the juveniles that hatched after d1 developed into adults,and the number of juveniles present declined over time,such that fewer than two juveniles were alive after3d.About28%of adult C.elegans exposed to L.enzymogenes strain C3produced progeny internally,the phenomenon of facultative

vivipary F IG.1.Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3(C3)bacterial population growth(without nematodes)curve vs.time(dotted line),and the in?uence of the age and population density of L.enzymogenes strain C3on Caenorhabditis elegans strain N2as compared to C.elegans grow-ing on E.coli OP50(solid lines).Numbers of nematode eggs and juveniles were counted1d after placing a single gravid adult on a1-, 3-,or5-d-old C3bacterial lawn.

Lysobacter enzymogenes and Nematodes:Chen et al.235

(Chen and Caswell-Chen,2003).Nematodes developed normally on the control E.coli OP50and produced 65progeny after 1d and too many progeny to count by d 3(data not shown).

While C.elegans juveniles with E.coli OP50on chiti-nase-amended NGM developed,matured,and survived,they produced fewer progeny than those in treatments without chitinase (Fig.2,Table 2).In the experiment conducted in wells of a cell-culture plate,the percent-age of hatched eggs and number of juveniles derived from a single nematode was decreased by chitinase (Fig.2).A similar effect of chitinase occurred in the petri dish experiment (Table 2).

Meloidogyne javanica in C3chitin broth cultures:No ju-veniles of M.javanica survived 4d exposure to L.enzy-mogenes strain C3cultured in chitin broth.There was no difference between broth that was freshly collected and broth that had been stored at 4°C for 16d (Table 3).Plant-parasitic nematodes in C3nutrient broth cultures:Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3caused adults and juve-

niles of A.fragariae and P.penetrans and juveniles of M.javanica to become inactive and then dissolve (Figs.3,4).A small number of nematodes also became inac-tive in NB and E.coli OP50controls as compared to ATW,but none of the nematodes in the control treat-ments were lysed.The negative effect of NB and E.coli OP50on activity was likely due to bacterial contamina-tion that inevitably arose in the control wells.In a sepa-rate experiment,P.penetrans placed in nutrient broth amended with an antibiotic to prevent bacterial growth remained active longer than those in broth;further-more,nematodes inactivated by contaminating micro-organisms recovered activity when the contaminated broth was diluted 10-fold with water (data not shown).Effects of L.enzymogenes C3on H.schachtii egg hatch:Lysobacter enzymogenes C3growing on NGM agar re-duced hatch of H.schachtii eggs.Hatch of H.schachtii eggs after 10d exposure to C3and E.coli OP50was 49.9%(±3.7SE)and 79.3%(±6.7SE),respectively.Many of the eggs exposed to C3appeared abnormal,and the bodies of many H.schachtii juveniles were in poor condition with internal body organization unrec-ognizable.

Effects of NB concentration on C3activity:None of the H.schachtii juveniles placed in full-and half-strength NB cultures of L.enzymogenes C3were active after 1d (Fig.5).In contrast,nematodes in the ATW and the NB +antibiotics control treatments declined in activity dur-ing the experiment,but at least 20%of the nematodes remained active after 7d.Nematodes in the C3cultures started disintegrating by d 3,with disintegration occur-ring more rapidly in cultures of C3in full-strength NB.All of the nematodes in the controls remained intact throughout the experiments.

T ABLE 3.Percent survival (mean ±SE)of Meloidogyne javanica juveniles in Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3a .


Not stored

Stored for 16d


0.0±0.00.0±0.0ATW b (control)



Nematodes were obtained from hydroponics cultures.Nematodes were ex-posed to broth from bacterial cultures of L.enzymogenes strain C3that was incubated at 26°C for 7d on a shaker (125rpm),with or without subsequent storage for 16d at 4°C.b

Arti ?cial tap water.

T ABLE 1.Reproduction and survival of Caenorhabditis elegans adults in the presence of Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3.

Day 1a

Day 2

Day 3

L.enzymogenes strain C3Eggs 10.1±0.800Juveniles




Adult survival b +??Control

Eggs +Juveniles 64.5±4.3

NA c NA Adult survival





An adult was added to a 1-d-old L.enzymogenes culture dish on d 0(control was E.coli OP50).b

While there were adults alive (+)on d 1,all of them were dead (?)after 2d exposure to L.enzymogenes .c

Not available.Adults continued laying eggs after d 1,and by d 2and 3contained many nematodes of mixed stages that were too numerous to



G .2.Effects of chitinase on egg production and hatch of Cae-norhabditis elegans .One adult was inoculated into a well containing NGM and OP50E.coli with either 0.21,0.021,or 0units of chitinase per ml on d 0.The percentage of egg hatch and number of progeny juveniles per adult through d 5are plotted.Bars indicate standard error (n =12).

T ABLE 2.Effects of exogenous chitinase on reproduction and culture growth (mean ±SE)of Caenorhabditis elegans in vitro on d 7.

Chitinase concentration

Stage a


0unit/ml b

Eggs 519±952,006±301Juveniles 3,413±8789,038±1,519Adults 713±146925±196


One newly hatched juvenile was placed into a petri dish on d 0,developed into an adult and produced progeny,resulting in the nematode culture on d 7containing the original adult and all subsequent generations,consisting of adults,eggs,and juveniles (n =3).

236Journal of Nematology,Volume 38,No.2,June 2006

D iscussion

This research was initiated to investigate the in ?u-ence of L.enzymogenes strain C3on nematodes,and the early emphasis was to determine whether it could kill nematode eggs via its production of chitinase.Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3reduced the survival of both eggs and juveniles of the bacteria-feeding nematode C.el-

egans and the plant-parasitic nematode H.schachtii ,ju-veniles of M.javanica,and vermiform stages of P.pen-etrans and A.fragariae .It suppressed reproduction of C.elegans and killed adult and juvenile nematodes,and many eggs with abnormalities were observed.We dis-covered that the culture medium was important relative to nematicidal activity because L.enzymogenes strain C3grown in nutrient broth lysed juveniles of M.javanica and vermiform stages of P.penetrans and A.fragariae .It is evident that L.enzymogenes strain C3is capable of killing,disintegrating,and dissolving several species of plant-parasitic nematodes in vitro.

Strains of L.enzymogenes studied by Katznelson et al.(1964)killed bacteria-feeding nematodes but not stylet-bearing nematodes.The difference in results between studies could be related to differences among bacterial strains in production of speci ?c metabolites.Strain dif-ferences are known to occur in L.enzymogenes,such as in chitinase production (Folman et al.,2003)and in-duction of plant resistance to fungal pathogens (Kilic-Ekici and Yuen,2003).The effects of C3appeared to differ slightly among nematode species,with lysis by C3appearing most severe on M.javanica and least severe on P.penetrans .This may be due to differences in cuticle structure among nematode species or because our P.penetrans cultures contained both juveniles and adults.The suppression of nematode activity in control treatments of NB and of E.coli OP50was likely due to bacterial contamination that always occurred in



G .3.Effects of Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3grown in nutrient broth on (A)Aphelenchoides fragariae juveniles and adults;(B)Prat-ylenchus penetrans juveniles and adults;(C)Meloidogyne javanica juve-niles.Data presented are the number of nematodes that were not disintegrated after exposure to the treatments for 2d.ATW =arti ?-cial tap water;NB =nutrient broth;OP50=E.coli strain OP50;C3=Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3;C3?lter =Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3culture ?ltrate.Bars indicate standard



G .4.Photomicrograph of Pratylenchus penetrans placed in ATW for 48hr (A)and the lysed remains of P.penetrans following 48-hr exposure to ?uid from a NB culture of Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3(B).

Lysobacter enzymogenes and Nematodes:Chen et al.237

control NB wells.Nematodes may lose activity tempo-rarily in contaminated NB and in E.coli OP50cultures,possibly due to stress,such as anoxia,or toxic com-pounds produced by contaminating microbes.The loss of nematode activity in C3cultures may also be in ?u-enced in part by anoxia,but nematodes disintegrated only in the presence of C3,indicating that the in ?u-ence of C3on nematode activity and viability is the result of toxic and lytic compounds.

In nematodes,chitin occurs as the second layer of the egg shell (Maggenti,1981;Bird and Bird,1991),so exposure of eggs to chitinase could be the mechanism for a decrease in egg viability as observed here.Al-though exogenous chitinase may in ?uence eggs depos-ited in the environment,it might also in ?uence egg production within the adult.Our observations that chitinase decreases C.elegans hatching and egg produc-tion suggest that C3might possibly exert greater in ?u-ence on eggs than revealed through assessment of egg hatch alone.

Although chitinase may act on nematode egg shells,

chitin is not a constituent of the nematode cuticle.Thus,the lethal effects of L.enzymogenes strain C3on all C.elegans stages,juveniles of H.schachtii and M.ja-vanica ,and vermiform stages of P.penetrans and A.fra-gariae indicate that other metabolites produced by L.enzymogenes strain C3,such as proteases and lipases (Zhang and Yuen,2000b),might also be responsible for the toxicity of L.enzymogenes strain C3to nematodes.The dramatic lysis of vermiform nematodes observed when L.enzymogenes strain C3was cultured in NB was not observed during culture in chitin broth.This sug-gests that manipulation of the resources supplied to L.enzymogenes strain C3can in ?uence its activity against nematodes.The activity of culture ?ltrates against M.javanica was not lost after storage for 16d at 4°C,an important consideration if C3were used to produce bioactive compounds that would be stored prior to use.In summary,the antagonistic effects of L.enzymogenes strain C3against nematodes in vitro include reduced reproduction and hatching in C.elegans and H.schachtii and,when cultured in nutrient broth,rapid lysis of vermiform stages of H.schachtii,M.javanica ,P.pen-etrans ,A.fragariae,and C.elegans .A rich NB culture medium for culturing C3resulted in a lytic capacity while other media did not,indicating that manipulat-ing bacterial nutrition may in ?uence L.enzymogenes ac-tivity against nematodes.It will be important to deter-mine the relevance of the observations described here to the more realistic conditions of nematodes infecting plants in soil.

L iterature C ited

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G .5.Effects of Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3on Heterodera schachtii juveniles.C3was cultured in the 0.5×and 1×NB.The treat-ments include 0.5×NB with antibiotics (ABs).The number of juve-niles that were active or inactive is indicated by hatching.The differ-ence between the full-height columns and the shorter columns indi-cates the number of juveniles that disintegrated.

238Journal of Nematology,Volume 38,No.2,June 2006

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Lysobacter enzymogenes and Nematodes:Chen et al.239


情态动词表推测用法总结及专项练习 1.can / could用于表推测的用法 (1) 从使用句型上看,can 通常只用于否定句或疑问句,一般不用于肯定句,而could 可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。两者没有时间上的差别,只是could 比can 更委婉,更不确定。如:It can’t [couldn’t] be true. 那不可能是真的。 What can [could] they be doing? 他们会在干什么呢? We could go there this summer. 今年夏天我们可能要去那儿。 注:can 有时也用于肯定句中表示推测,主要用于表示理论上的可能性(即从理论上看是可能的,但实际未必会发生),或表示“有时”之意。如: Even experienced teachers can make mistakes. 即使是有经验的教师也可能出错。 She can be very unpleasant. 她有时很令人讨厌。 (2) 从时间关系看,对现在或将来情况作推测,后接动词原形;对正在进行的情况作推测,后接be doing 结构;对过去情况作推测,后接动词完成式。如: He could have gone home. 他可能已经回家了。 He can’t [couldn’t] have understood. 他不可能理解了。

Why does he know this? Can [Could] someone have told him about it? 他怎么知道? 会是哪个人告诉他了吗? (3) “could+完成式”除表示对过去的推测外,还有以下重要用法: ①表示过去没有实现的可能性,常译为“本来可以”。如: I could have lent you the money.Why didn’t you ask me? 我本来可以借这笔钱给你的。你为什么不向我提出? ②用来委婉地责备某人过去应该做某事而没有去做,常译为“本来应该”。如: You could have helped him. 你本来应该帮助他的。 ③表示“差点儿就要”。如: I could have died laughing. 我差点儿笑死了。 2. may / might用于表推测的用法 表示推测,两者都可用,只是might 比may 语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。 (1) 在句型使用方面:两者均可用于肯定句和否定句,但用于疑问句时,may通常不用于句首,但可用于疑问句的句中(如特殊疑问句等),而might尽管可以用于疑问句的句首,但不算普通,通常会改用其他句式(如用could等)。如: He may [might] know the answer. 他可能知道答案。


1.只是不及物的: faint,hesitate,lie,occur,pause,rain,remain,sleep,sneeze. 2.常见的及物,不及物的: answer,ask,begin,borrow,choose,climb,dance,eat,enter,fail,f ill,grow,help,hurry,jump,know,leave,marry,meet,obey,pull,re ad,see,sell,touch,wash,watch,win,write 3.及物不及物意义变化的lift.升高beat vi.跳动vt. 敲、打; grow vi.生长vt. 种植play vi.玩耍vt. 打(牌、球),演奏smell vi.发出(气味)vt. 嗅ring vi.(电话、铃)响vt.打电话speak vi.讲话vt. 说(语言)hang vi. 悬挂vt. 绞死operate vi.动手术vt. 操作 4.意义不变的 start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve....

live, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, fa ll, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, su cceed. agree... 不及物动词 agree, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, f all, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, s ucceed、beat、buy, catch, invent, found, like, obs erve, offer, prevent, promise, raise, find, forget, receive, regard, see, say, seat, supply, select, s uppose, show, make, take, tell 6.不及物动词短语 down (stop functioning 坏了,不好使了) That old Jeep had a tendency to break down just w hen I needed it the most. on (become popular 出名) Popular songs seem to catch on in California first and then spread eastward. 3. come back ( return to a place 返回)


最新英语语法情态动词归纳总结 一、单项选择情态动词 1.Mr. Smith is almost on time for everything. How ________ it be that he was late for the meeting? A.can B.should C.may D.must 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:史密斯先生几乎任何事情都是准时的。他怎么可能开会迟到了? A. can可能,可能性,表示可能性时,常用于否定句和疑问句中,且有时还带有“惊奇、不相信” 等感情色彩。B. should 应该; C. may也许,表示可能性时常用于肯定句中,不用于疑问句中。D.must常用于肯定句中表推测,“一定……”的意思;本题是强调句型的一个变式:强调其特殊疑问句how的形式。根据前句“斯密斯先生几乎是很准时”可推测出“怎么可能开会迟到呢?”。根据句意可知,用于疑问句中的“可能性”且有不相信的色彩,四个选项只有“can”符合题意。故选A 【点睛】 情态动词就是表示说话者对事情的一种看法,也就是一种语气。情态动词的用法一直是命题者常设置的考点和重点,平时要加强记忆。 2.--- Oh, my God! I just missed the last bus back home. --- That’s really bad. I’m sure you ______ it, but you just didn’t hurry up. A.had caught B.could have caught C.could catch D.can catch 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词+have done结构。句意:——哦,我的上帝!我刚好错过了回家的末班车。——这是非常糟糕的。我肯定你能赶上,但你就是不抓紧。could have done“本来能做而没有做”。故选B。 3.-- Did Jim come? -- I don’t know. He _______ while I was out. A.might have come B.might come C.must have come D.should have come 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词推测用法。句意:Jim来了吗?--我不知道,在我不在的时候,可能来过。根据前文I don’t kn ow.可知,说话者不知道Jim来没来,因此后文推测来过,但是语气很不确定,故可知选A。对过去情况的推测为情态动词+have done,must have done 一定做了某


动词lie,lie,lay的区别 1)lie用作规则动词(lie,lied,lied)时意为“说谎”。如: ①He wasn't telling the truth. He lied again/He was lying. 他没讲实话,他又撒谎了。/他在撒谎。 ②She lied to us about her job. 她就她的工作对我们撒了谎。 ③Your watch must be lying. 你的表肯定不准。 【注意】表示这一意思时,lie可用作名词。我们一般说tell a lie或tell lies,而不说say/talk/speak a lie(或lies)。再如:Lies cannot cover up facts.(谎言掩盖不了事实。)如要说“我痛恨说谎话”,可以说I hate lying或I hate telling lies,一般不说I hate lie或I hate to lie。hate to lie尽管句法正确,但似乎含有“虽然不愿,但仍不得不说谎”之意。

2)lie用作不规则动词(lie,lay,lain)时,表示“躺”,“(东西)平放”,“位于”等意。如: ①He's still lying in bed. 他还躺在床上。 ②He felt tired, so he went and lay down for a rest. 他感到疲劳,所以去躺下休息了。 ③His books lay open on the desk when I went in. 我进去时,发现他的书平摊在书桌上。 ④Snow lay thick on the fields. 田野里覆盖着厚厚的一层雪。 ⑤Don't leave your things lying about. 别把东西四处乱丢。


英语情态动词的用法大全附解析 一、初中英语情态动词 1.—We've got everything ready for the picnic. —Do you mean I __________ bring anything with me? A. can't B. mustn't C. couldn't D. needn't 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:—我们已经为野餐准备好了一切。—你的意思是我不必带任何东西吗?A. can't 不能;B. mustn't 表示禁止,一定不要;C. couldn't不能,表示过去时态;D. needn't不必。结合句意,故选D。 【点评】本题考查情态动词的用法。 2.—How amazing this robot is! —Wow, it has video cameras in its eyes, so it “see” and interact with pe ople. A. may B. can C. must D. should 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:—这个机器人多么惊人啊!—哇,在它的眼睛里有摄像机,因此它能看见和人打交道。A. may 可以,可能;表示许可,B. can 能;表示能力,C. must 必须;D. should应该;根据it has video cameras in its eyes,可知是有能力看见,故选B。 【点评】考查情态动词辨析。熟记情态动词的含义和用法。 3.—Where is George? —He _______ be here just now. His coffee is still warm. A. need B. can't C. must D. shouldn't 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——乔治在哪里?——他刚才一定在这里,他的咖啡还是热的。A. need需要; B. can't 不能,不可能(表示推测); C. must 必须,一定(表示推测); D. shouldn't不应该;根据His coffee is still warm.可知表示肯定推测一定在这儿;故答案为C。 【点评】考查情态动词。掌握情态动词表推测时的意义和用法。 4.— Sorry, I forgot to take money with me. Maybe I can't buy the book you like. — Mum, you ______ worry about it. We can pay by Alipay (支付宝). A. can't B. needn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——对不起,我忘记带钱了。也许我不能买你喜欢的书。——妈妈,你不用担心。我们可以用支付宝支付。A. can't不能,指不允许或否定推测;B. needn't 不需,指没必要;C. mustn't不能,表禁止;D. shouldn't不应该,表建议。根据句意语境,本句是说妈妈不需要担心,故答案为B。 【点评】考查情态动词。理解句意并掌握情态动词的意义和用法区别。


enjoy的详细用法 今天给大家带来enjoy的用法,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 enjoy的用法 1.enjoy表示“享受…的乐趣”,如: He was a guy who enjoyed life to the full. 他是个尽情享受生活乐趣的人。 2.enjoy表示“享有”,如: The average German will enjoy 40 days paid holiday this year. 德国人今年平均将享有40天带薪假期。 3.enjoy doing sth(enjoy后要接动名词,而不接不定式。)如: I enjoy swimming.我喜欢游泳。 4.enjoy onself (自) 得其乐,过得快活,玩得开心,如: I am really enjoying myself at the moment.

我此刻很是自得其乐。 Did you enjoy yourself at the English evening? 这个英语晚会你玩得开心吗? 新万能动词ENJOY 想怎么用就怎么用 在写作的过程中,动词往往是最能体现我们的语言表达水平的。当我们遇到名词不会翻译,我们会想尽一切办法来描述,从而达到表达的目的,比如考试时你突然不记得affinity(亲密关系)怎么翻,我们可以简化,尝试说“a close relationship”。但是,当遇到不会翻的动词的时候,我们就会陷入一种使用万能动词的怪圈,那么整篇*就会充斥着六大万能动词do, get, give, make, have 和take,在写作考试中,即便是搭配基本准确,也会因为表达的单一性对我们的分数会有影响。 峰回路转,还好有enjoy,这个动词小词的搭配极强,可以起到丰富表达的作用。凡是表达积极意义的,基本上都可以跟enjoy搭配,除原意“享受”之外,还能译成“受到、得到、拥有、具备等”等含义。 1. enjoy + 支持类 先看例句:China will enjoy more and more support internationally. 如何理解此处的enjoy support?其实就是表达“受到支持”。所以我们可以把enjoy搭配支持类的名词,形成的常用


英语情态动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择情态动词 1.--- Difficulties always go with me! --- Cheer up! If God closes door in front of you, there be a window opened for you. A.must B.would C.could D.can 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:——困难总是伴随着我!——高兴点! 如果上帝在你面前关上了门,一定有一扇窗户为你打开。A. must必须;B. would将要;C. could能,会;D. can能,会。must表示对现在的状态推测时,意为“一定”,表示可能性很大的推测。符合语境。故选A。 【点睛】 1) must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为"一定"。 2) must表对现在的状态或现在正发生的事情的推测时, must 后面通常接系动词be 的原形或行为动词的进行式。 3) must 表示对已发生的事情的推测时,must 要接完成式。 4) must表示对过去某时正发生的事情的推测,must 后面要接完成进行式。 5) 否定推测用can't。 本句中的。must表示对现在的状态推测时,意为一定,表示可能性很大的推测。符合第2点用法。 2.Paul did a great job in the speech contest. He many times last week. A.need have practised B.might practise C.must have practised D.could practise 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:保罗在演讲比赛中表现得很好。他上星期一定练习了很多次。must have done是对过去发生的动作最有把握的猜测,意思是“一定”。故C选项正确。 3.He is a bad-tempered fellow, but he ________ be quite charming when he wishes. A.shall B.should C.can D.must 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:他是个脾气不好的家伙,但当他希望自己有魅力的时候,他可


lie的用法和短语例句 lie有躺下;位于;在于;平放;存在等意思,那么你知道lie的用法吗?下面跟着一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! lie的用法: lie的用法1 : lie的基本意思是指人“平躺〔卧〕,也可表示“(使)某物平放”。 lie的用法2 : lie是不及物动词,常与around, down, in, on 等词连用,不能用于被动结构。 lie的用法3 : lie有时可用作系动词,后接形容词(而不接副词)、现在分词或过去分词作表语。 lie的用法4: lie可用于表示“存在”的There...句型中位于there 之后,主谓倒装。 lie的用法5 : lie作“展现”解时,多以物作其主语。 lie的用法6 : lie的基本意思是“说谎”,指为了欺骗别人,通过已有预谋地或故意地歪曲了事实真相而直接生硬地所说的假话,是可数 名词。 lie的用法7 :在非正式文体中,可用lying代替lie。 lie的常用短语: lie about 〔around〕(v.+adv.)

lie back (v.+adv.) lie before (v.+prep.) lie beh indl (v.+adv.) lie beh ind2 (v.+prep.) lie bey ondl (v.+adv.) lie bey ond2 (v.+prep.) lie by1 (v.+adv.) lie by2 (v.+prep.) lie dow n (v.+adv.) lie heavy on (v.+adj.+prep.) lie in1 (v.+adv.) lie in2 (v.+prep.) lie off (v.+adv.) lie on 〔upon〕(v.+prep.) lie over (v.+adv.) lie to1 (v.+adv.) lie to2 (v.+prep.) lie的用法例句: 1. The blame for the Charlest on fiasco did not lie with him. 查尔斯顿惨败错不在他。 2. Lie face upwards with a cushi on un der your head. 头枕垫子仰卧。


英语副词用法详解 一、单项选择副词 1.This car is environmentally friendly because it uses electricity instead of gas. , it is less expensive. A.Besides B.However C.Instead D.Meanwhile 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词。A. Besides另外;B. However然而;C. Instead 相反;D. Meanwhile与此同时。句意:这辆汽车是环保的,因为它用电而不用汽油。此外,它更便宜。结合句意可知答案为A。 2.(安徽新余市模拟)Recently stock prices have been falling________because of the influence of the global financial crisis. A.sharply B.absolutely C.narrowly D.universally 【答案】A 【解析】 考查副词辨析。句意为:受全球经济危机的影响,最近股票价格急剧下跌。A.锋利地,敏锐地,急剧地;B.绝对地;C狭窄地,勉强地;D.全体地,无一例外地。根据题干中“global financial crisis”可知,此处指股票下跌。 答案:A 3.Linda's health is improving ________ day by day, and the doctor has advised her to stay home for a couple of weeks. A.frequently B.gradually C.fluently D.actually 【答案】B 【解析】 根据improving和day by day可知,琳达的身体在一天天“逐渐地(gradually)”康复。frequently频繁地;fluently流利地;actually实际上,均不符合语境。 答案:B 4.(浙江卷)I’ve been writing this report________for the last two weeks,but it has to be handed in tomorrow. A.finally B.immediately C.occasionally D.certainly 【答案】C


高中英语情态动词用法归纳与练习 A: can / could = be able to 1 表示能力两种时态can (could),其他时态要用be able to的形式 He can speak French. Was/were able to 可以表示成功做成某事的含义* managed to do / succeeded i n doing With our help, he was able to build the house. 2 表示请求或许可Could 比Can 更加客气* may Can I go now? Yes, you can. 3 表示推测或可能性,常用于否定句和疑问句 Can he be at school? Today is Sunday. He can't be at school. Can’t couldn’t/ Can ? Could? have done There is no light in the room. Can she have gone to bed? She can’t have gone to school----- it’s Sunda y. Could have done 可用在肯定句中表示过去存在的可能性* may have done She could have gone out with some friends yesterday. Could have done 可以表示虚拟语气 某事可能发生(并没有发生) It was silly to throw the TV out of the window. It could have hit somebody. 批评某人没有完成某事(本可以做某事) You are late again. You could have got up earlier. 4 can 表示客观上的可能性* Anybody can make mistakes. B: may and might 1 表示请求和允许类似用法can could(更加口语化) May I watch TV now? Yes, you may. 2 表示可能性; 猜测might比may更加不确定may/might have done 对过去的揣测* He may be busy these days. May not 可能不;不可能;一定不可 3 表示祝愿Wish you success! May you succeed!* C: must and have to 1 表示必须;一定要可以用have to 代替 must 现在;将来的必须而且是主观看法* have to 有多种时态而且强调客观情况 I really must stop smoking now. I had to leave early because I wasn’t feeling well. Must I come here?


【英语】英语名词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择名词 1.Actively involve yourself in voluntary work and you will see what a(an) ________ it will make to your future life. A.influence B.contribution C.difference D.variety 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 本题考查固定短语。解题步骤:1.确定各项意思:A. influence影响;B. contribution贡献; C. difference不同; D. variety多样化;2.确定答案:固定短语make a difference有影响。句意:积极地参与志愿者的工作,你就会看见它对你未来的生活有多么大的影响。故选C。 2.An advantage of living on the top floor of a high rise building is that you can get a good _________. A.scene B.scenery C.sight D.view 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词辨析。句意:住在高楼大厦顶层的优点是你能看很好地欣赏风景。A. scene 情景B. scenery景色 C. sight 景象 D. view风景。view“风景”普遍用语,指从某个角度所看到的风景。根据句意,故D选项正确。 【点睛】 Scene:1. 某地的景色、风景,指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分 3.Only when women are enabled to become strong will our families, our economies, and our societies reach their fullest . A.distinction B.innovation C.potential D.appreciation 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词。A. distinction区别; B. innovation创新; C. potential潜能; D. appreciation 欣赏。句意:只有当妇女能够变得强大时,我们的家庭、经济和社会才能充分发挥其潜力。结合句意可知答案为C。 4.With the help of the English teacher, he has made in his English writing. A.a great progress B.much progress C.little progress D.many progresses


lie作平躺、撒谎时的过去式和过去分词 lie有平躺,撒谎等意思。你知道lie作平躺、撒谎时的过去式和过去分词是什么吗?下面是为你整理的lie 平躺、撒谎时的过去式和过去分词,希望大家喜欢! lie作平躺、撒谎时的过去式和过去分词平躺时的过去式和过去分词:lie;lied lied 撒谎时的过去式和过去分词:lie; lay lain lie的用法v. 躺下;位于;在于;平放;存在;延伸;说谎 n. 谎言 用作动词 用作不及物动词 S+~(+A) He lay there, flooded with pain, fear and hatred. 他躺在那儿,心中充满了痛苦、恐惧和憎恨。 As you make your bed, so you must lie. 自作自受。 Lasa lies too far away from Beijing. 拉萨离北京很远。 There lies〔lay〕... There lay a boy.

那里躺着一个男孩。 There lies a vast expense of golden crops before us. 一望无际的金灿灿的作物展现在我们的眼前。 There lies a bright future before us. 我们前途似锦。 S+~+ v -ed The national hero lies buried here. 那位民族英雄就安葬在这里。 His motives lay concealed. 他的动机不明。 S+~+ v -ing She lies sleeping soundly. 她躺在床上,睡得香甜极了。 The goods lie wasting in the warehouse. 货物闲放在仓库里。 lie的词语用法v. lie的基本意思是指人“平躺〔卧〕”,也可表示“(使)某物平放”。 lie是不及物动词,常与around, down, in, on等词连用,不能用于被动结构。 lie有时可用作系动词,后接形容词(而不接副词)、现在分词或过去分词作表语。 lie可用于表示“存在”的There...句型中,位于there之后,主谓


情态动词专项讲解 1. China is developing its high-speed train technology fast, so it _____be good enough to catch up with the best. A. may B. might C. must D. should 2. Then some other interesting reasons appear, such as “It's so smoggy that I ______find my way to office." A. mustn’t B. won’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t 3. "The world is big, and I want to see it," wrote a teacher in her resignation letter. _____ you quit your job to travel the world A. Must B. Might C. Should D. Would 【答案揭晓】CCD 一、情态动词的定义 情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,但要与动词原形或其被动语态一起使用,给 谓语动词增添情态色彩,表示说话人对有关行为或事物的态度和看法,认为其可 能.应该或必要等。情态动词后面加动词原形。 1. No driving electric motorbikes in some areas is a rule that we shall obey in Fuzhou.

必须.一定(法律.法规等)动 词原形 2. Women who are exposed to second-hand smoke during their pregnancy can be at risk of abortion.能,会,可以(表示有能力或机会) 动词原形 二、常考情态动词的关键用法 (一) can 1. -Jim,it is time you went to bed.You need to get up early tomorrow. -It’s not f air,Mary can stay up till ten hut I have to go to bed at eight. 可以(表示允许) it were not for the fact that she can't sing,I would invite her to the party. 能,会,可以(表示有能力) 3. Luckily, iron can be reworked and mistakes don't have to be thrown away 能够,可以(表示某事物的特点) can be really difficult to get along with at times even though he’s a


专项:情态动词 一考点:情态动词的用法和辨析,情态动词表示推测和可能,由情态动词引导的一般疑问句的回答。 二类型:1 只是情态动词:can, could, may, might, must 2 可做情态动词,可做实义动词:need, dare 3 可做情态动词,可做助动词:will, would, shall, should 4 特殊:have to, ought to, used to 三特征:1 有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须与行为动词和系动词连用构成谓语。 2 无人称和数的变化。(have to 除外) Eg: He has to stay here. 3 后接动词原形。 4 具有助动词作用,可构成否定,疑问或简短回答。 四用法: 1. can ①表示能力,“能,会”。Eg : Can you play basketball? ②表示怀疑,猜测,常用于否定句或疑问句。 Eg :Li hua can’t be in the classroom. ③表示请求,允许,多用于口语,译“可以”= may. Eg: you can go now. ④can 开头的疑问句,肯定句,否定句用can或can’t. 2.could①can 的过去式,表示过去的能力。 Eg :I could swim when I was seven years old. ②could 开头的疑问句,肯定和否定回答用could, couldn’t如果could 表示现在的委婉,用can 回答。 Eg: Could I have a drink? Yes, you can. 3.may①表示推测,“可能,也许”,用于肯定句。 Eg: He may come tomorrow. ②表示请求,“许可,可以”。Eg: May I borrow your book? 注:表示请求,许可时,主语为第一人称的一般疑问句,否定回

lie 用法总结

lie—lied—lied—lying (vt.&.vi.)(撒谎)lie—lay—lain—lying (vi.)(躺下,位于)lay—laid—laid—laying (vt.&vi.)(平放、产卵) 【口诀记忆】

撒谎lie,lied,lied,don't be a liar; 一“赖”到底是说谎(发音都是【lai】) 躺lie,lay,lain, lie in bed again; 三个不一样是平躺(原型,过去式,过去分词都不一样)

下蛋 lay,laid,laid,a hen laid an egg; 一“累”到底是下蛋(发音都是【lei】) 放置lay,laid,laid laid it in the bag. 下蛋不就是把蛋放置好嘛,所以变法跟下蛋完全一样。

tell a lie (opp) tell the truth lie to sb; lie on one's back How do they lie to each other? The book lay open on the desk.

A bright future lies ahead. He lay on his back. The trouble lies here. Japan lies to the east of China. An oil pipes is being laid between the two cities.

The hunters laid a trap for the tiger. Rainstorms have laid crops. Laying eggs is its full time job. She always lays her books on the shelf.


高中英语语法总结大全之情态动词情态动词的语法特征 1) 情态动词不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或估计某事的发生。 2)情态动词除ought和have外,后面只能接不带to 的不定式。 3)情态动词没有人称,数的变化,即情态动词第三人称单数不加-s。 4)情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式,分词,等形式。 比较can 和be ableto 1)cancould 表示能力;可能(过去时用could), 只用于现在式和过去式(could)。be able to可以用于各种时态。 They will be ableto tellyou the news soon.他很快就能告诉你消息了。 2)只用beableto a. 位于助动词后。 b.情态动词后。 c.表示过去某时刻动作时。 d. 用于句首表示条件。 e. 表示成功地做了某事时,只能用was/were able to, 不能用could。 Hewas ableto flee Europebefore thewar broke out. =He managedtoflee Europebefore thewar broke out. 注意:could不表示时态 1)提出委婉的请求,(注意在回答中不可用could)。 ---CouldI have thetelevisionon? ---Yes,you can. / No,you can't. 2)在否定,疑问句中表示推测或怀疑。 Hecouldn't be a bad man. 他不大可能是坏人。

比较may和might 1)表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may放在句首,表示祝愿。 May God bless you! Hemight be athome. 注意:might 表示推测时,不表示时态。只是可能性比may 小。 2) 成语: may/might as well,后面接不带to 的不定式,意为"不妨"。 Ifthat is thecase, we may as well try. 典型例题 Peter___come with us tonight,but he isn't very sureyet. A. mustB.mayC. canD. will 答案B. 表可能性只能用may.此句意可从后半句推出。 比较have to和must 1)两词都是'必须'的意思,have to表示客观的需要,must表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。 My brother was very ill, so Ihad tocall the doctor inthemiddleof thenight.我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事) He said that theymust workhard.他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事) 2)have to有人称、数、时态的变化,而must只有一种形式。但must 可用于间接引语中表示过去的必要或义务。 Hehadtolook after hissisteryesterday. 3) 在否定结构中:don't haveto表示"不必" mustn't表示"禁止", You don'thaveto tell himabout it.你不一定要把此事告诉他。 You mustn'ttellhim about it.你一定不要把这件事告诉他。 must表示推测 1)must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为"一定"。


英语副词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择副词 1.________ when your ticket has been checked will you be allowed to take the plane. A.Just B.Only C.Still D.Yet 【答案】B 【解析】 考查倒装句。根据后面的主语用的是倒装形式will you be ……可知,此句采用的是部分倒装句式。四个选项中only+状语放在句首时使用部分倒装,其余三项没有这种用法,所以选B。 2.Each working day,The Daily is updated on the website every hour,unless indicated. A.otherwise B.therefore C.nevertheless D.moreover 【答案】A 【解析】句意:每个工作日,《日报》每小时都会在网站上更新一次,除非另有注明。otherwise意为“否则,另外”,符合语境。therefore因此;nevertheless然而,不过;moreover而且。 3.(2018·江苏97校联考)More and more people tend to go to E-libraries in that they have access to books when they are unable to get to a library. A.accidentally B.physically C.voluntarily D.appropriately 【答案】B 【解析】考查副词。A. accidentally偶然地;B. physically身体上地;C. voluntarily自动地;D. appropriately适当地。句意:越来越多的人倾向于去电子图书馆,因为他们在无法去图书 馆的时候就能接触到书籍。此处指亲身去图书馆,故选B. 4.--Our company had a hard time last year. --But we managed ______. Now everything is progressing steadily. A.moreover B.meanwhile C.somehow D.therefore 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:--我们公司去年经历了一段艰难的时期。 ---但我们还是设法做 到了。现在一切都在稳步发展。A. moreover 而且; B. meanwhile 同时; C. somehow 以某种方式; D. therefore 因此。根据句意和四个选项的内容可知,不管怎样,我们度过了难关,故选C。
