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Real entire functions of infinite order and a conjecture of Wiman

Real entire functions of infinite order and a conjecture of Wiman
Real entire functions of infinite order and a conjecture of Wiman

Real entire functions of in?nite order and a

conjecture of Wiman

Walter Bergweiler?,A.Eremenko?and https://www.sodocs.net/doc/133888556.html,ngley?



We prove that if f is a real entire function of in?nite order,then ff′′has in?nitely many non-real zeros.In conjunction with the result

of Sheil-Small for functions of?nite order this implies that if f is a

real entire function such that ff′′has only real zeros,then f is in the

Laguerre-P′o lya class,the closure of the set of real polynomials with

real zeros.This result completes a long line of development originating

from a conjecture of Wiman of1911.


An entire function is called real if it maps the real line into itself.We recall that the Laguerre–P′o lya class(LP)consists of entire functions which can be approximated by real polynomials with only real zeros,uniformly on compact subsets of the plane.It is easy to see that LP is closed under di?erentiation; in particular,all derivatives of a function of the class LP have only real zeros. Theorem1.1If f is a real entire function and ff′′has only real zeros then f belongs to the class LP.

Here one cannot replace ff′′by ff′as the example f(z)=exp(sin z) shows.Further,the hypothesis that f is real is essential,because of the example f(z)=exp(e iz)which is due to Edrei[5].For real entire functions with?nitely many zeros,all of them real,Theorem1.1was proved in[3].

Theorem1.1con?rms a conjecture going back to Wiman(1911).?A lander [2,p.2]seems to state Wiman’s conjecture only for functions of?nite genus, but in the later statements of the conjecture by Levin and Ostrovskii[18,?rst footnote on p.324]and by Hellerstein and Williamson[11,footnote on p.229],[12]and[4,Probl. 2.64]there is no restriction on the genus.For functions of?nite genus,Wiman made a more precise conjecture[1],which was proved by Sheil-Small(Theorem A below).

A weaker conjecture by P′o lya[22]that if a real entire function f and all its derivatives have only real zeros then f∈LP,was con?rmed by Hellerstein and Williamson[11,12].They proved that for a real entire function f the condition that ff′f′′has only real zeros implies that f∈LP.Theorem1.1 shows that one can drop the assumption on the zeros of f′in this result.

For every integer p≥0denote by V2p the set of entire functions of the form


where a≥0and g is a real entire function with only real zeros of genus at most2p+1,and set U0=V0and U2p=V2p\V2p?2for p≥1.Thus the class of all real entire functions of?nite order with real zeros is represented as a union of disjoint subclasses U2p,p=0,1,....According to a theorem of Laguerre[15]and P′o lya[21],LP=U0.The following result was conjectured by Wiman[1,2]and proved by Sheil-Small[24]:

Theorem A(Sheil-Small)If f∈U2p then f′′has at least2p non-real zeros.

In particular,if f is a real entire function of?nite order and all zeros of ff′′are real then f∈U0=LP.In a recent paper[6]Edwards and Hellerstein extended Theorem A to real entire functions with?nitely many non-real zeros.In particular they proved[6,Corollary5.2]that if f=gh, where h∈U2p and g is a real polynomial,then f(k)has at least2p non-real zeros,for each k≥2.

The main result of this paper can be considered as an extension of The-orem A to functions of in?nite order:

Theorem1.2For every real entire function f of in?nite order,ff′′has in?nitely many non-real zeros.


Theorem1.1is a corollary of Theorem A and Theorem1.2.

Applying Theorem1.2to functions of the form

f(z)=exp z0g(ζ)dζ

we obtain

Corollary1.1For every real transcendental entire function g,the function g′+g2has in?nitely many non-real zeros.

For polynomials g the corresponding result was conjectured in[4,Probl.2.64 and4.28]and proved in[24]:If g is a real polynomial then g′+g2has at least deg g?1non-real zeros.With the additional assumption that all zeros of the polynomial g are real,this was proved by Pr¨u fer[23,Ch.V,Problem 182].Corollary1.1also follows from the result of Bergweiler and Fuchs[3].

For the early history of results on the conjectures of Wiman and P′o lya we refer to[11,18],which contain ample bibliography.The main result of Levin and Ostrovskii[18]is

Theorem B If f is a real entire function and all zeros of ff′′are real then log+log+|f(z)|=O(|z|log|z|),z→∞.(1) This shows that a function satisfying the assumptions of Theorem1.1cannot grow too fast,but there is a gap between Theorem B and Theorem A.Our Theorem1.2bridges this gap.

One important tool brought by Levin and Ostrovskii to the subject was a factorization of the logarithmic derivative of a real entire function f with only real zeros:


The second major contribution of Levin and Ostrovskii was the applica-tion of ideas from the value distribution theory of meromorphic functions in a half-plane[7].(An earlier application of the value distribution theory to these questions is due to Edrei[5]).Using Nevanlinna theory,Hayman[8] proved that for an entire function f,the condition f(z)f′′(z)=0,z∈C, implies that f′/f is constant.The assumptions of Theorem B mean that f(z)f′′(z)=0in H.Levin and Ostrovskii adapted Hayman’s argument to functions in a half-plane to produce an estimate for the logarithmic deriva-tive.An integration of this estimate gives(1).To estimate the logarithmic derivative using Hayman’s argument they applied a counterpart of the Nevan-linna characteristic for meromorphic functions in a half-plane,and proved an analogue of the main technical result of Nevanlinna theory,the lemma on the logarithmic derivative.This characteristic has two independent origins, [16]and[25],and the name“Tsuji characteristic”was introduced in[18].

In this paper we use both main ingredients of the work of Levin and Ostrovskii,the factorization of f′/f and the Tsuji characteristic.

Another important tool comes from Sheil-Small’s proof of Theorem A. His key idea was the study of topological properties of the auxiliary function



(a)ψandφare meromorphic in the plane and real on the real axis;

(b)ψmaps the upper half-plane into itself,orψ≡1;

(c)every pole ofψis real and simple and is a simple pole of L;

(d)φhas?nitely many poles.

We outline how such a factorization(2)is obtained.If L has?nitely many poles,setψ=1.Assuming next that L has in?nitely many poles,let


be the sequence of real poles of L enumerated in increasing order.Then for |k|large,a k and a k+1are real and of the same sign,and are both simple poles of L with positive residue,so that there is at least one zero of L in the interval(a k,a k+1).We choose one such zero in each such interval and denote it by b k.Then we set,for some large k0,

ψ(z)= |k|≥k01?z/b k

a k ?


a k?z

<πand so Imψ(z)>0.Finally,we de?neφby(2),and properties(a)–(d)follow(for the details see[11,18,24]).

Theorem1.3Let L be a function meromorphic in the plane,real on the real axis,such that all but?nitely many poles of L are real and simple and have positive residues.Letψ,φbe as in(2)and(a),(b),(c),(d).Ifφis transcendental then L+L′/L has in?nitely many non-real zeros.

Theorem1.3is proved in§3and§4,while Theorem1.2is deduced from Theorem1.3in§5.

We thank Iosif Ostrovskii,Terry Sheil-Small and Misha Sodin for their valuable comments.



We will require the following well known consequence of Carleman’s estimate for harmonic measure.

Lemma2.1Let u be a non-constant continuous subharmonic function in the plane.For r>0let B(r,u)=max{u(z):|z|=r},and letθ(r)be the angular measure of that subset of the circle C(0,r)={z∈C:|z|=r} on which u(z)>0.De?neθ?(r)byθ?(r)=θ(r),except thatθ?(r)=∞if u(z)>0on the whole circle C(0,r).Then if r>2r0and B(r0,u)>1we have

log u+(4re iθ) ≥log B(2r,u)?c1≥ r2r0πdt

2π π?πmax{u(re iθ),0}dθ.

The?rst inequality follows from Poisson’s formula,and for the second we refer to[26,Thm III.68].Note that in the case that u=log|f|where f is an entire function, u+(re iθ) coincides with the Nevanlinna characteristic T(r,f).

Next,we need the characteristic function in a half-plane as developed by Tsuji[25]and Levin and Ostrovskii[18](see also[7]for a comprehensive treatment).Let g be a meromorphic function in a domain containing the closed upper half-plane



The Tsuji characteristic is de?ned as




r sin2θ



The upper half-plane is thus exhausted by circles of diameter r≥1tangent to the real axis at0.For non-constant g and any a∈C the?rst fundamental theorem then reads[7,25]

T(r,g)=T(r,1/(g?a))+O(1),r→∞,(3) and the lemma on the logarithmic derivative[18,p.332],[7,Theorem5.4] gives

m(r,g′/g)=O(log r+log+T(r,g))(4) as r→∞outside a set of?nite measure.Further,T(r,g)di?ers from a non-decreasing function by a bounded additive term[25].Standard inequalities give

T(r,g1+g2)≤T(r,g1)+T(r,g2)+log2,T(r,g1g2)≤T(r,g1)+T(r,g2),(5) whenever g1,g2are meromorphic in

H,and for r≥1set



dr≤ ∞R m(r,Q)


H,with g(k)≡1.Then T(r,g)≤ 2+1g + 2+2g(k)?1 +

O(log r+log+T(r,g))

as r→∞outside a set of?nite measure.


Lemma2.3is established by following Hayman’s proof exactly,but using the Tsuji characteristic and the lemma on the logarithmic derivative(4).

We also need the following result of Yong Xing Gu(Ku Yung-hsing,[14]).

Lemma2.4For every k∈N,the meromorphic functions g in an arbitrary domain with the properties that g(z)=0and g(k)(z)=1form a normal family.

A simpli?ed proof of this result is now available[27].It is based on a rescaling lemma of Zalcman–Pang[20]which permits an easy derivation of Lemma2.4 from the following result of Hayman:Let k∈N and let g be a meromorphic function in the plane such that g(z)=0and g(k)(z)=1for z∈C.Then g=const,see[8]or[9,Corollary of Thm3.5].

3Proof of Theorem1.3

Let L,ψ,φbe as in the hypotheses,and assume thatφis transcendental but L+L′/L has only?nitely many non-real zeros.Condition(b)implies the Carath′e odory inequality:


r <|ψ(re iθ)|<5|ψ(i)|


Sinceφhas?nitely many poles and is real on the real axis there exist a real entire functionφ1and a rational function R1with

φ=φ1+R1,R1(∞)=0.(9) Lemma3.2The entire functionφ1has order at most1.

Proof.Again,this proof is almost identical to the corresponding argument in[18].Lemmas2.2and3.1give

∞R m0π(r,L)


dr=O(R?1log R),R→∞.

Since m0π(r,1/ψ)=O(log r)by(8),we obtain using(2)







For r≥r0,with r0large,let g r(z)=1/(rL(rz)).Then g r(z)=0on?0, provided r0is large enough,since all but?nitely many poles of L are real. Further,



Since L has?nitely many poles in H and L+L′/L has?nitely many zeros in H it follows that provided r0is large enough the equation g′r(z)=1has no solutions in?0.Thus the functions g r(z)form a normal family on?0,by Lemma2.4with k=1.

Suppose that|w0|=r≥r0,andδ1≤arg w0≤π?δ1,and that

|w0L(w0)|≤K.(11) Then

|g r(z0)|≥1/K,z0=




Thus(11)implies(13).For t≥r0let


Further,letθ(t)be the angular measure of E2(t),and as in Lemma2.1let θ?(t)=θ(t),except thatθ?(t)=∞if E2(t)=C(0,t).Let


Since(11)implies(13),we have(10)for t∈[r0,∞)\E3.Applying Lemma2.1 we obtain,sinceφ1has order at most1by Lemma3.2,

(1+o(1))log r≥ r r0πdt4δ2t,

from which it follows that E3has upper logarithmic density at most4δ2/π. Sinceδ2may be chosen arbitrarily small,the lemma is proved.


The estimates(8)and(10)and the fact thatφis real now give |φ(z)|>

K sinδ1



Lemma3.6The function F has?nitely many critical points over C\R,i.e. zeros z of F′with F(z)non-real.

Lemma3.7There existsα∈H with the property that F(z)→αas z→∞along a pathγαin H.

Lemma3.7is a re?nement of Theorem4of[24],and will be proved in§4.

Now set




in whichαis as in Lemma3.7.Then g has?nitely many poles in H and(5), (14)and Lemma3.1give

T(r,g)+T(r,h)=O(log r),r→∞.

Hence Lemma2.2leads to




in which m0π(r,g)and m0π(r,h)are as de?ned in(6).

Lemma3.8The function F has at most four?nite non-real asymptotic values.

Proof.Assume the contrary.Since F(z)is real on the real axis we may take distinct?nite non-realα0,...,αn,n≥2,such that F(z)→αj as z→∞along a simple pathγj:[0,∞)→H∪{0}.Here we assume thatγj(0)=0, thatγj(t)∈H for t>0,and thatγj(t)→∞as t→∞.We may further assume thatγj(t)=γj′(t′)for t>0,t′>0,j=j′.

Re-labelling if necessary,we obtain n pairwise disjoint simply connected domains D1,...,D n in H,with D j bounded byγj?1andγj,and for t>0 we letθj(t)be the angular measure of the intersection of D j with the circle C(0,t).Since g has?nitely many poles in H there exists a rational function R2,with R2(∞)=0,such that g2=g?R2is analytic in H∪{0}.By(15), the function g2(z)tends toαj as z→∞onγj.Thus g2(z)is unbounded on each D j but bounded on the?nite boundary?D j of each D j.

Let c be large and positive,and for each j de?ne

u j(z)=log+|g2(z)/c|,z∈D j.(17)


Set u j(z)=0for z∈D j.Then u j is continuous,and subharmonic in the plane since g2is analytic in H∪{0}.

Lemma2.1gives,for some R>0and for each j,





≤log m0π(4r,g2)+O(1)≤log m0π(4r,g)+O(1),r→∞,(18) for all j∈{1,...,n}.However,the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality gives



j=1θj(t)n j=11θj(t)

which on combination with(18)leads to,for some positive constant c3, n log r≤log m0π(4r,g)+O(1),m0π(r,g)≥c3r n,r→∞.

Since n≥2this contradicts(16),and Lemma3.8is proved.

From Lemmas3.6and3.8we deduce that the inverse function F?1has ?nitely many non-real singular https://www.sodocs.net/doc/133888556.html,ing Lemma3.7,takeα∈H such that F(z)→αalong a pathγαtending to in?nity in H,and takeε0with 0<ε0

u(z)=log ε0

Lemma3.9For large z with|zL(z)|>3we have|F(z)?α|>|z|/2and u(z)=0.

Lemma3.10We have

log u(re iθ)



≥ [R,r]\E1πdt4δ1(1?o(1))log r


as r→∞.Sinceδ1may be chosen arbitrarily small the lemma follows.


u(re iθ) ≤m0π(r,h)+O(1),

from which we deduce using(20)that

log m0π(r,h)



Lemma4.1All but?nitely many components C of Y are unbounded and satisfy

Im L(z)>0.(21)

lim sup


Proof.Suppose?rst that C is a component of Y such that?C contains no pole of L.Then Im L(z)is harmonic and positive in C,and vanishes on?C. Thus C satis?es both conclusions of the lemma by the maximum principle.

Since each pole of L belongs to the closure of at most?nitely many components C of Y,it su?ces therefore to show that L has at most?nitely many poles in the closure of Y.To see this,let x0be a pole of L,with |x0|large.Then x0is real,and is a simple pole of L with positive residue. Hence lim y→0+Im L(x0+iy)=?∞and since L is univalent on an open disc N0=B(x0,R0)it follows that Im L(z)<0on N0∩H.Thus N0∩Y=?. Lemma4.2To each component A of W corresponds a?nite number v(A) such that F takes every value at most v(A)times in A and has at most v(A)distinct poles on?A.Moreover,v(A)=1for all but?nitely many components A of W.

Proof.By Lemma3.6,F has?nitely many critical points in W,so only ?nitely many components A of the set W can contain critical points of F. Further,the assumption made in the beginning of this section implies that there is noα∈H such that F(z)tends toαalong a path tending to in?nity in W.

Suppose?rst that A is a component of W which contains no critical points of F.Then every branch of F?1with values in A can be analytically continued along every path in H.This implies that F maps A univalently onto H,and we set v(A)=1in this case.

Now consider a component A of W on which F is not univalent.Then A contains?nitely many critical points of F,which we denote by z1,...,z p. We connect the points0,F(z1),...,F(z p)by a simple polygonal curveΓ?H∪{0},so that the region D=H\Γis simply connected.Let X={z∈A: F(z)∈D}.Then every branch of F?1with values in X can be analytically continued along every curve in D,so every component B of X is conformally equivalent to D via F.

If?B∩A contains no critical points of F then the inverse branch F?1

B which maps D onto B can be analytically continued into H,so in this case


F:A→H is a conformal equivalence which contradicts our assumption that F is not univalent in A.

As every critical point of F can belong to the boundaries of only?nitely many conponents B,we conclude that the set X has?nitely many compo-nents.Denoting the number of these components by v(A)we conclude from the open mapping theorem that F takes every value at most v(A)times in A.

To show that F has at most v(A)poles on?A,it is enough to note that if z0∈?A is a pole of F,then for every neighbourhood N of z0,F assumes in N∩A all su?ciently large values in H.

Remark.Once it is established that F takes every value?nitely many times in A,the Riemann–Hurwitz formula shows that one can take v(A)= p+1,where p is the number of critical points of F in A,counting multiplicity, but we don’t use this observation.

Lemma4.3There are in?nitely many components A of W which satisfy all of the following conditions:(i)A contains a component C of Y;(ii)?A∩?C contains a zero of L;(iii)F is univalent on A;(iv)C is unbounded and satis?es(21).

Proof.We recall from Lemma3.5that L has in?nitely many zerosη,satis-fying one of the conditions(I),(II)or(III)of Lemma3.5.Fix such a zero η.We are going to show that there exists a component C of Y such that η∈?C.We write

L(z)=(z?η)m(ae iθ+O(|z?η|)),z→η,a>0,θ∈[?π,π).(22) Let t0be small and positive,and set

ζ(t)=η+t exp i2?θ ,t∈(0,t0].

Then arg L(ζ(t))→π/2as t→0,and so L(ζ(t))∈H for t∈(0,t0]if t0is small enough.We claim thatζ(t)∈H for t∈(0,t0],provided t0is small enough.In Case(I)this evidently holds if t0


our claim,and thusζ((0,t0])?Y.Let C be that component of Y which contains the curveζ((0,t0]).Thenη∈?C sinceζ(t)→ηas t→0.

Thus there are in?nitely many zerosηof L that belong to the boundaries of components C of the set Y.As F(η)=∞,by(14),and Y?W,we have η∈?C∩?A,where A is a component of the set W containing C.Lemma4.2 implies that in?nitely many zerosηof L cannot belong to the boundary of the same component A,and thus there are in?nitely many such components A.Finally,(iii)follows from Lemma4.2and(iv)from Lemma4.1.

We now complete the proof of Lemma3.7.Applying Lemma4.3we obtain at least one zeroηof L,withη∈?A∩?C,in which A,C are compo-nents of W,Y respectively,satisfying C?A and conditions(iii)and(iv)of Lemma4.3.Since F(η)=∞by(14),it follows that for an arbitrarily small neighbourhood N ofη,all values w of positive imaginary part and su?ciently large modulus are taken by F in A∩https://www.sodocs.net/doc/133888556.html,ing(iii)we deduce that F(z)is bounded as z→∞in A.Now(14)gives L(z)→0as z→∞in A,and hence as z→∞in C.This contradicts(21).

5Proof of Theorem1.2

Suppose that f is a real entire function,and that f has?nitely many non-real zeros.Then L=f′/f has?nitely many non-real poles,and all poles of L are simple and have positive residues.Thus L has a representation(2).

Lemma5.1Suppose thatφis a rational function.Then f has?nite order.

Proof.Lemma5.1may be proved by modifying arguments of Levin-Ostrovskii [18,pp.336-337]or of Hellerstein and Williamson[12,pp.500-501]based on the residues ofψ,or by the following argument using the Wiman-Valiron theory[10].Denote by N(r)the central index of f.By[10,Theorems10 and12],provided r lies outside a set E4of?nite logarithmic measure and |z0|=r,|f(z0)|=M(r,f)=max{|f(z)|:|z|=r},we have


(1+o(1)),z=z0e it,t∈[?N(r)?2/3,N(r)?2/3].


This leads to

|f′(re it)/f(re it)|5/6dt≥N(r)1/6r?5/6,r→∞,r∈E4.


Sinceφis by assumption a rational function,(2)and(8)give

|f′(re it)/f(re it)|5/6dt=O(r M),r→∞,

for some positive M.We deduce that N(r)=O(r6M+5)as r→∞,and thus f has?nite order[10,(1.8)and Theorem6].This proves Lemma5.1.

Since L+L′/L=f′′/f′,Theorem1.2now follows from Theorem1.3and Lemma5.1.


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W.B.:Mathematisches Seminar,

Christian–Albrechts–Universit¨a t zu Kiel,





A.E.:Purdue University,

West Lafayette IN47907



J.K.L.:School of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Nottingham,

Nottingham NG72RD



