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Part I Reading COmPrehenSion (共40 分)

PaSSage 1

SOmetimeS I PeOPIe SlmPIy do not realize they are being ill mannered?Take Ted, for example? He PrIdeS himself On SPeaklng his mind, and has SOmething to Say On everything ? BUt his frankness is Often extremely embarrassing?

He is incapable Of saying, T thought that IaSt advertising CamPaign had a IOt Of good ideas in it, but PerhaPS next time We COUld give the COPy more Vitality (活力)?’’ Instead, he COUId say, "That CamPaign WaS a disaster? A Child Of three COUId have done better!M

The fact that he is Often right does not help? Other employees dislike his manner even more, he is too SenSitiVe to notice?

AnOther CharaCter among the IiSt Of ill-mannered employees is Sally, WhO SeemS to regard just being at WOrk as a SeVere PUniShment? EVerything is done UnWilIingly? ASking her to do a task beyond her basic job description is Often not WOrth the trouble? It WIlI be done, but halfβheartedly?

FergUS is just the OPPOSite? He ShOWS an OVer-familiarity to his boss? When an ImPOrtant ViSitOr is ShOWn into the manager' S OffiCe l FergUS CannOt take the hint and IeaVe?InStead he w3ill attempt to take Part in the conversation, declaring, "You Can talk in font Of me. Henry and I don* t have many SeCretS l do we? '' OVer the years PergUS has fallen behind his former equals? BUt he SeekS to maintain the Same CIOSe relationship that he imagines existed in their younger days?1?WhiCh Of the following WOrdS describes Ted best?

A? COId B? TaCtIeSS C? StUPldD ? Warm"he ar ted

2? It Can be inferred from the PaSSage that Ted ?

A? is Well-known for his honestly B? tends to blame OtherS rather than himself C? Often gives the right idea in the WrOng Way D? is treated Unfairly by the management 3? WhlCh Of the following is true about Sally?

A? She thinks it, S Unfair to have SO much WOrk to do. B? She is UnhaPPy to help OtherS ?

C? She hates being Ordered about?D?She does everything halfβheartedly?4? FOrm the passage, We Can infer that FergUS ?

A? WaS OnCe ClOSe to all his ColleagUeS B. has remained in the Same POSitiOn for years

C? doesn r t know What a hint is D?knows everything that happens in the OffiCe

5? The Writer is taking the POInt Of VieW Of ?

A? a ColleagUe B? PeOPIe Iike Ted C? an employee D? a manager

PaSSage 2

A IOt Of real businesses are focusing On the Internet as a Way Of building sales, but SOme PeOPle WIth nothing to Sell are Creating their OWn Web SiteS to announce Wedding plans, ShOW Off PICtUreS Of their kids Or just have communication? It' S not as hard as you think and it Can be a IOt Of fun? CarOI MaSSer has SOme tips On building you OU r n Web site.

"Like my IiVing room, Or my StUdy l it * S Where I PUt I mementos (纪念品),COlIeCtibleS (收藏 物),books and PaintingS and things that I WOUId Iike to ShOW to my friends and relatives ?” Renne TUbegeIhan USeS his OWn Web Site to invite PeOPle into his VirtUaI home ? WhiIe JOhn MaraShOd designed his OWn Web Site to attract Other ParentS Of

disabled ChiIdren ?

"I' d Say the goal


this Site is to basically Iink ParentS in the Same SitUatiOn With disabled ChiIdren and exchange ideas With One another ? M

Renne and JOhn are part Of a growing number Of SUrferS WhO have established their OWn Web Site ? If you Want to WeaVe a Web yourself, it' S easier than you think ? The first SteP is to get your OWn Web address ? They' re SoId by Web SerViCe PrOVIderS Iike

MiCrOSoft, AT&T, and Other IOCal COmPanleS ? YOU are expected to Pay between 15 and 25 dollars every month to rent SPaCe for your Site ? BUt SOme companies, Iike TriPOd and Geocities, issue the Site for free if you agree to allow their advertising On your Page ?

BefOre you get into Setting UP your OWn Web Site f you ShOUId go around and do SOme SUrfing and CheCk OUt Other SiteS ? OnCe you know What you Want to do, it * S time to build ? If you just Want the basics, you Can USe MiCrOSOft' S free Internet ASSiStant; Or if you Want to get a IittIe fancier, you Can by a SOftWare PrOgram Iike AdObe Page Mlll for IOO dollars Or MiCrOSOft' S FrOntPage EditOr for 150 dollars ? 6? ACCOrding to the PaSSage l SOme PeOPIe Create their OWn Web SiteS in Order to ?

A ? SelI their PerSOnal things

B ? Set UP family business

C ? COmmUniCationS With OtherS

D ? ShOW Off their Web-Site building SkilIS

7? What is the Inain goal Of JOhn Marashod* S Web site?

A ? TO COntaCt ParentS WhO Iike to Share their ideas On raising Children ?

B. TO Iink ParentS WhO Offer free SerViCe to disabled ChiIdren ?

C ? TO Send InfOrmatlOn to disabled ChiIdren ?

D ? TO Iink ParentS With disabled ChiIdren SO as to COmmUniCate With each Other ?

8? SOme COmPanIeS Offer free Web address PrOVided that ?

A ? their advertisements are allowed to be PUt On the Web Site

B ? the Web SerViCe PrOVlderS agree to PUt their advertisement On their Web SiteS

C ? MiCrOSOft and Other SerViCe PrOViderS Pay the monthly rent

D ? 25 dollars are to MICrOSoft, AT&T Or Other IOCal COnIPanieS

9? What do you need to do after you get your Web Site address according to the


B ? It' s expensive by AmeriCan Standard. easier than We think ? D ? It' s just too SimPIe ? PaSSage 3 B. C. D. 10. YOU YOU YOU YOU need need need need What does τo to to COntaCt a IOCal COmPany for free advertising.

SUrf SOme Web SiteS SO as to decide What WIlI be included in your Web site.

Iearn the basic SkilIS Of Creating a Web site.

buy a SOftWare PrOgram CalIed AdObe Page MiI1

? the author think about Creating one' S OWn Web

to A ? It' s


C ? It' s COmPliCated.

MOOdS l Say the experts, are emotions that tend to became fixed, InfIUenClng one* S OUtIOok for hours, days Or even WeekS? That' S great if your InOOd IS a PIeaSant One l but a PrObIem If you are sad, anxious, angry Or SimPIe IOneIy?

PerhaPS the best Way to deal WIth SUCh moods is to talk them out: SOmetimes, though, there is no One to IiSten. MOdern PharmaColOgy (药物学)OfferS a IOt Of tranquilizers (镇静剂),antidepressants and antiβanxiety drugs? What many PeOPIe don

't realize, however, is that SCientiStS have discovered the effectiveness Of SeVeraI non"drug approaches to make you free from an UnWanted mood ? TheSe Can be just as USefUI as drugs, and have the added benefit Of being no∏-poisonous ? SO next time you feel OUt Of sorts, don' t head for the drug-store, try the following approach ?

Of all the mood -alτering SeIf e heIP techniques, aerobic (増氧健体的)exercise SeemS to be the most efficient CUre for a bad mood ? "If you COUId keep the exercise, you' d be in high SPiritS ? M SayS Kathryn LanCe i author Of RUnning for Health and BeaUty ?

ReSearCherS have explained biochemical and VariOUS Other ChangeS that make exercise COmPared favorably to drugs as a mood βraiser ? PhySiCaI exertion SUCh as housework, however, does IittIe ? The key is aerobic exercise —running, CyCIing l WalkingJ swimming Or Other repetitive and Xamed activities that boost the heart rate ?,increase CirCUIatiOn (血液循环)and improve the body , S UtiliZatiOn (利用)Of OXygen ? DO them for at IeaSt 20 minutes a SeSSIOn l three Of five times a Week ?

What id the mam SUbjeCt Of the PaSSage?

It Can be inferred from the PaSSage that the best Way to OVerCOnIe a bad mood is

to talk to OneSeIf

When One is in a bad mood, he Or She may not WOrk Very efficiently

C ? SOme drugs are more effective than PhySiCaI exercise

D ? a PerSOn Can Inake a big PrOfit if he is in a good mood

13? "Feel OUt Of SOrtS M in the SeCOnd ParagraPh COUId be best replaced by

A ? PUt things in Order

B ? be In bad mood

C ? SearCh for tranquilizers

D ? need a mood~raiser 14. WhICh Of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A ? DOing housework Can also help you OVerCOme bad mood ?

B ? Ae:TObi

C exercise Can make you in high SPiritS ?

C ? SWimming, walking, Or running is an efficient CUre for a bad mood ?

D ? Taking anti βanxiety drugs might do harm to PeOPle , S health ?

15. WhICh Of the following best describes the OrganizatiOn Of this passage?

A ? A PrOCedUre is explained and its SignifiCanCe is emphasized ?

B ? A PrOblem is POlnted OUt and SolUtiOnS are given ?

C ? TWO ContraSting VieWS Of a PrObIem are PreSented ?

D ? ReCent PharmaCoIOgICal advancements are OUtIined in Order Of importance ?

PaSSage 4


The average PerSOn SwallOWS about half"a"ton Of food a year —not COUnting drink —and though the body is remarkably efficient at extracting (摄取)just What it needs form this huge mixture, it Can OnIy COPe UP to a POint ? If you go On eating too much Of SOme things and not enough Of OtherSJ you* 11 eventually get OUt Of COndItiOn and your

HOW to beat a bad mood.


HOW to do PhySiCaI exercise. C. HOW

to talk bad moods out. D.

HOW to get involved in aerobic exercise.

12. B.

health WIll SUffer? SO think before you Start eating? It Inay IOOk good? It may taste good? FIne! BUt how much good is it really doing you?

What you eat and the Way it affects your body depend Very much On the kinds Of PerSOn you are? FOr One thing, the genes you inherit form your ParentS Can determine how your body InetabOliSm (新陈代谢)COPeS With PartiCUIar foods? The tendency to PUt On WeIght rather easily, for example, Often runs in families―hich means that they have to take PartiCUIar Care?

And your ParentS many ShaPe your future in another way. The Way you are brought UP ShaPeS SOme basic attitudes to food—Iike Whether you have a SWeet tooth, nibble (吃零食)between meals, take big mountains Or eat ChiPS WIth everything? EatIng habits, good Or bad, tend to get PaSSed on.

And then there is your IifeStyIe? HOW much you SPend On food ( time as WelI as

money ), how much exercise you get—these Can alter the balance between food and


And finally, both your age and your SeX may affect this balance? FOr example, you* re more Iikely to PUt On Weight as get older, especially if you* re a WOman? 16? BefOre eating something, We are advised to COnSider ?

A?how good it WilI taste B?Whether We really need it

C?Why We Want t o eat it D?if We have eaten too much Of it

17 We Can infer from the PaSSage that ?

A?in Order to keep fit, WeShOUId SPend as Iittle time and money as POSSibIe On food

B?nibbling between meals is a bad habit that WilI throw OUr body OUt

C? if Other members Of OUr family get fat quite easily, We PrObabIy WIll too

D? We Can eat as much as We Want and IeaVe it to OUr body to SeIeCt What it needs

18? If We IOVe SWeet things, it, S PrObabIy due to ?

A? Omr body, S needs B? Omr Parent * S influence

C? Omr basic instinct D? the taste Of the food

19. ACCOrding to the passage, WhICh PerSOn is most Iikely to PUt On weight?

A? A SUCCeSSfUI young businessman ?B? A Child WhO is PiCky about food.

C? A man With a good appetite ? D? A WOnlan WhO has just retired?

20? What COnCIUSiOn Can We draw from this passage?

A? PeOPIe need a standard to guide their eating? B? PrOPer eating is the key to one* S health? C? WOmen ShOUId Pay more attention to What they eat?D? The balance between food and fitness

is hard to Inalntain?

PaSSage 4


MrS? P SneeZeS VioIently? MrS? Q says, "Bless you! M MrS? P says, 44Thank you. M Again, this hardly SeemS to be a CaSe Of IangUage being USed to COmmUniCate ideas, but rather

to maintain a COmfOrtabIe relationship between PeOPIe?ItS function is to PrOVide a IneanS Of avoiding a SitUatiOn WhiCh both PartieS might OtherWiSe find embarrassing? NO factual COntent is involved?Similarly I the USe Of SUCh PhraSeS as "Good morning m Or "Pleased to meet you° , and ritual exchanges about health Or the weather, do not COmmUnICate ideas in the USUal SenSe? SentenCeS Of this kind are USUalIy automatically produced, and StereOtyPed in StrUCtUre? They Often State the ObViOUS (e? g?LOVeIy day) Or have no COntent at all (e? g? HellO)?

They CertainIy require a SPeCIaI kind Of explanation, and this is found in the idea that IangUage is here being USed for the PUrPOSe Of maintaining good relationship between PeOPIe?The anthropologist (人类学家)BrOniSIaW MaIinOWSki Created the PhraSe W PhatiC COmmUniCatiOn M to SignaI friendship

Or l at least, IaCk Of hatred ? FOr SOmeOne to WithhoId these When they are expected, by Staying SiIentJ is a SUre Sign Of distance, alienation (疎远),Or even danger ?

TheSe illustrations apply to EngIiSh and τo many EUrOPean IangUageS ? BUt CUltUreS Vary greatly in the topics WhiCh they Permit as PhatiC COmmUniCatiOn ? The Weather is not as UniVerSal a COnVerSatiOn-filler as the EngIiSh might Iike to think ? FOr example, RUndi WOmen (in Burendi, CentraI AfriCa )I UPOn taking leave, are quite Often heard to say, routinely and politely, T must go home now, Or my husband WIll beat me. '' MOreOVer f PhatiC COmmUniCatiOn itself is far from UniVerSa 1? SOme CUltUre Say little, and

PrefeCt silence, as in the CaSe Of the PaIiyanS Of SOUthern India, Or the AmeriCan Of COlOmbIa ?

16? What is the SUbjeCt Of the passage?

A ? LangUage USed to COmmUniCatiOn ideas ?

B ? DifferenCe between EngIiSh Of IangUage USe ?

C ? A SPeCIaI SOCiaI function Of IangUage USe ?

D ? ReIatiOnShiP between IangUage and CUltllre ? 17. In ParagraPh 1, the author implies


PeOPIe USUally think IangUage is OnIy USed to COmmUniCate IdeaS

the exchange about health Or the Weather is a UniVerSal topic

exchanges about heath Or the weather exchange for maintaining SOCiaI relationship

20? In the IaSt paragraph, the author COnCIUdeS that ?

A ? the Weather is a UniVerSal topic for human COmmUnlCatiOn

B ? Phati

C COmmUniCatiOn differs form CUItUre to CUItUre

C ? the EngIISh and PeOPIe in may EUrOPeanS COUntrIeS have COmmOn IangUage for PhatiC COmmUniCatiOn

D ? every CUltUre has its OWn Way to COmmUniCate IdeaS

Part II VOCabUIary and StrUCtUre (共 40 分)

21? HIS SaIary as a bus driver is much higher than


22? WhIIe TinI WaS Walking in the street, he Came an OId CIaSSmate Of his ?

A ? into

B ? across

C ? OntO

D ? UP With

23? HardIy making the SPeeCh When the PeOPIe StOOd UP applauding ?

A ? has the SPeaker finished

B ? the SPeaker had finished

B. C. PeOPle Will always Say SOmethlng When facing embarrassment

D. the example Of MrS ? P and MrS ? O is COmmOn in all CUltUreS

18. The PhraSe *4stereotyped in structure" in ParagraPh 2 PrObabIy IneanS

B. C. D. SentenCe Of this kind have a Variety Of IneaningS

this kind Of SentenCe has no COntent at all

the StrUCtUre Of these three SentenCeS is always Changing

this kind USUalIy have a fixed StrUCtUre

19. The PhraSe

*4PhatiC COmmUnICation" in ParagraPh 3 Can be explained as A. ideas

B. explanation

C. D. A ? that Of a teacher B ? those Of a teacher C ? these Of a teacher D ? this Of a teacher

C? had the SPeaker finished D? had finished the SPeaker

24. HUlnan behavior is InOStly a PrOdUCt Of Iearning l WhereaS the behavior Of an animal depends mainly On

A? COnSCiOUSneSS B? instinct C? impulse D? reaction

25? If you in taking this annoying attitude, we' 11 have to ask you to IeaVe?

A? PerSiSt B? insist C? resist D? assist

26.There are not many teachers WhO are StrOng Of traditional methods in EngllSh teaching.

A? SPOnSOrS B? advocates C? COntribUtOrS D? PerfOrmerS

27.PIeaSe See to it no One COmeS in WlthOUt identification?

A? that B? lest C? When D? WhICh

28? We had enough RUSSian to be table to read the instructions?

A? Set UPB? PiCked UP C? taken UP D? made UP

29? Only those WhO are Of their Iagging behind are more IikeIy to CatCh up.

A? awake B? ViSUalC? aware D? illusive

30? It is SUggeSted that SmOking in PUbIiC PIaCeS?

A? WilI not be allowed B? WaS not allowed

C? not be allowed D? is not allowed

31? In to the Party* S call, a great number Of doctors and nurses Went to the frontline

to fight the flood?

A? return B? admission C? Order D? response

32? YOU COUId not PerSUade him to accept it, make him See the importance Of it?

A? no more than you COUld B? if OnIy you COUld not

C? nor COUId you D? Or you COUld not

33? The 20"year"old tennis play* S dream is to China at 2008 Beljing OlymPiC GameS?

A? SUPPOrt B? PreSent C? represent D? COmPete

34. Britain is PrOUd Of her great poets, just S ItaIy is PrOUd Of her painters, and Germany Of

her COmPOSerS?

A? / B. is C? PrOUd D? as

35? It is no USe just telling me to do it; SUggeSt SOme WayS to do it?

A? active B? POSitiVe C? PaSSiVe D? negative

36.One can* t See WelI through a through a telescope WithOUt COrreCtIy it to one* S Sight?

A? balancing B? adopting C? repairing D? adjusting

37.ChiIdren have been taken OUt Of SChOOl and taught by their ParentS at home.

A? A number Of B. A great deal Of C? An amount Of D? The number Of

38? There is much Can be done about t he accidents from CareleSSness.

A?WhICh???arose B. thaf?arising C?WhiCh???arιsen D? thafβarise

39. ThOSe Of US WhO WOrk in the COaI mine ShOUId have IUngS CheCked regularly.

A? Omr B? their C? his D? my

40? TO their disappointment, there are no

for the StUdentS Of ClaSS Two. textbooks

A? POSSibIe B? PreferabIe C? COnSiderabIe D? available

41? MOre and more PeOPIe are beginning to earn English, Can PartIy explain the booming Of IangUage training CenterS In China.

A. WhlCh

B. What

C. that

D. it

42? The higher a rocket flies, air it meets?

A? the fewer B? the IittIe C? the IeSS D? the much

43? It is during his SPare time JOhnSOn has been StUdying a COUrSe in history.

A. When

B. WhlCh C? What D. that



Of modern


in bi CitieS is SO quick that SOme OId PeOPle feel it hard to keep

UP With it.

A. Way

B. SteP C? PaCe D. routine

45? SOme teachers devote too much time to helping their ShOWer StUdentS and the

brighter ones.

A? neglect B? isolate C? frustrate D? COrrUPt

46?一HaVe you Seen Mary today?

—No, I think She away On her VaCatiOn?

A? must be B? Inay have been C? must have been D? might have been

47? NOtiCe a person* S reaction StreSS in these SitUations, and you WIlI SOOn find a SOIUtiOn

this PrObIem?

A? of??βtoB?of???ofC? to???ofD? to???to

48? AlI the books Can be USed to your reading comprehension.

A? training B? train C? be trained D? being trained

She did not know Whether to SelI her books Or

A? to keep them for reference B? keeping them for reference

C? if She ShOUId keep them for reference D? to be kept for reference

50? She WearS Very ring that her boyfriend gave her as a birthday gift?

A? gold new VaIUabIe B? ValUable gold new C? ValUable new gold D? VaIUabIe and gold

51? The headquarters Of Mr. Zhang* S COmPany WaS IOCated in Tianjin, but now it is in


A? formally B? firmly C ? formerly D? fairly

52? We don* t mind a bit you bring your friends in for a dinner, but it is rather too much When

SiXteen PeOPle Canle for dinner?

A? COnSeqUentIy B? expectedly C? excessively D? UtIeMPeCtedly

53? OUr POlnt is that nuclear SCienCe ShOUId be developed to benefit PeOPle harm them ?

A? more than B? Other than C? rather than D? better than

54? It is generally agreed that textile industry USed to greatly to the economy Of OUr city.

A? add B? COntribUte C? Iead D? StimUIate

55?more time, She WOUld Certainly have done it much better?

A? GiVen B? TO be given C? GiVing D? TO give

56? The Car WaS running SO fast that it CraShed into the truck and the driver WaS

killed the spot.

A. On

B. at

C. by

D. to

57? FOrtUnatelyJ the government has taken SOme measures to bring down the rate Of inflation to a (an) IeVeI?


60? He WaS hoping they WOUId take his SUggeStion, but for SOme reason they

A ? UnPrediCtabIe

B ? manageable

C ? questionable

D ? SUStainabIe

58. When I SaW the it.

A ? WaS reading

B ? WOUld have read

C ? had been reading

D ? had read 59? I am firmly that this PIan WOUId do much good to OUr company. A ? recommended B ? amazed C ? COnVinCed D ? SatiSfled

A ? turned it OVer

B ? turned it Off

C ? turned it down

D ? turned it UP

mess my PaPer WaS it WaS ObViOUS that SOmeOne

Part III CIOZe (共20题,每小题1分,共20分)


A schoolboy* S Iife is in PreParatiOn for the real battle Of Iife ? It is also 61 Of differences and interests ? One Of the 62 important PartS Of a schoolboy' S Iife is to get 63 knowledge and good mind -training as he Can ? HiS 64 business in SChOOI is to Iearn ? He 65 read the book he is 66 in the CIaSSeS.Hehastodothehomeworksettohim ? 67 Part that 68 a schoolboy* S

Ilfe is the SChOOI discipline ? At SChOOl there are 69 rules 70 ? ThiS StriCt discipline is Very 71 for him When he 72 the SOCiety to 73 a IiVing ? It teaches him SOme Very necessary VirtUeS On the road to a 74 Iife ?

SChOOI is PIaCe for a SChOoIbOy to Iearn What the SOCiaI Iife is 75 ? 76

in the CIaSSrOOm

and the PIaygrOUnd l he has to CatCh UP With his fellows and not members Of his family. He Can not behave 77 he does in his home ? He is no IOnger a SPOiIed ChiId l and his SChOOI fellows Will not give 78 to his WiShed ? He SOOn gets his COrnerS robbed Off and IearnS the IeSSOn Of gιve~and^take, good manners, and thought for 79 ? ThiS is 80 the Way When he has to Carry himself in

society. 61. A ?SUre B ? fond C ? full D ? ShOrt

62. A ? IaHger B ? greater C. IeaSt D ? InOSt 63. A ? as many B ? more C. as much D ? IittIe 61. A ? InOStIy B ? main C ? almost D ? PartIy 65. A ? IikeS B ? O bligeS C. requires D ? has

66. A ? Iearner

B ? StUdied C. taught D. examined 67. A. Other B. AnOther C. ElSe D. ReSt 68. A ? COntainS B ? forms

C ? COnSiStS Of

D ? InakeS UP 69. A ? IOOSe B. hard C ? StriCt D ? kind

70. A. kept B. being kept C ? StriCtD ? kind 71. A ? USefiIl B ? harmful C. USeIeSS D ? harmless

72. A ? leaves B ? COmeS C. enters D ? organizes 73. A ? PrOdUCe B ? make C. get D ? take 74. A ? famous B ? SUCCeSSfUI C ? SOClal D ? ideal 75. A. Iike B. On C ? UP D ? alike

76. A ? SinCe B ?

A S C. FOr D. In that 77. A ? UntiI B. as

C ? by D. WIth 78. A ?in B ?UP

C. Off

D. OUt 79. A ? himself B ?


C. OtherS

D. ParentS SO. A ? too B. as WelI

C. eitherD ? also (英语类学生必做)

HaVe you ever Seen a movie in WhiCh a building WaS burned down Or a bridge WaS 61 ? HaVe you

Seen a film in WhICh a train CraShed Or a ShiP Sank 62 the ocean? If so, you 63 how these things COUId happen WIthOUt 64 the PeOPIe In the film ?

The PerSOn 65 knows the answer is the W SPeCiaI-effect M PerSOn ? He has One Of the most

important hobs in the film 66 ?

In a 67 for One movie there WaS a big glass bowl filled 68 water in WhiCh Small fish Were SWImmlng? The director Of the movie Wanted the fish to StOP SWimming SUddenly and 69 they Seemed to Stare at an actor? Then the director Wanted the fish to StOP 70 and SWim away? BUt fish can' t be Ordered to do anything? It WaS quite a 71

The SPeCiaI effects PerSOn thought 72 this PrObIem for a IOng time? The 73 WaS an Idea for COntrolIing the fish With a 74 USe Of electricity? First, he applied electricity 75 the fish bowl, CaUSing the fish to be absolutely Stil 1? Then he rapidly reduced

the 76 Of electricity, allowing the fish to SWinI away? 77 he got the humorous effect that the director Wanted?

78 SPeCIaI effects require training, skill, and experience? It also adds a great deal

79 the expense Of PrOdUCing the fιlm? It helps explain 80 SO many movies are expensive to make.

61 . A? destroyed B


COlIaPSed C?jammed D



62 . A? toB?




down D?





A? Can WOnder B. Can have WOndered

C. WOnder D

?may have WOndered

61 . A? breaking B


damaging C?harming D?disturbing

65 . A? WhICh B. WhO C. WhOeVer D?


66 . A? industry



job C? PerfOrmanCe D?growth

67 . A? VieW B. Sight C


SCene D




68 . A?OVer B?Of C. in D?Wlth

69 . A? SinCe B?for C.

While D


70 . A? to Stare B


to Stare at C? Staring D? Starlng


71 . A? PrObIem B


question C?fault D. mistake

72 . A. OUt B. Of C. about D



73 . A? effect B


influence C


result D



74 . A? harmless B. USeIeSS C. CareIeSS D. helpless

75 . A?at B?to C. in D. t oward

76 . A? amount B




distance D?Strength

77 . A? NeVertheIeSS B. BeCaUSe C?AnyWay D



78 . A. The all B. AlI the C. MOSt the D. AlmOSt the

79 . A? inB?


C. On

D. to

SO . A. What B. Why C. WhiCh D?When


Part IV TranSIatiOn (共35 分)

SeCtiOn A

81?Another CharaCter among τhe IiSt Of iIl-Tnannered employees is Sally, WhO SeemS to regard just being at WOrk as SeVere PUniShment?(PaSSage One)

82????some PeOPIe With nothing to SelI are Creating their OWn Web SiteS to announce Wedding plans, ShOW Off PiCtUreS Of their kids Or just have COmmUniCatiOn?(PaSSage TWO)

83? What many PeOPIe don* t realize, however, is that SCientiStS have discovered the effectiveness Of SeVeraI no∏-drug approaches to make you free from an UnWanted mood?(PaSSage Three)

84? What you eat and the Way it affects your body depend Very much On the kinds Of PerSOn you are?(PaSSage FOUr)

85? FOr One thing, the genes you Inherit form your ParentS Can determine how your body metabolism (新陈代谢)COPeS Wlth PartiCUIar foods?(PaSSage FOUr)

SeCtiOn B






Part V Writing (共15 分)

DlreCtions: In this Part you are required to Write an essay about the SPOrtS you Iike ? YOU ShOUId

Write at IeaSt 120 WOrdS and base your COmPOSitiOn On the OUtIine given below?

1? What kinds Of SPOrtS do you like?

2. Why do you Iike them?

3? When and how do you Play sports?



01-05 BCCBD 06-10 CDABC 11-15 ABBAB

16-20 BCBDB(非英语专业)16-20 CCDDB (英语专业)

21-25 ABCBA 26-30 BABCC 31-35 DCCAB 36-40 DABAD

41-45 ACDCA 46-50 CDBAC 51-55 CDCBA 56-60 A DDCC


61-65 CDCBD 66-70 CBBCD 71-75 ACBBA 76-80 CBACD


61-65 ABDCB 66-70 ACDCC 71-75 ACCAB 76-80 ADBDB








86、be OUt Of job not because of???but because Of

TOm is OUt Of job not because Of his Old age but because Of his IaZineSS?

87? board WageS not to mention

Mary can* t afford her board wages, not to mention the entertainment?

88? OnCe StOP Singing

She StOPPed Singing OnCe heard the footsteps?

89? It is Said that —

It is Said that Mr. Lee has been to AUStraIia for many times?

90. PraCtiCe makes PerfeCt?

YOU have to PraCtiCe a IOt if you Want to Iearn foreign IangUageS well, just as the

idioms goes

44PraCtiCe makes PerfeCt ° ?

Part V Writing

My favorite SPOrt is baskeτbal 1? It is a team SPOrt USUalIy involving two teams With five PlayerS each? ItiS also COnlmOnly Played three-on~three l two-on"two l Or One e On"one ? SinCe it is a team sport, the two key factors Of Winning are COnCentratiOn and COOPeration.

BaSketbalI is good exercise PrOViding me WIth a VarIety Of benefits? BeIOW are the OneS I get OUt Of it. BaSketbalI t as a team sport, also trains me to COOPerate With OtherS? In addition, PIaying basketball enables Ine to relieve StreSS and boost energy IeVeIS? On the whole, basketball is fun and exciting to Play?

EVery SUnday I WilI PIay basketball With my friends? And We always enjoy the game?

