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HR Dept.:

L.W.D.C: Lost Work Day Case Rate

Quality Dept.:

COQ: Cost of Quality

WIR: Wiring Incident Report

FTQ: First Time Quality

WFCC: Worldwide Formal Customer Complaint PPM:Pieces per Million

RRPPM: Return & Reject Piece Per Million IPTV: Incident Per Thousand Vehicles

Engineering Dept.:

C/O: Changeover time

C/T: Cycle Time

PDT: Planned Downtime

LT: Lost Time

DT: Downtime

OA: Operational Availability

OE: Operational Effectiveness

PC&L Dept.:

OEM: On time Shipments

IPM: Incident Per Million

E&O: Excess & Obsolete

PRR: Problem Resolving Request

MU: Material Utilization


Tpct: Total Production Cycle Time

MCR: Material Cost Reduction


DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analysis, Improve, Control

VOC: Voice of Customer

CTQ: Critical to Quality

SIPOC: Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer

I&CIM: Innovation, & Continuos Improvement

TMAP: Though Map

PMAP: Process Map

MSE: Measure System Evaluation

FMEA: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

NEM: Numerical Evaluation of Metrics

ANOVA: Analysis of Variance

DOE : Design of Experiments


1.DMS -- Delphi Manufacturing system

?EEI : Employee Environment & Involvement

?WPO: Workplace Organization

?QS: Quality System

?OA: Operational Availability

?MM: material movement

?MSD: Manufacturing System Design

2.KMS -- Kaizen Manufacturing system

3.OSKKK -- Observation, Standardization, Kaizen, Kaizen, Kaizen ……

4.PFP -- People Focus practice

5.VSM—Value Stream Mapping

6.TPM: Total Production Maintenance

7.PMP: Production Maintenance Partnership

8.PM: Planned Maintenance

9.TPS: Toyota Production System

10. SMED: Single Minutes of Exchange Die

12. FIFO: First In First Out

13. 5S: Clear (Sort), Organize ( Straighten), Clean(Sweep), Maintain (Standardize),

Continuous Improvement ( Sustain)

14. NWG: Natural Work Group

15. WIP: Work In Process

16. PFEP: Plant For Every Part

17. JIT: Just in Time

18. PDCA: Plan – Do – Check – Action

19. SQIP: Supplier Quality Improvement Process

20. VOC: Voice of Customer

21. MSDS: Material Safety Date Sheets

22. PDP: Product Development Process

23. PTC: Protect The Customer

24. APQP: Advanced Product Quality Planning

25. SPDP: Supplier Performance Development Process

26. QSA: Quality System Assessment

27. SPC: Statistic Process Control

28. PDAP: Production Part Approval

29. DBS: Delphi Business System

30. MSA: Measurement System Analysis

31. FMEA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

32. TLCC: Total Life Cycle Cost

Each Function

HR Dept:

HR: Human Resource

PBP: People Business Plan

NWG: Natural Work Group

PPI: People Performance Index

MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheets

OSHA : Occupational Safety and Health Administration

IS&S Dept.

IS&S: Information System and Service

IT: Information Technology

FS: Fourth Shift

MRP: Material Requirement Plan

ERP: Enterprise Resource Plan

SAP: System, Application & Products

JIT: Just – In – Time

SILS: Supply in Line Sequence

OA: Office Automation

ISP: Information Security Policy

FIS: An information System Supporting Audi A4 Production in FAW-VW BF: Back Flush

OS: Operation System

IP: Internet Protocol

PC& L:

PC& L: Production Control & Logistic

E & O: Excess and Obsolete

PFEP: Plan For Every Parts

TOR: Turn Over Rate

IPM: Incident Per Million

MPS: Master Production Schedule

PO: Purchasing Order

MOQ: Minim Order Quality

PPQ: Part Packing Quality

L/T: Lead-Time

BOM: Bill of Materials

WIP: Work In Process

FIFO: First In First Out

DOH: Day On Hand

PR/R: Problem Resolution and Reporting

I/E Dept

I/E: Import & Export

LMC: Logistic Management Company

P/A: Public Affairs

RDC: Regional Distribution Center

C.C : Consolidation Center

CCIB: China Commodity Inspection Branch

CD: Customs Duty

VAT: Value Added Tax

PR/R: Problem Resolution and Reporting

Quality Dept.

QC: Quality Control

QSA: Quality System Assessment

DBS: Delphi Business System

PDP: Product Development Process

APQP: Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan PPAP: Production Part Approval

SPDP: Supplier Performance Development Process

MSA: Measurement System Analysis

SPC: Statistic Process Control

FMEA: Failure Mode And Effects Analysis

CSE: Customer Support Engineer

IP: Improvement Plan

DOE : Design of Experiments

Gage R&R : Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility SQIP: Supplier Quality Improvement Process GD&T : Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing PR/R : Problem Resolution and Reporting

AE Dept.

PDP: Product Development Process

--PI: Product Initiation

--CD: Concept Direction

--CA: Concept Approval

--PA: Product Approval

AE: Application Engineering

OTS: Off- Tool- Samples

SOP: Start of Production

OS: Start null series

CKD: Comletely Knocked Down

MPI: Muli Point Injection

PDM: Product Description Manual

ABS: Anti-Blacker- System

EOP: End of Production

CES: CATIA Electric System

GPS: Global Positioning System

AT: Automatic Transmission

AC: Air Condition

TDI: Turbo direction injection

SDI: Suck Diesel Injection

CAN: Controller Area Network

SKD: Semi Knocked Down

CVT: Continuously Variable Transmission

DUM: Digital Mock Up

ADP: Delphi Advanced Development Process

Engineering Dept.

M & TD: Machine & Tool Design

PCT: Planned Cycle Time

SWIP: Standard Work In Process

CAD: Computer Aided Design

CAE: Computer Aided Engineering

CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing

CIP: Continuous Improvement Process

DFA: Design for Assembly

DFE: Design for Environment

DFM: Define for Manufacturability

DFMEA: Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

EBOM: Engineering Bill of Material

EWO: Engineering Work Order

FM : Flow Manufacturing

M-BOM: Manufacturing Bill of Material

Finance Dept.

ICRQ: Internal Control Review Questionnaires

TTM: Total travel management

ABC: Analysis based on cost

FARS: Financial Accounting and Reporting Staff

CFPR: Corporate Financial Policy & Reporting

D-CAP: Delphi Corporate Accounting Policies


E/EDS: Electric/Electronic Distribution System

DCS: Delphi Connection System

DMS: Delphi Mechtronic System

OCM: Organizational change Management

AIAG: Automotive Industries Action Group

APP: Advance Purchasing Process

AR: Appropriation Request

ASQC: American Society for Quality Control

CAMIP: Continuous Automotive Marketing Information Program CAPPLAN : Capacity Planning System

CMVSS : Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards

CP: Critical Path

CPM : Critical Path Method

DD: Design and Development

DV: Design Validation

FEA: Finite Element Analysis

IDR: Interim Design Review

KCC: Key Control Characteristic

KCDS: Key Characteristic Designation System

KPC: Key Product Characteristic

MRD: Material Required Date

MVSS: Motor Vehicle Safety Standards

P-BOM: Product Bill of Material

PC: Problem Communication

PDR: Preliminary Design Review

PL: Project Launch

PM: Project Management

PR: Performance Review

PRR: Production Readiness Review

PV: Product Validation

PVR: Process Validation Review

QFD: Quality Function Deployment

QRDP: quality, reliability, durability, and performance RASI: responsibility matrix

RC: Requirements and Concepts

RR: Requirements Review

SORP: Start of Regular Production

SOW: Statement of Work

TALC: Trim-Appearance-Lighting-Color

TDP: Delphi Technology Development Process TIR: Test Incident Report

TSM: Trade Study Methodology

VSM: Variation Simulation Modeling

WBS: Work Breakdown Structure


PCB 专业术语中英文翻译 很多PCB 的书上使用的是英文,但是大多数的人又看不懂英文, 这时候怎么办呢,我们需要翻译,但是如果每看到一个不会的词 儿就去翻译,那么就太耗费时间了,所以我们捷多邦总结了一些 常用的专业术语的中英文对照,希望能对大家有用。 1.印制电路:printed circuit 2.印制线路:printed wiring 3.印制板:printed board 4.印制板电路:printed circuit board (pcb) 5.印制线路板:printed wiring board(pwb) 6.印制元件:printed component 7.印制接点:printed contact 8.印制板装配:printed board assembly 9.板:board 1 10.表面层合电路板:surface laminar circuit (slc) 11.埋入凸块连印制板:b2it printed board 12.多层膜基板:multi-layered film substrate(mfs) 13.层间全内导通多层印制板:alivh multilayer printed board 14.载芯片板:chip on board (cob) 15.埋电阻板:buried resistance board 16.母板:mother board 17.单面印制板:single-sided printed board(ssb) 、管路敷设技术通过管线不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范高中资料试卷问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术中包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行 高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况 ,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


船务术语简缩语:主要贸易术语: (1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人 (2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货 (3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货 (4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费 (5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费 (6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地 (7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地 (8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货 (9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货 (10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货 (11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货 (12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 主要船务术语简写: (1)ORC (Origin Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(省收取) (2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(收取) (3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费 (4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费 (5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费 (6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费 (7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费 (8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费 (9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费 (10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费 (11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费 (12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单 (13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单 (14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据 (15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证 (16)C/O (Certificate of Origin) 产地证 (17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract) 销售合同 (18)S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书 (19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费) (20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) (21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费 (22)CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场 (23)FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货 (24)LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货(散货) (25)CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站 (26)TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Units) 20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少) (27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或陆点的货物的运输方式) . .


2.物流logistics 3.物流活动logistics activity 4.物流作业logistics operation 5.物流模数logistics modulus 6.物流技术logistics technology 7.物流成本logistics cost 8.物流管理logistics management 9.物流中心logistics center 11.物流信息logistics information 12.物流企业logistics enterprise 13.物流单证logistics documents 14.物流联盟logistics alliance 15.供应物流supply logistics 16.生产物流production logistics 17.销售物流distribution logistics 18.回收物流returned logistics 19.废弃物物流waste material logistics 20.绿色物流environmental logistics 21.企业物流internal logistics 22.社会物流external logistics

23.军事物流military logistics 24.国际物流international logistics 25.第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL) 26.定制物流customized logistics 27.虚拟物流virtual logistics 28.增值物流服务value-added logistics service 29.供应链supply chain 30.条码bar code 31.电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI) 32.有形消耗tangible loss 33.无形消耗intangible loss 奖罚 物流作业术语 1.运输transportation 3.直达运输through transport 4.中转运输transfer transport 5.甩挂运输drop and pull transport 6.集装运输containerized transport 7.集装箱运输container transport 8.门到门door-to-door 9.整箱货full container load (FCL)


机械专业术语Cylinder 气缸/顶缸 Shaft 导向轴 Linear_bushing 直线轴承 Slide_guide 直线导轨 Locating_Pin 定位销 Screw 螺栓 Spring 弹簧 Caster 脚轮 Tolerance 公差 Vacuum anemometer 压力开关 Lever 把手 Pull 拉手 Assembly drawing 装配图 Beam 横梁 Bending moment 弯矩 Bending stress 弯曲应力Chamfering 去角斜切 Channel 凹槽 Chattering 颤动 Coefficient of friction 摩擦系数Distortion 扭曲变形 Draft taper 拔模锥度 Draw out 拉拔 Fit tolerance 配合公差 Flexible rigidity 弯曲刚性 Hatching 剖面线 Plane strain 倒角应力 Repeated load 重覆载荷 Sketch 草图 Straightness 直度 Surface roughness 表面粗度 Tapping 攻螺丝 Toughness 韧性

Flap 盖板 Pointer chuck 指针筒 Mask 前框 Backcover 后壳 Nut 螺母 Screw cap 螺帽(用于盖住螺丝表面的小零件,多为塑料 制品,区别于螺母) 常见缩写 AP Advanced Purchaser APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning (先期产品质量策划) CAN Control Area Network CEOS CP Control plan DFMEA Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis DTP Data to production DTC Design to cost DV Design Validation EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility (电磁兼容性) EOP End of Production FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (潜在失效模式分 析) FPC Flexible Printed Circult (柔性印刷线路板) FPY First Pass Yield (一次交检合格率) MCA M achine C apablity A nalysis (设备能力分析) MDS Master data system MES Manufacturing Execute System MFU Maschinenf?higkeitsuntersuchung


专业术语缩写 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划 MRP Material Requirement Planning物料需求计划 SRP Single-material Requirement Planning单项物料需求计划BRP Batch-material Requirement Planning批量物料需求计划BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计 CRM Customer Relationship Management客户关系管理 UFO User Friend Office用友报表 PMI Purchasing Managers’Index经理采购指数 SOA service-oriented architecture面向服务的体系结构 HCM human capital management人力资本管理 PLM Product Life-cycle Management产品生命周期管理 BI Business Intelligence商业智能 OA Office Automation 办公自动化 MA Management Automation管理自动化 SNS Social Networking Services社会性网络服务 MPS Master Production Schedule 主生产计划 LRP Logistics resource planning物流资源计划 DRP Distribution requirements planning配送需求计划 PDM Product Data Management产品数据管理 GMP Good Manufacturing Practice 良好作业规范


市场营销专业术语中英文对照标准翻译 本文为市场营销中经常用到的一些中文与英文互译的标准用语,希望对市场营销从业人员有所帮助。 《财富》杂志Fortune 案头调研Desk Research 奥美公司Ogilvy & Mather 白色商品White Goods 百乐门Parliament 百威啤酒Budweiser 包裹销售法Banded Pack 宝洁公司Procter & Gamble 宝丽来Polaroid 宝马BMW 边际成本Marginal Cost 边际收益Marginal Benefit 标准差,均差Standard Deviation 别克Buick 波立兹调查公司Alfred Politz Research, Inc 波旁王朝Ancient Age Bourbon 波特福洛分析Portefolio Analysis 产品差异Product Differentiation 产品生命周期Product Life Cycle 产品系列Product Line 产品组合Product Mix 阐述Presentation 超级市场Supermarket 成对比较法Paired Comparisons 成功的理想主义者Successful Idealist 承诺型消费者Committed Buyer 程度测试Tachistoscope 橙色商品Orange Goods 冲动购买Impulse Buying 重叠率Duplication 抽样Sampling 传销Pyramid Selling 传阅发行量Pass-on Circulation 词语联想法Word Associaton 刺激营销Incentive Marketing 促销Promotion 达彼思广告公司Ted Bates & Copany 大卫·奥格威David Ogilvy 戴比尔斯De Beers


英文简称英文全称中文详解 A.N. ARRIVE NOTICE 到货通知书。船公司依照提单上通知人一栏的记载而发出的通知货物何时将到港的通知, A.A. ARRIVE ADVICE 请客户提前准备相关的提货报关文件,基本内容包括:1、船到时间2、海洋提单号码 3、提货地点 4、各项费用 A/W ALL WATER SERVICE 全水路运输远东及北美东岸间的出口货物,若使用巴拿马运河航运,直靠东岸港口卸货的船。 BAF BUNKER ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 燃料附加费。船公司因燃料费用调整而临时增收之 附加费。 B.D. BACK DATE 提早发放提单OR倒填装船日期。货物尚未装船,就以放提单或倒填装船日期,以方便其押汇。 B/L BILL OF LADING 提单COMM. COMMODITY 指商品名称。CC FREIGHT COLLECT 运费到付 CAF CURRENCY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 货币贬值附加费。船公司对相对货币,兑换币值调整 时,所增收之附加费。 C.Y. CONTAINER YARD 货柜场/堆场。现称整柜之货物,通称FCL(FULL CONTAINER LOAD) C&F COST AND FREIGHT 一种贸易条款:成本+运费 C.I.F COST,INSURANCE,AND FREIGHT 一种贸易条款:成本+保险+运费,从出口港到进口港 的海上运费及保险在内价。 C.F.S CONTAINER FREIGHT STATION 货柜处理集散站即货运站(适用于拼柜货) CLOSING DATE CUT OFF CLOSING DATE/CUT OFF DATE 结(截)关日(截重柜与放行条之分) CONSO. CONSOLIDATION 统一,合并,整理:收取零星货载(LCL)再并装成整柜,然后以FCL的装运条件,交付船公司。 C.B.M.CUBIC METER 立方公尺/材积长宽高各为一公尺的体积单位CO-LO COORPERATION 同行装运。 DOC DOCUMENT FEE 文件制作费。 D/D SVC DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE 门到门服务。 D/O DELIVERY ORDER 小提单。 DDC DESTINATION DELIVERY CHARGE 目的地移送费指到港货柜从码头运送到货柜场内部, 或内陆点火车站时,当地发生所收的费用。 DEMURRAGE DEMURRAGE 货柜延期补偿费(货货置于货柜后超出船公司所规定之容许时间而加收之费用)----重柜 DETENTION DETENTION 货柜延迟费。货柜拖离货柜场后超出船公司所规定之容许时间而加收之费用-----吉柜 EARLY COME EARLY COME 指货物在开仓前申请提早进仓 E.T.A ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVE 预计到航日 E.T.D ESTIMATED TIME OF DEPARTURE 预计开航日 E/C EAST COAST 美国东岸 F.O.B FREE ON BOARD 一种贸易条款;离岸价格,指到出口港装船为止的一



C=CATHOLICISM(天主教) B=BUDDHISM(佛教) I=ISLAM(伊斯兰教)NR=NO REFERENCE(没有宗教信仰) 星座 水瓶座:AQUARIUS(1月21日- 2月19日) 双鱼座:PISCES(2月20日- 3月20日) 白羊座:ARIES (3月21日- 4月20日) 金牛座:TAURUS(4月21日- 5月21日) 双子座:GEMINI(5月22日- 6月21日) 巨蟹座:CANCER(6月22日- 7月23日) 狮子座:LEO(7月24日- 8月23日) 处女座:VIRGO(8月24日- 9月23日) 天秤座:LIBRA (9月24日- 10月23日) 天蝎座:SCORPIUS(10月24日- 11月22日) 人马座:SAGITTARIUS(11月23日- 12月21日) 山羊座:CAPRICORNUS (12月22日- 1月20日) 1. 国际性或全美性: UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization)联合国教育科学文化组织(也叫国际文教组织) 例如:(The)UNESCO has made some contributions to the world.(UNESCO 对世界做出一些贡献) NATO(North Atlantic Treaty organization)北大西洋公约组织。 例如:Could(the)NATO members stick to their commitments?(NATO 的成员能坚守承担义务吗?) SALT(Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)战略武器限制公约 例如:Should every nation join(the)SALT?(每个国家都要加入SALT?)


外企公司常用缩写: RGDS: regards TKS: thanks ASAP: as soon as posible BTW: by the way FW: foward COD: code of conduct 公司行为规范准则 OL: office lady 职业女性 EG: for example FYI: for you information供你参考 ETC: estimated time of complete 预计完成时间 ETS: estimated time of shipping预计装船时间 NG: no good NFG: no fxxking good FNG: fxxking new guy 常指把事情搞得一团糟的新员工 SOB: son of a ***** 我的口头禅(王八蛋) cc: copies send to bcc: copies send to undisclosed-recipients 这一招很阴毒,发文骂人,bcc老板,而受文者看不到你告状stand up meeting非正式的短会,比如说三两个人站在过道中间讨论一下事情,老外喜欢这样干; 在外企必会的英文单词: background俺到外企上班了,那可是外企!像什么IBM什么的,用字母当公司名的那可都是大外企,不是什么民企能够比拟的!记得到UT找工作的时候,人力资源部(俺这叫HR)的领导看着我的简历说,你的background不错,俺心里就一阵兴奋,心想这可真到外企了呀! conferencecall会议调用这可是俺们的主要工作方式,有道是大call三六九,小call天天有,有事咱就call一下,call完该干吗咱还干吗呀! aggressive有进取心的这是俺们领导表扬和批评人用的:“小×,你最近可是很不aggressive啊!”于是,俺是每天很aggressive地上班,很aggressive地下班。 Add sb. To loop这就是说要把谁给绕到圈子里去,有的事知道的人少,这就很不好,应该让多些人知道,于是就把他绕到圈子里去。 involve包含跟上面的意思一样,就是上面的是邮件里面说的,这个是用话说的。需要谁来搀和一下了,就把谁给involve进来。 broadcast这是俺们外企发通知用的,比如“嘿,听说了吗?broadcast说了,食堂要涨价了,原来6块,现在6块6了!” team这是俺们生产队,比如开会时别的部门的领导问俺:“你是哪个team的?”俺就回答说:“俺是龟田小队长那个team的呀,都是皇军的队伍。” FYI这个缩写,老难了,俺第二年才明白啥意思,就是不关你事,让你看看的意思。 CC这也是缩写,后来才搞明白,就是把邮件塞给你想给看的人。比如,“小×,把这个邮件‘CC’××领导!”“领导,这个邮件已经‘CC’给你了!” push做工作嘛,困难大了就要推呀,反正这工作来了,俺就得推这个,推那个,一个推一个,往往跟俺家驴推磨似的,推了一圈,还得自己推啊,后来搞明白,咱的推功夫没有人家高啊axpat外籍雇员; hangout n. 巢穴,(流氓)住所下班不回家; partner工作同伙; A4“Pass me a A4 please.”叫你拿张纸给他,不是拿AK47步枪;


缩写说明 Metrics: HR Dept.: L.W.D.C: Lost Work Day Case Rate Quality Dept.: COQ: Cost of Quality WIR: Wiring Incident Report FTQ: First Time Quality WFCC: Worldwide Formal Customer Complaint PPM:Pieces per Million RRPPM: Return & Reject Piece Per Million IPTV: Incident Per Thousand Vehicles Engineering Dept.: C/O: Changeover time C/T: Cycle Time PDT: Planned Downtime LT: Lost Time DT: Downtime OA: Operational Availability OE: Operational Effectiveness PC&L Dept.: OEM: On time Shipments IPM: Incident Per Million E&O: Excess & Obsolete PRR: Problem Resolving Request MU: Material Utilization Others: Tpct: Total Production Cycle Time MCR: Material Cost Reduction

6SIGMA DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analysis, Improve, Control VOC: Voice of Customer CTQ: Critical to Quality SIPOC: Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer I&CIM: Innovation, & Continuos Improvement TMAP: Though Map PMAP: Process Map MSE: Measure System Evaluation FMEA: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis NEM: Numerical Evaluation of Metrics ANOVA: Analysis of Variance DOE : Design of Experiments LEAN 1.DMS -- Delphi Manufacturing system ?EEI : Employee Environment & Involvement ?WPO: Workplace Organization ?QS: Quality System ?OA: Operational Availability ?MM: material movement ?MSD: Manufacturing System Design 2.KMS -- Kaizen Manufacturing system 3.OSKKK -- Observation, Standardization, Kaizen, Kaizen, Kaizen …… 4.PFP -- People Focus practice 5.VSM—Value Stream Mapping 6.TPM: Total Production Maintenance 7.PMP: Production Maintenance Partnership 8.PM: Planned Maintenance 9.TPS: Toyota Production System 10. SMED: Single Minutes of Exchange Die 12. FIFO: First In First Out 13. 5S: Clear (Sort), Organize ( Straighten), Clean(Sweep), Maintain (Standardize), Continuous Improvement ( Sustain) 14. NWG: Natural Work Group 15. WIP: Work In Process 16. PFEP: Plant For Every Part


外贸常见词汇缩写大全 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) A A.R 一一 All Risks 一切险 ANER 一一Asia NorthAmerica EastboundRate 亚洲北美东行运费协定 AWB 一一 airway bill 空运提单 ATTN 一一 attention 注意 a/c 一一 account no. 账户 ASAP 一一 As soon as possible 越快越好 B.D.I 一一 Both Days Inclusive 包括头尾两天 BAF 一一 Bunker Adjustment Factor 燃油附加费 B/L 一一 Bill of Lading 海运提单 B/ldg.一一 B/L Bill of Lading 提单 Bs/L 一一 Bills of Lading 提单 (复数) B/R 一一买价 Buying Rate Bal. 一一 Balance 差额 bar. or brl. 一一 barrel 桶; 琵琶桶 B.B. clause 一一 Both to blame collision clause 船舶互撞条款 B/C 一一 Bills for collection 托收单据 B.C. 一一 before Christ 公元前 b.d. 一一 brought down 转下 B.D. 一一 Bank draft 银行汇票 Bill Discounted 一一贴现票据 bdle. ; bdl. 一一 bundle 把; 捆 b.e. ; B/E ; B. EX. 一一 Bill of Exchange 汇票 B.f. 一一 Brought forward 接下页 B/G 一一 Bonded goods 保税货物 bg. ; b/s 一一 bag(s) 袋 bkg. 一一 backing 银行业务 bkt. 一一 basket 篮; 筐 bl.; bls. 一一 bale(s) 包 bldg. 一一 building 大厦 bls. 一一 Bales 包 , barrels 桶 bot. ; bott. ; btl 一一 bottle 瓶


预约券reservation ticket 下午茶high tea 微博Microblog/ Tweets 裸婚naked wedding 亚健康sub-health 平角裤boxers 愤青young cynic 灵魂伴侣soul mate 小白脸toy boy 精神出轨soul infidelity 人肉搜索flesh search 剩女3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls 山寨copycat 异地恋long-distance relationship 性感妈妈yummy mummy 钻石王老五diamond bachelor 时尚达人fashion icon 上相的,上镜头的photogenic 学术界academic circle 哈证族certificate maniac 偶像派idol type 住房公积金housing funds 熟女cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 挑食者picky-eater 伪球迷fake fans 紧身服straitjacket 团购group buying 奉子成婚shotgun marriage 婚前性行为premarital sex 炫富flaunt wealth 决堤breaching of the dike 上市list share 赌球soccer gambling 桑拿天sauna weather 自杀Dutch act 假发票fake invoice 金砖四国BRIC countries 笑料laughing stock 泰国香米Thai fragrant rice 学历造假fabricate academic credentials 泄洪release flood waters 狂热的gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 防暑降温补贴high temperature subsidy 暗淡前景bleak prospects


物流专用术语物流基本概念术语 1.物品article 2.物流logistics 3.物流活动logistics activity 4.物流作业logistics operation 5.物流模数logistics modulus 6.物流技术logistics technology 7.物流成本logistics cost 8.物流管理logistics management 9.物流中心logistics center 10.物流网络logistics network 11.物流信息logistics information 12.物流企业logistics enterprise 13.物流单证logistics documents 14.物流联盟logistics alliance 15.供应物流supply logistics 16.生产物流production logistics 17.销售物流distribution logistics 18.回收物流returned logistics 19.废弃物物流waste material logistics 20.绿色物流environmental logistics 21.企业物流internal logistics 22.社会物流external logistics 23.军事物流military logistics 24.国际物流international logistics 25.第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL) 26.定制物流customized logistics 27.虚拟物流virtual logistics 28.增值物流服务value-added logistics service 29.供应链supply chain 30.条码bar code 31.电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI) 32.有形消耗tangible loss 33.无形消耗intangible loss 物流作业术语 1.运输transportation 2.联合运输combined transport 3.直达运输through transport 4.中转运输transfer transport


ACK (ACKnowledgment) TCP首部中的确认标志 API (Application Programming Interface) 应用编程接口 ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) 地址解析协议 A R PA N E T (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency NETwork) (美国)国防部远景研究规划局AS (Autonomous System) 自治系统 ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 美国信息交换标准码ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) 抽象语法记法1 BER (Basic Encoding Rule) 基本编码规则 BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) 边界网关协议 BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) 伯克利I n t e r n e t域名 BOOTP (BOOTstrap Protocol) 引导程序协议 BPF (BSD Packet Filter) BSD 分组过滤器 CIDR (Classless InterDomain Routing) 无类型域间选路 CIX (Commercial Internet Exchange) 商业互联网交换 CLNP (ConnectionLess Network Protocol) 无连接网络协议 CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) 循环冗余检验 CSLIP (Compressed SLIP) 压缩的S L I P CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) 载波侦听多路存取 DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment) 数据电路端接设备 DDN (Defense Data Network) 国防数据网 DF (Don’t Fragment) IP首部中的不分片标志


贸易中的一些英文及简写希望给大家带来帮助 (1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人 (2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货 (3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货 (4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费 (5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费 (6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地 (7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地 (8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货 (9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货 (10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货 (11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货 (12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货 主要船务术语简写: (1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取) (2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取) (3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费 (4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费(5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费 (6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费 (7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费 (8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费 (9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费 (10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费 (11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费 (12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单 (13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单 (14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据(15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证 (16)C/O (Certificate of Origin) 产地证 (17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract) 销售合同 (18)S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书 (19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费) (20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) (21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费 (22)CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场 (23)FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货(24)LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货(散货)


采购员经常遇到的英文缩写 1. R&D (research&design) 研发 2. APS (automated purchasing system) 自动采购系统 3. CAD (computer automated design) 计算机辅助设计 4. EDI (electronic data interchange) 电子数据交换系统 5. ERP (enterprise resource planning) 企业资源计划 6. ANX (automotive network exchange) 自动网络交换 7. CPO (chief procurement officers) 采购总监 8. CPE (collaborative planning and execution) 合作计划和执行 9. TCA (total cost of acquisition) 总获取成本 10. CPFR (collaborative,planning,forecasting,replenishment) 合作,计划,预测,补充 11. SCM (supply chain management) 供应链管理 12. VMI (vendor managed inventory) 卖方管理库存 13. VMR (vendor managed replenishment) 卖方管理补货 14. SCOR (supply chain operations reference) 供应链管理指南 15. LEW (least ex works) 最小离岸价 16. MOM (markup over coat model) 成本变动 17. 3PL (third party logistics) 第三方后勤服务 18. MRP (material requirements planning) 物料需求计划 19. CIO (computer information officers) 信息主管 20. PDCA (plan-do-check action cycle) 计划-实施-检查循环
