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I. Define the Followi ng Terms.

1. Morpheme

Morpheme(语素):the minimal meaningful unit(the smallest functioning unit in the

compositi on of words)

2. allomorph

Allomorph(语素变体):is a differe nt varia nt form of a morpheme , differ in phono logical and spelli ng form, but at the same in function and meaning. One of the varia nts that realize a morpheme 3. bound morpheme

Bound Morpheme(粘着语素):A bound morpheme is one that cannot stand by itself.

4. free morpheme

Free morphemes: Those which may occur alone, that is, those which may constitute words by

themselves, are free morphemes.

5. Affix

Affix is the collective term for the type of formative that can be used only whe n added to ano ther morpheme.

6. in flecti onal affix

Inflectional affixes (屈折词缀)(inflectional morphemes): affixes attached to the end of words to in dicate grammatical relati on ships are in flecti onal

7. derivati onal affix

Derivational affixes(派生词缀)A) prefix: A prefix comes before words. B)suffix

a prefix or suffix added to a root or stem to form ano ther word, as un- in un read, -n ess in

like ness

8. root

A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further an alyzed without total loss of ide ntity.

9. stem

A stem is the surplus part after the cutting of inflectional morpheme in a word with in flect ional

morphemes,ca n be further an alyzed, it sometimes could be a root.

10. Refere nee

Refere nee is the conven ti onal or arbitrary relatio nship betwee n Ian guage and the world.

Part of the word meaning is the referen ce.

11. Motivation(理据):

Motivati on refers to the conn ecti on betwee n the lin guistic symbol and its meanin g.Most words are non-m otivated.

12. Conceptual meaning(概念意义):

also known as denotative meaning(夕卜延意义)Conceptual meaning is often described as dictio nary meaning or literal meaning of a word. It is the core of the meaning of a word.

13. grammatical meaning

(语法意义):in dicate the grammatical con cept(become importa nt only in actual con text)Grammatical meaning refers to that part of meaning which indicates grammatical relati on ships or functions, such as tense meaning, sin gular meaning, etc

14. associative mea ning



Which of the follow ing is NOT a rhetorical feature of idioms? A . Phonetic manipulation. C . Figures of speech.

22.The sentence — I like Mary better tha n you.

B .

A . extra-l in guistic con text

C . grammatical con text 23.Which of the following is NOT stock? C

B . Lexical manipulation. D. Phrasal verbs.

II is ambiguous due tC lexical con text D . one of the homonymy obvious characteristics of the basic word

A .. Creativity. C . Duality.

24. Synonyms can be classified into two major groups, that is:

A. absolute and relative Stability. All n atio nal character.

(A )


B. absolute and complete

C. relative and n ear

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1414264362.html,plete and ide ntical In the early period of Middle En glish, En glish, _ D ________ e xisted side by side. A. Celtic and Danish B. Danish and French

C. Lati n and Celtic

D. French and Lati n

A monomorphemic word is a word that consists of a single ( C ) morpheme.

A. formal

B. con crete

C. free

D. Bound Associative meaning(关联意义):According to the semantic analysis of Geoffrey Leech, the associative meaning of an expressi on has to do with in dividual men tal un dersta ndings of the speaker. 15.


Hyponymy deals with the relati on ship of sema ntic in clusio n. The meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word. For example, a cat is hyp onym of ani mal 16.

stylistic meaning

Lan guage use can be formal, n eutral and casual in style. The stylistic features of words, which make words appropriate for appropriate situati ons, con stitute stylistic meanings of words. 17.

affective meaning

Affective mea ning refers to that part of mea ning which con veys emotio ns and attitudes of a Ian guage user. Sometimes affective mea nings are brought out only in con text. 18.

collective meaning

Collective meaning consists of the associations a word acquires on account of the meanings of words which tend to occur in its environment. 19.

Sla ng

Slang is the "language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of sta ndard educated speech, and con sist ing either of new words or of curre nt words used in some social sen se." 20.

homoph one 同音异义词

A homoph one is a word that is pronounced the same as ano ther word but differs in mea ning


Which of the followi ng is NOT an acronym? ( B ) A. TOEFL




28. Which of the followi ng is NOT one of the main sources of new words? B

A. The rapid developme nt of moder n scie nee and tech no logy.

B . Geographical and political changes.

C. The in flue nee of other cultures and Ian guages.

D. Social and economic changes.

29. Neologisms are n ewly-created words or expressi ons. Which of the follow ing is NOT

an example of n eologisms? B

A. SARS. B . Can-opener.

C. Futurology. D . Freak out.

30. The written form of En glish is a(an) __ C __________ r eprese ntati on of the spoke n form.

A. selective

B. adequate

C. imperfect

D. n atural

Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1) meaning of prefixes; 2) type of word formati ons; 3)types of meaning cha nges and 4)

types of idioms.



(J ) 31 . Ultr- A. backformati on

( A ) 32 . burgle B. i nitialism

(H ) 33. pop C. tran sfer of sen sati on

( C ) 34 . clear-sounding D. before

( B ) 35 . VOA E. brim (water ' s edge the top edge of a cup)

( D ) 36 . fore- F. mistress

( F ) 37 .degradati on G.succeed

(I )38 . kick the bucket H. clippi ng

( E ) 39 . exte nsion I. die

(G ) 40 . make it J. extreme

41. What is lexical taxonomy 词汇分类结构? Illustrate your points with examples. Lexical tax onomy

is a classified structure formed by differe nt level of types of lexic on. The relation between different types of lexicons is taxonomy. In the taxonomy relations, the

lexic on contains a narrow type is tax ony ms, while the lexic on contains a wide type on a superior level is superord in ate. The lexic ons in the same level are co-tax ony ms, the relati on betwee n which is called co-tax onymy.

Taxonomy denotes a relation of belonging: X is a kind/type/token of Y. In this case, X represe nts the tax ony ms, Y represe nts superodi nated.

For examples: horse is a kind of ani mal;

Carrot is a kind of vegetable;

Chair is a kind of furn iture;

Hammer and saws are kind of tools;

Usually, the types in taxonomy relations are wider than the breeds: animal>horse,

vegetable>carrot, etc.

42. What is ameliorati on of meaning? What is degradati on of meaning? Illustrate

your points with examples.

(1)Elevation or amelioration of meaning 词义的升华:the process by which words

rise from humble (粗陋的) beg innings to positi ons of importa nee.

[eg : knight (old)servant (el)rank below baronet 从男爵]

(2)Elevation of Meaning ( or amelioration)( 词义的升格)

It refers to the process by which words rise from humble begi nnings to positi ons of importa nee.

e.g. marshal: a serva nt who looks after mares/keeper of horse

mini ster: serva nt

nice: ignorant, foolish

(3)Degradation of Meaning ( or degeneration)( 词义的降格)

It is a process whereby non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sen se.

it is much more com mon for word meanings to cha nge in deno tati on from n eutral to pejorative tha n it is for them to go the other way .

e.g.sad: calm, serious ------- sorryful

cunning: knowing a skillful ------- gossip , crafty.

wen ch: girl, young woman ------ a loose woma n , prostitute

boor : peasa nt ------ ill-ma nn ered pers on

fond: foolish

43. What is transferred epithet 转移修饰词? Illustrate it with examples.

An epithet is an adjective (or phrase containing an adjective) or adverb which modifies

(describes) a noun. For in sta nee, in "dreamless sleep", dreamless is the epithet.

In a transferred epithet (also known as hypallage; literally "echange") the adjective or adverb is tran sferred from the noun it logically bel ongs with, to ano ther one which fits it grammatically but n ot logically. So in "dreamless ni ght" , dreamless is a tran sferred epithet.

The exact meaning of the sentence is "ni ght whe n I (or whoever) slept without dream in g," since a ni ght can't actually dream any way.

We use tran sferred epithets all the time. Ano ther example could be "I had a terrible day."

"Terrible" is a tran sferred epithet, because it was n't the day that was terrible, only the things that happened to me on that day. A more poetic example would be "a long and weary road" - long can apply logically to the road, but not weary - so weary is a tran sferred epithet

44. What is syn aesthesia? Illustrate it with examples.

Synaesthesia is a joining together of sensations that are normally experieneed separately. Synesthesiacan occur between nearly any two sensesor perceptual modes, and at least one synesthete experieneed synesthesiathat linked all five senses.Given the large number of forms of synesthesia, researchers have adopted a convention of

indicating the type of synesthesia by using the following notation x f y, where x the "in ducer" or trigger experie nee, and y is the "con curre nt" or additi onal experie nee.

For example, perceiving letters and numbers (collectively called graphemes) as colored would be in dicated as grapheme f color syn esthesia (e.g., A is likely to be

red). I n spatial-seque nee, or nu mber form syn esthesia, nu mbers, mon ths of the year, an d/or days of the week elicit precise locatio ns in space (for example, 1980 may be "farther away" tha n 1990), or may have a (three-dime nsio nal) view of a year as a map (clockwise or coun terclockwise)

V. State the glocalizati on of En glish Ian guage

Glocalisati on (or glocalizati on) is a compo und word of globalizati on and localizati on. By defi niti on, the term —glocal II refers to the in dividual, group, divisi on, un it, orga ni sati on, and

com mun ity which is willi ng and able to —thi nk globally and act locally. II

Glocalizati on A comb in ati on of the words —globalizatio n II and —ildcasluggestw the

unique local and situated forms and effects of widespread and eve n global processes .

For example: the words —hipmunk I moose II come from India Ianguage; the word —brandy dhd Han dscape I Icome from Holla nd; the words —argo I, —on traba nd I Icome from Spanish; the words -acme , -acrobat I I and -catastrophe I Icome from Greek.

V.State the features of En glish idioms with examples.

1.Idiomaticity(习用性):The idiom is widely used by English-American countries, and it

has a wide social base and strong vitality.

Such as: rain cats and dogs, cut off one 'nose to spite one 'face, play one beards close

to one schest, etc .

Some of them have platitudes, some have already lost the origi nal cultural con text . But

they are still widely used owi ng to its certa in meaning in people 'lives.

2. Syntactic frozenness(定型性):The syntactic frozenness of the idiom is also called the

Syntactic fixedness(固定性).Like Chinese idiom, The form of a idiom is fixed, it can 'be

syn tactically cha nged or replaced.

Only a small part of the idioms can be replaced by other words, but these cha nges are fixed, too. For example: in the idiom —drawne 'teeth [I the word 也eth Ilean be changed by —angs .

Most of them can ' be changed, or the meaning will be way different. For example: the idiom —tare one in the face I I is differe nt from the idiom —loolone in the face |J 3.Semantic utility(整体性):The idiom has the characteristic that it has to be used as a

whole sema ntic un it. Although the idioms have various forms such as senten ce, phrase and sin gle word, every part of them is tight related and in separable. In ano ther word, we cannot judge a idiom 'meaning word by word. Example : :

be/feel under the weather(感觉不舒服)、beat generation (迷惘的一代)、on the carpet(受罚,受训)

The sema ntic utility is an importa nt feature to tell the idioms from free phrases.

4.Semantic opacity(不透明性):The other obvious feature of idioms is semantic opacity, which means the idiom can 'be un dersta nd literally. Accord ing to the degrees of opacity,

the idioms can be classified into four types: ① tran spare nt (透明);eg. Long time no see.

② semi-idiom(半成语),eg. A fat salary . ③semi-transparent, eg. a watched pot never

boils.心急水南开④opaque(不透明),eg. kick the bucket ,死去、断气

Like the feature of Sema ntic utility, Sema ntic opacity is also a symbol of the idiom.
