当前位置:搜档网 › 老外求职回复走红,给空红包,“怂”是遵从本心的解释简直无可挑剔!





有人从中国友人那里听说“just follow your heart”是“从心”的意思,面试时直接举了一个“怂”字进场,还解释这是自己的座右铭。








































1. I see .我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too .我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on .来吧( 赶快) 8. Hold on .等一等。 9. I agree 。我同意。 10. Not bad .还不错。 11. Not yet .还没。 12. See you .再见。 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long .再见。 15. Why not? 好呀! ( 为什么不呢?) 16. Allow me .让我来。 17. Be quiet! 安静点! 18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! 21. How much? 多少钱? 22. I'm full .我饱了。 23. I'm home .我回来了。 24. I'm lost .我迷路了。 25. My treat .我请客。 26. So do I .我也一样。 27. This way 。这边请。 28. After you .您先。 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 30. Follow me .跟我来。 31. Forget it! 休想! ( 算了!) 32. Good luck! 祝好运! 33. I decline! 我拒绝! 34. I promise .我保证。 35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! 37. Take care! 保重! 38. They hurt .( 伤口) 疼。 39. Try again .再试试。 40. Watch out! 当心。 41. What's up? 有什么事吗? 42. Be careful! 注意! 43. Bottoms up! 干杯( 见底)! 44. Don't move! 不许动! 45. Guess what? 猜猜看?

老外不回邮件 怎么频繁写邮件跟踪

第一次跟踪 分析下原因,一般情况下我会再写封追踪信给他: Hope you are fine, my friend. It is regret that I haven't receive any information from your side. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. As we d on't want to lost a good customer like you! If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. H ope we can build good cooperation with you. 如果客人还没有回信,一周后再问客人不回信的真实原因.(一般情况,70%的客人会告诉你他的原因) 第二次跟踪 Glad to contact you again! Have you kindly checked my email? Hope you are already read my email! Sorry tha t we still don't receive any information from you. I would appreciate for your any c omment about our offer, including price, quality, service. No matter if it is positive answer, It is great help for us to meet your requirement. Waiting for your favorable reply soon! 之后的日子里,可以尝试新产品的报价,刺激下客人的神经. 我通常是这样写的: good day! My quotation of digital photo frame you might have received and considered. Could you kindly advise your comments at your earlier convenience? if the products is not your are expecting, pls advise me your details requirement, i will re-offer asap. i am of service at any time! 但是,不同的客人,我会变换着写邮件,让客人知道我们公司,产品的存在.我不会把客人缠得太紧,约十来天给他一封邮件我通常这样回复的: Dear ***, Wish you have a nice day! May I ask whether you have received my quotation?Now I am sending it again,if y ou have any other ideas.Please feel free to contact me.We will do much better if y ou can give any advices to us. I am waiting for your reply ASAP. Best regards


26句美国人日常生活中常用的句子 熟练地运用英语的一个重要方面就是学习并掌握英语本族者常用的生动、活泼的习语。 1. After you.你先请。 这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。(好 象现在女士不愿意你这么做,特别是那些女权主义者,我还记得这么一段话:一个 女士对一个让她先行的男士说:you do this because i am a woman?那个男士回 答说:i do this not because you are a woman but because i am a man!i love this guy! 2. I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。 想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子: I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried. I just couldn't help it. 太棒的句子了,我爱死它了。:) 3. Don't take it to heart. 别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。 生活实例:This test isn't that important. Don't take it to heart. 安 慰人的超级句子。 4. We'd better be off.我们该走了。 It's getting late. We'd better be off . 5. Let's face it. 面对现实吧。 常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。 参考例句:I know it's a difficult situation. Let's face it, OK? 很棒啊,年轻人犯错误,上帝都会原谅,remember?但是犯了错误,你必须面对他 ,let's face it,或者是:let's face the music. 6. Let's get started.咱们开始干吧。 劝导别人时说:Don't just talk. Let's get started. let's get started. let's start. let's do it right now. let's hit sth. let's rock&roll. let's put our hands on sth. 7. I'm really dead.我真要累死了。 坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, I’m really dead. 8. I've done my best.我已尽力了。 这句话,很有用,失败有时难免,但是你要是可以说,i've done my best.or i spare no efforts.就不必遗憾,毕竟,man supposes,god disposes. 9. Is that so?真是那样吗? 常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑。 10. Don't play games with me!别跟我耍花招!


1.Have a nice day! Hope I am not bothering you. I am writing to approach you for future business. We are one of the leading manufacturers of medical equipment in China, and we wonder if we could commence business with your firm. Enclosed is some of our products, hope them will meet your taste and need. If we can be of any help in the future, do not hesitate to let us know. It would be pleasure to receive an answer from you. 等几天还没回,可以再写一篇。 2.Good day for you! Having no news from you for sever al days . I’d like to know your comments on our prices . What do you think of our prices? Are you interested in some of our products? I am eager to know your comment ,so I approach you again to remind you weather this project still active for us or not? It will be our great pleasure if we could co-operate with you in near future. Looking forward to your prompt response . 还是没回,有点郁闷了, 3.Hope you are fine and your business is booming! I sent you an quotation of o ur products ,but I still not received any feedback from by now. Did you got it? if yes please check it and give us your kindly comments . Also if you have any questions or need more information , just pls feel free let me know and then we can discuss further. Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated. 慢慢磨吧,做外贸是10月怀胎,周末在写一篇 4.Have a nice weekend!


Savvy Chat Chinese – 20 Questions to Basic Fluency 20 Questions to Basic Fluency: Guide to Basic Conversational Mandarin by Matt Sikora First Edition, 2012 Editor: Seraph Ching

Contact Information: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/124949313.html,/profile/mtska https://https://www.sodocs.net/doc/124949313.html,/u/0/117895081310002069781/about https://www.sodocs.net/doc/124949313.html,/pub/matthew-sikora/a/473/a35 Savvy Chat Chinese: 20 Questions to Basic Fluency by Matt Sikora is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit https://www.sodocs.net/doc/124949313.html,/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

Savvy Chat Chinese – 20 Questions to Basic Fluency How to use this book Conversation is the heart of language learning. Talking with someone in another language develops your listening skills while giving you the speaking practice that you need. But conversing in another language can be hard to manage when you are first starting out. Savvy Chat Chinese – 20 Questions to Basic Fluency is homebase for developing your Mandarin Chinese communication skills. It is not only a guide for you, but it is also a guide for your language partner. Conversation is all about improvising within the linguistic and cultural rules of the language. This book allows you improvise with a manageable number of high frequency questions and answer and it gives your language partner a guide as to how to help you so that you can both make the most of your time. Below are some suggestions on how to use Savvy Chat Chinese – 20 Questions to Basic Fluency: 1. Read the book – Read the book all the way through. It gives you a unique perspective on the grammar at work behind the patterns and characters used in the questions and answers. 2. Personalize the book – Take some time to personalize the questions and answers in this book with your own information. If someone asks you one of these questions it is important for you to be able to come up with a response with your own information. Write out your answers (or your likely answers) to each of the 20 questions and keep that list handy. 3. Chat – Whether you are face to face or texting - communicating with real people is still the best way to learn a language. You need to use the questions and answers in this book as often as you can. You don’t need to be perfect. In fact, you absolutely have to make mistakes in order to learn languages. No one, native speaker or foreigner, young or old, has ever learned Mandarin without going through the same thing that you are going through right now. If you have a language partner, let the person know that you are focusing on these 20 questions and answers and give the person a copy of them so he or she can help you. You will be able to make the most of your time if both of you are using these questions and answers in your conversations.


如何用询盘回复技巧来应对全世界不同国家的这些买家。美国客户与印度客户,咱们是否使用同一套应对战术呢?本次培训小编则主要向大家介绍在应对不同国家的买家时候,我们又该使用什么样的技巧抓住他们的心呢~ 1. 邮件书写注意事项: 着重强调就加粗,千万不要用红色,red在老外眼里是表示“红灯停“这类警戒的含义,以前小编就收到老外反馈说”中国卖家给我写邮件用红色,红 色什么意思,他们懂不懂啊~“ 2. 和美国客户做生意的小技巧: 第一:美国人非常注重效率。 他们喜欢速战速决,因此针对美国客户,建议询盘开门见山,不要绕。 直接告知产品的需求,非常符合美国客户注重效率、喜欢速战速决的性格特征。 用最精炼的语言传递清楚你的意思就可以了,而自己不清楚的情况下尽量把问题在一封邮件里抛出你所有问题,千万不要来来回回好几遍,客户估计很快就离你而去的,因为太低效了。 第二:美国人工作认真,注意时间管理。 很多老美客户也知道和中国存在时差,但是经常也是会守在电脑前等你的回复滴~~而他们最不愿意花费时间在无畏的等待上,因此拿https://www.sodocs.net/doc/124949313.html,的

旺旺为例,小编以前是做买家的,所以有许多的老美买家会和我反馈说“最受不了的是那些供应商,明明旺旺在线,去联系的时候毫无反应“,大多买家也会合理分配自己的时间的,所以他不会只和你一家旺旺在线的联系,比如联系你以后3-5分钟没反应,他就会去找下一家,许多买家都会和我们反 馈”最喜欢直接的交流,不存在任何时差,来往的chatting就能要到想要的信息“,我相信这也是为什么很多中国供应商喜欢在半夜旺旺还守着的原因吧! 第三:美国人喜欢直接和简便的方式。 美国人比较直接,做事不喜欢拖拖拉拉的,所以大部分老美付钱比较准时,不像有些国家客户需要delay好久。而关于为什么那么多老美喜欢用Paypal, 这个和Paypal已经在美国的市场占有率相当高和培养了这些用户习惯有关,就和我们爱用支付宝一样,习惯和口碑已经存在了,虽然paypal手续费很 高,但是老美还是很喜欢用这个而不愿意去用T/T. 第四:美国人不爱讨价还价。 美国人和印度人不同,整个国家没有太多讨价还价的传统。所以,给老美的报价就不要像对待印度人那样(具体见下文印度部分)给出一个迷糊价让老美跟你砍价,他们才没这种心思跟你来来去去砍价呢!很多人可能会觉得老美自是高傲,但是这可能与国家习惯和美国霸主的地位相关,报价不宜太高也不宜太低,太高会让客户觉得你坑了很多,太低老美会觉得你的质量很差。而且美国人对于质量的要求也要比一些普通国家高的多,所以报价环节要尤其注意。 第五:美国人喜欢社交网络。 一般会觉得老美还是比较fashion的,爱好高科技,喜欢社交网络,所以在平时的沟通中也可以多使用一些潮一些的词汇或者社交工具,facebook,twitter,skype这些都已经快过时了,现在可以多聊聊新兴的比如Google眼睛之类的可穿戴装备,Whats app等等更为时尚的产品,尤其是对于商业


最好用的20句生活英语 1. After you.你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。 2. I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子: I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried. I just couldn't help it. 3. Don't take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例: This test isn't that important. Don't take it to heart. 4. We'd better be off.我们该走了。It's getting late. We'd better be off . 5. Let's face it.面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。 参考例句:I know it's a difficult situation. Let's face it, OK? 6. Let's get started.咱们开始干吧。劝导别人时说:Don't just talk. Let's get started. 7. I'm really dead.我真要累死了。坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, I’m really dead. 8. I've done my best.我已尽力了。 9. Is that so?真是那样吗?常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑。 10. Don't play games with me!别跟我耍花招! 11. I don't know for sure.我不确切知道。 Stranger:Could you tell me how to get to the town hall? Tom: I don't know for sure. Maybe you could ask the policeman over there. 12. I'm not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。 Karin:You quit the job? You are kidding. Jack: I'm not going to kid you. I'm serious. 13. That's something.太好了,太棒了。 A: I'm granted a full scholarship for this semester. B: Congratulations. That's something. 14. Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明! 15. Do you really mean it?此话当真? Michael:Whenever you are short of money, just come to me. David: Do you really mean it? 16. You are a great help.你帮了大忙 17. I couldn't be more sure.我再也肯定不过。 18. I am behind you.我支持你。 A: Whatever decision you're going to make, I am behind you. 19. I'm broke.我身无分文。 20. Mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用Mind。) 模范例句:Mind you! He's a very nice fellow though bad-tempered. 21. You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。 A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party? B: You can count on it. 22. I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面:Oh, don't worry. I'm thinking of buying a new one. I never liked it anyway. 23. That depends.看情况再说。 例:I may go to the airport to meet her. But that depends. 24. Congratulations.恭喜你,祝贺你。 25. Thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时,你就可以用这个短语表示谢意。 26. It's a deal.一言为定Harry:Haven't seen you for ages. Let's have a get-together next week. Jenny: It's a deal

英文 老外不回邮件的跟催

相信很多外贸人士都遇到过老外不回邮件的情况吧,希望下面的东西,对你们有用~~ 分析下原因,一般情况下我会再写封追踪信给他: Hope you are fine, my friend.It is regret that I haven't receive any information from your side. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. As we don't want to lost a good customer like you!If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with your. 如果客人还没有回信,一周后再问客人不回信的真实原因.(一般情况,70%的客人会告诉你他的原因) Glad to contact you again!Have you kindly check my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! Sorry that we still don't receive any information from you. I would apprreciate for your any comment about our offer, including price, quality, sercive. No matter if it is positive answer, It is great help for us to meet your requirement.Waiting for your favorable reply soon! 之后的日子里,可以尝试新产品的报价,刺激下客人的神经. 我通常是这样写的:good day!my quotation of digital photo frame you might have received and considerated. could you kindly advise your comments at your earlier convenience? if the products isnot your are expecting,pls advise me your details requirement, i will re-offer asap.i am of service at any time! 但是,不同的客人,我会变换着写邮件,让客人知道我们公司,产品的存在.我不会把客人缠得太紧,约十来天给他一封邮件我通常这样回复的: Dear ***,Wish you have a nice day!May I ask whether you have received my quotation?Now I am sending it again,if you have any other ideas.Please feel free to contact me.We will do much better if you can give any advices to us.I am waiting for your reply ASAP.Best regardsWennie.


回复老外客户邮件常用结束语 1. please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken 有劳贵方,不胜感激 2. we are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in this matter 不胜感激贵方对此事的关照 3. we tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair 对贵方在此事中的慷慨之举,深表感谢 4. allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us 对贵方之盛情,不胜感激 5. we thank you for the special care you have given to the matter 贵方对此细心关照,不胜感激

6. we should be grateful for your trial order 如承试订货,不胜感激 7. we should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements 如承赐示具体要求,不胜感激 8. it will be greatly appreciated of you will kingdly sed us your samples 如承惠寄样品,则不胜感激 9. we shall appreciate it very much if you will give our bid your favorable consideration 如承优惠考虑报价,不胜感激 10. we are greatly obliged for your bulk order just received


1.After you.你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。 2. I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子: I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried. I just couldn't help it. 3. Don't take it to heart. 别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例: This test isn't that important. Don't take it to heart. 4. We'd better be off.我们该走了。It's getting late. We'd better be off . 5. Let's face it. 面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。 参考例句:I know it's a difficult situation. Let's face it, OK? 6. Let's get started.咱们开始干吧。劝导别人时说:Don't just talk. Let's get started. 7. I'm really dead.我真要累死了。坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, I’m really dead. 8. I've done my best.我已尽力了。 9. Is that so?真是那样吗?常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑。 10. Don't play games with me!别跟我耍花招! 11. I don't know for sure.我不确切知道。 Stranger:Could you tell me how to get to the town hall? Tom: I don't know for sure. Maybe you could ask the policeman over there. 12. I'm not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。 Karin:You quit the job? You are kidding. Jack: I'm not going to kid you. I'm serious. 13. That's something. 太好了,太棒了。 A: I'm granted a full scholarship for this semester. B: Congratulations. That's something. 14. Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明! 15. Do you really mean it? 此话当真? Michael:Whenever you are short of money, just come to me. David: Do you really mean it? 16. You are a great help.你帮了大忙 17. I couldn't be more sure. 我再也肯定不过。 18. I am behind you.我支持你。 A: Whatever decision you're going to make, I am behind you. 19. I'm broke.我身无分文。 20. Mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用Mind。) 模范例句:Mind you! He's a very nice fellow though bad-tempered. 21. You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。 A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party? B: You can count on it. 22. I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面:Oh, don't worry. I'm thinking of buying a new one. I never liked it anyway. 23. That depends.看情况再说。 例:I may go to the airport to meet her. But that depends. 24. Congratulations.恭喜你,祝贺你。 25. Thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时,你就可以用这个短语表示谢意。


如何给老外写邮件 需要写的英文邮件多了,就觉得很吃力,尤其是当需要经常写给同一个人时。希望邮件的开头、结尾、一些客套的话能有不同的表达~~ 邮件的开头:感谢读者是邮件开场白的好办法。感谢您的读者能让对方感到高兴,特别是之后你有事相求的情况下会很有帮助。 Thank you for contacting us.如果有人写信来询问公司的服务,就可以使用这句句子开头。向他们对公司的兴趣表示感谢。 Thank you for your prompt reply.当一个客户或是同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们。如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.” Thank you for providing the requested information.如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。 Thank you for all your assistance.如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I tr uly appreciate … your help in resolving the problem.”Thank you raising your concerns.

就算某个客户或是经理写邮件给你对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你也可以使用,“Thank you for your feedback.” 在邮件的结尾:在邮件开头表示感谢一般是表示对对方过去付出的感谢,而在邮件结尾处表示感谢是对将来的帮助表示感谢。事先表示感谢,能让对方在行动时更主动更乐意。 Thank you for your kind cooperation.如果你需要读者帮助你做某事,那就先得表示感谢。 Thank you for your attention to this matter.与以上的类似,本句包含了你对对方将来可能的帮助表示感谢。 Thank you for your understanding.如果你写到任何会对读者产生负面影响的内容那就使用这句句子吧。 Thank you for your consideration.如果您是在寻求机会或是福利,例如你在求职的话,就用这封邮件结尾。 Thank you again for everything you've done.这句句子可以用在结尾,和以上有所不同。如果你在邮件开头已经谢过了读者,你就可以使用这句话,但是因为他们的帮助,你可以着重再次感谢你们的付出。


1.How are you doing?(你好吗?) 2.I'm doing great.(我过得很好。) 3.What's up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?) 4.Nothing special.(没什么特别的。) 5.Hi. Long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了。) 6.So far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好。) 7.Things couldn't be better.(一切顺利。) 8.How about yourself?(你自己呢?) 9.Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。) 10.Are you making progress?(有进展吗?) 11.May I have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?) 12.I've heard so much about you.(久仰大名。) 13.I hope you're enjoying your staying here.(希望你在这里过得愉快。) 14.Let"s get together again.(改天再聚聚。) 15.That's a great idea!(好主意!) 16.Please say hello to your mother for me.(请代我向你母亲问好。) 17.I'm glad to have met you.(很高兴遇到你。) 18.Don't forget us.(别忘了我们。) 19.Keep in touch.(保持联系。) 20.I had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘的时光。) 21.Have a nice weekend.(周末愉快。) 22.Same to you.(彼此彼此。) 23.Nice talking to you.(很高兴与你聊天。) 24.Take care of yourself.(自己当心/照顾好你自己。) 25.Thank you for everything.(谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。) 26.Thank you all for coming.(谢谢光临。) 27.I appreciate your help.(我感谢你的帮助。) 28.You're always welcome.(别客气/不用谢) 29.Forget it.(算了吧) 30.It was my pleasure.(不用谢。) 31.I made a mistake.(我弄错了。) 32.I'm terribly sorry.(实在抱歉。) 33.I must apologize!(我必须道歉!) 34.I feel terrible.(我感觉糟透了。) 37.What do you do?(你做什么工作?) 38.How do you like your new job?(你觉得你的新工作怎样?) 39.I like it a lot.(我很喜欢。) 40.I like reading and listening to music.(我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。) 41.What's wrong?(怎么回事?) 42.What happened?(发生什么事了?) 43.I hope nothing is wrong.(我希望一切顺利。) 44.I know how you feel.(我知道你的感受。) 45.Sorry to hear that.(听到这个消息我很难受。) 46.Come on, you can do that.(来吧,你能做到的。)
