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Management is the theme of the enterprise, the stand or fall of management will directly decided to enterprise benefit of high and low. In the production and management, if there is no security do guarantee, the benefit is mentioned, so, should notice to catch the management of production safety. Especially as a production line of the team personnel for the administration of production safety, is the whole security management system and the end of the actor, safety management is effective or not, depending on whether the meticulous in place at the end of a control, and therefore more to pay special attention to be solved.

At present along with enterprise's development, security becomes more and more attention to. Subsequent safety management also gradually by people attention, security is a enterprise development the most fundamental and most the core factors, security is to better development, development is inseparable from safety, safety, prevention this is our power department hard starts an undertaking, speeds up the development has been the way to go!

"Safety first, focus on prevention" is the direction of the safety management and pointer. The so-called "safety first" is to require the production process participants can fully aware of the safety and production of the relationship between the dialectical unity, when safety and production is contradictory, must adhere to the principle of safety first; And "prevention first" calls for work safety in advance guard do, want to rely on safety science and technology means, strengthen the safety science management, make scientific prediction and analysis of the accident, from the nature of the security of production system, strengthen the prevention measures to ensure the safety and stability of the enterprise.

Safety management is very important, if the job to do bad, will naturally to enterprise and worker caused great damage, therefore, each enterprise should be paying attention to safety management work, set up security organization, strict supervision of production work in time, found that the problem and solve problems and to prevent it. At present, our social undertakings have seen a major development and progress, and the safety of the traditional management mode can not meet the modern social development request, in this case, we need to seriously study and application of scientific management ways and methods to improve the level of safety management, and promote the development of the enterprise better.

Key words:security; Production; management


摘要 (1)

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... II 目录............................................................................................................................................... I II 1 绪论. (1)

1.1课题背景 (1)

1.1.2国外大型企业集团安全管理模式 (2)

2 安全生产管理的意义 (3)

2.1安全生产 (3)

2.2管理 (3)

2.3安全生产管理 (4)

2.4安全生产管理的重要性以及意义 (5)

2.4.1 从政治、经济、社会角度看加强安全生产监督管理的必要性。 (5)

2.4.2 从安全生产现状看,加强安全生产不仅十分必要,而且非常迫切。 (5)

2.4.3 安全生产管理的意义。 (6)

3 现代安全生产管理 (7)

3.1现代安全生产管理 (7)

3.2现代安全生产管理的原理、内容 (8)

3.2.1 以预防事故为中心,进行预先安全分析与评价 (8)

3.2.2 从总体出发,实行系统安全管理 (9)

3.2.3对安全进行定量分析 (9)

3.2.4从捉高设备的可靠性入手,把安全同生产的稳定发展统一起来 (10)

3.3现代安全生产管理所采用的方法以及作用效果 (10)

3.3.1 形式多样,注重效果,全面宣讲安全的重要性 (11)

3.3.2 安全管理要以人为本 (11)

3.3.3 重视激励作用 (11)

3.3.4 把情感融入安全管理 (12)

3.3.5 把全员吸纳入安全管理 (12)

3.3.6 把安全管理贯穿到始终 (12)

3.3.7 实行全方位安全管理 (13)

3.3.8 安全管理需要有完整的管理体系 (13)

4 现代安全生产管理中存在的问题 (15)

4.1安全认识不到位,普遍存在重生产轻安全的现象 (17)

4.2安全管理水平低下,安全管理手段落后 (17)

4.3宏观安全管理有待进一步加强 (17)

4.4应对突发事故的预案和预案的实施有明显不足 (18)

5 抓好安全生产管理的对策和建议 (19)

5.1如何提高安全管理水平 (19)

5.2解决认识问题,突出安全工作的基础地位 (19)

5.3认真落实各级人员安全生产责任制,特别是安全第一责任人。 (19)

5.3.1 要树立“安全第一、预防为主”的思想 (20)

5.3.2 要建立健全主要负责人安全生产责任制 (20)

5.3.3 要建立主要负责人向职工代表大会报告制度 (20)

5.3.4 要加强各级政府的监督作用 (20)

5.4完善安全保证体系和安全监察体系,使之充分发挥作用 (20)

5.5积极开展安全性评价和风险评估工作 (21)

5.5.1 要严格准入、严格管理,从源头把好安全评价机构质量关 (21)

5.5.2要严把安全评价人员准入关 (21)

5.5.3 搞好安全评价工作需要高素质的人才 (22)

5.5.4 建立安全评价工作质量保障机制 (22)

5.6强化现场监督检查,确保企业长治久安 (22)

5.7加强安全技术教育、培训工作,提高人员素质。 (23)

5.8加强企业安全文化建设 (24)

5.8.1 安全文化的概念和本质 (24)

5.8.2 安全文化在企业生产中的作用 (24)

5.8.3 企业安全文化的建设 (25)

5.9加强重大事故应急救援体系建设,控制和降低事故危害后果 (26)

5.9.1 事故应急救援的基本任务 (26)

5.9.2事故应急救援的特点 (27)

5.9.3 生产经营单位要建立事故应急救援预案 (27)

6 企业的安全管理 (29)

6.1目前企业安全管理现状 (29)

6.2安全管理工作看法 (29)

6.2.1建立合理的、具有活力的现代企业安全管理新机制 (30)

6.2.2建立完整的安全监督检查制度 (30)

6.3建立完善的安全教育体制 (31)

6.4新形势下的企业安全管理探讨 (31)

6.4.1新形势下企业管理所存在的问题 (32)

6.4.2安全管理是企业管理的重要内容 (32)

7 安全生产的“人性化”管理 (34)

7.1“人性化”管理必须坚持“以人为本” (34)

7.1.1“人性化”管理必须与强化制度建设和执行相统一 (35)
