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The Lit e rince 单词短语讲解

The Lit e rince 单词短语讲解
The Lit e rince 单词短语讲解



1. prey:猎物,“prey on”,表示“捕食”

2. lay aside:搁置

3. devote oneself to something/doing something:致力于

4. pilot:n.飞行员,作动词,相当于“fly a plane”中“fly”

5. at a glance:瞥一眼

6. distinguish A from B:将A与B区分开

7. a great many:相当于many,后接可数名词复数

8. be concerned with:关心、挂念

9. a great deal:大量,相当于“a lot”,“a great deal of…”=“much”,后接不可数名词,“a great many”=“many”,后接可数名词

10. close at hand:近在眼前

11. clear-sighted:视力好的

12. a person of:……的人

13. bring down:降低

14. set to do:开始做

15. attempt:尝试,常用“attempt to do something

16. make (up) of:组成,和“make (up) from是一对表示“由……制成”的词组。“of”→看得见原材料,“from”→看不见原材料

17. apparition:幽灵、鬼怪、离奇出现的东西

18. toss:扔,“toss off something/doing something”指“快速且轻易完成……”


1. by chance:偶然地,随机地

2. little by little:一点点地

3. much too:+形容词,指“太……”

4. break into:闯入

5. peal:指持续时间长的、比较大的声音,比如笑声、雷声、钟声等

6. a gleam of :一丝…”,如“a gleam of light”

7. impenetrable:难以穿透的

8. sink into:陷入

9. bury oneself in:专心致志于

10. astronomer”,“asteroid”的词根是“aster/astro”= “star”(星星)补充同根单词:




11. on/upon+doing sth:一……就……

12. subjects:臣民,可联想“be subject to”→“屈服于……”

13. under pain of:违反则受到……处罚

14. hold something against somebody:因为某事责备某人

15. forbearance:宽容,相当于“mercy”,“tolerance”,但更正式

16. a matter of indifference:无所谓的事

17. fashion:时尚,方式。“in the fashion of”就是“以……方式”

18. should have done something:本该做某事而没做

19. an air of something:某事(物)的气息

20. set down (memories or experiences):写下(回忆或经历)

21. fumble:摸索

22. now good, now bad:时好时坏”

23. fair-to-middling:过得去


1. chance:熟词僻义,happen by chance(偶然发生)

2. baobab:猴面包树

3. not...but:不是……而是……

4. be obliged to:不得不,有义务做

5. “deep in:在深处

6. seize:抓住。“be seized with…”指“被……抓住”

7. stretch oneself:拉伸,伸懒腰

8. timidly at first:刚开始时很胆怯

9. the instant:一……就……,用法与“on”和“as soon as”类似

10. bore:打孔,“bore through”→“钻透”

11. split something in/into:把……分裂成”

12. toilet:洗漱,旧时用法,“finish one's toilet”指“完成洗漱”

13. just so:就是如此

14. see to something:照料,“see to it that+从句”指“留心/确保某事必须完成”

15. take the tone of:采取……的语气

16. skirt:绕开,回避,如:“skirt problems”(绕开问题)

17. be worth the trouble:值得花力气做


1. lead up to:导致,和“lead to”的用法相似

2. be of use:有用的,相当于“useful”,“be of no use”→“useless

3. spite:恶意,怨恨

4. flash:突然出现,闪现

5. as best one can:尽最大努力

6. in a single bite:一口吃掉

7. moment:重要,相当于“importance”,“of what moment”= “of what importance”

8. blunder:作名词时指“careless mistake”,“blundering”与“awkward”意思相近,为笨拙的


1. one ring of petals:一层花瓣

2. might have done:对过去事情的推测,且这件事发生的概率很小

3. (some) sort of:某种

4. with great care:非常小心地

5. rumple:打皱

6. painstaking:十分小心,仔细的

7. vanity:不实在,虚荣,和“truth”可作一对反义词。后者意为“真实,真相“

8. if the truth be known:用来告诉别人真实情况

9. draft:风,等于“undesirable wind”

10. on the verge of something:快要,接近于

11. put somebody in the wrong:归咎于

12. good will:善意

13. take something/someone seriously:认真对待某物或某人

14. take pleasure in:以……为乐,相当于“enjoy”

15. pity:同情心,怜悯,相当于“compassion”

16. confidence:(吐露)秘密

17. judge by deeds and not by words:看行动而并非语言

18. cast over:投射于

19. pull up:拔起,停车

20. a sense of:……感

21. shoot:新芽,相当于“sprout”

22. arrest:抑制,停止

23. bewildered:困惑的


1. seat:使……坐下,有“cause to sit down”之意

2. consuming:强烈的

3. remain doing something:一种持续的状态

4. stand upright:直立、站得笔直

5. objects of curiosity:令人好奇的事物

6. sputter:发出噼里啪啦的喷射声

7. by way of example:例如,相当于“for example”

8. gather in:收进来,是“向内”的动作

9. make a gesture:做了一个手势

10. forsake:放弃,相当于“leave behind”,“quit”,但“forsake”更加正式

11. pluck:拔,摘,“pluck up courage”相当于“鼓起勇气”

12. accepted:公认的,可接受的。“accepted authority”→“公认的权威”

13. rest on:依靠,仰仗,相当于“depend on”

14. rise up:上升,起来,延伸为“起义”

15. thriftily:节俭地

16. grieve:使……悲伤


1. salute:致敬,敬礼,是一种“formal greeting”

2. acclaim:为……欢呼,喝彩,相当于“praise”

3. clap:拍手,鼓掌,相当于“applaud”

4. monotony:单调

5. demand of someone:向……索求/要求

6. do me this kindness:帮帮忙吧,相当于“do me a favor”

7. just the same:仍然,照旧

8. “tippler:指“habitual drinker”,即“习惯性喝酒的人”

9. plunge:投入,陷入


2. haven't time:特殊用法,相当于“I don't have time.”

3. phew:语气词,表达吃惊、松了一口气等情绪

4. some:除了接复数之外,也可接单数,含糊地指“某个”

5. attack of:……的袭击,也可接“疾病”,指“受到……疾病的侵袭

6. loaf:闲着。“loaf around/about”→“四处游荡,游手好闲”

7. set:A让B处在……情况下,如:“set the restaurant on fire”→“让饭店着火”

8. idle:虚度,与“loaf”同义,“idle around/about doing nothing.”。作形容词表示“闲的,无所事事的

9. reign over:统治

10. do somebody good:对……有益


2. heaven:作单数时,指“天堂”或者“神的住所”,“heavens”多表示“天空”

3. may well:很可能

4. so...as...:像……一样,与“as...as...”用法相当

5. follow a profession:以……为业

6. in the old days:从前、在过去的日子里,相当于“in the past”

7. pull up:拉起,拔起,停下

8. stride:n. ,一大步,相当于“a long step”

9. dare:敢于

10. most of all:最重要的,首先

11. be blessed with:享有



2. claim:声称

3. cast:投射,“cast a look at...”指“向……投射目光”

4. note:v. 记录,“note down”→“记下”

5. inquiry into:调查询问

6. furnish:装潢,提供

7. spectacle:奇观,等于“impressive view”

8. set alight:点燃

9. go off to do:动身去做

10. wave someone back:挥手让……回去

11. wings:在“theatre”的场景里,指舞台上被帘幕或布景遮挡的侧面


1. wit:机智,“play the wit”为“卖弄机智”

2. wander:漫步,“wander from the truth”可理解为“偏离真相”

3. people:v. 居住

4. fancy oneself:自以为是

5. coil:卷,“a coil of gold”可理解为“金色的一团”

6. flash across:一闪而过

7. move:感动,常用搭配“move somebody to/into”

8. granite:花岗岩,泛指如花岗岩一般坚硬、耐磨的事物


1. of no account:不重要的,相当于“of no significance

2. hold...accountable for:要求……负责

3. echo:回音,重复,附和

4. blow away:吹走

5. come up to:接近,类似于“come closer to”

6. save:除了,相当于“except”

7. forbidding:adj. 令人生畏的

8. bloom:v. 开花,“abloom”指“开花的”

9. gaze at:凝视

10. peek at:瞥一眼secretly

11. dreadfully:糟糕地,可怕地,也可表程度,意为“消极的非常”

12. be obliged to do”有“被迫

13. nurse:n. 护士,v. 护理,相当于“care for”

14. back to life:重生,常用“bring...back to life”(使……重生)


1. after some thought:想了一会之后

2. have no need of:不需要,相当于“don’t need”,同样的,“have need of”相当于“need”

3. on your part:对你而言

4. shine on:照耀在……之上

5. send someone doing something:使某人做,“send someone to do something”指“派遣某人做……”

6. all ready made:完全现成的

7. out of the corner of my eye:用余光看

8. advance:v. 前进,发展

9. rite:惯例,仪式

10. observe:观察,遵守
