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1.Creation background

Pride and Prejudice is a novel of manners by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of the British Regency. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London. Set in England in the early 19th century, Pride and Prejudice tells the story of Mr and Mrs Bennet's five unmarried daughters after the rich and eligible Mr Bingley and his status-conscious friend, Mr Darcy, have moved into their neighborhood. While Bingley takes an immediate liking to the eldest Bennet daughter, Jane, Darcy has difficulty adapting to local society and repeatedly clashes with the second-eldest Bennet daughter, Elizabeth.

Though Austen set the story at the turn of the 19th century, it retains a fascination for modern readers, continuing near the top of lists of "most loved books." It has become one of the most popular novels in English literature, selling over 20 million copies, and receives considerable attention from literary scholars. Modern interest in the book has resulted in a number of dramatic adaptations and an abundance of novels and stories imitating Austen's memorable characters or themes.

2.Author introduction

Jane Austen, English writer,who first gave the novel its modern character through the treatment of everyday life.Although Austen was widely read in her lifetime,she published her works anonymously.The most urgent preoccupation of her young,well-bred heroines is courtship,and finally marriage.Austen's best-known books include Pride and Prejudice (1813) and Emma (1816).Virginia Woolf called her "the most perfect artist among women."

Jane Austen was born in Steventon,Hampshire,where her father was a rector.She was the second daughter and seventh child in a family of eight.The first 25 years of her life Austen spent in Hampshire.She was tutored at home.Her parents were avid readers and she received a broader education than many women of her time.On her father's retirement,the family moved to Bath. Austen focused on middle-class provincial life with humor and understanding.She depicted the life of minor landed gentry,country clergymen and their families,in which marriage mainly determined women's social status.Most important for her were those little matters,as Emma says,"on which the daily happiness of private life depends." Although Austen restricted to family matters,and she passed the historical events of the Napoleonic wars,her wit and observant narrative touch has been inexhaustible delight to readers.Of her six great novels,four were published anonymously during her lifetime.At her death on July 18,1817 in Winchester,Austen was writing the unfinished Sanditon.Austen was buried in Winchester Cathedral.

3.content validity

This is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece "Pride and Prejudice" in the opening section,leads some in the early nineteenth century England and on the value of the classic love story.

As we all know,in Austin,in the novel by Quebec five daughters getting different treatment,shown township middle-class families of marriage for girls who love the different attitudes,which reflected the author I love the idea of marriage:the sake of property,money and the - The marriage is wrong; The marriage did not take into account the above factors also stupid.Therefore,she opposes the money for the purpose of marriage,also opposes the marriage lightly.She stressed the importance of an ideal marriage,and the feelings of both men and women as the cornerstone of the conclusion of the marriage ideal.

The story of Quebec heroine Elizabeth (Keira Terri) was born to a family of small landowners four sisters,Sister Jane Quebec,Quebec sister Mary,Katie Quebec and Laidiya Quebec.Five sisters and a little monotonous quiet life along with the two young guys coming up and it is undeniable-and eliminate the waves.Bin Heli healthy and progressive and rich Darcy (Matthew Mike Deng) is a good friend,became acquainted with the town lure of this home,"five",a beautiful and full of "Pride and Prejudice" love story.

4.Analysis of Characters


Mr. Bennet is an English gentleman with an estate


Mr. Bennet’s wife ,Vulgar, intellectual poor woman, Elizabeth's mother. Her greatest wish is to find a husband who has status and money. She does not care about her daughter's love, only pay attention to the real interests.

(3)Jane Bennet

In my opinion, Jane Bennet is a beautiful, kindhearted and restrained woman. As an unmarried woman, her reserve really shows she is educated; but in front of her love, it almost makes her miss her true love. It is surely her shortcoming. Even she is not as smart as Elizabeth, she is still a welcome character in the novel.


She is her father's favorite and inherits his intelligence and wit. She can also understand the deep meaning of any talk. She can talk with her partner humorously. She will express her own opinion without following others. She will not surrender even before a rich and high class person. If anybody wants to spoil her rights, she will surely protect it with her bitter words.

Elizabeth is smart, brave and thinking. This enables her to have the opinion on the issue of love, and obtain happiness. She insists that true love is the foundation of an ideal marriage. To her, love was saint and pure.In the end, the good hearted girl won a more happy marriage..

(5)Mr. Darcy

Darcy has been a spoiled child. Darcy is a noble descent and he inherits an enormous amount of property. At the same time, he has been used to thinking and acting with pride and dignity.He often appears proud to strangers. his class has given him a born pride.Darcy's mother passed away when he was young, the family influence makes him more brave and independent. His nature impresses people with

coldness and indifference which are the evidence of pride.

Darcy is my favorite person of this book, not only because he is handsome but also his character. Being an elegant but proud wealthy landlord, Darcy gradually realizes his defects, reflects his pride and superior attitude and improves his personality. His affection to Elizabeth also changes from superficial attraction to understanding and respect. It is not easy for him to overcome it. But his effort in making progress actually wins for him love and trust.

(6)Mr. Collins

Neither position nor property of young officers. He is handsome and elegant, so many people praise. In fact, he was a gambler, a liar, and has done many not to be divulged.He is rather foolish and conceited. He is far more interested in getting married than in who his wife would actually be.

5.book review

Pride and Prejudice was the representative work of Jane Austen. It gives a vivid expression of the reacting and traditional country life and people’s mind during the 18th century and 19th century Britain to us. This great novel not only attracted thousands of readers in Austen’s time, but also gave a special feeling today’s people.

I like it very much.

“It is a truth university acknowledge that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”Everybody knows the first sentence of June Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The famous opening sentence, which is humorous and famous, represents the perfect marriage between the content and style. I can find the same echo from this opening sentence in many parts of the novel. In the whole book, various combinations, comparison and contrasts of different characters and situations are presented by the author.

In this novel, Mrs. Bennet is representative of the generality of people who consider the gaining of a son-in-low in terms of the acquisition of property. It is this attitude that makes her not only comic but also shocking and at times disgusting. As to my opinion, marriage should mainly base on sentiment rather than economic conditions. True love is much important than money.

Elizabeth Bennet is the protagonist of the novel and Mr. Darcy is the male protagonist of the novel and Darcy’s relationship is decided when Darcy overcomes his pride, and Elizabeth overcomes her prejudice, leading to the coming together at last.

Love is really a wonderful thing. Stick to the principle and do not be afraid of misunderstanding. I am sure that one day happiness will come true.

I always think why the little is Pride and Prejudice. I have been confused for a long time, but now I understand. Pride and Prejudice are the things that help determine the actions of the two main character and the development of the plot. In this sense, the story is about pride and prejudice, about the effects of these vices on people and events. Pride refers to Darcy’s behavior, and prejudice links with Elizabeth’s view on Darcy. Pride and Prejudice.

Some people hold the view that the author failed the narrate several of the

characters, such as Lydia and Mr. Wickham. It is no doubt true that the novel would be richer if we know Lydia’s and Mr. Wickham’s experience. And so on. As to my own conclusion, I do not agree with the point of the view. I think there should be main character and other characters in a novel. If the author writers too much about other characters, then main characters will fade. At the same time, leaving some room for readers to image is also of great importance.

Austen left this problem for us to think. The genius of Jane Austen lies in this perfect simplicity, the simplicity that reflects big problems. Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote this book, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively. The plots in her works are always very natural. The development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics. I think the depth of Pride and Prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic. Today, her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time.


After reading:Pride and Prejudice 英本102班201003401207 庞莲娜 About the story: Jane Austen is this novel’s writer who is a famous writer in the world,and she is famoused with her a series of novel.s. Mrs.Bennet had five daughters,and marrying all her daughters was her biggest wish .In a genteel ball, Mr. Bingley , a friendly young man,also the host,fell in love with Jane at first sight.Jane was Mrs.Bennet 's first daughter who was simple,pure and never speaks evil of others. Darcy ,who was Bingley 's good friend ,a very proud man who seemed to always feel superior, was fond of Jane’s sister,Elizabeth. But his arrogance behavior and the smear from Wickham led Elizabeth to misunderstand and was biassed against Darcy . Darcy couldn't restrain himself from loving Elizabeth ,so he proposed to her.But his attitude was still so arrogant ,Elizabeth declined firmly.This hit made Darcy noticed the consequence from proud and conceited for the first time. Leaving a long letter to explain the things around him and Elizabeth, he left her painfully. She felt regret after reading it . Not only feel guilty for misunderstanding of Darcy , but also ashamed for the behavior of her mother. Elizabeth gradually changed her views of Darcy. When Darcy met her in his own manor again, his sincere attitude and dignified behavior made her considerably surprised.Finally ,they walked out of the frog which was pride and prejudice .It could be called a happy ending. There are seven different marriages presented in the novel. Excluding the Gardiner and the Lucas, the remaining five marriages contrasts each other to reveal Jane’s opinions and thoughts on the subject of marriage. The marriage between Darcy and Elizabeth reveals the characteristics which constitutes a successful marriage. O ne of these characteristics is that the feeling cannot be brought on by appearances, and must gradually develop between the two people as they get to know one another. In the beginning, Elizabeth and Darcy were distant from each other because of their prejudice. The series of events which they both experienced gave them the opportunity to understand one another and the time to reconcile their feelings for each other. Thus, their mutual understanding is the foundation of their relationship and will lead them to a peaceful and lasting marriage. This relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy reveals the importance of getting to know one’s partner before marrying. The marriage between Jane Bennet and Bingley is also an example of successful marriage. Jane Austen, through Elizabeth, expresses her opinion of this in the novel. The last example of a marriage is a of a different nature than the ones mentioned above. The marriage between Mr. Collins and Charlotte is based on economics rather than on love or appearance. It was a common practice during Austen’s time for


傲慢与偏见人物特点 1.伊丽莎白·班内特(Elizabeth Bennet):班内特家二小姐,二十岁,故事的主角。活泼,聪明,机智,经常由第一印象来判断别人。她对于婚姻有着和当时社会不一样的看法,认为只有爱情才能带来幸福,不肯为钱随便找个有钱人结婚。她也看不起上流社会的虚伪和做作。因为达西先生的高傲脾气,加上韦汉先生散播的谣言,对达西先生产生种种误会,对他的人格打了极低的分数。但随着时间的过去、事件的发生,伊莉莎白对达西先生的看法开始有了改变。从原来的鄙视转为满心的钦佩和感激。 2.达西先生(Mr. Darcy),全名费兹威廉·达西(Fitzwilliam Darcy):一位富有的年轻人,故事主角。他是宾利先生的好友,外表英俊且风度翩翩的绅士,个性内敛和高傲,对宾利先生打算跟不适合的女子结婚一事十分不满,同时也看不起其他人的趋炎附势。因不习惯和人打交道,所以经常表现出高高在上的姿态,引来不少的毁谤声。但被伊莉莎白拒绝求婚后,也开始反省自己的行为,改掉了高傲的脾气。在莉蒂亚一事上,给予不少的帮助,使莉蒂亚的名声没有败坏。 3.班内特先生(Mr. Bennet):一个住在英国德福郡的绅士.他已婚并育有五名女儿。但他的财产需要由男性继承,所以在他死后,他的遗产将会由和他有着差劲关系的柯林斯先生(Mr Collins)继承。班内特先生是一个温柔而体贴的人,对他的两位大女儿,珍和伊丽莎白宠爱有加。不过,他不喜欢他的妻子和三位小女儿的愚昧和不理性,经常说她们愚蠢以及嘲笑她们。对自己失败的婚姻已绝望,是个沉默而善变、幽默却善讽的人。对于妻子的愚昧,保持着冷眼旁观的态度。 4.班内特太太(Mrs. Bennet):班内特先生的太太。她人生中最关注的事,是她将来的财产和屋子将会由柯林斯先生继承。因为这件事,她非常渴望她的五个女儿能嫁得好,并尽力撮合新邻居宾利先生和其中一个女儿。她亦希望能够令其中一个女儿和柯林斯先生结婚。是个非常平庸、见识浅薄而又长舌的女人。她的生活重心在于女儿的终生大事,想利用女儿钓金龟婿。 5.珍·班内特(Jane Bennet):伊莉莎白的姊姊,班内特五姐妹中最年长的,也是公认最美丽的一个。她温柔、善解人意,但性格矜持,经常收藏自己的情感。她相信人性本善,凡事都往好处想,认为世界上没有坏人。和宾利先生一见钟情,最后排除万难结为夫妻。 6.玛莉·班内特(Mary Bennet):排行第三,性格并不讨好,是一名书呆子。她鄙视其他姊妹的兴趣,并经常希望能展视自己的音乐才华,及以警世格言来警告身边的人。 7.凯瑟林(凯蒂)·班内特(Catherine "Kitty" Bennet):排行第四,十七岁,经常跟随妹妹丽迪亚。 8.丽迪亚·班内特(Lydia Bennet):排行最小,十五岁。她非常喜欢调情,个性天真而鲁葬。最终和韦克翰私奔,在达西的大力帮助下两人才能结婚。 9.查尔斯·宾利(Charles Bingley):一个单身的有钱人,在班内特的住宅附近租了房子。达西先生的朋友。性格温和,活泼,但易受人影响,所以常被朋友牵着鼻子走。一直爱慕珍·班


《傲慢与偏见》读书笔记600字范文 读了简·奥斯汀写的名著《傲慢与偏见》,我深深感受到西欧中世纪社会的黑暗与政治的腐朽。这里给大家分享一些《傲慢与偏见》读书笔记,希望对大家有所帮助。 《傲慢与偏见》读书笔记篇1 很少去读名著,因为感觉即没意思又没时间,所以除了特殊情况外自己是从来不读各种名著的,读过的是三国演义,不是自己愿意读,而是因为宿舍的朋友都会聊上面的内容,只有自己跟傻子一样,所以为了面子自己也不得不读一读,现在上了大学,假如不读读名著的话会觉得不像话,于是来到学校图书馆接了一本《傲慢与偏见》读读。顺便也写下我的傲慢与偏见读后感。 但是当我真正读上这本书时候才发现,我是这么的喜欢这本书,因为里面有很多的东西和我自己的亲身经历差不多,所以这本书比其他的书本更能引起我的爱好。里面伊丽莎白的机智与幽默深深感染了我,还有他们一家人对与爱情的不同见解也让我感到了一股真诚的力量,因为伊丽莎白的爱情观深深影戏那个了我,我觉得我就是缺少她那种勇敢与聪慧,敢于挑战世俗,敢于追寻自己的爱情,敢于拒绝冒犯过她的人,尽管那个人是如此的优秀。 文章中一共描述了他们五姐妹的生活与最后的婚姻状况,从文中可以看出作者本身的观点,她赞同伊丽莎白的那种爱情观,而拒绝建立在色相和情欲的爱情观,就像她的妹妹,也拒绝建立在金钱上的爱情观,比如她的邻居,而这些观点直到今天仍然具有极高的价值,随着社会的发展,越来越多的爱情只是建立的在金钱与情欲上,而不是纯粹的爱情,由此可见作者简奥斯丁的纯真的心灵,真诚的推荐大家去读一读这本书,这本书真的是一部可以洗礼灵魂的一本书,绝对值得一睹风采。 其实到现在我才发现并不是自己不愿意去读小说,而好似因为身边的很多小说与自己的距离是如此的远,这可能也从侧面反映出了我的无知与短浅,但是我真的很难让自己静下心来去读一本离自己如此遥远的一本书,所以从这方面我认为简奥斯丁的这本书真的具有极高的艺术和现实价值。值得一读! 《傲慢与偏见》读书笔记篇2


Book report —Pride and Prejudice Free from pride and prejudice for true love This paper is a famous love novels in the world, writed by Jane Austen from English , He was borned in Hampshire Steven town,her father was a priest. she had never got formal school education,so her knowledge was basically form her father teached.she beagun writing at the age of eleven , never married . Passed away when she was forty one year old. This book is primarily concerned with Elizabeth and Darcy's love story,But the story is the other three stories, are generally by describing the experience of four pairs of lovers to elaborate the attitude of the author . The heroine Elizabeth was born of a small landlord family, as the rich kid, Darcy regardlessed of their gap existed between them, went afer her, but Elizabeth rejected him , because of his misunderstanding and prejudice.but the main is she hates his arrogance because of this kind of arrogance actually reflected the status differences, as long as there was this kind of arrogance, between he and Elizabeth was impossible to have common thoughts and feelings, also impossible to have the ideal marriage .Elizabeth had observed after Darcy's communicating and a series of actions, especially to see him that conceited attitude changed in the past, eliminated the misunderstanding and prejudice to him, thus concluded She would have a happy marriage with him. People can't be distinguished with preconception,education People are equal on personality knowledge on breeding,Rich people can’t be arrogant for their own rich ,or the status of the high.meanwhile,also don’t have inferiority feeling for poor economy. The prejudice is caused by a vanity, a person can't just look pretty ugly or not to distinguish good and bad, Elizabeth produced on DARCY ,because of darcy's wealth arrogance and wick him scare mongering hates darcy, in the circumstance that did not fully understand, there WAS a prejudice to him .As an old saying goes, all that glitters is not gold, whether learning or any other things in life, only ACTS appearance, cannot see its essence


傲慢与偏见读后感500字5篇 在《傲慢与偏见》里,西达是从一开始到最后都很让我欣赏的男人。尽管刚出场的他很傲慢,却是种让我极其欣赏的傲慢,男人就该这样,只接受自己喜欢的。下面是精心为大家精心精选的傲慢与偏见读后感500字,欢迎阅读。 傲慢与偏见读后感500字(一) 傲慢与偏见无论是曲折的爱情还是丰富的人物性格都让我意犹未尽。 傲慢、偏见,是我们很常见的弱点和毛病。每一个人其实很容易被自己的主观印象所驱使,因而容易对别的人下不正确的注解,进而造成了彼此之间的误会。 就好像故事中女主角伊丽莎白对男主达西的看法一样,这是个曲折但也美丽的爱情故事。 主人公伊丽莎白是个勇于追求爱情、漂亮聪明、坚强可爱的中产阶级女子。故事主要以她对达西先生从一开始的厌恶到尊敬,再到爱慕为线索,也穿插了在几个发生在她身边的幸福或不幸的婚姻,揭示了作者对那个时代的女人生活与爱情的理想与期望。故事中女主角伊丽莎白第一眼看到男主角达西就是不顺眼的,加上男主角个性的傲慢,继而对他有了偏见。

达西代表着”傲慢”,伊丽莎白代表着”偏见”,他们一开始都被自己的情绪所牵引。接着一连串对达西不利的流言,更让伊丽莎白对达西反感。达西没有为了讨好伊丽莎白,而改变他的傲慢性情。伊丽莎白也表现了很真实的自己,彼此都不刻意去营造给人的印象,表现出了最真实的一面。而开始的时候,伊丽莎白一直活在自己的偏见之下,而忽略思考事实的真相,经过达西的解释和自己的判断,才最终找到幸福的归宿。 傲慢与偏见读后感500字 (二) 这是一部含有简·奥斯汀自传性质的电影,不过她和她的达西却没能在一起,他们也深深爱着对方,但简·奥斯汀为了让她的达西的家人过的好些,不必因为她而让他们陷入穷困潦倒的境地,故放弃了和达西的私奔,终身一人。 当初,别人向我推荐这部电影的时候,我还很排斥,将她拒之门外,却在一个很巧合的场合,无意间看到了她的画面,听到了里面缓缓流淌的音乐,瞬间对她充满了好感,以至于看了一遍又一遍,却不会对她产生厌烦的感情。 影片多处运用长镜头表现,在介绍伊丽莎白的家人时,在伊丽莎白和达西跳舞时,等等,这些长镜头不会让人感到冗长,烦闷,反而觉得很有趣,画面很美,几乎截取每一帧都可以作为桌面壁纸;长镜头的拍摄难度很高,需要专业很强的摄像师和有明确逻辑思维、调配能力的导演的配合才能很好的完成,通过长镜头是可以看出这个创作团队的综合素质的。


再读傲慢与偏见读后感 导读: 再读傲慢与偏见读后感(一) 最近经常听我同学说《傲慢与偏见》很好看,受她的影响,我找来了《傲慢与偏见》! 开始看的时候除了达西以外对其他人的印象都不太好,感觉这是个很随便放纵的社会,这些中产阶级出身的女士活着的目的就是想嫁个好丈夫,而无所谓生活……但越看到后面心情越加激荡:伊丽莎白聪慧机敏,可爱俏皮,刚出场的西达显得极其傲慢,偏偏遇上具有强烈自尊心的伊丽莎白,于是傲慢与偏见便相应产生了…其实傲慢是处于阶层的习惯,偏见只是自尊的误会,当随着相互的了解增多,误会的解除,这一切便不再存在了,存有的只是深深的爱… 在《傲慢与偏见》里,很欣赏伊丽莎白,她的聪慧机敏,她的可爱俏皮,她的善于思考,爱憎分明……她几乎齐全了所有女性的优点。在那样一个社会环境下,人人都希望嫁个有声望和地位的丈夫,但她不,她勇敢的不畏世俗,勇敢的去追求着属于自己的爱情:勇敢的拒绝自己当时还并不喜欢甚至厌恶但尽管富有的西达的求爱,勇敢的突破世俗拒绝母亲强烈推荐的克斯林的求婚,勇敢的认清对西达的误会并对他和对他的感情重新定位,勇敢的面对西达舅妈凯瑟林夫人的羞辱,勇敢的和西达一起努力说服自己的父母而去实现自己的幸福…她,真的很勇敢,很与众不同… 在里,西达是从一开始到最后都很让我欣赏的男人。尽管刚出

场的他很傲慢,却是种让我极其欣赏的傲慢,男人就该这样,只接受自己喜欢的。随着情节的发展,我产生种很强的感觉,不知道是痛苦还是别的什么,尤其是他一心爱着的伊丽莎白一直误会着他,我都深感着委屈,终于明白里的一句话:世间最远的距离不是生离死别,也不是天涯海角,而是我站在你面前你却不知道我爱你!尤其是当他向伊丽莎白求婚的那段到后来伊丽莎白的舅妈加德纳夫人就西达帮助伊丽莎白妹妹和维克汉姆结婚一事写信给伊丽莎白时,看到这里,我竟也忍不住流下眼泪----原来我也这么感性!但故事发展至此,终于“守的云开见月明”了,伊丽莎白开始深深的认清自己曾经偏见的误会。 再读傲慢与偏见读后感(二) 阅读一本书,走进一个世界。 在《傲慢与偏见》向我们讲述的以十九世纪英国乡村生活为背景的故事中,我们想到的不应该仅仅是男女主人公的故事如何浪漫,而更应该看到那个时代的现实,这个世界的真实面目,这之间值得我们思考的东西实在太多了。 《傲慢与偏见》一书主要讲述女主角伊丽莎白与男主角达西间产生误会,随后误会化解,两人最后走到一起的故事。的确很罗曼蒂克,一个美丽善良有气质,一个英俊高贵又富有。但仅说这是一部喜剧绝对不够,里面喜剧性效果的反讽才是书的精髓,因此我们说《傲慢与偏见》是一部爱情小说,更是一部世态小说。 书的开头就让人发笑,班内特太太听到新搬来以为有钱的绅士


In this term,I read a book which named .The author is Jane Austen,.When I first knew this art work, because I watched the movie acted by Kara Knightly and so many famous stars .But this term I read the original work .And I realize the difference between them . After I briefly knew the author -Jane Austen .About her life ,her experience .I found she was an sensitive,strong in mental ,maverick and independent woman.I do really admire her.In 1775 December she birthed to this world.She has eight brothers and sisters.Her father,who had served in that area for forty years,and he also was a encyclopedic clergyman .And the same her mother ,came from an welfare family,she also had certain cultural accomplishment. Therefore, even though Jane ha dn’t go to the official school,because of the great family condition and the environment of reading books .All of those give her the chances to learn by herself and then build up the interests about writing.When she was only thirteen or fourteen years old,she stared to writing something she liked.This showed her talent about her language expression.In the1800,her father retired,and they moved to somewhere,but Jane didn’t like there.At there,Jane refused the marriage from a teenager who will inherited a larg e fortune,just because she didn’t like him.The gods throw out the questions ,we human need to find ,to choose the answers by ourselves.The answer from this problem is probably not "no" to us now. Although our hearts still have some expectation for love, we believe that love is sacred. But gradually, like wealth, background, politics, more and more things go beyond love, above all else, to our life,to our heart. In 1796 ,at 20 she met Lefroy.She fall in love with this clever young Irish lawyer. However, the pastor's family - Jane’s father wanted the son-in-law would have the financial strength in the future but at that time lefroy was a poor boy. Lefroy’s family who had six children, was also determined to marry with a wealthy family, so he was asked to retur n to Ireland. They never saw each other again. In Jane’s letter to her sister Cassandra, said: "Finally, the day has come, and I will say goodbye to Tom Lefroy. And when you get this letter, it's all over. I can't help but cry at the thought. Her unforgettable first love was forced to break up,she chose never marry for the whole life,and put the all emotions and feelings devoted to the literary creation. What make me impressively is her attitude to the people ,world,and to herself.The world and people hurt her ,break up she and her lover,make her never marry,but she still keep her mind to the world,put all her love to the literary creation,write the sweet,profound work for the people. To tell them ,among the millions of people in the world, it likes a miracle to meet someone you love who loves you as much as you do. And do not cherish this person is how ignorant and pitiful.A person may be arrogant but not vain.In most cases, pride is nothing more than what we think of ourselves ,but vanity refers to how we v alue other people’s evaluation of us. In fact, there are few people I really like. The more I look at the world, the less satisfied I am, and the more I believe that every day, I believe that all kinds of peo ple are capricious, and that the good things what appeared on the surface are untru stworthy. But then I can't tell you exactly when, where, what kind of style , what kind of talk I heard, which all of those made me fall in love with you gradually.It was


傲慢与偏见的读后感5篇 《傲慢与偏见》是奥斯汀的作品。下面是橙子为大家整理收集的关于傲慢与偏见的读后感,分享给大家,一起来看看吧! 傲慢与偏见的读后感 我给大家推荐的是简奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》。故事围绕贝内特一家几个女儿的婚姻大事展开。从伦敦新搬来的单身汉阔少宾利先生爱上了温柔美貌的大女儿简,他的朋友达西则倾情于二女儿伊丽莎白。由于她听信了年轻军官韦恩的谗言而对达西产生了偏见致使这桩婚姻进行的十分缓慢。经过一连串有趣的周折后,误会终于得以消除。达西克服了傲气,伊丽莎白也克服了对他的偏见,最后两人终成眷属。合上书的那一刻,我对男主角达西和女主角伊丽莎白在追求各自幸福中所显露出来的执着的勇气敬佩不已。真的难以想像,如果聪明的达西在第一次求婚遭到拒绝后,没有勇气去面对并改正自己的性格缺陷,或者他俩谁都没有勇气去克服财产与门第的悬殊,他们还会幸福吗? 人生之旅中,我们每一个人都是寻梦者。梦是巫山峡壁上缀着的那团闲适的白雾,不知何时来,何时去,去向何方;梦是一条伸向河里的若隐若现的虹,现到最美的时候也是它即将消逝的时候。梦是何等神奇,令人魂牵梦绕!它引无数的追梦者背负着黄河的淤泥,手捧长江的清纯,迈着日月交替的脚步,追赶着问题的音符。这其间每一段艰辛的历程,无不饱含着奋斗的辛酸,无不需要我们以足够的勇气去面对,去承受,去拼搏。 事实上,像达西这样的人物有很多。四面楚歌中,项王仍悲歌慷

慨:“力拔山兮气盖世,时不利兮骓不逝”;曹孟德更是在“对酒当歌”中,一边感叹“人生几何”,一边执着地吟出“青青子衿、悠悠我心”。此时的我们正值青春,就如绚丽的花朵在绽放,我们充满希望,渴望自由呼吸,自由飞翔。而这一切,都需要我们有勇气去争取。幸福那么近地悬着,亲爱的朋友,你还在犹豫什么呢? 勇者拾梦,相信破茧而出的,不再短暂,我们将拥有人生全程的美丽! 傲慢与偏见读后感 在重读名著傲慢与偏见前,写下这篇文,记录的,是我记忆中的傲慢与偏见。毫不怀疑重读后还会有新的惊艳,甚至再写读后感,因为一本好书是值得反复阅读的,每读一次都会带给你不同的感受。 简奥斯汀的作品这两年常常见诸于银幕,其生命力可见一斑。貌似简爱的作者夏洛蒂曾对她嗤之以鼻,总觉得这姑娘写着英国乡村屋檐下发生的琐碎小事,缺乏戏剧性和激情澎湃的赶脚。是的,如果说简爱像一曲奋进反抗的生命交响曲,傲慢与偏见就是一首悠闲细腻的田园小夜曲,个人有个人的爱,我更爱小夜曲。平凡人生虽然少了大风大浪的跌宕起伏,却更为平淡隽永,就像简奥斯汀借书中主人公之口表明的心迹,大意是说,城里来的人初到乡下还觉得新鲜,时日稍久就不耐烦了,觉得日子单调,人与人之间的交流总有新的话题,再小的空间也总也新的事物在发生,如果留意这有趣的一切,又怎么会觉得厌烦呢?所以她的文,总带着向上的朝气,让人不由自主地热爱生活,因为生活是多么生机勃勃的事情。


傲慢与偏见读后感英文 【编者按】《傲慢与偏见》是简奥斯汀的代表作。小说讲述了乡绅之女伊丽莎白班内特的爱情故事。这部作品以日常生活为素材,以反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。并多次被改编成电影和电视剧。 篇一:傲慢与偏见读后感英文 Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters. The characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr. Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different. Jane is si-mp-le, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her


《傲慢与偏见》人物关系介绍 1.伊丽莎白·班内特(Elizabeth Bennet):班内特家二小姐,二十岁,故事的主角。活泼,聪明,机智,经常由第一印象来判断别人。她对于婚姻有着和当时社会不一样的看法,认为只有爱情才能带来幸福,不肯为钱随便找个有钱人结婚。她也看不起上流社会的虚伪和做作。因为达西先生的高傲脾气,加上韦汉先生散播的谣言,对达西先生产生种种误会,对他的人格打了极低的分数。但随着时间的过去、事件的发生,伊莉莎白对达西先生的看法开始有了改变。从原来的鄙视转为满心的钦佩和感激。 2.达西先生(Mr. Darcy),全名费兹威廉·达西(Fitzwilliam Darcy):一位富有的年轻人,故事主角。他是宾利先生的好友,外表英俊且风度翩翩的绅士,个性内敛和高傲,对宾利先生打算跟不适合的女子结婚一事十分不满,同时也看不起其他人的趋炎附势。因不习惯和人打交道,所以经常表现出高高在上的姿态,引来不少的毁谤声。但被伊莉莎白拒绝求婚后,也开始反省自己的行为,改掉了高傲的脾气。在莉蒂亚一事上,给予不少的帮助,使莉蒂亚的名声没有败坏。 3.班内特先生(Mr. Bennet):一个住在英国德福郡的绅士.他已婚并育有五名女儿。但他的财产需要由男性继承,所以在他死后,他的遗产将会由和他有着差劲关系的柯林斯先生(Mr Collins)继承。班内特先生是一个温柔而体贴的人,对他的两位大女儿,珍和伊丽莎白宠爱有加。不过,他不喜欢他的妻子和三位小女儿的愚昧和不理性,经常说她们愚蠢以及嘲笑她们。对自己失败的婚姻已绝望,是个沉默而善变、幽默却善讽的人。对于妻子的愚昧,保持着冷眼旁观的态度。 4. 班内特太太(Mrs. Bennet):班内特先生的太太。她人生中最关注的事,是她将来的财产和屋子将会由柯林斯先生继承。因为这件事,她非常渴望她的五个女儿能嫁得好,并尽力撮合新邻居宾利先生和其中一个女儿。她亦希望能够令其中一个女儿和柯林斯先生结婚。是个非常平庸、见识浅薄而又长舌的女人。她的生活重心在于女儿的终生大事,想利用女儿钓金龟婿。 5.简·班内特(Jane Bennet):伊莉莎白的姊姊,班内特五姐妹中最年长的,也是公认最美丽的一个。她温柔、善解人意,但性格矜持,经常收藏自己的情感。她相信人性本善,凡事都往好处想,认为世界上没有坏人。和宾利先生一见钟情,最后排除万难结为夫妻。 6.玛莉·班内特(Mary Bennet):排行第三,性格并不讨好,是一名书呆子。她鄙视其他姊妹的兴趣,并经常希望能展视自己的音乐才华,及以警世格言来警告身边的人。 7. 凯瑟林(凯蒂)·班内特(Catherine "Kitty" Bennet):排行第四,十七岁,经常跟随妹妹丽


傲慢与偏见读后感精选三篇 傲慢与偏见读后感精选(一) 《傲慢与偏见》是英国著名女作家简?奥斯丁的代表作,这部作品以日常生活为素材,一反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,作品描写傲慢的单身青年达西与偏见的二小姐伊丽莎白、富裕的单身贵族,彬格莱与贤淑的大小姐吉英之间的感情纠葛。其实这本书,在初一时已经接触过了,但当时对于剧情的繁杂很没有耐心,看了几章就没有了兴致,便一直 搁在一旁,直至今日才重新拾起。不过再看开头几章时还是觉得很无趣,到后来明白才这里是在为以后的情景埋伏笔。一眨眼,三十几章已经过去了,人物的性格也很明显地被作者刻画出来了。 这本书中似乎只有两种人:聪明的和愚蠢的,没有绝对的好坏之分,骗子韦翰也许除外。他利用了自己巧妙的奉承能力以及一付“讨人喜欢”的仪表,迷住了伊丽莎白,不停地为自己洗刷冤情,中伤达西。可笑他的话里充满破绽,而聪明过人的伊丽莎 白虽能与彬格来小姐辩驳,与咖苔琳夫人顶撞,却还是被韦翰牵着鼻子走。说实话,我并不认为伊丽莎白被骗说明他是一个”愚人”。人,总是先入为主,达西先生傲慢、无礼的样子早已进入伊丽莎白的头脑,还怎么对他产生好感?对于旁人的点评又怎能 轻易的置若罔闻?对达西产生偏见是很正常的。我说的旁人自然就是

指相貌堂堂的韦翰了。不可否认,韦翰长着一张英俊的脸,表面上也装得非常”绅士” 。虽有”人不可貌相”、”知人知面不知心”之说可就连我这个活在二十一世纪,以旁观者的身份看这 个故事,仍然对韦翰产生好感,又岂能怨伊丽莎白这一个生活在过去时代的姑娘?合上这本书,仔细地品味一番,方才发现,整部小说,之所以吸引人,完全是因为它轻松幽默的格调。伊丽莎白的嘲笑讽刺,正将那些自视绅士、淑女的贵族的本来面目暴露无疑。而伊丽莎白的父亲班纳特先生竟然以嘲笑太太、女儿为家庭快乐,幸哉?不幸哉? 文中的所谓「傲慢」就是指出身富贵、教养颇高、眼光锐利的青年达西的个性弱点;而所谓「偏见」是指出身中产阶级、教养颇好、机智聪明的小姐-伊丽莎白的精神弱点。一个眼光锐利,一个机智聪明,都属人中杰,但却都难免人性的弱点的纠缠。他们在一次的家庭舞会上初次见面,却因对彼此的印象不佳,一个 态度傲慢,另一个心怀偏见。第一个印象先入为主,以后又加上女人们在旁闲言碎语,而造成了两人之间的爱恨情仇。伊丽莎白曾对达西说过:“我们的性情非常相似,我们都不爱交际,沉默寡言,不愿开口,除非我们会说出话来语惊四座,像格言一样具有光彩,流传千古.”就是因为这思想上的一致,才在婚姻中百般受到


傲慢与偏见读后感英文 其实很多时候不是我们去看父母的背影,更多的时候,是我们承受爱我们的人追逐的 目光。承受他们不舍得,不放心的,满眼的目送。但我们从小到大只管一个人离开,从未 回头张望过。 傲慢与偏见读后感英文(一) Pride and Prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. It describes a love story mainly between Elisabeth, who I like the best, and a rich and proud man, Darcy. The story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a house near the Bennet. In a ball, Elisabeth gave such a bad impression on Darcy’s first pride that she refused Darcy’s first proposal. Darcy was so surprised by Elisabeth’s refusal that he loved Elisabeth more deeply. And Elisabeth’s antipathy made Darcy realize his shortcomings. He was not angry about Elisabeth’s censure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude. During Elisabeth’s travel in Darcy’s manor. Darcy was very nice to her uncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude. When one of Elisabeth’s sisters ran away with Wickham, Darcy helped Elisabeth find her sister and prevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that it was he who helped the Bennet. So many changes in Darcy eliminated Elisabeth’s prejudice. At last it end with their marriage. Taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life and love in a conservative你and blocking England town. It reflected the author’s view about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status and it is also foolish to take these elements into account. In fact Darcy’s pride manifested the gap between their statuses. Since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between Elisabeth and Darcy. From the different att itudes from Darcy’s two proposals, it reflected the feminine pursuit of personality independence and right equality, which is a progressive character from the image of Elisabeth. 傲慢与偏见读后感英文(二) After a term’s reading, I finished ten more books, h owever, what impressed me most is Jane Austen and her two classical books. At that time, neither in the east nor in the west, it is not so easy for a woman to become a great figure with literary reputation. In China Li made it,
