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Chapter 4 English Literature of theEighteenth Century

Chapter 4  English Literature of theEighteenth Century
Chapter 4  English Literature of theEighteenth Century

Chapter 4 English Literature of the Eighteenth Century

—The Age of Enlightenment


1. Historical background:

?After the upheavals of the 17th century, England entered a period of a comparatively

peaceful age. England became a constitutional monarchy (君主立宪制) and power passed from the king to the parliament, which was divided into hostile parties: the liberal Whigs and the conservative Tories, and the two parties were so well balanced that power shifted easily from one to the other. The Whig government under the Prime Minister Robert Walpole, which was notorious for its corruption and bribe-taking, reigned the country from the 1720’s to the 1740’s. The crown was more or less a figurehead and real authority was in the hands of parliament and of the cabinet responsible to parliament.

1.1 Major Events

?The Constitutional monarchy set up by parliament in 1688 was a

compromise between the bourgeoisie and the aristocrats.

?Capitalism was firmly established in England.

?The cultural life had undergone remarkable changes.

?Newton’s scientific discovery and the philosophy of John Locke affected

people’s thinking of the world.

?Reason rather than superstition dominated.

?English literature was influenced by French enlighteners and ancient

Roman writers. Neo-classicism was the leading literary trend in early 18th century.

1.2 Enlightenment

?Originated in France: to use critical reason to free minds from prejudice, authority, oppression.

?We call the eighteenth century the age of the enlightenment because it was both a culmination and a new beginning. Fresh currents of thought were wearing down institutionalized traditions. New ideas and new approaches to old institutions were setting the stage for great revolutions to come.

1.2.1 Social Milieu

?The main figures of the enlightenment are fairly well known: Descartes, Pascal, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot

['di:d?r?u], and Rousseau ['ru:s?u] .There were others whom we could call antagonists to the dominant note, people like Rousseau, Wesley, Vico, and Hume. The pervasive appeal, as expressed by Voltaire, was to the

?1. autonomy of reason

?2. perfectibility and progress

?3. confidence in the ability to discover causality

?4. principles governing nature, man and society

?5. assault on authority

?6. cosmopolitan solidarity of enlightened intellectuals

?7. disgust with nationalism.

1.2.2 Main Characteristics:

? 1. The Enlightenment had its origins in the scientific and intellectual revolutions of the 17c.

? 2. Enlightenment thinkers felt that change and reason were both possible and desirable for the

sake of human liberty.

? 3. Enlightenment philosophers provided a major source of ideas that could be used to undermine existing social and political structures.

?In religion: secular; Deism: the universe is set in motion by a God as a self-regulating mechanism; everything was operated according to natural laws, which could be understood by the human mind.

?In art and literature: neo-classicism great respect for the classical artists. Harmony, proportion, balance and restraint ?In economic thought: state inference did violate to the law of nature; favored laissez-faire policies.

1.2.3 The Major Themes of the Era:

A. rationalism --> logical reasoning based on facts.

B. cosmology --> new world view based on Newtonian physics --> analysis of natural phenomena as


C. Secularism 世俗主义--> application of scientific theories to religion and society.

D. scientific method --> experimentation;

observation; hypothesis.

E. Utilitarianism 功利主义(Bentham 边沁) --> laws created for the common good and not for

special interests. The greatest good for the greatest number.

F. optimism & self-confidence --> anything is possible (a reversal of medieval thinking).

G. tolerance --> a greater acceptance of different societies and cultures.

H. freedom --> a mind as well as a society free to think, free from prejudice.

I. mass education.

J. legal / penal reforms --> Beccaria, Bentham.

K. constitutionalism.

L. cosmopolitanism世界大同主义 .

2. Three Stages of the 18th Century English Literature:

?(1) 1688---the end of the 1730s, neo-classicism in poetry of Alexander Pope, a new

prose literature in the essays of Addison and Steele and in the first realistic fiction of Defoe and Swift.

?(2) 1740s-1750s, the realistic novels of Richardson, Fielding and Smollett, of whom the

last two made rather fierce attacks on the existing social conditions but still maintained sufficient faith in the eventual triumph of virtue over vice and in the final attainment somehow of social justice.

?(3) The last decades, decline of the Enlightenment, the appearance of new literary

tendencies of sentimentalism and pre-romanticism. Gothic novels

2.1 The age of Prose

?The battle of words between the two political parties contribute to the flourishing of prose.

?The age of enlightenment: The enlighteners fought against class inequality, stagnation(萧条), prejudices and other survivals of feudalism.


?The 18th c is often called the Age of Reason. Order was important in men’s thoughts. Thus

prose could be regarded as a best way to express people’s rationality.

?Definition of classicism: The classicists modeled themselves after the Greek and Latin

authors, and tried to guide literary creation by some fixed laws and rules coming from Greek Latin works. In drama the classicists required of rhymed couplet instead of blank verse, the three unites‖三一律‖ of time, place and action, and the presentation of types rather than individuals. Poetry should be lyric, epic, didactic(训导), satiric or dramatic, and each type should be guided by its own principles. Prose should be precise, direct, smooth and flexible.

2.2 The Rising of Novel

?1) Industrial Revolution & the middle class

?2) The enrichment of personal experiences

A. the great geographic discovery and the great longing to expand

B. In earlier ages the typical Englishman had lived much by himself;

but in the first half of the 18th c some 3000 public coffeehouses and a large number of private clubs appeared in London alone. The influence of this change of social life on literature was inevitable. Nearly all writers frequented the coffeehouses, and the matters discussed there became subjects of literature.

3) The development of the technology of printing further meets the materialistic demand of novel’s come into being and its later popularity.

2.3 Main figures

?Alexander Pope

?Daniel Defoe (1661-1731)

Robinson Crusoe

?Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)

Gulliver’s Travels

?Henry Fielding (1707-17540

The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling

?Thomas Gray

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

?Oliver Goldsmith

The Vicar of Wakefield

?Richard Brinsley Sheridan

The School for Scandal

?William Blake

Song of Innocence

Song of Experience

?Robert Burns

3. English Literature in Early 18th century:

?Alexander Pope

?Joseph Addison and Richard Steele

?Daniel Defoe

?Jonathan Swift

3.1 Alexander Pope (1688-1744):

Essay on Criticism《批评论》

Pope asserts that the chief requirement of a good poet is natural genius coupled

with a knowledge of the classics and an understanding of the rules of poetry (literature).

?Couplet: consists of two lines of verse forming a discrete unit of meaning.

?Heroic couplet: consists of two lines of rhymed iambic pentameter.

?An appropriate form for the classical rhetoric and logical development of the ideas.

?真正的批评家的要诀是: ―追随自然、依自然原则判断,自然的合理准则永远不会变。‖ 自


3.2 Periodical Literature in Early 18th-Centruy England: Addison and Steele

?The Tatler《闲谈者》: edited chiefly by Steele; out of the total of 271 numbers

published of the periodical, Steele wrote 188, and Addison only 42, while together they did 36 others.

?The Spectator 《旁观者》: a daily from Mar. 1, 1711 to Dec. 6, 1712, not

including the revival of it by Addison alone in 1714. It is a collaborative projects.

The style is more mature than that of The Tatler.


3.3 Daniel Defoe: 1660-1731


?Son of James and Mary Foe, a merchant family committed to Puritanism (Presbyterians) ?Sound education at Morton’s Academy. Only Anglicans could graduate from Oxford or


?1684: Marries Mary Tuffley, an heiress with 3,700 a year.

?Fought briefly in the Duke of Monmouth’s rebellion against Jame s II.

?Bankruptcy and debt turned him towards writing.

?1701: writes “The True Born Englishman”

?1703: Pilloried for writing “The Shortest Way with Dissenters.”

Defoe’s Literary Achievements

? A pioneer novelist of England, a prolific writer of books and pamphlets.

?Defoe’s versatility: a merchant, economist, politician, journalist, pamphleteer, and a novelist.

?Robinson Crusoe: The hero is typical of the rising English bourgeois class, who has the courage and will to face hardships and ingenuity and determination to preserve himself and improve on his livelihood by struggling against nature. Defoe beautifies colonialism and Negro slavery.

?Moll Flanders:It is written in an autobiographical form called memoir. Defoe introduces, for the first time, a lowly woman as the subject of literature.

Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

?1719: First volume of Robinson Crusoe. A hit with lower and middle classes.

?Based on the experience of the sailor Alexander Seilkirk.

?1722: Moll Flanders. A novel that draws on his own experience in Newgate prison. Robinson Crusoe : 1810 edition

Robinson Crusoe:


?Style: smooth, easy, colloquial and mostly vernacular(方言).

?Significance: Robinson Crusoe is here a real hero: a typical eighteenth-century English middle-class man, with a great capacity for work, inexhaustible energy, courage, patience and persistence in overcoming obstacles, in struggling against the hostile natural environment. He is the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist.

3.4 Jonathan Swift (1667-1745):


?Born in Dublin, Ireland, a posthumous son;

?Dependent upon his uncle; entered Trinity College in Dublin at 14;

?secretary to Sir William Temple, and later a clergyman;

?Never married in his whole life; friendship with Stella & Vanessa;

?Bequeathed his fortune to found a hospital for idiots and lunatics.

? a cynic, a misanthropist(厌世者).

Literary Achievements

Satirical prose

?The Battle of the Books <书战>

?A Tale of a Tub <木桶的故事>

?A Modest Proposal <一个谦卑的建议>

Satirical novel

?Gulliver’s Travels

The Battle of the Books:


it deals with the current question of the so-called quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns. By comparing the Moderns (e.g. Bacon, Milton, Dryden, Hobbes) to the spider who spins his web out of himself and the Ancients (Homer, Virgil, Aristotle and Plato) with the bee who brings home honey and wax from nature and showing that the bee gaining an upper hand over the spider in the battle, Swift obviously revealed his neo-classicist tendency (i.e. great writers should draw from nature).

A Tale of a Tub:

?Theme: a devastating attack upon all the chief branches of the Christian church and upon Christian religion itself.

?Allegorical romance:

the father (Christ)

sons: Peter (Roman Catholic Church), Martin (the Church of England), Jack (the Dissenters)

coat: Christian faith

the father’s will: the New Testament

A Modest Proposal:

?“A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents”

?Theme: His pity for the oppressed, ignorant, populous, and hungry Catholic peasants of Ireland; his anger at the rapacious English absentee landlords (外居地主).

Gulliver’s Travels

?Story: Lemuel Gulliver’s four voyages to Lilliput( a land of Pygmies), Brobdingnag (a land of giants), the flying island of Laputa, and finally to the land of the Houyhnhnms respectively.

?Theme: one of the most effective and devastating criticism and satires of all aspects in the then English and European life—socially, politically, religiously, philosophically, scientifically, and morally. Its social significance is great and its exploration into human nature profound.

?Language: simple, straightforward, clear, effective

?―Should eggs be broken at the big end or the little end‖

----Gulliver’s Travels

Questions for discussion

?In what ways are yahoos comparable to human beings in Swift’s novel? Comment

on the houyhnhnms’ attitude toward human beings.

?What are the symbolic meanings of yahoos and houyhnhnms?


Answers for reference:

● appearance, behavior, feature

● yahoos: greedy, corrupted, gluttonous,evil, lazy/sloth, mean,

belligerent, obsequious, self-indulgent, shameless, immoral, filthy, snobbish, envious, avaricious (贪欲的)…

houyhnhnms: upright, noble, rational, wise, virtuous…Questions for further consideration:

●How do you think of human nature? / People are born evil or kind?

●Express your own understanding of human nature.

●Give examples to show the similarities between yahoos and houyhnhnms.

●Comment on Swift’s account of yahoo’s or humans’ nature.

●Make a contrast/ comparison between Swift’s account and your own opinion of

human nature.

●Write a summary of the article.

?English Prose Fiction in the Middle

and Last Decades of the 18th Century:

?Samuel Richardson

?Henry Fielding

?Samuel Johnson

?Oliver Goldsmith

4.1 Sentimentalism

?Sentimentalism appeared in the middle of the 18th century, as a reaction against commercialism

and the cold rationalism. Sentimentalism embraces a rather pessimistic outlook and erroneously blames reason and the Industrial Revolution for the miseries and injustices in the aristocratic-bourgeois society of the time and, unable to find a way out, indulges in sentiment for its own sake. This trend marks the transition form neoclassicism to romanticism in English poetry.

?Sentimentalism found its representative writers in the field of poetry, such as Edward Young

(―Night Thoughts‖) and Thomas Gray (―Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard‖), but it manifested itself chiefly in the novels of Lawrence Sterne and Oliver Goldsmith.

?―Sentimentalism, I suppose, means, roughly speaking, indulgence in emotion for its

own sake. The sentimentalist does not weep because painful thoughts are forced upon him but because he finds weeping pleasant in itself. He appreciates the luxury of grief…But the general sense that something is n ot in order in the general state of things, without as yet any definite aim for the vague discontent was shared by the true sentimentalists.‖

—By Leslie Stephen, a modern English critic

4.2 Samuel Richardson

?Life: son of a joiner, little education, skilled in letter-writing, printing business

?Literary Career:

three epistolary(书信体的) novels:


Clarissa Harlowe,

Sir Charles Grandison

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded

?It is the first epistolary and psychological novel in the English language.

●Story: a young maid-servant named Pamela Andrews’ adventures at her employer’s


●Greatness: psychological subtlety, first person of low origin,


pure →calculating

terrified of sex →attractive to Mr. B

virtuous →profitable

Clarissa Harlowe, or Virtue Triumphant

?Story: the tragic story of virtuous Clarissa

?Battle against


uncompromising and courageous character and indomitable spirit in rebelling against family tyranny and wicked social environment

double standard: chastity for man/ woman

4.3 Fielding vs. Richardson

?Samuel Richardson (1689-1761): Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded: In a series of Familiar Letters from a Beautiful Yong Damsel to Her Parents” (1740)

?Fielding was disgusted with the excessive sentimentality and ethics of Pamela. So he wrote a novel to criticize/parody it. Shamela (i.e. Shameful Pamela)

Henry Fielding (1707-1754)

●Life : “prose Homer”

noble family, received education at Eton, magistrate, editor, theatre manager.

●Literary Achievements

●As a playwright (farce, burlesque, satire), : filled with political and social satire; exposed the

corruption of state officials, the vices, hypocrisy, greed and cruelty of English Bourgeois class.

●As a novelist: 4 major novels:

Joseph Andrew (1742);

Jonathan Wild Great (1743)

Tom Jones (1749)

Amelia (1751)

The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews:

burlesque of Pamela.


Joseph Andrews—brother of Pamela and footman of Thomas and Lady Booby

Fanny Goodwill—Joseph’s sweethe art

The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling


Tom—adopted son of Squire Allworthy

Blifil—nephew of Squire Allworthy

Sophia—daughter of Squire western

Mrs. Honor Blackmore—maid servant of Sophia

Lady Bellaston

Mrs. Fitzpatrick—Sophia’s cousin.

?Theme : exploration of human nature

●point of view:

◆Novel for the benefit of society.

◆Human nature is without flaws.

◆First theorist of modern English novel

◆Realistic interpretation of the contemporary life.

◆Establishing the form of novel in theory &practice.

●Style:classic with modern easy, powerful, vivid suspense, coincidence,

dialogues well-organized.

Tom… Clarissa.

plot well-organized not well

conflict between human nature virtue & moral value

theme human nature virtue &evil society. characterization well-portrayed not

form (mock) epic letter

Point of view third first

Sophia: marry a reformed rake Clarisse: either rake or single (die)

4.4 Samuel Johnson (1709—84)

?lexicographer, critic and poet, was born in Lichfield, Stafforshire, the son of a poor bookseller. After

studying at Oxford for little more than a year, he was forced to leave the university by poverty. Then followed his long struggle as a hack writer.

?In 1741, some booksellers asked Johnson to compile a dictionary of the English language. It took

him eight years to finish this enormous work, and in 1755 his “Dictionary” was published.

?Johnson was the leader of the school of neo-classicism in English poetry and prose in the

middle of decades of the century.

?Johnson thought t hat ―all was false and hollow‖. He despised the honeyed words, and

wrote a letter to Lord Chesterfield, saying ―when I had once addressed your lordship in

public, I had exhausted all the art or pleasing which a retired and uncourtly scholar can possess.‖

Letter to Lord Chesterfield

4.5 Oliver Goldsmith

●life: son of Irish clergyman, Trinity College, study medicine, friendship

with Dr. Johnson

●Literary career

Essay: ―The Citizen of the World‖

Poem: ―The Traveler‖, ―The Deserted Village‖

comedy:―The Good-Natured Man‖

―She Stoops to Conquer‖

his only novel–The Vicar of Wakefield

?―She Stoops to Conquer‖

Mr. Marlow →Miss. Hardcastle

Hastings →Miss. Neville (is to marry Tony)

●The Vicar of Wakefield

Reverend Dr. primrose— the vicar

Squire Thornhill, Sir WilliamThornhill

Olivia, George, Sophia

picture of the 18th century country life.

●Style : simple, effective, humorous, romantic.

5. Gothic Romance

?―Gothic Romances‖ which enjoyed much popularity in England in the last decades of the 18th century are novels of terror which employ medieval background and certain gloomy sentiment, superstitious horror and much supernaturalism. They have been so named because ―Gothic‖ architecture dating from the middle ages is invariably the setting for the elements of horror in them.

?Horace Walpole: Castle of Otranto 《奥特兰托城堡》

?Mrs. Ann Radcliffe: The Mysteries of Udolpho《奥多芙的神秘》Your Assignment

?Write an essay (200 words) commenting on Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.

?Format: author, times, story, exploration of the themes, significance, writing features/style.


国际物流各种费用中英文表达法海运费ocean freight 集卡运费、短驳费Drayage 订舱费booking charge 报关费customs clearance fee 操作劳务费labour fee or handling charge 商检换单费exchange fee for CIP 换单费D/O fee 拆箱费De-vanning charge 港杂费port sur-charge 电放费B/L surrender fee 冲关费emergent declaration charge 海关查验费customs inspection fee 待时费waiting charge 仓储费storage fee 改单费amendment charge 拼箱服务费LCL service charge 动、植检疫费animal & plant quarantine fee 移动式起重机费mobile crane charge 进出库费warehouse in/out charge 提箱费container stuffing charge 滞期费demurrage charge 滞箱费container detention charge 卡车运费cartage fee 商检费commodity inspection fee 转运费transportation charge 污箱费container dirtyness charge 坏箱费用container damage charge 清洁箱费container clearance charge 分拨费dispatch charge 车上交货FOT ( free on track ) 电汇手续费T/T fee 转境费/过境费I/E bonded charge 空运方面的专用术语 空运费air freight 机场费air terminal charge 空运提单费airway bill fee FSC (燃油附加费) fuel surcharge SCC(安全附加费)security sur-charge 抽单费D/O fee 上海港常用术语


物流专业英语词汇大全-物流英语-物流专业英语-物 流英语词汇表 一、物流英语的145个专业词汇

二、常用物流英语50句 1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world. 现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。 2.Logistics is part of a supply chain. 物流是供应链的整体组成部分。 3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby. 物流不是新鲜事。 4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”. 物流是独特的全球通道。 5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information. 物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。 6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc.

物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。 7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information. 物流由仓储、运输、装卸、搬运、包装、加工、配送和物流信息所组成。 8.Logistics may be divided into supply logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics, returned logistics and waste material logistics. 物流可以分成供应物流、生产物流、销售物流、回收物流和废弃物物流。 9.Logistics is now the last frontier for increasing benefits in industrial production.. 物流是当今工业生产增加利润的最后领域。 10.Logistics is unique, and it never stops! 物流是独特的,它从不停止。 11.Logistics performance is happening around the globe, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and fifty-two weeks a year. 物流运作一天24小时、一周7天、一年52星期在全球发生。 12.Logistics is concerned with getting products and services where they are needed and when they are desired. 物流所涉及的是在需要的时候和在需要的地方去的产品和服务的活动。 13.Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.


专有名词 物流:logistics 现代物流:modern logistics 运输:transportation 仓储:warehouse 存储:inventory 储藏:storage 包装:packaging 包裹:package 配送:distribution 递送:delivery 流通加工:distribution processing 装卸: 搬运: 物流信息:logistics information 市场:marketplace 营销:marketing 供应商:supplier\ 外部供应商:outside supplier 制造商:manufact urer 批发商:wholesaler 零售商:retailer|retail dealer条码:bar code 产品质量:goods quality 产成品:finished product 在制品:work-in-process 成本分配:cost allocation 净重:Net weight 毛重:gross weight 温室气体:greenhouse gases 客服代表:customer representative 以数字技术为基础的:data-based 立方米:cubic metre JIT:零库存UPC:universal product code 通用商品代码D/A:承兑汇票Documents against acceptance D/P:付款交单Documents against Payment IMP:进口EXP:出口 CNY:人民币元TEU:标准集装箱(twenty-foot equivalent unit)UPS:不间断电源(uninterrupted power supply)或联合包裹服务(United Parcel Service) Prior to.... 先于..... deregulation 规范化操作Integrate with 使...相结合、整合Customized 个性化的、客户定制的As such =also=likewise 同样 Greenhouse gases 温室气体Procurement 采购Noise 噪音Trade-off 平衡 Versus 与....相对Know-how 技巧Expertise 专业 运输方式成本比较海运<铁路<公路<航空Information technology 信息技术 JIT 即使供应、准时制Universal product code (UPC) 通用商品代码 Documents against acceptance (DA) 承兑交单 Documents against payment(DP ) 付款交单 Import 进口Export 出口 CNY 人民币信用证letter of credit 净重net weight 毛重gross weight 客服代表customer service representative (CSR) UPS 联合包裹服务(United Parcel Service) Digital-based 数字基础 Shipment 装货、装载的货物 Recipient 容器fragile 易碎的 TED (standard container)标准集装箱 Inventory 库存Distributer 分销商 IMP企业信息化管理平台(information Management Plat) LC 发射控制(Launch Control Clipboard 剪贴板


国际物流常用英语汇总 Gross Registered Tonnage(GRT)注册(容积)总吨 Net Registered Tonnage(NRT)注册(容积)净吨 Deadweight Tonnage (AllTold)(DWT or D.W.A.T)总载重吨位(量) Gross Dead Weight Tonnage 总载重吨位 Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage(DWCT)净载重吨 Light Displacement 轻排水量 Load (Loaded)Displacement 满载排水量满载排水量 Actual Displacement 实际排水量 Over weight surcharge 超重附加费 Bunker Adjustment Factor(Surcharge)(BAS or BS)燃油附加费 Port Surcharge 港口附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费 Currency Adjustment Factor(CAF)货币贬值附加费 Deviation surcharge 绕航附加费 Direct Additional 直航附加费 Additional for OptionalDestination 选卸港附加费 Additional for Alterationof Destination 变更卸货港附加费 Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费 Bill of Lading 提单 On Board (Shipped)B/L 已装船提单 Received for shipment B/L 备运(收妥待运)提单 Named B/L 记名提单 Bearer B/L 不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单 Blank Endorsement 空白备书 Clean B/L 清洁提单 In apparent good order andcondition 外表状况良好 Unclean (Foul, Dirty)B/L不清洁提单 Direct B/L 直航提单 Transshipment B/L 转船提单 Through B/L 联运提单 Multi-modal (Inter-modal,combined)transport B/L 多式联运提单 Long Form B/L 全式提单 Short Form B/L 简式提单


常用物流英语专业英语词汇 一、常用物流英语50句 1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world. 现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。 2.Logistics is part of a supply chain. 物流是供应链的整体组成部分。 3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby. 物流不是新鲜事。 4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”. 物流是独特的全球通道。 5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information. 物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。 6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc. 物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。 7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information.


物流方面的英语专业术语、组织名称中英对照 第一节基本概念术语 1 article 物品 2 logistics 物流 3 logistics activity 物流活动 4 logistics operation 物流作业 5 logistics modulus 物流模数 6 logistics technology 物流技术 7 logistics cost 物流成本 8 logistics management 物流管理 9 logistics center 物流中心10 logistics network 物流网络11 logistics information 物流信息12 logistics enterprise 物流企业13 logistics documents 物流单证14 logistics alliance 物流联盟15 supply logistics 供应物流16 production logistics 生产物流17 distribution logistics 销售物流 18 returned logistics 回收物流 19 waste material logistics 废弃物物流 20 environmental logistics 绿色物流 21 internal logistics 企业物流22 external logistics 社会物流23 military logistics 军事物流24 international logistics 国际物流 25 Third Part Logistics (TPL) 第三方物流 26 customized logistics 定制物流27 virtual logistics 虚拟物流 28 value-added logistics service 增值物流服务 29 supply chain 供应链30 bar code 条码 31 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换 32 tangible loss 有形损耗33 intangible loss 无形损耗 二、物流作业术语 34 transportation 运输35 combined transport 联合运输36 throuth transport 直达运输37 transfer transport 中转运输 38 drop and pull transport 甩挂运输 39 containerized transport 集装运输 40 container transport 集装箱运输41 door-to-door 门到门42 door to cy 门到场43 door to cfs 门到站 44 Full Container Load (FCL) 整箱货 45 Less-than Container Load (LCL) 拼箱货46 storing 储存47 storage 保管48 article reserves 物品储存49 inventory 库存50 cycle stock 经常库存51 safety stock 安全库存52 inventory cycle time 库存周期


国际物流费用英文(大全) 海运费ocean freight 集卡运费、短驳费Drayage 订舱费booking charge 报关费customs clearance fee 操作劳务费labour fee or handling charge 商检换单费exchange fee for CIP 换单费D/O fee 拆箱费De-vanning charge 港杂费port sur-charge 电放费B/L surrender fee 冲关费emergent declearation change 海关查验费customs inspection fee 待时费waiting charge 仓储费storage fee 改单费amendment charge 拼箱服务费LCL service charge 动、植检疫费animal & plant quarantine fee 移动式其重机费mobile crane charge 进出库费warehouse in/out charge 提箱费container stuffing charge

滞期费demurrage charge 滞箱费container detention charge 卡车运费cartage fee 转运费transportation charge 污箱费container dirtyness change 坏箱费用container damage charge 清洁箱费container clearance charge 分拨费dispatch charge 车上交货FOT ( free on track ) 电汇手续费T/T fee 转境费/过境费I/E bonded charge 空运方面的专用术语 空运费air freight 机场费air terminal charge 空运提单费airway bill fee FSC (燃油附加费) fuel surcharge SCC(安全附加费)security sur-charge 抽单费D/O fee xx常用术语 内装箱费container loading charge(including inland drayage) 疏港费port congestion charge


1、电子数据交换的英文缩写为 EDI; 2、条形码的英文为 Bar Code; 3、第三方物流的英文缩写是 TPL 4、Autodiscrimination中文意思为自动辨别 5、Automated Warehouse 中文意思是自动化仓库 6、自动识别的英文是 Automatic Identification 7、Average Inventory 中文意思平均存货 8、Bar Code Reader 中文意思为条形码阅读器 9、Zero inventory 中文意思为零库存 10、ISO的全称为国际标准华组织 11、On-hand inventory 中文意思为现货 12、JITC 中文意思为准时供(送)货系统 13、B/L中文意思是提单 14、Turnover Ratio of inventory 中文意思为存货周转率 1、条形码系统包括 Bar Code、Bar Code Label、Bar Code Reader 2、仓库系统的设施包括Warehouse、Forks 、Goods Shelf 3、海运集装箱物流系统由 Container、Ship、Port 、Yard 4、运输工具为Air Cargo Carrier、Shipping Lines 、Motor Carrier 5、Carrier 中文意思是运送人、承运人 三、 1、Terminal 在港口物流中的含义是港口 T 2、Terminal 在电子商务中是终端机口 T 3、Cargo意为物运输 F 4、大量货物运输是Bulk carrier T 5、企业经营进出口均要付 Duty F 6、在仓库中的货物称为 Invention F 7、Quality Control 意思是品质管制 T 8、零售商店常常经客人Discount,以便助销。 T 9、Shipper和Carrier 是同一个货运的参与方。 T 10、Logistics的中文既是物流,又是后勤。 T 四、 1、Electronic Data Interchange Means 的意思是电子数据交换系统 2、Bar Code ,Bar Code Label and Bar Code Reader Compose A 条形码识别与 阅读System; 3、销售住处系统的英文是Point Of Sales 4、TEU指 20英尺集箱 5、Zero Inventory 意思是零库存 6、Material Requirement Planning (MRP) Is 物料需求计划


物流管理专业英语自我介绍 从某种意义上说,自我介绍是物流管理专业的学生进入物流行业的一把钥匙,关系到能否顺利地打开物流行业之门。今天小编就来告诉你物流管理专业英语自我介绍,欢迎阅读。 物流管理专业英语自我介绍篇【1】 My name is XXX. I am a fresh graduate of logistics management major in * * * Technical Teachers College. I am optimistic, cheerful, positive, and have strong communication and language skills During the three years of University, I have improved their comprehensive quality in continuous learning and practice, has put himself into a solid professional knowledge, perfect knowledge structure, strong ability to adapt, and cooperative youth. During the period of school in * * * * years through professional training and formal state organs to examine after obtaining the qualification certificate assistant logistics specialist Chinese occupation qualifications issued by the Ministry of labor and social security. After graduation, I hope to find a suitable job. The theoretical


物流专业英语期中测试(一) I. Translate the following items into Chinese or English. (20points) 1. 原材料11. logistics channel 2. 产成品12. electronic data interchange 3. 战略管理13. direct procurement 4. 售后服务14. transport facilities 5. 条形码15. information flow 6. 利润率16. value-added services 7. 物资运送17. supply chain management 8. 通用产品代码18. warehousing 9. 电子商务19. multinational companie 10. 数据处理20. just-in-time delivery II. Tell whether the following stetements are Ttrue or Ffalse, marking an “A”for true statements and a “B”. for false ones. (10 points) ( ) 21. Logistics information management is defined as the information processing of collecting, reconciling, communicating, storage and utilizing of all the information generated from logistics operations. ( ) 22. A third-party logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick-ups and deliveries, whereas in-house transportation can have the same function. ( ) 23. According to a narrow definition, logistics information means the information related to the logistics activities, such as transportation, storage, package, distribution processing



国际货代常用英文单词 货代常用英文 (一)船代 Shipping agent 船舶代理Handling Agent 操作代理Booking Agent 订舱代理 Cargo Canvassing 揽货 FFF: Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金 Brokerage / Commission 佣金(二)订舱 Booking 订舱 Booking Note 订舱单 Booking Number 订舱号 Dock Receipt 场站收据M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单 Cable/Telex Release 电放 A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书 PIC: Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员 The said party 所涉及的一方 On Board B/L: On Board提单 A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C Cancellation 退关箱 (三)港口 BP Base Port 基本港

Prompt release 即时放行 Transit time 航程时间 / 中转时间 Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地Second Carrier (第)二程船 In transit 中转 Transportation hub 中转港(四)拖车 Tractor 牵引车/拖头 Low-bed 低平板车 Trailer 拖车 Transporter 拖车 Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司) Axle load 轴负荷Tire-load 轮胎负荷 Toll Gate 收费口 (五)保税 Bonded Area 保税区 Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond) 保税货物 Bonded Warehouse 保税库 Caged stored at bonded warehouse 进入海关监管 Fork Lift 叉车 Loading Platform 装卸平台(六)船期 A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班 A fortnight sailing 双周班 A bi-weekly sailing 周双班


A abc classificiation abc分类法 Accomplish a Bill of Lading (to) 付单提货 Act of God 天灾 activity cost pool 作业成本集 activity-based costing 作业基准成本法 Ad valorem freight 从价运费 Address commission (Addcomm) 回扣佣金 advanced shipping notice (asn) 预先发货通知 A fixed day sailing 定日航班 A fortnight sailing 双周班 A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班 agile manufacturing 敏捷制造 Air Express 航空快递 Air Waybill 航空运单 Alliance 联盟 All in rate 总运费率 All purposes (A.P) 全部装卸时间 All time saved (a.t.s) 节省的全部时间 allocation―――中转? AMT (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) 先进制造技术Annual survey 年度检验 anticipation inventory 预期储备 Arbitrator 仲裁员 Area differential 地区差价 AS/RS (automated storage/retrieval system) 自动化仓储系统Article reserves物品储备 ATP (available to promise) 可供销售量 automatic replenishment (ar) 自动补货系统 automatic warehouse 自动化仓库 Automatic guided vehicle (AGV)自动导引车automated high-rise warehouse 自动立体仓库 B Backfreight 回程运费 back-hauls―――回程空载 Back (return) load 回程货 backlog 拖欠定单 back order 脱期定单, 延期交货成本(back order costs)。bar code 条形吗 Bill of Lading 提单 bill of materials 物料清单 Blank Endorsement 空白备书 body车身 engine body机体


物流行业英语常用15句 物流行业英语1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world. 现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。 物流行业英语2.Logistics is part of a supply chain. 物流是供应链的整体组成部分。 物流行业英语3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby. 物流不是新鲜事。 物流行业英语4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”. 物流是独特的全球通道。 5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information. 物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。 物流行业英语6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc. 物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。 7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling,


英语物流专业术语(IDHHIL Y)物流师考试术语 1,物品articl 2.物流logistics 3.物流活动logistics activity 4. 物流作业logistics operation 5.物流技术logistics techonlogy 6.物流成本logistics cost 7.物流管理logistics management 8.物流中心logistics center 9.物流网络logistics networt 10.物流信息logistics information 11.物流单证logistics documents 12.物流企业logistics enterprise 13.物流联盟logistics alliance 14.供应物流supply logistics 15.生产物流prodaction logistics 16.销售物流distribution logistics 17.回收物流returned logistics 18.废弃物流watse material logistics 19.绿色物流environmental logistics 20.企业物流internai logistics 21.社会物流external logistics 22.军事物流militarl logistics 23.国际物流international logistics 24第三方物流third-pard logistics (TPL) 25.定制物流customized logistics 26.虚拟物流virtual logistics 27.增值物流服务value-added logistics service 28.供应链supply chain 29.条码bar code 30.电子数据交换electronic date interchange(EDI) 31.有形消耗tangible loss 32.无形消耗intangible loss 33.物流模数logistics modulus 物流作业术语 1.运输transportation 2.联合运输combined transport 3..直达运输through transport 4.中转运输transfer transport 5.甩挂运输drop and pull transport 6.集装运输containerized transport 7.集装箱运输container transport 8.门到门door-to-door 9.整箱货full container load (FCL) 10.拼箱货less than container load (LCL) 11.储存storing 12.保管storage 13.物品储存article reserves 14.库存inventory 15.经常库存cycle stock 16.安全safety stick 17.库存周期inventory cycle time 18.前置期(提前期) lead time 19.订货处理周期order cycre time 20.货垛goods stack 21.堆码stacking 22.搬运handing/carrying 23.装卸loading and unloading 24.单元装卸unit loading and unloading 25.包装package/packaging 26.销售包装sales package 27.定牌包装packing of nominated brand 28.中性包装neutral packing 29.运输包装transport package 30.托盘包装palletizing 31.集装化containerization 32.散装化containerization 33.直接换装cross docking 34.配送distribation 35.共同配送joiot distribution 36.配送中心distribution center 37.分拣sorting 38.拣选order picking 39.集货goods collection 40.组配assembly 41.流通加工distribution processing 42.冷链cold chain 43.检验inspection


物流管理logistics management 客户服务customer service 物资搬运material handling 零配件和服务支持parts and service support 工厂及仓库选址factory and warehouse site selection 存货管理inventory management 订单处理order processing 需求预测demand forecasting 退货处理return goods handling 逆向物流reverse logistics 产出点point of origin 消费点point of consumption 物流成本logistics cost 销售损失lost sales 退货处理成本cost of return goods handling 潜在的销售potential sales 运输成本transportation cost 进货渠道inbound channel 出货渠道outbound channel 订单处理成本order processing cost 需求预测deman forecast 销售沟通distribution communications 电子数据交换系统electronic data interchange (EDI) 卫星数据传输satellite data transmission 条码bar coding 内部成本internal cost 外部成本external cost 订单传输order transmittal 订单输入order entry 批量成本lot quantity cost 缺货stock-out 库存成本inventory carrying/ holding cost 资金成本capital cost 仓储空间成本storage space cost 风险成本risk cost 供应链supply chain 供应链管理supply chain management 核心能力core competency 人力资源human resources 供应链整合supply chain integration 物资采购material procurement 最终用户end customer 货物流product flow 信息流information flow


Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) 注册(容积)总吨 Net Registered Tonnage (NRT) 注册(容积)净吨Deadweight Tonnage (All Told) (DWT or 总载重吨位(量) D.W.A.T) Gross Dead Weight Tonnage 总载重吨位 Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT) 净载重吨 Light Displacement 轻排水量 Load (Loaded)Displacement 满载排水量满载排水量 Actual Displacement 实际排水量 Over weight surcharge 超重附加费 Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or 燃油附加费 BS) Port Surcharge 港口附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) 货币贬值附加费Deviation surcharge 绕航附加费 Direct Additional 直航附加费Additional for Optional Destination 选卸港附加费Additional for Alteration of Destination 变更卸货港附加费Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费 Bill of Lading 提单 On Board (Shipped) B/L 已装船提单Received for shipment B/L 备运(收妥待运)提单Named B/L 记名提单 Bearer B/L 不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单 Blank Endorsement 空白备书 Clean B/L 清洁提单 In apparent good order and condition 外表状况良好Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L 不清洁提单 Direct B/L 直航提单Transshipment B/L 转船提单 Through B/L 联运提单 Multi-modal (Inter-modal, combined) transport 多式联运提单 B/L Long Form B/L 全式提单 Short Form B/L 简式提单 Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单Advanced B/L 预借提单 Stale B/L 过期提单 On Deck B/L 甲板货提单Charter Party B/L 租约项下提单
