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English test
English test

Applied Chemistry (*400单词)

1. absorbance n. 吸收率

2. abstract vt. 提取

3. accuracy n. 精度

4. acetamide n. 乙酰胺

5. acetylene n.乙炔

6. achiral a.非手性的

7. activation n.活化

8. addition n. 加成反应

9. affinity n. 亲和力

10. alcohol n. 醇

11. aldehyde n. 醛, 乙醛

12. aliphatic a. 脂肪族

13. alkali n. 碱

14. alkane n. 烷烃

15. alkene n. 稀烃

16. alkoxy n. 烷氧基

17. aluminum n. 铝

18. aminoethane n. 乙胺

19. ammonia n. 氨水

20. ammonium n. 胺

21. amplitude n.广大,充足,振幅

22.analogue n. 类似物

23. anhydride n. 酐

24. aniline n. 苯胺

25. anion n. 阴离子

26. apparatus n. 设备

27. aromatic a. 芳香烃的

28. aryl n. 芳基

29. asymmetric a. 非对称的,不匀称的,不均匀的

30. azeotrope n.共沸物

31. batchwise a.成批的

32. benzene n.苯

33. benzoyl n.苯甲酰

34. binary a. 二元的

35. biomass n.生物量

36. biphenyl n.联苯

37. bismuth n. 铋

38. bond v; n. 键(合)

39. boron n.硼

40. bromine n. 溴

41. brewage n.(酒)酿造,饮料调制

42. butane n.丁烷

43. byproduct n.副产物

44. cadmium n.镉

45. caesium .n. 铯

46. calcium n.钙

47. calibrate vt 校准,使标准化

48. capillary n. 毛细管

49. carbanion n. 碳阴离子

50. carbonate n.碳酸盐vt. 使变成碳酸盐,使充满二氧化碳

51. carbonium n. 碳正离子

52. carboxylic a.羧酸的

53. carcinogen n.致癌的

54. catalysis n.催化(作用)

55. cation n.阳离子

56. ceramic a.陶瓷的,陶器的,n.陶瓷制品

57. cesium n.铯

58. chelate n.螯合物

59. chiral a.手性的

60. chloride n.氯化物

61. chlorine n.氯

62. chloroform n.氯仿

63. chromatography n.色谱法

64. chromium n.铬

65. chromophore n.发色团

66. citric acid n. 柠檬酸

67. cleave v.劈开,分裂

68. cobalt n.钴

69. coefficient n. 系数

70. collision n. 碰撞,冲突

71. complex n. 络合物

72. concentration n. 浓度

73. condensation n.冷凝

74. conformation n. 构象

75. constituent a.形成的,组成的,n.成分,要素

76. converter n. 转化器

77. coordinate n.配位,配价,坐标

78. coplanarity n.共面

79. copper n. 铜

80. coprous a. 亚铜的

81. corrosion n.腐蚀

82. cosmetic n.化妆品,a.化妆用的

83. counter ion n.反离子

84. coupling n.联结,结合,偶和

85. covalent a.共有原子价的,共价的

86. criteria n.标准

87. crystallinity n.结晶性的,水晶的

88. cube n.立方体,立方形,立方,三次幂

89. cyanide n.氰化物

90. cycloalkane n. 环烷烃

91. deactivate vt.使不活动

92. deflect v.歪斜,使偏向

93. degradation n.降低

94. delocalization n.离位

95. deposit vt.(使)沉淀,安置

96. derivative a.派生的

97. desolvation n. 去溶剂化作用

98. desorption n.解吸作用

99. detector n. 检测器

100. detectable a.能发觉的

101. deuterium n. 重氢

102. dichroism n.二色性,分光特性,两色现象103. diene n.二烯(烃)

104. diesel n. 柴油机,内燃机

105. displacement n. 换置,移位,移动,取代106. diffraction vt.衍射

107. diffuse a.散开的,弥散的,v.扩散,散播108. dilute n.a.冲淡(的),稀释

109. diol n.二醇,二酚

110. dipole n.双极,偶极

111. discriminate v.区别,辨别,有差别地对待112. dioxide n.二氧化物

113. dissociate vt.使分离,将…分开

114. dissociation energy 离解能

115. distill vt.用蒸馏法提取,蒸馏

116. distribution coefficient 分配系数

117. driving force 推动力

118. ecological a. 生态学的

119. effluence n 射出物,流出物

120. electrode n.电极

121. electric potential moment 电子偶极矩

122. electric potential 电势

123. electrolyse vt. 电解

124. electromagnetic a. 电磁的,由电磁石产生的125. electron acceptor 电子接受体

126. electron donor 电子给予体

127. electronegativity n.电负性

128. electropositive a.电正性的

129. electronelectrode n. 阴电极

130. electron-withdrawing a. 推电子的

131. electrophilic a. 亲电的

132. electroplate vt. 电镀n. 电镀物品,电铸版133. electrospray n. 电子喷射

134. elimination n. 除去,剔除,淘汰

135. eluent n. 洗脱液

136. emitter n. 发射器

137. emulsifier n. 乳化剂,乳化器

138. enantiomer n. 对映体

139. endogenous a. 内存的

140. endothermic a. 吸热的

141. enrich vt. 使浓缩,加浓,富集

142. enthalpy n. 焓,热函

143. entropy n. 熵

144. enzymatic a. 酶的

145. equation n. 等式,方程式,相等,均衡146. ester n. 酯

147. esterification n. 酯化

148. ethane n. 乙烷

149. ethanoyl n. 乙酰基

150. ethylamine 乙胺

151. ethylene 乙稀

152. ethylenediamine 乙二胺

153. ethyne 乙炔

154. exclusively ad. 排外地,专有地

155. exclusively ad. 排外地,专有地

156. extrapolate n. 推断,外推

157. facilitate v. 使容易,使便利,推进158. feasibility n. 可行性

159. ferment n. 酶,酵酶

160. ferric a. 铁的

161. fixed-bed 固定床

162. flocculate n. 絮凝物

163. fluorescence n. 萤光,发荧光,荧光性164. fluorine n. 氟

165. fluorocarbon n. 氟碳化合物

166. formaldehyde n. 甲醛

167. formic a. 蚁的,蚁酸的

168. formula n. 公式,程式,处方

169. fossil n. 化石,旧事物;成化石的,陈旧的170. fractionating column 分馏柱

171. fragmentation n. 分裂,崩溃,爆破

172. gallium n. 镓

173. gasifier n. 汽化器,煤气发生器

174. gene n. 基因,遗传因子

175. glucose n.葡萄糖

176. glycerine n 甘油

177. gold n. 金

178. graphite n. 石墨

179. halide n. 卤化物

180. halogen n. 卤素

181. halogenation n. 卤化,卤代

182. helium n. 氦

183. heptane n. 庚烷

184. heredity n. 遗传

185. heterocyclic a. 杂环的,不同环式的186. heterogeneous a. 不同的,异类的

187. hexane n.已烷

188. hexagonal n. 六角型的

189. homogeneity n. 同种,同质

190. homogeneity n. 同种,同质

191. homologue n. 同系物

192. hormone n. 激素

193. hybrid n.杂种,混血儿

194. hydrate n. 水合物,含水物vt.水合作用195. hydration n. 水合

196. hydride n. 氢化物

197. hydrigen n.氢

198. hydrocarbon n.烃类

199. hydrogen halide n. 氢卤化物

200. hydrolyse vt.水解

201. hydronium ion n.水合离子

202. hydrophilic a.亲水的

203. hydrophobic a. 憎水的

204. hydrostatic(al) a.流体静力学的

205. hydrothermal a.水热的

206. hydroxide n.氢氧化物

207. hydroxyl n.氢氧根,羟基

208. hydroxylation n.羟基化

209. ill-defined a.不清楚的,不确切定义的210. impurity n.杂质,混杂物,不纯

211. inactivate vt.钝化,使减少活性

212. incipient a.开始的,起初的

213. incorporate v.结合,合并

214. indices n.index的复数,指数,刻度,索引215. induced enzyme 诱导酶

216. inert a.惰性的,不活泼的

217. infrared a.红外线的,红外区的n.红外线218. inhibitor n.禁止剂,抑制剂,抑制因素

219. inhomogeneity n.不同族,不同质

220. inorganic a.无机的,无生物的

221. insoluble a.不溶的

222. integer n.整数,完整的东西

223. interface n.界面,分界面,接触面

224. interferogram n.干涉图,干涉照片

225. intermedium n.中间体

226. intrinsic a.本质的,固有的,内在的,体内的227. iodide n.碘化物

228. ion n.离子

229. ionisation n.电离作用

230. ionization n.离子化

231. irradiate vt.使明亮,照耀

232. irreversible a.不可逆

233. isocratic a.无梯度的,等度的

234. isomer n.同分异构体

235. isopropane n.异丙烷

236. isopropanol n. 异丙醇

237. isothermally ad.等温的

238. isotope n.同位素

239. ketone n.酮

240. kinetics n.动力学

241. lanthanide n.镧系金属

242. lanthanum n.镧

243. lattice n.格子,点阵,网格,晶格

244. lattice energy 点阵能

245. legislation n.立法,立案

246. ligand n.配位

247. lithium n.锂

248. liquefaction n.液化

249. lubricant n.润滑剂,润滑的

250. macromolecular n.大分子

251. magnesium n.镁

252. mamganese n.锰

253. manipulation n.改造,操纵

254. mass spectrometry 质谱

255. mass-to-charge 质荷比

256. membrane n.薄膜,细胞膜

257. mercury n.水银,汞

258. metabolism n.代谢作用,新陈代谢

259. metallurgy n.冶金学

260. methanol n.甲醇

261. microbe n.细菌,微生物

262. microbiological a.微生物学的

263. microporous a.多孔的

264. microsecond n.微秒

265. milligram n.毫克

266. minimize v.使减少到最小,降到最低

267. miscibility n.混溶性

268. molal a.摩尔的

269. molybdenum n. 鉬

270. monochrome n.单色器,单色仪

271. monomer n.单体

272. monoxide n.一氧化物

273. multitude n.众多,大量,大群,大众

274. multivalued a.多值的

275. mutagen n.诱变

276. nanometer n.纳米,nm

277. naphthene n.脂环烃

278. neon n.氖

279. neopentane n.新戊烷

280. neutralization n.中和

281. neutron n.中子

282. nitrate n.硝酸盐

283. nitrite n.亚硝酸盐

284. nonaqueous a.非水的

285. nonmagnetic a.非磁性的n.非磁性物

286. nonvolatile a.非挥发性的

287. nucleate v.成核 a.有核的

288. nucleophile a.亲核的

289. nylon n. 尼龙

290. octene n.辛烯

291. olefin n.链烯

292. optimization n.最优化,最佳化

293. orbital a.轨道的

294. orientation n.定位,方向

295. osmium n. 鋨

297. overtone n.倍频

298. oxidation n.氧化作用

299. oxoanion n.含氧阴离子

300. oxonium n.氧鎓

301. ozone n.臭氧,新鲜空气

302. palladium n.钯

303. parameter n.参(变)数,参(变)量,因素,特征304. partition n.瓜分,隔开

306. penetration n.穿入,渗透,洞察力

307. pentane n.戊烷

308. perchlorate n.高氯酸盐

309. periodic a.周期的,定期的高氯酸盐

310. peroxide n.过氧化物

311. pesticide n.杀虫剂

312. pharmaceutical a.药学的

313. pharmacy n.药房,药学,配药,制药

314. phenol n.酚

315. phenyl n.苯基

316. phosphorus n.磷,磷光体,发光物质

317. photon n.光子

318. platinum n.铂

319. polar a.极性的,两个相反方向的

320. pollutant n.污染物,污染源

321. polycrystalline a.多晶的

322. potassium n.钾

323. polymer n.聚合物

324. polymerization n.聚合作用

325. pore n.气孔,毛孔,细孔

326. postulate n.假定,基本条件v.假设

327. potassium n.钾

328. potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾

329. precipitate n.沉淀

330. preservative a.有保护力的,防腐的n.防腐剂,防腐料331. probabilistic a.概率统计的,椭圆的

332. probe n.探针,探测品v.探查,穿刺

333. propanal n.丙醛

334. propanol n. 丙醇

335. propene n.丙稀

336. proportional a.比例的,相称的

337. propyne n.丙炔

338. proton n.质子

339. protonation n.质子化,质子化作用

340. pseudothermodynamic a.假(热)力学

341. pyridine n.吡啶

342. quantitative a.数量的,定量的

343. quantum n.量子

344. racemic a.消旋地

345. radialization n.辐射,放射

346. radial a.径向的,半径的,光线的,射线的

347. radium n.镭

348. radon n.氡

349. reactant n.反应物

350. reactor n.反应器

351. reagent n.反应试剂

352. rectification n. 精馏,纠正

353. reflux n. 回流,逆流,退潮

354. refractive a. 折射的,有折射力的,屈折的355. resolution n. 分辨率

356. resonance n.共振response n.响应

357. response n.响应

358. retention n. 保留,保持,保持力

359. rhodium n.铑

360. rubidium n. 铷

361. ruthenium n.钌

362. samarium n.钐

363. scandium n.钪

364. selectivity n. 选择性

365. selenium n. 硒

366. sensitivity n. 敏感性,灵敏性

367. separation coefficient 分离系数

368. silicon n. 硅

369. silver n.银

370. spontaneously ad. 自发地

371. stationary a. 不动的,静止的,固定的,停留的372. steric a. 空间的,位的

373. stoichiometric a. 化学计量的

374. strontium n.锶

375. substituent n. 取代,替代,交换

376. subtract v. 减去,减掉,扣除

377. sulfate n. 硫酸盐用硫酸处理

378. sulfite n. 亚硫酸盐

379. sulphinate vt.磺化n. 磺酸盐

380. superconductibity n. 超导性

381. supersaturation n. 过饱和(现象)

382. surfactant n. 表面活性剂

383. symmetrically ad. 对称性地,对称地,平衡地384. synthesize v. 合成

385. tantalum n.钽

386. tellurium n. 碲

387. thallium n.铊

388. thermochemistry n. 热化学

389. thiophenol n. 硫酚

390. titanium n.钛

391. titration n. 滴定方法

392. ultraviolet a. 紫外的

393. unimolecular a. 单分子的

394. urea n. 尿素

395. valence n.(化合)价,原子价

396. vanadium n. 钒

397. vaporize vt.(使)蒸发,(使)汽化398. viscosity n. 粘度

399. volatility n. 挥发度

400. zeolite n. 沸石

最新版本english test7年级测试题

一.词汇(15) 1.Jim wants to go______ (shop) .Would you like _____ (go) with him? 2 Boys and girls, help _________ (you) to some chicken. 3.Lin Tao _______ ( like) dumplings a lot, he _______ (not like)vegetables at all. 4.It’s my pet bird. ____ name is Polly.(it) 5 What about something ____________ ( eat)? 6.The dumplings are very d______ .I want some m______ dumplings. 7.Can you help me with my English? No p_______. 8.Could you tell me you name? Sure, you can call me Mike f______ short. 9.My parents work in an office, they are office w_______. 10 I have many friends here, they are f____ to me. 11.My uncle is an English teacher. He t_____ in a school. 12.You can call your father’father and mother g______. 二.选择(15) ( )1.I like fish, ______my brother doesn′t like it. A. so B.or C.for D.but ( )2.There ______ a big tree near the house. A.Are B.is C.have D.has ( )3.Mrs Gao is a nurse. She works in a new ______. A.shop B.school C.factory D.hospital ( )4.What would you like _____ eat _____ breakfast? A to , for B. for , to C to , to D for, for ( )5. I am hungry. I’d like some ________ A breads B cakes C an egg D meats ( )6 What does Jack _____ in the letter? A. say B speak C tell D talk ( )7.Do you like china ? es, I’m very ____ to be here. A. good B nice C glad D fine. ( )8. welcome, Lucy .come in and ______ yourself at home, A let B have C make D help ( )9 _______ the young woman in yellow ? She is a teacher. A What B. What’s C Who’s D Whose ( )10.Lucy _________ dinner with me today. A don’t have B doesn’t has C don’t has D doesn’t have ( )11.Do you like the English corner? Yes,____ A I don’t B I will C lot D very much ( )12 What do your parents do? They ______ English teachers . A. are all B are both C all are D both all ( )13. ______ does your father work? ______ a farm. A What On B Where In C Where On D What On


小学一年级英语期末考试试卷 二、划出下列单词中的元音字母: uncle balloon mouth leaf sing ?三、正确抄写下列单词: bicycle father jump three butterfly ?四、问答句编号 1.How old are you today? No, he hasnt. 2.Have you got a balloon? She has got a taro. 3.What do you like to eat? I like to eat peaches. 4.What has she got? No, I have got a ball. 5.Has he got a swing? Im five. ?根据实际情况回答问题: 1.Whats your name? 2.How are you? 3. How old are you? 4.How many books? (4) 5.Happy New Year!

6.Happy birthday. 7.Whats your father? 8.Whats your mother? 9.Are you a pupil? 10. Are you a teacher? 11. Is your father a doctor? 12. Is your mother a nurse? 13. Do you like meat? 14. Is it blue? (No) 15. What colour is your bag? 16. What do you see? (a butterfly) 17. Is he a policeman? (no) 18. Is she a nurse? (yes) 19. Say hello to your mother. 20. Say goodbye to your teacher. 21. Come with me. 22. What is this? ( apple) 23. What is that?(kite) 24. What do you like to eat? 25. Good morning. 26. Good afternoon. 27. Hello , Im Mary.


初中英语知识总结 一、出现以下词,用do填空: can , could, may, must, need, had better, why not, make, have to, let’s, see, hear, watch, notice, Will ( Would ) you please…? 二、出现以下词,用to do 填空: would like, want, begin, start, hope, decide, ask, wish, have something to do, tell, take time, it’s time, remember, forget, learn, teach, try, stop, plan, adj./疑问词后,take ,allow, encourage, warn, It’s +形容词+to do something, discuss, know, refuse, invite , get order, like, offer, lend, make up one’s mind to do, set one’s mind to do, enough, need 三、出现以下词,用doing 填空: finish, like, enjoy, mind, keep, be busy, there be, do some…, go doing, prevent, be worth, spend, practice, feel like, thank somebody for doing something ,stop, excuse somebody for doing something, can’t help, prefer…to…,look forward to…hate, mention, hav e fun doing,介词:at, in , on, of , from, for, about, with, without, ,make a contribution to, be used to, hear, see, watch, notice, listen, 四、基数词的特殊变化 one---first ; two---second; three---third; five---fifth; eight---eighth; nine---ninth; twelve---twelfth; twenty---twentieth; twenty-one---twenty-first 五、代词的变化: 主格―――宾格――所有格(adj.)――所有格(n.)―反身代词 I --------me--------my----------mine-------------myself you------you--------your-------yours------------yourself he-------him---------his-------his-------------himself she------her----------her-------hers-----------herself it-------it----------its--------its--------- itself we-------us---------our---------ours------------ourselves you------you--------your--------yours---------yourselves they-----them------their--------theirs---------themselves 六、表示天气的词 1. sun—sunny 2. cloud—cloudy 3. rain—rainy 4. wind—windy 5. fog—foggy 6. mist—misty 7. snow—snowy 8. shower—showery 七、表示方向的词 1. east—eastern—easterner(s) 2south—southern—southerner(s) 3.west—western—westerner(s) 4.north—northern—northerner(s) 八、国家---国家的(人) 1.China—Chinese 2.Japan—Japanese 3.Germany--German 4.Canada—Canadian 5.Sweden—Swedish 6. Australia--stralian


专业英语(计算机系)课程2009—2010学年第二学期期末A卷 专业班级学号姓名得分 一.Translate the following sentences into Chinese : (45%) 1 CPU is usually faster than main memory access time ,with the result that processing speeding is limited primarily by the speed of main memory. CPU的处理速度通常比主存读取速度快,结果是程序处理速度受到主存速度的限制 2The cache is used for storing segments of programs currently being executed in CPU. CACHE是用来存储当前在CPU中执行的进程片断 3By making programs and data available at a rapid rate, it is possible to increase the performance rate of the computer. 通过缩短程序和数据的存取速度,能使计算机处理效率提高。。 4 A particular application of this decoder is a binary-to-octal conversion. 一个特定的译码器应是二进制到八进制的转换 5 A 3-to-8-line decoder can be used for decoding any 3-bit code to provide eight outputs, one for each combination of the binary code. 一个3-8行解码器能用作解码,任何三个字符口令是提供8位输出二进制的组合 6The simplicity of the data type stack belies its importance. 堆栈这种数据类型的简单性掩盖了他的重要性 7Without computer programs there would be no software product and no software engineering.


全国英语等级考试(一级)模拟试题 听力(略)第一部分 英语知识运用第二部分 单项填空第一节 并在阅读下面的句子和对话,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,答题卡将该项涂黑。26. He is badly ill. We must _____ a doctor at once. C. send away B. send for A. send to . last year27. The hospital _______ C. has been built B. was built A. built into the classroom, the teacher _____something on the blackboard. came28. When I C. wrote A. is writing B. was writing 29. --How long have you been ill? -- C. Once a week A. Since last week B. A week ago 30. Everybody is here _____Mike. C. except B. and A .not understand the passage ___ there are a few new words in it. 31. We don'tC. because B. unless A. and 32. The TV set is very nice. How long have you _______it? C. taken B. had A. bought 33. --- Shall I get one more apple for you, Dad? ve had enough. '---Thanks, but you _______. It C. needn' A. may not B. must not 34. --- _________is your shirt? --- It is 100yuan. C. How long B. How much A. How many 35. He is _______kind an old man that all the children like him. C. such B. so A. very this 36. Either Jim or Sam ______going to help the farmers with the orange harvest afternoon. C. is B. were A. was . 37. We have studied for two hours. Let's stop A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. having a rest 38. We won't go to Great Wall if it ________tomorrow.


期末测试卷三 时间: 60分钟满分: 100分 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音, 将你所听到的单词选项填在括号里。(10分) ()1.A.shirt B. skirt C. dirt ()2.A.shorts B. socks C. scarves ()3.A.dress B. jeans C. yes ()4.A.sheep B. cheap C. eat ()5.A.world B. warm C. weather 二、听录音, 给图片标序号。(10分) ()()() () () 三、听录音, 给问句选择正确的答语。(10分) ()1.A.Forty-two. B. Forty yuan. ()2.A.Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. ()3.A.They are Mike's. B. They are Mike. ()4.A.They are nine yuan. B. It's nine yuan. ()5.A.Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is. 四、听录音, 选择正确的答案。(10分) ()1.Where is Sarah?

A. In the school. B. At home. C. In the shop. ()2.Is the dress pretty? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. No, it is. ()3.How much is the dress? A. Eighteen yuan. B. Eighty yuan. C. Twenty-eight yuan. ()4.Is the dress very expensive? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, it isn't. ()5.Sarah likes the dress. They will ________ it. A. try on B. take C. see 笔试部分(60分) 五、根据提示, 补全单词, 并将完整的单词写在横线上, 补全句子。(6分) 1.It's hot. Take off your____________. 2. Go to the____________. Read a book. 3. It's ____________ and snowy. 4. How much are these____________? 5. It's 11: 30. It's time for____________. 6. Are these ____________ on the farm? 六、读一读, 判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(5分) ()1.We have a new computer room. ()2.It's ten o'clock in Beijing.


2014中考英语语法知识点总结:动词 一定要记牢动词的现在分词,过去式,过去分词。比如:catch 的过去式和过去分词(caught,caught) 你可能就不知道吧?痛下决心,好好记一记吧。先讲系动词。 系动词:大概是最简单的动词了。你只需注意的是系动词除了be的形式之外,还有become,get,grow,turn,sound,look,smell,taste等,它们不能单独作谓语,必须和作表语的词语(如形容词, 名词等) 连用, 所以用的时候,可要小心为是呀!如:It smells delicious.(它闻起来味道很美)。delicious 是形容词,不是副词。 情态动词:首先要记住情态动词后必跟动词原形。 must的意思是"应当,必须",侧重于说话者的主观看法,没有时态变化,其否定式是mustn't,在"Must I(we) ...."的疑问句中,须注意的是其否定回答常用needn't。如:Must I go?(我一定要走吗?) No,you needn't.(不,不必。) need意为"需要"。既可作实义动词,又可作情态动词,因此在用法上需要注意。作实义动词时,need后跟名词,动名词,或不定式。如:I need to go. (我得走了。) 作情态动词时,后跟动词原形。如:You needn't come tomorrow if you are busy. (如果你忙,明天就不必来了。) 实意动词:我们跑(run),我们跳(jump),我们笑(laugh),这些都得用实意动词来表达。我们一起来看一看一些特殊的词吧。它们在接动名词和不定式时意义有所不同。 stop:这个词让好多同学大伤了一番脑筋,到底什么时候加to do,什么时候加 doing 呢?两者意义又有什么不同呢?OK, Come with me. 看下面两个句子。 When the teacher came in, they stopped to read. When the teacher came in, they stopped talking. 第一句的意思是"当老师进来时,他们停下来开始读书"。而第二句的意思是 "老师进来时,他们停止了说话"。所以stop to do sth表示"停止正在做的事情去干另一件事"。而stop doing表示"中断正在做的某事"。 forget,remember,regret 这三个词用法基本相同,只要记住+doing 表示"事情已经做过",+to do表示"事情还未做"就可以了。

English test

Applied Chemistry (*400单词) 1. absorbance n. 吸收率 2. abstract vt. 提取 3. accuracy n. 精度 4. acetamide n. 乙酰胺 5. acetylene n.乙炔 6. achiral a.非手性的 7. activation n.活化 8. addition n. 加成反应 9. affinity n. 亲和力 10. alcohol n. 醇 11. aldehyde n. 醛, 乙醛 12. aliphatic a. 脂肪族 13. alkali n. 碱 14. alkane n. 烷烃 15. alkene n. 稀烃 16. alkoxy n. 烷氧基 17. aluminum n. 铝 18. aminoethane n. 乙胺 19. ammonia n. 氨水 20. ammonium n. 胺 21. amplitude n.广大,充足,振幅 22.analogue n. 类似物 23. anhydride n. 酐 24. aniline n. 苯胺 25. anion n. 阴离子 26. apparatus n. 设备 27. aromatic a. 芳香烃的 28. aryl n. 芳基 29. asymmetric a. 非对称的,不匀称的,不均匀的 30. azeotrope n.共沸物 31. batchwise a.成批的 32. benzene n.苯 33. benzoyl n.苯甲酰 34. binary a. 二元的 35. biomass n.生物量 36. biphenyl n.联苯 37. bismuth n. 铋 38. bond v; n. 键(合) 39. boron n.硼 40. bromine n. 溴 41. brewage n.(酒)酿造,饮料调制 42. butane n.丁烷


1、Charles Darney insisted that he ___A__everything he could to make sure of Lucie’s happiness. A、do B、 must do C、does D、did Answer:A 2、 Internet can provide you with a lot of _D_____. A、answer B、thing C、 question D、 information Answer:D 3、 Could you ____D_ these seeds from the fruit? A、remain B、remind C、 remember D、remove Answer:D 4、The effort to protect the environment was not successful. The beautiful view was eventually __D____ by mass tourism. A、hurt B、injured C、wounded D、 damaged Answer:D 5、Grandma was ___C___ her grandson when his mother knocked at the door. A、wearing B、putting on C、dressing D、having on Answer:C 6、The children are still _B____, waiting for their mother to come back. A、waken B、awake C、 wake D、 awaken Answer:B 7、 When you meet someone who __C___ deeply about something, you probably will want to ask them why they do so. A、absorbs B、considers C、 cares D、minds Answer:C 8、 I haven’t read ___C___ of the last four chapters, so I know little about them. A、 something B、 some C、any D、 anything Answer:C


深港版小学英语五年级下册期末试卷 (满分100分) 班别_____________ 姓名_______________ 分数_________________ 听力部分(50分) 一、听录音,选出包含你听到的音素的单词。念两次。(5’) ( ) 1. A. sink B. drink C. pink D. ring ( ) 2. B. near B. chair C. cheer D. hear ( ) 3. A. white B. toy C. skate D. skates ( ) 4. A. party B. butter C. far D. supermarket ( ) 5. A. book B. teeth C. food D. lose 二、听录音,听句子,选出听到的句子包含的单词或短语。念两次。(5’) ( ) 1. A. exciting B. delicious C.interesting ( ) 2. A. see B. swim C. saw ( ) 3. A. safe B. dangerous C. exciting ( ) 4. A. talk quietly B. walk quickly C. walk slowly ( ) 5. A. sent emails B. read books C. won a prize 三、听录音,选择正确的答句和问句。(5分) ( ) 1. A.I had a busy week. B.I have some books. C.I am going to have a holiday. D.I don ’t have any milk. ( ) 2. A. Yes , she was . B. Yes, it was. C. No, she isn ’t. D. No, I don ’t. ( ) 3. A. It ’s from China . B. He ’s over there. C. It ’s on the floor. D. It ’s red. ( ) 4. A. Was your bag red? B. What color is your bag? C. I s this your bag? D. Where ’s your bag? ( )5. A. How often does he water the plants? B. How did he go there? C. When did he go? D. Where ’s your bag? 四、听录音,选出你听到的句子。念两次。(5’) ( )1. A. We can get presents at Christmas. B. We can play at Christmas. C. We can make a card at Christmas. D. We can sing at Christmas. ( ) 2. A. Which bus goes to the airport? B. Which bus goes to the temple? C. Which bus goes to the train station? D. Which bus goes to the hotel? ( ) 3. A. There will be a fire drill this week. B. There is a vase in my bedroom. C. There are some books and a computer in our classroom. D. There wasn ’ t any water in the bowl.


中考英语语法笔记整理大全 2015.8 名词 表示人、事物、地方、现象或抽象概念等的名称的词。 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! 、名词的分类 注:1. 加冠词。 2、有普通名词构成的专有名词前要用定冠词“ the”但它不大写。 3、有些不可数名词有时表示为具体的东西时,则变为可数名词,而且以四上也有了变化。eg. beer ----a beer 一杯啤酒,work--- a work 工厂,著作,glass---a glass 一个玻璃杯,room 空间---a room 一个房间 、名词的数:表示可以计算数目的人或物称为可数名词。 1、可数名词有单、复数两种形式:可数名词的单数形式要在名词前加“a或an”;复数形式是在名词 后加-s或-es

2. ①改变单数名词中的元音字母 eg. man--men, woma n—wome n, tooth —teeth, foot—feet, goose—geese, mouse--mice ②单复数同形eg. Chinese-Chinese, deer-deer, fish-fish, sheep-sheep,… ③由man和woman构成的合成词,每个名词都要变复数 eg. a man doctor—men doctors, a woma n teacher--wome n teachers 注意:有些名词表示一种物体具有不可分割的相同的两部分,在使用时只有复数形式 eg. trousers, clothes, glasses, shorts,scissors, etc有些名词从形式上看是复数, 实际上是单数(其后的谓语动词要用单数).eg. maths, phyiscs, politics, news 3. 不可数名词:表示不能计算数目的人或物,称为不可数名词。他们前面不能用a/an,没有复数形式。物质名词和抽象名词都属于不可数名词。不可数名词一般只有单数形式,但有其特殊用法: ⑴同一个词,变成复数形式,意义不同。eg. food食物---foods各种食物, time 时间---times 时代,green 绿色---greens 青菜 (2) 有些不可数名词用复数代指具体的事物 eg. hope ---hopes 希望hardship --- hardships 艰苦 (3) 物质名词在表示数量时,常用某个量词+of来表示 eg. a cup of tea, seve n pieces of bread, severalbags of rice, … 三、名词的所有格 名词的所有格是表示名词之间的所有关系,有两种表示形 式,一种是在名词后+';另一种疋用of,表示 …勺”。 1. (1) 一般词的所有格,直接在词尾+'。eg. Mr. Mott 's robot, children 's clothes (2)以s结尾的名词所有格只在词尾+ ' eg. teachers 'books (3)两人共有的物体,则在第二个名词后

全国公共英语等级考试英语一级(1级)试题 含答案

全国公共英语等级考试英语一级(1级)模拟试题含答案 第一节:单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 1. ----- will you be able to finish the job this week? ----- ___________ , but I'm not skilled enough, you know. A.I can't say so B.I expect so C. I'm sure so D. I don't know so 2. We arrived at the station _______ late, or we the bus. A. too much; would catch B. a little too; had caught C. much too; would have caught D. too much; would have caught 3. Is it the watch you want ________? A. to have it repaired B. to repair it C. to have repaired D. to have repaired it 4. The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag. A. each carrying B. whose that watch is C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is 5. The little boy can't tell ________. A. whose is that watch B. whose that watch is C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is 6. If a baby bird stays _______ for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult. A. living B. lively C. alive D. live 7. We will not attack ______ we are attacked;if attacked,we will certainly counter-attack. A. if B. when C. unless D. even if 8. You can take ______ seat you like. A. no matter what B. no matter which C. what D. whichever 9. I ______ to speak to you all these days. A. wanted B. have wanted C. shall want D. shall be wanting 10.A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket ______ fire to the hotel. A. made B. set C. caused D. caught 11."Do you hear someone knocking at the door?" "Yes, I did. I heard him ______ three times." A. knocking B. knocked C. being knocking D. knock 12.Peter,John and Tom each ______. A. say they came first B. says they came first C. says he came first D. say came first 13.Through long power lines electricity goes ______. A. to the place needed B. there it is needed C. where it is needed D. which it is needed 14. ______ from the apple tree. A. It down fell B. there it is needed C. Down fell it D. Fell it down 15.The service in this restaurant is very poor;there are not enough waiters to wait ______ customers. A. on B. for C. with D. to 第二节:完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.


英语期末考试试卷 重庆大学硕士研究生《英语 》课程试卷 2012 ~2013 学年 第 一 学期(春、秋) 开课学院: 课程编号: 考试日期: 考试方式: 开卷闭卷 其他 考试时间: 120 分钟 硕士生B 类答题纸 英语班次:_______________ Answer Sheet Part I. Reading Comprehension ( 40 points, 1-15 30points; 16-25 10points) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( ) 11. ( ) 12. ( ) 13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( ) 16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19. ( ) 20. ( ) 21.( ) 22.( ) 23.( ) 24.( ) 25.( ) Part II. Translation from English to Chinese ( 20 points) Part III. Translation from Chinese to English ( 20 points ) Part IV . Writing ( 20 points) (请写在背面,Please write your composition on the reverse side.) 命题(组题)人:黄萍 李雁 审题人: 黄萍 命题时间: 2012.12 研究生院制 学院 专业(领域) 类别 ( 学术 、专业 ) 学号 姓名 封 线 密


PRE-ADMISSION ENGLISH ASSESSMENT SAMPLE ASSESSMENT AND PREPARATION GUIDE IMPORTANT INFORMATION: ASSESSMENT FEE - $30 FOR 1, $40 FOR 2, $50 FOR 3 ASSESSMENTS (Please note that Science is considered 1 assessment whether you write Biology, Chemistry, or both) The above fees must be paid by cash or credit card at the Conestoga Assessment Centre on the day of the assessment. PARKING A paid parking system is enforced Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Parking Lots 1 & 11 are the day pass lots - the cost for a day pass is $10.00. The machines take coins only (i.e. toonies, loonies, or quarters). IDENTIFICATION All persons referred for assessments must present personal identification (photo ID or ID with a signature on it). Failure to provide proper identification will result in the assessment date being rescheduled.


全国英语等级考试(一级)模拟试题 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分英语知识运用 第一节单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。 26. He is badly ill. We must _____ a doctor at once. A. send to B. send for C. send away 27. The hospital _______ last year. A. built B. was built C. has been built 28. When I came into the classroom, the teacher _____something on the blackboard. A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote 29. --How long have you been ill? -- A. Since last week B. A week ago C. Once a week 30. Everybody is here _____Mike. A .not B. and C. except 31. We don’t understand the passage ___ there are a few new words in it. A. and B. unless C. because 32. The TV set is very nice. How long have you _______it? A. bought B. had C. taken 33. --- Shall I get one more apple for you, Dad? ---Thanks, but you _______. I’ve had enough. A. may not B. must not C. needn’t 34. --- _________is your shirt? --- It is 100yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How long 35. He is _______kind an old man that all the children like him. A. very B. so C. such 36. Either Jim or Sam ______going to help the farmers with the orange harvest this afternoon. A. was B. were C. is 37. We have studied for two hours. Let’s stop . A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. having a rest 38. We won’t go to Great Wall if it ________tomorrow. A. rains B. rain C. will rain 39. No book and no pen______in the bag. A. is B. are C. has 40. Please give me ______. A. two cups of milks B. two cup of milk C. two cups of milk 第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选
