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最近,经常接到关于Curriculum Vitae(CV)的问题,如何写CV能给老板一个好印象?此次360教育集团特别罗列了下关于如何写好一篇CV的详细介绍。

CV 是Curriculum vitae的简称,也有的人叫Curriculum vita。有人解释说,curriculum vitae就是course of life,用“人生的过程”来解释比较恰当,汉语把它翻译成“简历”,但是,也有不同的地方。关于CV的写法,是个非常有争议的话题。如果问两个人:“什么样的CV才更完美?”,专家总是用“DO”或者“DON’T”以及一大堆的“常见错误”让我们觉得这些东西更加神秘和可畏。不要指望有一份完美而且权威的CV,如果我们把它理解为“人生的成绩单”就比较确切了,有人比喻说:“ CV是一份按年代顺序排列成的购物单,上面列出了这些年来你究竟买到手了哪些东西,而不是单单是描述一下你这些年来你买东西的历史”。

现在常常有人把CV和Resume混起来称为“简历”,其实精确而言,CV应该是“履历”,Resume才是简历。要记住,Resume概述了与求职有关的教育准备和经历,是对经验技能的摘要,其主要目的在于说服用人单位老板雇佣自己;Curriculum Vitae则集中说明学术工作,不重视与文化程度和学习成绩无直接关系的资料。

CV 的长度由其内容确定,有时可长达十页,年轻专业人的履历一般长度都在2-4页,而老资历的通常也在6-8页。应包括:姓名、地址、电话号码及电子邮件地址;文化程度;受何奖励和大学奖学金;教学经历相关经历;有何论著发表;语言或其它技能,课外活动及个人爱好。Resume,大多只需一页大小,而有两页的是对具有广泛的工作经验人才的典型性。应包括:姓名、地址、电子信箱(可选)和电话号码(当地和固定的);工作岗位(可选);教育;获何荣誉奖励;有关功课(可选);经历,列出组织、地址、日期、工作名称、成绩和职责简述。

在欧洲,除了英国以外,虽然每个国家对CV的格式和内容等方面的要求各不相同。但是,即使是仅仅找工作,所有的国家要求的也都是CV,而不是那种随意的 Resume。而在美国,似乎只有申请大学的时候才需要CV,这也许是欧美文化方面的小小不同。普遍的意见认为,如果找工作,CV一般写成大约两篇左右的样子(A4),这样的篇幅已经很多了,除非您的专业经验非常丰富,才可以写更多。如果申请大学,要看具体的要求,也就是说要看火候,有的时候也不是多多益善。


1、CV长于Resume. 因为前者强调申请人的全面性, 而后者强调申请人特点的简洁性(brevity)。

2、如果你是硕士或者博士即将毕业,CV上简要写上你的 Thesis Topic.

3、CV中Research 语言尺度问题:你的语言应该能让非专业人士看懂,同时需要让本专业的专家能对你的学术成就感兴趣。

4、Cover Letter: CV一定需要Cover Letter。可不可以省略呢?这个问题很好回答:有人吃饭前洗手,有人不洗手,你自己决定。

5、 CV 选词使用 Strong. active verbs。如同学使用 Responsible for. “Responsible For” is something that happened to you, it is not something you did.

6、CV 应该描述以achievements为基础的相关背景,而不是 something happens to you. 因此不要写成 Experience working in


8、“Hardworking”用CV中的事实来体现,不要用每个人都可以说的词来体现你的hard work.

9、“Team player/results-oriented”同理,用CV中的事实来show, 而不是你tell.

10、S-A-R 写法:CV主要展示accomplishments, 因此你可以遵循S-A-R写法: Situation, Action, Results。也就是说CV是用来展示成就的,不是简单描述经历的。


姓名(拼音和汉字): 性别: 出生日期: 出生地: 家庭住址: 单位地址: 家庭电话: 工作电话: 手机号码: 电子邮箱: 教育背景–请分别列出您取得的所有学位,从最高学位写起。 月,年—月,年大学名称 学位和专业 论文标题/研究焦点(只对硕士和博士学位)工作经历–请列举您的所有工作经历。 月,年—月,年单位名称 地址 职位或职称 工作职责 所获奖项及加入哪些团体组织(如果适用) 出版物—请列出您发表的所有出版物标题、合作者和年份(如果适用)

出国经历—请列举您到访过的所有国家及到访时间 国家(年) 例如:美国(2002,2003);加拿大(2008,2009) 同行人–请写出和您一起赴美的所有同行人姓名及与您的关系

Name (in pinyin and Chinese): Gender: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Home Address: Business Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Mobile Phone: E-mail: Education – please list all degrees attained, beginning with the most recent Month, Year – Month, Year University Name Degree and Major Thesis Topic/Research Focus (for masters and phd degrees) Work Experience – please list all work experience Month, Year – Month, Year Employer Location Position or Title Duties Awards and Group Memberships – if any

resume 英文简历模板-精选范文

resume 英文简历模板 My name is HIN RESUME. I was born on August 25, 1985, in Hengyang, Hunan Province. In 1990 I graduated from Harbin Technical Institute where I majored in electronic engineering, and then I was assigned to work in an electronic apparatus factory as a technician for nine years. During this period I gained some practical experience in designing and manufacturing several varieties of electronic apparatus. In the fall of 1983, I was admitted to the Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University as a graduate student. Six months before I took the examinations, I started to study higher algebra and analysis by myself in my leisure time. Since the enrollment I have completed all the courses required by the graduate program, making straight A both in my undergraduate and graduate courses. My performance in the graduate seminars of Differential Calculus and Mathematical and Physical Formulas shows that I have got a good grasp of the fundamentals of mathematics. I have been studying English intensively for six months. I have attended an English class taught by an American professor. Ms. Kathy Swift, from the City University of New


诺和诺德 [请输入文档标题] [请输入文档副标题] [请输入作者]

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. 生活就像骑单车,只有不断前进,才能保持平衡。 P E R S O N A L N a m e: H a n Zhongyu G e n d e r: Female A g e : 19 Health: Excellent Hobbies: Paint draw, Badminton , Personality: Honest , Creative, Cooperative, Dutiful and Dedicated, St r o n g,p r o v e n c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a b i l i t i e s b o t h w r i t t e n a n d v e r b a l i n E n g l i s h OBJECTIVE ? ~ EDUCA TION ? ~ ? ~ ? ~ ? ~ WORKING E X P E R I E N C E ~ ? TIME : ~ ? POSITION :

EXPERIENCE : ~ ? ~ ? TIME : ~ ? POSITION : ~ ? EXPERIENCE : ~ KNO WLEDGE B A C K G R O U N D ? Hardware —— System s t u d i e d The C i r c u i t E l e m e n t s, The S i m u l a t i o n Circuit, The D i g i t a l Circuit , The Function o f Computer Hardware T echnology ? Software —— Expert in computer programming ,familiar with the software of MA TLAB , C , PRO/E , AutoCAD

日语专业简历模板 应届生日语专业简历范文

日语专业简历模板应届生日语专业简历范文 个人简历可谓是应届生日语专业个人求职者求职应聘的第一块敲门砖。下面小编给大家分享一些应届生日语专业简历范文,希望能帮到你!应届生日语专业简历范文姓名:xuexila 国籍:中国 目前所在地:广州 民族:汉族 户口所在地:广州 身材:158 cm kg 婚姻状况:未婚 年龄:24 岁 培训认证: 诚信徽章: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:日语翻译:文员职业教育/培训/家教文秘/文员 工作年限:1 职称:无职称 求职类型:全职 可到职- 随时 月薪要求:2000--3500 希望工作地区:广州深圳佛山 个人工作经历:洛阳大学图书馆采编人员 运源水产品加工贸易公司办公室文员 教育背景 毕业院校:河南省河南科技大学 最高学历:本科 毕业- 2007-07-01 所学专业一:日语 所学专业二:英语 受教育培训经历:2002年9月-2005年7月河南省洛阳大学外语/日语 2005年9月-2007年7月河南科技大学外语/日语 语言能力 外语:日语优秀 国语水平:优秀 粤语水平:优秀 工作能力及其他专长 2007年三月取得一级证书.活泼开朗、乐观向上、积极上进、笃学务实、认真负责、坚毅不拔、吃苦耐劳、勇于迎接新挑战,富有高度的团队意识,适应能力强,能快速融入社会。 接受过全方位的大学基础教育,受到良好的专业训练和能力的培养,在日语方面有较强的听说读写能力。 详细个人自传 个人联系方式应届生日语专业简历范文

姓名:xxx 性别:女 民族:汉族 政治面貌:团员 出生日期:1987年05月 户口:江苏省 婚姻状况:未婚 学历:大专 毕业院校:xx科技职业学院 毕业时间:2009年07月 所学专业:应用日语/计算机应用 外语水平:日语 电脑水平:熟练 工作年限:1年 联系方式: 求职意向 工作类型:全部 单位性质:不限 期望行业:不限 期望职位:总经理助理、日语、人力资源专员/助理、部门助理/秘书/文员、行政主管/专员/助理 工作地点:杭州市 期望月薪:不限/面议 教育经历 2005-9~2009-6 xx科技职业学院应用日语和计算机 主修课程:日语精读、日语泛读、日语听说、日语写作、科技日语、商务日语、日本概况、实用软件、数据库技术应用、计算机实用网络、网页制作、多媒体技术等选修课程:经济管理基础、现代企业管理、经济法律与法规、管理学概论等 工作经验 2006年好记星xx分公司促销员 2007年无锡xx装饰装潢有限公司设计师助理 2008年7-2009年1月无锡xx度假村 2009年3月无锡xx不动产网络有限公司 专业技能 英语cet-4 →具备良好的英语阅读和写作能力,能够对基本的英语文章进行翻译进行基本的对话日语j-test →具备良好的日语听说读写能力,能进行基本的日语对话等 职业技能跟单员 →能够进行基本的跟单工作、掌握跟单的基本流程 auto cad的技能证书 →能利用autocad进行简单的绘图 计算机一级b →熟练掌握windows操作系统使用能够熟练应用word、office 、excel等常用软件


美国签证需要用到的个人简历模板(中英文) 这个模板是沈阳美领馆提供的简历模板,针对非移民签证申请人如果需要写个人简历的话,大家可以参考一下: Nonimmigrant Visa Resume T emplate Name: Date and country of birth: Gender: Name and date of birth of spouse: (if applicable) Names and dates of birth of children: (if applicable) Address and Contact information: Education List here all universities and higher education institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of university Dates of study Degree level Degree major and minors Area of research Title of thesis Work experience List here all paid and voluntary work you have performed and positions held, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of company, organization or institutions Job titles Dates of jobs Detailed area of responsibility, research interests, project descriptions and applications of research Expertise in special software, machinery op equipment Awards and patents Have you received/won any awards related to your research or work at university or at work? Please list these. Do you hold any patents? List name, patent number and year registered.


人力资源英文个人简历范文 英文简历是使用英文写的简历。英文简历resume并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。 OBJECTIVE Human Resources, Recruiter, Benefits Advisor, Manager RELOCATE IN To obtain a Human Resources position within a goal oriented company that has future opportunities for advancement. EXPERIENCE 1999 V October 2021 Heritage Homes of Indiana Shelbyville, In. Director of Human Resources / Payroll Manager Oversee operations of the corporate office and nine Certified Medicaid / Medicare healthcare facilities employing over 650 employees. Responsibilities included: Senior executive recruitment for all senior management personnel. Writing and implementing company policy and procedures. Maintaining current knowledge and interpretation for all State/Federal laws and regulations. Served as an officer on the Corporate Compliance Committee. Serve as the Employee Grievance Officer for 650 employees. Plan Administrator for all company Health and Dental Insurance. Risk Management Officer and Worker Compensation Administrator HIPAA Compliance Officer. COBRA administration and manage the coordination of benefits. 1989 V 1999 J.L. Johnsons Fine Jewelry Greenwood, In.

美国英文简介-An Introduction to U.S.

The United States of America (also referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several territories in the Caribbean and Pacific. At 3.79 million square miles and with over 310 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration from many countries. The

英文求职简历模板 CV or Resume model

XXXXXX ? : 35 Mowbray Street Date of Birth: Coventry CV2 4FZ Nationality: XXXXX (eligible to work in XXXX) ? : 00 44 0 ..................... @ : XXXXX@hotmail.fr Profile/Careers Objective A highly-motivated (1. personal attribute), second-/final- year student in XXX (e.g. Business Studies) (2. academic background), with substantial relevant work experience in XXXX (e.g. marketing/manufacturing) (3. experience) through which I acquired solid team-working, communication and problem solving skills (4. skills), seeking a position as a XXX (e.g. trainee), etc in the company XXXX (5. goal) 2005 / 2006 BEng in European Engineering Studies University of Coventry Modules Included: Network Management, Multimedia Technology, Networks & Protocols, English for Engineers, Management, Communication Networks & Transmission, Principles of Computers Networks Skills developed: Excellent command of xxx (software/machinery), good team- working and leadership skills (leader on various team projects), good communication skills (produced a number of oral and written reports). 2003 / 2005BTEC Higher National Diploma (Telecoms & Networks) University Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 Modules Included: Networks, Programming, Mathematics, Electronics, Telecoms, English, Management, Laws of economy Skills developed: ………………………. (June 2003 A-Level in Electronics College of Gresivaudan France) April - Placement at research center : CEA May 2005 Commissariat Energies Atomiques at Grenoble Position: Network Administrator Responsibilities:Placement for an end of Year Project Network supervision, setting up of server with MRTG software, worked on router CISCO for manage VLAN Skills Acquired: IT Skills; Installation of LINUX, Command switch CISCO, research and analytical skills, Communication within a company July - Retail Experience : Cash Converter’s August 2004Duration: 2 Months with additional shifts through the year Position: Sales Assistant & Shop Cashier Responsibilities: Clients information, Stock Checks, Repairs (PCs & other hardware) Skills Acquired:Communication skills were improved, gained experience in how a store operates and functions


RESUME (英文简历) Personal Information: Name : Zhang San Gender : female Date of birth : Nov April Marital Status : married Birthplace : Beijing city of Henan province Education Background : junior college Home Adress : Beijing Home Phone : 010-5787666898 Tel : 138888888 E-mail : Experience : 1.XXX China Holding Co., Ltd July 2020-Present Sales Manager of Demonstration Departments in Beijing Branch of XXX Company, in charge of Northeast District ●Responsible for XXX selling dealer and the contract signed in Beijing District and Tianjin District of XXX; ●Responsible for sales promotion, store image and display, selling training products, enhancing the professional quality and site Promotion etc.; ●Maintaining good business relationships and communication with XXXX. 2.XXXX China Holding Co., Ltd July 2006 to June 2010 Beijing Market supervision in Home Electronics Division of Beijing Branch of XXXXX, ●Responsible for sales and marketing work In North China Beijing Branch; ●Responsible for direct supply work of the XXXX products in chain stores 3. XXXX Beijing Office 2000 to April 2005 Seller in XXXX Shop of Beijing Office ●As a sales staff in the shop ,responsible for the overall work of the shop, from product sampling, store display, retail planned mission, the implementation of promotional activities and other aspects, the indicators fully met the requirements of Pioneer. ●After April 2005 due to pregnancy, leaving the post. 4 . Floor Manager of Beijing Stores 1997 to 1999


Report and Technical Writing--Resume Definition A resume is a short written account of one’s education and previous job that one sends to an employer when looking for a job.It is an important tool careering as it helps make an initial impression on the potential employer It is a brief summary of one’s life history or the main events of his/her life, and it gives a brief, factual summary your qualification beginning with the writer’s birth and followed by a list of his/her education backgroun d, work perience, professional accomplishments and hobbies, while a resume cover letter explains your qualification to show well u can fit in the position. II. Types (or formats) of resume Your resume format could make a considerable difference to the information that a reader derives. Keep in mind There is no correct or standard resume format Your resume format should be appropriate to your position Your chosen resume format must not be seen as a method of concealing information You must follow a consistent format in all sections of your resume The following resume types (formats) are provided for the writer to choose 1.Basic format(基本型): It contains the most basic information such as education experience as well 页脚内容1


日语专业毕业生个人简历范文 以下是关于日语专业毕业生个人简历范文,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 基本信息 姓名:性别:女政治面貌:党员 出生日期: 1991年05月户口:江苏省婚姻状况:未婚 学历:大专毕业院校: xx科技职业学院 毕业时间:2009年07月专业:应用日语/计算机应用 外语水平:日语 (熟练) 电脑水平:熟练 联系方式: 138XXXXX 求职意向 工作类型:全部 单位性质:不限 期望职位:总经理助理、日语、人力资源专员/助理、部门助理/秘书/文员、行政主管/专员/助理 工作地点:杭州市 期望月薪:不限/面议 教育经历 ·

20XX-9~20XX-6 xx科技职业学院应用日语和计算机 主修课程:日语精读、日语泛读、日语听说、日语写作、科技日语、商务日语、日本概况、实用软件、数据库技术应用、计算机实用网络、网页制作、多媒体技术等 选修课程:经济管理基础、现代企业管理、经济法律与法规、管理学概论等 工作经验 20XX年好记星xx分公司促销员 20XX年无锡xx装饰装潢有限公司设计师助理 专业技能 英语 cet-4 →具备良好的英语阅读和写作能力,能够对基本的英语文章进行翻译进行基本的对话 日语 j-test(e) →具备良好的日语听说读写能力,能进行基本的日语对话等 职业技能跟单员→能够进行基本的跟单工作、掌握跟单的基本流程 autocad的技能证书→能利用autocad进行简单的绘图 计算机一级b →熟练掌握windows操作系统使用能够熟练应用word、office 、excel等常用软件 自我评价 ·

本人性格开朗,正直向上,适应能力强,能吃苦耐劳,为人谦虚坦诚,敬业,有责任心,有较强的集体荣誉感!时间观念强,对工作积极进取,做事能尽自己的最大努力,能积极面对机遇与挑战,相信机会总是垂青于做好准备的人! ·


Resume 简历 简历,顾名思义就是对一个人的求学、工作、社会活动等主要经历所作的简要概括。美国英语借用了一个法语词résumé来表示,也可以写作resume。英国英语中使用的是CV 出自拉丁文curriculum vitae。写好一份简历并不是件容易的事。它要求我们能遵循某些约定俗成的内容和形式,借助精心策划、组织的版面格式,运用一定的写作技巧,将自己最具光彩的一面展示出来,以尽量让自己的简历在突出自身专长和强项的同时又特别符合应聘单位的需求条件。 Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (书写场合) ?工作申请 ?询问职位 ?入学申请 ?组织成员资格申请 … Part II How to Write (如何书写) 简历的格式并无既定的范本,其格式可根据招聘单位的要求灵活多样。一份简历所能提供的信息主要包括个人资料、求职目标、教育背景、工作经历、特殊技能、荣誉奖励、资格证书、兴趣爱好、推荐人士等等。 ?个人资料: ?求职目标:注明你想要申请的具体工作或职位,有时还须简要说明自己对将来发展方面的明确规划 ?工作经历:具体表述自己的工作经历、职务和职责,注意突出自己的能力、承担的责任和取得的成绩 ?教育背景:强调自己拥有适合应聘职位的知识结构,通常说明获得的学位、专修辅修课程、学习成绩以及相应的学历或资格 ?特殊技能:所列出来的技能应该是与从事的工作紧密相关、有助于做好工作的技能 ?荣誉奖励:介绍获奖情况,注明获奖的时间、奖项等细节 ?资格证书:表明自己在本专业领域内达到的层次和水平,专业越对口、证书级别越高越能引起招聘单位的重视 ?推荐人士:提供证明人的姓名、地址、电话,推荐人最好是你的老师、主管或是在相关领域里颇具影响力的人士 ?最后表示:I hope to have the opportunity of discussing the position further … Part III What not to Write (避免提及) ?主次分明,避免遗漏重要信息,同时避免提供无关紧要的信息 ?准确简明,简历提供的资料力求准确无误,切忌无中生有、弄虚作假 ?重视细节,避免在语法、拼写以及标点符号等方面出错 ?避免使用过分的词汇,措词力求专业规范 ?版面设计整洁美观,避免涂改和污点 ?避免强调个人能力、提及个人收入 ?避免使用模棱两可的词汇 … Part IV Tips on Writing (注意事项)


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ resume英文简历模板 My name is HIN RESUME. I was born on August 25, 1985, in Hengyang, Hunan Province. In 1990 I graduated from Harbin Technical Institute where I majored in electronic engineering, and then I was assigned to work in an electronic apparatus factory as a technician for nine years. During this period I gained some practical experience in designing and manufacturing several varieties of electronic apparatus. In the fall of 1983, I was admitted to the Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University as a graduate student. Six months before I took the examinations, I started to study higher algebra and analysis by myself in my leisure time. Since the enrollment I have completed all the courses required by the graduate program, making straight A both in my undergraduate and graduate courses. My performance in the graduate seminars of Differential Calculus and Mathematical and Physical Formulas shows that I have got a good grasp of the fundamentals of mathematics. I have been studying English intensively for six months. I have attended an English class taught by an American professor. 1 / 5


日文专业个人简历范文 导读:本文是关于日文专业个人简历范文,希望能帮助到您! 冯**|男|34岁(1977-06-03)|三年以上工作经验|本科居住地:陕西-户籍地:陕西-婚姻状况:未婚身高(cm):175自我评价本人毕业于西安外语学院日语系,在国内工作四年后又去日本留学深造,对国内引进的日本制造生产线及管理比较熟悉。由于本人喜欢学习好奇心强,对日本社会文化和风土人情比较了解。所以,我自信能做好相关部门的日语翻译或管理工作。求职意向期望工作类型:全职期望从事行业:机械及设备/五金/工具,汽摩及配件/交通运输,电子元器件/仪器仪表期望从事职位:外贸类,日语翻译,经营/项目管理,生产/技术/研发,人事/行政/文秘期望工作地点:天津,辽宁,北京,上海,山东期望工作薪水:4000-5999工作经验陕西彩虹集团公司工作地点:咸阳市彩虹路1号工作职位:日语翻译工作职责和业绩:本人的主要工作:外事接待和现场翻译。日本技术专家来公司技术执导的接送以及陪同他们在车间现场的翻译工作。接送专家工作:依据工作日程准时准点,从未晚点误机,安排专家食宿,深受专家好评和中方领导的肯定。在车间现场尽量使用行业术语做好日语翻译工作,深受技术人员的欢迎。近四年的翻译工作,由于我勤于学习和善于沟通使我结交很多日本朋友,并对日本社会产生了向往,这也是促使我去日本留学的原因。教育背景1995/9-1997/7西安外国语学院学历:本科专业:语言文学类:日本文学描述:本人在外语学院日本语



Nonimmigrant Visa Resume Name: Date and country of birth: Place of birth: Gender: Home address and contact information: Company address and contact information: Cell phone Number: Email Address: Name and date of birth of spouse: Name and date of birth of Child: Education Name of university: Date of Attendance: Degree level: Course of study: Work experience If more than one, list from the latest.

Name: Address: Job title: Dates of employment: Telephone No.: Supervisor’s Name: Responsibility: Travel Country, year, purpose Statement of Intent Proposed schedule: See attached Associate: 非移民签证简历 姓名: 出生日期和国家: 出生地: 性别: 家庭地址和电话: 公司地址和电话: 手机号码:

电子邮箱: 配偶姓名及出生日期: 孩子姓名及出生日期: 教育经历 大学名称: 在校时间: 学位: 专业: 工作经验 如果超过一家的工作经历,从最近的列明。 公司名称: 地址: 职称: 起至时间: 电话: 主管姓名: 职责:


美国签证提交简历中英文样板S a m p l e R e s u m e 使馆提供 集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-

姓名(拼音和汉字): 性别: 出生日期: 出生地: 家庭住址: 单位地址: 家庭电话: 工作电话: 手机号码: 电子邮箱: 教育背景–请分别列出您取得的所有学位,从最高学位写起。 月,年—月,年大学名称 学位和专业 论文标题/研究焦点(只对硕士和博士学位)工作经历–请列举您的所有工作经历。 月,年—月,年单位名称 地址 职位或职称 工作职责 所获奖项及加入哪些团体组织(如果适用) 出版物—请列出您发表的所有出版物标题、合作者和年份(如果适用)出国经历—请列举您到访过的所有国家及到访时间

国家(年) 例如:美国(2002,2003);加拿大(2008,2009) 同行人–请写出和您一起赴美的所有同行人姓名及与您的关系

Name(inpinyinandChinese): Gender: DateofBirth: PlaceofBirth: HomeAddress: BusinessAddress: HomePhone: WorkPhone: MobilePhone: E-mail: Education–pleaselistalldegreesattained,beginningwiththemostrecent Month,Year–Month,YearUniversityName DegreeandMajor ThesisTopic/ResearchFocus(formastersandphddegrees) WorkExperience–pleaselistallworkexperience Month,Year–Month,YearEmployer Location PositionorTitle Duties AwardsandGroupMemberships–ifany Publications–pleaselistallpublications,ifany TravelHistory–pleaselistallcountriesyouhavevisited Example:U.S.(2002,2003);Canada(2008,2009)
