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In this argument, the arguer concludes that . The arguer bases the argument on . The arguer claims despite this that, . This argument is unconvincing because the arguer ignores several possible reasons other than for these discrepancies.

First of all, the survey only . It is possible that . For example, perhaps . A survey that covers only is hardly convincing that.原因Secondly, it is entirely possible that . If . Ignoring further weakens the argument. Simply does not necessarily mean that .时间Furthermore, it is possible that . Failing to address this possibility further weakens the argument.地点In summary, this argument is based on a very narrow study of only . To strengthen the argument, the arguer needs to directly before jumping to the conclusion that .

must supply clear and direct evidence other than other factors that ------ was responsible for must also provide evidence that

unadvised imprudent indiscreet

unconvincing unpersuasive be not convincing

unsubstantiated unsound( unwarranted无根据的)

ignore fail to overlook

base on rely on(upon) dependent on according to

It is possible(probable) that It is possible for sb to do sth

there are some possibilities that there is some possibilities that

It is likely that sb is likely to do sth be less inclined to do

be bound to be certain to do definitely be sure of for certain must be mean to be equivalent to+n represent the same as

A does not necessarily indicate that B

take into account consider think about account for(对…做出解释)

moreover what’s more besides, furthermore make sure that(确认)


support strengthen reinforce bolster(支持) prove testify attest(证明)

In this argument, sb concludes that 中间结论and, in turn 最后结论.(sb recommends that 中间结论sb also claims that 最后结论. )To support these assertions, the author cites the fact that 原因和假设. However, the argument relies on a series of unproven assumptions and is therefore unconvincing as it stands.(However, the argument relies on a series of unsubstantiated assumptions, which render it unconvincing as it stands.)

To begin with, the argument assumes that 第一个假设得到的结论. Yet, the fact that 假设hardly suffices to infer any 结论. The author provides no evidence that this is the case. For that matter, 结论would be undermined.

Secondly, even if 上面的假设和结论成立. perhaps ;or perhaps存在其他可能. In either event, the author could not justifiably rely on the mere fact that 假设to support the claim that 结论. (因素过于单一考虑欠佳)

【Even assuming that 上面的假设和结论成立. besides, 其他可能性. Without ruling out these and other reasons why 中间结论,sb cannot convince me that 文中的假设和结论, let alone 最后结论.】

Furthermore, in asserting that 最后一个假设, the author overlooks the possibilities that 存在的其他可能性.Without ruling out this possible scenario, the author cannot convince me that 最后一个假设得出的结论.

In conclusion, the recommendation for (that 结论) is not well supported. To convince me that 结论the author must provide clear evidence that 假设和结论的直接关系. To better evaluate the recommendation, I would need more information about 其他影响因素. (其他影响因素would be useful to know)

The fact that 假设accomplishes nothing toward bolstering the recommendation.


Even assuming that residents are strongly interested in the products, the recommendation rests on two additional assumptions: (1)that this interest will continue in the foreseeable future; (2) the residents will prefer sth over other merchants that sell similar products. Until the author substantiates both assumptions I

remain unconvinced that 某产品would be profitable.


某件事的变化趋势is not necessarily due to 原因. It is entirely possible that 那样变化, but 调查时间内其他原因. Since the article fails to account for this alternative explanation for 变化趋势,the author cannot make any sound recommendations to 某事或人based on that 变化.


Nor can the author justify 一个地区状况on the basis of 另一个地区状况or perhaps 区别or perhaps 区别in short, the author cannot defend the recommended course of action on the basis of what might be a false analogy between two (类比两个地方)

In sum(summary), the argument relies on what might amount to two analogies between as well as to strengthen the argument, the author should provide better evidence of and clear evidence that even with this additional evidence, in order to properly evaluate the argument I would need to know why what


一. 新GRE作文文章整体结构 大负小正:诚然A,但是B,而且C。 承认+转折+递进 大正小负:诚然A,有时甚至B,但是C。 承认+递进+转折 二. 新GRE作文常用句式 开头: a) In this statement, the speaker asserts that…(作者的结论是什么) b) I agree with the speaker insofar as...(某种程度上同意作者的观点) c) Whereas, in my perspective, …is unilateral(作者的观点片面在什么地方) 第二段:a) Admittedly, 第三段:a) However, 第四段:a) Furthermore, 结尾: a) In summary, from what has been discussed above, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that…(重述观点) 以上就是新GRE作文模板及GRE作文常用句型的介绍,以后考生们进行新GRE作文issue写作就再也不用担心文章的结构了,顺利的剖析题目,与新GRE写作模板再加上独特的观点,即可将高分顺利那些。 页脚内容1

1 Argument 1. 1) In this argument the speaker concludes that 2) To justify this contusion the speaker cites a recent survey of 3) The speaker also points out that 4) This argument is unpersuasive for several reasons. 2. 1) First, the survey must be shown to be reliable before I can accept any contusions based upon it. 2) Specifically, the responses must be accurate, and the respondents must be statistically significant in number and representative of the overall 3) Without evidence of the survey's reliability, it is impossible to draw any firm conclusions about the current dietary habits of 3. 1) Second, the argument relies on the dubious assumption that following the government's nutrition recommendations 2) It is entirely possible that 3) Thus without evidence to substantiate this assumption the speaker cannot reasonably conclude that 4) Third, the speaker assumes too hastily that… Without ruling out this possibility the speaker cannot reasonably conclude with any confidence that 5) Lacking firm evidence that …, the speaker cannot justify any conclusions about the 4. 页脚内容2


GRE写作Argument具体性指令有哪些? Q:Argument的具体性指令有哪些? A:Argument的具体性指令主要有8种,分别是: 1. Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument. 这个具体指令中不需要写出前提,重点是分析有哪些具体的例证可以削弱和加强该结论。 2. Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted. 该具体指令要求重点分析前提条件,然后分析怎么削弱或加强这个前提条件。并且需要分析没有假设前提会导致什么结果。该指令出现以下若干变形: 3. Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions


Free-ingoing of People, Not Good For China Do you know what is “Immigration Wave”? Have you heard about “Ireland’s Great Famine”? It’s one of the greatest event of immigration in history that a big movement of people into America from Europe because of the poor agriculture and economic crisis happened in 1840s. 1Movement of population can not be avoided. However, free migration is not good for every country, especially China, as it has limited resources but with overpopulated problem and illegal immigrants influencing public security is another problem, too. In the first place, the contradiction between people and resources even environment will be exacerbated because of the flood of ingoing people. China, a country with large area and tremendous capacity of resources, is the most populous nation in the world at the same time. It was predicted that the population of China will rise to 1.46 billion by 2020. 2 If all foreigners entering China are allowed, it will not only weaken the carrying capacity of the environment but also cause a lack of resources relatively. In addition, illegal immigrants, as a part of the ingoing people, will threaten the public security if all foreigners are allowed to enter China. Most of the illegal immigrants come to China for living, some of whom can do nothing but the unlawful jobs, and some of whom may even not have one. As a result, they will not create any value for the society and more importantly, the society problems on welfare, economy even crime will be unavoidable because of their unlawful identity. It may be claimed that free-ingoing of people do good to China because it will


GRE写作提分必备高分模板介绍 常有同学会问,GRE考试作文分数低怎么办?在解决这个问题前,大家先需要明确的是,造成作文分数低的原因有很多,找到正确的原因,下面就和大家分享GRE写作提分必备高分模板正确使用方法介绍,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧! GRE写作提分必备高分模板正确使用方法介绍 解决新GRE写作分数低的几条建议 1.有的放矢,充分准备。在备考新GRE作文过程中要多准备例子,并把它们一一写下来,进行分类。一个例子往往可以应对好几个同类的题目,这样做是效率最高的办法。 2.万事开头难,迈出第一步。我们都害怕写新GRE作文,想到要练习写一整篇*,往往就没有了信心。其实我们可以从练习写作开头段,然后设计*的提纲开始。写开头段能够让我们以轻松一点的心情着手新GRE写作的准备,并且迅速了解所有的题目,因为GRE考试的题目数量是固定的。 3. 储备积极词汇,用时得心应手。从备考的开始就要着手增加working vocabulary, 当然也包含词组,成语。平时背的词汇往往只是看到它能知道其中文的某个翻译意思,但是我们却不能灵活运用这些词汇进行表达,更不用说在短暂的GRE写作考试时

间内用它们遣词造句了。所以,对于一些写作中经常用到的词汇、词组和成语,大家需要掌握的不仅是基本的辨识能力,对于其用法也要能有所了解,记忆的时候结合句子进行背诵,在平时训练时也要加强运用方面的实际练习,这样才能做到信手拈来,挥洒自如。 GRE作文模板使用方法 1. 确定*主体框架结构,包括引出观点和总结观点的词汇,句式。 2. 确定论证过程的框架,每个支持段落都有各自的论证模式,举例,因果,对比等,确定到论证的逻辑引导词上; 3. 通过改写句子,采用合适的词汇代替以上两步的成果; 4. 改变句式,将各类语法结构加入其中:倒装,独立主格结构,虚拟语气等。 5. 中间各段:提出分论点解释分论点总结分论点/联系主观点,即在每个分段的最后总结一下分论点和主观点之间的联系。 6. 注意句式变换,尽量不要简单句并列使用。 7. 能够用which、where等连词连起来的句子就尽量连起来,减少零碎句子。 解读GRE考试作文中的逻辑写作


6级作文模板 1)先背3个句子 1 Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are commonly and widely used in everyday life.(讲重要性) 2 The popularity of digital …will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. On the one hand …, But on the other hand. (讲影响) 3To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.(结 尾段) 2)模板(2个模板) 1 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。 中间段:措施 结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结 开头段Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that……


gre写作issue与argument的异同 在gre写作考试中会有issue和argument。那么,各位对gre 作文issue、gre作文argument有没有进行过了解呢?下面就和大家分享gre写作issue与argument的异同,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 gre写作issue与argument的异同 考生想要在gre写作中取得好成绩,就需要同时写出两篇不错的*来,这对于不少英语基础一般,写作水平也普通的同学来说并不容易做到。不过,如果大家能够充分了解gre作文issue 和argument的异同点,并进行足够的练习,高分作文也还是很有把握的。下面就为大家全面解析gre写作两篇作文的异同之处,帮助大家练好写作思路确保作文高分。 gre写作两篇作文相同点 虽然gre作文argument和issue有很多不同之处,但在一些基本的规范和要求上还是有共通之处的: 1. *基本要求相同 gre两篇作文的考试时间都是30分钟。考生需要在30分钟内完成从审题到构思到最后成文的整个流程。而两篇*的文体风

格也基本相同,都是属于议论文性质的写作。因此,很多考生比较惧怕的描述类*就不会有所涉及了。同时,虽然gre考试本身并没有做出任何字数方面的限制和要求,但根据历年来的高分范文总结,一般作文字数在400-500字左右是比较稳妥的,这一点ISSUE和ARGUMENT两篇作文也没有太大区别。 2. *评分标准相同 除了规范要求外,gre两篇作文在评分标准上也是基本相同的。大致都可以分为*整体结构、逻辑思维能力、对于词句语法的运用以及论据素材的使用这几个方面。当然,由于两篇*本身具体写作要求的区别,可能在一些评分细节上还存在不同。 3. 官方复习资源相同 无论是ISSUE作文还是ARGUMENT作文,两篇gre作文的复习资源也是基本相同的。除了官方公布的作文练习题外,高分范文、黄金词句和论据素材都是帮助考生练习写作能力锻炼作文水平需要用到的复习必备材料。 gre写作两篇作文不同点 说完了相似之处,接下来为大家介绍一下两篇作文的不同之处: 1. 写作具体要求区别


新GRE写作Argument范文 来源:互联网 新对于国内考生比较难的一个问题就是中国人的思维与西方人不同,所以的方式也不太一样。因此,大家可以通过参考一些优秀的新GRE的范文来提高自己的写作水平。 Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Nature's Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products. "Previous experience has shown that our stores are most profitable in areas where residents are highly concerned with leading healthy lives. We should therefore build our next new store in Painesville, which has many such residents. Painesville merchants report that sales of running shoes and exercise clothing are at all-time highs. The local health club, which nearly closed five years ago due to lack of business, has more members than ever, and the weight training and aerobics classes are always full. We can even anticipate a new generation of customers: Painesville's schoolchildren are required to participate in a 'fitness for life' program, which emphasizes the benefits of regular exercise at an early age." following appeared in a letter sent by a committee of homeowners from the Deer haven Acres to all homeowners in Deer haven Acres.


GRE写作分数计算细则 拿到GRE分数后,大家都陆陆续续开始了申请的流程,但是不同的学校对新GRE成绩的要求不尽相同,那么新GRE多少分算高分呢?下面我为大家搜集整理的GRE写作分数计算细则,希望大家喜欢! GRE写作分数计算细则 新GRE作文在新GRE考试中是比较有难度的,考官对新GRE写作的要求比较高,考查范围也比较广,考生在这些方面要多做准备。那么新GRE 作文部分是如何算分的呢?智课我在此为大家整理出新GRE作文的算法,考生可以参考一下。 新GRE写作要求考生在30分钟+30分钟内分别完成两篇文章,它是美国所有作文考试中时间最长而质量要求最高的一类作文考试。新GRE写作的记分方式是这样的,两篇作文总分都是六分,计算公式为你的得分= (Issue的得分+ Argument的得分)2,最终的计分是以0. 5分为一个格。 GRE考试逻辑写作包括两个不同的部分: 1.Issue task(30min),要求作者根据所给题目,完成一篇表明立场的逻辑立论文。 2.Argument task (30min),要求考生分析所给题目,完成一篇驳论文,指出并且有力的驳斥题目中的主要逻辑错误。 新GRE作文两个部分是如何算分的? 首先新GRE写作两个部分在总分中的权重是一样的。新GRE作文中有两个项目,最后出的新GRE作文分数是一个,所以如何进行新GRE作文

算分呢? 由于AA的写作不牵涉自己观点的展开,只须指出作者逻辑上的漏洞,因此在经过训练以后,写起来并不困难;而AI的写作需要自己展开自己设立的观点,不但需要逻辑上的洞察能力,还需要论证观点的能力,语言组织的能力,因此对于中国考生来讲比较困难,难以短期内有较大提高。 但是这两个部分在总分中的权重是一样的,因此考生的策略应该是尽量提高AI部分的写作能力而力保AA部分满分(或高分)o因为如果AA 部分满分的话,AI部分只需争取在4分以上就可以保证整体作文分数在5 分以上。 ETS的评分标准以及作文分数的计算 参照ETS评过分的范文,我们不难发现:无论是ISSUE还是ARGUMENT 在评分标准上都有共同之处,即: 第一,观点要有深度,论证要有说服力; 第二,组织要有条理,表达清晰准确; 第三,语言流利,句式复杂,词汇丰富。 这三条分别说的是行文的〃思想性〃、〃结构性〃和〃表达性〃,众多GRE 考试高分作文的考生大凡都在这三个方面做得很好,我们理所当然也要从这里入手,采取〃各个击破〃的方法解剖新GRE作文的本质,从而得到一个理想分数。新GRE写作的记分方式是这样的,两篇作文总分都是六分,计算公式为你的得分=(Issue的得分^Argument的得分)/2,最终的计分是以0. 5分为一个格。 对于新GRE作文的分数算法我认为,考生只要了解分数算法即可, 没必 要过于纠结其中。GRE考试看重的还是对实力的检验。考生在新GRE 写


六级作文模板 1)先背3个句子 1.Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ........ . more and more.... are commonly and widely used in everyday life.(讲重要性) 2.The popularity of digital ...will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. On the one hand …,But on the other hand. (讲影响) 3.To conclude, ..... a rc just like a double-edged sword. With them wc may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that wc should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them. (结尾段) 注意:灵活运用第1句和第2句,根据不同模板自由组合 2)模板(2个模板) 1,开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。中间段:措施结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结 开头段Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ........ . more and more ... are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that ...... 中间段Firstly....Secondly Lastly but in no means least ........... 结尾段To conclude, ...... are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them. 2,开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论 中间段:转折(即列出两种不同人的观点) 结尾段:直接进入总结(即你的观点) 开头段:It is accepted that plays a significant part for both .一, and what's more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of ....... However, whether ... deserves such an attention , people's ideas vary. 中间段:On the one hand, some people hold the view that ...... On the other hand, a great many people insist that.... 结尾段:From my perspective, however....(你的观点).Therefore, it's time that (措施之类的) 6级作文万能句子(补充在”.....”里面的万能句子,自己琢磨停个句子放在哪里比较适合)重点背:1) 5) 6) 7)句子,最好全部都背过一遍,自己琢磨怎么用。 1)Sth will make our life more enjoyable, that is to say, sth can add color to the dull routine of every day life.。。。能让我们的生活更美好,也就是说,。。。可以给我们枯燥的生活带来色彩 2)For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has become the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment对于很多人来说,学习一门新技术占据了他们的生活和充实了他们的生活。 3)ooooo,by occupying spare time so constmctively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom.。。。占据了某人大部分时间,使得某人没空想东想西(充实了某人生活) 4)What's more, living io school can save them a great deal of time on the way between home and school everyday, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work.住校为学生省去了不少时间,这样学生可以把更多的时间用在学习上 5)Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. 一点一滴,这样做可以丰富我们的知识和拓宽我们的视野 6)For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to leam.对于想过一种有意义的人来说,抽空学习一门新技术很重要 7) The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills,


GRE写作ARGUMENT逻辑技巧 GRE作文argument为批判性论述文,需要对给出的一段论述文字进行分析,找到其逻辑漏洞并加以攻击。下面就和大家分享GRE写作ARGUMENT区分主次要逻辑技巧,来欣赏一下吧。 GRE写作ARGUMENT区分主次要逻辑技巧 GRE写作怎样判断主次要逻辑漏洞? 如上文所说,其实很多时候一篇argument题目素材里,存在的逻辑漏洞往往不止一处,对于一些写作驳论文经验丰富的考生来说,有些题目甚至一眼望去就是千疮百孔的。但这并不代表大家随便抓住一点就可以写出很有说服力的*。学会区分逻辑漏洞的主要和次要,集中精力从主要漏洞入手进行写作才能让*更有说服力。下面通过一个实例为大家分析: GRE写作ARGUMENT真题实例分析 The following appeared as part of an article in a business magazine. A recent study rating 300 male and female Mentian advertising executives according to the average number of hours they sleep per night showed an association between the amount of sleep the

executives need and the success of their firms. Of the advertising firms studied those whose executives reported needing no more than 6 hours of sleep per night had higher profit margins and faster growth. These results suggest that if a business wants to prosper, it should hire only people who need less than 6 hours of sleep per night. Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted. 作文题目翻译 最近一项研究根据每晚平均睡眠时间对300名男性和女性Mentian广告经理需要的睡眠总量与他们公司的成功之间的关联。被研究的广告公司中,那些报告每晚需要的睡眠不超过6小时的经理有较高的利润率和较快的增长。这些结果表明,如果一个企业想要成功,就应该雇佣那些每晚只需要不超过6小时睡眠时间的人。 写一篇回应*,探讨上述论据中明示和/或隐含的假设,并解释该论据如何建立在这些假设之上;如果这些假设不合理,会对该论据产生什么影响";

新GRE 北美范文精析 Argument 12 范文精析

Argument 12 12、Fifteen years ago, Omega University implemented a new procedure that encouraged students to evaluate the teaching effectiveness of all their professors. Since that time, Omega professors have begun to assign higher grades in their classes, and overall student grade averages at Omega have risen by 30 percent. Potential employers, looking at this dramatic rise in grades, believe that grades at Omega are inflated and do not accurately reflect student achievement; as a result, Omega graduates have not been as successful at getting jobs as have graduates from nearby Alpha University. To enable its graduates to secure better jobs, Omega University should terminate student evaluation of professors. In this memo Omega University's dean points out that Omega graduates are less successful in getting jobs than Alpha University graduates, despite the fact that during the past 15 years the overall grade average of Omega students has risen by 30%. The dean also points out that during the past 15 years Omega has encouraged its students, by way of a particular procedure, to evaluate the effectiveness of their professors. The dean reasons that this procedure explains the grade-average increase, which in turn has created a perception among employers that Omega graduates are less qualified for jobs. On the basis of this line of reasoning the dean concludes that to enable Omega graduates to find better jobs Omega must terminate its professor-evaluation procedure. This argument contains several logical flaws, which render it unconvincing. A threshold problem with the argument involves the voluntary nature of the evaluation procedure. The dean provides no evidence about the or percentage of Omega students who participate in the procedure. Lacking such evidence it is entirely possible that those numbers are insignificant, in which case terminating the procedure is unlikely to have any effect on the grade average of Omega students or their success in getting jobs after graduation. The argument also assumes unfairly that the grade-average increase is the result of the evaluation procedure--rather than some other phenomenon. The dean ignores a host of other possible explanations for the increase--such as a trend at Omega toward higher or higher quality instruction or facilities. Without ruling out all other possible explanations for the grade-average increase, the dean cannot convince me that by terminating the evaluation procedure Omega would curb its perceived grade inflation let alone help its graduates get jobs. Even if the evaluation procedure has resulted in grade inflation at Omega, the dean's claim that grade inflation explains why Omega graduates are less successful than Alpha graduates in getting jobs is unjustified. The dean overlooks a myriad of other possible reasons for Omega's comparatively poor job-placement record. Perhaps Omega's career services are inadequate; or perhaps Omega's curriculum does not prepare students for the job market as effectively as Alpha's. In short, without accounting for other factors that might contribute to Omega graduates' comparative lack of success in getting jobs, the dean cannot justify the claim that if Omega curbs its grade inflation employers will be more likely to hire Omega graduates. 这段话的内容太重复了这个描述不够清晰 直接说有调查错误 就好了 the survey cited by the author is not reliable. 这篇文章的数据有很多问题,比如30%和average 这个因果关系的 梳理很好这两个原因列举 的很好 划线部分是 让步攻击部分, 即使上面这个逻辑 错误不存在,那么 后面这个也有问题


gre写作超经典范文鉴赏! 想要知道gre写作考试满分作文是肿么写出来的,就非常有必要参考、分析相关范文。出于这样的考虑,在接下来的文章中,天道小编将与您分享一份堪称经典的gre写作范文,相信备战新 gre写作的朋友一定会需要! 以下就是小编准备的gre写作范文啦,备战gre写作的考生们不知道你们准备好了么?提前预祝大家能够在新gre写作考试中取得佳绩! A nationshould require all its students to study the same national curriculum until theyenter college ratherthan allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses tooffer. The speaker would prefer a nationalcurriculum for all children up until college instead of allowing schools in different regionsthe freedom to decide on their own curricula. I agree insofar as some common core curriculumwould serve useful purposes for any nation. At the same time, however, individual statesand communities should have some freedom to augment any such curriculum as theysee fit; otherwise, a nation's educational system might defeat its own purposes in the long term. A national core curriculum would bebeneficial to a nation in a number of respects. First of all,by providing all children withfundamental skills and knowledge, a common core curriculum would help ensure that our childrengrow up to become reasonably informed, productive members of society. In addition, acommon core curriculum would provide a predictable foundation upon which collegeadministrators and faculty could more easily build curricula and select course materials for freshmenthat are neither below nor above their level of educational experience. Finally, a core curriculumwould ensure that all school-children are taught core values upon which any democraticsociety depends to thrive, and even survive--values such as tolerance of others with differentviewpoints, and respect for others. However, a common curriculum that isalso an exclusive one would pose certain problems,which might outweigh the benefits,noted above. First of all, on what basis would certain course work be included or excluded,and who would be the final decision- maker? In all likelihood these decisions would be inthe hands of federal legislators and regulators, who are likely to have their own quirkynotions of what should and should not be taught to children--notions that may or may notreflect those of most communities, schools, or parents. Besides, government officials arenotoriously susceptible to influence-peddling by lobbyists who do not have the best interests ofsociety's children in mind.
