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How popular are bicycles in your hometown?(why?)


“自行车”这个话题在雅思考试中已不是新题,已往的考试中曾经多次出现。在回答自行车是否受欢迎这道题时,可按照“六要素”扩展法来组织答案(六要素分别为:what, when, where, who, how and why)。在回答的过理中,可涉及自行车的种类(What kind of bicycles are there ?),用途(How do people use bicycles ?),人群(who likes bicycles more ?),以及原因(Why do people like bicycles ?)等;同时还可以在时间上(when)对自行车过去和现在的使用进行对比。在回答的过程中.可选择一至两个要点进行拓展延伸。


Bicycles are very popular among students in my city since riding a bicycle costs almost nothing as long as you own one. Bicycle riders are not required to pay any extra charge such as gasoline or parking, which suits students well.


My hometown is located in the mountainous region, therefore bicycles are not that popular as a transportation method. It's regarded as a good way of exercise though.With the effect of fast fat-burning, you can see a lot of people start their workouts on bicycles in town.


Bicycles are still quite popular in my city but I have to say, they're not as popular as they were in the past. People don't hate bicycles, it's just that commuting by bicycles could take plenty of time from home to work due to the expansion of the city size.People would choose other less time-consuming modes of transport such as subway or private



suit someone well适合某人 be regarded as 被认为

time-consuming adj. 耗时的

How often do you ride a bicycle? (why?/why not?)


How often类的问趁比较常规,在回答的过程中可直接使用频率副词,也可以用表示频率的短语回答。在陈述原因时要注意话语间的连贯性,此外在表述原因时还可以使用不同的连词来为自己的答案加分。


The bicycle is my daily commuting vehicle; therefore I ride it on a daily basis. The reason why I choose to be a cyclist is that riding a bicycle is a way of transporting while exercising. I always arrive at my destination feeling relaxed and energized.


Not very frequently. Since I live quite far from company, I have to take subway to work .I ride spinning bike once every two weeks in the gym though, which is a very good exercise.


I haven't ridden bicycles for years. I used to when I was a lot younger but now I just don't have the chance. I've always wanted to start again, at least just on the weekend for relaxation.


cyclist n. 骑自行车的人 once every two weeks每两周一次

spinning bike动感单车

Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages? (Why/Why not?)


一般问到某项活动是否适合所有年龄段的时候,我们通常要分情况进行论述。通常可以将人群分为儿童(children),青年(young people〕和老年人(senior people)。 old这个词在叙述性

语言中可以用来描迷老年人,但如果在面对面交流时,可能会让人觉得不够礼貌,可用senior, aged或者elderly。在分析是否适合某类人群这种问题时,可从体力要求,经济条件和影响等方面展开论述。


Cycling can be done by people of all ages, from childhood up through the adult years. It helps increase balance and flexibility and improve muscle strength and endurance. The only problem for cyclists is the air they inhale when riding a bicycle on the open street. So I was told that people with lung disease or asthma are not suggested riding bicycles.


Although bicycle accidents are not usually killing dangers, there are a lot of children sent to the emergency room every day because of bike injuries. Teaching children to ride bicycles safely should be done hand by hand and a safety helmet is required to avoid head injuries. Without these precautions, children should not be allowed to ride bicycles.


Many senior people have impairment, such as reduced sight and hearing, or achy joints. They ate also prone to suffer injuries in a fall, due to their brittle bones. Therefore, senior people should be more careful when riding bicycles and it's better off if they go with a partner or in a group in case of emergencies.


Impatrment n. 损害,损伤 brittle adj. 易碎的

better off 比较有利的

What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car?(why?)


在这道题目中,比较级的运用应该得到格外关注。回答时可从能源消耗,使用成本,适用环境及对环境的影响等方面入手,但请注意,在Part 1 字数和时间的限制下,不要面面俱到,点出几个优势之后,针对一个要点进行比较全面和深入的叙述即可。


There're several undeniable convenience factors you’ll discover when riding a bicyce.Parking space is always there for you. Moreover, athough cars will certainly make better time on long trips,you’ll find youself traveling as fast or even faster

on bike if it's in heavy traffic.In a word, bicycles are more flexible.


Worrying about the increasing price of gasoline and committing to greenhouse effect, there're more and more people realizing that the bicycle is the ultimate economical and eco-friendly means of transport. Being a cyclist, you don't need to worry about paying for parking, tolls and maintenance cost which could be a huge amount of money.


Riding a bicycle on the street doesn't bring the noise that a car generates. There's no exhaust gas released since no gasoline is consumed. Bicycles are zero-emission vehicles which are often referred to as completely “green".


greenhouse effect 温室效应 zero-emission vehicles零排放车辆maintenance cost 维修费


本题是在常规人物题上加入限定修饰条件而形成的。题眼是has done a lot of work to help people。按照人物题的回答逻辑,考生要介绍人物的基本信息(是谁.住在哪里),性格特点(助人为乐)以及与叙迷人之间的互动或联系(怎么认识这个人的)。当然,为了刻画得更加到位,我们还可以加入人物外貌描迷和具体事例,让人物更具立体感。


I've chosen to talk about my previous next door neighbour Mrs. Wang. We lived in the same building when I was in primary school. I haven't seen her since I moved out of that community years ago, I can remember her really well though.




Physically, she was quite ordinary: she was about average height, plump, with

shoulder-length hair. Although her face Iooked younger than how you would expect for a person of her age,I would say about 40 years old, she had wrinkles around her eves. It's probably because she smiled a lot.




She was a full-time housewife but she always kept herself busy. You could see her helping in the neighbourhood all the time. Sometimes she helped young couples baby-sit their children, and sometimes she took care of the elderly. When my parents had to work overtime in the evening, they just called Mrs. Wang and I always ended up with a wonderful dinner with her family.


介绍人物的行为特点。以列举的形式说明人物助人为乐的特点 ,并将叙述者的亲身经历融入其中。


Mrs. Wang did all the good deeds without asking for any return. She really did have a heart of gold. I'm sure I'll never forget her because she showed me how much happiness you can get from helping others




baby-sit v.照看儿童

a heart of gold金子般的心(比喻善良)

end up with 以…而告终

Discussion topics1:

Helping other people In the community

Example questions1:

What are some of the ways people can help others in the community ? Which is most important?


在Part 3的讨论中,考官一般会就Part 2所描述的内容进行更加深入或者细节性的提问。本题为列举型问题。在Part 3中属于较简单的一种。在回答的过程中,要确立一个清晰的思维路线,然后顺着这条线继续下去,切忌杂乱无章。例如.可以以帮助不同年铃段的人作为思路,也可以以帮助弱势群体作为思路,当然,也可以从自己的角度出发,讨论如何帮助身边的人。


There're children in need for food and shelter just to survive all over the world, including my country. To help these children, a series of actions should be taken, such as donating food, clothes and other daily necessities, fund-raising for their education, etc. More importantly, we can start right now by being volunteers, helping children in migrant workers' schools all over the city.


a series of actions 一系列措施 migrant worker农民工

fund-raising n.筹款

Example questions2:

Why do you think some people like to help other people?




Helping others establishes a social bond between individuals and the group. When you help someone in need, you show your encouragement, compassion and care to others. In return, you

can get the sense of fulfillment and happiness. We all experience ups and downs in life, and we all hope when we're down, someone can lend a hand. That's why we need to start giving first.


social bond 社会联系 lend a hand 伸出援手

sense of fulfillment满足感

Example questions3:

Some people say that help others in the community more now than they did in the past.Do you agree or disagree?Why?


Do you agree or disagree类的问题,除了在写作大作文中出现外,在口语中也是常考话题。此类越型难度比较大,在回答问题时需给出观点并加以说明。请注意,任何观点在考试中都可以被接受。前提是论证说明的过程与观点逻辑一致并且条理清晰。


I don't think people now help in the community more than they did in the past. People are social

animals with the basic notion that if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. However, with the exposure of several cases on media that people helping others got accused as the one who hurt

others, we become reluctant to offer our help even if we want to, just because we're afraid that we don't get anything in return or even got blamed for doing so.


get accused被指控 be reluctant to不愿意

in return 作为回报

Discussion topics2:

Community Service

Example questions1:

What types of services, such as libraries or health centres, are available to the people who live in your area? Do you think there are enough of them?




In my area, we've got a public garden with body-building apparatus. But during the busy hour,which is usually the time after dinner, there's always a long queue lined up for it. Apparently, there's not enough of them. We have a pretty good community clinic though. It opens 24-7 with welcoming and professional doctors and nurses.


body-building apparatus 健身器材

Example questions2:

Which groups of people generally need most support in a community? Why?




The group of old and the young definitely require more support in a community. They're physical vulnerable and lack the ability to work. The other groups that need more attention

are the handicapped people. Their physical disabilities demand more assistance, both psychologically and materially.


handicapped people 残疾人 physical disability 生理缺陷

Example questions2:

Who do you think should pay for the services that available to the people in a community ? Should It be the government or individual people?




It is the government's responsibility to invest on social services, but we individuals cannot leave

the burden alone to the government. Public donation could also be beneficial supplements to the

government funding, which plays an important supporting role in the system.


public donation社会捐助 supporting role 辅助作用

beneficial supplement有益补充
