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A. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used

A thief who dropped a winning lottery ticket at the scene of hi crime has been given a lesson in honesty. His victim, who picked up ___1___, and then claimed the 25,000 pounds prize, managed to trace him and handed over the cash. The robbery ___2___ when math professor Vinicio sabbatocei, 58, was changing a tyre on an Italian motorway. Another motorist, who stopped “to help”, stole a suitcase from his car and drove off. The professor found the dropped ticket and put it in his pocket ___3___ driving home to Ascoli in Eastern Italy.

Next day he saw the lottery results on TV and, ___4___ the ticket, realized it was a winner. He claimed the 60 million lire(里拉)prize. Then he began a battle with his conscience. Finally, he decided he could not keep the money despite having been robed. He advertised in newspapers and on radio, ___5___. “I’m trying to find the man who robbed me. I have 60 million lire for him – a lottery win. Please meet me. Anonymity(匿名)guaranteed(保证).

Professor Sabbatocei received hundreds of calls from people hoping to trick him into handing them the cash. But there was one voice he recognized – and he arranged ___6___ the man in a park. The robber, a 35-year-old unemployed father of two, gave back the suitcase and ___7___ tears. He could not believe what was happe ning. “Why didn’t you keep the money?” he asked. The professor ___8___, “I couldn’t because it’s not mine.” Then he walked off, spurning(轻视)the thief’s offer of

a reward.

1. _______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.

It is not unusual for us to gather with our nearest and dearest at the weekend. But do you know that holidays, much like relationships, can be “made, maintained(保持)and broken through conversations?” Deborah Tannen, a Georgetown University linguistics(语言学)professor ___1___ so she offers suggestions to improve communication a t the holiday table and beyond. Let’s take a look.

A ___2___ dining table is best for promoting(促成)a lively conversation because everyone faces on another.

Avoid seating grandparents at the ends of a rectangular(长方形的)table, even though it is the traditional place of honor. Elderly people may feel lonely there because they will be unable to hear or keep up with ___3___.

Women prefer to face each other and make eye contact when they talk. Men might look ___4___ at other things, “Guys may be more relaxed keepi ng their gaze on the TV,” says Tannen. “They’ll still be listening, though.”

Be aware that people have different ways of talking. Each person has a different sense of tone, rhythm, timing and how long of a pause is normal in a conversation. Be aware of people who seem left out. If you feel you are doing all the talking, hold back to give others a chance to ___5___. If you feel you aren’t getting a chance to speak, try pushing yourself to start talking ___6___ it seems

natural or polite.

Some families find that gatherings go more smoothly if they participate in an ___7___ activity. Going to a park for a walk may be more enjoyable than sitting around chatting.

1. A doesn’t believe B. believe C. doesn’t guess D. guess

2. A. new B. rectangular C. round D. common

3. A. a secret B. a problem C. a conversation D. a party

4. A. around B. out C. for D. into

5. A. leave B. join in C. take D. share

6. A. before B. until C. after D. since

7. A. active B. indoor C. easy D. outdoor

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

At one time, people used to travel to foreign countries because they would be different from home – the buildings, the food, the national dress. Nowadays, however, one large city is very much l__________ another. They all have their Hilton Hotels which look like Hilton Hotels everywhere. They all have their McDonald’s, their KFCs, their Pizza Huts. Office buildings look the same e______________ and most city centers are full of office buildings. And, of course, people are d_________ the same brands of Japanese or European cars, usually wearing the same kinds of clothing and watching –except for a few programs –the same American movies and TV shows. Airports are the same everywher e and the world’s airlines are all flying the same aircrafts, Boeings or Airbuses.

What, therefore, is the purpose of foreign travel for people who are not on b_________? What do tourists hope to experience in a foreign country that they cannot experience at home? Why travel to foreign countries at all? The answer could be that people are very interested in the p_________. A nation’s history is often not its main attraction. Most of today’s tourists travel overseas to find out what foreign countries and cultures u_________ to be like, not what they are like today and it is the museums and works of art in many countries that are their main attraction.

If they are lucky – and have had sensible strong government – many countries will also have at least a few beautiful places for tourists to visit.

Finally there is perhaps a nation’s greatest attraction: its people. A nation is not just its historical buildings, its works of art or beautiful places, it is also the people who live in it. This is w_________ a country such as China, Thailand attracts millions of people every year. They come mainly because of the friendliness of the people.

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

People know the dangers of fires. It’s good for a f__________ to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some suggestions. Put a smoke alarm in the house. Smoke f__________ a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a l__________ sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once. Make escape plans. They should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened e________. Practice for a fire. They do fire practice b_________ they teach children about fie safety. Remember the following: Don’t open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly. Stay c_________ to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. The best air is near the floor because smoke r________. What will you do if y our hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Don’t

run! The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. Then roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out.

E. Read and answer the questions.

My name is Jane Eyre and my story really begins when I was ten years old. I was living with my aunt, Mrs. Reed, because my mother and father were both dead. Mrs. Reed was very rich and her house was large and beautiful, but I was not happy there. My cousins, Eliza, John and Georgiana were older than me. They teased(戏弄)me, and never wanted to play with me. Sometimes they were very cruel. I was afraid of them.

Most of all, I was afraid of John Reed. He liked to frighten me and he made me very unhappy. I often hid from him in a small room. I liked to look at the pictures in the big books from the library there.

I felt happy and safe in my little room that day, because I knew that John and his sisters were with their mother. But then John got bored and decided to look for me.

“Where’s Jane Eyre?” he shouted. I kept very quiet and hoped he would not find me, as he was not a clever boy. But his sister, Eliza, soon found where I was hiding.

“Here she is,” she called, and I had to come out. John grinned unpleasantly when he saw me.

“What do you want?” I asked him.

He made me stand in front of him. He stared at me for a long time, and then suddenly, he hit me. “Now go and stand by the door,” he said.

Now I was really frightened. I knew that John was going to hurt me. I went and stood near the door. “I’ll teach you to take our property(财产),” said John Reed, and picked up a large, heavy book.

At first I didn’t know what he was going to do. Then he lifted his arm and I realized that he was going to throw the book to me. I tried to get out of the way, but I was too late. He threw the book straight at me, it hit me on the head, and I fell.

“You wicked and cruel boy,” I shouted. “Why do you want to hurt me?” I touched my head. There was blood on it. “Look what you have done!” I cried.

My words just made John Reed angrier. He ran across the room awards me, and began to hit me again and again. I was very frightened, so I hit him back.

Mrs. Reed heard the noise and hurried into the room. She didn’t seem to see the blood which ran down my face. She told the two servants to take me away and locked me in a cold and dark room. Nobody came all night. I cried for a long time until I fainted.

1.Why did Jane Eyre live with Mrs. Reed? ____________________________________

2.Jane had three cousins, didn’t she? _____________________________________

3.Was Jane happy to live with the Reeds? _____________________________________

F. Read and answer the questions.

Do you find that late at night, your homework done, you aren’t tired enough to sleep? In fact, you could get out of bed and go for a run, or play a q uick game of basketball? It’s not a good feeling because, although you don’t feel sleepy, you certainly will in the morning.

It’s probably not coffee or tea or other stimula nts(刺激物)that are the problem. Indeed, it may not be a problem at all, according to some researchers, just the way the teenage body works. But not

all schools seem to realize this.

It seems that some American schools are getting the message and giving teenagers more time to sleep in the morning. They’ve found that starting after 8 am make s students more likely to turn up on time to school, do better work, and generally feel happier.

But in most American schools after school activities like sports and bus routes are given as reasons for a morning start time between 7 am and 8 am.

All this, the US National Sleep Foundation says, has serious consequences(后果)for teenagers. It means they don’t get the 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep a night they need. In fact some teens get just 7 hours or less under the covers. Researchers have come to the conclusion over the last 10 years that teens cannot easily fall asleep until about 11 pm and need to sleep until about 8 the next morning.

Mary Carskadon of Brown University was in charge of a study of teen saliva(口水). Her team measured the amount of sleep-producing hormone(荷尔蒙)in the saliva.

She found teens have a higher hormone level late at night than either adults or young children. It also remains high the morning after. Why this is the case is not yet clear to scientists. But experts say they do know that the consequences to teenagers sleep deprivation(剥夺)are more serious than classrooms full of sleepy kids.

Falling asleep at roll call(点名)is just the beginning of the problem. In her book Snooze … or Lose Helen Emsellem says that sleep-deprived teens get sick more easily, are prone(易于)to headaches and get poorer grades.

1.What’s the teenagers’ problem after they finish their homework late at night?

They’ll feel _______________________________________________________.

2.When will they probably feel sleepy, in the morning or at night?


3.According to some researchers, it isn’t a problem at all, is it?


4.According to the research, what might happen if schools start after 8 am?


5.How many hours of sleep do teenagers need?

They need ___________________________________________ hours of sleep.

6.Why do teenagers get sick more easily and are prone to headaches and get poorer grades?


7.As a teenager, do you think you have enough time to sleep? Why or why not?



我的家乡 我的家乡在荷花村(c m)。荷花村是个美丽的地方。 池(ch 1)塘(t cnc)里,荷花红红的。小路旁,嫩(n峦)草绿绿的。瓜地里,西瓜圆圆的。山坡下,泉水清清的。 我的家乡真可爱! 1?短文共有_________ 自然段,第二自然段有 ______ 话。 2?读短文,再填空。 荷花村是个美丽的地方。池塘里,荷花_____________ 的。小路旁,嫩草 __________ 的。瓜地里, 西瓜____________ 的。山坡下,泉水 ______________ 的。 彩虹 雨过了,天晴了。天空架起了一道七色的彩虹。 青蛙说:“彩虹是座七彩桥,站在上面可以看到最美丽的风景。”海燕说:“彩虹是大发卡,戴在大海妈妈的头上,她显得更加漂亮了。”蝴蝶说:“彩虹是大花环,围绕着飞舞,心里无比快活。” 1,短文有()自然段,第2自然段有()句话。 2,文中有几个人说话请在文中圈出它们。 3,根据短文内容,填序号。 (1)大花环(2)大发卡(3)七彩桥 青蛙说彩虹是(),海燕说彩虹是(),蝴蝶说彩虹是()。 有趣的天空 小妹妹站在窗前,抬头看着天空。 蓝蓝的天空,飘着几朵白云。一朵像金鱼,一朵像山羊,另外一朵像白马,最大的一朵像白熊。小妹妹向它们招招手:“朋友们,快来和我一起跳舞,好吗” 1?这篇短文有( )自然段,在文中标上自然段号。 2.读一读,圈圈:天上的白云像什么请圈出来。 3?读一读,连连:给词语找好朋友。 一匹白熊一只金鱼 一条山羊一朵白云 一头白马一个朋友 小铅笔 我有一支心爱的铅笔,是爸爸妈妈给我买的。 这支铅笔花花绿绿,很美丽。铅笔上画着一支大白鹅,红嘴巴,咼额头,浑身雪白。它在池塘里快活地游来游去,可爱极了。水面上有一片片的荷叶,好像漂着一顶顶帽子。水缓缓地流着,好像在说:“小朋友,你要好好学习呀!” 1、这篇短文()个自然段。 2、第二自然段有()句话。 3、用“ _____________ ”划出描写铅笔头上大白鹅的句子。 4、这篇短文主要写了:(用“V” ) ①这支铅笔是爸爸妈妈给我买的。() ②是要小朋友好好学习。()


学校读书活动计划 2017年 铁岭县镇西堡镇中心小学 2017年3月

学校读书活动计划 2017年我们学校将继续扎实开展师生读书活动,培养学生良好的阅读习惯和浓厚的读书兴趣,开阔视野,增长知识,开发智力,陶冶情操,充实文化底蕴,提高综合实践能力。能利用图书室、网络,搜集自己需要的信息和资料,小学生课外阅读总量不少于100万字。 具体活动内容: 一、“书香校园”创建活动。 1.教师读书 (1)学期初全体教师每人制定个人读书计划。 (2)完善图书室、阅览室建设管理,让“沉淀”的图书“流动”起来,使之成为教师借书、读书的开放港湾。 (3)读书网络。提倡教师去图书室阅读教育教学杂志,认真阅读、做笔记;加强信息技术培训,促进网络阅读,为教师提供一个开放的“图书馆”。 (4)本学期每位教师必读一至两本教育专著,同时认真写好读书笔记。 (5)教师每学期撰写两篇读书心得体会(必须是原创)。 2.学生读书 (1)班主任老师制定切实可行的班级读书活动计划。 (2)营造读书氛围。本学期,继续加强班级图书角建设(各班可以发动学生推荐捐赠好书供全班学生共同阅读),学校图书室定期对学生开放,使学生有书可读。 (3)充分利用好每天的晨读、午读以及课前2分钟的读书时间,按要求读指定

的内容,长期坚持下去。 (4)大力推进课外阅读行动。本学期鼓励每位学生购买一本好书(参见《小学各年级好书推荐》),学校要求各班学生必须会背《弟子规》。另外根据年级不同,一至三年级每位学生读10个成语故事,10个童话故事,可以背诵《三字经》、《道德经》以及积累好词、好句、好段;四至六年级每位学生读10个神话故事,10个寓言故事,10个历史故事,四至六年级学生每人写5——10篇读书笔记,高年级学生要注重积累成语知识,背诵名言警句、古诗词、经典美文等。 (5)加强书香校园活动资料的收集与整理,重视学生的读书成果的积累。 3.家庭读书活动 在家庭内开展“亲子共读”活动,充分发挥社会、家长的作用,使其成为学校读书活动的支持者、宣传者和参与者、建设者。建议家长将每周周日一小时的时间定为“读书时间”,和孩子共同阅读,共同提高,营造家庭读书氛围(家长可以把陪孩子读书的小视频发到班级的微信群)。有条件的家庭,要经常带孩子到书店购书,到图书馆借书,拓宽读书渠道,倡导家长在孩子过生日时以书为礼品。 二、“好书大家读活动”。 学校根据各年级实际情况,制定出各年级每学期的必背、必读书目和推荐读书内容,各班充分利用早读、读书课或课余时间开展读书活动,如:好书推荐、课前3—5分钟“说”名著活动(介绍内容、讲情节、讲心得等均可)、经典回味、美文共享、心得交流、诗文诵读、读书方法大擂台等,此项活动须长期坚持,形成制度,形成特色。 三、“书香班级”、“阅读之星”的评选活动。 1.环境布置 搞好班级图书角的建设:在各班教室后方放置统一的图书柜,鼓励学生捐书,


五年级上册课内阅读练习题及参考答案) 一、认真阅读《窃读记》第3、4自然段,完成以下练习。 1、在第三自然段中找出描写作者动作的词语写在横线上。跨、踮、挤 2、这两个自然段中一系列动作描写,突出“我”对读书(B)。 A、感到辛苦 B、如饥似渴 C、很是无奈 3、从这两个自然段中,找出文章的中心句,写在横线上。 我很快乐,也很惧怕——这种窃读的滋味! 4、“我像一匹饿狼,贪婪地读着。”这句话运用了(比喻)的修辞手法。 “贪婪”是指贪得无厌,没有满足的时候。作者把满怀读书渴望的“我”比作一匹饥饿的狼,写出了“我”强烈的求知欲,对读书的渴望。 二、认真阅读《窃读记》第7—10自然段,完成以下练习。 1、照样子,写词语。 依依不舍孜孜不倦、振振有词、彬彬有礼 舒舒服服整整齐齐、干干净净、随随便便 2、给下列带点字选择正确的读音。 支撑(chēn chēng)暂时(zàn zhàn)智慧(zìzhì) 3、“你们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的。”对这句话的正确理解是(B)。 A、一个人要读书、吃饭才能长身体。 B、一个人既需要粮食哺育身体,又需要读书来长智慧。一个是物质粮食,一个是精神粮食,二者缺一不可。 C、吃饭能使人长大,读书也能使人长大。 三、认真阅读《走遍天下书为侣》第5自然段,完成以下练习。 1、我会写出下列词语的反义词。 熟悉(陌生)喜爱(厌恶) 2、我会按要求改写句子。 (1)你不会因为熟悉家中的一切就弃家而去吧? 改为陈述句:你不会因为熟悉家中的一切就弃家而去。 (2)书是朋友。 扩句:丰富多彩的书是我最真挚的朋友。 3、在这个文段中作者把喜爱的书比作一个朋友和家。 4、作者把喜爱的书比作“家”的理由是什么? 答:作者把喜爱的书比作“家”的理由是:读自己喜爱的书,就是回到自己温暖而亲切的家。 四、认真阅读《走遍天下书为侣》第7、8自然段,完成以下练习。 1、出下列词语的近义词。 欣赏(赞赏)忽略(忽视)思考(思索) 2、读下面的句子,再根据自己读书的感受仿写句子。 一本你喜爱的书就是一位朋友,也是一处你随时想去就去的故地。 一本你喜爱的书就是一位良师,也是让你不断进步的阶梯。


初三英语寒假练习一 笔试部分(80分) I.选择填空(15分) ( )1. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I ______ fishing. A. go B. went C. going D. will go ( )2. Thomas Edison was the man ______ never gave up. A. who B. what C. he D. it ( )3. —Andrew is speaking too quickly. —Let’s ask him to speak more______. A. quick B. slow C. quickly D. slowly ( )4. I want to learn ______ healthily. A. to eat how B. to how eat C. how to eat D. how eat to ( )5. Saint Nicholas wanted to give money to______ . A. rich B. poor C. the rich D. the poor ( )6. Children wake up very early,and ______ open the presents. A. can’t B. don’t C. can’t wait to D. aren’t waiting for ( )7. As China is a big country,people in different ______ celebrate this holiday in different ways. A. countries B. places C. clothes D. ways ( )8. That night Mary gave ______ to this very special boy. A. bear B. born C. birth D. birthday ( )9. She has nothing______. A. say B. says C. to say D. is said ( )10. A brush pen ______ for writing. A. uses B. used C. is used D. is using ( )11. But it is also used very widely ______ a foreign language in many other countries of the world. A. as B. when C. because D. for ( )12. So these eggs were ______ long long ago by Dinosaurs! A. laid B. seen C. found D. broken ( )13. How long have you ______ up? A. got B. get C. been D. be ( )14. Water the young trees,as______ as possible. A. much B. many C. long D. often ( )15. ______ the satellites’help China can send its TV and radio programmes to the other side of the world. A. With B. Under C. Have D. Use II. 完形填空(15分) 先阅读短文,然后从文后每小题的四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文中相应空白处的正确答案. Jenny was often late 1 school. One morning, when she earn in late,Mr. Black, her teacher, got angry. “I’1 2 your father if you aren’t 3 on time tomorrow, ”he told her. The next day she got up very 4 and went to school without breakfast. When the bell rang,she 5 in her seat. The door opened and the teacher came in. But 6 wasn’t Mr. Black. It was Miss Green. Mr. Black was ill 7 she was taking his class instead. 8 disappointed Jenny was! The next morning Jenny got up 9 earlier. 10 she got to the school gate, she stopped. On the ground there was a wallet.


Karen Macinnes had spent nine months in the hospital. As she grew weaker, the 16 – year – old girl asked her parents, “ Am I going to die?” Her mother told Karen the truth. After learning the bad news, all Karen wanted was to go home. Her parents decided to satisfy her wish --- no matter that medical fund(基金), which had helped pay for Karen?s hospitalization, would not cover any of the full time medical care she would need at home. When she was carried through her front door, Karen smiled for the first time in months. A friend of the MacInnes family, Sheila Petersen, knew of this and offered to help. She volunteered(自愿) not only to find nurses, but also to raise money for Karen?s care. Money was received from so many people that Sheila created(建立)a fund, “ Friend of Karen”. After leaving the hospital, Karen lived for 11 months. “ And those months were happy ones for her,” says her mother, “ thanks to Sheila.” Even after Karen died, people kept sending money. Sheila put it into the fund, tried to find someone else who needed help. By last month, Friends of Karen was helping 70 families. “ I still have a relationship with each family,” says Sheila. “ We have four children who are near death now, and I want to be there for them.” Sheila admits (承认) the work is sometimes difficult, but says, “ she smile on a child?s face makes it all worthwhile(值得的)。“ 1.The mother told Karen that she _______. A.was going to die B.was going home C.was growing weak D.was becoming better 2.Her parents agreed to take Karen home because ______. A.thus they would save money B.medical funds wouldn?t cover any of the full time medical care C.they couldn?t pay for her hospitalization D.they hoped to make the satisfied 3.Sheila helped Karen?s parents by _____. A.giving them money B.raising money from others C.finding nurses for them D.paying for Karen?s hospitalization 4.Karen lived for _______ since she had got out of the hospital. A.eleven months B.nine months C.twenty months D.twelve months B Joseph Lemasolai wrote a book about his life. His people, the Maasai, are nomads(游牧民), meaning they do not stay in one place for long. They move their villages in search of good grass and fresh water for their cattle. “ The cow is the centerpiece of pretty much everything we do,”Joseph explains “ That?s why we move. We could not be nomad without cattle. You can?t move for

学校阅读工作总结 汇报.docx

为提高办学品质,打造特色学校,营造“书香校园”,走内涵发展之路,我校开展了以“全员诵读海量阅读”为主题的阅读工作,现总结汇报如下: 一、营造氛围优化阅读环境 为积极营造以人为本的育人环境,我校加大资金投入从五个方面优化阅读环境,营造浓厚的阅读氛围,让师生融入浓浓的书香氛围中。 1.营造班级阅读环境。建立班级图书角35个,及时更新适合孩子阅读的书籍。加强班级“悦读”主题文化建设,手抄报、读书体会、好书推荐、名言警句、个人读书照片等等应有尽有,精彩纷呈,每月更换。 2.营造教师办公室阅读环境。教师办公室里增设书柜、报刊架,针对性摆放书籍,方便教师随时阅读。 3.营造楼道阅读环境。教学楼过道因地制宜设立开放阅读区,孩子们在课余时间随时阅读自己喜欢的书籍。并在楼道内布置了新书推荐、读书方法、名人读书故事等内容的版面,营造了阅读氛围。 4.营造图书阅览室环境。改扩建图书阅览室100余平米,增加书架14个,书桌18套。美化墙壁,布置展板,摆放盆景花卉,环境优雅,温馨贴心,使孩子们静心畅游书海。 5.营造校园阅读环境。在校园突出位置温馨提示“今天你读书了吗?增设四块好书推荐、我爱读书、我会读书、读书名人名言主题板报,激发师生读书欲望。 二、强化保障培养读书习惯 2017年是我校的“读书习惯养成年”。围绕年度目标,成立了以校长为组长的“创建书香校园”活动领导小组,统一思想,加强领导,责任到人,强化物质保障、制度保障、时间保障。 1.制度保证 制定、完善了《新建小学阅读十三五规划》《2017年年度阅读行动规划》《2017年阅读考核评价办法》《阅读先进工作者、书香班级、书香少年评选方案》等,规定小学六年,每个孩子至少背诵2000首古诗,阅读90本书;教师每学期至少读两本教育教学类书籍或经典名著,读学生书目两本。 2、物质保障 为满足师生读书要求,上学年投资7万元新增图书5000余册,开放图书阅览室,延长服务时间,保证师生能读到适合自己的书籍,免费为师生设计、定制阅读笔记本,培养学生做读书笔记的号习惯。 3、时间保障 晨诵20分钟、课前2分钟诵读、路队诵读5分钟、课间操后诵读2分钟,每天下午最后一节课师生共读40分钟、每天晚上亲子共读30分钟、假期每天阅读1小时以上。学校领导和教导处专人检查量化,检查结果及时公布并计入绩效考核。 三、纳入课程构建“悦读”课程体系 构建了“悦”读课程体系,真正让学生“少做题,多读书,好读书,读好书,读整本的书”,努力打造“书香校园”。 1.每天一节自主阅读课(每天下午最后一节课)。 教师提前阅读学生阅读的书目,预设完全阅读这些书需要几个课时,每节课阅读的量(从哪一篇到哪一篇,从多少页到多少页)。 学生采用默读的方法,一、二年级要读一至二个故事或文章;三、四年级不少于10页;五、六年级不少于15页,积累生字新词、好句好段(摘录在积累本上);大致把握文章的主要内容;养成边读边想边做批注的好习惯,简单批注“精彩句段”“我的感想”“我的收获”“我的疑问”等。教师在课堂上静静地和孩子一起读书、批画、谈体会。


二年级语文下册课内阅读练习题 找春天 春天像个害羞的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏。我们仔细地找哇,找哇。 小草从地下探出头来,那是春天的吧? 早开的野花一朵两朵,那是春天的吧? 树木吐出点点嫩芽,那是春天的吧? 解冻的小溪叮叮咚咚,那是春天的吧? 1.请把下面的词语按序号填写在文中空缺处。 音符琴声眼睛眉毛 (1) (2)(3) (4) 2. 你能仿照“遮遮掩掩”“躲躲藏藏”“叮叮咚咚”写两个AABB的词语吗? 3.仔细地寻找春天中,文中都找到了什么? 4.春天里我们还能看到哪些景象?(举一个例子,选文中的除外) 雷锋叔叔,你在哪里 小路说: 昨天,他曾路过这里, 背着年迈的大娘, 踏着路上的荆棘 瞧,那花瓣上晶莹的露珠, 就是他洒下的汗滴 乘着温暖的春风, 我们四处寻觅 啊,终于找到了——哪里需要献出爱心, 雷锋叔叔就出现在哪里。 1.写出下列词语的近义词 温暖—( ) 四处—( ) 寻觅—( ) 2.第一节中写雷锋曾把()背回家。 3.“哪里需要献出爱心,雷锋叔叔就出现在哪里”这句话的意思是()

A. 在需要人们奉献爱心的地方,到处都有像雷锋叔叔那样热心助人的叔叔、阿姨们。 B.雷锋叔叔想去哪儿就去哪儿。 千人糕 爸爸拿起面前的糕,说:“你看,一块平平常常的糕,经过很多很多人的劳动,才能摆在我们面前。” 孩子听了爸爸的话,仔细想了想,说:“爸爸,这糕的确应该叫‘千人糕’啊!” 1.照样子,写词语。 很多很多 想了想 2.用“”画出文中爸爸说的话,用“”画出孩子说的话。 3.联系课文内容,选出正确的答案。 “千人糕”是指( ) A.由一千个人才能做成的糕。 B.经过很多人的劳动才能做成的糕。 一匹出色的马 一个春天的傍晚。妈妈牵着妹妹,爸爸牵着我,一起到郊外去散步。我们沿着一条小河走。河水碧绿碧绿的,微风吹过,泛起层层波纹。河岸上垂下来的柳叶。拂过妈妈和爸爸的头发。我和妹妹看着都笑了。 路的一边是田野,葱葱绿绿的,非常可爱,像一片柔软的绿毯。 春天的郊外。景色异常美丽。我们一边看,一边走。路已经走了不少,却还恋恋不舍,不想回去。 当我们往回走的时候.妹妹求妈妈抱她:“我很累,走不动了,抱抱我。” 妈妈摇摇头,回答说:“不行啊,我也很累,抱不动你了。” 妹妹转过头求爸爸。爸爸不作声,他松开我的手,从路旁一株柳树下,拾起一根又长又细的纸条,把它递给了妹妹,说:“这是一匹出色的马,你走不动了,就骑着它回家吧。”


初三英语基础练习题 22. — Hi, Mary. Could you lend ______ your pen? — OK. Here you are. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 23. _______ March, 12th, we planted trees in a park. A. In B. On C. At D. To 24. — ________ did you go to the doctor, Tim? — Two weeks ago. A. How B. Where C. What D. When 25. I phoned you at six yesterday evening, ______ nobody answered. A. because B. or C. but D. so 26. — Look here, please. Who can do this problem? —I ______, Miss Li. A. can B. need C. should D. must 27. Sam, you’re much ______ than I last saw you. A. thin B. thinner C. thinnest D. the thinnest 28. — This is a really interesting story. I enjoy________ it. A. reading B. read C. to read D. reads 29. — What are the kids doing? —They ______ the flowers in the garden. A. water B. watered C. have watered D. are watering 30. — Jim, how about going to the movie Mission Impossible IV tonight? —Well, I ______ it already. A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see 31. I will let you know as soon as I ______ back. A. get B. got C. will get D. have got 32. A talk on pop music ______ in the school hall next Sunday. A. is given B. gives C. will be given D. will give 33. Look, there ______ little water in the river! How come? A. be B. am C. is D. are 34. — Do you know ______ yesterday afternoon? —Sorry, I’ve no idea. A. where is Tom B. where Tom is C. where was Tom D. where Tom was 22. There is a clock ______ the wall. A. for B. from C. on D. to 23. I got up early ______ the traffic was bad this morning. A. and B. but C. so D. or 24. — ______ have you been in China?


课时作业(十四)小说阅读(一) 一、阅读下面的文字,完成1~4题。 冯前 孙犁 在朋友中,我同冯前,可以说相处的时间最长了。 一九四五年,我回到冀中,在一家报社认识了他。他说,其实我们在一九三九年就见过了。不过那时他还只有十七岁,没有和我交谈罢了。 冯前短小精悍,爽朗、热情,文字也通畅活泼。我正奉命编辑一本杂志,他是报社编辑,就常常请他写一些时事短评之类的文章。 这家报纸进城以后,阴错阳差,我也成了它的正式工作人员,而且不愿动弹,经历了七任总编的领导。冯前进城以后,以他的聪明能干,被提拔得很快。他是这家报纸的第三任总编。 我原以为,我们是老相识,过去又常请他看作品,会很合得来,比起前几任总编,应该更没有形迹。其实,总编一职,虽非官名,但系官职之培基。谁坐在这个位置上,也不能不沾染一些官气。 我体会到这一点以后,当众就不再叫他冯前,而是老冯,最后则照例改为冯前同志了。 不久,就来了“文化大革命”。七月间,大家在第一工人文化宫心惊肉跳地听完传达,一出会场,我看见人们的神情、举止、言谈,都变了。第二天,集中到干部俱乐部学习。传达室的人告诉我:冯前同志先坐吉普车走了,把他的卧车留给我坐。当时,我还很感激,事到如今,还照顾我。若干年后,忽然怀疑:当时,他可能是有想法的。他这样做,使群众看到,在机关,第一个养尊处优的不是总编,而是我。 在机关,我是第一个被查封“四旧”的人。我认为,这是他的主意。当时的“文化大革命”,还是在“御用”阶段,主事的都是他的亲信。查封以后,他来到我的屋里看了一下,一句话也没说。也好像是来安慰我。当天晚上,又派人收去了我从老区带来的一支手枪。 不管怎么样抛我,我总不是报社的当权派。他最后还是成为斗争的重点,被关了起来。


(一)《三棵枸杞豆》 他忽然站起来,走到我的身边,大大的眼睛闪露出笑意。我跟着他走到他刚才躺过的地方,坐了下来,忽然发现脚前的泥土上划满了各种各样奇怪的画儿:一座歪歪斜斜的塔,一堆松松散散的书,一株弯弯扭扭的树。这些画儿下面划了三个圆圆的“○”,好像滚动的铁环。 “三叔,你画的是什么?” “画的都是三叔。” “可一点儿也不像你呀?” “像,很像!”他凄然一笑,指着画儿说:“这画的是我一生中的三个理想,下面的‘○’是我一生的成绩。第四个理想还没建立,命运忽然对我说:‘算了吧,你该回老家了!’” …… 这时,太阳快要西沉。透过林隙,我看见它像一个红色的车轮,就要滚进西边的山沟里去了。身边的三叔忽然喊道:“太阳!”接着,两只枯瘦的手向前伸去,仿佛要捉住它似的。 “太阳能捉住吗?”我天真地问道。 “能!能呀!我以前老是忘记了去捉它,让它在我头顶上溜走了几千次,上万次,我仍没有想要捉住它!” “太阳里有火,一定很烫手吧?”我说。 “是呵,有点烫手,还得费点力气。但把它一捉到手,就变了,变成一个圆圆的金盘子,里面放满了五彩的宝石。太阳的光芒都是从这些五彩的宝石上放射出来的,所以才这么亮。” 他忽然俯下身,用手捏住我的脸蛋。我疼得差点儿叫起来,他一点儿没有觉察到我的痛楚,口里喃喃地说:“这也是太阳?这也是太阳!” 1.请你用简要的语言概述选段的主要内容。(2分) 2.三叔画的三幅画代表了三叔一生中哪三个理想?(2分) 3.文中把太阳比作“一个红色的车轮”,有什么含义?(2分) 4.请你写出对三叔说的“是呵,……所以才这么亮”一段话的理解。(3分) 5.阅读下面一段文字,联系选段中三叔说的话,写出你的感悟。(不超过100字)(3分)洗手的时候,日子从水盆里过去;吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗里过去;默默时,便从凝然的双眼前过去。我觉察他去的匆匆了,伸出手遮挽时,他又从遮挽着的手边过去,天黑时,我躺在床上,他便伶伶俐俐地从我身上跨过,从我脚边飞去了。等我睁开眼和太阳再见,这算又溜走了一日。我掩着面叹息。但是新来的日子的影儿又开始在叹息里闪过了。(朱自清《匆匆》) (二)《柳叶儿》 (1)又是柳叶儿抽芽的季节了。 (2)每当看到那一片片打着细卷儿,在暖和的阳光里慢慢舒展的柳叶儿时,我总忍不住要伸手去摘一片来,放在嘴里嚼着,慢慢品尝一番那苦中略带些涩的滋味儿。 (3)柳叶儿救过我的命。 (4)那一年春天,地里的野菜吃光了,前一年的干地瓜秧吃光了,榆树皮吃光了,大家又抢柳叶儿……那一年,我八岁。


初三英语提高练习题集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]

初三英语提高练习 (Unit 2 9A) 第一部分基础复 习 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. This skirt looks nice _______ Rose because she looks very nice _______red. A. on; in B. in; on C. for; on D. to; in ( ) 2. Can your daughter _________ herself A. Wear B. dress C. put on D. have on ( ) 3. –Which do you prefer, orange or milk --_________, I’d like a cup of tea. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None

( ) 4. I’m not good at maths, especially having difficulty _________. A. solving problems B. solve problems C. in problems D. A and C ( ) 5. – In your class, who has been to the USA before -- _____________. A. None B. Nothing C. No one D. Anybody ( ) 6. Mr Liu lives ______121 Sunny Street, New York City. A. at B. in C. on D. over ( ) 7. – Is _______here --No, Jack has asked for three days’leave. A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody ( ) 8. I don’t know when Kitty ______tomorrow, and please give this message to her when she ______. A. come; will come B. comes; comes C. will come; will come D. will come; comes ( ) 9. There are many high buildings on ___ side of the street and ______ of the buildings are very modern. A. each; all B. all; all C. both; all D. every; each ( ) 10. Look at the walls; they were ___________ blue. A. paint B. painting C. painted D. painted ( ) 11. Daniel told us that he _______photos ______colour paper. A. prefer; to B. preferred; to C. would rather; than D. prefers; to ( ) 12. We mustn’t read _______letter. It’s bad. A. else anyone’s B. anyone else’s C. anyone’s else D. anyone else ( ) 13. The boy is _______ young to know _______________. A. so; what to do B. too; what to do C. so; how to do D. too; how to do ( ) 14. We live in a world ______colours and colours can __________us. A. be full of; effect B. full of; effect C. being full of; affect D. full of; affect ( ) 15. In old days, the workers were often made _______ over more than ten hours a day. A. work B. working C. to work D. works 二、词汇检查


初一年级阅读理解汇编(一) 阅读《倔强的仙人掌》,回答问题。 倔强的仙人掌 ①女人看见路边蹲着一个挑担老头儿,他身边的筐里装着满满一筐嫁接的仙人掌,高高的底座像一座独立秀挺的山峰,山峰顶部是形状各异的红、黄、绿各色仙人球。女人拿起仙人掌仔细的挑选了很久,价格不贵,与花鸟市场上的相比便宜许多,便挑定了自己喜欢的两盆,准备一起买。 ②老头儿布衣布褂,黑褐色的脸上堆满了笑容。他操着极生硬的普通话,如数家珍般介绍这植物的种种优点,什么如何好看好养了,什么净化空气了。末了他搓着厚皮疙瘩的手爽快地说:“你要两个,那就算你小批发好了,再便宜你一块钱。你看咋样?” ③“你这是真嫁接上去的,还是用牙签插上去的?”这样的价钱,女人总觉心里不安,指着山峰顶部的红黄绿颜色的仙人球满脸怀疑的问。蛮好的花买回家后发现居然是新种没根的,这种事情不止一次了。老头儿的脸腾地红上来,紧锁眉头,瞪着浑浊的眼睛说:“怎么可能是插上去的?怎么可能呢?这可都是我一棵一棵亲手栽起来的啊!”老头儿本不地道的普通话,这时更是结结巴巴地有点南腔北调了。 ④“是吗?”她抬起眼皮,瞟了他一眼,反问道。这样的看似暴怒的伪装她也见多了。倘若是货真价实的东西,何必这么着急,她心里想着,不再吭声。眼看就要成功的交易,因为这一问停了下来,空气似乎也凝固了。老头儿的脸涨得更红了,忙不迭的解释。而他越是叽里咕噜得絮絮不止,她就越觉得他不可信。 ⑤忽然,老头儿停了下来,从筐里拿起一棵茁壮的仙人掌,没等女人反应过来,使劲一拉,把它的顶部从底峰上扯了下来,然后一手一半举到女人眼前:“你看,你看!有牙签吗?”他用力的问她,眼里似乎也冒了火。没有牙签,扁扁的巴掌形的黄绿色软刺仙人球从它的底峰上被拽了下来,而它的底峰上生生裂开了一道绿色肉质沟壑,本已长在一起的首尾两截,就这样被硬硬地扯开了。 ⑥面对这样的场面,女人呆呆得怔了一会儿,低下头去付钱。老头儿一脸自尊,挺着胸膛收钱,三块钱一个,五块钱两个,又从布衫口袋里摸出装钱的塑料袋,该找多少还找多少,也不计较身首异处的那一个。老头儿娴熟地把东西包扎好,放进女人的车筐里。转过身,捡起地上已成两截的仙人掌,一起放进她的车筐里。 ⑦“别扔了,一起种进泥土里,两截都能活。”老头说。 ⑧女人脸红了,羞愧的点了点头。老头倒笑了起来,露出锈蚀的牙齿,又用他那东倒西歪的普通话安慰她说:“放心好了,这东西最耐折腾,刚才那点事算不了什么,只要有点泥,就能长出根的。” ⑨两截还能活,这不假,但女人看着老头儿只是觉得心里生疼,仿佛受了伤的不是那棵仙人掌,而是别的什么。那别的什么像一支小手,躲在她的胸膛里,一下一下,揪得她的心生疼。那疼隐隐约约地从老头儿脚下的那对仙人掌里传过来,从他那鬼样的普通话中传过来,从他那已经装在布衫口袋里的塑料钱袋里传过来,疼得她直想落泪。 1、通读全文,根据文章内容填空(2分) 挑仙人掌→→→送仙人掌 【答案】疑仙人掌;折仙人掌。 【解析】这是对文章的概括和理解。通读全文,根据已有的内容提示,不难找到答案的范围。第一个空的答题范围是三、四段,第二个空的答题范围是七、八、九段。然后概括这两处的内容大意即可。 2、请为文中划线句子作批注(从人物描写方法角度)。(4分)

最新花的学校阅读答案大全 花的学校阅读答案

当雷云在天上轰响,六月的阵雨落下的时候,润湿的东风走过荒野,在竹林中吹着口笛,于是一群一群的花从无人知道的地方突然跑出来,在绿草上狂欢地跳着舞。 妈妈,我真的觉得那群花朵是在地下的学校里上学。 它们关了门做功课。如果它们想在散学以前出来游戏,它们的老师是要罚它们站壁角的。 雨一来,它们便放假了。 树枝在林中互相碰触着,绿叶在狂风里萧萧地响,雷云拍着大手。这时花孩子们便穿了紫的、黄的、白的衣裳,冲了出来。 你可知道,妈妈,它们的家是在天上,在星星所住的地方。 你没有看见它们怎样地急着要到那儿去么?你不知道它们为什么那样急急忙忙么? 我自然能够猜得出它们是对谁扬起手臂来,它们也有它们的妈妈,就像我有自己的妈妈一样。 1.文中说花“在绿草上狂欢地跳着舞”,这符合实际吗?为什么?(不超过10个字。) ____________________________________________ 2.“地下的学校”的含义是什么?(不超过15个字。) ____________________________________________ 3.“雷云拍着大手”既指(表层意思)________,又指(深层意思) ________________。 4.为什么说“雨一来,它们便放假了”? ____________________________________________ 5.对下列例句运用的修辞方法分析正确的一项是例句:它们也有它们的妈妈,就像我有我自己的妈妈一样。 [ ] A.比喻 B.比喻、拟人 C.拟人 D.夸张

6.花孩子们在天上的家是怎样的一个家?请通过想像加以描述。 ____________________________________________________ 答案 1.符合实际。因为作者明写花朵暗写风。 2.指地底下的学校。 3.自然界的电闪雷鸣,对花孩子们的热情。有了雨的滋润,花朵才能自由自在地开放。 5.c 6.那里是他们的天地,充满了欢乐和幸福。 当雷云在天上轰响,六月的阵雨落下的时候,润湿的东风走过荒野,在竹林中吹着口笛。 于是一群一群的花从无人知道的地方突然跑出来,在绿草上狂欢的跳着舞。 妈妈,我真的觉得那些花朵是在地下的学校里上学。 它们关了门做功课,如果他们想在放学以前出来游戏,他们的老师是要罚他们站墙角的。 雨一来,他们便放假了。 树枝在林中互相碰触着,绿叶在狂风里籁籁地着,雷云拍着大手,这时,花孩子们便穿了紫的,黄的,白的衣裳,冲了出来。 你可知道,妈妈,他们的家是在天上,在星星所住的地方。 你没有看见他们怎样的急着要到那儿去吗?你不知道他们为什么那样急急忙忙吗? 我自然能够猜得出他们是对谁扬起双臂来:他们也有他们的妈妈,就像我有我自己的妈妈—样。


部编版三年级上册课内阅读练习题及答案 (一)课内阅读。 秋天的雨(节选) 秋天的雨,有一盒五彩缤纷的颜料。你看,它把黄色给了银杏树,黄黄的叶子像一把把小扇子,扇哪扇哪,扇走了夏天的炎热。它把红色给了枫树,红红的枫叶像一枚枚邮票,飘哇飘哇,邮来了秋天的凉爽。金黄色是给田野的,看,田野像金色的海洋。橙红色是给果树的,橘子、柿子你挤我碰,争着要人们去摘呢!菊花仙子得到的颜色就更多了,紫红的、淡黄的、雪白的……美丽的菊花在秋雨里频频点头。 1.“五彩缤纷”这个词语的近义词有________、________等。我能通过选文中的________、________、________、________、________、________、________等词语来体会出这个词语的意思是________________________。(5分) 2.用“”画出选文中的中心句。(2分) 3.把下列比喻句补充完整。(2分) (1)秋天的田野像____________。(2)____________像一枚枚邮票。4.选文中“田野像金色的海洋”说明了什么?(3分) ___________________________________________________________参考答案: (一)1.五光十色色彩斑斓黄色红色金黄色橙红色紫红色淡黄雪白颜色多种多样 2.秋天的雨,有一盒五彩缤纷的颜料。 3.金色的海洋枫叶 4.说明稻穗金黄,很多庄稼全都丰收了! (二)课内阅读。

小女孩回答说:“火柴已经用光了。可是,火柴点燃的火,还在这盏灯里亮着。” 鸟儿睁大眼睛,盯着灯火看了一会儿。 接着,她就唱起去年唱过的歌,给灯火听。 唱完了歌,鸟儿又盯着灯火看了一会儿,飞走了。 1.选文中有两个“看”字,第一个“看”表示( );第二个“看”表示( )。 A.鸟儿实现了自己的诺言 B.鸟儿费尽周折终于找到了自己的好朋友 2.联系上下文展开想象,试着走进鸟儿的内心世界,说说它在想些什么。 (1)鸟儿睁大眼睛,盯着灯火看了一会儿,心里一定在想:__________ (2)唱完了歌儿,鸟儿又盯着灯火看了一会儿,心里一定在想:______ 3.我们应该学习鸟儿( )的品质。(多项选择) A.珍惜友情B.舍己为人C.信守承诺 参考答案: 1.B A 2.(1)树朋友,我终于找你了。(2)树朋友,我唱的歌好听吗? 3.A C (三)课内阅读。 过了些日子,农夫和儿子一起把手推车拆了,用拆下来的旧木料做了把椅子。 椅子一放又是好多年。“我真是老了。”椅子想。它越来越觉得挺直腰背坐着很吃力,“要是我能躺下,那一定会很好。” 1.木板现在由( )变成( )。 A.椅子B.手推车 2.用“______”画出椅子心理描写的句子。
