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Chinese Lexical Analysis Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model Hua-Ping ZHANG1 Qun LIU1,2 Xue-Qi CHENG1Hao Zhang1Hong-Kui Yu1

1Inst. of Computing Tech., The Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 100080 CHINA 2Inst. of Computational Linguistics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871 CHINA

Email: zhanghp@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1f18494438.html,


This paper presents a unified approach for

Chinese lexical analysis using hierarchical

hidden Markov model (HHMM), which

aims to incorporate Chinese word seg-

mentation, Part-Of-Speech tagging, dis-

ambiguation and unknown words

recognition into a whole theoretical frame.

A class-based HMM is applied in word

segmentation, and in this level unknown

words are treated in the same way as

common words listed in the lexicon. Un-

known words are recognized with reliabil-

ity in role-based HMM. As for

disambiguation, the authors bring forth an

n-shortest-path strategy that, in the early

stage, reserves top N segmentation results

as candidates and covers more ambiguity.

Various experiments show that each level

in HHMM contributes to lexical analysis.

An HHMM-based system ICTCLAS was

accomplished. The recent official evalua-

tion indicates that ICTCLAS is one of the

best Chinese lexical analyzers. In a word,

HHMM is effective to Chinese lexical


1 Introduction

Word is the independent and meaningful atom in natural language. Unlike English and Spanish, there is no delimiter to mark word boundaries and no explicit definition of words in some Asian lan-guages. As for Chinese language processing, the fundamental task is word segmentation, which transforms Chinese character string into words se-quence. It is prerequisite to POS tagger, parser and other deep processing, and the lexical result is the basis of further applications such as machine trans-lation, information retrieval and information ex-traction.

Since the first system CDWS appeared in 1983, word segmentation has been researched in-tensively. Many solutions were proposed and could be broadly categorized into rules-based approaches that make use of linguistic knowledge and statisti-cal approaches that train on corpus after machine learning. The classic rule-based approaches include maximum matching and shortest path (SP), which achieve the minimum number of segmented words. Zhang and Liu (2002) present an extended SP al-gorithm named “n-shortest paths”. Some research-ers introduce more complicated rules, such as error-driven learning (Hockenmaier and Brew, 1998) and parsing (Wu and Jiang, 1998). Rule is the only feasible way to segment words unless necessary resources such as large amount of corpus are available. With the development of hand-corrected resource, statistical approaches became more popular. The language models commonly applied are n-gram (Zhang and Liu, 2002; Gao et al., 2001), EM (Peng and Schuurmans, 2001), and channel noise model. As far as we know, however, there is yet neither purely rule-based system nor purely statistical one. It tends to tackle Chinese lexical problem with mixture of rules and statisti-cal information. On one hand, trainable rules (Palmer, D. 1997) seem more adaptive and effi-cient in that rule-based approaches benefit from frequency of rule occurrence, on the other hand, statistical solutions employ rules to detect ambigu-ity, numeric expression, time and other named entities. Apart from the above approaches, we also notice some other promising ideas such as com-pression-based (Teahan et al., 2001), classifier-based (Xue and Susan, 2002) and self-supervised segmentation without lexicon. According to recent reports, word segmentation has achieved good re-sult in precision, especially on texts that do not contain ambiguity or out-of-vocabulary words.

However, segmentation ambiguity and un-

known words1cause bottlenecks and greatly de-grade performance in word segmentation. Am-biguous or unknown string is hard to be correctly segmented; at the same time, it also influences on segmenting its neighboring words. What’s worse, ambiguity often occurs with unknown words. Take “克林顿对内塔尼亚胡说”(Clinton said to Netanyahu) as exemplification, “内塔尼亚胡”(Netanyahu) is unknown transliterated personal name, and both “对内” (for home) and “胡说” (talk nonsense) has two ambiguous segmentations: split into halves or not. Here, it’s difficult to identify unknown word “内塔尼亚胡” because of the ambiguities, while disambiguation is also difficult to accomplish before unknown words detection. Therefore, the final lexical result is very likely to be “克林顿/对内/塔尼亚/胡说” instead of “克林顿/对/内塔尼亚胡/说”.

Historically, much effort has been made in the two sub-problems of word segmentation. Almost all previous solutions (Chunyu et al. 2002; Zhang, 1998; Zheng, 1999) of disambiguation attempt to cover each possible case with trivial rules, while recently statistical approaches are applied in some special categories of ambiguity. For instance, vec-tor space model was applied in combinational am-biguity (Luo et al. 2002). Concerning unknown word, we only need focus on unknown named enti-ties, including personal name (PER), location name (LOC), and organization name (ORG). The moti-vation in named entity recognition is to utilize its components and contexts. Like word segmentation and disambiguation, the usual approach is to apply rules (Sun, 1993;Tan, 1999;Luo and Ji, 2001; Luo and Song, 2001). Recognition rules are summa-rized on name libraries or different linguistic phe-nomena. Compared with rules-based approach, machine learning from large corpus seems easy but better in performance. The statistical approaches proposed recently include hidden Markov model (Zhang and Liu, 2002; Zhang et al. 2002), agent-based (Ye, 2003), class-based trigram model (Sun et al., 2002).

After nearly 20 years of hard work, rapid pro-gresses are made on word segmentation, disambiguation and unknown word recognition research individually. To the best of our knowledge, however, all the achievement has not ever, all the achievement has not integrated into a unified model with a general theoretical basis. In previous lexical analyzers, so-called word segmen-tation algorithm actually only employs on common words listed in the lexicon, while disambiguation and unknown word recognition have their own in-dependent mechanism and become distinct proc-esses from segmentation. Without scientific quantification, unknown words and disambiguation result could not compete with other segmentation candidates. In a word, previous work lacks a whole frame incorporating the different sub-tasks in lexical analysis, while there is also no consistent mechanism to evaluate various lexical results Therefore, previous lexical system is difficult achieve better performance on real texts that con-tain irregular character strings mentioned above.

1 We define unknown words to be those neither in-cluded in the core lexicon nor recognized through FSA.

This paper presents an HHMM-based ap-proach for Chinese lexical analysis. It aims to util-ize a general model to proceed all steps in lexical analysis, including word segmentation, disam-biguation, unknown words recognition and part-of speech (POS) tagging. In the preprocessing, top n segmentation candidates covering the possible am-biguity are provided using n-shortest-path algo-rithm (Zhang and Liu, 2002). Then, simple unknown named entities like personal names and location names are identified on the candidate set using class-based HMM. Following that, a higher level of HMM could be employed on recognizing organization and other recursive named entity, which includes another simple unknown word. Unknown words recognized with credible prob-ability are added to class-based HMM for word segmentation. In this level of HHMM, unknown words and ambiguity are treated in the same way as common words. POS tagging is the top level in HHMM. After HHMM-based approach applied, Chinese lexical analysis system ICTCLAS achieves well in segmentation and POS tagging. The official evaluation, which was held by the Na-tional Foundation of 973 Plan of China, shows that ICTCLAS rank top and it is one of the best Chi-nese lexical analyzers.

The structure of this paper is as follows. The next section reviews HHMM and presents the framework of HHMM-based Chinese lexical analysis. Then we explain the class-based HMM for word segmentation. Next we detail role-based unknown words recognition and n-shortest-path disambiguation. The following section describes

various experiments designed to evaluate lexical analysis performance and contribution from differ-ent level in HHMM.

2 2.1 HHMM and Chinese lexical analysis An overview of HHMM

Hidden Markov model (HMM, L.R. Rabiner,

1989) has become the method of choice for model-ing stochastic processes and sequence in natural language processing, because HMM is very rich in mathematical structure and hence can form theo-retical basis for use. However, compared with the sophisticated phenomena in natural language, tra-ditional HMM seems hard to use due to the multi-plicity of length scales and recursive nature of the sequences. Therefore Shai Fine et al (1998) pro-posed hierarchical hidden Markov model, which is a recursive and generalized HMM.

Based on Shai’s work, we give a formal de-scription of HHMM. An HHMM is specified by a six-tuple (S , O , Π, A, B, D), where D is the depth of levels, S and O are the finite set of states and the final output alphabet or intermediate output, and Π,A and B are the probabilities of the initial state, state transitions and emissions of symbol or inter-mediate output, respectively. The contrast between traditional HMM and HHMM lies in:

1) The state set S can be classified into different sub-sets according to its level. A state in S is an-notated with q (0

the level index, i is the state index and S is the

set of state in level d . When d=D, q is called terminal state because its observation is symbols, or else, it is called internal state whose observation is from its child HMM in (d +1)th level.

d i d S d d i 2) Every internal stat

e q (0

states, which form an independent HMM. In the child HMM, the state transitive probabilities are And the initial distribution vector is like , where is defined to be the probability that

state q initially activates its child state q .

d 1d i q +(,ij a ))|(())1(()(d q P d i q d d q =+=Ππ)

|1(d q d i q P +d )(D q B =2.2 {)}({{)}

({(d d q A d d q ∈=∈=λλ1+d i |(q k o P )}}(D q B 3) Only the bottom HMM can observe the symbols. The corresponding symbol emission probabilities

are , where

and O k . is in symbol set. For the d (d

HMM, state sequence in its child HMM could be viewed as its observation. The emission probabili-ties could be estimated as above.

)))((D q k b ))(D D q k b =All in all, HHMM includes D levels of HMM while each level is independent HMM. Moreover, each HMM only links with its parent and child. The whole parameters set of HHMM is denoted by


{,}1,...,1{)}({,}1,...,1},...,1{D d d q D D ?∈Π? Actually, HMM is the specific form of

HHMM with D=1.

Framework of HHMM-based lexical


As illustrated in Figure 1, HHMM-based Chi-

nese lexical analysis comprises five levels: atom segmentation, simple and recursive unknown words recognition, class-based segmentation and POS tagging. In the whole frame, class-based seg-mentation graph, which is a directed graph de-signed for word segmentation, is an essential intermediate data structure that links disambigua-tion, unknown words recognition with word seg-mentation and POS tagging.

Atom segmentation, the bottom level of

HHMM, is an initial step. Here, atom is defined to be the minimal segmentation unit that cannot be split in any stage. The atom consists of Chinese

character, punctuation, symbol string, numeric ex-pression and other non-Chinese char string. Any

word is made up of an atom or more. Atom seg-mentation is to segment original text into atom se-quence and it provides pure and simple source for

its parent HMM. For instance, a sentence like

"2002.9,ICTCLAS 的自由源码开始发布" (The free source codes of ICTCLAS was distributed in

September, 2002) would be segmented as atom

sequence "2002.9/,/ICTCLAS/的/自/由/源/码/开

/始/发/布/". In this HMM, the original symbol is

).1|1())),(()(++==d i

q d j q P d q and d q ij a d q A

3 observation while the atom is state. We skip the detail of operation in that it’s a simple application on the basis of HMM. POS tagging using HMM is

also skipped because role tagging, which presented

in section 5, is similar to it in nature. The other levels of HHMM will be provided in the next parts.

Class-based HMM for word segmenta-tion

We apply to word segmentation class-based HMM, which is a generalized ap-proach covering both common words and unknown words.

Given a word w i , class c i is defined in Figure 2. Suppose |LEX| to be the lexicon size, then the total number of word classes is |LEX|+9.

w i iff w i is listed in the segmentation lexicon; PER iff w i is unlisted * personal name; LOC iff w i is unlisted location name; ORG iff w i is unlisted organization name; TIME iff w i is unlisted time expression; NUM iff w i is unlisted numeric expression;

STR iff w i is unlisted symbol string; BEG iff beginning of a sentence END iff ending of a sentence OTHER otherwise.

Figure 2: Class Definition of word w i

c i =* “unlisted” is referre

d as being outsid

e the lexicon

Given the atom sequence A=(a 1,…a n ), let W=(w 1,…w m ) be the words sequence, C= (c 1,…c m ) be a corresponding class sequence of W, and W # be the choice of word segmen-tation with the maximized probability, re-spectively. Then, we could get: 3W #=P(W|A)=arg P(W,A)/P(A)

W max arg W

max For a specific atom sequence A, P(A) is a constant and P(W,A)= P(W). So, W #=P(W) W

max arg On the basis of Baye’s Theorem, it can be induced that:

W # =P(W|C)P(C) W max arg W #

can be found with another level of HMM if class c i is viewed as state while

word w i is output. Therefore:

Figure 1. HHMM-based Chinese lexical analysis W #

where c 0 is begin of sentence. m w w w ...max arg 21∏=?m i i c i c p i c i w p 1


-log p (东|泽) -log p (诞|年) -log p (年|NUM) -log p (泽|毛) -log p (生|诞)

For convenience, we often use the negative log probability instead of the proper form. That is:


c c p c w p W i i i i i W


1)]|(ln )|(ln [min arg #

According to the word class definition, if w i is listed in lexicon, then c i is w i, and p(w i |c i ) is equal to 1.0. Otherwise, p(w i |c i ) is probability that class c i initially activates w i , and it could be estimated in its child HMM for unknown words recognition. As demonstrated in Figure 3, we provide the process of class-based word segmentation on “毛泽东1893年诞生” (Mao Ze-Dong was born in the year of 1893). The significance of our method is: it covers the possible ambiguity. Moreover, unknown words, which are recognized in the following steps, can be added into the segmentation graph and pro-ceeded as any other common words.

After transformation through class-based HMM, word segmentation becomes single-source shortest paths problem. Hence the best choice W # of word segmentation is easy to find using Djikstra's algo-rithm.

4 NSP-based disambiguation strategy

Segmentation ambiguous error is made mainly because of improper decision in the earlier stage. For example, overlapping ambiguity in “结合/成/分子/时” (When combining into molecule) and combining ambiguity in “这/个/人/手/上/有/痣”(The person has naevi on his hand) are difficult to solve only in the initial stage of word segmenta-

tion. However, it’s simple to find the correct result among the possible candidates in POS tagging or further processes. Therefore, the initial process should not make the final decision, but provide candidates covering the correct segmentation.

We take n-shortest-path (NSP, Zhang and Liu, 2002) algorithm as the disambiguation strategy. NSP, which selects n shortest paths, is an extension of Djikstra's algorithm. The motivation in disam-biguation using NSP is covering more ambiguity with top n results in rough segmentation, which is the initial step in lexical analysis and produces candidate results.

Considering efficiency and performance, rough segmentation coverage, which is percentage of cor-rect results, should be much higher while the aver-age size of candidate set should be as small as possible. Compared with NSP, full segmentation, which produces all the possible segmentation paths, suffers from large amount of candidates, while other approaches lose so many correct results. As shown in Table 1, NSP-based rough segmentation enjoys two good properties: higher coverage and fewer candidates. In other word, NSP is effective strategy for disambiguation.

Approach Max Size AV Size Coverage MM 1 1 85.46%SP 1 1 91.80%ML 1 1 93.50%FS >3,424,507 >391.79 100.00%NSP 8 5.82 99.92%

Figure3. Class-based word segmentation


1. The original sentence is “毛泽东1893年诞生” (Mao Ze-Dong was born in the year of 1893). Its atom sequence is “毛/泽/东/1893/年/诞/生/” after atom segmentation;

2.The node format is “word/class” (w i / c i ) and the weight on the node is –log p (w i | c i );

3. Weight on the directed edge is –log p (c i | c i-1);

4. “毛泽东” (Mao Ze-Dong) is personal name outside the lexicon. The node “毛泽东/PER” and the related edges with dash line is inserted after unknown words recognition.

Table 1. Comparison between NSP and other

approaches of rough segmentation


1) MM: maximum matching; SP: shortest path; ML:

Maximum likelihood; FS: Full segmentation

2) Max size and AV size is the maximum and average

size of segmentation candidate set, respectively; 3) Coverage=# of correctly segmented/# of sen-tence*100%

4) The size of testing set is 2 million Chinese characters.

5 5.1 Unknown words recognition using role-

based HMM The task includes: locating the boundary of a unknown word w i , identifying the word class c i , and computing the probability p(w i |c i ), which is required in class-based segmentation. Here, we introduce two levels of HMM to recognize simple and recursive unknown words on the rough seg-mentation set.

Role set for unknown words recognition

In the same way of class-based HMM for word segmentation, here we classify word class into various role according to its linguistic features shown in unknown words recognition. In table 2, we present a simplified role set for unknown per-sonal name recognition. Role is similar as word class. Their difference is: a word has only a word

class, but a word class has one role or more.

Role Significance Sample

A Previous context 来到 /于/洪/洋/的/家

B Next context 黄/文/ 摄

C Surname 欧阳 /修

D First token of 2-Hanzi given name 朱/镕/基/总理

E Second token of 2-Hanzi * given name


H Suffix 王/总; 刘/老

L Token in transliter-ated name

蒙/帕/蒂/·/梅/拉/费Z Remote context 深切 / 缅怀/邓/小/平

Table 2. Simplified role set of personal names *

Hanzi: Chinese character

5.2 5.3 Role tagging and Recognizing Unknown words recognition Given a word sequence W=(w 1,…w n ) , we

could get its class result C=(c 1,…c n ). Now we

could tag W with role R =(r 1,…r n ), where all roles are from the same set. Among all the roles se-quence, we select the sequence R # with the maxi-mum probability as the final choice. Through the same induction detailed in section 3, we could get


i i i i i r r p r c p R




|(ln )|(ln [min arg #

It is a tagging process and we make use of Viterbi algorithm (L.R.Rabiner, 1988) that selects the global optimum among all the state sequences. Here, tagging word class sequence“毛/泽/东/TIME/诞生” (Mao Ze-Dong was born in some-time.) with personal roles, we could get R #=“毛/C 泽/D 东/E TIME/B 诞生/Z” through Vitebi selec-tion.

Unknown words are recognized through maximum pattern matching on role sequence. For instance, “C”, “D”,“E” is surname, first and sec-ond token of 2-Hanzi given name, respectively. So token sequence tagged with role “CDE” is likely to form a traditional Chinese personal name. There-fore, “毛泽东” will be recognized as a Chinese personal name according to its roles.

Let w i be recognized unknown word and c i be the word class, we estimate the probability p (w i |c i ) with the following formula:


1110)|()|()|(k j j p j p k j j p j p i i r r p r c p c w p ;

where w i is made up of tokens from pth to (p+k-1)th. Hence p (毛泽东|PER)=p(毛|C) p(泽|D) p(东|E) p(D|C)p(E|D). Finally unknown word “毛泽东” and p (毛泽东|PER) can be added into the class-based HMM, shown as dashed area in Figure 3. Recursive unknown word recognition Organization name like “周恩来和邓颖超纪念馆”(Memorial Hall of Zhou En-Lai and Deng

Yun-Chao) and some sophisticated location name

like “张自忠路”(Zhang Zi-Zhong Road) often in-clude one or more unknown words. We call them “recursive unknown word”.

Our solution is: Firstly, recognizing non-recursive unknown words in the lower level of role-based HMM, then revising the word class se-quence with the recognized results; next applying

another role HMM to recognize the recursive ones. Take the original word class sequence “周/恩/来/

和/邓/颖/超/纪念馆” as exemplification. In the first step, “周恩来” and “邓颖超” would be recog-nized as personal name. Then, the original class sequence could be replaced with “PER/和/PER/纪

念馆”. Based on the revised class result, the higher role-based HMM could recognize the recursive unknown word “周恩来和邓颖超纪念馆” as an organization name. Our method utilizes previous results and greatly reduces data sparseness.

The role training set is transformed from cor-pus tagged with POS. Zhang and Liu (2002) pro-vided the algorithm for role data conversion, model training, named entity recognition and the other procedures in role-based HMM.

6 Experiments

An HHMM-based Chinese lexical system ICTCLAS was accomplished. The following ex-periments are performed on ICTCLAS.

As commonly used, we conduct our evalua-tions on terms of segmentation accuracy (SEG), accuracy of POS tagging (TAG1) with 24 tags, accuracy of POS tagging (TAG2) with 48 tags, precision of named entity recognition (P), recall of named entity recognition (R) and F-measure (F) that is weighted combination of P and R. They are calculated as following:

SEG= # of correctly segmented words/ # of words; TAG1= # of correctly tagged 24-tag POS/ # of words;

TAG2= # of correctly tagged 48-tag POS/ # of words;

P= # of correct recognized NE/# of recognized NE; R= # of correct recognized NE/# of NE ×100%;


P R )21(P R ββ×++××=

F , here βis assigned with 1, and F is called F-1.

6.1 6.2 Chinese Lexical analysis and HHMM

On 1,108,049-word news corpus from the People’s Daily, we conduct four experiments:

1) BASE: ICTCLAS with only class-based seg-mentation and POS tagging;

2) +PER: Adding role-based HMM for personal name recognition to BASE;

3) +LOC: Adding role-based HMM for location name recognition to +PER;

4) +ORG: Adding role-based HMM for location name recognition to +LOC.

Figure 4 gives the contrast among the four experiments in performance. It indicates that:

firstly, every level in HHMM contributes to lexical analysis. For instance, SEG increases from 96.55% to 97.96% after personal HMM is added. If all lev-els of HMM are integrated, ICTCLAS achieves

98.25% SEG, 95.63% TAG1 and 93.38% TAG2.

Secondly, low levels in HHMM benefits from the higher one. After organization recognition is ap-plied, F-1 value of organization adds by 25.91%, furthermore, the performance of segmentation, POS tagging and recognition of personal and loca-tion name improves, too. It is because high level not only solves its own problem, but also helps the lower HMM filter improper candidate. For exam-ple, in the sentence “刘庄的水很甜”(The water in Liu village is sweet), “刘庄”(Liu village) is very likely to be incorrectly recognized as a personal name in +PER experiment. However, it will be revised as a location name in +LOC experiment.

Figure 4. Contrast among 4 cases in performance Note:

FP: F-1 value of personal name recognition; FL: F-1 value of location name recognition; FO: F-1 value of organization name recognition

Official evaluation on ICTCLAS

On July 6, 2002, ICTCLAS participated the of-ficial evaluation, which was held by the National Foundation of 973 Project of China. The open evaluation is conducted on real texts from six do-mains. The performance of ICTCLAS lists as Ta-ble 3.

Domain Words SEG TAG1 RTAG Sport 33,34897.01% 86.77%89.31%Int. news 59,68397.51% 88.55%90.78%Literature 20,52496.40% 87.47%90.59%Law 14,66898.44% 85.26%86.59%Theoretics 55,22598.12% 87.29%88.91%Economics 24,76597.80% 86.25%88.16%


208,21397.58% 87.32%89.42%Table 3. Official evaluation result of ICTCLAS Note:

1) RTAG=TAG1/SEG*100%

2) The result about POS is not comparable because our tag set is greatly different from theirs.

Compared with other systems, ICTCLAS ranked top in the evaluation, and it is one of the

best Chinese lexical analyzer.

7 Conclusion

8 Our contributions are:

1) Applying HHMM to different lexical tasks, in-cluding word segmentation, POS tagging, un-known words recognition, and disambiguation.

2) Using class-based HMM for word segmentation, which integrates common words and unknown ones into a unified frame.

3) Proposing NSP strategy for segmentation dis-ambiguation.

4) Bringing forth role-based HMM to recognize simple and recursive unknown words.

Various experiments show that each level in HHMM contributes to the final performance. Evaluation on ICTCLAS confirms that HHMM-based Chinese lexical analysis is effective.


The authors wish to thank Prof. Shiwen Yu of Pe-king University for the training corpus. And we acknowledge our debt to Gang Zou, Dr. Bin Wang, Dr. Jian Sun, Ji-Feng Li and other colleagues. Huaping Zhang would especially express gratitude to his graceful girl friend Feifei and her family for their encouragement during the hard work. We also thank three anonymous reviewers for their elabo-rate and helpful comments.


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