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Effect of Nitrogen Regimes on Yield Radiation use efficiency and Sheath Blight disease Intensity in

Effect of Nitrogen Regimes on Yield Radiation use efficiency and Sheath Blight disease Intensity in
Effect of Nitrogen Regimes on Yield Radiation use efficiency and Sheath Blight disease Intensity in

Effect of Nitrogen Regimes on Grain Yield, Nitrogen Utilization, Radiation


use efficiency and Sheath Blight disease Intensity in“super” hybrid rice




LI Di-qin1, TANG Qi-yuan1*, LI Hu1, ZHANG Yun-bo1, QIN Jian-quan1, CHEN Li-jun1, YANG Sheng-hai1, 5

Md. Ibrahim1, ZOU Ying-bin1, PENG Shao-bing2, BURESH J. Roland 2

1College of Agriculture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan 410128, China


2Crop and Environmental Sciences Division, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), DAPO Box 7777,



Metro Manila, Philippines





Poor nitrogen use efficiency in rice production is a critical issue in China. Site-specific N


management (SSNM) such as real-time N management (RTNM) and fixed-time adjustable-dose


N management (FTNM) improve fertilizer-N use efficiency of irrigated rice. This study was


conducted to compare the different nitrogen (N) rates and application methods (FFP, SSNM and

RTNM methods) under with-fungicide and without-fungicide application condition on grain 15


yield and yield components, solar radiation use efficiency (RUE), agronomic-nitrogen use

efficiency (AE N) and sheath blight disease intensity. Field experiments were done in Liuyang



county, Hunan Province, China, in 2006 and 2007. A “super” hybrid rice variety Liangyou293


(LY293) was used as experimental material. The results showed that RTNM and SSNM have


great potential for improving agronomic-nitrogen use efficiency without sacrificing the grain


yield.Significant differences in light interception rate, sheath blight incidence (ShBI) and the


disease index (DI), and total dry matter among the nitrogen management methods. Radiation use


efficiency increased in a certain level of applied N. But the harvest index (HI) decreased with the


applied N increase. There is a quadratic curve relationship between grain yield and applied N


rates. With the same N fertilizer rate, different fertilizer-N application methods affected the RUE

and grain yield. Fungicide application not only improved the light interception rate, RUE, grain



filling and harvest index, but also reduced the degree of sheath blight disease. The treatment of

RTNM under the SPAD threshold value 40 got the highest yield. While the treatment of SSNM



led to the highest nitrogen agronomic efficiency and higher rice yield and decreased the


infestation of sheath blight disease dramatically. Nitrogen application regimes and diseases

control in rice caused obvious effects on light interception rate, RUE and HI. Optimal N rate is 1


helpful to get higher light interception rate, RUE and HI. Disease control with fungicide


application could decrease and delay the negative effects of the high N on rice yield formation.


SSNM and RTNM under the proper SPAD threshold value could get high-yield with high


efficiency and alleviate environmental pollution in rice production.


Key words: “super” hybrid rice; real-time N management; fixed-time adjustable-does N


management; Grain yield; Sheath blight; Radiation use efficiency; Agronomic-nitrogen use



1. Introduction



Poor nitrogen use efficiency is a critical issue in irrigated rice systems in China (Wang et al.,


2001; Peng et al., 2002). Irrigated rice accounts for about 7% of global N consumption, with

China being the world’s largest consumer of nitrogen (N) fertiliz er (Peng et al., 2006), Excessive 12


nitrogen input and improper timing of N application contributed to the poor nitrogen use


efficiency in rice production in China, causing problems such as environmental pollution,


increased production cost, reduced grain yield and could even contribute to global warming


(Peng et al., 2010).


Site-specific N management such as real-time N management (RTNM) and fixed-time

adjustable-dose N management (FTNM) was developed to increase the N use efficiency of



irrigated rice at the International Rice Research Institute (Peng et al., 2006). In RTNM, N is


applied only when the leaf content is blow a critical level (Peng et al., 1996). In this approach,


the timing and number of N applications vary across seasons and locations while the rate of each


N application is fixed. The leaf N content can be estimated non-destructively with a chloophyll


meter (SPAD) or leaf color chart (LCC) (Tao et al., 1990; Peng et al., 1996; Balasubramanian et


al.,1999; Yang et al., 2003). Average grain yield increased by 11% and RE N increased from 31%


to 40% across all sites in Asia (Dobermann et al., 2002), improved N management such as


SSNM increases both grain yield and NUE (Peng et al., 2010).


Yield reduction is often observed under excessive N input due to greater pest incidence,

disease damage and lodging (Peng et al., 2010). Among the three major diseases of rice today,



sheath blight disease (ShB) is the most harmful. N application is a critical in the occurrence of


the disease, as excess N promotes a dense foliar canopy which is in turn provides a more

conducive environment for ShB development (Savary, et al., 1995; Cu et al., 1996; Hu C.J, et al., 1


2004; Tang Q.,et al., 2007).


Crop radiation use efficiency (RUE) is defined as the amount of biomass accumulated per


unit solar radiation intercepted (Monteith, 1977). Grain yield depends on three main factors: light 5

interception, radiation use efficiency and harvest index(Mitchell, L P., et al.,1998). To gain a 6

high yield, the effective use of solar energy in the production of biomass. Radiation use


efficiency is influenced by N nutrient, CO2, drought stress, and season radiation environment


(Sinclair, et al., 1999). In rice, better nourishment raise RUE, while the shortage of N reduces its


value (Sinclair, et al., 1989).

Previous studies on N management and sheath blight were conducted mostly in a single



season, at two N rates (high and low N), or using hybrid rice or inbred rice variety as

experimental materials. The limited information on the interactive effect between Site-specific N 12


management and sheath blight control in “super” hybrid rice is relatively rare. In this study,


“super” hybrid rice was used under two disease control and seven N rates in two years. The


objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate different N management strategies for increasing


AE N and develop optimal N management for LY293 using RTNM and FTNM in China, (2) to


compare radiation use efficiency under FFP, SSNM and RTNM nitrogen management methods,

and (3) to identify ShB intensity and yield loss from Sh B across different N rates of “super”



hybrid rice.

2. Materials and methods



The field experiments were conducted in 2006 and 2007 in Liuyang (28009’N, 113037’E,


43masl), Hunan Province, China. The soil was clay with the following properties: pH 5.5, 31.1 g


kg-1 organic matter, 127 mg kg-1 alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen, 19.2 mg kg-1 available P and 102.0


mg kg-1 available K. The soil test was based on samples taken from the upper 20 cm of the soil.


Super hybrid rice Liangyou293 was used in each experiment. Plots were laid out in a split-


plot design with fungicide application as main plot and seven N rates as subplot with 4


replications. Subplots were treated as zero-N control, and S36, S38, S38 and S40 were applied N

rate 80, 85, 170 and 320 kg ha-1 in 2006; 110, 120, 210 and 275 kgha-1 in 2007 with RTNM



(Real-time N management) pattern, respectively. Total N mount of 210 and 120 kg ha-1were


used in treatment FFP (Farm practice fertilizer) and SSNM (Site specific N management) in


2006 and 2007, respectively. Rate and time of nitrogen application after transplanting was based 2

on plant leaf’s SPAD values. A Chlorophyll meter (SPAD-502, Soil-plant Analysis Development 3

Section, Minolta Camera Co., Osaka, Japan) was used to obtain SPAD values on five uppermost 4

fully expanded leaves in each plot. Three SPAD readings were taken around the midpoint of each leaf blade, 30mm apart, on one side of the midrib. Weekly SPAD monitoring started at 14 5


DAT and continued until heading. A more detailed information is given in Table 1.


Pre-germinated seeds were sown in seedbed. Twenty-day-old seedlings were manually 8

transplanted on 12 June 2006 and 2007, respectively. Two seedlings per hill were transplanted at 9

a hill spacing of 0.23 m × 0.23 m. Phosphorus (50 kg P ha-1, calcium superphosphate) and zinc


(5 kg Zn ha-1,zinc sulfate heptahydrate) were applied and incorporated in all plots 1 day before

transplanting. Potassium (100 kg K ha-1,potassium chloride) was split equally and used at basal



and panicle initiation stage. Crop management were done followed the standard cultural 13

practices. The experimental field was kept flooded from transplanting until 10 days before 14

maturity. Insects were intensively controlled by chemicals to avoid biomass and yield loss.


Plants were sampled from a 0.529 m2 area (10 hills) to determine LAI (leaf area index) with a 16

leaf area meter (LI-3000A, LICOR, Lincoln, NE, USA) at MT (Mid-tiller stage), PI (Panicle initiation stage), FL (Flowering stage), FL15d (15 days after flowering stage) and maturity stages.



Ten hills were sampled diagonally from a 5 m2 harvest area at MA (Maturity stage) to determine 19

total dry weight, harvest index, and yield components. Panicles of each hill were counted to 20

determine the panicle number per m2. Plants were separated into straw and panicles. Straw dry 21

weight was determined after oven-drying at 700C to constant weight. Panicles were hand-22

threshed and the filled spikelets were separated from unfilled spikelets by submerging them in tap water. Three subsamples of 30g of filled spikelet and 3g of unfilled spikelet were taken to



count the number of spikelet. Dry weights of rachis, filled, and unfilled spikelets were 25

determined after oven-drying at 700C to constant weight. Total dry weight was the sum of the 26

weight of straw, rachis, filled, and unfilled spikelets. Spikelets per panicle, grain-filling 27

percentage (100 × filled spikelet number/total spikelet number), and harvest index (100 × filled 28

spikelet weight/aboveground total dry weight) were calculated. Grain yield was determined from

a 5 m2 area in each plot and adjusted to the standard moisture content of 0.14 g H2O g-1.



Canopy light interception was measured between 11:00 and 13:00 hour at mid-tillering, 31

panicle initiation, flowering, 15 days after flowering, and maturity stages using the Sunscan


canopy analysis system (Delta-T Devices Ltd., Burwell, Cambridge, UK). In each plot, light


intensity inside the canopy was measured by placing the light bar in the middle of two rows and


slightly above the water surface. Three readings were taken within rows and another three


between rows. Incoming light intensity was recorded simultaneously when canopy light intensity

was measured. Canopy light interception was calculated as the percentage of incoming light 5


intensity that was intercepted by the canopy [100 ×(incoming light intensity -light intensity


inside canopy)/incoming light intensity]. Intercepted radiation during each growth period was


calculated using the average canopy light interception and accumulated incoming solar radiation


during this growth period [1/2 × (canopy light interception at the beginning of the growth period


+ canopy light interception at the end of the growth period) × accumulated incoming radiation

during the growth period]. Intercepted radiation during the entire growing season was the



summation of intercepted radiation during each growth period. Radiation use efficiency (RUE)


was calculated as the ratio of aboveground total dry weight to intercepted radiation during the


entire growing season. Solar radiation and minimum and maximum temperatures were recorded


daily using a Vantage Pro2 weather station (Davis Instruments Corp., Hayward, CA, USA).


At 14 days after flowering, 50 hills from a 2.5 m2 area was investigated for sheath blight

disease. Using a reference table, each plant was evaluated according to the degree of lesions



(Cheng GY.,et al.,2000). The formula “DI%=100 ×(n1+n2+n3+n4+n5)/N”, ShBI%=100 ×(5 ×


n1+4 × n2+3 × n3+2 × n4+1 × n5)/5 × N and N= n1+n2+n3+n4+n5+n6.


Data were analyzed following analysis of variance (Statistix 8) and means of varieties were


compared based on the least significant difference test (LSD) at the 0.05 probability level for


each year.

3. Results



The results showed that the grain yield was significantly (P=0.05) increased under SSNM and


fungicide application(Table 4). A quadratic curve correlative relationship between grain yield


and applied N rate was observed as shown in Fig 1, and the relationship of quadratic curve


correlative in 2006 was more significant than that in 2007 which may be caused by the different


amount of N fertilizer in 2006 (320 kg ha-1) and 2007 (270 kg ha-1). In addition, the highest grain

yield and AE N were observed only under the treatment of SSNM without fungicide application, 29


and the grain yield was also increased with the treatments of S40, S42 and FFP after applied


fungicide in 2006. Interestingly the highest AE N were observed in both treatments of with-

fungicide and without-fungicide application, but the grain yield of SSNM under both treatments 1


were less than that of treatments S40, S42 and FFP in 2007, this may have resulted from better


weather condition during the late growth stage in 2007, similar to the result of He et al., (2007).


From the view of yield components, the application of fungicide had contributed to


treatment S40’s highest grain yield among all treatments in 2007. Fungicide application raised


the AE N in each experiment (Table 6).


The solar intercepted radiation rate was raised with the increasing of N application in rice


growth stages including mid-tillering, panicle initiation, flowering, and 15 days after flowering


(Table 8and table 9). Solar intercepted radiation rate showed a much more significant

correlation after using fungicide with applied N rate than that of without fungicide treatment in 10


the both year (Table 8and table 9).

No significant difference was observed for solar intercepted rate between the treatments with



same amount of N applied but with different N applying regimes, for example, S40 and FFP with


N 210 kg ha-1, and SSNM, S36 and S38 with N 120 kg ha-1 significant results were observed.


However, after fungicide application, the solar intercepted rate of treatments SSNM and S40


were much higher than that of S38 and FFP (Table 8 and table 9).


A positive linear relationship was observed between RUE and amount of applied N with a

certain N applying range. In addition, the RUE was significantly decreased in year 2006 when



the amount of applied N was over 210 kg ha-1. A quadratic curve correlative relationship


between RUE and solar intercepted radiation rate was formed in 2006 (Fig. 2). Further more,


after using fungicide, the RUE was correspondingly increased.


Under applying same amount of N but with different applied regimes, the RUE showed an


obvious difference (Figure 2). For example, both RUE under with-fungicide and without-


fungicide application of SSNM (1.34 and 1.41) and S40 (1.43 and 1.42) were higher than that of


treatments S38 (1.30 and 1.30) and FFP (1.43 and 1.42) (Figure 2).


Total above-ground dry matter increased with the increasing of applied N rate. In contrast,


Harvest index was decreased corresponding to the applied N rate. Although, no obvious

correlation was observed among the total dry weight, harvest index and different N applying



strategy with same N-rate, harvest index was raised with the fungicide applcation (Table 6 and


table 7).

Results indicate that the disease index (DI) and ShBI showed a significant difference in 1


different production years of 2006 and 2007. In 2006, ShBI was obviously larger than that in


2007. However, DI was lower than that of 2007. Therefore, ShBI in 2007 showed a lower value


than that of 2006 (Table 10).


The nitrogen application regime plays a significant role in the variation of sheath blight


disease. Results show that both DI and ShBI increased with increasing of applied N rate. As


shown in Table 8, treatment N0 showed the lowest DI. The DI of the treatments with high N rate


as S40, S42 were significantly larger than that of lower N rate including S36, S38.


The ShBI of S40, S42 and FFP in 2006 were more than 46%, which lead to a significant

loss of rice yield of the without fungicide treatment (Table 7). The ShBI of plots with low N rate 10


was less than 25% and caused less loss on grain yield. Therefore, the results suggest that the high


N rate lead to a larger ShBI, which further affected the grain yield of rice (Table 8 and Fig. 3).

4. Discussion



Both FTNM and RTNM have great potential for improving agronomic-nitrogen use


efficiency without sacrificing the grain yield. Super hybrid rice Liangyou293 may obtain the


highest grain yield and high AE N of 12.4 to 16.9 kg kg-1 if RTNM is applied with SPAD


threshold value of 40, but high application N rate must be integrated with pest and diseases

control in order to reduce the risk of sheath blight diseases. SSNM obtained the highest AE N



(ranging from 14.2 to 24.3 kg kg-1), substantially reduced the risk of sheath blight disease,


obtained the highest grain yield amid unfavorable weather conditions (as experienced in 2006),


and produced better grain yield under improved weather (in 2007). Earlier application of high N


rate of FFP led to its AE N is low.


Total dry weight and harvest index are two critical standards for rice grain yield. Related


studies indicate that increasing the dry matter weight and harvest index can substantially


increase grain yield, especially in “super” hybrid rice. (Peng, S., et al., 2004; Cheng S-H., et al.,


2008; Peng S.B., et al., 2008; Xie H-A.,et al., 2003). Photosynthesis is the foundation of crop


yield formation, as more than 90% of crop dry matter weight comes from crop photosynthesis

(Wang Q-C., et al., 1994). The d ifference among crops’ grain yield may be caused by the



difference of their photo-synthetically active radiation and/or their radiation use efficiency


(Tollenaar, M., et al., 1992). In super hybrid rice, optimal N application is an important factor to


obtain more photo-synthetically active radiation rate and high RUE. RUE, HI and grain yield 2

decreased with excessive N application.


The study showed that nitrogen application regimes and disease control has a different 4

effects on super hybrid rice grain yield. Disease control can reduce and postpone the positive risk of high application N rate to grain yield. Sheath blight disease is a multi-spectrum which is 5


caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn and can not find an effective multi-spectrum antigen from 7

germplasm resources (Savary, S., et al. 1995; Hu C-J., et al., 2004). The disease is greatly 8

influenced by fertilizer, water and other environmental factors. Yield reduction is about 10% to 9

30%, but can reach more than 50% if seriously affected (Ahn. R. C., et al., 1986). Reduction is 10

from 20% to 42% in inoculated treatments with high N rate (Cu,R.M. et al., 1996). Ahn and Mew (Year?) reported that grain yield had a significant reduction when the comparative height



of sheath blight disease symptoms is more than 30%, while no reduction was observed when the 13

comparative height less than 20%(Ahn. R. C., et al., 1986). It showed that rice grain yield 14

slipped minimum by controlling ShBI appropriately during rice growth and development. Many 15

experiments showed that high N rate favors sheath blight infestation (Tang Q., et al., 2007;


Nathan A. Slaton, et al., 2003; Kashem, M. A., et al., 1994; Fan K-C., et al., 1993), Among the three factors influencing its prevalence, namely: sclerotia quantity, applied N rate and irrigation



method; applied N rate has the most important impact factors which influenced its prevalence 19

(Fan K-C., et al., 1993).


This study showed that the nitrogen application regime has a significant effect on sheath 21

blight disease. DI and ShBI increased upon increased N application rate, and DI and ShBI of 22

treatments S40, S42 and FFP are higher than that of treatments S36 and S38. In 2006, ShBI of treatments S40, S42 and FFP are from 46% to 75% under without-fungicide condition which



caused significant yield loss. If ShBI was controlled below 33%, grain yield under high N rate 25

treatments are higher than that of low N rate treatments. In 2007, grain yield of that treatments 26

applied high N rate reduced a little under ShBI below 25%. Fungicide application may 27

significantly reduce ShBI of the high N rate treatments, and has a little influence to grain yield.


In conclusion, both FTNM and RTNM were effective in achieving high grain yield and AE N in LY293 during the two-year period of the study, Significant differences were observed in



term of light interception rate, sheath blight incident rate (ShBI), disease index (DI), and total 31

dry weight among the RTNM, SSNM and FFD nitrogen management methods. Fungicide

application not only improved the light interception rate, RUE, grain filling rate and harvest 1


index, but also reduced the degree of sheath blight disease. SSNM and RTNM under the proper 3

SPAD threshold value could get high yield with high efficiency and alleviate environmental 4

pollution in rice production.



Table.1 Rate and time of nitrogen application after transplanting at different SPAD fertilizer threshold value.

Year N Basal Time and rate after transplanting Total N Treatment -1d 14d 21d 28d 35d 42d 49d 56d 63d 70d Kg/hm2 2006 S36*50 30 80 S38**50 35 85

S40***50 40 40 40 170

S42****50 45 45 45 45 45 45 320

2007 S36 50 30 30 110 S38 50 35 35 120

S40 50 40 40 40 40 210

S42 50 45 45 45 45 45 275


Weekly SPAD monitoring started at 14 DAT and continued until heading, *if SPAD<36, apply 30 kg N/hm2; 8

**if SPAD<38, apply 35 kg N/hm2; ***if SPAD<40, apply 40 kg N/hm2; ****if SPAD<42, apply 45 kg


N/hm2; otherwise, no need to apply N.



Table 2. Rate and time of nitrogen application after transplanting under N0, FFD and SSNM treatments N Basal MT PI HD Total N Treatment Mid-tillering Panicle initiation Heading amount N0 0 0 0 0 0

FFP 140 70 0 0 210

SSNM 50 * ** *** 120


The N fertilizer application amount after transplanting based on the site-specific N management as follows: * 13

If SPAD>38, apply 20 kg N/hm2; between 36 and 38, apply 30 kg N/hm2; if SPAD<36, apply 40 kg N/hm2. ** 14

If SPAD>38, apply 30 kg N/hm2; between 36 and 38, apply 40 kg N/hm2; if SPAD<36, apply 50 kg N/hm2. 15

*** If SPAD<38, apply 20 kg N/hm2; otherwise, no need to apply N.



Table 3. Classification of sheath blight disease lesion

Degree Content Degree Content

n1total lesion plants of the 1st degree

0has any lesion in plant of all hills

1lesion on the 4th

leaf from the top or its sheath ,

n2total lesion plants of the 2nd degree

or beneath of them

2most significant position lesion on the 3rd


n3total lesion plants of the 3rd degree

from the top or on its sheath

3most significant position lesion on the 2nd


n4total lesion plants of the 4th degree

from the top or on its sheath

4most significant position lesion on the flag leaf

n5total lesion plants of the 5th degree

from the top or on its sheath

5lesion on panicle or plant death

n6total lesion plants of the 6th degree


Table 4. Grain yield and yield components under different N management methods and fungicide


control in Liuyang country, Hunan province, China, in 2006.


Year N Yield

Panicles Spikelet Grain filling Grain weight Treatment t/hm2

m2panicle-1% g 2006 N0 7.08d 190.2c 177.8b 81.2abc 24.1b

Non- SSNM 9.99a 224.7b 185.6b 81.5ab 25.0a

Fungicide S36 8.90c 229.3ab 184.5b 79.5abc 24.8a

S38 9.07bc 219.2b 202.3a 77.4c 24.0b

S40 9.93a 235.8ab 199.6a 80.0abc 24.1b

S42 9.35abc 245.9a 175.5b 78.9bc 23.7b

FFP 9.70ab 246.4a 176.6b 83.1a 24.8a

Mean 9.1 227.4 190.0 80.2 24.4 2006 N0 7.29c 179.6d 181.1cd 80.7bcd 24.0b

Fungicide SSNM 9.89a 208.2c 200.2ab 82.2abc 24.9a

S36 9.18b 206.3c 194.7bc 83.5ab 25.0a

S38 9.73a 222.9bc 201.5ab 77.6d 24.0b

S40 10.16a 229.8ab 215.4a 78.9cd 24.0b

S42 10.01a 247.3a 170.2d 84.8ab 23.7b

FFP 10.00a 239.0ab 174.9d 86.0a 24.7a

Mean 9.5 219.0 191.1 82.0 24.3 Different letter represents significant difference at 0.05 level in one column compared with the identical 4

fungicide treatment. The same as the fellow.



Table 5. Grain yield and yield components under different N management methods and fungicide


control in Liuyang country, Hunan province, China, in 2007.


Year N Yield

Panicles Spikelet Grain filling Grain weight Treatment t/hm2

m2panicle-1% g 2007 N0 6.60e 173.88c 204.2cd 75.2abc 22.1e

Non- SSNM 8.83c 234.10a 220.1ab 72.9c 23.3bc

Fungicide S36 8.30d 192.05bc 231.2a 78.7a 22.5d

S38 8.69cd 209.97b 226.1ab 74.6bc 23.5b

S40 9.93a 251.88a 218.7abc 77.3ab 23.0c

S42 9.45ab 254.65a 212.4bc 73.9bc 23.3bc

FFP 8.96bc 241.72a 193.9d 74.4bc 24.1a

Mean 8.7 222.6 215.2 75.3 23.1 2007 N0 6.34d 172.67e 206.3cd 74.0bc 22.6cd

Fungicide SSNM 8.99b 219.65c 227.6ab 73.7c 22.9bc

S36 8.53c 192.95de 231.9a 78.6a 22.4d

S38 8.97b 211.38cd 227.7ab 75.5abc 22.9bc

S40 9.89a 247.30ab 212.9bc 79.3a 23.0b

S42 9.77a 250.03a 220.6abc 77.8abc 23.2b

FFP 9.14b 227.93bc 196.1d 78.1ab 24.0a

Mean 8.8 217.4 217.6 76.7 23.0


Table 6. Growth duration, leaf area index(LAI) at flowering, Harvest index, total dry weight and agronomic-N 2

use efficiency (AE N) and radiation use efficiency (RUE) under different N management methods and fungicide 3

control in 2006.


Year N Growth LAI at Total dry Havest AEn RUE treatment duration flowering weight index

(days) (g m-2)

(kg kg-1)

(g MJ-1)

2006 N0 106 2.79e 1390d 0.54a 1.12 Non- SSNM 110 5.62c 1867abc 0.51cd 24.3 1.31 fungicide S36 106 4.95d 1742c 0.54a 22.7 1.31 S38 106 5.18d 1748bc 0.53ab 23.4 1.30

S40 109 5.71c 1965a 0.52bc 16.8 1.34

S42 121 9.00a 1949ab 0.47e 7.1 1.12

FFP 110 6.25b 2011a 0.51d 12.5 1.36

Mean 110.3 4.97 1810 0.52 17.8 1.29 2006 N0 106 2.73e 1353d 0.55a 1.11 Fungicide SSNM 110 5.02c 1797bc 0.53ab 21.7 1.31 S36 106 4.17d 1735c 0.54ab 23.6 1.29

S38 106 4.35cd 1776c 0.53ab 28.7 1.30

S40 109 5.84b 1985ab 0.52b 16.9 1.33

S42 121 6.85a 2115a 0.49c 8.5 1.36

FFP 110 5.87b 1934ab 0.53ab 12.9 1.34

Mean 109.7 5.33 1814 0.54 18.7 1.29


Table 7. Growth duration, leaf area index(LAI) at flowering, Harvest index, total dry weight and agronomic-N 2

use efficiency (AE N) and radiation use efficiency (RUE) under different N treatments and fungicide control in 3



Year N Growth LAI at Total dry Havest AEn RUE treatment duration flowering weight index

(days) (g m-2)

(kg kg-1)

(g MJ-1)

2007 N0 112 2.90f 1280e 0.54a 1.24

Non- SSNM 116 5.83c 1990b 0.51cd 14.6 1.41

fungicide S36 112 3.78e 1585d 0.54a 11.1 1.39

S38 116 4.98d 1792c 0.53ab 13.4 1.30

S40 118 7.15a 2091ab 0.52bc 13.6 1.42

S42 124 7.20a 2228a 0.47e 8.6 1.53

FFP 118 6.58b 1957b 0.51d 9.0 1.38

Mean 116.6 1846 0.52 11.7 1.38 2007 N0 112 2.53e 1267d 0.55a 1.23

Fungicide SSNM 116 5.98c 1840b 0.53ab 14.2 1.41

S36 112 3.91d 1572c 0.54ab 11.3 1.38

S38 116 4.28d 1765b 0.53ab 14.0 1.31

S40 118 6.93ab 2099a 0.52b 12.4 1.42

S42 124 7.40a 2227a 0.49c 9.0 1.53

FFP 118 6.26bc 1880b 0.53ab 8.8 1.36

Mean 116.6 5.325 1807 0.53 11.6 1.38


Table 8. Light interception rate (%) at different growth stages under different N treatments and fungicide 6

application in 2006.


Year N Mid tillering Panicle initiation Flowering Days after flowering treatment % % % % 2006 N0 25.5 b 76.8d 72.1 f 70.1d

Non- SSNM 27.0 b 88.6c 91.7 c 90.3b

fungicide S36 26.8 b 80.2c 80.0 e 78.1c

S38 31.3 b 86.5c 88.8 d 86.9bc

S40 34.0 b 91.3b 94.8 b 92.3a

S42 34.3 b 94.8a 97.2 a 94.8a

FFP 47.8 a 93.5a 96.8 a 91.8ab

Mean 32.4 87.4 88.8 86.3 2006 N0 18.7c 75.9d 82.8d 80.4c

fungicide SSNM 29.3b 87.8c 93.4bc 92.0b

S36 28.1b 85.8c 92.0c 91.2b

S38 27.2b 87.0c 92.2c 92.0b

S40 34.9a 90.9b 96.0ab 96.2a

S42 32.3ab 95.5a 97.7a 97.2a

FFP 37.1a 94.0a 95.9ab 95.6a

Mean 29.7 88.1 92.9 92.1



Table 9. Light interception rate (%) at different growth stages under different N treatments and fungicide 3

application in 2007.

Year N Mid-tillering Panicle initiation Flowering Days after flowering treatment % % % % 2007 N0 27.6a 56.9d 69.6c 68.2f

Non- SSNM 31.6a 76.2b 94.7a 90.8cd

fungicide S36 31.4a 71.8c 81.9b 85.7e

S38 31.6a 73.4bc 93.1a 89.3d

S40 30.9a 84.5a 97.8a 94.1ab

S42 30.1a 86.9a 95.0a 96.7 a

FFP 31.5a 87.3a 96.1a 93.1bc

Mean 30.7 76.7 89.7 88.3 2007 N0 22.5c 59.8d 72.4d 77.6e

fungicide SSNM 27.0b 77.6b 96.1a 92.7b

S36 28.3ab 68.6c 82.3c 86.0d

S38 27.2b 75.5b 91.8b 88.8c

S40 30.7a 85.0a 97.9a 95.2a

S42 28.6ab 85.8a 98.2a 95.9a

FFP 29.1ab 86.6a 97.2a 92.8b

Mean 27.6 77.0 90.8 89.9



Table 10. Effects of N treatment and fungicide treatment on rice sheath blight disease intensity Fungicide N 2006 2007

treatment DI(%)ShBI(%)DI(%)ShBI(%)Non-fungicide N0 1.4c 3.3d 28.3c 10.3b

SSNM 9.7bc 26.4cd 40.3c 11.1b

S36 5.7c 12.5d 32.6c 10.6b

S38 6.1c 10.4d 48.4bc 14.0b

S40 30.4a 53.7ab 68.5ab 22.4a

S42 41.5a 74.5a 78.2a 25.2a

FFP 25.0ab 46.2bc 32.2c 8.5b

Mean 17.1 32.4 46.9 14.6 Fungicide N0 1.7c 3.2c 10.5c 3.5c

SSNM 5.7ab 20.5ab 19.2bc 5.5bc S36 2.6bc 8.5bc 21.7bc 7.4abc S38 3.5bc 9.2bc 23.2bc 7.4abc S40 8.4a 30.9a 32.4ab 9.3ab S42 9.2a 33.3a 42.2a 12.2a FFP 6.3ab 20.8ab 18.3bc 5.1bc Mean 5.3 18.1 23.9 7.2


2 Fig 1. N response in yield with and without fungicide treatments


4 Fig.2 Relationship between rice sheath blight disease index (ShBI) and N fertilizer rate under

5 fungicide treatments 6


2007 y i e l d (t h a -1)




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