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Influence of impurity on isotope coefficient of superconductors

Influence of impurity on isotope coefficient of superconductors
Influence of impurity on isotope coefficient of superconductors

Influence of impurity on isotope coefficient of superconductors

P.Udomsamuthirun (1)

(1) Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok 10110,Thailand.E-mail: udomsamut55@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html,

Keywords: isotope coefficient, impurity , impure superconductors

PACS : 74.20.Fg, 74.70.Ad.


We study influence of anisotropy of the impurity potential on isotope coefficient of impure superconductor in Born limit .The isotope coefficient of nonmagnetic and magnetic impurities including an angle-resoled Fermi surface density of state, anisotropy order parameter and impure potential that we make the assumption that the form of them are in the harmonic form are investigated . Our numerical calculation of isotope coefficient can fit well with experimental data of high-T c superconductors.


One of the important parameters in the experiment and theory of

superconductor is the isotope coefficient α defined by αα?M T c where c T is the superconducting transition temperature and M is the isotope mass of the element. In the BCS theory it has been predicted that 5.0=α suggesting phonon-mediated pairing in superconductors that verified experimentally for conventional

superconductors. In high temperature superconductors the isotope effect shows complex behavior : some measurements[1,2] have shown near zero isotope effect coefficient and some measurements[3,4] have shown the values greater than 0.5 .To explain the unusual isotope effect in high temperature superconductors, many models have been proposed such as the van Hove singularity[5-7], anharmonic phonon[8,9],pairing-breaking effect[10] and pseudogap[11,12], nonadiabaticity[13] and impurity effect[14,15].

The results of impurities that introduced into the superconductors are found in a change of the superconducting transition temperature and the isotope coefficient.They modify the quasi-particle spectrum, interaction parameters and induce pair breaking in superconducting state. The non-magnetic impurities have little effect on transition temperature in s-wave superconductors [16] but they exhibit a strong pair breaking effect in the high temperature superconductors [17] . Shi and Li[18] study the influence of nonmagnetic impurities on transition temperature of the layered superconductors by using an superconducting-normal layer model with d-wave pairing in the superconducting layer. Mierzynska and Wysokinski[15] study the effect of in-plane and out-of-plane impurities on isotope effect coefficient in layered superconductors. Haran and Nagi [14,19,20,21] proposed a theory of nonmagnetic and magnetic impurities in an anisotropic superconductors including the effect of anisotropic (momentum-dependent) impurities scattering. Openov , Semenihin and Kishore [22] study the effect of impurities, both magnetic and nonmagnetic, on the isotope effect coefficient in high temperature superconductors in the framework of Abrikosov-Gorkov approach. But Openov et al.[22] do not include the effect of momentum-dependent of scattering potential. Although Haran and Nagi consider the effect of anisotropic (momentum-dependent) impurities scattering, they do not consider the form of anisotropic function and apply to experimental data.

The purpose of this work is to apply the model of nonmagnetic and magnetic impurity of Haran and Nagi to investigate the influence of an angle-resoled Fermi surface density of state, anisotropic order parameter and anisotropic impure potential on isotope effect coefficient of superconductors. To apply this model, we make the assumption that an angle-resoled Fermi surface density of state and all of potentials of this model are in the harmonic form. Finally we show the numerical calculation of isotope coefficient that fit well with experimental data of high-T c superconductors.

2.The isotope coefficient

Haran and Nagi [14,19,20,21] consider the problem of nonmagnetic and

magnetic impurities in an anisotropic superconductor for the case of anisotropic (momentum-dependent) impurity scattering in weak-coupling approximation. They consider an anisotropic superconductor with randomly distributing impurities,treating the electron-impurity scattering within second Born approximation, and

neglecting the impurity-impurity interaction. The normal and anomalous temperature Green’s function averaged over the impurity position read


(~~~),(k i k G k k ?+++?=ξωξωω(1)222)(~~)(~),(k k k F k ?++?=ξωω(2)where the renormalized Matsubara frequency )(~k ω

and the renormalized order parameter )(~k ? are given by

332)2(),(),()(~πωωωk d k G k k u in k i ′′′+=∫(3)


32)2(),(),()()(~πωk d k F k k u in k k i ′′′+?=?∫(4)Here )

12(+=n T πω,T is temperature ,n is integer number. k ξ is the quasiparticle energy, i n is impurity concentration, ),(k k u ′ is a momentum-dependent impurity potential, and )(k ? is the orbital part of the singlet superconducting order parameter defined as )()(k e k ?=? where )(k e is a real basis function and 12>=<.. denotes the average value over the Fermi surface that

∫∫∫→FS k k d k n dS N k d ξπ)()2(0

33 and (..))(..∫=>

resolved Fermi surface density of state.0N is the overall density of state at Fermi surface. The momentum-dependent impurity potential is


v v ?′+′=′S k k J k k v k k u ),(),(),( (5)where S v is a classical spin of impurity and σr is the electron spin density and

assumed a separable form of scattering probabilities.


()(),(21202k f k f v v k k v ′+=′(6))()(),(21202k g k g J J k k J ′+=′(7)

where )(),(1010J J v v are isotropic (anisotropic) scattering amplitudes for non-

magnetic and magnetic potential. )(),(k g k f are the momentum-dependent anisotropy function in the nonmagnetic and magnetic scattering channel and let )()(k f k g ±=The averaged over the Fermi surface of )(k f and )(k g vanish ,


2101v N n i π=Γ,)1(2000+=S S J N n G i π, )1(2101+=S S J N n G i π are scattering rate of isotropic non-magnetic, anisotropic non-magnetic, isotropic magnetic, and anisotropic magnetic channel ,respectively.

Substitution Eqs.(5-7) into Eqs.(3,4) , we can get the transition temperature as [14]


?+Ψ???????Ψ><+????????+Γ+Ψ???????Ψ><+C T G G ef π(8)

Here T C (T C0 ) is the critical temperature of impure(clean) superconductors.

After some calculation, the isotope effect coefficient of impure superconductors in the Born approximation is found as[14]




Here α(0α) is the isotope coefficient of impure(clean) superconductors.

Eq.(8) and Eq.(9) are the general equation of T C and isotope coefficient αthat contain both nonmagnetic and magnetic impurities, anisotropy of order

parameter, and anisotropy of scattering potential of impurities. They can be reduced to nonmagnetic impurity case [19] by set 010==G G . In the work of Opennov,Semenihim and Kishore [22], they also study the critical temperature and isotope coefficient of anisotropy superconductor containing both nonmagnetic and magnetic impurities. The coefficient FS

FS p p >?<>?

)()(1χ of their model can be reduced to 21>

02G +Γ=τ and the electron relaxation time due to exchange scattering by magnetic impurities 02G ex m =

τ . The second term on the right-side of Eq.(8) do not appear in Opennov,Semenihim and Kishore’s T C equation because they do not consider the momentum-dependent of impurity scattering potential .

3.Calculation and discussion

To show the numerical calculation of this model , we must know the form of function )(k e , )(k f and )(k n . Firstly, we consider the form of order parameters .The order parameters of s-wave superconductors are corresponded to 0)(?=?k that give 1)(=k e . And for the high temperature superconductors , they are most likely layered d x 2-y 2-wave pairing symmetry . In d x 2-y 2-wave superconductor the order parameters are corresponded to φ2cos )(0?=?k ,that give φ2cos )(≡k e . Secondly,we consider the form of the anisotropic impurity scattering potential. The possible of the anisotropy impurity scattering potential was suggested in a discussion of the

irradiation data by Giapintzakis et al.[23]. Haran and Nagi[21] take the function )(k f in the scattering potential proportional to the harmonic functions which in a polar

notation )sin(φn and )cos(φn , where n is an integer number. They use φ2sin )(≡k f ,φ3sin ,φ2cos ,and higher-order harmonics to study the critical temperature of impure superconductor in Born limit. Thirdly, we consider the form of an angle-resoled Fermi surface density of state. The model of an angle-resoled Fermi surface density of state,

1)(≡φn , φφ2cos )(≡n and φφ4cos )(≡n ,are used by Mierzynska and Wysokinski

[15] in the study of the effect of in-plane and out-of-plane impurities on isotope effect coefficient in layered superconductors.

As corresponding to that mention in above paragraph, we make the

assumption that the form of order parameters , the form of the anisotropic impurity scattering potential and the form of an angle-resoled Fermi surface density of state ()(k e , )(k f and )(k n ) are in the harmonic form . The constraint conditions are 12>===

k k n dS . Within these constraints

and our assumptions, we can show the values of >

Substitution the values of >=<>==<>==<>=


We have applied the model of nonmagnetic and magnetic impurity of Haran and Nagi to investigate the influence of an angle-resoled Fermi surface density of state, anisotropy order parameter and impure potential on isotope effect coefficient of impure superconductors. We make the assumption that the form of order parameters ,the form of the anisotropic impurity scattering potential and the form of an angle-resoled Fermi surface density of state ()(k e , )(k f and )(k n ) are in the harmonic form . Our numerical calculation can fit well with the experimental data of high-T c superconductors. We find that there is an effect of nonmagnetic impurity on isotope coefficient in d-wave superconductors but no effect on s-wave superconductors and an effect of magnetic impurity on isotope coefficient are found both in s-wave and d-wave superconductors .


The author would like to thank Professor Dr.Suthat Yoksan for the useful discussion and also thank Thai Research Fund and Office of Higher Education Commission for the financial support.


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0.60.8 1.0

T c /T c0α/α0Figure. 1 .We show the numerical calculation of isotope coefficient fitted to experimental data [3,4,24].


情态动词表推测用法总结及专项练习 1.can / could用于表推测的用法 (1) 从使用句型上看,can 通常只用于否定句或疑问句,一般不用于肯定句,而could 可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。两者没有时间上的差别,只是could 比can 更委婉,更不确定。如:It can’t [couldn’t] be true. 那不可能是真的。 What can [could] they be doing? 他们会在干什么呢? We could go there this summer. 今年夏天我们可能要去那儿。 注:can 有时也用于肯定句中表示推测,主要用于表示理论上的可能性(即从理论上看是可能的,但实际未必会发生),或表示“有时”之意。如: Even experienced teachers can make mistakes. 即使是有经验的教师也可能出错。 She can be very unpleasant. 她有时很令人讨厌。 (2) 从时间关系看,对现在或将来情况作推测,后接动词原形;对正在进行的情况作推测,后接be doing 结构;对过去情况作推测,后接动词完成式。如: He could have gone home. 他可能已经回家了。 He can’t [couldn’t] have understood. 他不可能理解了。

Why does he know this? Can [Could] someone have told him about it? 他怎么知道? 会是哪个人告诉他了吗? (3) “could+完成式”除表示对过去的推测外,还有以下重要用法: ①表示过去没有实现的可能性,常译为“本来可以”。如: I could have lent you the money.Why didn’t you ask me? 我本来可以借这笔钱给你的。你为什么不向我提出? ②用来委婉地责备某人过去应该做某事而没有去做,常译为“本来应该”。如: You could have helped him. 你本来应该帮助他的。 ③表示“差点儿就要”。如: I could have died laughing. 我差点儿笑死了。 2. may / might用于表推测的用法 表示推测,两者都可用,只是might 比may 语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。 (1) 在句型使用方面:两者均可用于肯定句和否定句,但用于疑问句时,may通常不用于句首,但可用于疑问句的句中(如特殊疑问句等),而might尽管可以用于疑问句的句首,但不算普通,通常会改用其他句式(如用could等)。如: He may [might] know the answer. 他可能知道答案。

on the contrary的解析

On the contrary Onthecontrary, I have not yet begun. 正好相反,我还没有开始。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, the instructions have been damaged. 反之,则说明已经损坏。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, I understand all too well. 恰恰相反,我很清楚 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, I think this is good. ⑴我反而觉得这是好事。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, I have tons of things to do 正相反,我有一大堆事要做 Provided by jukuu Is likely onthecontrary I in works for you 反倒像是我在为你们工作 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, or to buy the first good. 反之还是先买的好。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, it is typically american. 相反,这正是典型的美国风格。 Onthecontrary, very exciting.

恰恰相反,非常刺激。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, But onthecontrary, lazy. 却恰恰相反,懒洋洋的。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, I hate it! 恰恰相反,我不喜欢! https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, the club gathers every month. 相反,俱乐部每个月都聚会。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, I'm going to work harder. 我反而将更努力工作。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, his demeanor is easy and nonchalant. 相反,他的举止轻松而无动于衷。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Too much nutrition onthecontrary can not be absorbed through skin. 太过营养了反而皮肤吸收不了. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, I would wish for it no other way. 正相反,我正希望这样 Provided by jukuu Onthecontrary most likely pathological. 反之很有可能是病理性的。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html, Onthecontrary, it will appear clumsy. 反之,就会显得粗笨。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/20673067.html,


1.只是不及物的: faint,hesitate,lie,occur,pause,rain,remain,sleep,sneeze. 2.常见的及物,不及物的: answer,ask,begin,borrow,choose,climb,dance,eat,enter,fail,f ill,grow,help,hurry,jump,know,leave,marry,meet,obey,pull,re ad,see,sell,touch,wash,watch,win,write 3.及物不及物意义变化的lift.升高beat vi.跳动vt. 敲、打; grow vi.生长vt. 种植play vi.玩耍vt. 打(牌、球),演奏smell vi.发出(气味)vt. 嗅ring vi.(电话、铃)响vt.打电话speak vi.讲话vt. 说(语言)hang vi. 悬挂vt. 绞死operate vi.动手术vt. 操作 4.意义不变的 start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve....

live, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, fa ll, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, su cceed. agree... 不及物动词 agree, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, f all, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, s ucceed、beat、buy, catch, invent, found, like, obs erve, offer, prevent, promise, raise, find, forget, receive, regard, see, say, seat, supply, select, s uppose, show, make, take, tell 6.不及物动词短语 down (stop functioning 坏了,不好使了) That old Jeep had a tendency to break down just w hen I needed it the most. on (become popular 出名) Popular songs seem to catch on in California first and then spread eastward. 3. come back ( return to a place 返回)


最新英语语法情态动词归纳总结 一、单项选择情态动词 1.Mr. Smith is almost on time for everything. How ________ it be that he was late for the meeting? A.can B.should C.may D.must 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:史密斯先生几乎任何事情都是准时的。他怎么可能开会迟到了? A. can可能,可能性,表示可能性时,常用于否定句和疑问句中,且有时还带有“惊奇、不相信” 等感情色彩。B. should 应该; C. may也许,表示可能性时常用于肯定句中,不用于疑问句中。D.must常用于肯定句中表推测,“一定……”的意思;本题是强调句型的一个变式:强调其特殊疑问句how的形式。根据前句“斯密斯先生几乎是很准时”可推测出“怎么可能开会迟到呢?”。根据句意可知,用于疑问句中的“可能性”且有不相信的色彩,四个选项只有“can”符合题意。故选A 【点睛】 情态动词就是表示说话者对事情的一种看法,也就是一种语气。情态动词的用法一直是命题者常设置的考点和重点,平时要加强记忆。 2.--- Oh, my God! I just missed the last bus back home. --- That’s really bad. I’m sure you ______ it, but you just didn’t hurry up. A.had caught B.could have caught C.could catch D.can catch 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词+have done结构。句意:——哦,我的上帝!我刚好错过了回家的末班车。——这是非常糟糕的。我肯定你能赶上,但你就是不抓紧。could have done“本来能做而没有做”。故选B。 3.-- Did Jim come? -- I don’t know. He _______ while I was out. A.might have come B.might come C.must have come D.should have come 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词推测用法。句意:Jim来了吗?--我不知道,在我不在的时候,可能来过。根据前文I don’t kn ow.可知,说话者不知道Jim来没来,因此后文推测来过,但是语气很不确定,故可知选A。对过去情况的推测为情态动词+have done,must have done 一定做了某


一般过去式 时间状语:yesterday just now (刚刚) the day before three days ag0 a week ago in 1880 last month last year 1. I was in the classroom yesterday. I was not in the classroom yesterday. Were you in the classroom yesterday. 2. They went to see the film the day before. Did they go to see the film the day before. They did go to see the film the day before. 3. The man beat his wife yesterday. The man didn’t beat his wife yesterday. 4. I was a high student three years ago. 5. She became a teacher in 2009. 6. They began to study english a week ago 7. My mother brought a book from Canada last year. 8.My parents build a house to me four years ago . 9.He was husband ago. She was a cooker last mouth. My father was in the Xinjiang half a year ago. 10.My grandfather was a famer six years ago. 11.He burned in 1991


动词lie,lie,lay的区别 1)lie用作规则动词(lie,lied,lied)时意为“说谎”。如: ①He wasn't telling the truth. He lied again/He was lying. 他没讲实话,他又撒谎了。/他在撒谎。 ②She lied to us about her job. 她就她的工作对我们撒了谎。 ③Your watch must be lying. 你的表肯定不准。 【注意】表示这一意思时,lie可用作名词。我们一般说tell a lie或tell lies,而不说say/talk/speak a lie(或lies)。再如:Lies cannot cover up facts.(谎言掩盖不了事实。)如要说“我痛恨说谎话”,可以说I hate lying或I hate telling lies,一般不说I hate lie或I hate to lie。hate to lie尽管句法正确,但似乎含有“虽然不愿,但仍不得不说谎”之意。

2)lie用作不规则动词(lie,lay,lain)时,表示“躺”,“(东西)平放”,“位于”等意。如: ①He's still lying in bed. 他还躺在床上。 ②He felt tired, so he went and lay down for a rest. 他感到疲劳,所以去躺下休息了。 ③His books lay open on the desk when I went in. 我进去时,发现他的书平摊在书桌上。 ④Snow lay thick on the fields. 田野里覆盖着厚厚的一层雪。 ⑤Don't leave your things lying about. 别把东西四处乱丢。


英语情态动词的用法大全附解析 一、初中英语情态动词 1.—We've got everything ready for the picnic. —Do you mean I __________ bring anything with me? A. can't B. mustn't C. couldn't D. needn't 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:—我们已经为野餐准备好了一切。—你的意思是我不必带任何东西吗?A. can't 不能;B. mustn't 表示禁止,一定不要;C. couldn't不能,表示过去时态;D. needn't不必。结合句意,故选D。 【点评】本题考查情态动词的用法。 2.—How amazing this robot is! —Wow, it has video cameras in its eyes, so it “see” and interact with pe ople. A. may B. can C. must D. should 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:—这个机器人多么惊人啊!—哇,在它的眼睛里有摄像机,因此它能看见和人打交道。A. may 可以,可能;表示许可,B. can 能;表示能力,C. must 必须;D. should应该;根据it has video cameras in its eyes,可知是有能力看见,故选B。 【点评】考查情态动词辨析。熟记情态动词的含义和用法。 3.—Where is George? —He _______ be here just now. His coffee is still warm. A. need B. can't C. must D. shouldn't 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——乔治在哪里?——他刚才一定在这里,他的咖啡还是热的。A. need需要; B. can't 不能,不可能(表示推测); C. must 必须,一定(表示推测); D. shouldn't不应该;根据His coffee is still warm.可知表示肯定推测一定在这儿;故答案为C。 【点评】考查情态动词。掌握情态动词表推测时的意义和用法。 4.— Sorry, I forgot to take money with me. Maybe I can't buy the book you like. — Mum, you ______ worry about it. We can pay by Alipay (支付宝). A. can't B. needn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——对不起,我忘记带钱了。也许我不能买你喜欢的书。——妈妈,你不用担心。我们可以用支付宝支付。A. can't不能,指不允许或否定推测;B. needn't 不需,指没必要;C. mustn't不能,表禁止;D. shouldn't不应该,表建议。根据句意语境,本句是说妈妈不需要担心,故答案为B。 【点评】考查情态动词。理解句意并掌握情态动词的意义和用法区别。


英语情态动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择情态动词 1.--- Difficulties always go with me! --- Cheer up! If God closes door in front of you, there be a window opened for you. A.must B.would C.could D.can 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:——困难总是伴随着我!——高兴点! 如果上帝在你面前关上了门,一定有一扇窗户为你打开。A. must必须;B. would将要;C. could能,会;D. can能,会。must表示对现在的状态推测时,意为“一定”,表示可能性很大的推测。符合语境。故选A。 【点睛】 1) must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为"一定"。 2) must表对现在的状态或现在正发生的事情的推测时, must 后面通常接系动词be 的原形或行为动词的进行式。 3) must 表示对已发生的事情的推测时,must 要接完成式。 4) must表示对过去某时正发生的事情的推测,must 后面要接完成进行式。 5) 否定推测用can't。 本句中的。must表示对现在的状态推测时,意为一定,表示可能性很大的推测。符合第2点用法。 2.Paul did a great job in the speech contest. He many times last week. A.need have practised B.might practise C.must have practised D.could practise 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:保罗在演讲比赛中表现得很好。他上星期一定练习了很多次。must have done是对过去发生的动作最有把握的猜测,意思是“一定”。故C选项正确。 3.He is a bad-tempered fellow, but he ________ be quite charming when he wishes. A.shall B.should C.can D.must 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:他是个脾气不好的家伙,但当他希望自己有魅力的时候,他可


lie的用法和短语例句 lie有躺下;位于;在于;平放;存在等意思,那么你知道lie的用法吗?下面跟着一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! lie的用法: lie的用法1 : lie的基本意思是指人“平躺〔卧〕,也可表示“(使)某物平放”。 lie的用法2 : lie是不及物动词,常与around, down, in, on 等词连用,不能用于被动结构。 lie的用法3 : lie有时可用作系动词,后接形容词(而不接副词)、现在分词或过去分词作表语。 lie的用法4: lie可用于表示“存在”的There...句型中位于there 之后,主谓倒装。 lie的用法5 : lie作“展现”解时,多以物作其主语。 lie的用法6 : lie的基本意思是“说谎”,指为了欺骗别人,通过已有预谋地或故意地歪曲了事实真相而直接生硬地所说的假话,是可数 名词。 lie的用法7 :在非正式文体中,可用lying代替lie。 lie的常用短语: lie about 〔around〕(v.+adv.)

lie back (v.+adv.) lie before (v.+prep.) lie beh indl (v.+adv.) lie beh ind2 (v.+prep.) lie bey ondl (v.+adv.) lie bey ond2 (v.+prep.) lie by1 (v.+adv.) lie by2 (v.+prep.) lie dow n (v.+adv.) lie heavy on (v.+adj.+prep.) lie in1 (v.+adv.) lie in2 (v.+prep.) lie off (v.+adv.) lie on 〔upon〕(v.+prep.) lie over (v.+adv.) lie to1 (v.+adv.) lie to2 (v.+prep.) lie的用法例句: 1. The blame for the Charlest on fiasco did not lie with him. 查尔斯顿惨败错不在他。 2. Lie face upwards with a cushi on un der your head. 头枕垫子仰卧。

学生造句--Unit 1

●I wonder if it’s because I have been at school for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about going home. ●It is because she wasn’t well that she fell far behind her classmates this semester. ●I can well remember that there was a time when I took it for granted that friends should do everything for me. ●In order to make a difference to society, they spent almost all of their spare time in raising money for the charity. ●It’s no pleasure eating at school any longer because the food is not so tasty as that at home. ●He happened to be hit by a new idea when he was walking along the riverbank. ●I wonder if I can cope with stressful situations in life independently. ●It is because I take things for granted that I make so many mistakes. ●The treasure is so rare that a growing number of people are looking for it. ●He picks on the weak mn in order that we may pay attention to him. ●It’s no pleasure being disturbed whena I settle down to my work. ●I can well remember that when I was a child, I always made mistakes on purpose for fun. ●It’s no pleasure accompany her hanging out on the street on such a rainy day. ●I can well remember that there was a time when I threw my whole self into study in order to live up to my parents’ expectation and enter my dream university. ●I can well remember that she stuck with me all the time and helped me regain my confidence during my tough time five years ago. ●It is because he makes it a priority to study that he always gets good grades. ●I wonder if we should abandon this idea because there is no point in doing so. ●I wonder if it was because I ate ice-cream that I had an upset student this morning. ●It is because she refused to die that she became incredibly successful. ●She is so considerate that many of us turn to her for comfort. ●I can well remember that once I underestimated the power of words and hurt my friend. ●He works extremely hard in order to live up to his expectations. ●I happened to see a butterfly settle on the beautiful flower. ●It’s no pleasure making fun of others. ●It was the first time in the new semester that I had burned the midnight oil to study. ●It’s no pleasure taking everything into account when you long to have the relaxing life. ●I wonder if it was because he abandoned himself to despair that he was killed in a car accident when he was driving. ●Jack is always picking on younger children in order to show off his power. ●It is because he always burns the midnight oil that he oversleeps sometimes. ●I happened to find some pictures to do with my grandfather when I was going through the drawer. ●It was because I didn’t dare look at the failure face to face that I failed again. ●I tell my friend that failure is not scary in order that she can rebound from failure. ●I throw my whole self to study in order to pass the final exam. ●It was the first time that I had made a speech in public and enjoyed the thunder of applause. ●Alice happened to be on the street when a UFO landed right in front of her. ●It was the first time that I had kept myself open and talked sincerely with my parents. ●It was a beautiful sunny day. The weather was so comfortable that I settled myself into the


高中英语情态动词用法归纳与练习 A: can / could = be able to 1 表示能力两种时态can (could),其他时态要用be able to的形式 He can speak French. Was/were able to 可以表示成功做成某事的含义* managed to do / succeeded i n doing With our help, he was able to build the house. 2 表示请求或许可Could 比Can 更加客气* may Can I go now? Yes, you can. 3 表示推测或可能性,常用于否定句和疑问句 Can he be at school? Today is Sunday. He can't be at school. Can’t couldn’t/ Can ? Could? have done There is no light in the room. Can she have gone to bed? She can’t have gone to school----- it’s Sunda y. Could have done 可用在肯定句中表示过去存在的可能性* may have done She could have gone out with some friends yesterday. Could have done 可以表示虚拟语气 某事可能发生(并没有发生) It was silly to throw the TV out of the window. It could have hit somebody. 批评某人没有完成某事(本可以做某事) You are late again. You could have got up earlier. 4 can 表示客观上的可能性* Anybody can make mistakes. B: may and might 1 表示请求和允许类似用法can could(更加口语化) May I watch TV now? Yes, you may. 2 表示可能性; 猜测might比may更加不确定may/might have done 对过去的揣测* He may be busy these days. May not 可能不;不可能;一定不可 3 表示祝愿Wish you success! May you succeed!* C: must and have to 1 表示必须;一定要可以用have to 代替 must 现在;将来的必须而且是主观看法* have to 有多种时态而且强调客观情况 I really must stop smoking now. I had to leave early because I wasn’t feeling well. Must I come here?


高中英语~词性~句子成分~语法构成 第一章节:英语句子中的词性 1.名词:n. 名词是指事物的名称,在句子中主要作主语.宾语.表语.同位语。 2.形容词;adj. 形容词是指对名词进行修饰~限定~描述~的成份,主要作定语.表语.。形容词在汉语中是(的).其标志是: ous. Al .ful .ive。. 3.动词:vt. 动词是指主语发出的一个动作,一般用来作谓语。 4.副词:adv. 副词是指表示动作发生的地点. 时间. 条件. 方式. 原因. 目的. 结果.伴随让步. 一般用来修饰动词. 形容词。副词在汉语中是(地).其标志是:ly。 5.代词:pron. 代词是指用来代替名词的词,名词所能担任的作用,代词也同样.代词主要用来作主语. 宾语. 表语. 同位语。 6.介词:prep.介词是指表示动词和名次关系的词,例如:in on at of about with for to。其特征:

介词后的动词要用—ing形式。介词加代词时,代词要用宾格。例如:give up her(him)这种形式是正确的,而give up she(he)这种形式是错误的。 7.冠词:冠词是指修饰名词,表名词泛指或特指。冠词有a an the 。 8.叹词:叹词表示一种语气。例如:OH. Ya 等 9.连词:连词是指连接两个并列的成分,这两个并列的成分可以是两个词也可以是两个句子。例如:and but or so 。 10.数词:数词是指表示数量关系词,一般分为基数词和序数词 第二章节:英语句子成分 主语:动作的发出者,一般放在动词前或句首。由名词. 代词. 数词. 不定时. 动名词. 或从句充当。 谓语:指主语发出来的动作,只能由动词充当,一般紧跟在主语后面。 宾语:指动作的承受着,一般由代词. 名词. 数词. 不定时. 动名词. 或从句充当. 介词后面的成分也叫介词宾语。 定语:只对名词起限定修饰的成分,一般由形容


lie作平躺、撒谎时的过去式和过去分词 lie有平躺,撒谎等意思。你知道lie作平躺、撒谎时的过去式和过去分词是什么吗?下面是为你整理的lie 平躺、撒谎时的过去式和过去分词,希望大家喜欢! lie作平躺、撒谎时的过去式和过去分词平躺时的过去式和过去分词:lie;lied lied 撒谎时的过去式和过去分词:lie; lay lain lie的用法v. 躺下;位于;在于;平放;存在;延伸;说谎 n. 谎言 用作动词 用作不及物动词 S+~(+A) He lay there, flooded with pain, fear and hatred. 他躺在那儿,心中充满了痛苦、恐惧和憎恨。 As you make your bed, so you must lie. 自作自受。 Lasa lies too far away from Beijing. 拉萨离北京很远。 There lies〔lay〕... There lay a boy.

那里躺着一个男孩。 There lies a vast expense of golden crops before us. 一望无际的金灿灿的作物展现在我们的眼前。 There lies a bright future before us. 我们前途似锦。 S+~+ v -ed The national hero lies buried here. 那位民族英雄就安葬在这里。 His motives lay concealed. 他的动机不明。 S+~+ v -ing She lies sleeping soundly. 她躺在床上,睡得香甜极了。 The goods lie wasting in the warehouse. 货物闲放在仓库里。 lie的词语用法v. lie的基本意思是指人“平躺〔卧〕”,也可表示“(使)某物平放”。 lie是不及物动词,常与around, down, in, on等词连用,不能用于被动结构。 lie有时可用作系动词,后接形容词(而不接副词)、现在分词或过去分词作表语。 lie可用于表示“存在”的There...句型中,位于there之后,主谓


情态动词专项讲解 1. China is developing its high-speed train technology fast, so it _____be good enough to catch up with the best. A. may B. might C. must D. should 2. Then some other interesting reasons appear, such as “It's so smoggy that I ______find my way to office." A. mustn’t B. won’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t 3. "The world is big, and I want to see it," wrote a teacher in her resignation letter. _____ you quit your job to travel the world A. Must B. Might C. Should D. Would 【答案揭晓】CCD 一、情态动词的定义 情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,但要与动词原形或其被动语态一起使用,给 谓语动词增添情态色彩,表示说话人对有关行为或事物的态度和看法,认为其可 能.应该或必要等。情态动词后面加动词原形。 1. No driving electric motorbikes in some areas is a rule that we shall obey in Fuzhou.

必须.一定(法律.法规等)动 词原形 2. Women who are exposed to second-hand smoke during their pregnancy can be at risk of abortion.能,会,可以(表示有能力或机会) 动词原形 二、常考情态动词的关键用法 (一) can 1. -Jim,it is time you went to bed.You need to get up early tomorrow. -It’s not f air,Mary can stay up till ten hut I have to go to bed at eight. 可以(表示允许) it were not for the fact that she can't sing,I would invite her to the party. 能,会,可以(表示有能力) 3. Luckily, iron can be reworked and mistakes don't have to be thrown away 能够,可以(表示某事物的特点) can be really difficult to get along with at times even though he’s a


专项:情态动词 一考点:情态动词的用法和辨析,情态动词表示推测和可能,由情态动词引导的一般疑问句的回答。 二类型:1 只是情态动词:can, could, may, might, must 2 可做情态动词,可做实义动词:need, dare 3 可做情态动词,可做助动词:will, would, shall, should 4 特殊:have to, ought to, used to 三特征:1 有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须与行为动词和系动词连用构成谓语。 2 无人称和数的变化。(have to 除外) Eg: He has to stay here. 3 后接动词原形。 4 具有助动词作用,可构成否定,疑问或简短回答。 四用法: 1. can ①表示能力,“能,会”。Eg : Can you play basketball? ②表示怀疑,猜测,常用于否定句或疑问句。 Eg :Li hua can’t be in the classroom. ③表示请求,允许,多用于口语,译“可以”= may. Eg: you can go now. ④can 开头的疑问句,肯定句,否定句用can或can’t. 2.could①can 的过去式,表示过去的能力。 Eg :I could swim when I was seven years old. ②could 开头的疑问句,肯定和否定回答用could, couldn’t如果could 表示现在的委婉,用can 回答。 Eg: Could I have a drink? Yes, you can. 3.may①表示推测,“可能,也许”,用于肯定句。 Eg: He may come tomorrow. ②表示请求,“许可,可以”。Eg: May I borrow your book? 注:表示请求,许可时,主语为第一人称的一般疑问句,否定回


M A: Has the case been closed yet? B: No, the magistrate still needs to decide the outcome. magistrate n.地方行政官,地方法官,治安官 A: I am unable to read the small print in the book. B: It seems you need to magnify it. magnify vt.1.放大,扩大;2.夸大,夸张 A: That was a terrible storm. B: Indeed, but it is too early to determine the magnitude of the damage. magnitude n.1.重要性,重大;2.巨大,广大 A: A young fair maiden like you shouldn’t be single. B: That is because I am a young fair independent maiden. maiden n.少女,年轻姑娘,未婚女子 a.首次的,初次的 A: You look majestic sitting on that high chair. B: Yes, I am pretending to be the king! majestic a.雄伟的,壮丽的,庄严的,高贵的 A: Please cook me dinner now. B: Yes, your majesty, I’m at your service. majesty n.1.[M-]陛下(对帝王,王后的尊称);2.雄伟,壮丽,庄严 A: Doctor, I traveled to Africa and I think I caught malaria. B: Did you take any medicine as a precaution? malaria n.疟疾 A: I hate you! B: Why are you so full of malice? malice n.恶意,怨恨 A: I’m afraid that the test results have come back and your lump is malignant. B: That means it’s serious, doesn’t it, doctor? malignant a.1.恶性的,致命的;2.恶意的,恶毒的 A: I’m going shopping in the mall this afternoon, want to join me? B: No, thanks, I have plans already. mall n.(由许多商店组成的)购物中心 A: That child looks very unhealthy. B: Yes, he does not have enough to eat. He is suffering from malnutrition.
