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All right, we're about to go live. 好啦节目马上开始直播

Everyone on their A-game! 大家拿出最佳表现

Good energy! 精神点

Hello. 大家好

I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 我是谢尔顿·库珀博士

And I'm Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler. 我是艾米·菲拉·福勒博士

And welcome to a special retrospective, 欢迎收看特殊回忆集

where we will take a look back at the history of Fun with Flags


on an episode we're calling... 请收看这一集...

Fun with Flags: Behind the Flags: A Retrospective. 《有趣的旗帜: 旗帜背后回忆特辑》? Wondering how it all began ? ? 好奇节目如何开始 ?

? You'll need a good attention span ? ? 得超长待机不打盹 ?

? For information and entertainment ? ? 无论知识还是娱乐 ?

? That's equally effective ? ? 这个节目统统都有 ?

? It's fun with flags ? ? 有趣旗帜 ?

? Behind the flags ? ? 旗帜背后 ?

? A retrospective ? ? 回忆特辑 ?

? Flags. ? ? 旗开得胜 ?

Mind you, when we say behind the flags 提醒大家我们说旗帜"背后"

we don't literally mean these flags. 不是指这两面旗帜的背后

That's just where we have dinner. 它们背后是我们的餐桌

Now, I'm sure many of you are wondering 好了我相信你们很多人都好奇

how Fun with Flags began. 《有趣的旗帜》是如何开始的

So let's hear from some people who were there 让我们听听见证我们节目开始的

at the very start. 老朋友们怎么说

H-Howard. Flashback sounds. 霍华德记忆闪回音效

Could have played that on my harp. 明明我用竖琴也能弹

Just roll the clip. 你乖乖播影片就对了

So tell us in your own words 用你们自己的话

about that magical moment when Fun with Flags was born.


I honestly don't remember. 说真的我记不得了

Sure you do. 你肯定记得

I was telling you both the story 我当时正跟你们俩说

about how Haiti and Lichtenstein 海地与列支敦士登两国

discovered they had the same flag. 是怎么发现与对方用了同样的国旗

It was at the Summer Olympics of 1936, 当时正值1936年的夏季奥运会

and two plucky nations... 这两个勇敢的国家

Oh, wait. I remember. 等等我想起来了

Oh, and do you remember what you said? 那你还记得当时对我说什么了吗

Yes. Please find someone who cares. 记得拜托去找愿意鸟你的人

And that's exactly what I did. 于是我真的这么做了

I found a lot of someones. 我找到了很多愿意鸟我的人

Almost 200. 有将近两百人呢

Many of them on purpose. 很多人还是强迫中奖

And now we're going to turn it over to you, the viewers, 现在我们要听听你们怎么说


to call in and share your favorite Fun with Flags moments.


And-and don't get discouraged if the phone lines are jammed. 如果发现电话占线千万别气馁Just keep trying. 继续尝试拨打就对了

Oh, thank God! 老天保佑

Welcome to Fun with Flags! 欢迎致电《有趣的旗帜》

Hey, Sheldon. 你好谢尔顿

Hey, Amy. It's Bert. 你好啊艾米是我伯特

Hello, Bert. 你好啊伯特

What is your flag-related comment or query? 你有什么跟旗帜有关的评语或疑问呢

I have a girlfriend. 我交到女朋友了

And what does that have to do with flags? 这跟旗帜有什么关联呢

Nothing. I just wanted everyone to know I have a girlfriend. 没关联


Bert, you're tying up the line. 伯特你别占着线路了

My apologies to all of you 在此跟试图打进来

trying to call in with legitimate flag comments. 分享与旗帜有关评论的各位道歉

All right. W-We have our next caller. 好的下一位观众打进来了

Her name's Rebecca. 她的名字叫丽贝卡

Should we get lunch or you want to eat at the zoo? 我们是先去吃饭还是在动物园里吃Oh, Howie, I don't need food 华仔我不用吃饭

as long as I can look at my phone? 我玩手机就能玩饱

I don't like when you imitate me. 我不喜欢你模仿我

You want to hear my Stuart? 那你想听我模仿斯图尔特吗

It's been a while since I've gone on a date. 我有好一阵子没跟人约会过了

You mind if we watch the monkeys doing it? 不介意看一下猴子交配吧

I said that to you in confidence. 这是我私下跟你说的好吗

This is supposed to be our family fun day. 这应该是我们的家庭欢乐游

What's so important on your phone? 你手机上有什么事那么重要

I'm on the day care's Web site. 我在看托儿所的网站

Stop looking at that. The day care's great. 不用看了那家托儿所很赞

It's on campus. 就在我校区里

My office is two minutes away. 离我办公室就两分钟路程

There's nothing to worry about. 没什么好担心的

What if she likes the people who work there more than us?


She already likes soap bubbles more than us. 她对肥皂泡泡的喜爱已经胜过我们了

When I go back to work, 一旦我回去工作

we're gonna leave her with these people. 我们就要把她交到这些人手里

We don't know anything about them. 而我们完全不了解他们

They're highly-trained educators with background checks. 他们都是通过背景调查


They're even required to be current on all vaccinations.


You leave her with me, and I'm not any of those things. 你也让我照顾她啊


Where's Howard? 霍华德人呢

He took the day off. 他请一天假

Oh, let's take advantage of his absence 那我们快把握他不在的机会

and tell the kinds of jokes only physicists get. 多说一点只有我们物理学家才懂的笑话

I'll go first. 我先来

Okay, here. 来听好了

Uh, Heisenberg is pulled over by a police officer. 有天德国物理学家海森堡开车被警察拦下And the policeman says, 警察对他说

Did you know you were going 85 miles per hour? 你知道你刚才开到了时速137公里吗

And Heisenberg says, 然后海森堡说

Darn it, now I don't know where I am. 靠现在我不知道我在哪里了

表明"粒子的位置与动量不可同时被确定" 海森堡曾提出过不确定性原理

- So Howard back Monday? - Yeah. -霍华德周一回来是吗 -对

Hey, guys. 伙计们

- Oh, hello. - Want to join us? -你好 -要坐下来一起吃吗

But he's a geologist, and I have more physics jokes. 可他是个地质学家


Oh, quick! Sit! 快请坐

So, Sheldon says you have a new girlfriend. 谢尔顿说你交了新的女朋友

Yeah, which he rudely announced on my flag show. 对啊


People were so upset about it 人们对此超级不爽的

no one else called in the rest of the night. 以致于当晚后来再也没有人打电话进来Sorry. I couldn't help myself. 抱歉我克制不住自己

I guess I just love love. 大概我只是太爱爱情

Well, I'm very happy for you. 我为你感到由衷高兴

Hey, we're all having dinner tonight. 我们今晚一起吃晚餐

Why don't the two of you join us? 不如你们俩也加入我们吧

Yeah, wh-- Hold on. 是啊等一下

We don't know anything about this woman. 我们对这个女人一点都不了解

What do you want to know? 你想了解什么

Is she a geologist? 她是地质学家吗

- No. - Oh, great. See you at 7:00. -不是 -很好晚上7点见

How about after this we go see the exotic bird show?


Not a good idea. 这主意不好

My hair is a coveted nesting material. 我的头发是鸟类梦寐以求的筑巢材料Learning anything? 有学到什么吗

Well, sloth babies cling to their mothers' bodies 树懒宝宝一直粘着妈妈不松手

for almost a year. 这过程差不多有一年

I'm going back to work after only four months, 而我在短短的四个月后就要回去工作了so I've learned I hate myself, I hate sloths, 所以我学到我恨我自己我恨树懒

and I hate you for bringing me here. 我恨你把我带来这里

Me I get, but that sloth is pretty cute. 你恨我我懂可那只树懒还挺可爱的

It's not just the sloth. 不仅仅是树懒

Polar bears nurse their cubs for almost eight months.


The orangutan mother builds her baby a new home every night.


And what do I do? 而我呢

I choose my career over my child! 我选择了事业舍弃了孩子

Told you we should have gone to Legoland. 早跟你说我们应该去乐高乐园

Can't believe Bert has a girlfriend and I don't. 真不敢相信伯特都有女朋友了而我却没有I thought you were taking a break from women 我还以为你要在花丛中歇歇脚

to focus on your career. 好好专注你的事业

Oh, grow up. 成熟点好吗

Don't you have any friends he can date? 你没有朋友可以介绍给他了吗

Hey, I already set up Howard and Bernadette. 我已经把伯纳黛特介绍给霍华德了

It's your turn to ruin some poor girl's life. 该轮到你去毁掉某个可怜妹子的人生了

Oh, hey, guys. Come in. 你们好呀请进

Thanks. 谢谢

Everyone, 各位

this is Rebecca. 这位是丽贝卡

She's younger and far more attractive than he is. 她不但比他年轻长得还比他好看千百倍They're copying you two. 他们俩在模仿你们俩呢

What are you making? 你在做什么

Chicken. 鸡肉

Birds mess with my hair, I come back hard. 鸟儿蹂躏我的头发我得加倍蹂躏它们同类Finally get Halley down? 哈雷终于睡下了吗

Yeah, eventually. 是的终于

She's still not happy about taking a bottle, though. 不过她还是很抗拒用奶瓶喝奶

Look, if you're not ready to go back to work, 如果你没准备好回去上班

we'll figure something out. 我们会想到解决办法的

No, I'll be fine. 算了我会没事的

It might be good for her. 这对哈雷来说或许是好事

Howard's mother was around him all the time, 霍华德他妈就一直陪在他身边

and he's a world-class mama's boy. 结果把他惯成世界级的妈宝

I mean, wh-why would you say that? 你为什么要这么说

Go ahead, have a tantrum; that'll prove me wrong. 来啊发脾气啊那恰恰证明我是"错"的It would be nice to raise Halley to be a little more independent


than you were. 也没什么不好啊

I guess. 大概吧

It wasn't until college that I learned 我到了上大学才知道

you can put a thermometer in your mouth. 原来温度计可以放嘴里

On that charming note, dinner is served. 听完这么有趣的事晚餐也好了

So is this your first time dating a scientist? 这是你第一次跟科学家约会吗

'Cause I'm thinking of starting a support group. 因为我打算弄一个互助团

Actually, I'm not new to this. 其实我不是第一次了

I was engaged to a Scientologist. 我曾跟一名科学神教信徒订婚


Bert, Rebecca. 伯特丽贝卡

I'd like to apologize for my insensitive comment earlier. 我要为我之前无心说错的话道歉Don't worry about it. It's fine. 别担心没关系啦

See? It was fine. 瞧人家说没关系

I didn't need a time-out. 我不用出门思过

It wasn't a time-out. Let's get some food. 不是真的出门思过我们吃东西吧

You made me sit on the stairs and think about what I did. 你让我出门坐在楼梯上


Get your food! 去拿吃的

So how did you two meet? 你们俩怎么认识的

Oh, it's such a cute story. 这是一个有爱的故事

We met on a dating Web site. 我们在一个约会网站上认识的

Is that it? 就这样吗

Oh, sorry. The end. 抱歉全剧终

That's nice. 挺好的

I haven't had much success meeting people online. 我在网络交友这方面还从未成功过I didn't either, until I revamped my profile. 我也是直到我修改了我的个人档案What'd you do, delete your photo? 你做了什么删掉自己的照片吗

- Go. - Fine. -出去 -好吧

And don't you slam that door. 你敢摔门试试

Aw, man. 可恶

Did I say something wrong? 我说错什么了吗

No, it's always him. 不说错话的永远是他

So, Bert, you were telling us how you updated your profile? 伯特


Right. I wasn't getting any responses, and then I added, 对之前没有一个人理我


recent $625,000 MacArthur grant winner. 最近刚获得天才奖与奖金62.5万美元

and five minutes later, 结果五分钟后

I met my soul mate. 我就遇到了我的灵魂伴侣

I was wrong. You can come back in. 是我错了你可以进来了

So, Rebecca, how did you become a personal trainer? 丽贝卡


I came to Los Angeles to be an actress, 我来洛杉矶是想成为演员

and things didn't really work out. 但结果并不尽如人意

I'd say she's copying you again, but... 我本来想说她又在模仿你可是...

...I'm getting tired of sitting in the hall. 我真的不想再被赶出门外

I'd love a personal trainer. 我很需要一个私人健身教练

I haven't seen my abs since they opened a Shake Shack 我下班路上开了一家网红奶昔店后on my drive home. 从此腹肌是路人

I could give you some free sessions. 我可以免费给你上几堂课

Oh, is that offer for everybody? 听者有份吗

Nice try. I'm not going. 省省吧我不会去的

Where's your bathroom? 洗手间在哪里

Mm, just down there. 就在里面

She's so perfect, sometimes I think she isn't real. 她真的太完美了有时我都怀疑她不是真人And then she goes to the bathroom, and I know she is. 直到她去上厕所我才能确定她是真人Aw, that's so weird. 真的好甜蜜好诡异哦

I'm sorry, Bert, 恕我直言伯特

but aren't you worried she's only with you for your money?


She better be. On our first date, 就希望她是啊我们第一次约会

I bought her an 80-inch flat-screen. 我就给她买了一台80寸的平板电视

Your first date? 第一次约会就买了

Did you even measure her walls? 你有量过她家电视墙有多大吗

You know, on our first date, 我们第一次约会时

Leonard used a coupon to buy me a pretzel. 莱纳德用折价券给我买了椒盐脆饼

And we lived happily ever after. 从此我们就过上了幸福快乐的生活

The end. 全剧终

Well, guess I'm ready to go. 我准备出门了

Have a great first day back. 祝你复工第一天愉快

You have everything she needs for day care? 托儿所要用到的你都给她准备好了吗

Yep, all in the bag. 好了都装到包包里了

Good. 很好

Okay, sweetie, 好了宝宝

Mommy's gonna go to work now, so you have fun today. 妈妈要去上班了你今天玩得开心哦I told her if day care is anything like prison, 我跟她说了如果托儿所跟监狱情况一样

find the biggest baby and knock him out. 那就去把最大只的宝宝打晕就对了

Bye, cutie. 再见小可爱

I'm gonna miss you. 我会想你的

I'm gonna be waiting right here tonight when you get home. 我今晚会在家里等着你回来Stop, you're gonna make me cry. 别这样你害得我都想哭了

Great, now everybody's crying. 这下好了现在大家都哭了

At least Halley's not. 至少哈雷没哭啊

That's good. 那很好啊

She's not gonna see us all day, and she doesn't even care! 她一整天都见不到我们


Who's ready to laugh? 准备好要被逗乐了吗

Okay. So... 开讲啦

Feynman, Einstein and Schrodinger walk into a bar. 费曼爱因斯坦和薛定谔一同走进酒吧里Feynman says, 费曼说

It appears we're inside a joke. 看样子我们身处一个笑话里

Einstein replies, but only to an observer 爱因斯坦回答但仅仅是对

who saw us walk in simultaneously. 看见我们一起走进来的人而言[相对论]

To which Schrodinger says, 薛定谔对他说道



if someone's looking in the window, I'm leaving. 如果有人从窗户望进来观察我就立马走人

That's actually funny. 其实还挺好笑的

You should send that to Jimmy Fallon. 你应该把这笑话发给脱口秀主持人Oh, hello. Join us. 你好一起坐吧

Hey, sorry if last night was awkward. 抱歉啊昨晚气氛有点尴尬

Actually, it got me thinking 事实上我开始思考

that I shouldn't flaunt my money to find love. 我不应该用炫富的方式换取爱情I might break up with Rebecca. 我可能会跟丽贝卡分手

Wow, that's a big step. 这是个很重要的决定

I think it shows a lot of character. 这很能表现出你高尚的品德

I'm gonna hold out and see if I can find 我要等等看看看会不会有

a hot young blonde who likes me for me. 年轻性感的金发妞单纯喜欢我这个人That's a good one. 这笑话真好笑

Okay, now, Leonard, you tell a joke. 莱纳德轮到你说笑话了

How's she doing? 她还好吗

She's great. Look. 她很开心你看

I see a wall... 我看到墙

floor... 地板

some Asian baby... 某个亚洲娃

There she is. 看到她了

See? Nothing to worry about. 看到没没什么好担心的

Thank you. 谢谢

Okay, I'm gonna try and get some work done. 好了我得试着处理工作了Yeah, me, too. Love you. 好我也是爱你

Love you, too. Bye. 我也爱你再见

How is she? 她怎么样了

What are you doing here? 你在这里干嘛

Can't a guy hang out at a college he doesn't go to 一个男人就不能到一所他没读过的大学and stare at a baby that isn't his? 盯着看一个不是他生的宝宝吗

I get it. 我能理解

I haven't even made it to my office yet. 我都没走到办公室就忍不住来看她了

Is it weird if we just stand here and watch her all day? 如果我们一整天就站在这看她


Probably. 大概会吧

We should go. 我们该走了

Yeah. 是啊

Or we could take her to the aquarium. 又或者我们可以带她去水族馆

I'll get her, you grab her bag. 我去抱她你去拿她的包包

Hang on, Halley, we're busting you out of there! 撑住哈雷我们来救你出来了

What are you looking at? 你在看什么

Comments from our Behind the Flags retrospective. 在看《旗帜背后回忆特辑》的评论Get this, people are calling it 听听这个有人夸这一期

the longest one yet. 至今为最漫长的一集

Hello? Anybody home? 有人在家吗

Is that Bert? 是伯特吗

It's Bert. 是伯特

I think it's Bert. 听起来好像是伯特

Hey, what's up? 怎么了

I broke up with Rebecca. 我和丽贝卡分手了

You know, good for you. 这对你来说是好事呀

No, I miss her. 才怪我想死她了

I don't know why I listened to you. 我不懂当时为什么要听你的

He's not wrong. 他说得没错

It was your crackpot idea that he deserves love. 都是你瞎扯什么他值得被爱

You know, you need to start raising your hand 下次你想说话时

before you speak. 必须先举手

Yes, starting now. 是的从现在开始

Bert, you're a good guy; you deserve a woman 伯特你是个好人你值得被一个爱你

who's interested in more than just your money. 而不是只爱你的钱的女人爱

She was also interested in walking around my house 她也爱只穿着小裤裤

in her underwear. 在我家溜达

Now the only one doing that is me. 现在家里会这样的人只有我了

If you're that upset, go get her back. 如果你这么难过就把她追回来吧

I tried. 我试过了

She's not answering my calls. 她都不接我的电话了

Which really hurts because I bought her that phone. 一想到电话还是我买给她的就心如刀绞I made a huge mistake. 我真是犯了一个大错

No, you didn't. Okay? 不你没有做错

Look, Bert, when I had money, 伯特以前我有钱时

I dated lots of girls who weren't right for me. 我和好多不合适的女孩约会过

And then I gave up my money, 后来我放弃了万贯家财

and now I'm alone and living with my friends, 如今我孤身一人借宿在朋友家

and somebody else should probably talk now. 拜托谁快点来把这个话头接走

Look, sweetie, 亲我说

relationships aren't about money, okay? 恋爱并不是靠金钱维系的

It's about respect and having things in common 而是靠相互尊重和共同之处

and... 以及...

Yes, Sheldon? 什么事谢尔顿

You and Leonard don't have anything in common. 你和莱纳德就没有任何共同之处呀Maybe you should break up. 也许你俩也该分手

You called on him. 你自找的

Guess who's home from day care? 猜猜谁从托儿所回来啦

It's Halley. 是我们的小哈雷

Unless somebody else put an X on the bottom of their kid's foot.


You realize they called when you took her. 你们一接走她托儿所就给我打电话

Guess who's home from the aquarium? 猜猜谁从水族馆回来啦

Sorry again for barging in. 抱歉突然来打搅

You don't have to go. You're welcome to hang with us. 别走嘛我们都很欢迎你一起玩Actually, our friendship group is at capacity. 事实上我们的朋友小团体已经满员了

But if anybody drops out, you're at the top of the list. 但如果有人退出你将是第一候补团员Unless it's Raj, 除非是拉杰退出

in which case, we'll probably get a person of color. 那样的话我们会需要补充一个有色人种You guys are nice, but I'm just gonna 你们人太好了但是我准备

buy Rebecca a Jet Ski and see if that gets her back. 买一台水上摩托来唤回丽贝卡芳心

I feel bad for Bert. 我真替伯特不值

So he's using his money to attract a mate. 其实他用他的钱来吸引女性

Is that any different than me using my intelligence 和我用我的智慧来吸引艾米

to attract Amy? 有什么不同吗

Or Leonard using his power of groveling to get Penny?


It's totally different. 差别可太大了

Bert's money might run out, 伯特的万贯家财有尽时

but I can beg until the end of time. 我的跪求大法无绝期

All that and he's shorter than me. 不光如此他还比我矮

Sheldon, what did Amy have that attracted you? 谢尔顿艾米有哪些地方吸引你

Oh, so many things. 数不胜数呀

Her mind, her kindness, 她聪慧的头脑善良的品行

and especially her body. 尤其是她绝妙的身体

Really? 真的吗

Relax. We're the same blood type. 别多想我和他的血型一样

He knew he could harvest an organ. 他知道我的器官可以捐给他

She does look happy. 她看起来挺开心的

See? This is the right thing for her. 看到没这才是对她好的选择

Let's all just go to work. 我们上班去吧

Anytime. 想走时就吱一声

Let me just say good-bye. 让我告别一下就好

Halley. Look at Mommy. 哈雷看看妈咪

Over here, honey. 我在这里呢宝贝

Say good-bye to Mommy! 跟你老妈说拜拜

Look at me! 快看老娘

Look at your mother! 看一眼生你养你的亲妈呀

All right, we can go. 好了我们走吧

Hello. 大家好

I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 我是谢尔顿·库伯博士

And I'm Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler. 我是艾米·法拉·福勒博士

Based on the glowing reception 基于我们最近播出的

of our recent Behind the Flags retrospective, 《有趣的旗帜: 旗帜背后回忆特辑》反响非凡we thought you might like to see how it all came together.


So welcome to tonight's episode... 欢迎收看今晚的特辑

Fun with Flags: 《有趣的旗帜:

Behind the Behind the Flags: 旗帜背后回忆特辑的

A Retrospective Retrospective. 背后回忆特辑》

Ooh, we already have our first call. 已经有一位观众来电了

Hello, you're on Fun with Flags. 您好欢迎致电《有趣的旗帜》

The Jet Ski worked. I got her back. 水上摩托成功了我的爱人又回来了
