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美国文学 part 1 1607-1776 北美殖民时期 Colonial Settlements John Smith A Ture Relation of Virginia《关于费吉尼亚的真实叙述》(美国文学第一本书) 美国文学史上第一个作家 Part 2 1776-1783 独立革命时期 Revolution of Independence Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard’s Almanac穷查理历书 Thomas Paine Common Sense常识(独立战争宣传册revolutionary pamphlets) Rights of Man人的权利(支持法国革命) The Age of Reason 理性时代(基督给他名誉带来的影响) 美国独立之父 the father of American revolution Thomas Jefferson 独立宣言 Declaration of Independence Part 3 浪漫主义时期 Romanticism Washington Irving The Sketch Book见闻札记(标志浪漫主义开始) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说 Rip Van Winkle里普?万?温克尔(李伯大梦) 美国文学之父 James Fenimore Cooper The Pilot领航者The Spy间谍 The Pioneer拓荒者 Ralf Waldo Emerson Nature论自然 The American Scholar论美国学者 Self-reliance论自立 超验主义 Henry David Thoreau Walden瓦尔登湖 Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter红字 19世界影响最 大的浪漫主义小 说家 Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass草叶集 Song of Myself 自我之歌 part 4 现实主义时期 Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Henry James Daisy Miller The American The Portrait of a Lady Theodore Dreiser Sister Carrie An American Tragedy part 5 现代主义时期 American Modernism Ezra Pound In a station of the Metro在地铁站


Old English Literature 古英语文学 (450-1066年) Beowulf (贝奥武甫)---The first English national epic 中世纪英语文学(1066-1500) Geoffrey Chaucer(乔叟,c. 1343–1400) was an English poet. He is remembered for his The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》, called the father of English litera ture―英国文学之父‖William Langland (朗格兰,1330?-1400?),the author of the 14th-century English long narrative poem Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》. 文艺复兴(16-17世纪) William Shakespeare (莎士比亚,1564-1616), English poet and playwright, his surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems Venus and Adonis 《维拉斯和阿多尼斯》The Rape of Lucrece.《鲁克丽丝受辱记》 Shakespeare‘s greatest works: greatest tragedies are King Lear 《李尔王》,Macbeth《麦克白》,Hamlet《哈姆雷特》, Othello 《奥赛罗》,Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 grea t comedies: A Midsumme r Night‘s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》,As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》,The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》, Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》 great historical plays: Richard III 《理查三世》,Henry IV 《亨利四世》, Henry V 《亨利五世》, Henry VII 《亨利八世》 John Milton (弥尔顿, 1608-1674)was an English poet and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England. He is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost《失乐园》, Paradise Regained《复乐园》Samson 《力士参孙》. 18世纪文学和新古典主义 Alexander Pope (浦柏,1688-1744 ) is generally regarded as the greatest English poet of the eighteenth century, best known for his satirical epigram 讽刺隽语and heroic couplet英雄双韵体.His major works include mock epic satirical poem An Essay on Man 《人论》and An Essay on Criticism 《论批评》 Daniel Defoe ( 笛福,1660—1731)was an English writer who gained enduring fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》, spokesman for middle-class people Henry Fielding (菲尔丁, 1707 ---1754) ,an English novelist known for his novel:The History of Tom Jones. Jonathan Swift (斯威夫特,1667-1745), was an Anglo-Irish novelist, satirist. He is remembered for novel such as Gulliver‘s Travels《格列佛游记》. Richard Sheridan ( 谢立丹,1751—1816), Irish playwright ,known for his satirical play School of Scandal(造谣学校). He was a represntative writer of Comedies of Manners. Laurence Sterne (斯特恩,1713—1768 ), an English novelist. He is best known for his novel Tristram Shandy (《商第传》). Oliver Goldsmith (哥尔德斯密斯,1728-1774)English novelist, known for his novel Vicar of Wakefield (《威克菲尔德牧师传记》) Thomas Gray (托马斯?格雷1716—1771 ),an English poet, author of Elegy Written in a


八级模拟美国文学常识 1.The first colony was set up in_________ at, ______off the coast of North Carolina; The second colony was more permanent:______, establis hed in________. A.1585 ...Roanoke,...Jamestown (1607) B. Jamestown...1607,...concord, (1609) C. 1492,…New England…1585 …Roanoke D. 1492...New England ...Jamestown (1607) 2. ________ wrote the story recounts how Pocahontas, favorite daughte r of Chief Powhatan, saved Captain Smiths life when he was a prisoner of the chief. Later, when the English persuaded Powhatan to give Poc ahontas to them as a hostage, her gentleness, intelligence, and beaut y impressed the English, and, in 1614, she married John Rolfe, an Eng lish gentleman. The marriage initiated an eight-year peace between th e colonists and the Indians, ensuring the survival of the struggling new colony. A. Cristopher Columbus B. Harioit C. Winthrope D. Captain John Smith 3. The_____ definition of good writing was that which brought home a full awareness of the importance of worshipping God and of the spirit ual dangers that the soul faced on Earth A. Prostestant B. Puritan C. Catholic D. Indian 4. The link between_________ is Both rest on ambition, hard work, an d an intens e striving for success. A. Puritanism and consumerism B. Capitalism and commercialism C. Puritanism and capitalism https://www.sodocs.net/doc/222285822.html,mercialism and capitalism 5 The first Puritan colonists who settled _________exemplified the se riousness of Reformation Christianity. Known as the "_________," they were a small group of believers who had migrated from England to Hol land -- even then known for its religious tolerance -- in 1608, durin g a time of persecutions. A. Roanoke…development B. Roanoke…progress C. New England… adventure D. New England… pilgrims



3专八人文知识:英国地理概况 the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france and connects the atlantic ocean and north sea. 英吉利海峡:英吉利海峡是一道狭长的海峡,分割英法两国,连接大西洋和北海。 the dee estuary: a small sea ( in irish sea) where the dee river enters. 迪河河口:是迪河流入的一个小海。 "the act of union of 1801": in 1801 the english parliament passed an act by which scotland, wales and the kingdom of england were constitutionally joined as the kingdom of great britain. 1801合并法:1801年英国议会通过法令,规定英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士根据宪法合并成为大不列颠王国。 gaelic: it is one of the celtic language, and is spoken in parts of the highlands. 盖尔语:是盖尔特语言的一种,在高地地区仍有人说这种语言。 the "backbone of england": it refers to the pennies, the board ridge of hills.


英语专八人文知识考试总结 1 专八考试人文知识考试内容总结 其中英美文学包括英国文学和美国文学。英国文学主要分为六个时期: 1. Old and Medieval English Literature(中古英国文学)。 2. The Renaissance Period(文艺复兴时期)。 3. The Neoclassical Period(新古典主义时期)。 4. The Romantic Period(维多利亚时期)。 5. The Victorian Period(维多利亚时期)。 6. The Modern Period(现代时期)。 美国文学主要分为四个时期: 1. The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence(独立革命前后的文学)。 2. American Romanticism(美国浪漫主义文学)。 3. American Realism(美国现实主义文学)。 4. American Modernism(美国现代主义文学)。 语言学,考生不光要知道语言的本质还要掌握语音学,音位学,形态学,句法学,语义学和语言学的知识。 关于英语国家概况,英语专业的学生都会开设英美概况这门课程,但是专八考试的中需要考生了解的是英语国家概况,不光包括英国和美国,还有其他一些说英语的地区,包括爱尔兰概况,加拿大概况,澳大利亚概况和新西兰概况。 3专八人文知识:英国地理概况 the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france

美国文学 专八人文知识复习

美国文学 第一章殖民地时期及独立革命时期的美国文学(1617——1783)Background: 1)The first permanent English settlement in North America at James Town, Virginia in 1617 2)In 1629 the puritans established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 3)Independent War (1776——1783) Personal Literature In Its Various Forms John Smith A True Relation of Virginia《关于弗吉尼亚的真实叙述》William Bradford Of Plymouth Plantation《普利茅斯种植园史》 He was the first governor of the Plymouth Plantation Early Poetry Anne Bradstreet Contemplations《沉思集》 She was known as the “Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up”in America. Important Writers of American Puritanism Jonathan Edwards The Freedom of the Will《论意志自由》 His endeavors contributed to bringing about the “Great Awakening(大觉醒)”. 他被认为是美国超验主义的先驱。 Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard’s Almanac《穷查理年鉴》 The Autobiography《自传》 Authors who call for democratic government and writes for it Thomas Paine Common Sense《常识》 The American Crisis《美国危机》 The Rights of Man《人的权利》 The Age of Reason《理性的时代》 Philip Freneau The Indian Burying Ground《印第安人殡葬地》 “The Wild Honey Suckle”《野忍冬花》 He is “poet of the American Revolution”and the “father of American Poetry” Others Thomas Jefferson Declaration of Independence《独立宣言》 第二章浪漫主义时期的美国文学(19世纪上半叶) Early American Romanticism Washington Irving The Sketch Book《见闻札记》marked the beginning of American Romanticism. Rip Van Winkle《瑞普·凡·温克尔》 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow《睡谷传说》 He has been called the father of the American short story. He is the first American Writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame, so he was regarded as father of American literature. James Fennimore Cooper The Spy《间谍》


英国文学 一、古英语时期的英国文学(499-1066) 1、贝奥武夫 2、阿尔弗雷德大帝:英国散文之父 二、中古英语时期的英国文学 1、allegory体非常盛行 2、Romance开始上升到一定的高度 3、高文爵士和绿衣骑士 4、Willian Langlaud 《农夫皮尔斯的幻象》 5、乔叟坎特伯雷故事集(英雄双韵体) 6、托马斯.马洛礼《亚瑟王之死》 三、文艺复兴时期的英国文学(伊丽莎白时代)(14-16世纪) 1、托马斯.莫尔《乌托邦》 2、Thomas Wyatt 和Henry Howard引入sonnet 3、Philips Sidney 《The defense of Poesie》 《阿卡迪亚》描述田园生活;现代长篇小说的先驱 4、斯宾塞《仙后》诗人中的诗人;斯宾塞体诗节; 5、莎士比亚: 长篇叙事诗:《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》、《露克丝受辱记》 四大悲剧:哈姆雷特、李尔王、奥赛罗、麦克白 7、本.琼森风俗喜剧(comedy of manners)《人性互异》 8、约翰.多恩“玄学派”诗歌创始人

9、George Herbert 玄学派诗圣 10、弗朗西斯.培根现代科学和唯物主义哲学创始人之一 《Essays》英国发展史上的里程碑 《学术的推进》和《新工具》 四、启蒙时期(18世纪) 1、约翰、弥尔顿:《失乐园》、《为英国人民争辩》 2、约翰、班扬:《天路历程》religious allegory 3、约翰、德莱顿:英国新古典主义的杰出代表、桂冠诗人; 《论戏剧诗》 4、亚历山大.蒲柏:英国新古典主义诗歌的重要代表;英雄双韵体的使用达到登峰造极的使用;《田园组诗》是其最早田园诗歌代表作 5、托马斯、格雷:感伤主义中墓园诗派的代表人物《墓园挽歌》 6、威廉、布莱克:天真之歌、经验之歌; 7、罗伯特、彭斯:苏格兰最杰出的农民诗人; 8、Richard Steel和Joseph Addison合作创办《The tatler》和《the spectator》 9、Samuel defoe 英国现实主义小说的奠基人之一;《鲁滨逊漂流记》;《铲除非国教徒的捷径》,仪表达自己的不满; 10、Jonathan Swift 《一个小小的建议》;《格列佛游记》;《桶的故事》; 11、Samuel Richardson 英国现代小说的创始人;帕米拉;克拉丽莎;查尔斯.格蓝迪森爵士的历史; 12、Henry Fielding 英国现实主义小说理论的奠基人;《约瑟夫。安德鲁》;《汤姆.琼斯》,英国现实主义小说的最高成就; 13、劳伦斯、斯特恩:感伤主义小说的杰出代表,《项狄传》,第一部开创了意识流小说的先驱之作品;《感伤的旅行》


英语专八考试心得 13年专八成绩出来了,我是险过,虽然分数不高,取得这样的成绩,我还是很高兴的。希望通过我的事例,可以鼓舞在备考专八的童鞋们。 首先是心态。不能被这个考试的名号压倒,整天的失眠啊,自卑啊等等,要时刻保持乐观的心态。,就是想让大家明白心态的重要性。不论遇到什么事情,都要摆平心态的面对。 其次就是计划。有个好的心态很重要,这是工作的前提。备考的时候要做好计划。如果你程度好,那可以随性来,如果觉得自己的实力还欠佳,那就好好的给自己做个计划吧,之后就是严格按照计划来。这个计划一定是基于对自己的了解来定制的。 1,单词。我并没有买什么专八的词汇书。,因此为了扩大词汇量,自己就开始背书了。背书的过程是极痛苦有享受的,最后的效果还是有的,不过这个方法通过自己的实践有点耗时间。我咨询过很多前辈,他们背单词的方法就是通过阅读,我自己也尝试了这个方法,的确有效果,可是我要说的是,这样的方法是给英语基础比较好的人。我自认为自己的英语底子特别薄。这种背书的笨方法,觉得比较适合自己。尤其是长期的背诵,这种进步的体会特别的强烈。建议大家自己按照自己的水平制定方法去学习。 2,听力。针对专八的特殊题型,也是要好好的提高下的。通过分析专八听力的类型,我选择的听力题材是voa,bbc。比如自己的词汇不够,就好好的扩充词汇就可以的。或者说自己那部分的词汇量不足,就针对的提高相应的词汇,比如经济类,政治类等。总之要好好的分析自己,尤其是建议第二次考生的同学们,最好准备,不能像第一次考试那么的感性,这样提高速度不快的。听力,我的感觉就是要提前去练习,这种能力是靠积累的。建议从暑假就开始练习。每天坚持听一篇,将这一篇听的滚瓜烂熟,争取可以跟着默读下来,或者听写下来。这样如果你肯坚持,一个月之后,你的能力水平决对超乎你的想象的。这点我比较遗憾,我坚持了,可是没有一个月吧,因为其他事情特别多,就暂停了,这样感觉就不好。进步速度不快。虽然之后又接着听,可是没有严格坚持来的效果更好些。建议,备考的同学们,如果你们的时间充裕,一定要好好的利用时间学习,之后工作了,或着读研了,时间都是比较的忙的。 3,阅读。不知道同学们有没有这种感觉,每天练习专八的阅读真题或模拟题,练习的很多,可是就是提高的不快。我的这种感觉特别的强烈。 4,翻译。翻译我觉得更加是个积累了,推荐张培基的汉英散文翻译。还要就是散文翻译108篇。人文知识,我是靠自己练的。人文知识篇 这部分要说好拿分也还挺好拿,说不好拿分也不好拿,所以大家一定要全面复习。 英美文学,英美概况,还有语言学,其中概况里还包括一点加拿大、澳大利亚等方面的知识。这三大块儿也基本上是专八必考的,所以大家复习要仔细,记忆的东西会多一点,但是没办法,多重复就是王道,背他个7遍以上就差不多了。 关于英美概括和英美文学,专八的复习资料或者参考书的作者把知识都总结好了,需要的就是同学们自己下功夫背。有的同学说太多了,那你就把全部内容分成几大块儿来背,(一般是按照时间顺序分的)一天背一点,最后多重复几遍就行了。 5. 作文,建议一定总结出模版,尤其是首段和末段。在总结过程中,自己可以做个转化。比如将单句变为复杂句,将简单词汇转变为高级词汇。专八的作文其实就是议论文,这样的文章有规律可寻的。作文字迹工整,尽量不涂抹。用词高级些,别总用every coin has two sides, the most important is……什么的,这些句子用得实在太多了,没新意,也没水平。作文是至关重要的,也许是最后过与不过的分界线。如果作文写得不错,差那么一两分的话,我估计老师会给过的。


英语专业八级考试翻译历年真题汇总 1998年E-C: I agree to some extent with my imaginary English reader. American literary historians are perhaps prone to view their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking prominence for uniqueness. They do over-phrase their own literature, or certainly its minor figures. And Americans do swing from aggressive over phrase of their literature to an equally unfortunate, imitative deference. But then, the English themselves are somewhat insular in their literary appraisals. Moreover, in fields where they are not pre-eminent — e. g. in painting and music —they too alternate between boasting of native products and copying those of the Continent. How many English paintings try to look as though they were done in Paris; how many times have we read in articles that they really represent an “English tradition” after all. To speak of American literature, then, is not to assert(断言、声称)that it is completely unlike that of Europe. Broadly speaking, America and Europe have kept step(同步). At any given moment(在任何时候) the traveler could find examples in both of the same architecture, the same styles in dress, the same books on the shelves. Ideas have crossed the Atlantic as freely as men and merchandise, though sometimes more slowly. When I refer to American habit, thoughts, etc., I intend some sort of qualification(限制、限定、资格) to precede(领先、超前) the word, for frequently the difference between America and Europe (especially England) will be one of degree(唯一只是在程度上), sometimes only of a small degree. The amount of divergence(分歧、差异) is a subtle (微妙的)affair, liable(有可能的) to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America. He is looking at a country which in important senses (重要的感觉)grew out of his own, which in several ways still resembles his own — and which is yet a foreign country. There are odd overlappings and abrupt unfamiliarities; kinship(亲缘关系) yields to a sudden alienation(疏远关系), as when we hail(打招呼) a person across the street, only to discover from his blank(没有表情的) response that we have mistaken a stranger for a friend. 参考译文(翻译第二段): 因此,我们在说“美国”文学,并不表明我们认为美国文学与欧洲文学截然不同。一般来说,美国和欧洲一直在同步发展。无论何时,旅游者在两地都能看到同一式的建筑,见到


* William Langland(朗兰1332-1400):The Vision of Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯之幻象》: 普通人眼中的社会抗议 b. 15th C, English ballads: Thomas Malory (1395-1471):Morte D’Arthur《亚瑟王之死》- 圆桌骑士 二、The Renaissance Period英国文艺复兴(1500-1660): humanism 十四行诗,文艺复兴,无韵诗,伊丽莎白戏剧 1) 诗歌Henry Howard(霍华德1516-1547) a. Thomas Wyatt (怀亚特1503-1542): the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature b. Sir Philip Sidney(雪尼爵士1554-1586):代表了当时的理想- “the complete man”Defense of Poetry《为诗辩护》 Astrophel and Stella; Arcadia《阿卡狄亚》: a prose romance filled with lyrics; a forerunner of the modern world c.Edmund Spenser(斯宾塞1552-1599): the poets’ poet; non-dramatic poet of伊丽莎白时代- long allegorical romance 文风:a perfect melody, a rare sense of beauty and a splendid imagination. The Shepherd Calendar The Faerie Queen《仙后》:long poem for Queen Elizabeth; Allegory - nine-line verse stanza/ the Spenserian Stanza Spenserian Stanza(斯宾塞诗体): Nine lines, the first eight lines is in iambic(抑扬格) pentameter(五步诗), and the ninth line is an iambic hexameter(六步诗) line. 2) Prose 散文 a. Thomas More(莫尔1478-1535): 欧洲早期空想社会主义创始人Utopia《乌


听力(mini-lecture——10道题,10分,interview——5道题,5分,news——5道题,5分) 阅读:20道题,20分 人文知识:10道题,10分 改错:10道题,10分 翻译:英译汉和汉译英各1篇,20分 作文:1篇,20分。 考试时间和状况:最新大纲的考试时间‘非人性’的,非常紧迫,看似3个小时很长,结果不一会就过了,而且都不知道怎么过的…… 听力:与专四不同,只念一遍,这就要求我们全神贯注的听,不能有丝毫马虎,否则 就丢分。 阅读理解:4篇文章(2006年),共3000字 人文知识:共10道题。涉及内容广泛,英美概况、语言学、英美文学史及选读。 改错:10道题,15分钟改完250字左右的短文,长度较以前增加了 翻译:一个小时,2篇,每篇均150字。 考试程序: 首先,考试开始前,每人一张白纸,供你听写mini-lecture,尽你最大努力记下你听 到的东西,同时发答题卡(机读卡)。mini-lecture完了后,有2分钟的检查时间,这个 时候就要全神贯注回忆你所听到的,检查有没有笔记错误或者没有拼写完整,2分钟后, 便只发mini-lecture的答题纸,要求你根据你所记下的东西,按照试题兼答题纸上的指引(一般是mini-lecture的另一种叙述方式,很简短)填空,共10道题,每题一空,你有 10分钟的时间完成这10道题。时间一到,便收回mini-lecture的答题纸

在收回mini-lecture的答题纸的同时,只发听力的剩余部分的试题册:interview,news.将答案填在机读卡上。听力放完,便收回听力剩余部分的试题(mini-lecture已经 做完,所以看不懂这说明也没关系了),这意味着你没有时间检查或者凭记忆修改听力部 分的摸凝两可的答案。 听力部分结束后,只发阅读理解和人文知识的试题册(不是答题纸),你有40分钟的时间完成这2部分。注意:这2部分是一起考的。这里,你可以先做人文知识,节约时间,人文知识做得越快,就代表你有越多的时间做阅读。做阅读的时候,最好先读题,大致了 解文章的中心思想,然后,根据自己的情况选择阅读方式:快速阅读——可做完所有的阅读,慢速阅读——仔细阅读每一篇,这意味着你要放弃后面的文章。你也可以选择你熟悉 的方式。把答案填在考试开始前发的机读卡上。 30分钟结束后,收回机读卡,同时发改错的试题兼答题纸,供10道题。 改错结束后,发翻译试题册和翻译答题纸,你有1个小时的时间做完翻译,共2篇。 1个小时后,收回翻译试题,发作文试题册和答题纸,45分钟。


英国文学部分 西方文学发展的两大源头 两大源头:古希腊, 罗马的神话,中世纪的基督教 A General Survey of English Literary History: 1.O ld English literature (The Anglo – Saxon Period) 449 – 1066 2. Medieval Period (The Anglo – Norman Period) 1066 – 1350 3. The Renaissance Period 14th– mid 17th 4. The 17th(The Period of Revolution and Restoration) 5. The 18th(The Age of Enlightenment) 6. The Romantic Period (Age of poetry)1798 – 1832 7. The Victorian Period ( The Age of Critical Realism) 1836 – 1901 8. The 20th(The Modern Period) 一.古英语和中世纪时期: Old and Medieval English Literature: 449 -- 1066 Germanic tribes: Angles, Saxons and Jutes Old English Poetic tradition : a. The pagan poetry (secular group) b. The Christian poetry (religious group) National epic poem –Beowulf Middle English Literature: 1. Christian literature 2. Romance the popular literary forms in medieval period Geoffrey Chaucer: “father of English poetry” “English Homer” The Canterbury Tales For the first time in English literature presented a comprehensive realistic picture。He employed the heroic couplet for the first time in the history of English literature. 3. the English ballads: Robin Hood ballads 二,文艺复兴时期 Purpose of Renaissance: 1.Get rid of old feudalist ideas ,introduce new ideas of the rising bourgeoisie 2.Recover the purity of the church Literature of Renaissance Poetry Essay Elizabethan Drama ( the mainstream) Religious Reformation: Martin Luther: a German Protestant, initiated the Reformation


英国文学(English Literature) 一、Old and Medieval English Literature中古英语文学(8世纪-14世纪) 1) The Old English Period / The Anglo-Saxon Period古英语时期(449-1066) a. pagan poetry(异教诗歌): Beowulf《贝奥武甫》- 最早的诗歌;长诗(3000行) heroism & fatalism & Christian qualities the folk legends of the primitive northern tribes; a heroic Scandinavian epic legend; 善恶有报b. religious poetry: Caedmon(凯德蒙610-680): the first known religious poet; the father of English song Cynewulf(基涅武甫9C): The Christ c. 8th C, Anglo-Saxon prose: Venerable Bede(673-735); Alfred the Great(848-901) 2) The Medieval Period中世纪(1066-ca.1485 / 1500): a. Romance中世纪传奇故事(1200-1500): the Middle Ages; 英雄诗歌 无名诗人- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight《高文爵士与绿色骑士》: Celtic legend; verse-romance; 2530 lines ~ 14th C,Age of Chaucer: * Geoffrey Chaucer(乔叟1340-1400): 文风:vivid and exact language, his poetry is full of vigor and swiftness the father of English poetry; the father of English fiction; 首创“双韵体”couplet; 首位用伦敦方言写作英国作家 The Canterbury Tales:pilgrims stories 受Boccaccio(薄伽丘) - Decameron《十日谈》启发 The House of Fame; Troilus and Criseyde; The Romaunt of the Rose《玫瑰罗曼史》(译作) * William Langland(朗兰1332-1400):The Vision of Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯之幻象》: 普通人眼中的社会抗议 b. 15th C, English ballads: Thomas Malory (1395-1471):Morte D’Arthur《亚瑟王之死》- 圆桌骑士 二、The Renaissance Period英国文艺复兴(1500-1660): humanism十四行诗,文艺复兴,无韵诗,伊丽莎白戏剧 1) 诗歌Henry Howard(霍华德1516-1547) a. Thomas Wyatt (怀亚特1503-1542): the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature b. Sir Philip Sidney(雪尼爵士1554-1586):代表了当时的理想- “the complete man”Defense of Poetry《为诗辩护》 Astrophel and Stella; Arcadia《阿卡狄亚》: a prose romance filled with lyrics; a forerunner of the modern world c.Edmund Spenser(斯宾塞1552-1599): the poets’ poet; non-dramatic poet of伊丽莎白时代- long allegorical romance 文风:a perfect melody, a rare sense of beauty and a splendid imagination. The Shepherd Calendar The Faerie Queen《仙后》:long poem for Queen Elizabeth; Allegory - nine-line verse stanza/ the Spenserian Stanza Spenserian Stanza(斯宾塞诗体): Nine lines, the first eight lines is in iambic(抑扬格) pentameter(五步诗), and the ninth line is an iambic hexameter(六步诗) line.
