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3月5日新SAT考试写作文章是出自Washington Post 华盛顿邮报的一篇文章,下面小编为大家推荐新SAT考试首考写作真题范文3,希望对大家的备考有帮助。

3月5日新SAT考试写作文章是出自Washington Post 华盛顿邮报的一篇文章。此次新SAT首考的作文题的阅读文章源自E.J. Dionne

Jr.于2013年7月3日发表在The Washington

Post(《华盛顿邮报》)文章名为 A Call for National Service。因此下面小编为大家分享的就是3月5日新SAT首考写作真题参考范文三的内容,希望大家能够学习参考。



Rights and obligations are commonly regarded as intertwined and complementary to each other, yet what invariably happens is that the former are emphasized over the latter. E. J. Dionne Jr. has created a determined argument that raised the latter to a higher level in his “A Call for National Service”. He has delivered his “call” by developing valid claims backed up with national founding documents, concrete evidence and has been able to persuade the reader by tactical reasoning and other rhetorical strategies.

Dionne Jr. initiates his argument by quoting from Declaration of Independence. The sentence entailing “unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”is always remembered by American people and reverberated through time for centuries. In so doing, the author familiarizes the author with a common ground which is built upon the fundamental national spirits drafted by the founding fathers. Simultaneously, it serves as a pretext for the commonly overlooked clause that sheds light on the duty that “we

mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor”. By placing these two sentences together, the author forms a vivid contrast between rights and obligations with which the Declaration endowed the Americans at the same time. More importantly, the author straightforwardly reveals people’s oblivion to obligations by pointing out that “This, the very last sentence of the document, is what makes the

better-remembered sentence possible. One speaks of our rights. The other addresses our obligations.” This remark holds a strong sway over the readers, provoking their awareness of selfishness, ego-centricity and the want of obligations they owe to each other and to the country. Thus, the readers are compelled to reflect on these two direct quotations which bring it home to them that in order to enjoy and secure the freedoms they cherish, it is necessary to serve others and make contributions as well because the freedoms “are self-evident

but not self-executing”. It could be said that the author’s attempts to incur and reinforce the sense of responsibility have been firmly supported by the method of direct quotation and setting contrasts.

Apart from quotation, resorting to example and authority is employed to delineate his argument. Not only does the author address the contemporary issue, but he also puts forward the proposal. To persuade the readers, he presents the example of the Franklin Project from the Aspen Institute. By discussing the project that “declares commitment to offering every American between the ages of 18 and 28 a chance to give a year of service to the country”, the author assures the reader of the authenticity and reliability of his proposal. Furthermore, he lists the exact and specific opportunities that “include service in our armed forces but also time spent educating our fellow citizens, bringing them health care and preventive services, working with
