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Solar cell efficiency tables (version 10)

Solar cell efficiency tables (version 10)
Solar cell efficiency tables (version 10)


Solar Cell E ciency Tables (Version 10)

Martin A.Green,1?Keith Emery,2Klaus Bu cher,3David L.King 4and Sanekazu Igari 5


Photovoltaics Special Research Centre,University of New South Wales,Sydney 2052,Australia 2National Renewable Energy Laboratory,1617Cole Boulevard,Golden,CO 80401,USA 3

Fraunhofer-Institut fu èr Solare Energiesysteme,Oltmannsstrasse 5,D-79100Freiburg,Germany 4

Division 6224,Sandia National Laboratories,1515Eubank Street,Albuquerque,NM 87123,USA 5

Japan Quality Assurance Organization,Solar Techno Center,Solar Cell Test Research Division,HIC Bldg.2F,4598Murakushi-Cho,Hamamatsu-shi,Shizouka-ken,431-12Japan

Updated tables showing an extensive listing of the highest independently con?rmed e ciencies for solar cells and modules are presented.Guidelines for inclusion of results into these tables are outlined and several new entries since January 1997are brieˉy described.#1997John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.

Prog.Photovolt.Res.Appl.,5,265±268(1997)No.of Figures:0.

No.of Tables:4.No.of References:9.



ince January,1993,Progress in Photovoltaics has published six monthly listings of the highest con?rmed e ciencies for a range of photovoltaic cell and module technologies.1±9By establishing guidelines for the inclusion of results into these tables,this not only provides an authoritative

summary of the current state of the art but also encourages researchers to seek independent con?rmation of results and to report results on a standardized basis.

Brieˉy,the main criterion for inclusion of results in these tables in that they be measured at one of the designated test centres previously listed 6Y 7under standardized test conditions.A distinction is also made between three di erent cell area measurements:total area,aperture area and designated illumination area.1Y 2`Active area'e ciency measurements are not included.(This explains some of the di erence between results reported here and in the literature,for example,with recent tandem amorphous Si cell results).There are also certain minimum values of area encouraged for the di erent cell types,although some discretion is exercised here (0.05cm 2for a concentrator cell,0.25cm 2for a tandem cell,1cm 2for a 1-sun cell and 800cm 2for a module).


Highest con?rmed cell results are reported in Tables I±III.Changes in the tables from those previously published 9are set in bold type.Table I summarizes the best measurements for cells and submodules,Table II shows the best results for modules and Table III shows the best results for concentrator cells and concentrator modules.Table IV contains what might be described as `notable exceptions'.While not conforming to the requirements to be recognized as a class record,the cells and modules in this table have notable characteristics that will be of interest to sections of the photovoltaic community.

CCC 1062±7995/97/040265±04$17.50Received 9May 1997#1997John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.

Revised 20May 1997


Correspondence to:M.A.Green,Photovoltaics Special Research Centre,University of New South Wales,Sydney 2052,Australia



There has been marked progress over the last 6months,particularly with thin-?lm technologies.New results are reported in Table I for three di erent types of silicon thin-?lm solar cells.For a relatively thick (50±100m m)silicon ?lm supported on a foreign substrate,AstroPower have demonstrated 16.6%e ciency for a 0.98-cm 2cell,as con?rmed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL),substantially improving the company's earlier ?gure of 14.9%established in 1988.Another particularly signi?cant result has been the demonstration of 11.0%e ciency for a 30m m thick polycrystalline silicon deposited onto a SiC-graphite substrate by Angewandte Solarenergie (ASE)and fabricated into a cell and measured at Fraunhofer Institut fu r Solare Energiesysteme (FhG-ISE).Also particularly signi?cant has been the demonstration of 9.4%e ciency for a 1.0-cm 2thin-?lm poly-crystalline silicon cell deposited onto Corning 7059glass by Kaneka Corporation,with this e ciency con?rmed by the Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA).This cell is only 3X 5m m thick,con?rming the potential of very thin polycrystalline silicon ?lms.Another signi?cant result in the thin-?lm area has been the improvement of e ciency for a thin self-supporting cell fabricated by Mitsubishi Electric

Table I.Con?rmed terrestrial cell and submodule e ciencies measured under the global AM 1.5spectrum

(1000W m à2)at 258C

E c.b V oc J sc F

F d Test centre e Classi?cation a

(%)Area c (cm 2)(V)(mA/cm 2)(%)(and date)Description

Silicon cells Si (crystalline)24.0 4.00(ap)0.70940.982.7Sandia (9/94)UNSW PERL Si (moderate area)23.722.1(da)0.70441.581.0Sandia (8/96)UNSW PERL

Si (multicrystalline)

18.6 1.0(ap)0.63636.580.4NREL (12/95)Georgia Tech/HEM Si (large multicrystalline)17.2100(t)0.61036.477.7JQA (3/93)Sharp (mech.textured)Si (thin crystalline)21.5 4.044(ap)0.69937.981.1Sandia (8/95)UNSW (47m m thick)Si (supported ?lm)16.60.98(ap)0.60833.581.5NREL (3/97)AstroPower (Si-Film)

Si (thin ?lm)11.0 1.03(ap)0.57025.675.5FhG-ISE ASE/ISE (30m m on SiC-graphite)Si (thin ?lm)

9.4 1.0(ap)0.48026.174.8JQA (2/97)Kaneka (3.5m m on glass)Si (large thin ?lm)16.095.8(ap)0.58935.676.3JQA (2/97)Mitsubishi (77m m thick)III±V

GaAs (crystalline cell)25.1 3.91(t) 1.02228.287.1NREL (3/90)Kopin,AlGaAs window GaAs (thin ?lm cell)23.3 4.00(ap) 1.01127.683.8NREL (4/90)Kopin,5m m CLEFT GaAs (submodule)21.016(t) 4.04 6.680NREL (4/90)Kopin (4CLEFT cells)GaAs (multicrystalline)18.2 4.011(t)0.99423.079.7NREL (11/95)RTI,Ge substrate InP (crystalline cell)21.9 4.02(t)0.87829.385.4NREL


Spire,epitaxial Polycrystalline thin ?lm CdTe (cell)

16.0 1.0(ap)0.84026.173.1JQA (3/97)Matsushita 3.5m m CSS CdTe (submodule)10.663.8(ap) 6.565 2.2671.4NREL (2/95)ANTEC

CIGS (cell)

16.4 1.025(t)0.67832.075.8NREL (11/94)NREL,CIGS on glass CIGS (submodule)14.251.7(ap) 6.808 3.168.3JQA (10/96)Showa Shell Amorphous Si a-Si (cell)f

12.7 1.0(da)0.88719.474.1JQA (4/92)Sanyo a-Si (submodule)f 12.0100(ap)12.5 1.373.5JQA (12/92)Sanyo

Multijunction cells GaInP/GaAs

30.3 4.0(t) 2.48814.2285.6JQA (4/96)Japan Energy (monolithic)GaAs/CIS (thin ?lm)25.8 4.00(t)±±±NREL (11/89)Kopin/Boeing (4-terminal)a-Si/CIGS (thin ?lm)f 14.6 2.40(ap)±±±NREL (6/88)ARCO (4-terminal)a-Si/a-Si/a-SiGe f







NREL (10/96)

USSC (monolithic)


CIGS CuInGaSe 2;a-Si amorphous silicon/hydrogen alloy.b

E c. e ciency.c

(ap) aperture area;(t) total area;(da) designated illumination area.d

FF ?ll factor.e

FhG-ISE Fraunhofer Institut fu r Solare Energiesysteme;JQA Japan Quality Assurance.f

Unstabilized results.


#1997John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.


Corporation by detachment from a crystalline silicon template.An e ciency of 16.0%was con?rmed by JQA for a 77-m m thick cell.Particularly striking is the high current density obtained from this device,indicating low reˉection loss and good light trapping within the cell structure.

Also in Table I,a slight improvement in e ciency for a CdS/CdTe cell over that previously established by South Florida University has been demonstrated by Matsushita Battery Industrial Co.Ltd.An e ciency of 16.0%for a 1-cm 2cell of 3X 5m m thickness has been con?rmed by JQA.A similarly small improvement has also been demonstrated for a CdTe submodule.This result,overlooked in previous versions of these tables,is 10.6%e ciency for a submodule fabricated by ANTEC and con?rmed at NREL.

Table II.Con?rmed terrestrial module e ciencies measured under the global AM 1.5spectrum (1000W m à2)at a

cell temperature of 258C

E c.b V oc I sc F

F d Test centre Classi?cation


(%)Area c (cm 2

)(V)(A)(%)(and date)Description

Si (crystalline)

22.7788(da) 5.60 3.9380.3Sandia (9/96)UNSW/Gochermann Si (multicrystalline)15.31017(ap)14.6 1.3678.6Sandia (10/94)Sandia/HEM CIGSS (large)11.13665(ap)26.01 2.3267.4NREL (4/97)Siemens Solar CdTe (large)

9.23366(ap)45.59 1.1062.1NREL (4/97)Golden Photon CdTe (very large)

9.1672895.00.96666.8NREL (4/96)Solar Cells,Inc.a-Si/a-SiGe/a-SiGe (tandem)e







NREL (12/93)



CIGSS CuInGaSSe;a-Si amorphous silicon/hydrogen alloy;a-SiGe amorphous silicon/germanium/hydrogen alloy.b

E c. e ciency.c

(ap) aperture area;(da) designated illumination area.d

FF ?ll factor.e

Stabilized results.

Table III.Terrestrial concentrator cell and module e ciencies measured under the direct beam AM 1.5spectrum at a

cell temperature of 258C

E c.a Concentration c Test centre Classi?cation (%)Area b (cm 2

)(suns)(and date)Description

Single cells GaAs 27.60.126(da)255Sandia (5/91)Spire

GaInAsP 27.50.075(da)171NREL (2/91)NREL,Entech cover InP

24.30.075(da)99NREL (2/91)NREL,Entech cover Si (moderate area)26.8 1.60(da)96FhG-ISE (10/95)SunPower back-contact Si (large)

21.620.0(da)11Sandia d (9/90)UNSW laser-grooved GaAs (Si substrate)21.30.126(da)237Sandia (5/91)Spire

InP (GaAs substrate)21.00.075(ap)88NREL (2/91)NREL,Entech cover

Multijunction cells GaAs/GaSb 32.60.053(da)100Sandia d (10/89)Boeing,mechanical stack

InP/GaInAs 31.80.063(da)50NREL (8/90)NREL,monolithic,3-terminal GaAs/GaInAsP 30.20.053(da)40NREL (10/90)NREL,stacked 4-terminal GaInP/GaAs 30.20.103(da)180Sandia (3/94)NREL,monolithic 2-terminal

GaAs/Si 29.60.317(da)350Sandia d (9/88)Varian/Stanford/Sandia,mech.stack Submodules GaAs/GaSb 25.141.4


57Sandia (3/93)Boeing,3mech.stack units Modules Si




Sandia (4/89)

Sandia/UNSW/ENTECH (12cells)


E c. e ciency.


(da) designated illumination area;(ap) aperture area.c

One sun corresponds to an intensity of 1000W m à2.d

Measurements corrected from originally measured values due to Sandia recalibration in January 1991.

#1997John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.



Two new results are also reported in Table II for improved performance from photovoltaic modules.A large-area Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)(CIGSS)module fabricated by Siemens Solar was measured at NREL to have an e ciency of 11.1%.This eclipsed a similar result measured in 1988for a small-area module fabricated by ARCO Solar.A second new entry in this table is an e ciency of 9.2%,also measured at NREL for a large-area CdTe module fabricated by Golden Photon.

Finally,three new results are listed in Table IV as `notable exceptions'.An e ciency of 19.2%has been con?rmed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (FhG-ISE)for a chemically vapour deposited thin silicon cell fabricated at the Institute on a SIMOX silicon wafer with a buried Si02intermediate layer.The Institute has also fabricated and con?rmed an improved e ciency of 22.0%for a cell fabricated on a Czochralski-grown (Cz)silicon substrate.A signi?cant improvement in the performance of nanocrystalline dye cells has been demonstrated for a small area cell fabricated at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)and con?rmed by FhG-ISE.


While the information provided in the tables is provided in good faith,the authors,editors and publishers cannot accept direct responsibility for any errors or omissions.


1.M.A.Green and K.Emery,`Solar cell e ciency tables',Prog .Photovolt.Res .Appl .,1,25±29(1993).

2.M.A.Green and K.Emery,`Solar cell e ciency tables (version 2)',Prog .Photovolt .Res .Appl.,1,225±228(1993).

3.M.A.Green and K.Emery,`Solar cell e ciency tables (version 3)',Prog .Photovolt .Res .Appl.,2,27±34(1994).

4.M.A.Green and K.Emery,`Solar cell e ciency tables (version 4)',Prog.Photovolt .Res .Appl .,2,231±234(1994).

5.M.A.Green,K.Emery,K.Bu cher and D.L.King,`Solar cell e ciency tables (version 5)',Prog .Photovolt .Res .Appl .,3,51±55(1995).

6.M.A.Green,K.Emery,K.Bu cher and D.L.King,`Solar cell e ciency tables (version 6)',Prog .Photovolt .Res .Appl .,3,229±233(1995).

7.M.A.Green,K.Emery,K.Bu cher and D.L.King,`Solar cell e ciency tables (version 7)',Prog .Photovolt .Res .Appl .,4,59±62(1996).

8.M.A.Green,K.Emery,K.Bu cher,D.L.King and S.Igari,`Solar cell e ciency tables (version 8)',Prog .Photovolt .Res .Appl .,4,321±325(1996).9.

M.A.Green,K.Emery,K.Bu cher,D.L.King and S.Igari,`Solar cell e ciency tables (version 9)',Prog .Photovolt .Res .Appl .,5,51±54(1997).

Table IV.`Notable exceptions':con?rmed cell and module results,not class records (global AM 1.5spectrum,

1000W m à2,258C)

E c.b V oc J sc

FF Test centre Classi?cation


(%)Area c (cm 2

)(V)(mA cm à2)(%)(and date)Description

Single cells

Si (thin crystalline)17.6 4.0(ap)0.66132.881.4Sandia (5/95)UNSW,CVD/CZ substrate Si (thin crystalline)19.2 4.0(ap)0.66837.177.5FhG-ISE (4/97)Fraunhofer ISE,CVD-SOI Si (Cz crystalline)22.0 4.0(da)0.68141.877.2FhG-ISE (12/96)Fraunhofer ISE,Cz substrate GaAs (Ge substrate)24.3 4.00(t) 1.03527.685.3NREL (3/89)ASEC,AlGaAs window CIGS (thin ?lm)17.70.413(t)0.67434.077.2NREL (3/96)NREL,CIGS on glass Photoelectrochemical 11.00.25


0.79519.471.0FhG-ISE (12/96)EPFL,nanocrystalline dye Module

Si (spheral 2module)






NREL (9/94)

Texas Instruments


CIGS CuInGaSe 2.b

E c. e ciency.c

(ap) aperture area;(t) total area.?


#1997John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.

