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154 Model Test (1)

Key to Model T est (1) Band Three

Part I. Writing

Sample Writing:

On Lifelong Learning

W ith the rapid development of modern society , lifelong learning has been increas-

ingly important. People need to improve themselves all the time by learning in order to

adapt to the fast changes and fierce competition in the society . They have to learn about

the latest development and techniques to equip themselves.

W e can ac h i eve li f e l o n g e du ca t i o n i n s eve r a l w a y s . F i r s t , you can c h oo s e d i s t a n t

education. Most famous universities have set up their own distant education college to

h e l p p e op l e r e a li z e t h e i r d r e a m s . S e c o n d l y , t h e r e are v a r i ou s k i n d s o f t r a i n i n g c ou r s e s

and night courses. People can take advantage of their spare time to learn what they are

i n t e r e s t e d i n , s u c h as E n g li s h , c o m pu t e r s k ill s and d r a w i n g . I n a dd i t i o n , p e op l e can

s t ud y a ll by t h e m s e l ve s . T h e y can r e a d boo k s i n a li b r a r y o r a boo k s t o r e i n t h e i r f r ee


I prefer to distant education provided by some universities. As is known, colleges

have e xc e ll e n t f ac u l t y , m od e r n t e ac h i n g f ac ili t i e s and s t r o n g l e a r n i n g a t m o s p h e r e . B y

distant education courses, we can enjoy these resources, learning more knowledge and

making bigger and quicker progress.

Part II. Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

1. Y . 从文中的第一段第二,三句可以了解到尼古丁的这些特性,从而判断出这一说法


2. N. 从文中第二段第二,三句可以判断出题中给出的数字是错误的。

3. N . 从文中第三段第一,五句可以了解到尼古丁对人的身体是有利也有害的,因而题


4. Y . 与文中第四段第二句内容相符,因而正确。

5. N. 与文中第五段第二句意思恰恰相反,因而错误。

6. N . 从文中第五段第九句了解到口中的皮肤可以直接吸收一部分的尼古丁,剩余的尼


7. N. 与文中第五段倒数第三句的意思恰恰相反,因而错误。

8. 10 seconds. 文中第五段倒数第二句可以找到答案。

9. the release of chemicals associated with pleasure. 文中第六段第二句可以找到答案。

10. dependent on the nicotine. 文中最后一段最后一句可以找到答案。

B and Three155 Part III. Listening Comprehension

Section A

11. D. 本题男士的回答是关键,the last person I want to see, 表明他最不想见到Johnson,


12. D. 女士在回答时说but I have to finish washing my clothes, 表明她不能去看电影。转


13. C.本题猜测说话人的关系,关键词是a r t i c l e,s h e l f,n e w s p a p e r,此外,还要根据说话


14. B. 本题第二人的回答是关键,change the shoes, 表明了对话发生的地点是在商店。

15. D. 男士说don’t waste your money and time; it’s too old,表明这辆车已经不值得修理


16. B. pickup a paper 常用语,表示顺便买来的意思。

17. C. 从女士的回答if he can’t handle i t, no one can. 表明Alex 是能够做这份工作的。

18. C. 男士的回应forget about it, 表明他的态度,觉得这并不重要。

Conversation one:

19. A. 本题猜测说话人的关系,从对话开始的go for further study,Professor Smith等句子


20. D.可以得到有关学校信息的地方,对话中提到了I n t e r n e t,w r i t e d i r e c t l y t o t h e u n i-

versities, 另外从对话内容看Smith也提供了一些信息,因而选D。

21. D. 在对话的中间部分,我们知道这位学生想请老师为她写封推荐信。

22. B. 在对话结尾部分,可以听到Smith寄出推荐信的时间是tomorrow afternoon。

Conversation two:

23. B.对话开始可以听出男士要预约看医生,女士只是在接待,因而他们的关系是接待


24. D. 对话中间男士说到了pains in my throat。

25. B. 根据对话中约好的时间9:30 t omorrow morning,可以选出正确答案。

Section B

Passage one:


26. A. 短文第一句就提到了自由女神像是法国人赠送给美国的。

27. B.此题要对选项进行排除。根据短文内容,自由女神像是由法国人建造的,A项错

误。雕像高是151f ee t,因而C项错。雕像是由法国运到美国的,因而D项错。雕像确


28. B. 1884年在巴黎建成,然后拆分运到美国,1886年在美国重新组装。

Passage two:


29. B. 短文第一句One of the goals of American education officials is to have computers for

all students, 可以得到答案。

156 Model Test (1)

30. C. 对数字的考察,文中提到1994年能够上网的公立学校仅有35%。

31. A. 文中提到每个学生的住所都能够连接上网。

Passage three:


32. D. 文中第一句提到了讲述人在伦敦最后一天的经历:visiting friends, taking pictures,

and doing some last-minute shopping ,因而答案为D 。

33. B. 讲述人为父亲买了一个闹钟。

34. B . 短文最后一句说明了他之所以被要求下飞机,就是因为闹钟的滴答声让机场检查


35. C. 根据短文最后一句可以进行判断,闹钟给他带来了很大的麻烦。

Section C

36. three-quarters 37. representing 38. global 39. attraction

40. overpopulation 41. necessities 42. decent 4. adequate

44. and therefore cannot afford decent h ousing

45. as well as urban centers throughout t he developing world

46. with the United Nations predicting half of the world ’s population is expected to be liv-

ing in cities by next y ear .

Part IV. Reading Comprehension( Reading in Depth)

Section A

47. O . d e t e r m i n e 根据所在位置,此空要用一个动词。选项中所给的d e fi n e (下定义), m e a -

sure(衡量), attain(达到), determine(决定)中只有determine 含义合适。

48. F . c o n s i d e r a b l y 此空要用一个副词,选项中给了三个副词,根据上下文,该句是要说

明人脑有很大的不同,故而选择considerably 。

49. J. environmentally 此空要用副词,根据上文的提示,这里是要说明如果人遇到环境的


50. D . li k e l y 此空要用形容词,从所给的四个形容词中,只有li k e l y 用于i t ’s li k e l y t h a t …的


51. H. attain 此空要用动词,根据意思,是要表明达到所能达到的水平,因而选attain 。

52. G. identical 此空要用形容词,identical twins 固定搭配,表示同卵双胞胎。

53. K. separate 此空要用形容词,表示他们被分开寄养在不同的家庭。

54. I . r e a r e d 此空表被动,要用动词的过去分词形式,表示被抚养。A b a n do n e d 表示被遗


55. C . m e a s u r e 此空为不定式结构,要用动词原形,表示测试他们的智商,因而选m e a -

sure 。

56. A. average 此空要用名词,表示高于平均水平。

Section B

Passage 1 讲述与奥运会主办城市相关的知识。

57. B . 此题考察猜词能力,根据上下文的内容,这里表示被淘汰,因而选excluded 。

B and Three

58. A.根据文章第一段第三句,我们知道只有赢得了多数选票,才能赢得奥运会的主办


59. D.根据文章第一段第五句,我们知道国际奥委会在决定主办城市时要考虑该城市的


60. C.从第二段的第一句,我们知道一旦决定了主办城市,就要由该城市的组委会筹措


61. C.文中第二段的倒数第二句,暗示了并不是所有的主办城市都会从奥运会的主办中


Passage 2 讲述美国大学教育的有关内容。

62. A. 此题考察细节,从文中第一段的第二句中可以找到答案。

63. C.从文中第一段的最后一句知道,虽然学生可以在不同的大学选修课程,可在实际


64. D.此题考察根据上下文判断词义的能力,p r o s p e c t i ve此外表示未来的雇主,因而选


65. D. 从文中第二段的倒数第三句知道,如果学生违纪,就会受到学生法庭的审判。

66. D.从文中第二段的第一句和最后一句知道,学生的学业成绩及在学生组织中的任职


Part V. Cloze

67. B. but 对连词的考察,根据前后句子的关系,要用转折关系的词but。And表示顺接,


68. C. with 对介词的考察。这里要用表示“与?在一起”含义的with。from表来自,about


69. A.i n v o l v i n g对意思相近词的考察。I n v o l v i n g表示涉及到,词形、意思都合适;r e f e r-

r i n g与t o搭配,表示关于;c o n c e r n e d表示关心的;r e l a t e d与t o搭配,表示与??有


70. C.a ff e c t i o n对近形异义词的考察。A l t e r n a t i ve选择;a ss i g n m e n t安排,任务;a ff e c-


71. A.T h ou g h对连词的考察。t h ou g h虽然;s t ill而且,还是;n o w t h a t既然;b e ca u s e因


72. B. free 对固定搭配的考察。feel free to do sth.随意做什么,在上下文中也符合逻辑。其

它选项在上下文中的意思不合适;另外,feel like doing sth.

73. A.d i ve r s e对形容词含义的考察。d i ve r s e不同的;f a m ili a r熟悉的;v a r i ou s各种的;


74. C. in 对介词短语的考察,in part部分地。

75. D.i n fl u e n c e对动词词义的考察,i n ve s t i g a t e调查;i n fli c t施加;i n f e c t传染;i n fl u e n c e


76. A.d i s a pp r o v a l对近形异义词的考察。d i s a pp r o v a l不赞成;d i s a g r ee m e n t不一致;d i s-

s a t i s f ac t i o n不满意;d i s c ou r a g e m e n t灰心。只有d i s a pp r o v a l在意思和搭配上合适,d i s-

approval of sth.不赞成某事。

77. B.m ob ili t y对近形名词的考察。m i n o r i t y少数;m ob ili t y流动性;m u l t i t ud e大量;


158 Model Test (1)

fl e x i b ili t y 灵活性。根据上下文,这里应用m ob ili t y , 表示当今年轻人爱四处起动,流动


78. B . pu r s u e 对动词的考察。p r e s e r ve 保持;pu r s u e 追求;p e r f o r m 进行;po ss e ss 拥有。

Pursue careers 追求事业,符合逻辑。

79. C . once 对连词的考察。u n l e ss 除非;u n t il 直到;o n c e 一旦;h o w eve r 然而。这里表示

一旦他们离开家,就很有可能会与自己不同社会类别的人约会或结婚,因此选C 。

80. B . ou t s i d e 对介词含义的考察。根据上下文,这里要表示与自己不同社会圈子的人,

因而选B 。

81. D . n e i t h e r 考察固定句型,bo t h …a n d 既?也?;e i t h e r …o r ?或者?或者;n e i t h e r …

nor 既不…,也不…。

82. C. on 对固定介词短语的考察,on the rise 在增加。

83. A . u n c o mm o n 对形容词含义的考察,u n c o mm o n 不寻常的;e x t r a o r d i n a r y 非比寻常

的;ordinary 普通的;normal 正常的。

84. A . m a i n t a i n 对动词词义的考察,m a i n t a i n 保持;e n s u r e 保证;a ss u r e 确信;g u a r a n t ee

保证。Maintain friendships 保持友谊。

85. D. raise 对动词词义的考察,restore 恢复;reject 拒绝;retire 退休;raise 抚养。Raise a

family 养家。

86. D. have been 对时态的考察。后半句子中有since ,因而应选现在完成时have been 。

Part VI.

T r anslation (5 minutes) 87. reduce t he amount of pollution coming from industries and stop d eforestation.

本题结合了课文中所学习的词组,pollution, deforestation.

88. once we reach t he point of no return

同样,也是对课文内容的考察,reach t he point of no return.

89. money had become king.


90. the air we breathe and the water w e drink.


91. This is especially true of developed c ountries

对词组be true of …的考察。

B and Three159

Key to Unit 1

Part III. Listening Comprehension


Section A:

Directions: I n this section, you will h e a r8 s ho r t c on v e r s a t i on s and 2 long c on v e r s a t i on s.At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the con-

v e r s a t i on s and the questions will be spoken only once. A f t e r each question t h e r e will be a

pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A ), B), C) and D), and de-

cide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a

single line through the centre.

11. W:I’ve r e c e i ve d an e-m a il f r o m J o hn s o n.It s a i d he w ou l d v i s i t t h e G r e a t W a ll n e x t

week. Shall we go with him?

M: Oh! He is the last person in the world I want to see.

Q: What does the man mean?

12. M: M i ss i o n I m po ss i b l e i s a g r e a t ac t i o n m o v i e.L u c k il y,I g o t t w o t i c k e t s.W ou l d you

like to go with me this evening?

W:I really hope so, but I have to finish washing my clothes.

Q: What does the woman imply?

13. M: I need to get t his article. Which shelf should I go to?

W:O h!“M E”s t a n d s f o r“t h e s t a t e o f M a i n e,”s o t h i s n e w s p a p e r w a s pub li s h e d i n

Maine. But, w e don’t have it.

Q: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

14. W: Are you being served, sir? What can I do for you?

M: Y es,I want to change these shoes. They’re so large.

Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?

15. W:I can’t understand what’s wrong with my car.It was just two weeks ago that I had it


M: D o n’t w a s t e y ou r t i m e and m o n e y any m o r e.I t’s a ve r y o l d car and i s qu i t e w o r n


Q: What does the man mean?

16. M: I’m going to the snack b ar for a cup of coffee. W ould you like me to bring y ou back


W: Could you pickup a paper for me? Not far from the snack b ar.

Q: What does the man ask t he woman to do?

17. M: I doubt if Alex can handle a job l ike this.

W:W ell,if he can’t handle i t, no one can.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

18. W:I do n’t k n o w how I m a n a g e d t o b r e a k t h a t p l a tt e r.I’ll be m o r e t h a n happy t o buy

you a new one.

160 Model Test (1)

M: Forget about it. Some things just can’t b e helped.

Q: What’s the man’s attitude?

Now you will hear two long conversations.

Conversation one

M:I understand you’d like to go for further study.

W:Y es,Professor Smith. I’d like to very much. Could you tell me where I might get

some information about colleges and universities?

M:Y es,the Internet should h ave some catalogs.

W:Thank you.

M:I t’s m y p l e a s u r e.O f c ou r s e, you can a l s o w r i t e d i r e c t l y t o any u n i ve r s i t y f o r i t s


W:Could you write a letter of recommendation for me? I am applying for admission

to the University of California for postgraduate studies.

M:Ah, that’s a good university.Sure, I’d be happy to write you one.

W:Thank you very m uch. When can I pick it up?

M: Y ou do n’t have t o.A m e r i ca n u n i ve r s i t i e s p r e f e r t o have a l e tt e r o f r e c o mm e n d a-

tion sent directly from the people who write them. Just leave me some information

about where you want it sent, and I’ll have it in the mail b y tomorrow afternoon.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

20.Where can he get t he information about colleges and universities?

21.What does the woman ask t he man to do?

22.When does the man send the letter?

Conversation two

W:Hello, this is Dr.Green’s office. May I help y ou?

M:I’d like to make an appointment to see the doctor.

W:W ell,what’s wrong with you?

M:I’ve had severe pains in my throat.

W:What time do you think is convenient?

M:I really am in pain s o I would like an appointment as soon as possible.

W:What about tomorrow morning?

M:Y es,that would be fine.

W:Is 9:30 o kay?


W:I need s o m e i n f o r m a t i o n f o r y ou r r e c o r d.C ou l d you p l e a s e g i ve m e y ou r f u ll

name, address, phone number and insurance coverage?


Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23.What is the probable relationship b etween the two speakers?

B and Three161

24.Where is the man’s pain?

25.What is the man going to do?

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passages and the questions will be spoken only once. A f t e r you h e a r a

question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A ), B ), C) and D ).

Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

O n e o f t h e m o s t f a m ou s m o n u m e n t s i n t h e w o r l d,t h e S t a t u e o f L i b e r t y,w a s p r e s e n t e d t o t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i ca i n t h e n i n e t ee n t h c e n t u r y by t h e p e op l e o f

F r a n c e.T h e g r e a t s t a t u e,w h i c h w a s d e s i g n e d by t h e s c u l p t o r A u g u s t e B a r t h o l d i,t oo k

t e n years t o c o m p l e t e.T h e ac t u a l f i g u r e w a s m a d e o f c opp e r s uppo r t e d by a m e t a l

f r a m e w o r k w h i c h had been e s p e c i a ll y c o n s t r u c t e d by E i ff e l.B e f o r e it c ou l d be t r a n s-

ported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.

The site chosen was on an island at the entrance of New Y ork Harbor.By 1884, a statue

which was 151 feet tall, h ad been erected in Paris.

The following year,it was taken to pieces and sent to America. By the end of Oc- tober 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the

American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol

o f li b e r t y f o r t h e m illi o n s o f p e op l e who have p a ss e d t h r ou g h N e w Y o r k H a r bo r t o m a k e

their homes in America.

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. Who presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States of America?

27. Which of the following about the Statue of Liberty is true?

28. When was the statue put together again in America?

Passage Two

One of the goals of American education officials is to have all public schools con- n e c t e d t o t h e I n t e r n e t c o m pu t e r s y s t e m and have c o m pu t e r s f o r a ll s t ud e n t s.G o ve r n-

ment studies show that in 1994 only thirty-fivepercent of American public schools were

connected t o the Internet. Last y ear,that number reached e ighty-nine percent.

V i r g i n i a P o l y t e c hn i c I n s t i t u t e and S t a t e U n i ve r s i t y i s a l a r g e u n i ve r s i t y i n t h e s ou t h-

e r n s t a t e o

f V i r

g i n i a.O f fi c i a l s a t V i r g i n i a T e c

h s a y c o m pu t e r s are ve r y

i m po r t a n t t o a

student’s education. All students at V irginia T ech have been required to have a computer

since 1998.

E ac h s t ud e n t’s li v i n g area a t V i r g i n i a T e c h h a s t h e n e c e ss a r y w i r e s t o li n k a c o m-

puter to the Internet. The students can send and receive electronic mail, use the W orld

W ide W eb part of the Internet and link with other universities, all without leaving their

room. They can also use their computers to send electronic copies of their school work

to their teachers. And they c an search for books in the school’s huge library.

162 Model Test (1)

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. What are officials r equired to do in all public schools in America?

30. I n1994,how m a n y A m e r i ca n pub li c s c h oo l s w e r e c o nn e c t e d t o t h e I n t e r n e t

computer system?

31. Where do students at V irginia T ech link their computers to the Internet?

Passage Three

I had spent my last day in London visiting friends, taking pictures, and doing some

last-minute shopping. Among other things, I had bought some presents: a shirt for my

brother,a woollen blanket for my sister,and a battery-powered alarm clock for my fa-


A f t e r t r a ve lli n g i n a c r o w d e d bu s and w a i t i n g i n t h e n o i s y a i r po r t bu il d i n g,I w a s

glad to be sitting in the plane at last. In a few minutes we would be asked to fasten our

seat belts and to stop smoking, and then we would soon be up in the sky on our flight to


But I had been mistaken. T en minutes later,instead of enjoying the beauty of the

eve n i n g s k y f r o m h i g h above t h e c l oud s,I w a s s i tt i n g i n a s m o k e-fill e d r oo m w i t h an

airline official and a police officer at my side. On the table in front of me was one of my


The officials were very polite. They asked me to show them my passpo rt,my tic ke t,

and my baggage check. Then I was requested to open the suitcase and to spread out its

contents on the table.

I did as I was told. The moment I placed the alarm clock on the table, the two of-

ficials looked at each other a nd smiled.

H e a r i n g t h e c l o c k t i c k i n g a w a y m e rr il y,I s udd e n l y u n d e r s t ood.S o m e o n e m u s t have

h e a r d t h e t i c k i n g n o i s e c o m i n g f r o m m y s u i t ca s e and t h ou g h t t h e r e w a s a t i m e bo m b

hidden in it.

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32. How did the man spend his last day in London?

33. What present did he buy for his father?

34. Why did the man get o ff the plane t en minutes later?

35. Which of the following statements is true?

Section C: Compound Dictation

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time,

you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have

just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing informa-

tion. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down

the main points in you own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you

B and Three163 should check what you have written.

T oday, there are 20 megacities around the world——(36) three-quarters of them in developing nations like India. By 2015, the United Nations says there will be at least

22 megacities, (37) representing five p ercent of the (38) global population.

Employment and educational opportunities are the main (39) attraction of urban centers. But hopes for a better life are often dashed as (40) overpopulation puts a huge

s t r a i n on c i t i e s’i n f r a s t r u c t u r e s and t h e i r a b ili t y t o p r o v i d e b a s i c(41)n e c e ss i t i e s—li k e

clean water a nd a (42) decent p lace to live.

M a n y r u r a l m i g r a n t s who c o m e t o B o m b a y f a il t o fi n d(43)a d e qu a t e w o r k,(44) and therefore cannot afford decent housing.The W orld Bank says 54 percent of Bom-

bay’s15 million residents live in slums.

T h e p r ob l e m o f m i g r a t i o n-c r e a t i n g-s l u m s i s s h a r e d by I n d i a’s o t h e r t w o m e g ac i- ties, Delhi and Calcutta, (45) as well as urban centers throughout the developing world.

T h e p r ob l e m i s p r e ss i n g,(46)w i t h t h e U n i t e d N a t i o n s p r e d i c t i n g h a l f o f t h e w o r l d’s

population is expected to be living in cities b y next y e a r.

164 Model Test (2)

Key to Model T est (2) Band Three

Part I. Writing (30minutes)

Sample Writing:

Making Friends Online

W i t h t h e d eve l op m e n t o f h i g h t e c hn o l o g y , c o m pu t e r s are p l a y i n g a m o r e and

more important role in our daily life. A lot of people, esp. young people prefer to make

friends online rather than go out to meet friends in person. In their opinion, they can

s a ve t i m e and e n e r g y by t a l k i n g w i t h o t h e r p e op l e t h r ou g h c o m pu t e r s . W h a t ’s m o r e ,

making friends online is considered a fashion and young people alwayswant to keep up

with the fashion.

There is no doubt people can benefit a lot from making friends online. On the one

hand, it can save time and money for people and give them more free time which is very

precious in this h ighl y compet itiv e society . On the other hand, peop le can mak e more

friends than they u sed to do because i t is very c onvenient to make friends this way .

H o w eve r , j u s t as each c o i n h a s t w o s i d e s , m a k i n g f r i e n d s o n li n e s o m e t i m e s m a y

bring us problems. Since people don ’t need to meet each other face to face, many give

false information and cheat online, while, at the same time, they are being cheated, too.

In addition, people spend all their free time sitting and chatting in front of their com -

pu t e r s , w h i c h m a y ca u s e h e a l t h p r ob l e m s . T h e r e f o r e , w e m u s t a v o i d t h e e x t r e m e s and

have a proper attitude towards m aking friends online.

Part II. R e a d i n g C o mp r e h e n s i o n (Skimming and S c a nn i n g ) (15m i nu t e s )

1. Y . 根据文章的大标题可知道本文的主旨是如何扩大词汇量,同时第一个小标题的最


2. Y . 答题的关键词是Paul T . Rankin 出现在第一段第三行,文中提到“spent 70 percent

of his waking time doing one thing .”即和题目相一致。

3. Y . 根据题目中的介绍主体可找出对应的第二段 ,s h o w 对应d i s c o ve r ,后面的宾语从

句中’vocabulary ,more than any other factor yet known ,predicts financial success.”可


4. NG. 根据文章的第一个 小标题的第三行可知,上下文中的词汇对于文章的理解起着



5. N. 题目中提到的状语从句可找到在第二个标题的第一行,该句叙述了百分之八十四

的人会查字典 ,但是这种方法避开了使你充分发挥思维的过程。因此该题不正确。

6. Y . 在文章的第三个小标题的倒数第三行阐述词的前缀和词根可以使你的词汇量迅速


7. N . 文章的第四个小标题中阐述了为什么应该最后查字典而不是应该先查,接下来


B and Three


8. communicators根据题目中的a better thinker 可找到出自第三段第四行as well as 相并列


9. M ax i m u m r e s u l t s第一个小标题的第三段阐述了杂交玉米把几种好质量的不同品种的


10. a better memory of both word and meaning 第四个标题的第二段第二行阐述了你激起


Part III. Listening Comprehension


Section A


19-22 B C A C

23-25 C B D

Section B

26-29 C B B A30-32 D A A33-35 B A C

Section C

36. population 37. ambitious. 38. definitely39. miniature.

40. figure41. survey 42. households 43.dramatically

44. estimates show about 28 percent immigrants i n New Y ork City

45. New Y ork’s immigrant population is highly diverse.

46. People representing 167 nationalities live there, speaking 116 languages.

Part IV. Reading Comprehension( Reading in Depth) (25minutes)

Section A

47. B.e x t e n s i ve根据空格处需要填个形容词或相当于形容词功能的词修饰s e a r c h,由于空

格前冠词为a n,可将范围缩小到e x t e n s i ve(指量的方面的广泛的,广阔的。);e x p a n-

sive ,(空间范围方面的可扩大的和伸展的),根据句意思可知前着更合适。

48. K. applicants. 这里需要填个名词指文章中选的人,只有这个词后缀指人。

49. I.r e s i g n e d.这里需要个动词作w h o引导的定语从句的谓语动词,而且应该是过去

时态。因为没有宾语,这个动词需是不及物动词,其中的r e f i n e,精炼,提纯(糖,

油,矿石);r e g a i n,恢复(视力,视觉,自由),h o s t主办或主持(活动),招待


50. F.u n doub t e d l y,根据句子需要一个副词作状语,且与t h e b e s t相呼应。其中a pp r o x i-

mately 修饰时间数量的的副词,指大约地大概地放在此处合适。

51. H.h a n d l e,这里需要一个动词原形,可将范围缩小到d e a l(不及物动词,需要接介词

w i t h才能带宾语)。e xc h a n g e,(交换,交流,)c h a r g e(索价),本句是说他能够应付


52. M.h o n o r a b l e.这里需要一个形容词或相当于形容词功能的词,根据全句应选个与

166 Model Test (2)

e x h a u s t i n g 相对比的形容词。范围缩小到h o n o r a r y (荣誉的,名誉的,经常作定语),


53. A. in charge o f 是固定搭配

54. E. responsible.这里的介词搭配可选词组be responsible for 对?负责。

55. O . h o s t e d ,根据空白后面的b y 可判断此处填个动词的过去分词,句子意思可知选O 合


56. D. approximately . 这是一个省略系动词的句子,approximately 大约意思恰当。 Section B

57. B . 推断题。由文章第一段最后一句可知,由于我们每个人天生的能力和后天成长的



58. D . 语义题。结合文章第二段第二句中的poo r s h e p h e r d (贫穷的牧羊人)和选项可以推

断,D 项economical (节约的)正确。

59. D . 细节题。文章第二段倒数第二句指出,有的人已经很富有了却认为自己不成功是

因为他们是根据自己的目标判断成功与否的,所以D 正确.

60. C . 推断题。文章最后一句指出,在没有尽全力做自己喜欢的事而失败之前,失败都



61. A . 主旨题。本文第一句是全文的主题句,即每个人对成功的定义都不同,在接下来

的几段中作者从不同角度定义了成功,所以A 正确。

62. A. 是非判断题。A 、B 、D 原文中均提到。对照第一段。

63. B. 是非判断题。对照第二段。

64. D. 细节题。见第三段最后一句话。D 项为同义转换。

65. C. 词义题。见第三段倒数第二句。通过上文可推测the individual 是指作弊的学生。。

66. A. 主旨大意题。从第二段第一句Why is student cheating on the rise?起作者着手剖析

作弊的原因,并未提到B 惩罚措施C 解决方案。D 教育体制是作弊的主要原因之一,


Part V. Cloze (15minutes)

67. A . 本题考语义搭配关系l oo k f o r 寻找,ca ll f o r 号召,a pp e a l t o , 吸引为固定搭配,句

意思为 “寻求的东西”。所以A 正确。

68. B. 本题考查习惯用法expect sb. of sth. 意为“从某人出期望事情。本句意思为他们从朋


69. D . 本题考查关系代词的用法,根据后面的s a t i s f i e d 可知选满意的程度。即为h o w 符合


70. B . 本题考查名词辨析。选项A 、D 均表示“结果”,可排除;选项C 为“收入”之义,用

在此处不符合上下文语义关系;选项B )已在上文提及,即他们期望从朋友那儿得到什


71. B . 本题形容词的考查辨析。这儿指独一无二的形式,而A 是指典型的,C 是指专门

的,D 是指仅仅,只有。

B and Three

72. B. 本题考查不同的句子意思,bond 意为“纽带”,bind 作名词指讨厌的事情。这儿用



73. D.本题考查动词搭配。本句上下文提到了友谊看来是人类结合关系的独一无二的形




74. A.本题考查动词。根据题意此处应选与l a w(法律)能够搭配的动词,婚姻或父母亲与

孩子们之间的纽带关系是由法律来界定和调节的,而r e g i s t e r e d为,注册登记。r e-

corded ,登记记录,reconstructed为重组,重建。都不符合句子的意思。

75. B. 本题考查搭配关系play roles(扮演角色)为习惯搭配,所以惟有D正确。

76. C. 本题考查形容词辨析。C意为“职业的,其他均不是形容词,故C正确。

77. B. A指法律,C是个形容词,指主要的,D指本质,只有B指规则,句子意思为;事情


78. D.本题考查动词的搭配,根据意思为能够引起两个人之间的真爱感情的产生,而

generate 指产生电,热等。encounter 指遇见,碰见,都不符合此处。所以D正确。

79. A.本题考查名词辨析。A ff e c t i o n指二者间的感情,p a ss i o n指激情,d e f e c t i o n,指叛


80. A. 本题考查动词辨析confirm意为证明,证实。其他均为干扰项,reform指改革,d e-


81. C. 本题选betray的名词形式betrayal。

82. C. 本句选定语从句的引导词指人即为those ,

83. A.本题考查比较级。本句句意为:调查结果也表明,读者不仅在志趣相投的人中找

朋友,也在种族、宗教背景不同的人中找朋友。m o s t和l e a s t为最高级,前面应加定冠

词t h e,所以二者均可排除。根据题意,这里应选m o r e,因1e ss与题意相反,所以A正

84. B.本题考查动词的搭配,本句子的意思为,调查结果也表明,读者不仅在志趣相投


85. B.本题考查动词的搭配辨析。e m e r g e…f r o m指从??中出现,a r i s e…f o r m.指由??


86. A. 本题考查上下文逻辑关系,not …but

Part VI. T r anslation (5 minutes)

87. More students will enter into colleges and universities this year (thanks to the continu-

ing expansion of college enrolment/enrollment).

88. Straddling the wide River Neva, the city (is made up of almost 50 islands connected by

some 310 bridges).

89. Why is it that people of the English-speaking world (take for granted that people of the

rest of the world should speak English/take it for granted that people of the rest of the

world should s peak E nglish)?

90. W h a t w e are do i n g i s t o b r i d g e t h e gap b e t w ee n t h e s c i e n t i s t s and t h e m a r k e t,(c o n ve r t i n g


168 Model Test (2)

their research achievements into commercial products).

91. W e have been told that (under n o circumstances/in no cases may we) use the telephone

in the office for personal affairs.

B and Three169

Key to Unit 2

Part III. Listening Comprehension


Section A:

Directions: I n this section, you will h e a r8 s ho r t c on v e r s a t i on s and 2 long c on v e r s a t i on s.At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the con-

v e r s a t i on s and the questions will be spoken only once. A f t e r each question t h e r e will be a

pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A ), B), C) and D), and de-

cide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a

single line through the centre.

11. W: Thomas is very g ood at music.

M: Y es,he used to like piano and harmonica, but now he prefers guitar.

Q: What does Thomas enjoy p laying?

12. W: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get t o the post o ffice?

M: Sorry,I’m a stranger here myself. Why don’t you ask t he policeman over there?

Q: What did the man suggest to the woman?

13. M: Ruth bought a computer the other day,but she found it was broken down and she

can’t work on it.

W: And she made the store replace it for her. Q:

What can we learn from the conversation?

14. M: Did you go to the c oncert?

W:W e ll,I had i n t e n d e d t o,bu t I changed m y m i n d a t t h e l a s t m i n u t e and s t a y e d a t

home to watch TV instead.

Q: What did the woman do last night?

15. M: How about having a meal before we go to the dance party?

W:What a good idea!

Q: What will they d o next?

16. W: Stop for a minute. I’d like to look at this vase in the window.

M: Why not go inside and see if we can get s ome drawings t o decorate our room?

Q: Where are they s tanding?

17. M: How about going to the cinema with me tonight, Jane?

W:I’d really love t o, but my parents expect me at home before 9:00 and we’ll l eave to

meet my aunt at 11:00 a t the airport.

Q: Why didn’t Jane a ccept the man’s invitation?

18. W:I don’t think Li Jiang is one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever b een to.

M: Me, either.

Q: What does the man mean?

170 Model Test (2)

Now you will hear two long conversations.

Conversation one

M:English department, Steven s peaking.

W:Hello, Professor W ebster. This is Clarie calling. I live two doors down from your

t e ac h i n g a ss i s t a n t,L o r i W illi a m s.L o r i a s k e d m e t o ca ll you b e ca u s e s h e h a s l o s t

her voice and can’t talk to you herself.

M:Lost her voice? That’s too bad. I s there anything I can do for her?

W:W ell,she has a class this afternoon from two thirty to four,and she won’t be able

to make it. But she doesn’t want to cancel it either.

M:Does she want me to try to find somebody else to teach it?

W:No, not exactly.What she wants to do is to get someone to go in for her,just to

pass back the midterm exam. She’s already marked them, and they’re on the desk

in her office. The whole thing won’t takemore than…eh, ten minutes or so.

M:T wo thirty,you say? W ell,I’m free then, and I am going to be on campus anyway,

so I could d o it for her.Where’s her class?

W:B u il d i n g11,R oo m210.W ill you need h e r o f fi c e key t o g e t t h e e xa m s?I c ou l d

bring i t to you.

M:W e ll,ac t u a ll y,t h a t w o n’t be n e c e ss a r y.W e have a m a s t e r key i n t h e E n g li s h D e-

partment, so I can get i nto her office..

W:Thank you, P rofessor W ebster.

M:My pleasure.

W:Lori doesn’t have another class to teach until Thursday,and hopefully she will be

able to talk by then. She’ll call you as soon as she can. Oh, and …eh…I almost for-


M:Y es?

W:Could you put the next assignment on the board too? They should finish the com-

position at the end of Unit Eight and that’s due at the n ext c lass.

M:OK. No trouble at all. Thanks for the news about Lori and tell her not to worry

about this.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19.What is the most probable relationship b etween the two speakers?

20.Why does Clarie make a phone call?

21.What does she want the Professor to do?

22.When will Lori have another c lass to teach?

Conversation two

W:I saw on TV last n ight that an old lady was knocked over b y a vehicle.

M:W as she seriously injured?

W:I think so. But she had been lying there helplessly for some time before the police

arrived at the scene. The driver drove off and passers-by pretended n ot to see her.

M:That’s incredible. How could t hey b e so cold-hearted?

W:Horrible, isn’t it? Some people a re so mean.

M:Suppose you had been one of the passers-by,what would you have done?

B and Three


W:I would have rushed her to a hospital and notified her family as soon as possible.

M:So would I. It’s only right to offer a helping hand to those i n need. D on’t you think


W:Absolutely.I wish everyone i n our society would be more caring.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

23.What’s the passage mainly about?

24.What’s the problem of the old lady?

25.What should we do suppose we had been on the spot according to the conversa-


Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passages and the questions will be spoken only once. A f t e r you h e a r a

question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A ), B ), C) and D ).

Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

While traveling abroad, Mr.Jackson Frank ran short of money.So he wrote to his brother,asking for $ 500. “Send the money by telegram,”he wrote, “to the Fisher Bank

in P…”.

After a week he began calling at the Fisher Bank. He showed his passport. “Noth- ing has come for you,”he was told. This went on for two weeks, and Mr.Frank got very

worried. He sent a telegram to his brother,asking where the money was. There was no

reply,and no money arrived for him.

I n t h e f ou r t h w ee k,M r.F r a n k w a s a rr e s t e d f o r f a ili n g t o pay h i s h o t e l b ill.H i s

passport was taken from him. He tried to explain the problem, but no one believed him.

He was sent to prison for sixty days.

When he came out, he went immediately to the Fisher Bank. The clerk he spoke to was a new man. “Have you received $500 for me? ”he asked. “My name is Jackson


The clerk checked his books. “Y es,Mr.Jackson, it’s here. It came by telegram—let m e s ee—o h,m o r e t h a n t w o m o n t h s a g o.W e w o n d e r e d w h e r e you w e r e.”H e s h o w e d

Mr.Frank the order.

The order r ead: “Pay Mr.Frank Jackson the sum of $500….”

“But my name is Jackson Frank, not Frank Jackson.”

“Oh, that’s all right, sir.It was in our books under the letter ‘J’, but it’s your mon- ey.”The clerk laughed. “A human mistake, sir! W e’re all human beings, aren’t we? And

so we all make mistakes. A family name like Frank sounds strange to me.”

Mr.Frank was silent. He really wanted to hit somebody.At last he said, “A human mistake—is that what you call it? I think some humans need kicking.”

172 Model Test (2)

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. Why didn’t Jackson just g o to his brother and get s ome money?

27. What did Jackson begin to do a week after he had written to his brother?

28. Why was Jackson arrested a nd sent to prison?

29. Why did the clerks put his name under the wrong letter?

Passage Two

C h il d r e n are c u r i ou s a bou t t h e w o r l d a r ou n d t h e m.F o r e xa m p l e,t h e y w a n t t o

know how their hearts beat. They want to know why the o cean water t astes salty.

A s c h il d r e n g r o w up,t h e y b e c o m e c u r i ou s a bou t d i ff e r e n t k i n d s o f t h i n g s.W h e n

they are babies, they are interested in the parts of their bodies and in the smiles of their

m o t h e r s.T h e n t h e y b e c o m e i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e p h y s i ca l w o r l d a r ou n d t h e m:t h e p l a n t s,

t h e a n i m a l s, and t h e s k y.L a t e r,t h e y b e c o m e i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e t h i n g s t h a t p e op l e have

made: wheels, bicycles, cars. And when they are adults, their curiosity continues. Some-

times t his curiosity leads to a career in science.

Scientists spend their lives trying to find out about the world. Those who work with

the earth sciences study the earth, the oceans, and the skies. Other scientists who study

li v i n g t h i n g s w o r k w i t h t h e b i o l o g i ca l s c i e n c e s.A t h i r d g r oup o f s c i e n t i s t s s t ud y t h e

physical sciences, e.g. physics and chemistry.

T h e s e s c i e n t i s t s have a l r e a d y d i s c o ve r e d a l o t a bou t ou r w o r l d.F o r e xa m p l e,t h e y

can tell us why your heart beats fast when you run. They say that when you are quiet,

your heart normally beats sixty-five or seventy-five times a minute. Y our heart is a pump

t h a t pu m p s b l ood t o a ll p a r t s o f t h e bod y.T h e b l ood ca rr i e s oxygen and n u t r i t i o n.

When you run, your muscles work very hard and use the nutrition that the blood carries

to them. The muscles need oxygen, too. So your brain sends a signal to the heart. The

signal means that the muscles need more nutrition and oxygen. Then the heart beats fast

and sends b lood quickly to the muscles. It may beat 90 to 140 times a minute.

Of course, scientists cannot answer all of our questions. If we ask, “Why does the

ocean water taste salty?”scientists will say that the salt comes from rocks. When a rock

gets very hot or very cold, it cracks. Rain falls into the cracks. The rain then carries the

salt into the earth and into the rivers. The rivers carry the salt into the ocean. But then

w e a s k,“W h a t h a pp e n s t o t h e s a l t i n t h e ocean? T h e ocean do e s n o t g e t s a l t i e r eve r y

year.”Scientists are not sureabout the a nswer to this question.

W e k n o w a l o t a bou t ou r w o r l d,bu t t h e r e are s t ill m a n y a n s w e r s t h a t w e do n o t

have, and we are curious.

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

31. What do your muscles n eed when you run?

32. Why are people a lways curious?

Passage Three

What do you do if you are hit in the mouth and one of your teeth is knocked out?

B and Three173

A dentist may be able to put the tooth b ack in for you, b ut you have to get t o the dentist

first. In the meantime, you have to store the tooth s o that it will stay healthy.

T h e s i m p l e s t t h i n g t o do i s t o pu t t h e t oo t h back i n t o y ou r m ou t h,o r you c ou l d pu t it i n m il k.F r a n k C ou r t s, a d e n t i s t a t t h e U n i ve r s i t y o f F l o r i d a,w o r k e d w i t h o t h e r

researchers to find the safest way of keeping knocked-out teeth. He tried putting teeth

into milk, into water, and into cell-culture medium. He also tried just drying the teeth

in the open air.He used teeth that had to be removed from people’s mouths for various

reasons. The teeth were put into one of the solutions or stored in the air for one hour.

T h e n c e ll s f r o m t h e r oo t o f t h e t ee t h w e r e s c r a p e d o ff t h e t ee t h.D r.C ou r t s and t h e

others then studied how healthy these cells w ere.

The cell-culture medium worked best to keep a knocked-out tooth healthy outside the mouth. However,few people keep cell-culture medium handy at home or in school.

The next best thing was milk. But Dr.Courts said that the best thing of all was to wash

the tooth and put it right back into its socket in the mouth. For some people, though,

this is just too painful or upsetting. So milk will do, until you get your tooth (and your

mouth) to a dentist.

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33. What is the passage mainly about?

34. W h a t i s t h e b e s t w a y t o s t o r e a k n o c k e d-ou t t oo t h h e a l t h il y ou t s i d e t h e


35. What did Dr Courts test on?

Section C: Compound Dictation

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time,

you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have

just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing informa-

tion. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down

the main points in you own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you

should check what you have written.

Immigration: New Y ork

N e w Y o r k e r s li k e t o ca ll t h e i r c i t y“t h e ca p i t a l o f t h e w o r l d”.T h e r e s u l t s o f a n e w(36)popu l a t i o n s u r ve y s h o w t h a t even if t h e n a m e i s p e r h a p s a li tt l e t oo(37)

ambitious,the city (38) definitely may claim t o be the w orld in (39) m i n i a t u r e.

T wo out of every five New Y orkers were born outside the United States. That

(40) figure is based on the results of a citywide (41) survey of more than 15 thousand

(42) households conducted by the United States Census Bureau. Andrew Beveridge,

a sociologist who analyzed the data, says the foreign-born population in New Y ork

has increased (43)dramatically during t he last 10 years.

I n1990,t h e c e n s u s(44)e s t i m a t e s s h o w a bou t28 p e r c e n t i mm i g r a n t s i n N e w

Y ork City,and in the 1999 surveyyou get about 40 percent immigrants. If you look
