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How to Make Everybody Happy

Peter's uncle lived in the country. Once Peter went to stay with him for a few weeks. Whenever they went for a walk or for a drive in the car and they passed somebody, his uncle waved. Peter was surprised, and said, "Uncle George, you know everybody here. Where did you meet them all?" "I

don't know all these people , " said his uncle.

"Then why do you wave to them?" asked Peter.

"Well, Peter," answered his uncle, "when I wave to someone and he knows me, he is pleased. He continues his journey with a happier heart.

But when I wave to someone and he doesn't know me, he is surprised and says to himself `Who is that man? Why did he wave to me?' So he has something to think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter. So I make everybody happy. "

1.country n.国家;国民;乡下;地区

2. waved adj.波浪形的,起伏的v.飘扬,摇摆,起伏(wave的过去式和过去分词);(一端固定地)飘扬;挥手指引;挥动…示意;

3. George n.男子名;

4. pleased adj.高兴的;自鸣得意;(用于初次见面握手时)很高兴认识您;称心满意;


5. continues v.继续,连续(continue的第三人称单数);持续;逗留;停留;


7. during prep.在…的时候;在…期间,当…之时;其间

8. shorter adj.短的(short的比较级);不够;短缺的;短期的;

What Wonld You Like to Do Tonight?

Mary's cousins, Fay and Rosemary, are still at her house. The girls want to go to the movies. They look in the newspaper to see what time the movie starts. After seeing the movie, they go to an ice cream parlor and order their favorite desserts.

MARY: Girls , what would you like to do tonight?

ROSEMARY: Do you ever go to the movies?

MARY: Of course. I often go to the movies.

ROSEMARY: Well, let's go to the movies.

MARY: There's a good movie near here: "Summer in Maine"

FAY: Fine. I heard it's a very good movie.

RosEMARY: Let's find out what time it starts.

MARY: Let's look at the newspaper. Movie programs are usually on page nine.

FAY: Here it is. "Summer in Maine " starts at 8 o'clock.

1.Tonight 今晚

2cousins n.堂[表]兄弟[姊妹]( cousin的名词复数);远亲,同辈,同胞.

3..ice cream parlor 冰淇淋店

4. desserts n.(餐后)甜食,甜点( dessert的名词复数)

5. Maine 缅甸

Questions on Text B

7.Read the following conversation once. Underline the key words while reading and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words.

Fred:If I won the Pools, I'd go round the world.

Bert:Would you? I wouldn.'t.

Fred:What would you do?

Bert:Oh, I don't know. I'd buy a big house with a garden for my wife and kids, I suppose. But it's difficult to imagine having a lot of money.

Fred:One thing's certain. If I had a lot of money, I wouldn't work any more. Bert:Wouldn't you? What would you do with all that spare time?

Fred:As I said, I'd go round the world.

Bect:What would you do after that?

Fred:Oh, I don't know. It'd take me a long time to go round the world.

Bert:It doesn't sound very exciting.

Fred:Anyway, we haven't won the Pools, and we're not likely to win them. So there

isn't much point in talking about it, is there?

Bert:I'd be happy if I got a rise. vi.上升;增强;(数量)增加;休会Fred:And my wife would be happy if I bought her a mink coat.貂皮大衣

Bert:Well , I'm not likely to get a rise and you haven't the money for a mink oat, so

let'scome down to earth and have another drink.

Fred:What'll you have?

Bert:I'll have a pint of the best.啤酒

Fred:I'd have a Scotch威士忌if I were you. We deserve it. vt.应受;应得;值得

Bert:All right. Make it a double, will you?

1. suppose. vt.假定;猜想,推测;认为;vi.想象,猜想

2.imagine vt.设想;想像;料想,猜想;误认为vi.想象;猜想,推测

3. certain adj.某一;必然的;已确定的pron. [动词用复数]某些

? 4. spare time 业余时间;空闲时间;闲暇时间;

?5 exciting adj.使人兴奋的,令人激动的v.刺激(excite的现在分词

? 6. Won v.获胜,战胜(win的过去式和过去分词)

?7. Pools n.(前面与the连用)足球场;水池( pool的名词复数);(统称)备用人员;


8.Likely adj.可能的;适合的;有希望的adv.可能;或许;大概;多半

9. point n.点;要点;得分;标点

Text A

After a Heavy Snowstorm

One night there was a heavy snowstorm, and in the morning Mr Smith's garden was full of deep snow. Mr Smith wanted to take his car out, so he paid a man to clean the path from his garage to his gate. He said to this man, "Don't throw any snow on that side, because it will damage the bushes in my garden; and don't throw any snow into the street, or the police will be angry. " Then Mr Smith went out.

When he came back, the path was clean and the snow from it was not on the bushes, or the fence, or the street. Mr Smith was very pleased-until he opened the garage to get his car out! The garage was full to the top with all the snow from the path, and his car was somewhere under it all!

1. f ull adj.满的,装满的;完全的,完整的;丰富的;详尽的

2. paid adj.有报酬的;领取报酬的;付费的;v.付给(pay的过去式);付款;

3. path n.小路,路;路线,路程;〈比喻〉(人生的)道路;途径;

4.gate n.门;闸门;登机门;入场费;vt.给……装大门;[电子学] 电波传送;

5.side n.边;方面;侧面;旁边;adj.侧面的;旁边的;次要的,枝节的;副的;

6. damage vt.& vi.损害,毁坏;n.损害,损毁;赔偿金

7. bushes n.灌木(丛)(bush的名词复数);;

8.angry adj.生气的;愤怒的,发怒的

9. fence n.栅栏,篱笆;围墙;防护物;剑术;vt.用篱笆围住;防护;练习剑术

10.garage n.车库;;飞机库;vt.把……送入车库;把(汽车)开进车库

11. top n.顶,顶部;adj.最高的;顶上的;vt.达到……的顶端;vi.总结;

12.somewhere adv.某处,在某处;在[到]某处;不知道在[到]什么地方;某地;

No Baseball Today

PETER:Can you play baseball with me today?

JoHN:No, I can't. I'm sorry. I have to help my mother. We're going to move tomorrow.

PETER:Where's the new house? Is it far from here?

JoHN:No, it's not far. It's near our old house.

PETER:Can I help you pack?

JoHN:Sure. Thanks.

PETER:What can I do?

JoHN:Take the books out of the bookcase. Put them in this box. PETER:Well, the books are in the box. What can I do now?

JoHN:Take the magazines out of the bookcase. Put them in that box. PETER:All right.

JoHN:Peter ! Pack them. Don't read them.

PETER:These magazines are interesting. May I borrow one?

JOHN:Of course.

PETER:Thanks, John.

1. baseball n.棒球

2.move vt.& vi.移动,搬动;vt.提议;使感动;摇动;变化;n.改变;迁移;


4. bookcase n.书橱,书架,书柜;

5.magazines n.弹药库(magazine的名词复数);杂志;

6.borrow n.借,借用;

Quiestions on Text B

7. Read the foilowing passage once. Undertine the key words whiie reading and retell the story to your partner.

A Better Mailman !

I worked as a mailman for a short time. However, I am afraid of dogs and I had a lot of trouble. One day I tried to deliver some letters to a big house. I started to open the gate and all of a sudden a huge dog ran toward me. It growled and barked at me , so I threw the letters over the fence. The dog picked them up and carried them into the house. The dog was a better mailman than I was!

1. mailman n.邮递员;绿衣使者

2.deliver vt.发表;递送;交付;使分娩;vi.投递;传送;

3.retell vt.(以不同的方式或语言)复述,重述

4.partner n.伙伴;同伙;同伴;配偶

5tried adj.可靠地;经过考验的;v.试图,努力(try的过去式和过去分词);

6.sudden adj.突然的,未预见到的;急躁的,仓促的;快的,迅速的;急剧

7.toward prep.对于;向;为了;接近;adj.即将来到的;进行中的

8.growled v.(动物)低声咆哮,(雷)作隆隆声(growl的过去式和过去分词);

9.barked v.吠叫(bark的过去式和过去分词);

10.fence n.栅栏,篱笆;围墙;vt.用篱笆围住;防护;练习剑术;

11.carried adj.被携带的,被运载的;v.支撑(carry的过去式和过去分词);携带;输送;运载;

Lesson 8

Text A

Please Set the Table

MRs MILLER:I have to stay in the kitchen. I don't want the food to burn. Would you please set the table?

MARY :Of course , Mother.

MRS MILLER:Did you put two forks with each plate?

MARY :Yes , I did.

MRs MILLER:Are the salt and pepper shakers on the table?

MpRY:Oh , no , they're not. I'll get them now.

MRSMILLER:Did you use the new glasses?

MARY:Yes , I did.

MRS MILLER:Does the table look nice?

MARY:I think so, Mother.

MRs MILLER:I hear the bell. Please open the door, Mary.

Text B

Interestlng Pictures

"Food really tastes good cooked over an open fire," Lloyd remarked as he took another bite of his hot dog.

"It sure does," replied Fred. "I wish this weren't the last night of our camping trip, but school starts next week. "

A couple of days after returning home, Lloyd and Fred took the exposed film out of their camera and took it to the camera shop to be developed. They were told that the pictures would be ready Thursday. Thursday was just two days away. Fred and Lloyd could hardly wait to see how their pictures came out. They planned to show their pictures to everyone at school as soon as school was back in session.

Fred and Lloyd felt very pleased when they showed their teacher the pictures they had taken on their vacation. She said that they were some of the most interesting pictures she had seen.

Questions on TextB

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

Who Waits for Whom?

Mr and Mrs Allen go grocery shopping on Saturday mornings. Mr Allen never enjoys these trips. Mrs Allen does the shopping and he sits in the car and waits for her. This morning there were a lot of people and it took Mrs Allen longer than usual. An hour went by and finally a man came up to Mr Allen. "Excuse me," he said, "is your name Allen? Your wife is waiting for you at the check-out counter. She doesn't have enough money for the groceries ! "

1. each plate每个盘子

2. burn vt.& vi.使用某物为燃料;烧毁;烧坏;烧伤

3. salt n.盐;风趣;机智,讽刺;药用盐,泻盐、

4.pepper n.胡椒;辣椒;胡椒粉(pepper shakers 胡椒罐)

5.bell 铃声

6. a couple一对;一双

6.exposed film曝露的膜;已曝光的胶片;

7.camera (n.照相机)shop冲印店took v.拿( take的过去式 );取得


9.session n.开会,会议;(法庭的)开庭;会期,学期

10.vacation n.假期,休假; [古] 空出,撤出,辞去

11. grocery shopping 去杂货店;超市购物

Stop Eating Fried Potatoes

Mrs Jenkins went to her doctor one day, because her heart was giving her


The doctor listened to her heart carefully and did a few other things. Then he

said, "Well, Mrs Jenkins, stop smoking, and then you'll soon be quite all right again. "

"But doctor," answered Mrs Jenkins quickly, "I've never smoked. I don't like smoking. "

"Oh, well," said the doctor, "then don't drink any more alcohol. "

"But I don't drink alcohol," answered Mrs Jenkins at once.

"Stop drinking tea and coffee then," the doctor said to her.

"I only drink water," answered Mrs Jenkins. "I don't like tea or coffee. "

The doctor thought for a few seconds and then said,

"Well,. . . er. . . do you like fried potatoes?"

"Yes, I like them very much," answered Mrs Jenkins.

"All right, then stop eating those," said the doctor as he got up to say goodbye to Mrs Jenkins.

Quiestions on TextB

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and

retell the story to your partner.

Harry is looking at a man in the street. He is talking to Jack about the man. Harry:Who's that man with the black bag?

Jack:I can't see a man with a black bag.

Harry:He was standing at the door of that house a moment ago. Now he's walking down the


Jack:Oh, that man. I don't know who he is. He's a stranger.

Harry:Look at the man who's running after him.

Jack:Yes. Perhaps the stranger is a thief.

Harry:I don't think so.

Jack:Wait a minute. I can recognise the man who's running after him. It's Mr Green. Harry:Now I remember. Mr Green told me yesterday that his brother was coming.

Keep Him in Bed

MRS WELSH: Get up, Peter. It's late.

PETER: I can't get up , Mom. I'm ill.

MRS WELSH: What's the matter with you?

PETER: I have a headache and a bad stomachache.

MRS WELSH: You have a fever too. I'm going to call Dr Dawes. Don't get out of bed.

PETER: Oh, I can't get out of bed. I'm too ill.

MRS WELSH: Operator, give me Spring 3-2546, please. Hello, this is Mrs Welsh. Is Dr Dawes there? Thank you. I'll wait. . . Dr Dawes, this is Mrs Welsh. Can you come to

the house , please?

DR DAWES: Who's ill?

MRS WELSH: Peter, my son.

DR DAWES: What's the matter with him?

MRS WELSH: I don't know. He has a headache, a bad stomachache and a fever.

DR DAWES: Keep him in bed.Where do you live?

MRS WELSH: We live at 44 Washington Avenue.

DR DAWES: All right, Mrs Welsh, I'll be there soon.


Lesson 10

Text A

A Beautiful Dress

One day Mrs Jones went shopping. When her husband came home in the evening, she began to tell him about a beautiful cotton dress. "I saw it in a shop this morning," she said, "and..."

"And you want to buy it," said her husband. "How much does it cost? "

"Forty pounds. "

"Forty pounds for a cotton dress? That is too much!"

But every evening, when Mr Jones came back from work, his wife continued

to speak only abou't the dress, and at last, after a week, he said, "Oh, buy the dress! Here is the money!" She was very happy.

But the next evening, when Mr Jones came home and asked, "Have you got

the famous dress?" she said, "No. "

"Why not?" he said.

"Well, it was still in the window of the shop after a week, so I thought, nobody else wants this dress, so I don't want it either. "

Which Bus Shall 1 Take?

Jane Foster has just met Henry Taylor.Jane is on her way to the hospital

to see her friend, Susan Green.

HENRY:Where are you going, Jane?

JANE:I'm going to the hospital to see Susan Green.

HENRY:I saw her yesterday. She was a little better.

JANE:Must I catch a number 7 bus to get there?

HENRY:No , you needn't. A number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital.

JANE:Number 13 buses run much more frequently, don't they?

HENRY:Yes. I caught a number 7 bus yesterday, and I had to wait for half an hour at

the bus stop.

JANE:Thank you, Henry. I'll get a number .

HENRY:But number 13 buses leave from the centre of town. You'll have to walk two miles to

catch one.

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

Mrs Jones was still cleaning the house when her husband came back from work. She was wearing dirty, old clothes and no stockings, her hair was not tidy, she had dust on her face, and she looked dirty and tired. Her husband looked at her and said, "Is this what I come home to see after a hard day's work?"

Mrs Jones's neighbour, Mrs Smit.h, was there. When she heard Mr Jones's words , she quickly said. goodbye and ran back to her house. Then she washed, brushed and combed her hair carefully, put on her best dress and her prettiest stockings, painted her face, and waited for her husband to come home.

When he arrived, he was hot and tired. He walked slowly into the house, saw his wife and stopped. Then he shouted angrily, "And where are you going this evening?"

1.cotton dress棉质裙子

2. continued v.继续,连续( continue的过去式和过去分词);持续;逗留;停留

3. famous adj.著名的,出名的;〈古〉一流的,极好的

4. dirty adj.恶劣的;肮脏的;vt.弄脏,污染;使名声受玷污

5. stockings n.长筒袜(stocking的名词复数)

6. tidy adj.整洁的,整齐的;

7. dust 灰尘

8. combed 梳理

9. prettiest adj.漂亮的

10.angrily adv.愤怒地


Let’s talk (L=Lulu, T= Tom) L: What day is it today? T: It’s Wednesday. L: My birthday is coming. T: When is your birthday? L: Next Sunday. T: Are you going to have a birthday party? L: Yes, I am. I’m going to have a party at home next Sunday evening. Would you like to come? T: Sure. I’d love to. Are you going to ask Eve to come? L: Certainly. Make and say A holiday plan May Day is coming. What are you going to do. Please tell me your plan. On May 1st, I’m going to visit my friends. On May 2nd, I’m going to take swimming lessons. On May 3rd, I’m going to help my mum do some washing. Read. Father’s birthday party. I’m Mary today’s my father’s birthday. The weather is good. It’s sunny. We are going to have a birthday party for him. Now my mother and I are doing some shopping. I'm going to buy some fruit. Mother is going to buy some eggs. She's going to make a birthday cake for my father. The party will begin at four o'clock. It's one o'clock now. And I’m asking my uncle and I and to come to the party.


【篇一】初级简单英语口语对话练习 S: Welcome to Lens Magic, ma'am. How can I help you? 售货员:小姐,欢迎光临Lens Magico我能为你效劳吗? C: I'd like to buy an inexpensive camera. 顾客:我想买一架便宜的相机。 S: Well, we've got several point-and-shoot cameras. These are all 35 mm compact cameras with auto-focus and a built-in flash. We also have these Polaroid cameras. 售货员:嗯,我们有一些傻瓜相机。这些是135袖珍相机,有自动对焦和内置闪光灯。我们也有这些宝丽来相机。 C: I don't think I'll need a Polaroid. Does this 35 mm camera have an automatic flash? 顾客:我想我不需要宝丽来相机,135相机有自动闪光灯吗? S: Yes, it does. But you can turn it off if you want. 售货员:有的,但是如果你想要关掉也可以。 C: Okay, I'll take this one. Does it come with batteries and a case? 顾客:好,我就买这个。有附赠的电池跟皮套吗? S: Yes, it does. Here, I'll box it up for you. 售货员:有,在这儿,我帮你装进盒子里。 【篇二】初级简单英语口语对话练习 S: Welcome to Super Stereos. What can I do for you? 店员:欢迎光临超级立体音响。我能为您效劳吗? C: I'd like to look at your stereo systems. Do you have anything on sale? 顾客:我想要看看你们的立体音响,你们有什么特价品吗?


海之南教育集团海口海之南外国语实验学校 苏教版六年级语文上册第10课课堂指南(A 卷) 第56-61课时 评 分: 课 题:《 小草和大树》 备课人:六年级组 审核人: 晚修一 (总第 56 课时) 月 日 星期 第 节晚修 教师清点人数、每日一吼 (40分钟) 学习目标: 1. 会写6个生字,认识2个二类生字;理解重点词语。 2. 正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 3. 通过语言文字感受霍金的精神和人格,知道写人的详略得当的写法。(重点) 4. 学习霍金不断求索的科学精神和勇敢顽强的伟大人格。(难点) 流程:1、读课文,写收获。(10分钟) 2、学习生字词,请在课本上圈画出字词,在课后生字表上标出音序、部首、结构并组两 个词,了解霍金的不断求索的科学精神和勇敢顽强的人格力量。(10分钟) 3、理解课文的重点词义。(10分钟) 4、再读课文,进行文本分析(分段,归纳段意,概括主要内容)。(10分钟) 一、 请你有感情地朗读课文。(10分钟) 读了这篇课文后,我的朗读收获是 。 二、学习生字词,请在课本上圈画出字词,在课后生字表上标出音序、部首、结构并 组两个词,学习作者和背景。(10分钟) 1、史蒂芬·霍金 : (国家)伟大的 (科目)科学家。他因患 ,被长期禁锢在 ,他身残志坚,克服了残疾之患而成为伟大的物理学家。 3、1988年霍金写成科普著作《 》,被人们称为“ ”。 ★三、理解课文的重点词义。(10分钟) 顶礼膜拜: 神秘莫测: 禁锢: 景仰: 悲悯: 龇牙咧嘴: 众星捧月: 跻身: 鸦雀无声: 四、再读课文,进行文本分析(分段,归纳段意,概括主要内容)。(10分钟) 1、默读课文,概括课文的主要内容。 2、课文有 自然段,可以分为 部分。 早读一 月 日 星期 第 节早读 教师清点人数 (30分钟) 早读任务安排:1、6:50-7:00朗读课文两遍 2、7:00-7:05检测课文的生字词 3、7:05-7:15背诵重点词语。 4、7:15-7:20检测 措施:1、对子互背。 2、组长检测。 3、老师抽测。 4、过关签名。 奖罚:1、按完成任务的名次进行加分8——1分。2、未完成任务的同学中午留下来过关。 正课一(总第 57 课时) 月 日 星期 第 节课 教师清点人数、每日一吼 (40分钟) 学习目标 通过小组合作,了解详略得当的写法,学习霍金不断求索的科学精神和勇敢顽强的人格力量。 英文名 中文名 班级 学号


初级口语教程,英语口语入门学习材料 篇一:英语口语(一) 江西省南昌市20XX-20XX学年度第一学期期末试卷 (江西师大附中使用)高三理科数学分析 试卷紧扣教材和考试说明,从考生熟悉的基础知识入手,多角度、多层次地考查了学生的数学理性思维能力及对数学本质的理解能力,立足基础,先易后难,难易适中,强调应用,不偏不怪,达到了“考基础、考能力、考素质”的目标。试卷所涉及的知识内容都在考试大纲的范围内,几乎覆盖了高中所学知识的全部重要内容,体现了“重点知识重点考查”的原则。1.回归教材,注重基础 试卷遵循了考查基础知识为主体的原则,尤其是考试说明中的大部分知识点均有涉及,其中应用题与抗战胜利70周年为背景,把爱国主义教育渗透到试题当中,使学生感受到了数学的育才价值,所有这些题目的设计都回归教材和中学教学实际,操作性强。2.适当设置题目难度与区分度 选择题第12题和填空题第16题以及解答题的第21题,都是综合性问题,难度较大,学生不仅要有较强的分析问题和解决问题的能力,以及扎实深厚的数学基本功,而且还要掌握必须的数学思想与方法,否则在有限的时间内,很难完成。3.布局合理,考查全面,着重数学方法和数学思想的考察

在选择题,填空题,解答题和三选一问题中,试卷均对高中数学中的重点内容进行了反复考查。包括函数,三角函数,数列、立体几何、概率统计、解析几何、导数等几大版块问题。这些问题都是以知识为载体,立意于能力,让数学思想方法和数学思维方式贯穿于整个试题的解答过程之中。 二、亮点试题分析 1.【试卷原题】11.已知A,b,c是单位圆上互不相同的三点,且满足Ab?Ac,则AbAc?的最小值为() ? ? ?? 1 41b.? 23c.? 4D.?1 A.? 【考查方向】本题主要考查了平面向量的线性运算及向量的数量积等知识,是向量与三角的典型综合题。解法较多,属于较难题,得分率较低。 ??? 【易错点】1.不能正确用oA,ob,oc表示其它向量。 ????


科普版小学六年级上册复习题 习题:选择 1. His father always him toschool at 8:00. A. takes B. to take C. take 2.Sometimes Amy TV in the evening. A. watch B. watching C. watches 3. He never the floor. A. mop B.mopping C. mops 4.She always breakfast at 7:00. A. make B. makes C. making 5.Does shealways sports at 9:00. A. does B. do C.doing 习题: 1. you have English class every day? A. Do B. Are C. Can 2. My mother in a middle school. A. teach B. teachs C. teaches 3. She doesn ' t her homework in theaf ternoon. A. todo B.does C. do 4. John usually up at 6:30. A. wake B. wakes C. waking 5. Eve here every morning.

6. she always come here? A. Do B. Does C. Is 7. I not know. A. am B. can C. do 8. ---your sister usually have lunch at twelve? ---Yes. A. Do B.Does C. / 9. Does she morning exercises here every day? 10. A. does He no time B. doing . C. do A. have B.has C. having 习题:选择 1. It ' s time l unch. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. for There is something wrong ___ A. to John usually ____ up at 6:20. A. wake But today he has ____ time. A. no His father always him B . to __ his clock. B . with B . wakes B . not school at 8:00. C . in C . at C . waking C . isn ' t 6. A. take ?- for Ann is happy ___ A. going B . takes ??-to _ out with her father. B . togo C . C . take ??-to goes

英语初级口语教程 A Beautiful Dress

英语初级口语教程 A Beautiful Dress Lesson 10 Text A A Beautiful Dress One day Mrs Jones went shopping. When her husband came home in the evening, she began to tell him about a beautiful cotton dress. "I saw it in a shop this morning," she said, "and..." "And you want to buy it," said her husband. "How much does it cost? " "Forty pounds. " "Forty pounds for a cotton dress? That is too much!" But every evening, when Mr Jones came back from work, his wife continued to speak only abou't the dress, and at last, after a week, he said, "Oh, buy the dress! Here is the money!" She was very happy. But the next evening, when Mr Jones came home and asked, "Have you got the famous dress?" she said, "No. " "Why not?" he said. "Well, it was still in the window of the shop after a week, so I thought, nobody else wants this dress, so I don't want it either. " Text B Which Bus Shall 1 Take? Jane Foster has just met Henry Taylor.Jane is on her way to the hospital to see her friend, Susan Green. HENRY: Where are you going, Jane? JANE: I'm going to the hospital to see Susan Green. HENRY: I saw her yesterday. She was a little better. JANE: Must I catch a number 7 bus to get there? HENRY: No , you needn't. A number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital. JANE: Number 13 buses run much more frequently, don't they? HENRY: Yes. I caught a number 7 bus yesterday, and I had to wait for half an hour at the bus stop. JANE: Thank you, Henry. I'll get a number . HENRY: But number 13 buses leave from the centre of town. You'll have to walk two miles to catch one. Questions on Text B 7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. Mrs Jones was still cleaning the house when her husband came back from work. She was wearing dirty, old clothes and no stockings, her hair was not tidy, she had dust on


科普版小学六年级英语 上册知识点 标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]

六年级上册知识点 Lesson1&Lesson2 I.频度副词 (1)频度副词表示“次数多少” (2)常见的频度副词有: always(100%的频度),表“总是,常常”,侧重时间的连续性; usually(80%--90%的频度),表“通常”,强调习惯性,经常如此; often(50%--70%的频度),表“经常,”指有规律的经常出现‘sometimes(30%--50%的频度),表“有时候”,指偶尔出现; never(0%的频度),表“从来不”,表示一种习惯。 习题:选择 1.His father always _____ him to school at 8:00. A. takes B. to take C. take 2.Sometimes Amy _____ TV in the evening. A. watch B. watching C. watching 3.He never _____ the floor. A. mop B. mopping C. mops

4.She always _____ breakfast at 7:00. A. make B. makes C. making 5.Does she always _____ sports at 9:00. A. does B. do C.doing II.一般现在时 (1)一般现在时通常表示疆场发生的动作或存在的状态。 (2) a. be动词的一般现在时


英语初级口语lesson 37

英语初级口语lesson 37 Lesson 37 Text A Do You Know Who I Am? Mr Smith is well known in Washington because of his many social blunders. He alwavs likes to attend the various social functions because he wants to expand his circle of friend. Whenever he is invited , he goes , unless he is ill. Recently he received an invitation to a fashionable banquet. Although he did not know the hostess, he accepted the invitation. He was secretly very pleased, because he felt that his reputation as a desirable guest was growing. When he arrived. at the banquet hall, he found that about one hundred people had been invited. He began to move around the hall. He spoke to other guests whether he knew them or not. He soon realized that he had never met any of the other people present, although they seemed to know each other. At dinner, he was seated beside a very dignified woman. The woman tried to be friendly even though she had never met Mr Smith before. She spoke politely, whenever he spoke to her. Between the first and second course of the meal , she turned to Mr Smith and said, "Do you see that gray-haired man at the end of the table? The one with the glasses. " "Ah, yes. Who is he?" asked Mr Smith. "He's the Secretary of the Interior!" she replied.


六年级上册知识点 Lesson1&Lesson2 I.频度副词 (1)频度副词表示“次数多少” (2)常见的频度副词有: always(100%的频度 ) ,表“总是,常常” ,侧重时间的连续性; usually(80%--90% 的频度 ), 表“通常”,强调习惯性,经常如此; often(50%--70% 的频度 ) ,表“经常,”指有规律的经常出现 ‘ sometimes(30%--50%的频度 ) ,表“有时候”,指偶尔出现; never(0%的频度 ) ,表“从来不”,表示一种习惯。 习题:选择 1.His father always _____ him to school at 8:00. A. takes B. to take C.take 2.Sometimes Amy _____ TV in the evening. A. watch B. watching C. watching 3.He never _____ the floor. A. mop B. mopping C.mops 4.She always _____ breakfast at 7:00. A. make B. makes C.making 5.Does she always _____ sports at 9:00. A. does B. do C.doing II.一般现在时 (1)一般现在时通常表示疆场发生的动作或存在的状态。 (2) a. be动词的一般现在时 人称,数肯定式否定式疑问式简略回答 形式 第一人称单I am a I am not a Am I a Yes, you are. 数teacher.teacher.teacher?No, you aren ’t.


第四单元集体备课 本单元围绕“革命理想”这一主题,安排了《古诗三首》《十六年前的回忆》《为人民服务》《金色的鱼钩》四篇课文。《古诗三首》用托物言志的表达方法,表达了诗人们的抱负和志向;《十六年前的回忆》通过作者的回忆,描写了革命先驱李大钊同志牺牲的经过;《为人民服务》是毛泽东为纪念张思德同志所写的一篇演讲稿;《金色的鱼钩》讲述了发生在红军过草地时的一个真实感人的故事。 单元语文要素在课文中的梯度序列 内容 课时 教学要点 古诗三首 2 1.会写并掌握26个生字,正确读写62个词语。 2.正确、流利地朗读课文,理解课文内容,体会人物品质。 3.学习并背诵《古诗三首》,学习托物言志的表达方法;学习 《十六年前的回忆》,了解前后照应的写法,关注人物神态、 语言和动作的描写,体会革命先驱李大钊同志的高贵品质;学 习《为人民服务》,初步感知议论文的写作方法,树立为人民 服务的精神;学习《金色的鱼钩》,体会老班长忠于革命、无 私奉献的品质。 十六年前的回忆 2 为人民服务 2 金色的鱼钩 1 口语交际 1 1.选择生活中的某一场合,进行即兴发言。 2.理清思路,注意说话的场合和对象。

10 古诗三首 ?教学目标 1.读准“燕、劲”等字的读音,会写“络、锤”等字,默写《竹石》。 2.结合注释、查阅资料,加深对古诗的理解,正确、流利、有感情地朗读古诗,背诵古诗。 3.体会诗人的情感及诗人所咏事物背后抒发的志向。 ?教学重难点 理解诗句的含义,背诵古诗,体会诗人抒发的情感。 ?教学策略 1.指导朗读 古诗大多讲究押韵,这一特点体现在朗读上就表现为朗朗上口,有鲜明的节奏感且韵味十足。因此,在本课教学中,我通过多种形式引导学生在读中感悟古诗的节奏、韵律,从而培养他们的语感。有了前面的朗读、感悟的铺垫,后面的背诵自然水到渠成。 2.借助注释 为了体现“诗意的古诗”,在设计中,我力求引导学生进行有效的、必要的理解。让学生先借助注释弄清字词意思,再大致说说诗句的意思,最后让学生一边读一边想象画面,在体验中感悟诗情。 ?教学准备 1.预习提纲:完成对应课文预习作业。 2.准备资料:多媒体课件。 ?教学课时2课时 第1课时 《马诗》 ?课时目标 1.学习《马诗》,读准“燕”字的读音,会写“络”字,有感情地朗读古诗。 2.了解古诗大意,并在此基础上背诵古诗;感受诗人的豪情壮志和渴望立功报国的赤子之心。

英语初级口语教程 A Lesson to Learn

英语初级口语教程 A Lesson to Learn Lesson 19 Text A A Lesson to Learn John was the only son of a wealthy American businessman. Usually he was taken to school by the chauffeur in his father's beautiful car, before the chauffeur took John's father to his office. One evening his father told him that he had to go to the airport early the next day, so he would need the car at the time that John had to go to school. He said that John's mother, who possessed another car, would still be in bed at the time he had to leave the house . "Well , how will I get to school if you need your car and Mummy is still in bed?" John asked. His father thought this was a good opportunity to teach him a lesson about how hard life was for the less fortunate people of the world , so he answered , "You'll go in the same way as every other child in the world goes-in a taxi. " Text B What's Going on Here? PoLIcEMAN: What's going on here? MAN: You mean, what's happening? Well, constable, I'm trying to get out of the window and Fred here is helping me. PoLIcEMAN: Why are you climbing through the window and not leaving by the front door? MAN: Well , you see I can't find the key and I'm in a hurry. Come on, Fied, We're wasting time. POLICEMAN: Just a minute you two. I don't think you're telling me the truth. This isn't your house, is it? MAN: No, it's my brother's. I'm staying with him for a while. PoLIcEMAN: Is he at home? MAN: I'm afraid not. He's in jail for house-breaking at the moment. Question on Text B 7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. Todd heard all the hammering behind the Marsey's house. He went to see what was going on. Jeff Marsey was making something from long pieces of wood. "What is it?" Todd asked. "A pair of stilts," Jeff said. Todd knew that stilts could make you several feet taller. Jeff was putting blocks of wood on the stilts. These were for his feet to rest on. Once you got used to them, you could walk anywhere on stilts. "I'm also making a pair of long pants," Jeff said. "They'll come all the way down and cover the stilts. I'll look like a giant. " As the summer went on, Todd forgot all about the stilts. One night Todd was watching television. His cousin came running in the front door.


课题:《语文》(人教版)六年级上册10* 别饿坏了那匹马 设计者:普兰店市实验小学王君 一、教材分析 本课教材是一篇略读课文,主要写了酷爱读书的“我”在失去看书机会时,摆书摊的残疾青年谎称家中有马,买下“我”的马草,让“我”继续看书的事。赞扬了残疾青年不计一己得失想方设法让“我”读书的良苦用心,表达了“我”得知真相后的感激之情。全文主线清楚,脉络分明。围绕“别饿坏了那匹马”这个善意的谎言被揭穿的过程,展现了普通百姓的美好心灵。本文语言简朴,主要通过人物的言行神态和心理描写表现人物的品德。二、学情分析 这篇文章所要表达的内涵,学生不一定能很快理解,即使理解了也不一定能理解深透,必须通过教师的引导、学生的反复阅读讨论等活动才能充分理解课文。 三、教学目标 1、知识目标 ⑴把握课文的主要内容 ⑵理解课文内容,体会残疾青年乐于助人的美好品质和“我”对这位残疾人深深的感激之情。 2、能力目标 ⑴在理解课文内容的基础上能够有感情地朗读课文。 ⑵进一步领会课文通过人物的语言行动心理的描写,表现人物品质的写作方法。 3、情感态度 感受普通百姓的美好心灵,体会“我”对青年的感激之情,学习文中人物的美好品质。 四、教学重、难点 1、重点:体会残疾青年乐于助人的美好品质和“我”对这位残疾人深深的感激之情。 2、难点:体会描写人物形象的方法。 五、教学准备相关课件 六、学习策略教师:讲授法。 学生:探究法。 七、教学过程 (一)激趣导课,揭示课题。(3分钟) 1.板书“欺骗”并理解“欺骗”。

2.生活是复杂的,并不仅仅是几句话能概括得了的。今天我们要学习的课文就是一场特殊的欺骗。齐读课题:别饿坏了那匹马 3.关于这场欺骗,你们想知道什么? (1)谁欺骗谁? (2)为什么欺骗? (3)怎么骗? 【设计意图】通过欺骗导入课题,引起学生学习兴趣,带着疑问去了解文中讲了一个什么样的欺骗故事,让学生边读边思考,生活中为什么有这样的欺骗?它是善意的吗? (二)回顾预习,交流收获(10分钟) 1、学生带着问题自读课文进行再学习,思考: (1)文章主要写了什么事? (2)文章几次写到“别饿坏了那匹马”,用意是什么? 2、反馈交流。 (1)文章主要写了什么事? (主要写了酷爱读书的“我”在失去看书机会时,摆书摊的残疾青年谎称家中有马,买下马草,让“我”继续看书的事。赞扬了作为书摊主人的残疾青年不计一己得失、想方设法让“我”读书的良苦用心,表达了“我”得知真相后的深深感激之情。) (2)文章几次写到“别饿坏了那匹马”,用意是什么? (第一次是残疾青年叮嘱“我”以后把马草卖给他时说的;第二次是“我”担心马饿坏了,急着推门进去时说的。) (这两次的意思不一样,第二次是“我”真的担心误了喂马时间而饿着马。而第一次,表面上是残疾青年让“我”以后把马草卖给他,不要耽误时间,饿坏了马。实际上,根本没有这样一匹马,残疾青年怕“我”因卖马草耽误时间,耽误学习而善意地欺骗了我。) (3)为什么会有这个欺骗故事?这场欺骗的动机是什么? (为了帮助我能继续看书。由此可以看到残疾青年善良、宽厚、善解人意的美好的心灵!)【设计意图】根据课文前导语的提示,学会自读课文,了解文章大意,理清文章的思路,对文章有一个整体的印象,以及从根据第一印象而产生的一点点体会和感受。 (三)学法指导,自主探索(20分钟) 1、出示自学提示: (1)哪些地方可以看出残疾青年美好的心灵?画出具体语句体会,做批注。 (2)文中只有残疾青年有着美好的心灵吗?你还看到了谁的善良和美好?

英语初级口语教程 A Welcome Surprise

英语初级口语教程 A Welcome Surprise Lesson 15 Text A A Welcome Surprise Let's now visit Mary Miller. Mary and her mother are happy today. The postman has brought a letter from Mrs Miller's brother. He's coming to visit the Millers with his family. Mary and Mrs Miller have to plan meals and festivities. Mary offers to go shopping to help her mother. MRs McLLER: Mary, please go to the door. I hear the bell. MARY: It's the mailman, Mother. Here's a letter from Uncle George. MRS MILLER: Give it to me ... How wonderful! He's coming to visit us. MARY: When's he coming? MRS MILLER: He's coming by car on the twenty-fourth. He's staying from the twenty-fourth to the twenty-sixth. MARY: Let me look at the calendar. Good! The twenty-fourth is a Saturday. Is he coming alone? MRS MILLER: No, he's coming with Aunt Cynthia and the girls. MARY: Mother, I don't remember the girls. How old are they? MRs MILLER: Your cousin Fay is fifteen. Rosemary is older than Fay. She's seventeen. MARY: Are they going to stay here with us? MRS MILLER: Of course. The girls can stay in your room with you. MARY: Mother, may we have a party? MRs MILLER: If you like, but now we have to think about meals and many other things. MARY: Prepare the list, Mother. I can go shopping. I can go to the small stores. Everyone knows me there. Text B I'll Start in Three Months' Time Rose left school when she was seventeen and went to a college for a year to learn to type. She passed her examinations quite well and then went to look for work. She was still living with her parents. A lot of people were looking for typists at that time, so it was not difficult to find interesting work. Rose went to several offices, and then chose one of them. It was near her parents' house. She thought, "I'll walk there every morning. I won't need to go by bus. " She went to the office again and said to the manager, "I want to work here, but what will you pay me?" "We'll pay you 27 pounds now," the manager answered, "and 30 pounds after three months." Rose thought for a few seconds before she answered. Then she said, "All right, then I'll start in three months' time. " Questions on Text B 7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell


Lesson 1 Text A How Old Is She? A woman was having some trouble with her heart, so she went to see the doctor.He was a new doctor, and did not know her. so he first asked some questions, and one of them was , "How old are you?" "Well," she answered, "I don't remember. doctor, but I will try to think." She thought for a minute and then said, "Yes. I remember now, doctor! When I married, I was eighteen years old, and my husband was thirty. Now my husband is sixty, I know. And that is twice thirty. So I am twice eighteen. That is thirty-six, isn't it?" Text B Could I Speak to Jim,Please? A: Hello, 332440. B: Oh hello, Sally. This is Dave Thomson here. Could I speak to Jim please? A: I'm afraid he's not in at the moment Dave. He went out about an hour ago and he's not back yet B: Any idea when he might?be back? A: Well, he shouldn't be long. He said he was just going to get some paint. But I wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped off at the pub on B: O. K. well , tell him I've called , will you , and I'll try again later. the way back. A: All right. Goodbye , Dave. B: Thanks then Sally. Goodbye. Questions on Text B 7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. Accident The river, you see, was never really safe at that time of the year- early autumn, I mean, when there is heavy rainfall. So when I heard the children had gone swimming, as they used to all spring and summer, I knew there might be an
