当前位置:搜档网 › BLDC.C



The motor control part consists of five modules (bldc.c – ac.c – wm.c ?hsensor.c

timer1.c) and a header file (bldc.h), all listed below. The USB modules from Keil’s HD

example are not listed in this application note. For LPC2141 configuration the standard

startup code from Keil was used and set as CCLK = PCLK = 60 MHz.


1 #include // LPC214x definitions

2 #include "bldc.h"


4 unsigned char actualSpeed = 0;

5 unsigned char desiredSpeed = 0;

6 unsigned int RPM,fRPM;


8 void GetInReport(unsigned char *rep) // Host is asking for an InReport

9 {

10 rep[0] = fRPM; // send measured motor speed (low byte)

11 rep[1] = fRPM >> 8; // send measured motor speed (high byte)

12 rep[2] = AD0DR4 >> 8;; // send potm value for debugging

13 }


15 void SetOutReport(unsigned char *rep) // OutReport received from USB host

16 {

17 if (rep[0] < 101)

18 desiredSpeed = rep[0]; // New desired speed value received

19 }


21 int main (void)

22 {

23 ADC0_Init(); // ADC0 Initialization

24 T1_Init(); // 10 msec tick

25 PWM_Init(); // PWM Timer Initialization

26 HES_Init();

27 USB_Init(); // USB Initialization

28 USB_Connect(1); // USB Connect


30 while (1) // Loop forever

31 {

32 if (((AD0DR4 >> 8) & 0xFF) > MAX_Im) // Check motor overcurrent

33 {

34 VICIntEnClr = 0xFFFFFFFF; // disable all interrupts!

35 PWMMR1 = 0; // Q1 off

36 PWMMR2 = 0; // Q2 off

37 PWMMR3 = 0; // Q3 off

38 PWMMR4 = 0; // Q4 off

39 PWMMR5 = 0; // Q5 off

40 PWMMR6 = 0; // Q6 off

41 PWMLER = 0x7F; // enable PWM0-PWM6 match latch (reload)

42 while (1) ; // wait for a RESET

43 }


45 if (f_10ms) // every 10 mseconds

46 {

47 f_10ms = 0;


49 if (actualSpeed > desiredSpeed)

50 actualSpeed --;

51 else if (actualSpeed < desiredSpeed)

52 actualSpeed ++;


54 RPM = 10000000 / T0CR0; // calculate motor speed

55 fRPM = ((fRPM * 15) + RPM) / 16; // filter it

56 }

57 }

58 }

7.2 ADC.C

1 #include


3 void ADC0_Init(void)

4 {

5 PINSEL1 |= 0x00040000; // P0.25 = AIN0.4

6 AD0CR = 0x00200F10; // initialise ADC0, select AIN4

7 AD0CR |= 0x00010000; // start burst mode now, see errata ADC.2

7.3 PWM.C

1 #include


3 void PWM_Init(void)

4 {

5 PINSEL0 |= 0x000A800A; // select PWM1-4 and PWM6

6 PINSEL1 |= 0x00000400; // select PWM5


8 PWMPR = 20; // prescaler to 20, timer runs at 60 MHz / 20 = 3 MHz

9 PWMPC = 0; // prescale counter to 0

10 PWMTC = 0; // reset timer to 0

11 PWMMR0 = 100; // -> PMW base frequency = 3 MHz / 100 = 30 KHz

12 PWMMR1 = 0; // Match 1 for Q1 (off)

13 PWMMR2 = 0; // Match 2 for Q2 (off)

14 PWMMR3 = 0; // Match 3 for Q3 (off)

15 PWMMR4 = 0; // Match 4 for Q4 (off)

16 PWMMR5 = 0; // Match 5 for Q5 (off)

17 PWMMR6 = 0; // Match 6 for Q6 (off)

18 PWMMCR = 0x00000002; // reset TC on MR0

19 PWMPCR = 0x7E00; // enable PWM1 - PWM6 outputs

20 PWMLER = 0x7F; // enable PWM0 - PWM6 match latch (reload)

21 PWMTCR = 0x09; // enable PWM mode and start timer

22 }
