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I am a student from Xinhua Middle School in Chongqing,China. Informed that you have a vacancy for a student to serve as the spokesman for animals, I cannot resist my inner excitement,hoping to seize the opportunity to do something for animals .


In my mind,nothing can delight me so much as caring for animals. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I usually keep in mind that animals are angels from the heaven, which bring us endless comfort and pleasure. I have been a panda lover since my childhood. Panda is so lovely that brings fun to people and they are regarded as the treasure of our country. Unfortunately,such a rare species is now faced with the danger of being extinct。What I am eager to do is to raise people’s awareness of animal protection and appeal to more people to care for our earth companies.




It is my belief that all human beings can make a difference together. I would appreciate it if my application could get your approval.



谢谢你妈妈作文450字 第1篇谢谢你妈妈作文450字 谢谢你,妈妈当我带着一声啼哭来到人世,就享受到了一份浓浓的母爱,这种爱就来自于妈妈。妈妈陪我度过了十个春秋,也教育和影响了我整整十年。现在我怀着一颗感恩的心对妈妈说一声:“谢谢您,妈妈!”妈妈,谢谢您。当我生病的时候,我永远也不会忘记您拿着小勺,一勺一勺的喂我喝水,我永远也不会忘记您拿着小扇,一次次的为我扇风。妈妈,女儿真诚的对您说一声:“谢谢您,妈妈!”妈妈,谢谢您!当我犯错时,您的眼神就像那严厉的教官,让我想逃也逃不掉,但您又是我明白,您做的一切都是为了我好,我不应该顶撞您,更不应该冲您发火。妈妈,我想对您说一声:“谢谢您,妈妈!”谢谢您,妈妈!当我犯了不该犯的错时,你并没有骂我,而是细心的指导我。告诉我下次不要再犯这种低级错误。当我碰到难题时,妈妈还是那样认真的指导我。妈妈,我想对您说:“谢谢您,妈妈!”妈妈,您是我成长中的指路灯,指引我不断向上攀登。女儿对您说一声:“谢谢你,妈妈,我的好妈妈!!!”江西省奉新县冯川二小四(一)班:余萍 第2篇谢谢你妈妈作文450字 我是一只小小的船,您是一个温暖的大海港。当我停泊在您的怀抱时,我沐浴着阳光,满心温暖。我享受着她无限的爱抚,那朵朵浪

花便是我被爱的记录。 在我的记忆中,您的影子总是那么清晰,您对我的付出永远那么多。市场望着你那操劳的身影。我是多么想说一句:妈妈,谢谢您。虽然我没有勇气,但是,我借这次给您写作文,对您忠实地说:谢谢您,妈妈。 您是一位普通的农家妇女,一年四季,您都忙个不停,虽然家境不太好,再加上哥哥,我和妹妹这家中的主要的消费者读书人。您辛勤工作,每天起早贪黑,我知道,您是很辛苦的。但是,每当我看见您不停的工作时,问您,您总是毫不在乎地说:没什么,我不累。每当我听见您这样回答时,我心里好像流血一样的痛。 妈妈,我是沐浴在您爱的阳光中长大的。我受挫折时,您给我鼓励。我进步时,得到您及时的表扬。 谢谢您,亲爱的妈妈。 您那额头的皱纹和增添的银发是您爱的见证,妈妈对我我的爱是博大细腻的、可贵的、丰富的、神圣的,是世界上最伟大的爱! 谢谢您,亲爱的妈妈! 五年级:雪之伶恩 第3篇谢谢你妈妈作文450字 在我的身边,一直有一个关心我,呵护我的人,那个人就是把我带到了这个世界的人我永远的母亲! 我的母亲很慈祥,很宽容,她可以包容我做任何一件事,但是不可以包容我不好好读书,一直有着望子成龙的心态。我当然也知道妈


保护动物英语作文 保护动物英语作文10篇 保护动物英语作文(一): Everyone knows animals are our friends。 So we should be friendly to them。 But some people kill the rare animals, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on in order to get money。 It will cause these animals to disappear soon。 I think our government should punish those people severely who kill the rare animals。 It is our duty to protect the endangered animals。 保护动物英语作文(二): animals are friends of human beings, we should protect it, not to hurt it, we have in this world, why not let the animals and we humans live together in this world?

many animals have bee extinct in the world in our hands, brigade pigeon is one of them, at the age of carefree life in the north american continent,every migrating season, tens of thousands of them。 when europeans first set foot on the north american continent, there were more than half a billion passenger pigeons。 but when the europeans arrived, they began to be hunted on a large scale because of the delicacy of the pigeon meat。since then, the passenger pigeon has gradually gone extinct。 when pigeon meat was readily available on the market, the state of michigan captured 7。5 million passenger pigeons in a season。 once, a club killed 50,000 passenger pigeons a week, and some 500 of them were killed one day。they wrote down the crimes -- that was the result of their game。 someone even came up with the idea of sewing a passenger pigeon;s eye, tying it to a branch, and opening it。 his panions arrived, and they fell into the net。 sometimes you can catch thousands of them at a time。 thi s method must be spread widely。 thus, in less than 100 years,passenger pigeons have been reduced from billions to the brink of extinction。 passenger pigeon: wild extinction in 1900; in 1914, at the national museum of washington in the united states, there was a passenger pigeon


保护动物话题小学生作文10篇 我想,只要我们每个人都把保护动物落实到自己的实际行动中,那么就会形成全社会爱惜动物、保护动物的良好氛围。下面是橙子为大家整理的保护动物话题小学生作文10篇,以供大家参考借鉴! 保护动物话题范文一 大自然中,有很多有益的动物,比如,小鸟、小青蛙、蜻蜓和猫头鹰,还有很多等。其中,我最喜欢的是啄木鸟,它被称为森林医生,不仅可以捉害虫,还可以促进树木生长。 可是我们美丽的小动物受到了人类的威胁,有的人用猎枪打鸟,有的人贩卖小动物,有的人把灵巧可爱、活蹦乱跳的小动物做成美味佳肴,还有的人把小动物当成宠物来饲养,或者虐待小动物。 那些小动物虽然毫不起眼,但是它们毫无所求,为人类做贡献,我们要保护有益的小动物。 保护动物是一件大事,所以“保护动物,人人有责”。 保护动物话题范文二 今天,白老师带我们去阶梯教室听动物园研究生哥哥给我们讲如何保护动物,平时我们也要保护动物,不要伤害小动物,因为小动物是我们的朋友。在天鹅湖有几个叔叔放飞了2只大鸟,还有一位小女孩的妈妈救回来了一只白鹭,叔叔告诉我们这些事情,就是在说当我们也碰到受上的小动物时,也要帮助它们,给它们疗伤。 等它好了再把它们放回大自然。如果碰到国家保护动物时,我们把它送的河南省野生动物救护中心。同时我也要告诉我的朋友们要爱

护动物,保护大自然。 哥哥给我们上了一节生动而有意义的一课,让我们学到了课本以外没有的知识。让我们了解了动物和大自然的重要性。我好期待再上一次这样的课。 保护动物话题范文三 大自然中,有很多有益的小动物,比如小鸟、猫头鹰、蛇、蜻蜓,还有青蛙等。 其中,我最喜欢的有益小动物是猫头鹰,它被称为黑暗中的捕鼠高手,不仅可以帮农民伯伯抓老鼠,还可以保护农民伯伯的庄稼。 可是我们小巧可爱、灵活敏捷的动物受到了人类的威胁,有的人把它们当作宠物,有的人让它们做事,强迫它们表演,还有的人把它们做成美味佳肴。 我们应该劝它们不要伤害小动物,因为这些小动物是有益的,所以我们不能事不关己,高高挂起,不然最后危害到的还是我们人类。 保护动物话题范文四 奇妙的大自然,是人类的好老师,让人类从他们身上发明出奇妙的东西。 小动物们可以教给我们好多知识。我们可以从动物身上发现它们的优点发明出高科技。蝙蝠、蝴蝶、蜻蜓……身上的特点被人类观察出来,利用它们的特点发明了雷达、迷彩服、飞机……好多东西。 小动物们还让我们知道了:自然界有自然界的规律,规律不能被破坏,如果被破坏了后果不堪设想。


(一) 假定你是红星中学初三学生李华。你的美国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对中国新近出现的一种共享单车“mobike”很感兴趣,并请你做个简要介绍。请你给Jim回信,内容包括: 1. 这种单车的使用方法(如:APP查看车辆、扫码开锁等); 2. 这种单车的优势; 3. 你对这种单车的看法。 注意:1. 词数不少于80; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:智能手机smartphone, 二维码the QR code 参考范文 Dear Jim, I’m writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike mobike mentioned in your latest letter. It’s very convenient to use if you have a smartphone. What you do is find a nearest mobikethrough the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip. Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest advantage of mobike is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. It is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation, which relieves the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well. Hope to ride a mobike with you in China. Yours, Li Hua (二) 最近很多大城市都投放了共享单车(shared bikes),比如摩拜单车(Mobike)、Ofo共享单车等。由于它们方便停放,骑车也能起到锻炼身体的作用,作为代步工具很受大家欢迎。但是,各地也出现了很多毁车现象,比如刮掉车上的二维码(QR code)、上私锁等。 你对这种现象怎么看?你对共享单车公司有什么建议吗?写一篇符合逻辑的英语短文,80词左右。 参考词汇:bike-sharing companies 共享单车公司,Mobike 和Ofo 是两家共享单车公司,convenience 方便,register登记 参考范文 The shared bikes like Mobike and Ofo bring great convenience to people. You needn’t lock them by simply using your smart phone. They can take you where the subway and bus don’t go. And they can be left anywhere in public for the next user. However, bad things happen. Some people damage the QR code on the bike, or use their own lock, which causes trouble to other users. In my opinion, it’s difficult to turn these people’s ideas in a short time. Therefore, bike-sharing companies like Mobike and Ofo need to do something. For example, those who damage the bike should pay for their actions. Also, because people use their real name toregister as a user, it’s a good way to connect to one’s personal credit. In the end, what I want to say is to take good care of public services. (三) 共享单车(bicycle sharing)已成为时下最热的话题之一,请你就这一话题写一篇短文。内容须包括三方面:1. 共享单车蓬勃发展,成为社会热潮;2. 共享单车带来便利,但也存在问题;3. 我对解决问题的建议。 参考范文 Bicycle Sharing With the development of technology, bicycle sharing comes into people's lives. It becomes more and more popular and much news reported it. At the same time, we should see that there are some problems caused by bicycle sharing. On one side, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient of people traveling. You can find a bicycle anywhere at any time when you want to go out for a cycling, and the price of one trip is very low. It can save time for people. On the other side, its management is not perfect. Even kids can open the lock and ride the bicycle, there is no doubt that such behavior is very dangerous.


保护动物英语作文范文四篇 引导语:有关保护动物英语作文范文哪里有?怎样写一篇保护动物的英语作文?接下来是小编为你带来收集整理的文章,欢迎阅读! 保护动物英语作文一Everyone knows animals are our friends. So we should be friendly to them. But some people kill the rare animals, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on in order to get money. It will cause these animals to disappear soon. I think our government should punish those people severely who kill the rare animals. It is our duty to protect the endangered animals. 保护动物英语作文二There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority . It's wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends.We should protect them instead of killing them.Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves.They can just live safely in the natural protection zones.We should stop killing animal and protect them. 保护动物英语作文三It is suggested that people have been aware of the issue--lack of preservation for endangered spieces, animals and plants, but as you see , they placed little efforts to cope with the problem.despite the versatility and intricacy of instruments , ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


二年级保护动物作文【五篇】 【篇一】 今天我和爸爸去商店买东西,看见一直小狗躺在路上,我走过去一看,小狗被撞得头破血流,已经死了,我伤心的哭了。我喃喃自语的说:“小狗、小狗你怎么了?是你没看见车子,还是开车的人没有看见你。” 多么可怜的小狗啊! 我真希望你能快快乐乐的活下来,我也提醒开车的叔叔、阿姨慢一点,小狗也是一条生命,保护动物人人有责。 【篇二】 今天上午,我和姑姑一起去绿色猪肉场,那里卖的全都是猪身上的东西。我和姑姑走着走着,看见了杀猪的人,他们赶着猪,让猪进到一间黑乎乎的屋子里,我透过窗户,能看见里面的事情。有几个人,拿着刀,把猪切死,再一只一只的把它吊起来,然后切成一块块的。 我想:假如我是一头猪,一定会痛苦的哭了。我们要保护动物,和动物交个朋友,就当成一家人。 【篇三】 今天,我学习《鲸》一课,发现了一些东西。

鲸是由中爪兽变成古鲸,再由古鲸变成现代鲸鱼。由于鲸得繁殖能力很差,均匀两年才生产下一头幼鲸。由于人类的捕捉和海洋污染,鲸的数量已经急剧减少。如,鲸类中体形的蓝鲸,在20世纪有近36万头鲸被杀戮,目前仅存不到5存头。在地球上生存了5000多万年的鲸,许多品种已濒临灭绝。我相信大家听了这段话以后,都很伤心。那就让我们开始保护动物吧! 保护动物人人有责。 【篇四】 有一天,小红和奶奶去菜市场买菜。她们看到有一个又人面前有一大盆青蛙,他下不停地吆喝着卖青蛙。 小红在青蛙盆前看了很长时间,奶奶说:“小红,你要买青蛙吃呢?”小红说:“青蛙可是益虫呀,我们保护青蛙。”奶奶说:“小红你说的真好”。小红和奶奶对卖青蛙的人说:“青蛙是益虫是受国家法律保护动物,买卖青蛙是犯法地”。最后卖青蛙的人同意了大家把青蛙放回到河里的建议。小红和奶奶带着青蛙把它们放入市场边的小河里。 【篇五】 昨天,我妈妈给我买了一本书,是关于动物的,接下来我就给大家大概说一下吧。


[标签:标题] 篇一:关于汽车的英语作文 好的 Nowadays, with the rapid improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become an indispensable part of people's lives,so that more and more people have a car of their own, especially in cities. It brings some benefits for us but also causes many problems at the same time. For one thing,there’s no doubt that cars provide much convenience for people to go where they want to quickly and easily. Especially on weekday,driving a car can save a lot of time for us to go to work.When some places are too far away from our home, driving our own car is also convenient, we can go wherever we want. However,for another, too many cars will lead to the pressure of public transport, a series of problems will appear.First of all,it will bring about more air pollution,a large amount of polluted air given off by cars do great harm to our health.What’s more, as the existing roads are not so wide for the increasing number of cars,undoubtedly,traffic jams will become more and more serious. Last but not least, cars also place burden on the public facilities in providing more parking lots. As far as I am concerned,everything has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s high time that effective action must be token to limit the ever growing number of cars, the government should take measures to control the air pollution from the cars. Some roads should be widened and more new roads should be constructed. Only in this way,will people benefit from the popularity of cars. 坏的 Nowadays, with the rapid improvement of people's living standards, cars have become an indispensable part of people's lives,so that more and more people have a car of their own, especially in cities.It brings some benefit for us but also causes many problems at the same time. For one thing,it's no doubt that that cars provide much convenience for people to go where they want to quickly and easily. Especially on weekday,driving a car can save a lot of time for us to go to work.When some places are too far away from our home, driving our own car is also convenient, we can go wherever we want. However,for another, too many cars will lead to the pressure of public transport, a series of problems will appear.First of all,it will bring about more air pollution,a large amount of polluted air given off by cars do great harm to our health .What's more, as the existing roads are not so wide for the increasing number of cars,undoubtedly,traffic jams will become more and more serious. Last but not least, cars also place burden on the public facilities in providing more parking lots. As far as I am concerned,everything has its advantages and disadvantages. It's high time that effective action must be token to limit the ever growing number of cars, the government should take measures to control the air pollution from the cars. Some roads should be widened and more new roads should be constructed. Only in this way,will people benefit from the popularity of cars. 篇二:雅思作文高分范文:私家车的利与弊 智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思作文高分范文:私家车的利与弊


精选作文:感谢你妈妈!(300字)作文 亲爱的妈妈:您好!新年快乐!要过母亲节了,首先,我祝您身体健康,万事如意,生意兴隆!最近,工作忙吗?也许您一定很累吧。我感谢您把我带到这个世界上来,我很开心。记得我生下来的时候,你为了能好好的照看我,就辞职了,这使我很感动。现在,我已经上四年级了。这么多年来,为了我的学习,你不仅做生意,而且,晚上还给我辅导,还请教师教我画画。记得有一回,你教我一道数学题,讲了一遍又一遍,嘴巴都干了。最后,我终于明白了。那一次,我生病了,可是你在看店,但是你还是要去学校接我。然后,把我送到家里上床睡觉,你一边拿毛巾擦擦汗,一边又要整理东西。我看了非常感动。妈妈,我现在知道了,只有好好的学习,长大后才能好好的报答你。亲爱的妈妈,你辛苦了,我会永远地爱着你!初一:伍凯 篇一:谢谢你!妈妈作文500字 谢谢你!妈妈作文500字 今天是3月8日,是国际劳动妇女节,是全世界妇女的节日,去学校之前,我便把周末准备好的贺卡和礼物放在桌子最醒目的地方,才放心地去上学。想起妈妈对我做得所有事,最让我感动的就是: 6岁时,我上一年纪,那时爸爸和妈妈都在张家港打工,我却在老家泰兴。那天,邻居家的小妹妹莹莹正在我家和我玩,因为是夏天很热,我和莹莹玩得很热很热,满头都是汗珠,便准备做会儿作业。我拿着作业本,拉着莹莹,来到电风扇底下,把电风扇开到了最档。就自顾自地在书桌上奋笔疾书了。莹莹怎么能闲得住呢?一会翻翻我的文具盒,一会儿翻翻我的书本,围着桌子转来转去的,开心得不得了。突然,只听见“砰”的一声,好像什么东西破了,我顺着莹莹的目光往下看,原来是热水瓶坏了,只见那热水正要无情地扑向我的脚。没想到预料的事还是发生了,因为穿的是凉鞋,刚一碰到热水我就“哇哇”地哭了起来。奶奶听到了我的哭声便跑了进来,看见我的脚被烫得火彤彤的,就抱着我去了医院。还打了电话给爸爸妈妈,妈妈听到以后,当天傍晚就赶到老家,没来得及放下行李,就匆匆忙忙地赶到了医院,那时候伤口已经包扎好了,妈妈心疼地摸了一下伤口,我便“哇——”地一声叫了出来,还一边埋怨妈妈。在那几天,妈妈一直陪在我床边,只要我一翻身,妈妈都会醒来。有几次我无意醒来,看见妈妈头上多了几根白发。几个星期过去了,我的烫伤终于好了,但还是在腿上留下了疤痕,妈妈一直懊悔没有将我带在身边照顾好我。 妈妈!谢谢你一直无微不至地照护我,虽然有时嫌你唠叨忍不住埋怨你,但我知道你肯定是很爱我的! 篇二:作文《谢谢你,妈妈》. 谢谢你,妈妈 人们常说:“母爱是最伟大的!”的确,从我懂事开始,妈妈一点一滴的爱我都看在眼里记在心里?? 妈妈很关心我的学习。有一次,我跟小伙伴在楼下玩耍,妈妈问我作业写完没,我随口说:“写完了!”当她说要检查时,我只好低着头卷着衣角。妈妈好像看出来了说:“写完才能吃饭!”我只好回家写作业。刚好那天作业特多,要不是妈妈催我马上写。我可能还要写得很晚呢。妈妈,谢谢你! 妈妈也很关心我的健康。一有好吃的饭菜,她都留给我吃。因为我很喜欢吃鱼,所以每次有鱼,妈妈都一个劲地夹给我吃。当我夹给你时,你却说:“你还小,要吃多点鱼,对身子有好处!我也有吃。”她


《保护动物的英语作文》 保护动物的英语作文(一): Animals Need Protecting There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority 。 It's wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends。We should protect them instead of killing them。Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves。They can just live safely in the natural protection zones。We should stop killing animal and protect them。 保护动物的英语作文(二): Animals Need Protecting Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history。 Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food,for sport, and simply because they were in the way。 Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever。 Hundreds more are on the danger list today。 About 170 kinds in the United States aloneare considered in danger。 Why should people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more。Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting。 They are more than just a source of food。 Every animal has its place in the balance of nature。 Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems。 For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers' stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice。 Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly。 Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals。 Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem。 And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger。Quite a few countries have passed laws。 These laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list。 Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing。 保护动物的英语作文(三): Advice on Protecting Wild Animal


一只鸟儿会唱出一首动听的乐曲,一首乐曲会奏出春天的旋律,而在春天的旋律里,谱写着人与鸟儿的和谐相处,让我们每天都能听见小鸟儿那动听的歌声。世界上如果一个国家和另一个国家不能和谐相处,那么世界将永无宁日。在这个社会上,如果人与人不和谐相处,那么社会治安就会受到影响。自然界中,如果人与动物不和谐相处,那么受伤害的不仅仅是动物,人亦难逃厄运。现在就让我们谈谈人与鸟儿的和谐相处吧!有一首歌,其中有一句是这样唱的:”草原鞭儿响四方,百鸟齐飞翔……多美啊! 许多鸟在蔚蓝的天空中翱翔,人们在一望无际的草原上骑着骏马疾驰,这种感觉就像在仙境中遨游一般。在大自然中,鸟儿给人类带来了无穷的快乐,当一个人在忧伤痛苦中难以自拔时,听到鸟儿在树枝上用清脆的嗓音唱出婉转的曲子时,忧伤痛苦顿时忘到脑后,却被那悦耳的歌声陶醉。 从总体来说,鸟是人类的朋友,自然界的生态平衡离不开鸟,人与鸟的和谐相处,是保护生态的平衡。其实,人类的朋友鸟儿也不想把病菌带给人类,他们也想和人类做好朋友! 一只鸟儿会唱出一首动听的乐曲,一首乐曲会奏出春天的旋律,而在春天的旋律里,谱写着人与鸟儿的和谐相处,让我们每天都能听见小鸟儿那动听的歌声。

“又有同伴被杀害了!”“人类真心狠!”“这样下去我们会灭绝的!”这是动画片中真实的录语。我们生活中也有大量杀害动物的例子,我也亲眼见过,我也想呼吁大家保护动物。 一天,妈妈本想去农贸市场买只兔子,我也跟着去了。来到家禽出售店,一进去,我就被眼前这一切给惊呆了!这哪是什么出售店,一排排关着小动物的笼子,已经占了这个店的极大位置。我随便走到了关兔子的牢笼,抚摸着一只兔子,这只兔子呆呆的望着我,然后就做出了让我意想不到的事——她在用她那细小的牙齿啃着牢笼。我发现他的牙齿缝里透满了血丝,可能他在多次尝试用牙齿咬开牢笼。他的眼睛也充满着对生的渴望。 这还不算什么,还有更加让人心疼的!我还看见了店里的几个员工在剖蛇肚子!虽然这蛇已经被淹死了,但剖肚的样子还是惨不忍睹,我都不敢再往下看!“咳!可真残忍!”“小妹妹,这那叫残忍,动物本来都是给人吃的,不然哪来干什么?”店员回答道。我并没有回答到,因为这些人劝也劝不来了,他们这样下去会丧心病狂的。我不知道,这些动物将来会遭受到怎样的命运,我深深地为他们悲叹! 啊!请保护动物!


谢谢你,妈妈作文900字 3月7日中午,在湘师实验小学海观楼的阶梯教室里,一堂有关“生命”的课正在进行着。我们湘师实验小学的小记者们带着好奇和疑问,兴致勃勃地听卫校的赵老师给我们讲课。在揭开“生命来源”之谜前,我们先当了一回婴儿护理员。赵老师带来了智能婴儿模型,让我们来给它们换尿不湿,穿衣服。 “和玩洋娃娃差不多吧?这还不容易。”我轻松地想。我走到小宝宝身边,摸了摸它那皱皱的皮肤,又看到它头上光秃秃的,像个小老头,心想:“真受打击啊,我以为小婴儿应该和小天使一样漂亮呢。我小时候是不是也这么丑呢?”我想着,抱起小宝宝,把它屁股部位放在尿不湿上,留出一半尿不湿,往上翻,包住小宝宝的肚皮,尿不湿两侧的带子有粘性,绕到肚皮上,贴紧,尿不湿就包好了。哈,不难嘛。我看到小宝宝脸上露出笑容,脸儿变得很生动,漂亮多啦。 接下来,我得给小宝宝穿上连体衣,不然的话,它会着凉的。我先小心翼翼地把它的小胳膊放进衣袖,然后,麻烦就来了,小宝宝的腿紧紧并拢,怎么都塞不进裤腿里去。我有点生气了。可又一想,我还是小婴儿的时候,肯定也经常这样“不合作”,妈妈每次都动作轻柔地给我换尿不湿、穿衣,她可从来没生我气。这样想着,我试试轻轻地把小宝宝的腿分开,套进裤子里面。成功啦!小宝宝穿上衣服后,显得格外神气,笑容也更灿烂了。 做了婴儿护理员,体验妈妈照顾我们的辛苦,赵老师为我们讲起“我们从哪里来的”。生命从一颗受精卵开始,受精卵在妈妈的子宫里不断分裂,发育成胚胎,胚胎再发育成胎儿,胎儿发育成熟后,小婴儿就离开妈妈的肚子,出生了。刚出生的小婴儿,像个小动物,丑丑的,渐渐的,皮肤光滑了,变漂亮了,会说话啦,会走啦,上学啦,长大啦……这真是个神奇的过程,妈妈像一位魔术师一样,把我们“变”了出来。 通过赵老师的讲解,我才知道,妈妈们在怀我们的时候,经历了很多困难。比如,妈妈们在怀孕的时候,脚会肿。赵老师给我们看的图片上,那位妈妈的脚是那么肥,那么丑。妈妈们为了我们,放弃了打扮,变丑也不怕。还有,在婴儿出生时,妈妈们要经历一次世界上最痛的过程。听到这儿,我真想马上回家对妈妈说:“你还记得生我的时候的痛苦吗?妈妈,谢谢你给了我生命。”


初中保护动物英语作文 动物的灾难其实也是我们人类的灾难,我们要保护好它们。下面是XX为您整理的关于保护动物英语作文的相关资料,欢迎阅读! 初中保护动物英语作文【1】 Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat. In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves. Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can


竭诚为您提供优质的服务,优质的文档,谢谢阅读/双击去除 保护动物,保护动物作文50字 以下是为大家整理的保护动物,保护动物作文50字的相关范文,本文关键词为保护,动物,作文,50字,,您可以从右上方搜索框检索更多相关文章,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注我们并推荐给您的好友,您可以在优秀作文中查看更多范文。 篇一:二年级日记:保护动物作文 摘要:为帮大家更有效的提高自己的写作水平,精品作文网收集并发布了二年级日记:保护动物,希望通过对本篇文章阅读,能取得更多的收获,为自己以后的写作水平锦上添花。二年级日记:保护动物 11月9日星期二风 动物是我们的朋友,我们应该保护它们,因为很多动物都对人类有益。我喜欢小蜜蜂,它很勤劳,它每天早出晚归,为人们采酿味道鲜美的蜂蜜。我很喜欢青蛙,它的舌头特别长,每天躲在田地里,只

要害虫一来,就被青蛙吃进了肚子里。我还喜欢七星飘虫,它每天都吃棉花叶子上的很多蚜虫。 篇二:保护动物的作文 [保护动物的作文] 今天放学的时候,同学们正在教室里收拾书包,突然有一只小鸟飞进了教室,保护动物的作文。调皮王石亮看到了,便大声喊了起来:大家快来看啊!有一只小鸟!边说边跑过去把小鸟捉住了。大家都闻声而来,班长少文看到了,便对石亮说:石亮,快把小鸟放了!别让小鸟难受。石亮捉着小鸟,对少文说:我为什么要听你的话,我捉住了就是我的,我要把它带回家饲养。说着拿起书包就要往外走。刚好老师走进教室,石亮看到老师来了吓了一跳,赶紧把小鸟藏在身后。这时班长少文走到老师面前,向老师说明了情况后。老师走到石亮面前,说:石亮,我们必须保护动物,如果人人都像你一样,看到了动物就捉起来,视为己有的话,那么世界上的动物,不就都没有了吗?石亮听完老师的话后,惭愧极了,于是当众把小鸟放了,得到了老师的夸奖。从这件事中使我了解小学生还必须多认识保护小动物的知识。学校必须注重小学生对保护动物的认识,多教小学生一些关于保护动物的小知识。我相信只要这样做,不久人和动物一定能够和睦相处。如果你是一只动物,却遭到了人类的猎杀,你会怎么想,你愿意吗,你愿意被猎杀吗?你绝对不愿意,有些人说:我又不是动物。但你们有没有想过动物们会怎么想吗?现在人类大量捕杀动物,动物会甘心吗?不,不会,永远不会。它们不愿意死在人类手里。它们愿意被你
