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RDS-QN8035 Driver SDK API Programming Guide_v1.4_072110

Driver SDK User Manual
'option' will control the volume, range: 0~47(0: -47db, 47: 0db) Return Value: None
2.12 QND_RDSEnable
********************************************************************** UINT8 QND_RDSEnable(UINT8 on) ********************************************************************** Description: Enable or disable chip to work with RDS related functions. Parameters: on: QND_RDS_ON: Enable chip to receive/transmit RDS data. QND_RDS_OFF: Disable chip to receive/transmit RDS data. Return Value: 1: success 0: failure
2.13 QND_RDSHighSpeedEnable
********************************************************************** void QND_RDSHighSpeedEnable(UINT8 on) ********************************************************************** Description: Read out data from the specified register. Parameters: on: 1: Enable 4x RDS speed 0: Disable 4x RDS speed, back to normal RDS speed Return Value: None Note:
2.14 QND_RDSModeDetect
********************************************************************** INT8 QND_RDSModeDetect(void) ********************************************************************** Description: Enable or disable chip to work with RDS related functions. Parameters: None. Return Value: 1: 4kb/s RDS signal is detected 0: 1kb/s RDS signal is detected -1: No RDS signal is detected
2.15 QND_RDSDetectSignal
********************************************************************** UINT8 QND_RDSDetectSignal(void) ********************************************************************** Description: To detect whether there is RDS signal.
Rev1.4 (07/21) Confidential B
Copyright ?2010 by Quintic Corporation
Confidential Information contained herein is covered under Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
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Driver SDK User Manual
Parameters: None Return Value: 1: detect RDS signal 0: none of RDS signal
2.16 QND_RDSLoadData
********************************************************************** void QND_RDSLoadData(UINT8 *rdsRawData, UINT8 upload) ********************************************************************** Description: Unload (RX) RDS data from on-chip RDS buffer. Before calling this function, always make sure to call the QND_RDSBufferReady function to check that the RDS is capable to unload RDS data. Parameters: rdsRawData : 8 bytes data buffer to unload (on RX mode) from chip RDS buffer. Upload: 0--download Return Value: None
2.17 QND_RDSCheckBufferReady
********************************************************************** UINT8 QND_RDSBufferReady(void) ********************************************************************** Description: Check chip RDS register buffer status before doing unload of RDS data. Parameters: None Return Value: QND_RDS_BUFFER_NOT_READY: RDS buffer is not ready to use. QND_RDS_BUFFER_READY: RDS buffer is ready to use. You can now unload (for RX) data from RDS buffer Flowchart:
2.18 QND_WriteReg
********************************************************************** UINT8 QND_WriteReg (UINT8 adr, UINT8 val) ********************************************************************** Description: Write data to specified register. Parameters: Rev1.4 (07/21) Confidential B Copyright ?2010 by Quintic Corporation
Confidential Information contained herein is covered under Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
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Driver SDK User Manual
: Return Value: 0: failed 1: success Note: This function execute I2C write function, you can call it to write value to Qn8035 register. Something about please see the Chapter III.
2.19 QND_ReadReg
********************************************************************** UINT8 QND_ReadReg(UINT8 Regis_Addr) ********************************************************************** Description: Read out data from the specified register. Parameters: adr: register address Return Value: The register value Note: This function execute I2C read function, you can call it to read value of Qn8035 register. Something about I2C please see the Chapter III.
Rev1.4 (07/21) Confidential B
Copyright ?2010 by Quintic Corporation
Confidential Information contained herein is covered under Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
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