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本试题为PMP 考前模拟试题,仅为并仅提供给学员考前模拟测试用;

正式PMP 认证考试时间为四个小时(9:00—13:00);

正式PMP 认证考试题量和题型为200 道单选题(四个选项);

正式PMP 认证考试语言为中英文对照,题意以英文为准;

正式PMP 认证考试格式以下列第一、二题格式为准;

1. Which of the following is not the feature of a project?

A. Constrained by limited resources

B. Planned, executed and controlled

C. Creates unique product or service

D. May be ongoing and repetitive

1. 下面哪一项不属于项目的特点?

A. 是受有限资源约束的

B. 经过计划、实施和控制的

C. 创造独特的产品或者服务

D. 可能是持续和重复的

2. You are considering whether to buy or make a software product. If you buy, the cost is $80,000 and the cost of procurement and integrating in your company is $1000. If you want to build yourself, the product will require 7 software engineers working 3 months. Salary of each software engineer is $4,000 per month. The overhead costs apportioned to the project will be $2,000.

Which option will you choose?

A. Buy

B. Build

C. Neither build nor buy

D. Need more information about the suppliers before making a decision

2. 你在考虑是否购买或者开发一个软件。如果购买,成本将是80,000 美元,采购及整合成本将是1,000 美元。如果自己开发,将需要7 名软件工程师工作三个月,每一名软件

工程师的工资是每月4,000 美元,分摊到项目的间接成本是2,000 美元。


A. 购买

B. 开发

C. 不购买也不开发

D. 在作决策前需要了解更多的供应商信息

3. ____can be used to identify the person responsible for executing the work, geographic area, or place where the work has to be performed and activity type:

A. Constraints

B. Activity Attributes

C. Resource Pool Description

D. Estimate Activity duration

3. 可用于识别工作执行负责人、实施工作的地区或地点以及活动的类型的是下列哪项?

A. 制约因素

B. 活动属性

C. 资源池说明

D. 估算活动持续时间

4. In your last project status meeting, you had 15 team members. The meeting was very disorderly - there were too many sidebar conversations and arguments. As a result,

you achieved nothing substantial from the meeting. In order to better regulate the meeting next time, you should:

A. Decrease the number of people in one meeting

B. Publish a meeting agenda

C. Ensure that you control the channels of communication

D. Give incentives to team members for conforming to desired norms of the meeting

4. 你的上一次项目状态会议有15 人参加,会议非常混乱,会议中有太多的题外话和争论。这样一来,会议就没有取得任何实质性的结果。下次要更好的规范会议,你应该:

A. 减少与会人数

B. 发布会议议程

C. 保证控制好沟通渠道

D. 给遵守会议规范的人以激励

5. In an automobile company for which you are the project manager, the allowable standard deviation for a product required from the contractor is within 0.002 inches. However, while examining the product, you find out that the standard deviation is

slightly more than 0.002 inches. You believe that the deviation is very small and hence, acceptable. In this case you must:

A. Allow the product because it is a very small deviation from the company standard which you think is acceptable.

B. Document the lower quality level, ask the contractor for explanation and try to find a solution

C. Reject the product outright

D. Allow the lower standard this time but inform the contractor to be more quality conscious going forward

5. 你是一汽车厂的项目经理,合同规定的可接受的产品标准差是在0.002 英寸以内。但是在你察看产品时发现,标准差稍微超过了0.002 英寸。你认为这个偏差很小,可以接受,此时你必须:

A. 接受这一产品,因为偏差项目对于标准差是很小的,因而可以接受

B. 记录下这一低质量,让合同方给出解释,努力找到解决方案

C. 立即拒绝这个产品

D. 接受这一次的低质量,告诉合同方下一次将更好的注意质量

6. All the following are tools for estimate cost except:

A. Analogous Estimating

B. Parametric Modeling

C. Cost of Quality

D. Alternatives Identification


A. 类比估算

B. 参数估算

C. 质量成本

D. 备选方案识别

7. In your project, you are creating a decision tree diagram that describes the decisions under consideration and implications of choosing one or another of the available alternatives. This will help in:

A. Getting a Qualitative Analysis of the risk

B. Determining which risks can impact the project the most

C. Translating the uncertainties at a detailed level into potential impact on objectives expressed at the level of the total project

D. Determining which decision yields the greatest expected value

7. 你的项目中,你绘制了一个决策树图形,它考虑了各种备选方案中的种种选择及其后果,这有助于:

A. 进行风险定性分析

B. 确定影响项目的最大风险

C. 把不确定性详细地转化为对项目目标的潜在影响水平

D. 确定哪一个决策具有最大的预期值

8. _________with integrated change control provides a standardized, effective and efficient way to centrally manage approved changes and baselines within a project.

A. Configuration Management System

B. Change Control System

C. Risk management

D. Project plan execution

8. 附带整体变更控制功能的_____可以提供标准化、效果好、效率高的方式,来集中管理已批准的变更与基准。

A. 配置管理系统

B. 变更控制系统

C. 风险管理

D. 项目计划执行

9. You are a project manager for a major information systems project when someone from the quality department comes to see you about beginning a quality audit of your project. The team, already under pressure to complete the project as soon as possible, objects

to the audit. You should explain to the team that the purpose of a quality audit is:

A. Part of an ISO 9000 investigation

B. To check if the customer is following its quality process

C. To identify lessons learned that can improve performance on the project

D. To check the accuracy of costs submitted by the team


A. ISO 9000 调查的一部分

B. 查验客户是否遵守质量流程

C. 识别经验教训以便未来改善项目绩效

D. 查验团队提交的成本的准确与否

10. The 50-50 rule of progress reporting is used to:

A. Calculate the exact EV

B. Provide a good statistical approximation of EV

C. Determine the schedule variance

D. Determine schedule variance in monetary terms

10.进度报告中的50-50 法则用于:

A. 计算准确的挣值

B. 获得一个良好的统计上接近的挣值

C. 决定进度偏差

D. 决定进度偏差的金额

11. A control chart shows seven data points in a row on one side of the mean. What should be done?

A. A design of experiment

B. Adjust the chart to reflect the new mean

C. Find the assignable cause

D. The is the rule of seven and can be ignored

11.控制图表明有7 个数据点连续的分布于平均值的同一侧。你应该:

A. 做实验设计

B. 调整控制图,反映新的平均值

C. 寻找非随机原因

D. 这是7 点法则,可以忽略

12. In a Weak Matrix organization, the role of a project manager is that of a:

A. Coordinator and expeditor

B. Project manager with considerable authority

C. Support person

D. Functional manager


A. 协调员和联络员

B. 有相当权力的项目经理

C. 支持性人员

D. 职能经理

13. In your new company, you realize that some of the financial statements of the company do not follow US GAAP Accounting Standards and are hence inaccurate. In this case, what should you do first?

A. Inform the US government agencies of the inaccurate accounting practices in the company

B. Talk to your finance managers about why you think that they may be violating the standard accounting standards

C. Since you are new to the company, you assume that finance standards are different in the company - hence do not do anything about the issue

D. Talk with finance manager in your previous company to get expert opinion about accounting standards in the new company

13.你刚到一家新公司上任,你发现公司的财务报表没有遵守美国GAAP 通用会计准则标准,因此是不准确的。此时,你首先应该:

A. 告知美国政府部门,汇报你公司里的不准确的会计做法

B. 和财务经理交流,说为什么你认为这样做可能违反了标准的会计准则

C. 因为你是新来的,假设公司的财务标准不同于其他公司,然受不再考虑此事

D. 和你从前任职的公司里的财务经理交流,来获得关于新公司的财务准则的专家意见

14. In your project, a team member suggested the addition of a functionality to improve customer satisfaction. Your approach would be to:

A. Allow for the functionality because satisfying the customer is your objective.

B. Do not allow for the new requirement, because it will be a change in scope, and the customer did not explicitly mention the requirement.

C. Make changes to the project plan to accommodate the new requirement

D. Ask the customer for additional funding for implementing the requirement

14. 你项目中的一个团队成员建议增加一个功能点来提高客户满意度,你的态度应该是:

A. 允许增加,因为客户满意是目标

B. 不允许这一新的需求,因为这是范围变更,客户并没有明确的提出这一需求

C. 改变项目计划,容纳这一新的需求

D. 向客户索要实施这一需求的额外资金

15. In your construction project, the CPI is 1.30 and SPI is 0.85. What could be the potential reason?

A. A critical resource went on sick leave for a long period of time, and this had not been anticipated earlier.

B. The cost of raw materials required for construction increased 10%

C. You had not taken into account inflation rate.

D. There were 4 days of waiting time in the curing of cement, and no work could be

done during that time.

15.一个建设项目,CPI 是1.30,SPI 是0.85,可能的原因是什么?

A. 一个关键资源长期病假,事先并未预料到

B. 施工的原材料涨价10%

C. 当时没有考虑到通货膨胀率

D. 混凝土凝固有4 天的等待时间,此时什么工作也不能做

16. Develop Project Team is a very critical component of Human Resource Management. All the following are inputs to Develop Project Team except:

A. Project staff assignments

B. Project management plan

C. Resource calendars

D. Performance Report


A. 项目人员分派

B. 项目管理计划

C. 资源日历

D. 绩效报告

17. You recently took over a large project from another project manager who had to leave for a personal emergency. You want to understand what kind of information should be provided to different stakeholders, and the what methods should be used to provide

this information. You will find this information in the :

A. Communications Management Plan

B. Report Performance

C. Project Records

D. Scope management Plan



A. 沟通管理计划

B. 报告绩效

C. 项目记录

D. 范围管理计划

18. If a project needs to be terminated early, then you will have to do :

A. Plan Procurement

B. Contract Administration

C. Close Project or phase

D. Conduct Procurement


A. 采购规划

B. 合同管理

C. 结束项目或阶段

D. 实施采购

19. You are the Project Manager for a company doing research on alternative fuels for automobiles. In your project, which of the following is a valid assumption?

A. Cost of the project is $5 Million

B. The project scope is to develop alternative fuels only for automobile vehicles weighing less than 10 tons.

C. Gasoline fuels will become very expensive and less readily available after 10 years

D. The project has to be completed within 2 years


A. 项目成本为500 万美元

B. 项目范围是开发10 吨以下的机动车的替换燃料

C. 汽油燃料会越来越贵,并且10 年后的供应会更加不稳定

D. 项目应在2 年内完成

20. Your project will most likely be completed in 10 weeks. Worst case scenario, the project will require 19 weeks, and if everything goes well the project will be completed

in 7 weeks. What is the PERT estimate for the task?

A. 10 weeks

B. 11 weeks

C. 9 weeks

D. Cannot be determined with the information provided

20.你的项目很可能在10 周内完成,最坏的情况需要19 周,一切顺利的话,7 周可以完成,这项任务的PERT 估算为:

A. 10 周

B. 11 周

C. 9 周

D. 无法确定

21. Quality control involves monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards. To evaluate Quality Control outputs, the project team should have a working knowledge of:

A. Prevention and Inspection

B. Sampling and Probability

C. Attribute sampling and variable sampling

D. Tolerances and Control Limits


A. 预防和检查

B. 抽样和概率

C. 属性抽样和变量抽样

D. 公差和控制界限

22. Your new project has been going badly. The project deliverables have changed three times, the functional managers keep removing people from the team, and the project baseline schedule has been adjusted four times in the first week. This is MOST likely due to a lack of:

A. A stakeholder management plan

B. A signed charter

C. A clear management direction

D. A scope management plan


A. 干系人管理计划

B. 签字的项目章程

C. 清晰的管理层意图

D. 范围管理计划

23. The carpeting subcontractor has, without prior approval, installed carpet that is a slightly different pattern from the pattern selected for the project. The difference in cost per square yard saves approximately USD 10,000. Upon learning of the change, the BEST course of action for the project manager is to:

A. Demand that the original carpeting be installed

B. Meet with the customer to explain what happened and celebrate the US$10,000 saving

C. Document the change in the change control plan

D. Determine the overall impact on the project

23.地毯供应商未经事先批准,擅自为项目安装了一种与原来设计不同的图案,每平方码的成本将近降低了1 万美元,了解这一变更后,项目经理的最佳行动方案是:

A. 要求安装原来规定的地毯

B. 会见客户解释,祝贺这每平方码1 万美元的节省

C. 在变更控制计划里记录变更

D. 确定变更对项目的整体影响

24. All the following are professional responsibilities of a certified PMP EXCEPT:

A. Ensure that there is no conflict of interest that can compromise the legitimate interests of a client or customer

B. Ensure that the technical specifications are appropriately defined

C. Disseminate PMP Code of Professional Conduct to other PMI certificates.

D. Cooperate with PMI concerning ethics violation and the collection of related information

24.下列都属于PMP 的职业责任,不包括:

A. 保证不发生损害客户合法利益的冲突

B. 保证技术规格的恰当定义

C. 向其他认证人员传播PMP 职业行为规范

D. 就违反道德的行为配合PMI 收集信息

25. Work Breakdown Structure is:

A. Developed in the Define Scope Phase

B. A deliverable oriented grouping of project components.

C. Similar to the chart of accounts

D. Depicts work elements assigned to different organizational units


A. 在定义范围阶段制定的

B. 面向可交付成果的项目组成部分的划分

C. 和会计科目类似

D. 描述了分配到不同组织单元的工作要素

26. In a project you are presented with following four options. Which project should you select?

A. Project A with Opportunity Cost of $100,000

B. Project B with Benefit-Cost Ratio of 0.75

C. Project C with IRR of -2%

D. Project D with NPV of $100,000


A. 项目A,它的机会成本为10 万美元

B. 项目B,效益/成本比为0.75

C. 项目C,内部收益率为-2%

D. 项目D,净现值为10 万美元

27. You have a cost plus fixed fee contract with the customer and an arrangement with your manager whereby you will receive 10 percent of the contract as payment for your services. While completing the project, you discover that the actual cost will be lower than expected, thus decreasing your service fee. What should you do?

A. Find ways to add tasks to the project that provide more customer benefits and increase costs

B. Expand more of the critical path tasks so they cost more

C. Purchase more expensive equipment

D. Notify your manage of the probable decreased cost



A. 想办法给项目增加任务并给客户提供效益,以提高成本

B. 扩大关键路径上的活动增加成本

C. 购买昂贵的设备

D. 把可能的减少的成本告知经理

28. Risk Management Plan may include:

A. Budgeting, Timing, revised stakeholders’ tolerance, Methodology

B. Risks, Triggers, Inputs to other processes

C. Avoided, Transferred, Mitigated and Accepted Risks

D. Risk Response Audits, Earned Value Analysis, Technical Performance Measurement


A. 预算、时间安排、修订的干系人承受力、方法论

B. 风险、触发因素、其他过程的输入

C. 规避、转移、减轻和接受

D. 风险应对审计、挣值分析、技术性能测量

29. Contract Negotiation is carried out as part of :

A. Plan Procurement

B. Administer Procurement

C. Conduct Procurement

D. Close Procurement


A. 规划采购

B. 管理采购

C. 实施采购

D. 结束采购

30. You are the Project Manager for a construction project. Your job requires that you sanction work to others and ensure that the work is done at the right time in the right sequence. The tool you use is:

A. Work Authorization System

B. Project Scheduling Techniques

C. Project Plan

D. Network Diagram


A. 工作授权系统

B. 项目进度技术

C. 项目计划

D. 网络图

31. Please refer to the ADM diagram given below: (all units are in days)

What is the project float if management wants to do this project within 10 days?

A. 0 days

B. - 4 days

C. 2 days

D. Cannot be determined because information in the question is inconsistent

31.如箭线法图所示(时间用天表示),如果管理层希望用10 天完成项目,项目时差是多少?

A. 0 天

B. -4 天

C. 2 天

D. 无法确定

32. Determining and delivering the required levels of quality and grade is the responsibility of:

A. Project Sponsor

B. Project Manager / Project Management Team

C. Project Team

D. All Stakeholders in the project


A. 项目发起人

B. 项目经理/项目管理团队

C. 项目团队

D. 所有项目干系人

33. You have just discovered an error in the implementation plan that will prevent you from meeting a milestone date. The BEST thing you can do is:

A. Develop alternative solutions to meet the milestone date

B. Change the milestone date

C. Remove any discussion about due date in the project status report

D. Educate the team about the need to meet milestone dates


A. 制定其他方案满足里程碑

B. 改变里程碑日期

C. 在项目状态报告中删除关于到期日期的所有讨论

D. 教育团队满足里程碑日期的必要性

34. Which of the following statement(s) about project customer and project sponsor is (are) correct?

A. Along with the customer, the sponsor’s tolerance for risks should be taken into


B. Along with the customer, this sponsor may provide key events, milestones, and deliverable due dates

C. Along with the customer, the sponsor formally accepts the product of the project.

D. All of the above


A. 和客户一样,也需要考虑发起人的风险承受力

B. 和客户一样,发起人也可以提供关键事件、里程碑和交付日

C. 和客户一样,发起人正式验收项目产品

D. 以上陈述都正确

35. You are the project manager for a sewage treatment plant. The government has mandated that you have to ensure that the sewage plant will not adversely impact the neighborhood. From a project perspective, this is a(an):

A. Assumption

B. Constraint

C. Best Practice

D. Deliverable


A. 假设条件

B. 制约因素

C. 最佳实践

D. 交付成果

36. You have just been assigned as project manager for a project that is in the middle of the execution phase, and you are determining how you will control the project. The best way to control the project is to:

A. Use a combination of communication methods

B. Hold status meetings because they have worked best for you in the past

C. Refer to Gantt chart weekly

D. Meet with management regularly


A. 利用各种沟通方法的组合

B. 举行状态会议,因为这在你过去的项目中是最有效的

C. 每周利用甘特图

D. 定期和管理层会面

37. Project cost management must consider the effect of project decisions on the cost of the product created by the project. Your objective to reduce cost and time, improve quality and performance, and optimize decision making can be facilitated using tools like: (select best answer)

A. Value Engineering

B. Life Cycle Costing

C. Payback Period

D. Value Engineering and Life Cycle Costing


A. 价值工程

B. 全生命期成本法

C. 回收期

D. 价值工程和全生命期成本法

38. As a project manager, you advocate active participation of your team members - this is because you believe in:

A. Theory Y (McGregor Model)

B. Theory X (McGregor Model)

C. Maslow hierarchy of needs

D. Referent power


A. Y 理论

B. X 理论

C. 马斯洛需求层次论

D. 参照权

39. You have a geographically dispersed team, from whom you would like to get expert opinion about your project. Which information gathering technique should you use:

A. Brainstorming

B. Delphi Technique

C. SWOT Analysis

D. Checklists


A. 头脑风暴法

B. 德尔菲法

C. SWOT 分析

D. 检查核对表

40. Receipt of bids or proposals and application of the evaluation criteria to select a provider should be done as part of:

A. Plan Procurement

B. Administer Procurement

C. Close Procurement

D. Conduct Procurement


A. 规划采购

B. 管理采购

C. 结束采购

D. 实施采购

41. A project Manager has to manage conflict in an organization. All the following could be sources of conflict in an organization except:

A. Schedule

B. Low position in the organization hierarchy

C. Project priority

D. Resources


A. 项目进度安排

B. 公司等级中位于较低的位置

C. 项目优先级顺序

D. 资源分配

42. Please refer to the figure below: If these three tasks (i.e. Task A, Task B, Task C) are part of critical path of one project, what is the PERT Estimate for the duration of the project? A. 22.5 B. 10.33 C. 32 D. 5.17

42.根据右图,如果这三个任务A, B,

C 组成一条关键路径,项目历时的

PERT 估算是多少?

A. 22.5

B. 10.33

C. 32

D. 5.17

43. To identify which quality standards are relevant to a project, and determine how to satisfy them, you will do:

A. Perform Quality Assurance

B. Plan Quality

C. Perform Quality Control

D. Quality Management

43.要识别哪一种质量标准和项目相关,并确定如何满足,这一过程叫做: A. 实施质量保证 B. 规划质量

C. 实施质量控制

D. 质量管理

44. All the following statements relating to communication management are correct EXCEPT:

A. Communication Planning involves determining the information and communication needs of the stakeholders

B. Communicating is the most critical skill that a project manager should possess

C. Project Managers spend as more than 90% of their time communicating

D. To be effective, a Project Manager should control all communications 44.关于沟通管理,下属哪一个陈述是不正确的? A. 沟通规划是要确定干系人的信息和沟通需要 B. 沟通是项目经理必须具备的最关键的技能 C. 项目经理90%以上的时间用于沟通

D. 要有效的管理沟通,项目经理必须控制所有沟通

task Optimistic pessimistic Most likely A 5 9 7 B 8 14 10 C 4 7 5 任务 乐观值 悲观值 最可能值

A 5 9 7

B 8 14 10

C 4 7 5

45. As a Project Manager for a construction company, you are responsible for Define Scope, Define Activity, Develop Schedule and Determine Budget. These responsibilities are performed as part of:

A. Closing

B. Concept

C. Planning

D. Execution


A. 收尾

B. 概念

C. 规划

D. 执行

46. You have been informed by the project sponsor that there has been a revaluation of projects within your company and your project will not be getting any additional funding. In this case, you should:

A. Stop Work immediately and release all resources

B. Perform Project Closure

C. Decrease team size

D. Remove non-critical tasks to decrease cost


A. 立即停工,解散全部资源

B. 进行项目收尾

C. 缩小团队规模

D. 删除非关键任务以降低成本

47. A Work Breakdown Structure numbering system:

A. Determines the complexity of the project

B. Determines the level at which individual WBS elements are found

C. Helps in automating the WBS using appropriate software

D. Presents justification for the project


A. 确定项目的复杂程度

B. 确定WBS 要素位于哪一个层面

C. 利用软件使WBS 自动化

D. 为项目提供依据

48. All the following statements relating to Cost Management Plan are accurate except:

A. It establishes precision level of cost estimates

B. It can be detailed and simple

C. It is a subsidiary element of the project management plan

D. It establishes cost performance baseline for the project.


A. 它确定了成本估算的精确程度

B. 它可以是详细的也可以是简略的

C. 它是项目管理计划的子计划

D. 它确定了项目的成本绩效基准

49. An organization chart which shows the organizational units responsible for specific work packages is also called:

A. Organizational breakdown structure

B. Staffing management plan

C. Responsibilities Assignment Matrix

D. Organization Plan


A. 组织分解结构

B. 员工配备管理计划

C. 职责分配矩阵

D. 组织计划

50. You are in the build phase of the project. But it has run into several unanticipated problems. Several risks have surfaced which you had not anticipated earlier. The project is over-budget and behind schedule. What should you do?

A. Create updates to risk response plan

B. Create a revised project plan

C. Perform risk response audits

D. Perform updated risk identification and analysis


A. 更新风险应对计划

B. 建立项目计划的修订

C. 进行风险应对审计

D. 更新风险识别和分析

51. A contract where the buyer reimburses the seller for the cost incurred by the seller, and also provides for a fixed amount of profit is also called:

A. Cost plus Incentive Fee

B. Cost plus Fixed Fee

C. Time and Material Contract

D. Cost Plus Percentage of cost


A. 成本加激励费合同

B. 成本加固定费合同

C. 工料合同

D. 成本加成本百分比合同

52. All the following are true about Project Execution Process except:

A. Vast majority of the project budget will be expended in Project Execution

B. Project Manager and her team coordinate the various technical and organizational interfaces

C. Deliverables are created during the execution process

D. Care is taken to ensure that changes to the product scope are reflected in the project scope

52.关于项目实施过程,不正确的陈述是哪一个? A. 项目的大部分预算消耗在项目的执行上

B. 项_______目经理和他的团队协调各种技术和组织接口

C. 可交付成果在执行阶段产生

D. 要保证产品范围的变化反映在项目范围中

53. Please refer to the chart given below, which shows the time estimates for different tasks: What is the impact on the project if task A takes 2 months more

than what was earlier planned? (choose best answer)

A. The duration of the project will increase by 1 month

B. The risk in the project will increase

C. The duration of the project will increase by 2


D. The project float will increase by 2 months

53.根据右图,显示了任务的时间估算。如果任务A 比


A. 项目历时延长一个月

B. 项目风险增加了

C. 项目历时延长两个月

D. 项目时差增加了两个月

54. Quality Function Deployment is a tool used to:

A. Generate different approaches to execute and perform the work of the project.

B. Translate project objectives into tangible deliverables and requirements.

C. Determine total cost of all efforts to achieve product/project quality.

D. Provide confidence that the project will satisfy relevant standards. 54.质量功能展开(QFD )用于: A. 产生执行项目工作的不同方法

B. 把项目目标转换为有形的交付成果和需求

C. 确定实现项目/产品质量的总成本

D. 提供项目能够满足相关标准的信心

55. You are completing Information Distribution Process and are now in a position to make needed information available to project stakeholders in a timely manner. All the following could be outputs from Distribute Information EXCEPT: A. Project records B. Project reports

C. Project presentations

D. Performance Reports

55.你要完成信息发布过程,现在需要及时地把项目信息传递给项目干系人。下面都是发 布信息的输出,但不包括: A. 项目记录 B. 项目报告

C. 项目演示资料

D. 绩效报告

任务 紧前任务 时间估算


Start - -

A Start 3

B A 4

C B 3

D Start 2

E D 5

F Start 7

G F 1 H E, G 4 End C, H -

56. Many organizations categorize requirements into project requirements and product requirements, project requirements can include except:

A. Business requirements

B. Project requirements

C. Technical requirements

D. Delivery requirements


A. 商业需求

B. 项目管理需求

C. 技术需求

D. 交付需求

57. You would like to obtain information, quotations bids offers or proposals from sellers as part of ―Request Seller Responses‖ process. Which is the best thing to do during this process?

A. Ensure that prospective sellers clearly understand the technical and contract requirements

B. Prepare an independent estimate to check the proposed price of the different sellers

C. Clarify on the structure and requirements of the contract, before sign-off

D. Determine whether a produce should be outsourced or manufactured in-house 57.作为实施采购过程的部分内容,你要从卖方那里获取信息、报价、标价、要约或建议书。在该过程中,你应该做好下列事项,除了:

A. 确保预期卖方明确了解技术要求与合同要求

B. 准备一份独立的估算,以便检查不同卖方的提议价格

C. 在签署合同之前,阐明合同的结构和要求

D. 确定产品应从外部采购还是由公司内部制造

58. Which statement relating to Verify Scope and Perform Quality control is correct?

A. Verify Scope is concerned with correctness of the work results while Perform Quality Control is primarily concerned with acceptance of the work results.

B. Verify Scope is concerned with acceptance of the work results while Perform Quality Control is primarily concerned with correctness of the work results.

C. Both are similar

D. Verify Scope and Perform Quality Control are usually performed sequentially and supplement each other


A. 核实范围是关心工作结果的正确性,而实施质量控制主要关心工作结果的验收

B. 核实范围是关心工作结果的验收,而实施质量控制主要关心工作结果的正确性

C. 二者类似

D. 核实范围和实施质量控制通常顺序完成,相互补充

59. All the following statements about Cost Performance Baseline are correct EXCEPT:

A. It is a time phased budget

B. It included contingency reserve

C. It is used to measure and monitor project performance

D. It included management reserve


A. 它是一个基于时间分布的预算

B. 它包括了应急储备

C. 它用于测量和监控项目绩效

D. 它包括了管理储备

60. You are the Project Manager for a construction project and there are 121 people reporting to you. Your job requires that you sanction work to others and ensure that the work is done at the right time. The tool you use is:

A. Work Breakdown Structure

B. Work Authorization System

C. PERT/CPM/Network Diagrams

D. WBS Dictionaries

60.你是某建筑项目的项目经理,有121 个人向你汇报。为了确保合适的工作在正确的时间以正确的顺序完成,你的工作需要你审批他人的工作。你使用的工具是:

A. 工作分解结构

B. 工作授权系统


D. WBS 字典

61. While doing plan risk response, you realize that there is a very critical risk which may have a high impact on the project completion. So, you create a fallback plan which

could include any of the following conditions EXCEPT:

A. Subcontracting the project to an outside Vendor

B. Developing Alternative Options

C. Allocation of Contingency Reserves

D. Changing project scope


A. 项目分包给外部供应商

B. 制定其他备选方案

C. 分配应急储备

D. 改变项目范围

62. In a Lump-sum contract, the profit is:

A. Determined by the buyer during contract sign-off

B. Determined by the seller during contract sign-off

C. Provided by the buyer to the seller at end of project if defined performance criteria

are met

D. Not known at time of the contract sign-off

62. 在固定价格合同中,利润:

A. 合同签订时,买方确定

B. 合同签订时,卖方确定

C. 如果达到了规定的绩效标准由买方在项目结束时付给卖方

D. 合同签订时,是不知道的

63. You recently conducted a variance analysis in your project and were concerned to find out that the project was 25% over-budget. This is a very important issue which you would like to discuss with your project stakeholders. What communication method

should you use?

A. War room discussion

B. Face-to-face meeting

C. Formal written communication

D. Telephone calls and electronic mail

63. 你最近对项目进行了一次偏差分析,你很担心地发现项目超出预算25%。这是你愿意与项目干系人讨论的一件非常重要的问题。你应该用何种沟通方式?

A. 作战室讨论

B. 面对面会议

C. 正式书面沟通

D. 电话与电子邮件

64. the primary objective of incentive clauses in a contract is to :

A. Reduce costs for the buyer

B. Help bring the contractor’s objectives in lin e with that of the buyer

C. Help the contractor control costs

D. Reduce risk for the contractor by shifting risk to the buyer


A. 降低买方成本

B. 帮助协调承包商和买方的目标

C. 帮助承包商控制成本

D. 把风险转移给买方,降低承包上的风险

65. Which of the following is not an input to Perform Quality Control Process?

A. Work Performance measurement

B. Quality metrics

C. Checklists

D. Control chart

65. 哪一个不属于实施质量控制过程的输入?

A. 工作绩效测量结果

B. 质量测量指标

C. 检查核对表

D. 控制图

66. All the following are tools and techniques for report performance EXCEPT:

A. Variance analysis

B. Communication methods

C. Reporting systems

D. Performance report


A. 偏差分析

B. 沟通方法


D. 绩效报告

67. As a project manager, you realize that handling Project Stakeholder expectations is an important priority. Which statement regarding project stakeholders is not correct?

A. Some key stakeholders include Project Manager, Performing organization, Project

team members, Customer and Sponsor.

B. Project stakeholders can be categorized as internal and external, sellers and contractors, individual citizens, government agencies and media outlets etc.

C. Stakeholder expectations may be difficult to manage because stakeholders often have conflicting objectives.

D. Stakeholders are individuals and organizations whose interests are only positively affected by the project.

67. 作为项目经理,你意识到管理干系人的期望是重要的优先任务,关于干系人哪一种说法是错误的?

A. 部分干系人包括项目经理、执行组织、项目团队成员、客户和发起人

B. 项目干系人可以分为内部和外部干系、供应商和承包商、个体市民、政府机构和媒体单位等等

C. 干系人因为有着相互冲突的目标,所以管理起来有难度

D. 干系人是指其利益受到项目正面影响的个人或组织

68. A project manager disclosed some crucial information to a prospective seller. Which code of professional conduct did he violate?

A. Maintain and satisfy the scope and objectives

B. Prevent conflict of interest

C. Provide accurate and truthful representations

D. Refrain from offering or accepting inappropriate payments, gifts etc.

68. 一个项目经理把一些重要信息透露给了潜在供应商,他违反了哪一条职业行为规范?

A. 保持并满足范围与目标

B. 防止利益冲突

C. 提供准确真实的汇报

D. 避免接受不恰当的礼物和款项

69. When a project is initiated, one of the first management deliverables from the project initiation phase is:

A. Project Charter

B. Scope Statement

C. Project Plan

D. Scope Management Plan

69. 项目启动后,启动过程产生的管理工作可交付成果是:

A. 项目章程

B. 范围说明书

C. 项目计划

D. 范围管理计划

70. All the following statements related to Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) are correct Except:

A. Projects with BCR > 1 should be considered for selection

B. BCR is the ratio of payback to costs

C. If two projects have positive BCR, select project with higher BCR

D. For any project, Benefits = Profits

70. 关于收益成本比(BCR),哪一个说法是错误的?

A. 项目的BCR 大于1,则可以被选中

B. BCR 是回报和成本的比率


项目管理术语中英文对照 项目管理术语中英文对照 ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed 已执行工作实际成本 AD Activity Description 工作描述 ADM Arrow Diagramming Method 箭线图示解法 AF Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期 AOA Activity-On-Arrow 双代号网络图 AON Activity-On-Node 单代号网络图 AS Actual Start Date 实际开始日期 BAC Budget At Completion 在完成时的预算 BCWP Budgeted Cost of work Performed 已执行工作预算成本BCWS Budgeted Cost of work Scheduled 计划完成工作预算成本CCB Change Control Board 变更控制委员会 CPFF Cost Plus Fixed Fee 成本加固定费用(合同) CPIF Cost Plus Incentive Fee 成本加奖励费用(合同) CPI Cost Performance Index 成本执行指数 CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法 CV Cost Variance 成本偏差 DD Data Date 数据日期 DU Duration 持续时间,工期 EAC Estimate At Completion 在完成时的估算 EF Early Finish date 最早完成日期 ES Early Start date 最早开始日期 ETC Estimate (or Estimated) To Complete 到完成时的估算 EV Earned Value 挣值法 FF Free Float or Finish-to-Finish 自由时差,或完成到完成关系FFP Firm Fixed Price 完全固定总价合同 FPIF Fixed Price Incentive Fee 固定价加奖励费用 FS Finish-to-Start 完成到开始关系 GERT Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique 图示评审技术IFB Invitation For Bid 邀标 LF Late Finish Date 最晚完成日期 LOE Level of Effort 投入水平 LS Late Start date 最晚开始日期 MPM Modern Project Management 现代项目管理 OBS Organization(al) Breakdown Structure 组织分解结构 PC Percent Complete 完成百分比 PDM Precedence Diagramming Method 优先图示法 PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique 计划评审技术 PF Planned Finish date 计划完成日期 PM Project Management or Project Manager 项目管理或项目经理PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge 项目管理知识体系PMP Project Management Professional 项目管理专业人员 PS Planned Start date 计划开始日期


MANAGEMENT OF TIME AND COST 时间与成本管理 Introduction and Theory 简介与理论 Planning and Scheduling 制定计划和进度 Resource Management and Financial Management 资源和财务管理 Cost Control and Value Analysis 成本控制与价值分析 Variability and Risk Management 变化因素与风险管理 Introduction and Theory 内容简介与理论 objectives 目标 Management theory; evolution. 管理理论及其发展 Project Management; definitions. 项目管理的定义 Stakeholders;client and project team. 资金保管者;代理人和项目小组 Financial management in projects. 项目中的财务管理 Network Analysis 网络分析 Resource Management 资源管理 Resourcing project 项目的资源 Supply chain and projects Logistics. 供应链和后勤工作 Resource allocation and smoothing 资源的调配 Investment appraisal 投资评估

Budgeting control 成本控制 Cash flow forecasting 现金流量预测 Earned Value analysis 增值分析 Management accounts 管理记录 Risk Management 风险管理 Risk analysis 风险分析 time and cost 时间和成本 Contingency management 意外事件管理 Perception and attitudes 观察和态度 Experience 工作经历 Methodology 方法论 organisation 组织学 Sessions 研讨 The fundamental principles of project management 项目管理基础理论 Project Management definitions 项目管理定义 Forecasting 预测 Estimating 评估 Programming 规划


英文术语汉语翻译 Accept Acceptance Acceptance Criteria Acquire Project Team [Process] Activity Activity Attributes Activity Code Activity Definition Activity Description Activity Duration [Out put/Input] [P rocess] (AD Activity Durati on Estimat ing Activity Ide ntifier ~ Activity List [Output/Input] [P rocess] Activity-on-Arrow ( AOA Activity-on-Node ( AON Activity Resource Estimat ing [P rocess] Activity Segue ncing [P rocess] Actual Cost ( AC Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP Actual Durati on Actual Finish Date ( AF) (AS Actual Start Date Analogous Estimating [Technique] Application Area A PP orti oned Effort Appro val Approve Appro ved Change Request Arrow Arrow Diagrammi ng Method (ADM As-of Date Assu mp ti ons [Out put/Input] (AE) Assumptions Analysis [Technique] Authority Backward P ass Bar Chart [Tool] Baseli ne Baseli ne Finish Date Baseli ne Start Date 验收 验收验 收标准 获取项目团队 活动 活动属性 活动编码 活动定义 活动描述活动历时 活动历时估算活动标识符活动列表 AOA双代号法 AON单代号法活动资源估算活动排序实际成本 已执行工作的实际成本实际历时 实际完成日期实际开始日期类比估算应用领域 分配的工作量 批准 批准 已批准的变更请求箭线 箭线图 截止日期假设 假设分析 职权 逆向推算 条形图(甘特图)基线 基线完成日期基线开始日期


美国项目管理学会 一、名词解释(5*2=10 ) PMI, Project Ma nageme nt In stitute, PMP, Project Man ageme nt Professio nal, 项目管理专业人员认证 PMBOK, Project Ma nageme nt Body of Kno wledge, 项目管理知识体 系

PLC, project life cycle, 项目生命周期 RFP, Request for proposal, 需求建议书 WBS, Work Breakdow n Structure, 工作分解结构 CPM, Critical path method, 关键路径法 PERT, Project Evaluation and Review Technique,计划评审技术 AOA, Activity-On-Arrow, 双代号网络图法 AON, Activity-o n-n ode, 单代号网络图 CPI, Cost Performanee Index, 成本绩效指数(挣值(EV)/实际成 本(AC)) RAM, Resp on sibility Assig nment Matrix, 职责分配矩阵P&L, Profit and loss 损益 VAT, value-added tax,加值税、增值税 QA, Quality Assura nee, 质量保障 、填空题 (5*2=10 )。 1. A project_ is an endeavour objective through a unique set the effective utilization of resources. 1. to of accomplish a specific in terrelated tasks and 项目是努力完成一 个特定的目标,通过一套独特的相互关联的任务和资源的有效利用。 2. A project manager is responsible for planning the work and then work the pla n. 项目经理负责规划工作,然后工作计划。 3. The project life cycle has four phases: initiating, pla nning, perform ing, and clos ing the project. 项目生命周期有四个阶段:启动、规划、执行和结束项目。 4. Project selection_invoIves evaluating potential projects


项目管理英文词汇 ABC Activity Based Costing 基于活动的成本核算 ABM Activity Based Management 基于活动的管理 ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed 已完成工作实际成本 ADM Arrow Diagram Method 箭线图方法 ADP Automated Data Processing 自动化数据处理 ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution 替代争议解决方案 AF Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期 AFE Application for Expenditure 支出申请 AFE Authority for Expenditure 开支权 ALAP As-Late-As-Possible 尽可能晚 AMR Advanced Material Release 材料提前发布 AOA Activity on Arc 弧线表示活动双代号网络 AOA Activity on Arrow 箭线表示活动双代号网络 AON Activity on Node 节点表示活动单代号网络 AOQ Average Outgoing Quality 平均出厂质量 AOQL Average Outgoing Quality Limit 平均出厂质量限度 APMA Area of Project Management Application 项目管理的应用领域APR Acquisition Plan Review 采购计划评审 AQL Acceptable Quality Level 可接受质量水平 AS Actual Start Date 实际开始日期 ASAP As-Soon-As-Possible 尽快 ATP Acceptance Test Procedure 验收测试过程 AUW Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作 BAC Budget at Completion 完工预算 BAC Baseline at Completion 完成/完工基线 BATNA Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement 协议外最佳方案BCM Business Change Manager 商业变更经理 BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed 已完工作预算成本 BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled 计划工作的预算成本 BEC Elapsed Cost 计划工作的预算成本 BOOT Build, Own, Operate, Transfer 建造拥有经营转让 BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement 一揽子采购协议 BSA Balanced Scorecard Approach 平衡记分卡方法 C/SCSC Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria 成本控制系统标准? C/SSR Cost/Schedule Status Report 成本/进度状态报告 CA Control Account 控制帐目


验收- (Acceptance) 指客户检查接受项目交付物的过程。 活动- (Activity) 指在项目中的任何消耗资源(人力、物理和设施)、产生相应成本并且生产出一项或多项产品的过程。活动通常会在项目工作分解结构(WBS)中明确展示。 现货- (Actuals) 指项目或其他活动中的实际成本和消耗。这是一个测量值,通常会被用来与计划或预期值做比较。 假设- (Assumption) 预先接受为正确但缺乏证据的事物或定义。假设通常会发生在项目规划阶段并且被用来作为估算的基础。应当将所有的假设都记录下来;如果某假设在后期被证明不正确,可以对计划和估算做出相应地调整。 基线- (Baseline) 基线是一个快照:一个被记录在案的项目所处位置或状态。尽管项目所处的位置以后可能会被更新,但基线始终保持不变,并可被作为原始状态的参照与当前项目位置的对照。基线产品,例如软件系统,应当被永久地记录在案,以便于在将来的任何时间召回。 预算- (Budget) 经分配的、用于执行项目工作的款额及其他资源。 商业论证- (Business Case) 指启动和继续一个项目的原因和依据。商业论证应当定义出项目可产生的商业及其他收益,以及项目的成本和时长。商业论证同时还指出如何衡量项目的成功 商业需求- (Business Requirements) 指的是利益相关者对完成项目的商业要求。在项目起始阶段,商业需求处于较高等级,但随着项目的发展,这些需求被不断地提炼并最终被细致地记录在正式的文件中。 变更控制- (Change Control) 指按照计划的范围、工期和预算来管理控制变更。在小型项目中变更控制可能采用非书面的、非正式的方式,但是在大型项目中,变更控制意味着一个牵涉很多项目利益相关者的、正式的过程(变更控制委员会) 变更控制委员会- (Change Control Board (CCB)) 由利益相关者组成的团体,负责批准或否决对项目基线的变更。委员会在做决定之前必须了解变更的范围以及变更对成本和工期可能造成的影响。他们或者拒绝采用变更,或者决定在什么时候采用变更。如果变更被采用,那么项目的范围和基线计划就会有所改变,估算也必须随之修改。 变更申请- (Change Request) 指正式地对最终产品提出修改的方式。变更申请应当被上交给变更控制委员会并由委员会进行审批。 客户- (Client) 项目活动的主要收益人或团体。 竣工- (Close Out)


项目质量管理(中英文对照) Project Quality Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. It includes “all activities of the overall management function that determine the quality policy, objectives, and responsibilities and implements them by means such as quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement, within the quality system”. Figure 8-l provides an overview of the following major project quality management processes: 项目质量管理包括项目满足其需求所需的过程。它包括“确定质量方针、目标和职责并在质量体系中通过诸如质量计划、质量保证和质量改进等方法实施的整个管理职能的全部活动”。图8-1为项目质量管理过程提供了一个概述: 8.l Quality Planning—identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them. 质量计划-确定项目相关的质量标准并决定如何满足它们。 8.2 Quality Assurance—evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards. 质量保证-定期评价整个项目的执行情况,提供项目满足相关质量标准的信心。 8.3 Quality Control—monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance. 质量控制-监控具体的项目结果,确定其是否满足相关的质量标准,确定消除导致不满意执行情况原因的方法。 These processes interact with each other and with the processes in the other knowledge areas as well. Each process may involve effort from one or more individuals or groups of individuals based on the needs of the project. Each process generally occurs at least once in every project phase. 这些过程相互之间以及同其它知识领域的过程交互作用。每个过程包含了基于项目需求的个人或集体的努力。每个过程在每个项目阶段一般至少发生一次。


验收 - (Acceptance) 指客户检查接受项目交付物的过程。 活动 - (Activity) 指在项目中的任何消耗资源(人力、物理和设施)、产生相应成本并且生产出一项或多项产品的过程。活动通常会在项目工作分解结构(WBS)中明确展示。 现货 - (Actuals) 指项目或其他活动中的实际成本和消耗。这是一个测量值,通常会被用来与计划或预期值做比较。 假设 - (Assumption) 预先接受为正确但缺乏证据的事物或定义。假设通常会发生在项目规划阶段并且被用来作为估算的基础。应当将所有的假设都记录下来;如果某假设在后期被证明不正确,可以对计划和估算做出相应地调整。 基线 - (Baseline) 基线是一个快照:一个被记录在案的项目所处位置或状态。尽管项目所处的位置以后可能会被更新,但基线始终保持不变,并可被作为原始状态的参照与当前项目位置的对照。基线产品,例如软件系统,应当被永久地记录在案,以便于在将来的任何时间召回。 预算 - (Budget) 经分配的、用于执行项目工作的款额及其他资源。 商业论证 - (Business Case) 指启动和继续一个项目的原因和依据。商业论证应当定义出项目可产生的商业及其他收益,以及项目的成本和时长。商业论证同时还指出如何衡量项目的成功 商业需求 - (Business Requirements) 指的是利益相关者对完成项目的商业要求。在项目起始阶段,商业需求处于较高等级,但随着项目的发展,这些需求被不断地提炼并最终被细致地记录在正式的文件中。 变更控制 - (Change Control) 指按照计划的范围、工期和预算来管理控制变更。在小型项目中变更控制可能采用非书面的、非正式的方式,但是在大型项目中,变更控制意味着一个牵涉很多项目利益相关者的、正式的过程(变更控制委员会) 变更控制委员会 - (Change Control Board (CCB)) 由利益相关者组成的团体,负责批准或否决对项目基线的变更。委员会在做决定之前必须了解变更的范围以及变更对成本和工期可能造成的影响。他们或者拒绝采用变更,或者决定在什么时候采用变更。如果变更被采用,那么项目的范围和基线计划就会有所改变,估算也必须随之修改。 变更申请 - (Change Request) 指正式地对最终产品提出修改的方式。变更申请应当被上交给变更控制委员会并由委员会进行审批。 客户 - (Client) 项目活动的主要收益人或团体。 竣工 - (Close Out) 项目工作的完成。 约束条件 - (Constraints) 项目工作必须考虑的限制条件。典型的限制条件包括时间、预算和资源等。


. . 领域管理过程输入技术/工 具/方法 输出 整 合 管 理 Project Integration Management 制定项目章程 Develop Project Charter 项目工作说明书 商业论证 合同 企业环境因素 组织过程资产 专家判断项目章程 制定项目管理计划 Develop Project Management Plan 项目章程 其它规划过程的输出 企业环境因素 组织过程资产 专家判断项目管理计划 指导和管理项目执行 Direct and Manage Project Execution 项目管理计划 批准的变更请求 企业环境因素 组织过程资产 专家判断 项目管理信 息系统 可交付成果 工作绩效信息 变更请求 项目管理计划(更新) 项目文件(更新)监控项目工作 Monitor and Control Project Work 项目管理计划 绩效报告 企业环境因素 组织过程资产 专家判断变更请求 项目管理计划(更新) 项目文件(更新) 实施整体变更控制 Perform Integrated Change Control 项目管理计划 工作绩效信息 变更请求 企业环境因素 组织过程资产 专家判断 变更控制委 员会 变更请求状态(更新) 项目管理计划(更新) 项目文件(更新) 结束项目或阶段 Close Project or Phase 项目管理计划 验收的可交付成果 组织过程资产 专家判断最终产品、服务或成 果移交 组织过程资产(更新) 范 围 管 理 Scope Management 收集需求 Collect Requirements 项目章程 干系人登记册 访谈 焦点小组会 议 引导式研讨 会 群体创新技 术 群体决策技 术 问卷调查 观察 原型法 需求文件 需求管理计划 需求跟踪矩阵 定义范围 Define Scope 项目章程 需求文件 组织过程资产 专家判断 产品分析 备选方案识 别 项目范围说明书 项目文件(更新)


项目管理专业术语中英文对照表 更新时间:2008-8-19 22:43:09 验收- (Acceptance) 指客户检查接受项目交付物的过程。 活动- (Activity) 指在项目中的任何消耗资源(人力、物理和设施)、产生相应成本并且生产出一项或多项产品的过程。活动通常会在项目工作分解结构(WBS)中明确展示。 现货- (Actuals) 指项目或其他活动中的实际成本和消耗。这是一个测量值,通常会被用来与计划或预期值做比较。 假设- (Assumption) 预先接受为正确但缺乏证据的事物或定义。假设通常会发生在项目规划阶段并且被用来作为估算的基础。应当将所有的假设都记录下来;如果某假设在后期被证明不正确,可以对计划和估算做出相应地调整。 基线- (Baseline) 基线是一个快照:一个被记录在案的项目所处位置或状态。尽管项目所处的位置以后可能会被更新,但基线始终保持不变,并可被作为原始状态的参照与当前项目位置的对照。基线产品,例如软件系统,应当被永久地记录在案,以便于在将来的任何时间召回。 预算- (Budget) 经分配的、用于执行项目工作的款额及其他资源。 商业论证- (Business Case) 指启动和继续一个项目的原因和依据。商业论证应当定义出项目可产生的商业及其他收益,以及项目的成本和时长。商业论证同时还指出如何衡量项目的成功 商业需求- (Business Requirements) 指的是利益相关者对完成项目的商业要求。在项目起始阶段,商业需求处于较高等级,但随着项目的发展,这些需求被不断地提炼并最终被细致地记录在正式的文件中。 变更控制- (Change Control) 指按照计划的范围、工期和预算来管理控制变更。在小型项目中变更控制可能采用非书面的、非正式的方式,但是在大型项目中,变更控制意味着一个牵涉很多项目利益相关者的、正式的过程(变更控制委员会)


企业管理常用缩写术语中英文对照 ?5S:5S管理 ?6σ:六西格玛管理 A ?ABC: 作业制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing) ? ABB: 实施作业制预算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting) ?ABM: 作业制成本管理(Activity-Base Management) ? APS: 先进规划与排程系统(Advanced Planning and Scheduling) ?ASP: 应用程序服务供货商(Application Service Provider) ? ATP: 可承诺量(Available To Promise) ? AVL: 认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List) B ?BOM:物料清单(Bill Of Material) ?BPR:企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering) ?BSC:平衡记分卡(Balanced ScoreCard) ? BTF:计划生产(Build To Forecast) ? BTO:订单生产(Build To Order) C ?CPM:要径法(Critical Path Method) ? CPM:每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million) ?CRM:客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management) ? CRP:产能需求规划(Capacity Requirements Planning) ? CTO:客制化生产(Configuration To Order) D ?DBR:限制驱导式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope) ? DMT:成熟度验证(Design Maturing Testing)


项目管理术语中英文对照 小耦 ?简介:项目管理术语中英文对照,内容丰富,非常实用的一种培训课件,特此推荐,供参考借鉴,欢迎各位点击下载,希望可以帮到有需要的同志。 ?关键字:项目,管理,术语,中英文 项目管理术语中英文对照 MANAGEMENT OF TIME AND COST 时间与成本管理 Introduction and Theory 简介与理论 Planning and Scheduling 制定计划和进度 Resource Management and Financial Management 资源和财务管理 Cost Control and Value Analysis 成本控制与价值分析 Variability and Risk Management 变化因素与风险管理 Introduction and Theory 内容简介与理论 objectives 目标 Management theory; evolution. 管理理论及其发展 Project Management; definitions. 项目管理的定义 Stakeholders;client and project team. 资金保管者;代理人和项目小组 Financial management in projects. 项目中的财务管理 Network Analysis 网络分析 Resource Management 资源管理 Resourcing project 项目的资源 Supply chain and projects Logistics. 供应链和后勤工作

Resource allocation and smoothing 资源的调配 Investment appraisal 投资评估 Budgeting control 成本控制 Cash flow forecasting 现金流量预测 Earned Value analysis 增值分析 Management accounts 管理记录 Risk Management 风险管理 Risk analysis 风险分析 time and cost 时间和成本 Contingency management 意外事件管理 Perception and attitudes 观察和态度 Experience 工作经历 Methodology 方法论 organisation 组织学 Sessions 研讨 The fundamental principles of project management 项目管理基础理论Project Management definitions 项目管理定义 Forecasting 预测 Estimating 评估 Programming 规划 Planning 制定计划 Control 控制


项目管理专用中英文术语词汇 1、活动,Activity 2、活动定义,Activity Definition 3、活动描述/说明,AD=Activity Description 4、活动历时估算,Activity Duration Estimating 5、箭线网络图(双代号网络图), AOA=Activity-On-Arrow 6、节点式网络图(单代号网络图), AON=Activity-on-Node 7、已执行工作实际成本,ACWP=Actual Cost of Work Performed 8、实际完成日期,AF=Actual Finish Date 9、实际开始日期,AS=Actual Start Date 10、行政收尾,Administrative Closure 11、箭线,Arrow 12、箭线图示法,ADM=Arrow Diagramming Method 13、逆推计算法,Backward Pass 14、横道图,Bar Chart 15、基准计划,Baseline 16、完工预算,BAC=Budget At Completion 17、概算,Budget Estimate 18、已执行预算成本,BCWP=Budgeted Cost of Work Performed 19、计划执行预算成本,BCWS= Budgeted Cost of Scheduled 20、日历单位,Calendar Unit 21、变更控制委员会,CCB=Chang Control Board 22、沟通规划,Communications Planning 23、并行工程,Concurrent Engineering 24、意外费用,Contingencies 25、意外准备金,contingency Allowance 26、意外规划,Contingency Planning 27、意外储备,Contingency Reserve 28、合同,Contract 29、合同管理,Contract Administration 30、合同收尾,Contract Close-out 31、控制,Control 32、控制图,Control Chart 33、纠正措施,Corrective Action 34、费用预算,Cost Budgeting 35、费用控制,Cost Control 36、费用做算,Cost Estimating 37、质量成本,Cost of Quality 38、费用绩效指数,CPI=Cost Performance Index 39、费用偏差,CV=Cost Variance 40、赶工,Crashing 41、关键工序,Critical Activity
