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新时代交互英语 视听说WIN7 64位系统下安装失败问题解决方案

新时代交互英语 视听说WIN7 64位系统下安装失败问题解决方案
新时代交互英语 视听说WIN7 64位系统下安装失败问题解决方案






4、安装时按官方说明的来看:路径中不能的中文字,并且最好不要有空格。所以说如果安装不能成功请进行重新安装,并尝试更改默认路径的C:\Program Files\NEIE为C:\NEIE,其他相关路径也请相应更改。

5、本程序对64位系统的支持暂有问题,不能保证一定可用,是程序本身设计的问题,无法避免,一般的64位存在的问题是无法安装soap所以请使用XP,vista,win7 这三个系统的32位版本来安装本程序。







1。提示没有安装soap3.0的说明你的操作系统是64位的。下面是一位校友gzf 给的解,可不可行大家试试就知道了。


问题分析:交互的检测系统很弱智,检测软件是否安装仅靠检测原来设置好的路径下是否有此软件,64位系统将soap3.0安装到了系统盘下的program files(x86)\common files里,而交互只检测program files/common files(32位系统默认安装至此)。

解决方法:打开系统盘下program files(86)\common files文

件夹,找到MSSoap文件夹,将其复制到系统盘下program files/common files里.经本人亲自测试问题解决

2。本学期起用新的IP了,应该是202.112.159.242,若不对的请咨询english teacher

3。这是官方原版做的安装程序。要是你装不了自己找原因吧,不要浪费时间再找别的版本的安装包,trust me。



史上最完美Win7与XP双系统安装方法 小菜在Win7刚出测试版的时候就去微软官方申请了一个免费SN体验了,的确让人爱不释手,我便深深爱上了它(抒情一下,其实小菜以前上学的时候作文一直都很差!呵呵),但是XP一直也伴随我这么多年,对它还是依依不舍(小菜绝对不是一个喜新厌旧的人哦!),所以从那时起我就一直在追寻一种让Win7与XP双系统完美同存的方法。经过几个月的学习与研究(小菜是一名医生,因为平时工作太忙,所以研究电脑的时间都是小菜拼命挤出来的哦,不容易啊!),今天终于实现了,在这里与大家一起分享。 我是把Win7和XP都放在主分区里的,Win7放第一个主分区,分配25G空间,W inXP放第二个主分区,分配10G空间(注:主分区不隐藏)。 Win7下的硬盘分区显示:


在实现双系统时,最主要的问题存在于 WinXP作为活动分区时,可以引导W in7,可是Win7在非活动分区里时处于非激活状态,所以我们只有把Win7作为活动分区,这时如何解决从Win7引导非活动分区里的XP是成功的关键。 我想在两个主分区里分别装上两个系统的方法大家都应该会,Win7激活的方法论坛也有很多,这里就不多说了。(如果有需要我帮助的可以直接给我留言,我会尽我所能去帮忙解决) 装好系统后,把两个系统设为活动分区时,都可以各自引导,但是我们怎么样从Win7下引导XP呢。这里我们可以用VistaBootPRO_3.3.0或Win7优化大师(网上均可下到),我这里详细讲一下用Win7优化大师怎么去实现。 第一步:起动Win7优化大师,选择系统设置的启动设置,然后选择多系统选择选项卡。


新标准大学英语视听说 教程听力原文U n i t+ Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

Unit 1-Conversation 1**(1)Janet: So this is the Cherwell Boathouse — it's lovely! And look at those people punting! It looks quite easy. Mark: I'm not so sure about that! Janet, there's something Kate and I wanted to discuss with you. Some people in college are organizing charity events this term. We've decided to get involved. Janet: Raising money for charity Right. In China, people raise money for charity but students don't usually do that. Mark: Students often do that here. Anyway, we're thinking of doing sponsored punting. Janet: Sponsored punting! What's that Kate: Sponsoring is when people pay you to do something — like run a long distance. So people would be sponsoring students to punt. Janet: What a great idea! I'd love to join you! Mark: That's why we're telling you about it. So that's decided then. Let's make a list of things we need to do. Kate: I'll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity. Mark: Yes. And choose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. I've got one here. Kate: That looks fine, but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that Mark: I'll do that. What have we got so far Kate: Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form... Um ...


Unit 1 Script 1 Talia: It's all so incredible, Mom. I’m working on a story about one of the national soccer players, Nick Crawford… No, that's the thing. He knows that one of his teammates has framed him. And I believe he's innocent. Talia: Look, Mom, I have to go. I’II call you tomorrow, OK? Bye. Yes, yes, me, too. Bye.Nick:Hi.I came as soon as I could.What’s up? Talia:I’ve been thinking about this all day…. Now tell me, again:When and how did you meet this Jackie Baker woman? Nick:I’ve already told you.She came up to me at the juice bar.We set up a meeting.Talia:Right.At her office.Except you never went up to her office.Nick:Right, so she meets me in the lobby, we shake hands , and she takes me to lunch.Talia:Yes, to a little place around the corner, as I recaII. Nick:Right. And then she asks me to endorse a new pair of shoes. Talia:Yeah. You told me they’re called Kicks. Nick:Right. And she explains that I’ll have to wear the shoes when I play. And the company will use my name in the ads. Talia:OK. Can you think of anything else? Nick:Well, we did talk about an idea for a Kicks commercial. Talia:A commercial? What commercial? Nick:I told you about that, didn’t l? They wanted me to be in a commercial. Script 2 Talia:Hang on a second. You never said anything about a commercial. I wanna hear more about this. Don’t leave out any details. This could be important.Nick:OK. So, over lunch she describes the deal… Jackie:So,you’ll wear our shoes when you play. And we’ll use y our name in ads. Do that and fifty thousand dollars is yours. Nick:Sounds good. And this will be sometime next year? Jackie:Uh, yeah, that’s right. We can work out the details later for this, but we’ll probably want you to appear in a commercial.i Nick:Cool! Jackie:In fact. I'm working on an idea for a commercial right now. Do you wanna hear about it? Nick:Sure. Jackie:OK. Picture this. You’re sitting in a park. On a bench. It’s a beautiful spring day. Nick:So far, So good. Jackie:OK. A young kid comes up to you and says, ―Hey! Aren’t you Nick Crawford, the soccer star?‖ Nick:Uh—huh. Jackie:And you say, ―That’s me. ‖Or something like that. Nick:Right.


Win7下安装linux双系统 经过大半天的摸索与实验终于在自己的电脑上成功的装上了Win7和Linux的双系统,现在我把详细的流程给大家分享了,希望有兴趣的可以去试试。 不要说什么百度一下一大片,百度上的流程都是相当相当的抽象,当然,这份流程也是通过百度上的一些方法然后加上自己的细化而来的。 首先要先做好准备工作,将Win7中的磁盘空间腾出38G左右,这里的腾出不是说磁盘中的剩余空间,而是要将部分磁盘进行压缩。具体方法如下: 右键单击计算机,选择管理,在管理窗口中有一项磁盘管理,如下图: 单击后在中间出现磁盘管理,如下图:

有绿框框着的是逻辑分区,此时就好对磁盘进行压缩,如果磁盘空间不够大的话就直接对最后一个逻辑分区进行手术。 先说说磁盘空间不够大的情况,可以先删除最后一个逻辑分区,方法是:右击最后一个逻辑分区,选择删除卷,然后选择是,此时你能看到在最后出现了可用空间,这时右击可用空间,选择格式化,此时不要将整个可用空间格式化,只用格式化8G空间就足够了,剩余的空间留着装Linux用。格式化时注意选择格式为FAT32。 如果磁盘空间足够大就只需将磁盘进行压缩,具体方法是,右击一个逻辑驱动器,选择压缩卷,只用腾出38G就足够了,然后将这38G按上面的方式格式化8G,其余不用管。

现在就可以在网上下载一份Linux系统镜像,下载地址 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/289361824.html,/d/iso/1000001036.html(建议下载完整版) 下面就要将下载好的镜像复制到刚刚前面格式化好了的FAT32磁盘里,用Winrar解压软件,将镜像中的inages和ioslinu两个文件夹复制到FAT32磁盘的根目录中,当然,原来的镜像要保留不能修改。 然后将isolinux文件夹中的initrd.img和vmlinuz两个文件夹复制到FAT32磁盘的根目录下,同时将其也复制到C盘的根目录中。 刚才的工作结束后,你的FAT32磁盘中应该如下图所示: 接下来需要在网上下载EasyBCD 2.02,下载地 址:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/289361824.html,/soft/58174.htm 安装EasyBCD程序,与安装一般软件一样,这里就不做详细说明了。 运行EasyBCD程序出现的第一个界面就是问你将EasyBCD的配置文件的保存路径,这里可以随便选择,我选择的是默认的C盘,下面的两个选框不用选,然后点右下角的确定。 下面是EasyBCD的界面:


New Standard English Book 4 Unit 1 Inside view Conversation 1 2. Janet : go back to China,do my master’s (which means going back to university),live in London,become a teacher,work in publishing,apply for a job at London Time Off,update my CV and look for jobs together. Andy: leave London,go to China,look for jobs together. 3. the true statements are 2 and 8. Conversation 2 5. 1.Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK. 2.Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer. 6. 1(d) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c) 7. 1 It’s not always very easy working with 2.How did he end up in London 3.the least experienced person 4.He’s good at his job 5.He’s confident and very competent 6.I get on with him quite well Everyday English 8. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b) Outside view 2. the true statements Samantha agrees with are:1,2,3 and 4. 4. 1.She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job 2.She doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview. 3.She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for. 4.That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down to preparation,presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for. 5. 1.professional job coach 2.research on the position and the company 3.having not practised with some of the questions 4.how you present yourself 5.what the interviewer is actually looking for 6.preparation,presentation and understanding 7.in relationship to the job 8.some examples in your life 9.dealing with problems 7. the pieces of advice the speakers give are:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11. Listening in Passage 1



A: I'm hungry. Do you want to go get fast food? B: Er ...no, actually, I've just had hamburgers and French fries yesterday and ...if we're gonna go out I'd rather sit down some place and relax. A: OK. Have you been to the Italian place in the mall? B: Yes. And it's not very good. A: Really? B: Ya ...ya ...It's kind of lousy. It's kind of greasy and ...it's just ... It's not very good. A: Now what are you in the mood for? B: How about some ...Mexican food? A: Mm ...I don't really feel like Mexican. B: OK. Um ... A: Chinese sounds good? B: Yes! That would be great. Chinese, let's go to ...Oh! I know! Let's go to ...New China, And ...let's get the “happy family”. And it's got ...you know, the pork, and the chicken, and the beef, and we can get some vegetables, too. Does that sound good? A: Yes, that sounds really good. B: I am in the mood for hot tea.

Xp系统和Win7双系统安装教程 windows 7 重装教程方法

很多朋友都希望尝试最新的Windows7系统,但又不愿意放弃WindowsXP,如何解决这个问题呢?安装win7和XP双系统是个好办法。下面笔者总结了几种win7和XP双系统安装的图文教程,希望对大家有所帮助。 xp和windows7双系统分为三两种情况,相信一定有适合你的方案。我们的目标是:让Win7+XP和谐共处! 具体如下: 情况一:在win7系统下安装xp 情况二:在xp系统下安装win7 情况三:最佳方案——独立双系统安装 情况一、在win7系统下安装xp(包括传统慢安装的2种方法和ghost安装的方法): 相信很多买了新电脑的用户都是预装的Win7操作系统,用起来老不习惯,不爽,想用XP系统,但又舍不得出厂的正版windows7,因此就需要在Win7下安装XP 双系统。 准备工作: 首先,需要准备一个用于安装XP系统的主分区。建议在Win7系统中,用磁盘管理器创建。例如我们选择的创建H盘。 右键点击计算机--管理--磁盘管理--

然后用鼠标单击某磁盘分区(如果有其它选择的话,不倡议从系统盘中划空间新建分区),在弹出的菜单当选择“紧缩卷”, 系统会弹出一个提醒框,示知用户系统正在获取能够紧缩的空间。

上图中的提醒信息所说的“查询卷以获取可用紧缩空间”,其实就是系统在检测当前分区还有大空间能够被朋分出来,让用户新建磁盘分区。 等到呈现上图所示的界面时(也就是系统检测后得出能够建新分区的空间巨细),单击“紧缩”按钮。稍候你就会发现,Windows 7以绿色标识的新空间了(如下图)。 从图中能够看出,当前可建新分区的空间为91.6GB,鼠标右键单击基本磁盘的未分配区域,然后左键单击“新建分区”,依次单击“下一步”、“主分区”、“扩展分区”或“逻辑驱动器”,这里我们选“主分区”,然后按照屏幕上的指示操作。当然上面的是新建了91GB的新分区,其实我们装xp根本用不了这么大,请大家自己分10~20GB就足够了。最后就是加上卷标"XP"即可。 方法1:用XP安装光盘全新安装: 上面已经准备好一个容量约10~20GB大小的主分区(如图所示)。 然后用Win XP安装光盘启动电脑并进行安装即可,安装方法与平常安装XP一样系统类似。

Ghost版win7 xp双系统安装详解(图文详解)

一步步教你用Ghost装win 7与win xp双系统 (from 百度:jianjiang525) 网上有不少介绍双系统的方法但大多数行不通的,有的则用安装版装的,但像我们这些穷人家的孩子只能装Ghost的盗版。这样装双系统貌似就有点麻烦,小编总结网上的方法成功安装了双系统。特编此教程免得想装双系统的兄弟走弯路,第一次写这东西,详略不得当请多见谅,高手见了别笑话,废话不说了开始讲步骤: 准备工作:WIN 7系统镜像、Ghost手动还原软件,分区软件(Norton PartitionMagic、DiskGenius)、用硬盘分区工具分出一个供WIN 7使用的主分区(建议15~25G左右)。 1、恢复系统到分区 进入win xp或win PE运行Ghost手动还原软件将系统恢复到准备好的主分区(如果xp也没装可以用同样的方法将xp也恢复好)。 手动Ghost方法:

2、硬盘设置 把系统恢复到各个分区后再用硬盘分区工具将WIN 7所在主分区设为“活动”(必要的话可以将XP盘设为逻辑分区)之后就可以重启了。

3、系统引导处理 重启之后直接进入WIN 7系统(没有xp选项,等待安装程序将win7安装好),进入win 7桌面后将XP系统盘根目录下的boot.ini、https://www.sodocs.net/doc/289361824.html,、ntldr这三个系统文件复制到WIN 7系统的根目录下,再在WIN 7下点“开始”->“运行”输入“CMD”回车,然后输入以下指令: bcdedit/create {ntldr} –d “Windows XP” bcdedit/set {ntldr} device partition=H: bcdedit/set {ntldr} path \ntldr bcdedit/displayorder {ntldr} /addlast 注意:H为WIN 7下XP系统盘盘符;每输入一条按一下回车,若提示“操作成功完成”就输入下一条,否则看有没有输错(注意空格),并重新输入直到成功!


《大学英语视听说》教学大纲 (独立设课实验课程) 一、课程基本信息 二、课程教学目标 目标1:听力理解能力能听懂一般日常英语谈话和公告;能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长、语速中等的英语广播、电视节目和其他音视频材料,掌握中心大意,抓住要点和相关细节;能基本听懂与未来工作岗位、工作任务、产品等相关的英语口头介绍。能较好地运用听力技巧。 目标2:口语表达能力能用英语就一般性话题进行比较流利的会话;能较好地表达个人意见、情感、观点等;能陈述事实、理由和描述事件或物品等;能就熟悉的观点、概念、理论等进行阐述、解释、比较、总结等。语言组织结构清晰,语音、语调基本正确。能较好

地运用口头表达与交流技巧。 目标3:学习能力与跨文化交际能力具备一定的自主学习能力,初步形成较系统的学习策略,发展一定的跨文化交际能力,有一定的文化底蕴和人文素养。 三、实验内容及学时分配 (一)实验内容及要求 实验项目1:New Friends, New Faces(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Meeting new people and describing people 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目2:V acation(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Describing weather, vacation habits and preferences 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目3:All about you(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Talking about your favorite pastimes, teams and clubs 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目4:Change(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Making changes in your life according to your plans and dreams 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目5:Around the World(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Asking for and giving directions in the neighborhoods and cities 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目6:Home Sweet Home(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Describing different kind of houses, apartments and rooms Learning how to rent houses, apartments and rooms 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目7:Your Health(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Learning English expressions of parts of body Describing men’s appearance and how to keep healthy 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目8:Jobs and Ambitions(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Describing various abilities, personality and jobs 对学生的要求:交际训练 (二)课程学时及分配


UNIT1 12/12 1、Hi, my name is Emily. And the reason I took this class is because I sort of thought it might help me with my public speaking.I'm kind of nervous when it comes to speaking in front of crowds. And I thought maybe a drama class would help me get more comfortable in front of a lot of people. I'm pretty uncomfortable right now because this is really my very first time speaking in front of a lot of people. But I thought I'm going to take the class, and then maybe, if I really get brave I might even try out for maybe a play, or [or] a musical ...I'm not a very good singer, [but] but I maybe would be a good actor. And, I think if I take the class, and maybe play some theater games and learn some lines and practice some scenes that maybe, maybe I would become good. 1B/5


New Standard College English (Book 3) Unit 1 Inside View Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1 Janet is a Chinese student in England. 2 She studies at the University of Oxford. 3 She is in London. 4 Probably she is visiting her friends or doing a tour around London. 5 I can see Tower Bridge and the Houses of Parliament. 6 She is talking to her friends. Exercise 2 1 Janet is not going back home to China. (Because she wants to work in London during the long summer holiday and find out what it’s lik e to live in this busy and lively city.) 2 It is in the middle of summer. 3 Janet is going to work for London Time Off, a website about London. 4 Joe is Janet’s boss. 5 Janet doesn’t know what she is going to do.(Because it is her first day working there.) 6 Joe and Andy do not agree that New York is the greatest city. (Andy thinks London is.) Exercise 3 Exercise 4 1 Janet wants to find out what the busy and lively city of London is like. 2 Today. 3 Joe doesn’t agree with Andy. (But they argue in a joking way.)


新时代交互英语视听说 2 对话文本 NEW ERA INTERACTIVE ENGLISH 2 Scripts for Apply video I UNIT 1 A quick lunch Dave: Here you go. A half-caf, half-decaf, low- fat latte. Enjoy! Next, please Emi: Hi, Dave. Dave: Oh, hi, Emi. What can I get for you? Emi: I ' d like a tuna fish sandwich. Dave: For here ,or to go ? Emi: For here. Dave: Sure. What kind of bread would you like? Emi: Bread? Whole wheat, I guess. Dave: Sorry, we don ' t have any whole wheat. How about white or rye? Emi: White is fine. Dave: Would you like a slice of tomato or lettuce on it? Emi: Um…Tomato or lettuce? Just lettuce, no tomato. Dave: Would you like mustard or mayo? Emi: Dave, look,I don 'treally care. Just give me a tuna fish sandwich! Dave: Sure. One tuna fish sandwich. Coming right up. Dave: Anything to drink with that? Emi: Maybe some iced tea. Dave: With ice? Emi: Of course! Dave: Sure. Large, medium, or small? Emi: Small. Dave: Regular or decaf? Emi: Regular or decaf? You have decaf tea? Dave: Emi, there 'salways a chioice , didn ' t you know that? Emi: OK, Dave. Regular. Dave: With sugar or sweetener? Emi: Dave ,cut it out.Why are there so many choices? UNIT 2 What a weekend Ana: Hi, Chris. How was your weekend? Chris: Boring. I was at home all weekend. How about you? Ana: You know me, I ' m never home on weekends! Chris: Where were you? Ana: I was in L.A. on Saturday and Sunday. Chris: Where? Ana: Los Angeles. Chris: Oh, wow! What did you do? Ana: We did a bunch of tourist stuff —shopping, beach, movie studios.


winxp和win7真正完美互相独立双系统的安装方法【最详细的图文教程】 winxp和win7双系统的安装,方法有很多,常用的方法就是xp之下安装win7,这样可以不用作任何处理就可选择启动所要进入的系统。虽然这样的双系统可以相互共存,但却不是互相独立的;xp系统崩溃或者win7系统崩溃都会引起其他系统无法启动的危险,所以本文将帮助你完美解决这一难题。即使是任何一个系统崩溃的情况下都可以进入另一个系统!好,我们马上开始 一、首先需要的工具: 1、winxp系统盘一张(原版系统盘或者ghost系统盘都可以) 2、win 7系统盘一张(原版系统盘或者ghost系统盘都可以) 3、系统启动菜单管理软件system commander9.0 下载地址(内含正版序列号): 4、带有可启动DiskGenius 2010工具盘一张,本文采用的是本人制作的《风来袭电脑维护典藏盘U盘专用》 二、安装步骤

1、首先运行DiskGenius进入安装界面,调整分区,推荐分区配置:首先分配两个主分区,安装xp的分区为:20G,安装win 7的分区为30G,其他分区根据自己硬盘的大小再分配成逻辑分区;如图一: 图1 提示:由于我的硬盘是40G的,所以朋友们要根据自己的硬盘大小调整了,重点是:win xp和win 7的两个分区最好都设置成主分区。2、分区设置完成后,下面安装win xp系统,由于节省时间作者就采用GHOST系统了,选择卷标为win xp的分区1,如图2。

xp系统安装好后,进行一些驱动安装和必要的设置。 3、重点步骤,需要再次进入DiskGenius分区软件,把分区2(win 7)设置成激活状态,保存分区修改退出,如图所示:


安装教程 双系统安装前的准备工作 1.安装双系统所需软件,双系统启动菜单修复工具Bcdautofix V1.0.5、DG350Free_x86、 EasyBCD_v1.51、Win7和XP光盘,或者ghost镜像,PE系统,本机XP驱动,SATA驱动2.由于条件要求,Win7需要Bitlocker加密,所以我们先来安装Win7,我的Win7是做好 的镜像,直接进入PE,调用ghost安装Win7,Win7安装完成后,进入系统分区。 3.然后进入PE,需要激活XP分区,然后安装XP到相对应的盘符(DG350Free_x86软件)

4.然后关闭窗口,安装XP 5.选择分区的时候,切记要选择我们准备好安装xp的分区,

然后一路ok下去,直到安装完毕重启,由于xp为ghost,提示安装驱动的时候除了网卡驱动之外其他的都选择不安装,进入系统之后,连接网络(无线或者有线),安装驱动精灵更新驱动,或者提前下载好安装 6.

7.然后下载官方的SATA驱动,解压安装 8.找到解压目录,然后点击install,双击 再次重启,xp会提示PCI Device没有安装,选择自动安装,然后会提示失败,设备管理器会提示,(下图)不要更新,使用驱动精灵安装


10.打开C盘,取消隐藏系统文件,把boot.ini、ntldr、https://www.sodocs.net/doc/289361824.html,三个文件拷贝到Win7盘符的根目录下,运行双系统启动菜单修复工具Bcdautofix V1.0.5,修复双系统启动菜单 11.现在我们可以先尝试进入Win7系统,ok,没问题。进入Win7后,运行EasyBCD_v1.51,更改启动显示


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 3.5 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in Passage 1 1. 2 6 2.

5 4.3 5. 4 6. 2.Listen to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC 2.Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 1.Watch the video clip and match the speakers with the statements.K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2 2.3.5 Activity 3 regarded along communicating But If during


【关键字】笔记 苹果笔记本MacBook安装Win7双系统教程苹果笔记本MacBook因其时尚的外观设计和优美的系统界面深受大家的喜爱,不过对于新购买mac本本的朋友来说,使用macOS可能还不是很习惯,所以很多朋友都选择在MacBook 上安装WinXP或者Win7双系统,毕竟MacOS上的软件和游戏太少。本文即MacBook安装Windows 7系统的图文教程,Mac安装Winxp同样可参照以下教程。以下我们就教各位如何利用苹果系统自带的Boot Camp来安装Win7。 MacBook安装Win7双系统教程步骤一:使用Boot Camp 分割磁盘 在10.6 Snow Leopard中,内建好了Boot Camp这套软件。在Finder下点选前往>>工具工具 点选工具程序资料夹中的Boot Cmap 助理 点选打开之后,就会执行Boot Camp 助理的说明等等,点选继续 接着程序出现请你分割硬盘的画面,你可以拖住中间的圆点,左右移动,来调整你要分割多少给Windows使用,接着按下分割就可以了。 MacBook安装Win7双系统教程步骤二:安装Windows 7操作系统 之后,当程序分割完硬盘后,您会在您的桌面看见一个叫做BOOTCAMP的分区,接下来只要将您准备好的Windows 7安装光盘放入,再按下开始安装即可。 接下来的Windows 7安装过程,都和一般PC的安装过程一样,唯一要注意的是,在下图的过程中,请选择后面有标记BOOTCAMP的分区,然后点选Drive options(advanced)。 再来,点选Format这个选项,把分区格式化成NTFS格式,才能继续。 接着就是等待安装的时间,Windows 7的安装过程相当快~ MacBook安装Win7双系统教程步骤三:安装驱动程序 等待Windows 7安装完成后,加入到Windows 7的操作系统中。?这个时候你应该要把刚刚安装的Windows 7光盘退出,你可以点选"开始">>"Computer"


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Unit 2-Conversation 1 Kate: Come in. Hey, Janet. Ja n et: Hi Kate, are you busy? Kate: Yes, I'm just doing an essay. But it's great to see you. So what's new? Janet: Well, nothing much. Kate: You look a bit fed up. What's bugging you? Janet: Well, I had a phone call from my parents and it made me feel homesick. It happens every time they call, and it gets me down. Kate: I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. I love speaking to my mum and dad, but I always feel miserable after the call. Janet: My dad doesn't say much, and I want to speak to him, but I wish I knew what to say. Kate: Don't let it get to you. My dad doesn't say much on the phone either. I call, he answers the phone, and says, "Hi, I'll pass you to your mother." It's really irritating. Janet: But I miss him and my mother a lot, and I like to hear his voice. Kate: Just tell him what you're up to. Janet: Sometimes I feel as if I made a mistake leaving home and coming to Oxford. Sometimes I feel like a moody teenager. Kate: Try not to worry about it, Janet. It's normal to feel like that. I understand how you feel, but I bet everything will be fine next term. You'll get used to it. Hey, why don't you do what I do? Janet: What's that? Kate: When my dad calls, I ask him for more money! He usually says no, but at least I get to hear his voice! Janet: Maybe. I'm sorry to take up your time, Kate, but I must go now. Bye! Kate: Wait a minute ...! Unit 2-Conversation 2 Kate: I think I may have upset Janet last night. Mark: What happened? Kate: She came to see me. I was busy doing an essay but I was really pleased to see her. She'd had a call from home, and said she was feeling homesick. Mark: Poor kid! It must be tough when you guys living so far away from home.
