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soil organic matter biogeochemical cycles agricultural soil forest soil restoration

soil organic matter biogeochemical cycles agricultural soil forest  soil restoration
soil organic matter biogeochemical cycles agricultural soil forest  soil restoration

Agron. Sustain. Dev. (2011) 31:251–274 c INRA, EDP Sciences, 2010 DOI: 10.1051/agro/2010007
Review article
Modelling soil carbon and nitrogen cycles during land use change. A review
J. Batlle-Aguilar1 *, A. Brovelli1 , A. Porporato1,2 , D.A. Barry1
Institute for Environmental Engineering, école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Station 2, 1015, Lausanne, Switzerland 2 Permanent address: Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA
(Accepted 9 February 2010) (Published online: 2 June 2010)
Abstract – Forested soils are being increasingly transformed to agricultural ?elds in response to growing demands for food crop. This modi?cation of the land use is known to result in deterioration of soil properties, in particular its fertility. To reduce the impact of the human activities and mitigate their e?ects on the soil, it is important to understand the factors responsible for the modi?cation of soil properties. In this paper we reviewed the principal processes a?ecting soil quality during land use changes, focusing in particular on the e?ect of soil moisture dynamics on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles. Both physical and biological processes, including degradation of litter and humus, and soil moisture evolution at the diurnal and seasonal time scales were considered, highlighting the impact of hydroclimatic variability on nutrient turnover along with the consequences of land use changes from forest to agricultural soil and vice-versa. In order to identify to what extent di?erent models are suitable for long-term predictions of soil turnover, and to understand whether some simulators are more suited to speci?c environmental conditions or ecosystems, we enumerated the principal features of the most popular existing models dealing with C and N turnover. Among these models, we considered in detail a mechanistic compartment-based model. To show the capabilities of the model and to demonstrate how it can be used as a predictive tool to forecast the e?ects of land use changes on C and N dynamics, four di?erent scenarios were studied, intertwining two di?erent climate conditions (with and without seasonality) with two contrasting soils having physical properties that are representative of forest and agricultural soils. The model incorporates synthetic time series of stochastic precipitation, and therefore soil moisture evolution through time. Our main ?ndings in simulating these scenarios are that (1) forest soils have higher concentrations of C and N than agricultural soils as a result of higher litter decomposition; (2) high frequency changes in water saturations under seasonal climate scenarios are commensurate with C and N concentrations in agricultural soils; and (3) due to their di?erent physical properties, forest soils attenuate the seasonal climate-induced frequency changes in water saturation, with accompanying changes in C and N concentrations. The model was shown to be capable of simulating the long term e?ects of modi?ed physical properties of agricultural soils, being thus a promising tool to predict future consequences of practices a?ecting sustainable agriculture, such as tillage (leading to erosion), ploughing, harvesting, irrigation and fertilization, leading to C and N turnover changes and in consequence, in terms of agriculture production. soil organic matter / biogeochemical cycles / agricultural soil / forest soil / soil nutrients / soil moisture dynamics / soil restoration
Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Land use change: forest versus agricultural soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Modelling of soil C and N cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 C and N cycles in soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Moisture dynamics as a controlling factor of soil carbon and nitrogen cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Existing models of soil carbon and nitrogen turnover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Description of the C-N model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Modelling scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 Climate scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Soil scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 3 3 5 6 8 11 11 12 14 19
* Corresponding author: jordi.batlle@ep?.ch

J. Batlle-Aguilar et al.
1. INTRODUCTION Soils are complex systems sustaining life on Earth. Among other functions, soils maintain plant and animal growth, recycle nutrients and organic wastes, ?lter and purify water. Precisely, soil quality refers to a combination of chemical, physical, and biological processes that confers to the soil the ability to carry out, among others, these particular ecological functions. Numerous human activities however utilise soil, modify its physical and chemical properties and change the composition of its ecosystems. As a result, in the last century a widespread decrease of soil quality has been observed, together with a deterioration of its functioning (Brady and Weil, 2004). The main component of soils is organic matter (SOM), which shows a variable degree of decomposition, from fresh litter to highly decomposed humus. SOM stores three to four times the amount of carbon (C) than found in all living vegetation. Other than C, soils also contain nearly all the macro- (nitrogen, N, phosphorous, P, and potassium, K) and micro-nutrients required by living organisms. Among the macronutrients N plays a major role since it is essential for life but its bio-available forms are seldom abundant in the environment. Therefore in many ecosystems the N cycle controls the overall soil turnover and functioning. For these reasons and without neglecting the importance of other nutrients, in this paper the focus is on soil C and N cycles. 1.1. Land use change: forest versus agricultural soils The increasing demand on food crops, pasture, ?rewood and timber is at the origin of worldwide changes of landuse in forested areas. This situation is worrying in some areas of the planet, such as South America, where 12% and 7% of forestland was converted to pasture and croplands, respectively, between 1850 and 1985 (Houghton et al., 1991). Landuse changes, and especially cultivation of previously forested land, reduce signi?cantly the soil quality (e.g., changes in SOM content and decomposition rates, changes in soil chemical and physical properties), leading to a permanent degradation of land productivity (Nye and Greenland, 1964; Islam et al., 1999). Furthermore, it has been reported that deforestation increases carbon dioxide (CO2 ) release to the atmosphere (Houghton, 2002), which contributes to global warming. All studies that focused on the e?ects of land conversion from forest to cultivated land concluded that land-use change induces a reduction of the available soil C and a decrease in its quality. The maximum rate of loss occurs during the ?rst 10 y of cultivation, with total C decrease up to 30% (Davidson and Ackerman, 1993; Lugo and Brown, 1993; Murty et al., 2002) followed by reduced but still signi?cant reduction rate (Brams, 1971; Martins et al., 1991; Bonde et al., 1992; Motavalli et al., 2000). Furthermore, it was reported that the loss rate is highly variable and in?uenced by several factors such as the native vegetation, climate, soil type and management practices (Mann, 1986; Davidson and Ackerman, 1993; Bruce et al., 1999).
Contrasting with the conversion from forest to cultivated land, controversy exists when the change is from forest to pasture lands. The overall change in soil C has been shown to be either positive or negative. For instance, de Moraes et al. (1996) found an increase up to 20% in total soil C 20 y after the change in land use, while Veldkamp (1994) reported a net soil organic C loss up to 18% after 25 y. Johnson (1992) also observed that changes in soil C in both land-use cultivation and pasture were associated with changes in soil N. Reiners et al. (1994) found that the transformation of forest land to pasture led to important changes in the N cycling. For example, the ammonium (NH+ 4 ) pool was larger in pasture lands while the nitrate (NO? 3 ) pool was less important in pasture than forest lands. This is consistent with a low rate of plant uptake of NH+ 4 and slow nitri?cation rates (Vitousek, 1984; Vitousek and Sanford, 1986). One of the important aspects that a?ect SOM cycling in the transition from forest to cultivated soil is the removal of most of the fresh organic C (litter) due to harvesting (Smil, 1999). However, harvesting is not the only factor responsible for the soil organic C loss. Some other processes that were also recognized to contribute to change the amount of soil C are the changes in litter chemical properties (Feigl et al., 1995; Ellert and Gregorich, 1996; Scholes et al., 1997), soil type (Feller and Beare, 1997; Scholes et al., 1997; GarcíaOliva et al., 1999), microbial community (Prasad et al., 1995), changes in soil N cycling (Dalal and Mayeer, 1986; Brown and Lugo, 1990; Desjardins et al., 1994) and management practices (Feller and Beare, 1997; Fernandes et al., 1997; Bruce et al., 1999). Soil tillage and ploughing promote redistribution of residues and their decomposition. As a result, soil C and N pools are depleted and soil fertility is lost. Soil C is oxidized to CO2 and lost to the atmosphere contributing to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Moreover, tillage improves soil aeration, destroys macro-aggregates and changes the hydrological cycle, with an increase of the respiration rates and ultimately an additional depletion of the C pool (Juo and Lal, 1979; Agboola, 1981; Ellert and Gregorich, 1996; Reicosky et al., 1997; Bruce et al., 1999). In agricultural areas, the root zone (soil depth a?ected by plant roots) remains constant over time and is relatively shallow. Di?erent rooting patterns have direct e?ects on the C ?ux, since they a?ect soil porosity and soil aeration (Berger et al., 2002). Therefore, changes in land use resulting in a modi?ed rooting depth often have a direct in?uence on soil respiration and C mineralization rates, and thus on soil turnover (Howard and Howard, 1993). Ecological restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed as a consequence of human activities (Young et al., 2005), and typically involves a land use change. During the restoration, environmental conditions (e.g., type of vegetation, ecosystem corridors or soil practices) are manipulated to create ecological conditions suitable for the successful establishment of a target composition of species (Prober et al., 2005). The change from agricultural soil to the original forest is a typical example of soil restoration, where natural soil properties and vegetation are amended, resulting in an improvement

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Figure 1. Simpli?ed representation of the global carbon cycle.
of soil fertility and an ecosystem close to its former natural condition.
1.2. Modelling of soil C and N cycles Numerical tools are becoming increasingly used to understand the modi?cations induced in ecosystems as a result of changes in land use, and it has been found that understanding the coupled N and C dynamics is of primary importance for predictive models of SOM evolution, for example to changes in land use and responses to global changes (Rodriguez-Iturbe et al., 2001). Modelling of soil biogeochemical processes dates back to the 1930s (Manzoni and Porporato, 2009), and nowadays an extended list of stochastic, empirical and mechanistic models incorporating soil nutrient dynamics is available. Models vary signi?cantly in terms of complexity and mathematical description of the biological and geochemical processes involved. Manzoni and Porporato (2009) reviewed and classi?ed about 250 di?erent mathematical models developed over 80 y. Most of the models currently available evolved from early efforts to provide a concise mathematical description of the soil cycles, and have been adapted and improved to speci?c applications. The aims of the di?erent models are numerous and include, for example: understanding and prediction of feedbacks between terrestrial ecosystems and global climate (e.g., estimate and predict climatological and biological e?ects of human activities) (Agren et al., 1991; Melillo, 1996; Moore et al., 2005); in?uence of climate changes on nutrient cycling in soils (Pastor and Post, 1986; Hunt et al., 1991; Moorhead et al., 1999; Eckersten et al., 2001; Ito, 2007); prediction of changes in soil C and N cycles related to possible land use changes (Eckersten and Beier, 1998; Paul and Polglase, 2004; Christiansen et al., 2006; Findeling et al., 2007; Pansu et al.,
2007; Post et al., 2007; Kaonga and Coleman, 2008); and forecasts of crop productivity and system response under speci?c physical soil changes (Wolf et al., 1989; Wolf and Van Keulen, 1989; Matus and Rodríguez, 1994; Parton and Rassmussen, 1994; Henriksen and Breland, 1999; Nicolardot et al., 2001). The aim of this manuscript is to provide an overview of the main processes, mechanisms and parameters a?ecting the evolution of selected soil nutrient cycles (soil C and N) and to provide a modelling framework that incorporates the key mechanisms. Both physical and biological processes, including degradation of litter and humus, and soil moisture evolution on diurnal and seasonal time scales are considered. In the ?rst part of the manuscript, soil C and N cycles are summarized, followed by an overview of the most popular models dealing with soil nutrient turnover. In the second part, a compartment model based on Porporato et al. (2003) is described and applied to simulate soil C and N dynamics, as well as degradation and transformation processes occurring under di?erent precipitation and soil scenarios. Contrasting soil types and precipitation regimes are considered, to illustrate modelling capabilities and to show how numerical tools can be used to understand e?ects of land use changes over soil C and N ?uxes and, thus, the feasibility and viability of ecological restoration regarding the modelled ecosystem and surroundings.
2. C AND N CYCLES IN SOIL The global C cycle can be depicted as consisting of a series of interconnected compartments (terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric) where C is stored and transformed. Soils are part of the terrestrial C pool (Fig. 1). The amount of C stored in the (living and dead) organic matter in soils is three to four

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times higher than that in the atmosphere (Bruce et al., 1999). The circulation rates are also high. For these reasons, soil C turnover is of primary importance to developing understanding and forecasting global changes in biogeochemical cycles and climate change (Stevenson and Cole, 1999; RodriguezIturbe and Porporato, 2004). The total global emission of CO2 from soils is probably the largest ?ux in the global C cycle, and small changes in the magnitude of soil respiration, if they take place at large scale, could have a tremendous e?ect on the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere (Schlesinger and Andrews, 2000; Murty et al., 2002). By the same argument, soils have also a great potential for long-term C storage. Whether a soil will act as a sink or source of CO2 depends on a number of environmental factors, including climatic variability and anthropogenic changes in land use, which for example may result in a modi?ed composition of the vegetation and therefore of the quality and quantity of litter inputs (Gignoux et al., 2001). The principal C exchange processes between soil and atmosphere are photosynthesis and respiration. Photosynthetic C ?xation by plants – often named primary producers – converts atmospheric CO2 and is the main source of soil organic C. Brie?y, during photosynthesis CO2 is used as a C source to produce complex organic molecules, using sunlight as an energy source (e.g., Killham and Foster, 1994): CO2 + H2 O + Energy → CH2 O + O2 . (1)
Figure 2. In?uence of the soil water content on bacterial activity in di?erent processes of nitrogen transformations (after Fenchel et al., 1998).
The complex organic molecules produced by plants enter the soil C cycle as decaying organic matter (litter) and are progressively converted to simpler molecules. A signi?cant fraction of the organic C introduced in the soil is directly used as an energy source to sustain pedofauna metabolism, and is released again to the atmosphere in form of CO2 through respiration: CH2 O + O2 → CO2 + H2 O + Energy. (2) Another part of the soil C is assimilated by vegetation and ?nally transferred to the soil as plant litter, becoming part of SOM (Porporato et al., 2003). Organic C is available in soils in a large variety of forms. Killham and Foster (1994) partitioned the soil organic C into three main pools: insoluble, soluble and biomass. Insoluble soil organic C includes plant residues and partially decomposed material, which forms the litter and the humus. Soluble C is a fraction of the humus further decomposed and is rapidly assimilated as a substrate by the pedofauna. The fast consumption of soluble C explains its often low concentration in the soil (1%) in comparison to insoluble organic C (90%). Soil biomass (9%) consists of microbes and animals (e.g., macroinvertebrates), the decomposition activity of which is mostly responsible for the C decomposition and recycling (Killham and Foster, 1994). Within the soil, organic C is transferred between the different pools (or compartments) by means of decomposition processes, which are regulated by environmental conditions (e.g., soil moisture) and the C/N ratio (Brady and Weil, 2004). These factors will be discussed subsequently. Litter undergoing decomposition is mainly composed of plant residues (fallen leaves, roots, etc.). Decomposition rates are highly variable in time, and are mainly controlled by the environmental
conditions (e.g., soil moisture level, aeration, soil temperature) and the quality of the added litter. Complex organic molecules can be decomposed under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Under normal conditions, soils are unsaturated and thus O2 is likely to be always available. However, even in the vadose zone saturated conditions can result from, for example, signi?cant precipitation events. Wetlands are a particular case where saturated conditions are found permanently or seasonally. In general, microbial decomposition rates are larger under aerobic conditions (Brady and Weil, 2004), where O2 acts as the electron acceptor during oxidation of organic compounds (Barry et al., 2002). On the other hand, slow decomposition rates under anaerobic conditions can result in accumulation of considerable amounts of partially decomposed organic matter (Fig. 2). Soil N comes mainly from the atmosphere, which is the largest N pool and contains almost 75% of the total N available on Earth (Barbour et al., 1999). In brief, the soil N cycle is + based upon the uptake of the inorganic forms (NO? 3 , NH4 ) by plants. N returns to the soil in organic form as plant residues, which are decomposed by the soil pedofauna (e.g., invertebrates, microbes, fungi) and are made available to plants in inorganic form. The total amount of organic N in soils varies greatly and is in?uenced by the soil-forming factors likely climate, topography, vegetation, parent material and age. The N cycle is tightly coupled to the C cycle, since most of the microbial N transformations (e.g., nitri?cation) use energy supplied by C (Paul, 1976). Although locally N is also incorporated into soils through dry or wet direct deposition, the largest fraction of soil organic N ?xation is done biologically (conversion from N2 gas to organic forms, mediated by speci?c microbial strains). N is found in soils mainly within the organic matter fraction, for example humic compounds, plant roots, microbial biomass and decomposing organic materials. The amount of organic N

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contained in soils far exceeds that which is present in plantavailable inorganic forms. The soil N, mainly present in organic form as previously mentioned, is almost unavailable for plants. The vegetation mainly uses inorganic forms of N, which are made available by the SOM decomposition. Soil microorganisms convert the N contained in the organic matter to NH+ 4 in a process named mineralization (Schinner et al., 1995), further subdivided into two processes. The organic N is initially transformed via ammoni?cation, and – if O2 is available – NH+ 4 is subsequently ? oxidized to nitrite (NO? ) and NO , through nitri?cation : 2 3
+ ? NH+ 4 + O2 + H + 2e → NH2 OH + H2 O + ? → NO? 2 + 5H + 4e ,
this threshold value is variable among di?erent ecosystems, for example because the C/N ratio of the vegetation changes depending on the composition and relative frequency of each species. For example, pines produce litter with C/N ratio as high as 90, while litter originating from cereal crops has C/N ratio of 80 and tropical forest trees produce litter with C/N ratios around 30 (Young and Young, 2001). 3. MOISTURE DYNAMICS AS A CONTROLLING FACTOR OF SOIL CARBON AND NITROGEN CYCLES Soil moisture results from the interactions between climate, soil type (texture, granulometry, organic matter content) and vegetation, and it is consequently variable both in space and time. Among the possible physical processes the dynamics of soil moisture exerts the greatest in?uence over SOM turnover, mineralization, decomposition, leaching and uptake, and its effects are complex and non-linear. As an example to illustrate this complexity, the production of plant residues – the main source of litter and therefore of energy for the pedofauna – depends on the growth rate of vegetation, which is controlled by water availability. Accumulation of SOM can increase the water retention capacity of the soil, with a positive feed-back on the vegetation. Moreover, the soil biota activity depends on the soil water content, and optimal decomposition rates are only achieved within a relatively narrow soil moisture range. Soil biota is sensitive to moisture level for several reasons. In order to preserve cell integrity, when the soil water content decreases bacteria increase the intracellular solute concentration to compensate for the extracellular concentration and counterbalance the increased osmotic pressure (Stark and Firestone, 1995; Bell et al., 2008). Therefore, a high concentration of solutes results in an inhibition of the enzymatic activity and therefore decreased cellular activity. Additionally, as the soil becomes drier, water in soil pores becomes a thin layer covering soil grains and substrate availability becomes di?usion-limited. In consequence, microbial activity is further reduced (Csonka, 1989; Stark and Firestone, 1995; Fenchel et al., 1998). It is however di?cult to identify a unique threshold moisture level under which soil respiration (or microbial activity) diminishes. Davidson et al. (1998) and Rey et al. (2002) estimated that 75% of the soil ?eld capacity corresponds to the soil moisture level below which soil respiration decreases, while according to Xu et al. (2004) a more likely value is 42%. A number of studies have shown that soil moisture e?ects on soil C and N turnover also depend on the time-scale of interest. Curiel Yuste et al. (2007) found that, at the seasonal scale, the e?ect of temperature and soil moisture on CO2 ef?ux (e.g., soil respiration) was very similar for ponderosa pine and oak savannah ecosystems. For shorter time scales (e.g., daily), decomposition of organic matter was mainly controlled by temperature during wet periods and a combination of temperature and soil moisture during dry periods. Soil bacterial growth (or soil respiration) – a parameter often used as a measure of microbial activity – shows a maximum at about 30 ? C
? + ? NO? (4) 2 + H2 O → NO3 + 2H + 2e . ? Although plants can use both forms of inorganic N, NO3 is used in preference to NH+ 4 because of its greater solubility in water. In other words, nitrates quickly dissolve in the pore solution, which is taken up by plants. On the other hand, however, this also means that NO? 3 is easily ?ushed to groundwater. NH+ is instead less mobile because it is strongly adsorbed on 4 clay minerals due to its positive charge. Denitri?cation is the anaerobic microbial reduction of N, and NO? 3 is used as an electron acceptor (i.e., source of energy), resulting in a transfer of soil N to the atmosphere (Gro?man et al., 2002): ? + 2NO? 3 + 10e + 12H → N2 (g) + 6H2 O.
Immobilisation is a process involving microbial uptake of nutrients, where inorganic N is converted into organic form, such as amino acids and biological macro-molecules. The carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C/N) is an important factor a?ecting the overall turnover rates of SOM (Young and Young, 2001). Bacterial sensitivity to the C/N ratio is due to the fact that bacteria need a constant C/N ratio, while this ratio is highly variable in substrate. For example, intense competition among microorganisms for available N occurs when soil residues have a high C/N ratio, i.e., the substrate is poor in N making it the limiting factor (Brady and Weil, 2004). Environmental conditions (e.g., soil moisture and temperature) have a direct in?uence on bacterial activity and thus on this ratio (Koch et al., 2007). The C/N ratio of the substrate tends to decrease as the SOM becomes more decomposed – from fresh litter to highly transformed humus – when microbes are solely responsible for decomposition (Zheng et al., 1999) because the microbial C/N ratio is lower than that of litter (Persson, 1983). In other words, the humus is enriched in N compared to the litter. For this reason the C/N ratio of the litter pool controls the rates of mineralization/immobilisation. Young and Young (2001) identi?ed a threshold of the C/N ratio which determines the bacterial activity. When C/N > 25, microbes respire completely using the available C and thus assimilate the entire N mineralized, and consequently N is immobilised. In contrast, if C/N < 25, the SOM N content far exceeds the immobilisation capacity of microbial populations and the result is a net mineralization. Although this threshold seems to be directly related to the C/N ratio needs of bacteria, White (1997) argued that

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(Pietik?inen et al., 2005). Nevertheless, the in?uence of temperature on microbial activity is generally considered much less important than soil moisture (Rodriguez-Iturbe and Porporato, 2004) because, although important di?erences in soil temperature are likely to occur at a daily and seasonal scale in the uppermost soil (e.g., ?rst few centimetres), yearly average values at depth are much more constant than those of soil moisture. Typically, summer drought decreases substantially decomposition rates (Curiel Yuste et al., 2007), but it has been observed that sporadic rains during these dry periods tends to increase the decomposition e?ciency of the bacterial communities (Borken et al., 1999, 2002; Savage and Davidson, 2001; Goulden et al., 2004; Xu et al., 2004; Misson et al., 2005; Scott-Denton et al., 2006). Kieft et al. (1998) and Moore et al. (2008) observed an increase of root density and soil microbial activity rate in response to isolated moisture pulses in arid soils, although the response of root density occurred at longer time-scale. A fast rewetting of the soil pro?le is likely to have negative consequences on microbial populations in that it can generate an osmotic shock and result in cell lyses (Kieft et al., 1987; Van Gestel et al., 1993). In contrast, Ryel et al. (2004), Schwinning and Sala (2004) and Bell et al. (2008) found that, in arid soils, while plants usually do not take advantage of brief pulses of moisture generated by short precipitation events, microbial mineralization is stimulated. Consequently, shortterm increases in soil microbial activity triggered by moisture pulses will not typically correlate with an increase in primary production at the same time scale, con?rming that plant growth is not only dependent on soil microbial activity, but also on other factors such as the precipitation event duration, amount of soil water in?ltrated and the overall change in soil moisture. The magnitude and timing of intra-seasonal precipitation becomes therefore a key regulator for microbial activity (Bell et al., 2008). Since decomposition and consequent mineralization can be stimulated by moisture pulses that are too brief to bene?t primary producers (e.g., plants) (Cui and Caldwell, 1997; Schwinning et al., 2003; Austin et al., 2004), in arid soils there is potential for soil nutrient pools to accumulate over time and become available to plants as heavier precipitation occurs. The in?uence of soil moisture over soil nutrient dynamics has been also studied in temperate (Davidson et al., 1998; Buchmann, 2000; Reichstein et al., 2003) and tropical forests (Conant et al., 2000; Davidson et al., 2000; Kiese and Butterbach-Bahl, 2002; Epron et al., 2004). It was concluded that a strong in?uence of the soil moisture over microbial activity exists, but that the degree of correlation varies strongly among di?erent ecosystems (Buchmann, 2000; Rustad et al., 2000).
4. EXISTING MODELS OF SOIL CARBON AND NITROGEN TURNOVER At least 250 models dealing with soil C and nutrient turnover exist (Manzoni and Porporato, 2009). Classi?cation of all these simulators is di?cult because they are based on a wide range of physical and biogeochemical descriptions of
the processes and the underlying assumptions vary signi?cantly. Nevertheless, based on their internal structure models describing SOM dynamics can be divided into (1) processoriented, (multi)-compartment models; (2) organism-oriented (food-web) models; (3) cohort models describing decomposition as a continuum; and (4) a combination of model types (1) and (2) (Brussaard, 1998; Smith et al., 1998; Post et al., 2007). Process-oriented or compartment models (each compartment or pool is a fraction of SOM with similar chemical and physical characteristics) are built considering the processes involved in the migration of SOM across the soil pro?le and its transformations (Smith et al., 1998). Models belonging to this class can potentially have a variable degree of complexity, from the simplest case with no compartments (considering degradation as a continuum) to more re?ned, multicompartment models, with each compartment composed of organic matter with similar chemical composition or degradability. Process-oriented models can be combined with GIS software, giving a modelling platform well suited for regionalscale studies. Examples of successful coupling between soil turnover and GIS software are CANDY (Franko, 1996), CENTURY (Schimel et al., 1994) and RothC (Post et al., 1982; Jenkinson et al., 1991). On the other hand, the theoretical compartments that de?ne the structure of multi-compartment process-oriented models are di?cult to compare with the measurements of SOM fractions, and therefore the testing and validation is di?cult and limited (Christensen, 1996; Elliott et al., 1996). Among the most popular process-oriented models are also DAISY (Hansen et al., 1991), NCSOIL (Molina et al., 1983) and SOILN (Johnsson et al., 1987). In organism-based models the SOM ?ows from one organism pool to another, which in turn are classi?ed depending upon their taxonomy or metabolism. The main advantage of organism-oriented models is that the main drivers of SOM ?uxes and transformations – the pedofauna – are explicitly accounted for. However, as noted in Post et al. (2007), to date there is no general acceptance of the existence of a relation between soil biota abundance and degradation rates. In contrast, the relationship between degradation rate and amount (or concentration) of substrate, as in process-based models, is well recognized. Simple ?rst-order kinetic rates are often suitable to model the transformations, and the reaction rates can be easily estimated from laboratory experiments and directly used in process-oriented models. Site-speci?c calibration of organism-oriented models involves the characterization of the soil microbial consortia and therefore requires more complex techniques, while process-oriented models are less in?uenced by the features of the microbial communities, and have a larger range of application to di?erent environments. To summarize, process-oriented models are easier to apply and calibrate than organism-oriented, which explains their greater popularity. Nevertheless, organism-oriented models have been proposed by several authors, including Moore et al. (2004), Kuijper et al. (2005), Zelenev et al. (2006) and Cherif and Loreau (2009). A cohort is a set of items sharing some particular characteristic. Cohort models divide SOM into cohorts, which are further divided into di?erent pools (e.g., C, N). Contrary

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to process-based models where decay is usually treated as a purely physical or biochemical process, e.g., described by a ?rst-order rate, cohort models consider explicitly microbial physiology as the driving factor of decomposition. An example of a cohort model was proposed by Furniss et al. (1982), where SOM was divided into three cohorts considering age, origin and size, with each cohort subdivided into a number of chemical constituents. Gignoux et al. (2001) developed SOMCO (soil organic matter cohort), where SOM is divided into di?erent cohorts in a demographic sense, meaning that a cohort is a set of items of the same age. At each time step a new cohort is de?ned and its fate is followed until its relative amount to total SOM becomes negligible. Other examples of models belonging to this class are those of Pastor and Post (1986), Bosatta and ?gren (1991, 1994) and Frolking et al. (2001). The last group of models consists of a combination of process- and organism-oriented models, which are seldom used because their applicability is limited by the data required to de?ne the organism-oriented components (Smith et al., 1998). Some examples of combined models are proposed by O’Brien (1984) and Paustian et al. (1990). In order to identify to what extent di?erent models are suitable for long-term predictions of soil turnover, and to understand whether some simulators are more suited to speci?c environmental conditions or ecosystems, model comparisons were conducted using long-term experiments and multi-annual datasets. De Willigen (1991) tested 14 di?erent models comparing their ability to simulate soil N turnover (e.g., mineralization and plant uptake). It was concluded that aboveground processes (e.g., plant growth) were easier to simulate than belowground transformations (e.g., soil water and N content), and that the more complex, multi-compartment models do not necessarily provide better results in terms of predictive capabilities. Rodrigo et al. (1997) compared the effects of soil moisture and temperature variations on nine di?erent models (NCSOIL; SOILN; DAISY; Kersebaum’s model, Kersebaum and Richter, 1991; MATHILD, Lafolie, 1991; TRITSIM, Mirschel et al., 1991; NLEAP, Sha?er et al., 1991; SUNDIAL, Bradbury et al., 1993; CANTIS, Neel, 1996) on predictions of soil C and N turnover. Not surprisingly, they observed the highest C decomposition and N mineralisation rates close to ?eld capacity conditions and decreasing rates during soil drying. In this study good agreement between the di?erent models for low moisture conditions was observed, whereas poor agreement was found in wet soils, with water saturation equal or above ?eld capacity. A complete comparison of nine process-oriented multi-compartment models (CANDY; NCSOIL; RothC; DAISY; CENTURY, Parton et al., 1987; Verberne model, Verberne et al., 1990; ITE, Thornley, 1991; DNDC, Li et al., 1994; SOMM, Chertov and Komarov, 1997) was presented by Smith et al. (1997). A qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the performance of the models was carried out by comparing their ability to simulate observed data from seven di?erent sites in temperate regions. A general conclusion of all these comparisons was that the errors derived from the tested models are not signi?cantly di?erent, meaning that the models provide consistent results except when a
model is used for an application for which it was not developed. For example, the ITE and SOMM models were developed for grasslands while in the study of Smith et al. (1997) they were applied to crops. Model calibration is an additional source of uncertainties and makes the comparison of di?erent models di?cult. Pansu et al. (2004) presented a qualitative comparison of the predictive performance of a family of ?ve multi-compartment models, MOMOS-2 to -6, using 14 C- and 15 N-labelled species in ?eld experiments. These models use the same conceptual approach but have di?erent complexity, in that the number of compartments varies from 3 to 5 and the description of the biochemical transformation uses a di?erent level of detail and simpli?cation. Pansu et al. (2004) concluded that the simpli?cations do not decrease signi?cantly model accuracy, but that the use of additional compartments results in improved long-term predictions. Most of the currently available models are updated versions of earlier and original versions that have been modi?ed to extend the applicability to speci?c ecosystems. Table I presents a list of the ?ve most popular models, their main features together with the key references. The popular CENTURY model, originally devised for modelling soil nutrient dynamics in grassland systems, has been considerably modi?ed since its ?rst version. Smith et al. (1997) and Parton and Rassmussen (1994) modi?ed the CENTURY model for application to crop and pasture systems, while Kelly et al. (1997), Peng et al. (1998) and Kirschbaum and Paul (2002) modi?ed the model to be applied to forest ecosystems. Despite the ad hoc modi?cations, contrasting results in terms of predictive capabilities were obtained. The RothC model of Jenkinson et al. (1990), is an evolution of the model previously presented by Jenkinson and Rayner (1977), named Rothamsted. TOUGHREACT-N (Maggi et al., 2008) was developed to study the biogeochemical soil N cycle under di?erent conditions of fertilization and irrigation. It is based on the multi-phase, multi-component reactive transport model TOUGHREACT (Xu et al., 2006), in turn an evolved and improved version of TOUGH2 (Pruess et al., 1999). SWIM (Krysanova et al., 1998), based on previously developed tools (MATSALU, Krysanova et al., 1989; SWAT, Arnold et al., 1993) and originally devised for modelling soil N cycle in mesoscale watersheds (102 to 104 km2 ), has recently been extended to better describe groundwater dynamics and processes in riparian zones (Hattermann et al., 2004; Wattenbach et al., 2005). FullCAM (Richards, 2001) accounts for full C turnover in forests, and is an integrated suite of sub-models: the empirical C tracking model CAMFor (Richards and Evans, 2000), the tree growth model 3PG (Landsberg and Waring, 1997), the litter decomposition model GENDEC (Moorhead and Reynolds, 1991) and the soil C turnover model RothC (Jenkinson, 1990). PASTIS (Lafolie, 1991; Garnier et al., 2001, 2003) is a one-dimensional mechanistic model that simulates the transport of water, solutes and heat using Richards’ equation for water ?ow, the advectiondispersion equation for solute transport and the di?usion equation for heat ?ow. Some variations to this model have been implemented, such as PASTISmulch (Findeling et al., 2007), which extends the original capabilities by including the physical e?ects of a surface residue mulch on rain interception and

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J. Batlle-Aguilar et al.
Table I. Main characteristics of the ?ve most popular models.
Model CENTURY Parton et al. (1987) Type Process-oriented multi-compartment Characteristics ? Long-term (decades to centuries) of SOM dynamics, plant growth and cycling of N, P and S, using monthly input data; ? Three organic compartments: active, slow and passive; ? Soil texture regulates the C transfer from one compartment to another. References to updated versions Parton and Rassmussen (1994) Fernandes et al. (1997) Kelly et al. (1997) Smith et al. (1997) Bolker et al. (1998) Peng et al. (1998) Kirschbaum and Paul (2002) Easter et al. (2007) Simulates crop production, soil water and N dynamics; Jensen et al. (1997) Four di?erent modules: hydrological, soil temperature, Smith et al. (1997) soil nitrogen, and crop models; Decomposition rate constants depend on clay content; Vertical soil pro?le divided in layers considering physical and chemical characteristics.
DAISY Hansen et al. (1991)
Process-oriented multi-compartment
? ? ? ?
NCSOIL Molina et al. (1983)
Process-oriented multi-compartment
? Simulates C and N ?uxes through soil microbes and Smith et al. (1997) Hadas et al. (2004) organic components; ? Four organic compartments: plant residues, microbial biomass, humus and stable organic matter. ? Composed of four di?erent submodels: soil temper- Franko et al. (1996) ature, hydrological, crop and organic matter turnover Franko et al. (1997) Smith et al. (1997) models; ? Daily time step; ? Simulates soil N dynamics, temperature and moisture. ? N and C are not interconnected; ? C turnover sensitive to soil type, temperature, moisture and plant cover; ? Monthly input data. Smith et al. (1997) Easter et al. (2007) Kaonga and Coleman (2008) Jenkinson and Coleman (2008)
CANDY (CArbon and Nitrogen DYnamics) Franko et al. (1995)
Process-oriented multi-compartment
RothC Process-oriented (Rothamsted model) multi-compartment Jenkinson and Rayner (1977)
evaporation. Another example of model evolution is the family of models MOMOS-2 to -6, which are modi?ed versions from the initial MOMOS-C (Sallih and Pansu, 1993) and MOMOSN (Pansu et al., 1998) models. TRIPLEX (Peng et al., 2002) is a model of forest growth and C and N dynamics, and is a combination of three prior well-established models: 3PG (Landsberg and Waring, 1997), TREEDYN3.0 (Bossel, 1996) and CENTURY4.0 (Parton et al., 1993). Easter et al. (2007) developed a soil C modelling system, GEFSOC, aimed at modelling soil C stocks and exchange rates at regional or country scales in response to land use changes. The developed tool is based on three well-recognized models: the CENTURY general ecosystem model, the RothC soil C decomposition model and the empirical IPCC method (IPCC, 2003) for assessing soil C stock changes at regional scales. The model can be coupled to a soil and terrain digital database to include the topography and spatial soil variability of the studied area.
5. DESCRIPTION OF THE C-N MODEL The model we describe and use in this work was presented by Porporato et al. (2003). It belongs to the group of process-based models, with the soil organic matter and nutrients divided into ?ve pools. Three pools consist of SOM (litter, humus and microbial biomass), while the remainder are for in-
organic N. The model is applied to the root zone treated as a single unit, i.e., spatial variations are ignored. The framework with three organic pools is in good agreement with Jenkinson (1990), who proposed that process-based models should have between two and four pools to obtain reliable results. These pools represent the main components of the system, and C and N concentrations correspond to average values over the rooting depth (Zr ) (Rodriguez-Iturbe and Porporato, 2004). This simpli?cation is justi?ed because soils have often a uniform distribution of SOM and inorganic N over the whole rooting depth (Porporato et al., 2003). This is not true however for the uppermost soil layer, where organic residues tend to accumulate, and acts as a source of litter to the layers beneath. Additionally, some other simpli?cations were made during the development. First, SOM decomposition rates are known to vary over orders of magnitude among the di?erent components and, as already described, each functional group of organisms has speci?c and highly variable decomposition and mineralization rates. In the model however no distinction is made between di?erent microbial populations. Rather, for each pool, a single, ?rst-order kinetic rate is used, which represents an average transformation rate. This approach, although approximate, reduces the number of model parameters and therefore simpli?es its calibration. Decomposition rates vary however among the di?erent pools: litter has faster decomposition than the humus pool. The second approximation

Modelling soil carbon and nitrogen cycles during land use change. A review
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concerns the C/N ratio. As for the transformation rates, the model considers a single C/N ratio for each pool, again representing an average value. In this case, the litter C/N ratio can be computed, for example, as the weighted average of the C/N ratios of the di?erent species, weighted by their relative amount in the ecosystem. Other than this, vegetation characteristics (maximum evapotranspiration, wilting point, incipient stress point, etc.) are assumed constant. This is an important simpli?cation, since in previous sections it was pointed out that climatic conditions in?uence vegetation growth and deposition of fresh organic matter. The advantage is that we reduce and simplify the external factors in?uencing C and N turnover to soil type and moisture content dynamics. Model inputs are precipitation and litter fall rates, while on output the extent of soil respiration, plant uptake, transpiration and leaching are recovered. The amount and frequency of precipitation are the only climatic variables considered. Isothermal conditions are assumed, meaning that variations of the average daily temperature within the year are limited. This assumption is clearly not satis?ed in many climatic regions (e.g., at high latitude). On the other hand, the model can still be applicable given that, during the unfavourable season (too high or low temperature), the moisture content becomes an additional limiting factor, thus inhibiting soil respiration and transformations. The model of Porporato et al. (2003) is comprised of a set of coupled non-linear ordinary di?erential equations. Each equation describes the mass balance of C and N in the ?ve pools. An overview of the reaction network is given in Figure 3. Moreover, since the soil moisture is the key factor in this model, and in?uences the decomposition and turnover rates as outlined above, soil water variations are computed from the water balance at one point. In order to facilitate model understanding and comparison with previous works, here we use the same notation as in Porporato et al. (2003), D’Odorico et al. (2004) and Rodriguez-Iturbe and Porporato (2004). The evolution of C in the litter, humus and biomass pools is given by: d Cl = ADD + BD ? DEC l , dt dCh = rh DECl ? DECh , dt dCb = (1 ? rh ? rr )DECl + (1 ? rr )DECh ? BD, dt
The combination of equations (6)–(8) gives the overall C balance equation (Ctot ) in the system: d Ctot = ADD ? rr DECl ? rr DECh . (9) dt The ?ux of C between two pools is described by ?rst-order kinetic equations (DECl , DECh and BD), where the reaction rates (kl , kh and kd , respectively) are weighted averages of the decomposition rates of the di?erent organic molecules. The ?rst-order kinetic equations of C decomposition and microbial death for the litter, humus and biomass pool are: DECl = φ fd ( s) Cb kl Cl , DECh = φ fd ( s) Cb kh Ch , BD = Cb kd , (10) (11) (12)
where φ is a non-dimensional factor that accounts for a possible reduction of the decomposition rate when the litter is very poor in N (high C/N ratio) and the immobilization is not suf?cient to integrate the required N by the bacteria. This factor has an important in?uence on the dynamics of the biomass evolution, and details on how it is de?ned and computed can be found in Porporato et al. (2003). The term fd ( s) is a nondimensional parameter that describes soil moisture e?ects on decomposition: ? s ? ? , s ≤ s f c, ? ? ? sfc fd ( s) = ? (13) s ? fc ? ? ? , s > s f c, s where S f c is the soil ?eld capacity (water content held in soil after excess water drained away by gravity). The main model parameters are listed in Table II. The N balance in the litter, humus and biomass pools is computed from the C balance equations, scaled by the appropriate C/N ratio: d Nl ADD BD DECl = + ? , (14) dt (C/N)add (C/N)b (C/N)l d Nh DECl DECh = rh ? , (15) dt (C/N)h (C/N)h d Nb (C/N)l DECl DECh BD = [1 ? rh ] + ? ? Φ, dt (C/N)h (C/N)l (C/N)h (C/N)b (16) where Nl , Nh and Nb are the N concentrations in the litter, humus and biomass pools, respectively [M L?3 T?1 ], (C/N)add , (C/N)l , (C/N)h and (C/N)b are the C to N ratios of added organic matter, litter, humus and biomass pools, respectively, and Φ is a term that takes into account the contribution due to either the net mineralization or to the immobilization [M L?3 T?1 ]. This term relates the total mineralization and immobilization rates: Φ = MIN ? I MM, (17) where MIN expresses the mineralization rate [M L?3 T?1 ] and IMM is the total rate of immobilization (sum of the N immo+ ? ? bilization rate in the NH+ 4 IMM and NO3 IMM pools, respectively) [M L?3 T?1 ]. When IMM is equal to zero, MIN is
(6) (7) (8)
where Cl , Ch and Cb are the C concentrations in the litter, humus and biomass pools respectively [M L3 ], ADD is the external input of C to the system [M L?2 T?1 ], BD is the recycling rate of decaying biomass in the litter pool [M L?3 T?1 ], DECl and DECh are the C ?uxes leaving the litter and humus pools due to microbial decomposition [M L?3 T?1 ], while rh and rr are non-dimensional coe?cients representing the fractions of decomposed organic C that go into the humus pool and to respiration, respectively.

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Nitrogen plant uptake
Figure 3. Schematic representation of soil C and N cycles (after Rodriguez-Iturbe and Porporato, 2004).
equal to Φ, while when MIN is zero IMM is equal to –Φ. The (C/N)b ratio is one of the most important parameters in the model, since the switch between mineralization and immobilization is de?ned in order to maintain as constant the C/N ratio of the biomass pool. If the organic matter is rich in N (and (C/N)b is smaller than the value required to sustain growth of microbial biomass), decomposition results in surplus N. This is used by the microorganisms, and mineralization occurs. In contrast, if decomposition produces an environment poor in N, microorganisms will increase the immobilization rate of NH+ 4 and NO? 3 in order to meet their requirements. This process is rather complex and very dynamic, as explained in Porporato et al. (2003). N transfer between the pools is described by the same ?rstorder kinetic transfer parameters used for C, with each term scaled by the corresponding C/N ratio (Fig. 3). The balance equations of inorganic N are: dN+ = MIN + I MM + ? NIT ? LE + ? UP+ , dt d N? = NIT ? I MM ? ? LE ? ? UP? , dt (18) (19)
?cation rate [M L?3 T?1 ], UP+ and UP? are the N uptake by ? ?3 ?1 plants from the NH+ 4 and NO3 pools, respectively [M L T ], + ? and LE and LE are N ?uxes from the root zone towards the groundwater [M L?3 T?1 ]. The combination of equations (14–16, 18, 19) gives the overall evolution of total N (Ntot ) in the system:
d Ntot ADD ? LE + ? UP+ ? LE ? ? UP? . = dt (C/N)add
Equations (9) and (20) represent the total C and N sinks and sources of the system depicted in Figure 3. Although we have described the main elements of the model here, further descriptions – for example the rates of mineralization (MIN ), immobilization (IMM + and IMM ? ), nitri?cation (NIT ), plant uptake (UP+ and UP? ) and leaching (LE+ and LE? ) and their associated variables – can be found in Porporato et al. (2003), D’Odorico et al. (2004) and Rodriguez-Iturbe and Porporato (2004), together with additional discussion about the underlying assumptions and simpli?cations introduced in this model.
where N+ and N? are the inorganic N concentrations in the ? 3 NH+ 4 and NO3 pools, respectively [M L ], NIT is the nitri-

Modelling soil carbon and nitrogen cycles during land use change. A review
Table II. Summary of the main parameters considered in the soil C-N model.
Symbol Cl Ch Cb Nl Nh Nb N+ N? ADD BD DECl DECh rr rh kl kh kd (C/N)add (C/N)l (C/N)h (C/N)b MIN NIT IMM + IMM ? LE+ LE? UP+ UP? Φ φ fd ( s) s Zr Representative model parameters Carbon concentration in the litter pool Carbon concentration in the humus pool Carbon concentration in the biomass pool Organic nitrogen concentration in the litter pool Organic nitrogen concentration in the humus pool Organic nitrogen concentration in the biomass pool Ammonium concentration in the soil Nitrate concentration in the soil External carbon input Carbon return to the litter pool due to death of microbial biomass Carbon output due to microbial decomposition Carbon output due to humus decomposition Portion of decomposing carbon that is lost by respiration Fraction of decomposing litter which undergoes humi?cation Litter decomposition rate Humus decomposition rate Biomass death rate Carbon to nitrogen ratio in the external added litter Carbon to nitrogen ratio in the litter pool Carbon to nitrogen ratio in the humus pool Carbon to nitrogen ratio in the biomass pool Mineralization rate Nitri?cation rate Ammonium immobilization rate Nitrate immobilization rate Ammonium leaching rate Nitrate leaching rate Ammonium plant uptake rate Nitrate plant uptake rate Non-dimensional factor that takes into account the contribution due to either the net mineralization or to the immobilization Non-dimensional factor that accounts for a possible reduction of the decomposition rate when the litter is very poor in N and the immobilization is not su?cient to integrate the required N by the bacteria Non-dimensional factor (soil moisture e?ect on decomposition) Soil moisture Rooting depth Dimensions [M L?3 ] [M L?3 ] [M L?3 ] [M L?3 ] [M L?3 ] [M L?3 ] [M L?3 ] [M L?3 ] [M L?2 T?1 ] [M L?1 ] [M L?3 T?1 ] [M L?3 T?1 ] – – [L3 T?1 M?1 ] [L3 T?1 M?1 ] [T?1 ] – – – – [T?1 M?1 L3 ] [T?1 M?1 L3 ] [M?1 L3 T?1 ] [M?1 L3 T?1 ] [M?1 L3 T?1 ] [M?1 L3 T?1 ] [M?1 L3 T?1 ] [M?1 L3 T?1 ] – – – – [L]
6. MODELLING SCENARIOS It has been shown in previous sections that land use change and hydroclimatic conditions are the main factors contributing to changes in soil C and N turnover. To test the relevance of mechanisms and parameters contributing to the fate of soil C and N, di?erent modelling scenarios were simulated, for which the main variables are presented in Table III. The combination of two di?erent soils and two di?erent climatic conditions gives four di?erent scenarios, the results of which are presented subsequently. Due to the high frequency of NO? 3 variations and their importance to plant growth, D’Odorico et al. (2003) found that a daily temporal resolution was necessary to capture the impact of soil moisture on nutrient dynamics. A daily time step was used here also. The same initial C and N amounts in di?erent pools, as well the same decomposition, mineralization and root uptake rates were considered in all scenarios, thereby allowing for a direct comparison between them. These values, presented in Table IV, were taken from D’Odorico et al. (2003).
6.1. Climate scenarios The occurrence and amount of precipitation are both intermittent and unpredictable. Precipitation scenarios were generated with a stochastic procedure described in Laio et al. (2001). Rainfall was assumed to follow a Poisson distribution with frequency λ [T?1 ], and each rainfall event had in?ltration sampled from an exponential distribution with mean α [L]. Two di?erent climates were considered with a di?erent occurrence of precipitation. Rainfall interception by canopy depends on the vegetation type and structure and cannot be neglected, especially in arid areas where the evaporation rate can be signi?cant. Canopy interception is accounted for in the model by de?ning a threshold value (e.g., high values for forests and low for grasslands) below which no rainfall reaches the soil surface. If instead the rainfall depth is higher than the threshold value, the total amount of rainfall reaching the soil surface is equal to the rainfall depth reduced by the canopy interception.

J. Batlle-Aguilar et al.
Table III. Soil and climate parameters corresponding to the modelled scenarios.
Climatic parameters Mean storm frequency (λ) Mean storm [–] depth (α) Soil parameters Saturated hydraulic conductivity (K ) Active root depth (Zr ) Pore size distribution index (b) Porosity (n) Tortuosity (d) Field capacity ( s f c ) Maximum transpiration (T max ) Canopy interception threshold Maximum evapotranspiration (Emax ) Evapotranspiration wilting point (Ew ) Vegetation parameters Hygroscopic point ( sh ) Point of incipient stress ( s?) Wilting point ( sw ) Modelled scenarios Scenario AI Agricultural soil with climatic seasonality Scenario BI Agricultural soil without seasonality Scenario AII Forest soil with climatic seasonality Scenario BII Forest soil without seasonality d?1 m m d?1 m m m m d?1 m d?1 Climate A (seasonality) 0.3, 0.1 1.55 × 10?2 , 4.8 × 10?3 Soil I (agricultural) 1 0.3 4.05 0.35 1.5 0.35 3.6 × 10?3 5 × 10?4 3.7 × 10?3 10?4 0.04 0.16 0.05 Climate B (no seasonality) 0.2 1.08 × 10?2 Soil II (forest) 2 0.7 5.39 0.45 3 0.55 4.63 × 10?3 2 × 10?3 4.76 × 10?3 1.3 × 10?4 0.14 0.37 0.17
Table IV. Parameters related to carbon and nitrogen soil dynamics used in all model scenarios. Shaded parameters correspond to variables that are not focused upon in this manuscript. Their details can be found in Porporato et al. (2003).
Initial soil moisture C litter pool C humus pool C biomass pool N ammonium pool N nitrate pool Added litter C/N ratio of added litter C/N ratio of litter C/N ratio of humus C/N ratio of microbial biomass C/N ratio of ammonium C/N ration of nitrate Isohumic coe?cient Respiration coe?cient Litter decomposition rate Factor of carbon return to litter pool Humus decomposition rate Rate of nitri?cation Ammonium immobilization coe?cient Nitrate immobilization coe?cient Ammonium plant demand Nitrate plant demand Fraction of dissolved ammonium Fraction of dissolved nitrate s Cl Ch Cb N+ N? Add (C/N )add (C/N )l (C/N )h (C/N )b (C/N )+ (C/N )? rh rr kl kd kh kn kamm knit DEM + DEM ? a+ a? – 0.15 g m?3 1200 g m?3 8500 g m?3 50 g m?3 0 g m?3 1 1.5 g C m?3 d?1 – 58 – 22 – 22 – 11.5 – 1 – 1 – 0.25 – 0.6 m3 d?1 g C?1 6. 5 × 10?5 d?1 8.5 × 10?3 m3 d?1 g C?1 2.5 × 10?6 m3 d?1 g N?1 0.6 m3 d?1 g N?1 1 m3 d?1 g N?1 1 g N m?3 d?1 0.2 g N m?3 d?1 0.5 – 0.05 – 0.1
This climate can be considered comparable to a Mediterranean climate, with two wet seasons, spring and fall (e.g., high λ and α) and two dry seasons, summer and winter (e.g., low λ and α). In contrast, climate B is characterized by a lack of seasonality, with relatively low but homogeneous amount of precipitation randomly distributed over the year, using λ and α between those of the wet and dry seasons considered in climate A. Although in Section 3 was pointed out that temperature exerts a control over soil C and N cycles, in this study only isothermal conditions were considered. This assumption was made for two reasons. First, the e?ect of temperature in many climates is less important than that of soil moisture and, second, because considering the e?ects of soil moisture alone the number of factors a?ecting soil nutrient cycles is reduced, and is therefore easier to understand the in?uence and feedbacks on soil changes and nutrient dynamics. Temperature variations are however closely related to climate conditions and therefore this factor should be considered in future analyses. 6.2. Soil scenarios We seek to identify whether di?erent patterns of soil moisture evolve through time as a consequence of the combination of di?erent processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. To this end, equation (21) is used to calculate the soil moisture balance at a point (Laio et al., 2001): nZr ds(t) = R(t) ? I (t) ? Q[ s(t); t] ? E [ s(t)] ? L[ s(t)], (21) dt
Parameters representing the two climates considered are presented in Table III. Climate A is characterized by seasonality represented by two wet and two dry seasons over a year.
where n is the porosity; Zr is the depth of active soil or root depth [L]; s(t) is the relative soil moisture content

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(0 ≤ s(t) ≤ 1); R(t) is the rainfall rate [L T?1 ]; I (t) is the amount of rainfall lost through interception by canopy cover [L T?1 ]; Q[ s(t); t] is the rate of runo? [L T?1 ]; E [ s(t)] is the evapotranspiration rate [L T?1 ]; and L[ s(t)] is the leakage rate [L T?1 ]. The soil was assumed as a horizontal and homogeneous layer of depth Zr . This is an important assumption because soil depth depends in time and space on two main parameters, soil structure and vegetation. In the simulations we considered the same soil depth for water balance and nutrient cycles. Water in?ltration into the soil and runo? are entirely controlled by soil moisture dynamics, since water will in?ltrate into the soil if there is available storage. Excess rainfall that cannot be stored in the soil is converted into runo?. Although the vegetation type depends on both climate and soil, here the vegetation parameters were ?xed for each soil in order to reduce the number of variables a?ecting changes in C and N ?uxes (Tab. III). This is also justi?ed by the fact that vegetation parameters mostly depends on soil moisture, which directly depends on soil characteristics. Evapotranspiration varies from a maximum value Emax when soil moisture ranges between the maximum, unity, and the point of incipient stress, s? (soil moisture level at which the plants begin to close stomata in response to water stress). The evapotranspiration rate decreases linearly from Emax to Ew , the latter rate corresponding to the soil moisture at the wilting point sw (soil water content at which plants wilt and can no longer recover or, in terms of water potential, is de?ned as the suction head beyond which the plant can no longer take up water). Below this value, only transpiration is active, and the water loss rate is linear from Ew to zero at the point of hygroscopic water sh (microscopic ?lm of water covering soil particles not available for plants). More details and assumptions concerning evapotranspiration are given by Laio et al. (2001). Verhoef and Brussaard (1990) de?ned a series of functional groups of pedofauna based on their contribution to nutrient decomposition and mineralization. Organisms belonging to the same functional group play a similar role in decompositionmineralization transformations. For example, there is a functional group that includes organisms that pulverize, mix and granulate the soil. Such organisms are rather important because (i) they contribute to incorporate the organic residues available on the surface into the lower horizons; and (ii) they create large pores and channels that guarantee aeration of the soil pro?le and eliminate excess water. Other functional groups include pedofauna specialized in breaking down woody recalcitrant materials, in degrading litter and digesting organic residues, etc. (Brady and Weil, 2004). Although the functional group concept is useful for modelling of soil nutrient cycles, here a more simpli?ed approach considering a single value for nutrient decomposition and mineralization rates is used, representing the contribution of the entire pedofauna to these processes. In combination with climates A and B, two soil types – named I and II – are considered, representative of agricultural and forest soils respectively (Tab. III). Agricultural and forest soils have contrasting physical properties mainly due to management practices and the type of vegetation supported (Lutz
and Chandler, 1955; Carmean, 1957; García-Oliva et al., 1994; de Moraes et al., 1996; Islam and Weil, 2000). The main differences between these soils are: ? Silt and clay content. Agricultural soils have lower amounts of silt and clay than natural forest soils, mostly as a result of preferential removal of these particles by water erosion (Islam and Weil, 2000). ? Soil aggregate stability. A higher input of litter fall combined with the absence of tillage and ploughing practices gives rise to forest soils with greater soil aggregate stability (Islam and Weil, 2000). Furthermore, forest soils are naturally protected from the impact of raindrops by the canopy and organic matter at the soil surface that absorbs raindrop energy (Carmean, 1957). In practice, the e?ect of raindrops is (i) removal of silt and clay particles and (ii) disruption of soil aggregates that subsequently can block large pores and reduce water percolation. ? Bulk density and porosity. Agricultural soils have higher bulk density and lower porosity than forest soils, mainly because of a greater residual sand content combined with poorer soil aggregation (García-Oliva et al., 1994; de Moraes et al., 1996). ? Soil structure. Agricultural soils often have a deteriorated structure in comparison to forest soils. This deterioration is apparent in pore modi?cation, increased bulk density, increased compaction, and less stable aggregates (Carmean, 1957). In addition, compacted, impermeable layers or pans within the soil pro?le often develop as a consequence of repeated ploughing, mainly under wheel track patterns (Roger-Estrade et al., 2004; Coquet et al., 2005). ? In?ltration rate. As a consequence of above mentioned properties, which contribute to reduce the average pore size and their connectivity, the rate of in?ltration is reduced in agricultural soils. Additionally, forest vegetation has more extensive root networks, leading to large number of interconnected channels leading to rapid water in?ltration (Lutz and Chandler, 1955). ? Runo? and soil erosion. Low in?ltration rates of agricultural soils contribute to increased runo?, which emphasizes soil erosion and removal of silt-clay soil particles (Lutz and Chandler, 1955). Due to the above di?erences, the agricultural soil (soil I) is characterized by a relatively low saturated hydraulic conductivity (K ), as well as lower values of pore size distribution (b), porosity (n) and soil ?eld capacity ( s f c ) than soil II, representative of a forest soil (Ndiaye et al., 2007). Furthermore, the soil tortuosity is likely to be a?ected by the loss of structure and by the less extended root network of agricultural soils, the loss of connected porosity due to tillage processes and disturbed aggregates clogging large pores. The soil tortuosity index for the agricultural soil is also thus decreased in comparison with the forest soil (Tab. III). The rooting depth (Zr ) considered is larger for forest soils than agricultural soils, since the root network is much more important for forest vegetation than agricultural. As previously mentioned, vegetation depends on both climate and soil. However, we have de?ned the vegetation parameters only in

J. Batlle-Aguilar et al.
Figure 4. Simulated rainfall and corresponding water saturation of climate A (with seasonal e?ects) and climate B (without seasonal e?ects) for idealized agricultural (a, b and c) and forest (d, e and f) soils.
function of the soil type. As a consequence of the low C/N ratio of agricultural vegetation and microbial decomposers associated, cultivated soils typically have lower C/N ratio than forest soils (Zheng et al., 1999). Nevertheless, to facilitate the comparison between the four scenarios we assumed equal C/N ratios for both soils, as well as initial C and N concentrations. 7. RESULTS Figures 4a and 4d present the precipitation over 20 y for climates A (seasonality) and B (no seasonality), respectively, while the evolution of water saturation for the same period – as computed with equation (21) – for each climate and soil type is depicted in Figures 4b–4f, respectively. There is a marked di?erence in precipitation distribution between climates A and B, with wet and dry seasons in climate A and random uniformly distributed precipitation in climate B. Soil water saturation follows the dynamics imposed by precipitation, more notably in agricultural soils while the trend in water saturation evolution is smoothed in forest soils. As expected, peaks of soil saturation are lower for those soils under the in?uence
of climate B than climate A, while water saturation in agricultural soils is lower than those of forest soils. The latter is due to di?erent vegetation parameters associated with each soil type, speci?cally to the wilting point ( sw ), ?xed at 0.05 and 0.17 for agricultural and forest soils, respectively. It is interesting to note that forest soils attenuate changes of soil saturation much more than agricultural soils (e.g., compare Figs. 4b to 4c or even Figs. 4e to 4f), and delays water saturation peaks, mostly due to di?erence rooting depth. The evolution of the ?ve di?erent nutrient pools, for agricultural and forest soils under the conditions of climate A, are presented in Figure 5. Figures corresponding to the same pool are depicted with the same vertical scale in order to facilitate comparison between them. From the comparison is evident that seasonal e?ects are much more visible in agricultural than in forest soils. The lower rooting depth (Zr ), soil hydraulic conductivity (K ) and soil porosity (n) in the agricultural soil may be at the origin of these di?erences. Although forest soils present similar behaviour, small peaks observed in agricultural soils and corresponding to high frequency changes in precipitation, are not evident. As previously mentioned, litter

Modelling soil carbon and nitrogen cycles during land use change. A review
26 5
Soil I (agricultural)
3000 3000
Soil II (forest)
2500 Litter pool
Litter pool
C (g m )
2000 1500 1000 500
C (g m )
2000 1500 1000 500
Humus pool
Humus pool
C (g m-3)
C (g m-3)
Biomass pool
400 c 300 200 100 0
400 h 300 200 100 0 Biomass pool
C (g m )
C (g m )
Ammonium pool
Ammonium pool
N (g m-3 )
0.006 0.004 0.002 0
N (g m-3 )
Nitrate pool
0.006 0.004 0.002 0
Nitrate pool
N (g m-3)
1.5 0.75 0 0
N (g m-3)
5 10 15 20
1.5 0.75 0 0
Time (years)
Time (years)
Figure 5. Simulated organic carbon and inorganic nitrogen concentrations for agricultural (left side) and forest (right side) soils under climate A conditions.

J. Batlle-Aguilar et al.
Soil I (agricultural)
35 30 35
Soil II (forest)
Litter decomposition
Litter decomposition
d )
C (g m
15 10 5 0 1
C (g m
Net Mineralization
d )
25 20 15 10 5 0
Net Mineralization
d )
N (g m
0.4 0.2 0
N (g m
Nitrate uptake
d )
0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1
1 0.8
Nitrate uptake
d )
N (g m
0.4 0.2 0 0.4
N (g m
Nitrate leaching
d )
0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.4
Nitrate leaching
d )
0.1 0 0
N (N m
5 10 15 20
N (g m
d )
0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0
Time (years)
Time (years)
Figure 6. Simulated rates of litter decomposition (a, e), net nitrogen mineralization (b, f), nitrate uptake (c, g) and nitrate leaching (d, h) for both agricultural and forest soils under climate A conditions.
decomposition in agricultural soils is enhanced by tillage and plough practices, represented in the model by lower values of saturated hydraulic conductivity (K ), pore size distribution (b), porosity (n) and soil ?eld capacity ( s f c ). This explains the lower values of C litter pool in agricultural soils (compare Figs. 5a and 5f), although the high in?uence of seasonal climates over agricultural soils is likely to hide this fact. Furthermore, this trend is likely to in?uence the evolution of subsequent pools (Figs. 5g–5j). Peaks of litter C match well the biomass pool decrease, while decreases of litter C concentrations well correlate with the peaks of C concentration in the biomass pool for both agricultural and forest soils. This
is not surprising since the augmentation of the biomass pool is linked to degradation of the litter pool. C concentrations in the humus pool (Ch ) for agricultural and forest soils are lower than in other pools, since this pool is an intermediate pool between litter and biomass and there is almost no interaction with other variables. Concentrations of NH+ 4 (Figs. 5d and 5i) show a trend similar to that of C in the litter pool, although NH+ 4 variations are almost negligible since its concentration is very low. The NO? 3 pool preserves much of the high-frequency variability imposed by the random forcing of precipitation, which is not surprising since NO? 3 dynamics are the ?nal product of a number of intertwined processes in which

Modelling soil carbon and nitrogen cycles during land use change. A review
26 7
Soil I (agricultural)
3000 3000
Soil II (forest)
2500 Litter pool
Litter pool
C (g m )
2000 1500 1000 500 10500
C (g m )
2000 1500 1000 500 10500
Humus pool
Humus pool
C (g m-3)
C (g m-3)
Biomass pool
Biomass pool
C (g m )
C (g m )
300 200 100 0
300 200 100 0
Ammonium pool
Ammonium pool
N (g m-3 )
0.006 0.004 0.002 0
N (g m-3 )
Nitrate pool
0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0
Nitrate pool
N (g m-3)
8 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20
N (g m-3)
8 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20
Time (years)
Time (years)
Figure 7. Simulated organic carbon and inorganic nitrogen concentrations for agricultural (left side) and forest (right side) soils under climate B conditions.

J. Batlle-Aguilar et al.
Soil I (agricultural)
35 30
Soil II (forest)
35 30
Litter decomposition
Litter decomposition
d )
C (g m
15 10 5 0 1
C (g m
Net Mineralization
d )
25 20 15 10 5 0 1
Net Mineralization
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1
d ) N (g m
d )
-1 -3
N (g m
0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1
Nitrate uptake 0.8
Nitrate uptake
d )
N (g m
0.4 0.2 0 0.4
N (g m
Nitrate leaching
d )
0.6 0.4 0.2 0
Nitrate leaching
d )
N (g m
0.1 0 0
N (N m
5 10 15 20
d )
0.2 0.1 0 0
Time (years)
Time (years)
Figure 8. Simulated rates of litter decomposition (a, e), net nitrogen mineralization (b, f), nitrate uptake (c, g) and nitrate leaching (d, h) for both agricultural and forest soils under climate B conditions.
? and 6b), NO? 3 uptake by plants (Fig. 6c) and NO3 leaching (Fig. 6d) to lower layers results in low levels of NO? 3 available for plants. The results obtained, especially in forest soils, provide evidence of a structure with temporal amplitudes considerably larger than the one induced by the stochastic hydrologic forcing. This behaviour was already observed by Thornley et al. (1995) and D’Odorico et al. (2003). The presence of this behaviour in soil nutrient dynamics (see Figs. 5f–5j), a priori not related to climatic conditions, is a manifestation of the nonlinearity and degree of complexity of the whole system. Thornley et al. (1995) pointed out that such behaviour
both high- and low-frequency components interact. It is interesting to note the low levels of NO? 3 obtained for agricultural soils (Fig. 5e) compared with the relatively high levels in forest soils (Fig. 5j). This is re?ected in Figure 6d and 6h, where NO? 3 leaching is almost non-existent in forest soils while it is relatively important for agricultural soils. The higher rates of mineralization and NO? 3 uptake in agricultural soils than in forest soils aid to explain this fact. Note that fertilization practices commonly undertaken in agricultural soils are not considered in the model. Thus, simulated results are in good agreement with the need of agricultural soils for regular fertilizer input, since high decomposition and mineralization rates (Figs. 6a

Modelling soil carbon and nitrogen cycles during land use change. A review
suggests that soil nutrients cycles could show cases of richer (perhaps chaotic) dynamics enmeshed with the variability that is directly induced by the stochastic hydrologic ?uctuations. This issue is not fully assessed yet to date, although a partial discussion is provided by Manzoni and Porporato (2007). The evolution through time of the C and N pools in agricultural and forest soils under climate B (no seasonality) is presented in Figure 7. A general trend for both agricultural and forest soil is that simulated concentrations in all C and N pools closely reproduce the concentrations observed in climate A (seasonal). This is supported by the similar decomposition rates between climate A (Fig. 6) and B (Fig. 8). Nevertheless, the absence of seasonality, which is re?ected in agricultural and forest soils by a loss of the high frequency nutrient peaks, is ?nally translated in less nitrate leaching and less variability in the soil nutrients. While water saturation changes under seasonal climates contribute to hinder decomposition rates from time to time, this does not occur in climates without seasonal e?ects, where decomposition peaks are more continuous through time. The loss of climate seasonality a?ects neither the inverse trend between litter and biomass pools, nor the high frequency of NO? 3 changes in both agricultural and forest soils. As observed under seasonal conditions, the frequency of changes in C and N concentrations is higher in agricultural than in forest soils, although the general trend remains quite similar for both soils. Again, C concentrations in the humus pool are relatively constant, and NH+ 4 concentrations are low. Concentrations of NO? are lower in agricultural soils than in 3 forest soils, as observed under seasonal climate conditions. This fact supports what was mentioned in previous sections that agricultural soils are relatively poor in nutrients, independently of climate conditions. Furthermore, this is consistent with the higher mineralization rate (Fig. 8b), higher NO? 3 uptake by plants (Fig. 8c) and higher loss of NO? by leaching 3 (Fig. 8d) in agricultural than in forest soils. Finally, some general insights can be gained from the model results. Great variations of the average value of C and N concentrations in forest soils are obtained both under seasonal and uniformly variable climatic conditions. These results show that a point measurement of litter, for example, is almost meaningless, and that time-series are needed to provide useful information for evaluation of soil nutrient turnover. It is worth noting also that steady state concentrations are not always reached, which means that longer simulations should be applied to better evaluate long term nutrient concentrations, mainly under non-seasonal conditions (see for example Fig. 5g in comparison to 5b).
tices generally cause changes in soil structure, compromising aggregation and porosity, leading to a soil structure decline. Tillage practices like mechanical mixing compact and reduce the size of aggregates and ?lls pore spaces with ?nes. The simulation of two di?erent climates applied to two contrasting soil types (where speci?c vegetation properties were linked to each soil), showed that decomposition rates in agricultural soils are higher, which in addition to lower input of fresh litter over a year in comparison to a forested area, results in lower C and N concentrations. In consequence, less NO? 3 is available to plants, since plant NO? uptake is higher and leaching is en3 hanced under these conditions. The leached NO? 3 is compensated for by the input of extra nutrients in agricultural soils via fertilization, a practice that, if poorly managed, contributes to diminish the quality of aquifers. Model application under seasonal and non-seasonal climatic conditions resulted in a higher attenuation of punctual growing concentrations of soil C and N under the e?ect of a seasonal climate, as well as average concentrations higher than those under the e?ect of non-seasonal climates. Furthermore, the high frequency imposed by seasonal climates is attenuated in forest soils, while this high frequency is re?ected in agricultural soil nutrient cycles. Nevertheless, the general trend of the temporal dynamic is similar under both seasonal and nonseasonal conditions. Land use changes should include long term practices to avoid the loss of soil properties, contributing to the maintenance of optimal conditions for long term agricultural production. Crop rotation is an important management practice to avoid soil C losses following conversion from forest to agricultural land (Murty et al., 2002). Furthermore, Agboola (1981) and Bruce et al. (1999) proposed that a diminution of tillage processes minimizes soil erosion and decomposition rates, and thus soil C losses. The results presented here underscore that models dealing with soil nutrient turnover are potentially promising tools to design new soil practices and predict long-term e?ects of these practices on soil fertility.
Acknowledgements: This research is part of the RECORD project of the Competence Centre Environment and Sustainability (CCES, https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2210370938.html,es. ethz.ch/projects/nature/Record). Funding has been provided by the Swiss National Science Foundation under grant 200021-113296.
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安全生产演讲稿 安全生产演讲稿 第一篇: 安全生产演讲稿 “百日安全无事故”——安全与梦想齐飞 我想先和大家提一个我们从小到大都会谈论的话题。-“梦想”。我想问大家梦想对我们而言意味着什么?是一辆跑车?一座豪宅?还是花不完的钱,还是至高的荣誉?有人说年轻就是无限,有梦想就有动力。年轻的我们都不曾忘记那份豪情壮志。我们努力奋斗,为的就是实现心中的梦想。 可是,你们有没有想过,在我们怀抱着梦想努力工作的时候,也许在某一天,我们会因为自己的一次麻痹失误,一次不起眼的违章作业而让自己的梦想变成幻想呢? 在我们的工作生活中,我们最基本的需求就是安全,“安全第一,预防为主”这是我们应牢记在心的,企业是时时讲、周周学、月月喊。作为萍钢这样的大型钢铁企业,为了确保安全,工厂里所有的设备都专门编制了操作规程,针对特殊工种还特配了相关岗位说明书。除此之外,公司还在明显的位置张贴、悬挂各种类型的安全标语和安全标致,为的就是要提高我们对安全的意识。生产部还定期组织对公司进行安全隐患排查,及时发现并消除隐患,这些都是为了保证我们能够在一个确保安全的情况下生产。 在公司,老员工的安全意识向来都比较强烈,因为他们都见证了安全意识淡薄、不遵守规章制度所造成的后果。发生事故的往往都是

些年轻的新进人员,每一位员工进厂的时候都要经过公司的四级安全教育。可是有部份同志对于这样的教育全当成耳边风,对相关操作规程不学不问,对公司的安全制度和进出车间的注意事项漠不关心。总以为事故永远不会发生在自己身上,但就是这一刻的疏忽就有可能造成长久的悲痛。所以作为萍钢这个大家庭中的一份子,除了要掌握安全工作规程、技术操作规程、企业纪律章程这几件法宝,还要多有几颗心: 一、专心。学一行,专一行,爱一行。“既来之,则战之;既战之,胜之则”,不能“身在曹营心在汉”,工作的时候就应该专心工作,不要想工作以外的事情。 二、细心。不管是长年在干的,还是第一次接触的工作都来不得半点马虎,粗枝大意实在是安全生产的天敌。从小父母每到考试前都会再三叮嘱“要拿双百分,不要粗心大意”。 三、虚心。“谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后”, 人的生命只有一次,失去了生命,所有的梦想都成为幻影,海尔经验告诉我们,不容易就是,把容易的事情一千次,一万次地做好。安全工作时刻从零开始,未雨绸缪胜过亡羊补牢,年轻的朋友们,当我们怀抱梦想的时候,当我们满怀豪情要实现自己的理想时候,必须要时刻牢记,安全就是第一,梦想与安全并进! “百日安全无事故”这是对于我们每一个萍钢职工的一种激励,激励着萍钢公司在未来的安全生产中一路平安,基业长青。 第二篇: 石油安全生产演讲稿 安全生产是效益,是幸福


放飞梦想演讲稿三篇-梦想演讲稿 无论是你,是他,还是我,当我们走进这个纷繁的世界时,心中都藏着一个美好的梦想。为了这个梦想,我们立下坚定的信念,我们有着不屈的意志和不懈的努力。以下是给大家整理的放飞梦想演讲稿三篇,喜欢的过来一起分享吧。 放飞梦想演讲稿一 我们,撇下无知迎来了属于我们的青春。青春,让我们肆无忌惮,畅然释怀,体味风那样的自由,感受云那般的自在,因为青春赋予我们的是生命的巅峰,我们无须成熟,我们不再无知,我们唯有执着。 人生是对梦想的追求,梦想是人生的指示灯,失去了这灯的作用,就会失去生活的勇气。因此,只有坚持远大的人生梦想,才不会在生活的海洋中迷失方向。托尔斯泰将人生的梦想分成一辈子的梦想,一个阶段的梦想,一年的梦想,一个月的梦想,甚至一天、一小时、一分钟的梦想。当你听到那里,同学们,你是否想到了自己的梦想? 人生的花季是生命的春天,它美丽,却短暂。作为一名大学生就就应在这一时期,努力学习,奋发向上,找到一片属于自己的天空。青年是祖国的期望,民族的未来。每个人主宰着自己的明天。 有一位哲人说过:“梦里走了许多路,醒来还是在床上。”它形象地告诉我们一个道理:人不能躺在梦幻式的梦想中生活。是的,人不仅仅要有梦想,还要大胆幻想,但更要努力去做,在梦想中躺着等

待新的开始,如果不仅仅遥遥无期,甚至连已经拥有的也会失去。同学们,你们是否也正在梦幻的梦想中彷徨呢? 前人说得好,“有志之人立长志,无志之人常立志”,那些无志之人的“志”,就是美梦,就是所谓的“梦想”,他们把自己的蓝图构画得再完美,再完善,也只是空中楼阁,海市蜃楼罢了。同学们,你是立长志之人,还是常立志之人呢? 最后我想用梁启超的话来结束这天的演讲:“少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,少年进步则国进步,少年雄于地球,则国雄于地球。”让我们洒一路汗水,饮一路风尘,嚼一跟艰辛,让青春在红旗下继续燃烧;愿每一位青年都怀抱着自己的梦想,在人生的航程上不断乘风破浪,奋勇前进! 放飞梦想演讲稿二尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好! 这天我演讲的题目是《放飞梦想》。 每年的春天,万物复苏,人们都会走出家门放风筝。望着这满天的风筝,我们可曾想过:是不是我们的梦想也能够像这风筝一样放飞呢 给大家讲一个故事:一个平凡的乡村邮差,每一天都会在来回的路上拾一些石子,人们问他为什么做这样无聊的事,他说,他要建一座自己的城堡。他一天一天坚持不懈,日复一日,年复一年,当乡里的人们早已忘了这事时,一座美丽的城堡已经建成了,这就是邮差的城堡,他梦想的城堡。这就是梦想的力量。如果心中有了一个梦想而


【实用】安全生产演讲稿范文锦集十篇安全生产演讲稿篇1 尊敬的各位评委、同事们,大家好: 我是XXXX公司的员工王娟,今天我演讲的题目是“安全生产是效益,是幸福”。清晨,当第一缕阳光升起时,我们开始为生活而繁忙,劳动者挥舞臂膀,播洒汗水;傍晚,当夕阳西下,百鸟归巢,忙碌了一天的人们个个携老扶幼,漫步公园,欢声笑语,连绵不绝。好一副“兴旺发达创效益,和美天伦出幸福”的美好画卷。此时此刻,我心中不由激起了对安全生产的无限思索,企业蒸蒸日上的发展,滚滚而来的效益,家庭和谐美满的幸福,何不是平日安全生产盛开的喜悦花朵。 国家的安全是国泰,民众的安全是民安,有了安全生产,我们的企业才能象三春的桃李红红火火,有了安全生产,我们才会有幸福就象花儿一样的放歌,有了安全生产,我们的国家才能在建设有中国特色的社会主义道路上稳步前进。安全生产工作要从经济发展和社会稳定的大局出发,充分认识安全生产的重要性,切实加强安全生产工作。 然而,尽管有领导的高度重视,尽管有安全法律法规的约束,我们的一些企业仍是片面强度经济增长,效益优先,不重视安全生产,不懂安全,不讲安全,不要安全,我们的一些员工也是一味地追求高产,高效,高奖金,对安全生产工作,是说起来重要,干起来次要,忙起来可以不要,蛮打蛮干,违章操作。然而,就在这违章操作的背后,却是一幕幕惨绝人寰的场面,一份份撕心裂肺的悲痛,一笔笔巨额的经济损失。还记得,20xx年重庆开县特别重大硫化氢中毒事故,20xx多人中毒住院,243人死亡,直接损失8000万元;20xx 年大连石化特别重大爆炸事故,直接经济损失2.2亿元;20xx年动车事故,41人死亡,200多人受伤,直接损失1.9亿元;一件件安全事故,一份份血的教训,给我们的国家和企业造成的巨大的经济损失,给我们欢乐祥和的家庭带来了巨大的悲痛。 20xx年3月28日,山西省王家岭煤矿发生重大透水事故,近一百五十多名煤矿工人被困井下,而这起透水事故的起因就是相关领导好大喜功,只贪图一时的经济利益,不注意安全生产的要求,导致惨剧发生。此时此刻,试问,我们企


为梦想插上腾飞的翅膀 如果你在生活中受到了创伤,请记住,在那片伤口的地方,长出的,是洁白的梦的翅膀。 有一只蝴蝶,曾经她有一双美丽的翅膀。在一次玩耍中,不幸被树枝刮断了一片,她重重地摔在了地上,他挣扎着,呻吟着,心中充满了绝望,她觉得自己再也不能展翅飞翔。可是当她看到风雨中蜘蛛网摇摇欲坠的时候,蜘蛛仍在不停地努力地补网。她震撼了,于是,她深信:折翼仍可轻舞。她开始了一次次的尝试,又经历了一次次的失败。终于,在一个阳光明媚的早晨,她又一次振翅飞翔,重返蓝天。 蝴蝶因为有了方向,所以她不懈努力;我们因为有了梦想,所以我们变得坚强。 梦是什么?梦是在我们的汗水和泪水的浇灌下萌发的一粒种子。的确,我们的付出,我们的汗水,泪水甚至我们的鲜血,都是为了那个纯真的梦想。 从古至今,梦想鞭策了多少仁人志士。有不顾严寒,步行百里的宋濂;有真诚待人,知识渊博的孔子;有为中华之崛起而读书的周恩来;有无私奉献,视死如归的革命战士……他们这些人因为心系天下,怀揣梦想,才在人生道路上,不畏困难,不惧挑战,一步一个脚印,走向自己的康庄大道,来让自己的梦想得以实现。 颜回在陋巷中废寝忘食,他在努力让自己的梦想不再遥不可

及。现在的我们,总以为在这个陈旧的校园里,找不到出路,不知道未来在哪里。孰不知,那个最接近天堂的地方,竟是自己心中的那条“陋巷”。每个人都希望实现人生的辉煌,每年我们都会看到高考的学子们在高考考场上演着曲折离奇的剧目。有人成功,完美的谢幕;有人却因功底不足而被重重的摔在舞台上。成功者之所以能成功,是因为他们曾在那段最艰难的岁月里,绽放出了最纯粹的记忆;在那个最疲惫的身躯下,依旧掩藏着最完美的自己。他们追随着属于自己的启明星,一路奔跑,留下了一串串足迹。最终,成为了天空中那颗最闪耀的星。 时间在一点一滴的流逝,我们在追梦的旅途上怎能够迷茫?虽然,我们在会很累,泪水可能打湿我们的脸庞,但我们应明白:若非热泪盈眶,何必年少轻狂?现在的我们,正是为梦想而发疯的时候,时间已不允许我们等待,我们要做的,就是找准目标,奋力前行。在我们的旅途中,不能没有方向,更不能没有终点。因为那样的行程,便可以称为浪费生命,虚度年华。我们决不允许这样的事发生在我们身上,为此,我们要在内心中找到那个最完美的自己,确立一个最满意的理想并为此而奋斗,一点点离开最初的模样。 青春是自由挥洒的天空,在这样的天空中,我们将为梦想插上腾飞的翅膀,让人生之路充满挑战,让自己一生无悔。


安全生产演讲稿优秀篇 安全生产演讲稿优秀篇 篇一《关爱生命安全为天》 当你拥有它时,好像不觉得它有什么了不起;当你失去它时,才会真 正觉得拥有它是多么地幸福。 它便是我们万分关注的一个永恒的话题――安全。 安全不需要太多的理由,生命已足以使之永恒。 我们不能因为产量而轻视安全,不能因为效益而忽视安全,更不能因 为工作面、工作条件稍好一些就藐视安全。 安全意识的淡化,薄弱是导致事故发生的首要原因,每一次事故的发 生,我们都后悔莫及,那么在事故发生之前,我们的隐患排除了吗?我们 的防范措施到位了吗?千里之堤溃于蚁穴,早防早治才能确保安全。 而抓安全,就必须时刻如履薄冰,如临深渊。 安全工作来不得半点马虎,只有提高警惕,居安思危,防患于未然, 努力做到紧绷安全弦,才能确保企业的长治久安。 我们要尊重生命, 就要敬畏规章, 遵守规章是责任, 是道义, 是权力, 更是义务。 只有遵守规章才能保安全,这是安全生产的经验昭示。

安全源于长期警惕,事故出于瞬间麻痹,思想上的松懈麻痹必然会导 致安全隐患的存在和违章现象的发生,哪怕一次偶然现象的发生,哪怕一 次偶然违章,就有可能一失足成千古恨。 没有了安全就丧失了和和美美的家庭,更没有企业的可持续发展,依 法遵章,所有的事故都可以避免,松懈麻痹,所有的事故都可能发生,遵 章二字,正是水之源,树之根,安全之本。 一花一世界, 一叶一菩提, 每一个人的生命都是天地之魂, 万物之灵, 生命因此而珍贵,我们要热爱生命,热爱生活,珍惜眼前的每一天;让我 们永远牢记安全责任, 警钟长鸣, 才会让安全之花扎根于我们的生活之中。 篇二《六月,让我们共同走进安全月》 刚刚送走激情、温馨的五月,六月的祝福已亭亭玉立在我们面前。 13 亿双期盼的眼光一起向"安全月"汇聚,在这个阳光铺满的季节里, 铿锵走来了"安全月"的脚步。 安全是什么?安全就是生命!安全意味着什么?对于一个人,安全意 味着健康;对于一个家庭,安全意味着和睦;对于一个企业,安全意味着 发展;对于一个国家,安全意味着强大。 没有安全,就没有一切。 安全是什么?安全就是一首歌,需要我们天天来弹唱;安全就是一首 诗,需要我们日日来吟诵;安全就是一盘棋,需要我们走一步看两步;安 全就是标准化,要求建设者严格规范的操作;安全就是有序的节奏,推进 科学化管理上水平;安全就是沸腾的生活,预示我们生机勃勃的明天;安 全就是一根七彩的丝带,连接一个又一个美好的愿望。


放飞梦想演讲稿10篇 【篇一】 我喜欢飞翔的感觉,像空气一样轻盈,像雄鹰一样自由。而几乎,每一个向往飞翔的人,都拥有一个生着一双美丽翅膀的梦想,因为,只有让梦想插上了翅膀,让它更高更高的飞翔,人生才会发出璀璨的光芒,才能成就不休和辉煌。 春秋季世,诸侯纷争,战火连天,太阳也失了光芒,大地上到处是悲哭和苍凉,血污的现实让好多人,或是不问世事终老山林,或是得过且过苟延残喘,而,孔子,正是在这样一个人性压抑的时代,依然将梦想放飞,他的梦想自由而骄傲——那就是推行礼制,宣扬仁政,还世界一个完美而合理的秩序。尽管遭遇了无数的磨难,权贵的排挤,暴力的围攻,路途的坎坷,但这些都没有使孔子屈服和放下,他的梦想,飞翔前方,高扬复高扬,让他心中充满期望,让他“知其不可而为之”,最终成就了一个“万世之师”的人生。清朝末年,又是一个痛苦和绝望的年代,帝国列强在中华大地上肆虐横行,天地变色,草木含悲,满目疮痍,屈辱和彷徨充斥着人心,而,孙中山,正是在中华民族这样生死存亡的关头,依然将梦想放飞,他梦想着驱除鞑虏恢复中华,他梦想着与所有拥有相同梦想的仁人志士一齐,救亡图存,振兴中华。正是在这样伟大梦想的鼓舞下,他身陷囹圄而不悔,黄花岗血洒而不退,直到听到辛亥革命那划破长夜的枪声,直到看到民族完全独立,东方睡狮发出震撼世界的长长怒吼。梦想是期望,是拂向寒冷大地的一缕春风,是穿过漫漫黑夜的一线光明,是荒蛮大原上的一点火种,是浩瀚沙漠中的一块绿州。有梦就有期望,梦想有多远,路就有多远。 相反,没有梦想的民族,不会长久;没有梦想的国家,不会强大;同样,没有梦想的人生,不可想象。 如果没有一向飞扬的梦想,摩西的子孙不会在流浪世界近千年,历尽世世苦难之后,终回到耶路撒冷的热土建立起富强的以色列;如果没有一向飞扬的梦想,一穷二白的炎黄后代,不会在伤痕累累疮痍处处的中华大地,独立自主艰苦奋斗,励精图治勇于改革,让这个古老的民族重焕生机,以大国的形象屹立在世界的东方。如果没有飞扬的梦想,毛泽东不会在他人生最艰难的关头依然坚守信仰永不言弃,成为中国人民的伟大领袖。 将梦想放飞吧,让梦想拥有一双美丽而矫健的翅膀,让它在人生的天空飞得更高,飞得更高。放飞的梦想之于人生,就像那无边无际的深夜里一盏刺破黑暗的明灯,它能引导出一个光明的世界。放飞的梦想之于人生,就像那广袤的大地上永不干涸的河流,它能慢慢向东汇聚,就会构成蔚蓝的海洋。 放飞的梦想能照亮我们前进的人生。冰雪覆盖的时候,它能帮我们创造出一团熊熊燃烧的烈火,温暖我们的疲惫身体;暗夜无边的时候,它能帮我们更好的领悟星光的好处,点化我们人生的迷茫;前途困顿的时候,它能帮我们开启尘封的心智之光,寻到到真正属于自己的人生航标。 放飞的梦想能温暖我们的生命。梦想是我们生命的温床和灵魂的栖息地。梦想不在,生命和灵魂便永远不能安寝。梦想让每一个如风一样轻的生命,增加了存在尊严和重量。梦想让我们的生命,在俗世中独焕斑斓,甚至让我们美丽的人性,得如幽兰一般升华。我们的生命所负载的心胸,因为梦想而变得宽如大海,阔如天空;我们的视野,因为梦想而“一览众山小”着眼处尽是天蓝云白水碧花红芳草青青。 将梦想放飞吧,让梦想挥动长长的翅膀,在人生美丽的天空自由而骄傲地飞翔,且得更高,更高…… 【篇二】 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学: 大家好!我演讲的题目是《放飞梦想》。


安全生产、党员争先 煤矿生产,安全为天。当单位或部门新分来学员和新工人时,都要进行有关安全政策、法令、规章制度的学习、培训。上岗工作时,安监部门、各级领导又是人人讲安全,天天进行安全戴帽说安全。可是,每次事故的发生都事出有因,究其原因何在?答案是:绝大多违章人员都是没有管好自己。由于参加工作时间长了,工作环境熟悉了,讲安全听腻了,思想上逐渐产生了麻痹大意思想,尽管安全规章天天讲,也当成了耳旁风,心里有一搭无一搭。事故发生后,震动一阵子,过后又随着时间的流逝而淡化。这种“管不住自己”的毛病,无疑是酿成事故的病症所在。 要搞好安全,真正做到安全为了生产、生产必须安全,除了严格按照各项安全操作规程规定作业外,最重要的一点就是要“自己管住自己”。各科室、区队里有科长、队长、班长、青年安全监督岗员和群监员,但都不能时时处处跟着你、看着你、附在你身上,钻进你心里。你工作走神,思想溜号,有意违章,违章操作,事故往往就在这种情况下找上门来。有位在煤矿工作多年,从未发生过任何事故的老工人说过这样一句话:“我的安全经验就是自己管自己”,这句话言简意赅,值得品味再三。在工作时如果三心二意,就有可能发生事故。根据有关部门统计资料表明:百分之九十以上的事故,都是由于思想麻痹和“三违”造成的。 俗话说得好:“世界上什么药都可以买到,就是‘后悔药’买不到”。出了事故,单位受损失不说,自己轻则受皮肉之苦,重则缺胳膊少腿,甚至连生命都没有了,你的父母、妻子、儿女还要为你承担痛苦与不幸。生活是美好的,家庭是温暖的,何必为一时之错、一念之差,付出如此沉重的代价?

作为一名党员干部,我们应当牢固树立“本质安全,珍爱生命”的理念,去营造遵章守法,治理“三违”的安全文化氛围,把安全生产的制度,变为我们自己的自觉行动。同时还要加强学习、注重提高自身的安全技术素质和安全生产能力、切实在安全生产工作中发挥出党员的先进性和模范带头作用。 党旗在飘扬,党旗在召唤。让我们在全矿蓬勃开展的“创先争优”活动中,时刻牢记这样一个道理:党员就是责任,党员就是旗帜,党员就是榜样,党员就是先锋;让我们忠诚做好人民群众的领头雁,真情当好安全发展的排头兵,为鲜红的党旗增辉添彩,为建设庇山和谐矿区、本质安全矿井、五优矿井做出积极的贡献。


放飞梦想演讲稿500字5篇 当我听了这个故事后吗,我有了非常深的感受。每个人都有自己的梦想,我的梦想就是当一名科学家,每天我都在搞科研。但是直 到有一天,我脑海了闪过一个念头,现在我还在小学阶段,以后还 要走更长的路,此时我应该好好读书。之后,我就换了一个梦想, 努力考上名牌大学,长大后好好孝顺父母,报答父母多年来的养育 之恩。我就像杨孟衡一样,虽然第一个梦想不能实现,但还能有第 二个梦想,第三、第四甚至更多。因为人的一生可以不止一个梦想。失败并不可怕,可怕的是没有梦想。有了梦想就是有了希望,有了 光芒! 梦想并不是一个梦。有志者,事竟成。只要你有努力过、坚持过,就一定会成为现实!放飞我们的梦想吧,一起加油!我的梦,中国梦! 每个人都不愿在牢笼中平庸的度过一生,而是要插上自由的翅膀飞翔。 孩提时,我们童稚的认为翅膀是一种毛绒绒的东西。能带我们飞上蓝蓝的天空,悠闲的坐在白白的云朵上。 长大后,我们固执的认为翅膀是一种载满希望的东西。能使我们乘着翅膀越过高山,跨过河流,飞向有梦的未来。 成年后,我们诚恳的认为翅膀是一种具有超能量的东西。能让我们驾驭着翅膀战胜更多的竞争对手,直至的飞上顶峰。 翅膀总是神奇的,无论是在儿时的眼中抑或是成年后的心中。 现在,我发现我有一双翅膀。一双隐形的翅膀。它指引我飞向明天,飞向未来。尽管途中会遇到很多困难,但一种毅力激励着我前进。很多人没有坚持,便在这一座山峰前坠落了,而我有我超越的 翅膀,助我度过绝望,飞越山峰。 其实每个人身上都有一双隐形的翅膀,取决于你是否发现它,运用它。

张开翅膀,放飞梦想,带你自由飞翔,到达一个任心灵翱翔的世界…… 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。——杜甫 “我的未来不是梦,我认真的过着每一分钟”,每当我听到《我的未来不是梦》这首歌曲,我的理想不由得放飞了起来。当一名人 民教师,是我最大的理想。 高中 我现在是为初中二年级学生,再过一年多就要考高中。我的目标是灵宝一高。 从现在开始,我要分秒必争,积极乐观的完成初中教学任务,还要努力培练自己的独立自主能力,我坚信“阳光总在风雨后”经过 我长期的奋斗,我一定会成功。 大学 我的第二梦想是考上清华大学,清华大学人才济济,我在他它里可以学到很多的知识。大学能成就我的人生,在大学里,我可以实 现我的梦想,放飞我的梦想。 我时刻准备着,时刻努力着,时刻拼搏着。 教师 “教师是人类灵魂的工程师”,从小就树立了远大的梦想,当一名人民教师。为千千万万的学子传授知识。 在儿时,爷爷经常给我讲一些带有一定哲理的故事,虽然我那时听不懂故事中的哲理,但我完全可以把爷爷给我讲的故事叙述下来,爷爷听后两眼瞪圆,十分惊讶,就抚摸着我的头悄悄对我说:“不 愧为我的好孙儿,你真是当教师得料,你真是太棒了。”我的心不 由扑通扑通地跳了起来,不由的喊了起来:我是人民教师。


化工厂安全生产演讲稿范文 安全生产是安全与生产的统一,其宗旨是安全促进生产,生产必须安全。以下是小编整理的化工厂安全生产演讲稿范文,欢迎大家阅读。 化工厂安全生产演讲稿范文一: 尊敬的各位领导、同事们: 我演讲的题目是:打牢化工企业安全基础,是构建化工企业安全长效机制的根本。 首先,我认为大家能站在这里都是幸运的,为什么这么说呢?比起现在躺在医院里的人,我们是幸运的;比起灾区的人们,我们是幸运的。 安全是企业之魂,是企业生存与发展的基础。员工的人身安全得不到保障,企业就无法发展壮大;公民的人身安全得不到保障,国家就无法繁荣富强。人是以个体的形式出现在社会上的,社会上的每一个公民就如同珠子,和谐顽强的生命力将珠子串起来,形成一个不可分割的生命体。线一旦没有了生命力,珠子便滑落下来,也就不存在这个生命体了。所以我们每个人无论在社会中还是在企业中的力量是不容忽视的。 领导和同志们,作为化工行业的一员,有几起事故我本想忘记,更不愿向人们提起,但今天我要再一次提起:1984年12月3日,印度一化工厂,由于工人操作失误,异氰酸甲酯大量泄露,致使2500多人死亡,5万多人眼睛失明;2005年,中石油吉林石化分公司双苯厂发生爆炸,造成8人死亡,60人受伤,并引发松花江水污染事件;今年8月29日,广西宜州化工厂爆炸事故,造成20人遇难。几起化工事故虽然离我们越来越远,但那一幕幕惨剧仿佛就在眼前,遇难者那一具具冰冷的尸体,一张张因极度痛苦变得扭曲的脸,亲人们那一声声嚎哭,还在叩击着我们的心。领导和同志们,几起化学事故产生的原因虽然不同,但共同点却都是化工企业安全基础不牢。

基础不牢地动山摇。胡锦涛总书记在党的十七届三中全会上指出:"人命关天,绝不能把人的生命当儿戏"。胡总书记的指示,充分体现了科学发展观以人为本的核心要求。可是,在现实生活中,少数化工企业,只注重生产,而忽视安全,生产不讲科学。土办法管理,老经验办事,无视标准和规范。人们常说:安规本是血染成。面对成千上万条鲜活的生命,用鲜血和泪水书写的操作规程,有的人总是熟视无睹,麻木不仁。"小型分散,少量多次勤运走",烟花爆竹安全生产的"十一"字诀。短短的十一个字,却保证了不知道多少企业财产和工人生命的安全。美国杜邦公司是一个生产炸药的军工企业,可是杜邦老板却敢夸口说:在杜邦公司上班比在马路上散步还安全,因为杜邦有一整套保证企业安全运转的规范,即使放一只桶都要放在指定的圆圈。我们危化处在科学发展观学习讨论时,得出了这样的结论:危化企业最危险,危化企业难监管,只有安全才能生产,规范生产才能确保安全。 邓小平同志在1988年9月就提出了:科学技术是第一生产力的科学发展观思想。很多化工事故都是由于设备落后,科学技术低下造成的。实行科技兴安,大力引进新工艺,提高安全装备水平和科技含量,是我们刻不容缓的责任。提高化工设备自动化程度,优化生产工艺,创造一流信息化化工企业,打造数字化化工企业,是化工企业安全发展的唯一出路。 人才是科技进步的第一资源,是安全生产的根本基础。可是个别化工企业领导对安全工作认识不到位,管理不到位,措施不到位。致使企业管理松弛,作风涣散,不讲科学,违章蛮干。但随着人才强企战略的实施,人才在企业安全工作中的地位越来越重要,也使**安全工作插上了科技的翅膀。领导和同志们,安全没有后悔的机会,失误只会留下千古遗憾。在这里我要大声疾呼:生命诚可贵,安全大于天。 曾给他们讲看过的一篇文章,至今还记忆犹新,某火电公司在一化工工厂施工时,一位日本专家曾这样说施工人员:"你们中国人的确有不怕死的可贵精神,在施工现场有不戴安全帽的现象。在日本,厂长,经理开会时安全帽都系得紧紧的。"这是对违章现象的莫大讽刺。它一针见血地言明了一些人安全意识的淡薄与无知,对自己的轻视就是对家庭和社会的犯罪。安全的警钟要常鸣,奉劝可叹的"勇士们",收起你的蛮干和无知吧!有人说:安全生产的难点在我们自己,在我们自身的安全意识。仔细想想不无道理今天。"安全生产月"活动的展开,《安全生产法》的颁布实施,"两票三制"的严格执行。。。 这不都是为了搞好安全生产,领导和职工们用血的教训组成的努力与决心。安全的


尊敬的各位评委、各位老师: 大家上午好!今天我给大家带来的故事是《我的科技梦》。 夜深了,万籁俱静,人们都甜蜜的睡熟了。忽然,从书房里传来一阵吵闹声,把我都给吵醒了!我竖起一耳朵一听,原来是我家三台电脑在吵架呢!怎么回事,赶紧起床去瞧瞧。 看!台式电脑正得意洋洋的唱着歌呢:“我的本领高,我的体积大!上网玩游戏,办公查资料。累了看电影,烦了听听歌。主人有了我,啥都不用怕!”“别唱了别唱了!就你那点德行,有我能耐大吗?”笔记本不屑的翻了翻白眼:“看你那笨重的身体!别忘了,我可相当于主人的小秘书。主人上哪都要带着我呢!”笔记本一副自恋的样子,一旁的平板电脑早就沉不住气了。“别争了别争了!你们的本领我都有!主人最钟爱的是我才对呢!他走路、坐车的时候都用得着我呢!”平板电脑完全不理会台式和笔记本嫉妒的眼神,“记得上次,主人还带我参观了中国科技展览馆,那叫一个爽啊!”台式和笔记本显然被吸引住了,由嫉妒转为羡慕:“真的啊?那儿可能看到我国最先进的高科技啊!”“当然咯,航空火箭、人造卫星、宇宙探测器,还有磁悬浮列车,那是科技的盛典,应有尽有!”台式和笔记本电脑再也不说话了,尤其是台式电脑,委屈得眼泪都快掉下来了。这时电大叔闻讯赶来:“都别吵了,大家都是好兄弟。你们都为主人作出了贡献,不应该揪住别人的短处不放,更不能骄傲自满。大家都是中国科学的产物,科技的发展才造就了我们。何况刚才说的那些高科技产品,哪一个作用不比我们强?” 吵闹声渐渐平息,原来刚才是我的一个梦。梦醒来了,我的心里却久久不能平静。 是啊,中国高科技发展如此之快,就以电脑来说吧,听爸爸说,十年前他都还没见过电脑呢。而这只是我国科技发展的一个缩影,也是我们民族复兴的一个缩影。中华儿女们正依靠着他们的无穷智慧和不懈努力,在走向伟大复兴的路上,在实现梦想的路上,迈着坚定的步伐,留下一串串脚印。作为中国未来希望的我们,一定要脚踏实地,努力学习,向着前进的方向,努力!篇二:2015中国梦演讲稿:实干铸就科技强国梦 2015中国梦演讲稿:实干铸就科技强国梦 第一 中国梦演讲稿:实干铸就科技强国梦 实现“中国梦”是中华儿女的美好夙愿,是科技工作者的理想追求,离不开科技的驱动,离不开知识的力量。科学技术作为第一生产力,已成为当代经济发展的决定因素,也是中华民族实现“中国梦”的先决条件。“中国梦”的基本内涵包括国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福,这三点的前提首先是“强军梦”。军强则民安,这是自鸦片战争以降170多年来中国命运跌宕起伏的深刻教训,也是中国人民在不屈不挠、艰苦奋斗中得到的经验启示。军强国富靠的是什么?靠得就是科技,只有强大的科技力量才能铸就起钢铁长城般的国防力量,只有强大的科技力量才能承载着中国经济的飞速腾飞,只有强大的科技力量才能实现中华民族真正的伟大复兴。 内江市农科院的老一辈科学家胸怀理想、淡泊名利,献身科技事业,投身国家建设,以不懈奋斗精神和卓越科技成就实现了自己的报国之志,实现了内江农科院昨日的辉煌。我院现今的广大科技工作者也追逐他们的足迹,为实现内江市农科院的再次腾飞而不断弘扬科学精神,志存高远、脚踏实地、潜心钻研,努力实现自己心中那伟大的“中国梦”。我身为内江农科院蔬菜所的科研工作者,我热爱我的工作,我的“中国梦”是通过科研育种,繁育出更多更好的甘薯蔬菜新品种,并研究出相应的高新现代化配套栽培技术,并加以推广示范,能够为农户带去丰厚的收益,为四川特别是内江地区特色保健蔬菜产业提供强有力的科技支撑作用,能产生较高的经济效益和社会效益。 身为中华民族伟大复兴“排头兵”——科技工作者的一员,我将在科研工作中志存高远、脚踏实地、潜心钻研,通过实干铸就自己心中的“中国梦”。古人云:天下大事必作于细,古


企业关于安全生产的演讲稿演讲是在公众面前就某一问题发表自己的见解的口头语言活动。今天一些演讲稿,欢迎大家围观参考,想了解更多,。 尊敬的各位领导,各位同事,各位友人。 我们联力公司在公司各级领导的指挥下,在各位员工的积极努力下,我们圆满的完成了又一个百日安全活动。成绩是可喜的,但是我们不能骄傲,我们要更加的努力学习,积极探讨,追寻安全的真谛,让我们再次的研讨一下带给我们幸福安康的安全,到底是什么? 安全是什么?安全是一种态度。我们经常讲“安全第一”。这就是我们的态度,也是我们的原则。安全是保证我们事业顺利完成的法宝,安全是我们取得效益的前提,安全对我们来说至关重要。因此我们就要事事讲安全、时时讲安全,不重视安全的后果是无法估量的、是要付出沉痛代价的。我们不能把安全第一只放在口头,只做成标语写的哪里都是,我们要实实在在的在思想里刻上安全第一,在做每件事前都要考虑安全,在工作的每时每刻不忘安全,特别是有违章违纪没有什么的思想念头出来的时候、在冒一次险不会出问题的时候,这时候想一下安全第一,我想很多事故都是可以避免的。 安全是什么?安全是一种经验。每出一个事故,都能总

结一二三条教训,日积月累,就成了我们的规章。换一种说法,血的教训换来了我们的规章制度,我们靠规章制度来保证我们的安全。事故都是违章造成的,我们要树立防事故、保安全的思想,处处想在前、安全关口前移,真正把别人的事故当作自己的防止事故的经验,人类之所以进步,就是人类善于总结、并从总结中得到进步。我们也要善于在容易出现问题的时候想一下,别人在处理这样问题是怎么做的,我这样做的后果是什么?这样我们才会不断提高自己、完善自己。 安全是什么?安全就是一切。有的同志说了,这话说得大了,安全怎么可能就是一切呢?大家都可以想到:没有安全,我们的生命有保障吗?我们的企业效益有保障吗?我们的队伍稳定有保障吗?说得实在一点,保证不了安全,我们谈什么家庭幸福?谈什么个人理想?我们把握住了安全,我们才有现在的一切,我们才有美好的明天! 追根结底,安全就是我们工厂的命根子,就是我们的每个人的命根子。我们大家要在各自的工作岗位上,干好自己的本职工作,在工作上真正树立安全第一的思想,克服种种困难,吸取别人的教训,遵章守纪、严格把关、搞好自控互控,从工作的每一分钟入手,从每个安全月入手,最终实现一个个安全百天、安全千天,实现我们的奋斗目标。另外,安全的目标也不是靠一个人、一天、一件事就能实现的,这


2021放飞梦想演讲稿精彩篇 梦想,如一个星星,一眨就是一个故事;梦想,似一层台阶,让我们登上智慧之峰;梦想,像一滴甘露,滋润了我的内心;梦想,若一颗神秘的种子,在我的心里慢慢地生根发芽……每个人都有自己的梦想,而且截然不同。什么?你问我的理想是什么?那就是当一名作家! 小时候,刚咿咿呀呀地学会说话,就迫不及待地想看书,在二年级时,就已经开始了读书,每当我看到好的文章,就特别羡慕文章的作者,也想写出这样的文章。于是,梦想的种子便深深地埋在了我的心里。在三年级时,就已经开始了写作文,但我在写作文方面不是很有天赋。到了四,五,六年级时,也就相当于步入了更高的阶梯了,作文也随着年级的变化而变化着。 我知道写好一篇文章要有很好的基础,而这个基础就是多看书,多积累好词好句,并且运用到实际中去。于是,我为了这个梦想一直努力着。在暑假时,我已经把四大名著之一——《西游记》,看完了;每个周末。我都会央求妈妈带我到新华书店去看书或买一些有利于我写作的书。于是,梦想的种子便悄悄地生根发芽。 大家都有可能认为这是遥不可及的事情,但是我相信,只要我肯努力,坚持不懈就一定能成为像冰心像老舍那样大名鼎鼎的作家的。从现在开始,让我们一起放飞梦想,为梦想而奋斗吧! 人生是一条崎岖的山路,有着太多太多的路口,于是便有了一个又一个梦想。人生是一条广阔的大海有着太多太多的航向,于是便有了追求的目标。不管风景变幻,不变的是我的梦想。不管昼夜更替,我心依旧飞翔。 我,平凡的男孩,却有一个不平凡的梦想——当作家。小时候,我将这个梦想隐藏,如今,我要放飞梦想。 春雨,打湿了屋檐。我冒着倾盆大雨穿梭一个又一个补习班。目的,让我的写作能力更加提高!小记者补习班,作文提高班,语文培优班。凡是跟文学有关的,我都要参加,但一点也不知疲惫和辛苦,因为这是在为梦想努力! 夏风,带来胜利的讯息。我的一遍文章在报纸上发表了。这个消息伴着夏的脚步悄悄来到我的身边。是的,我的努力没有白费!我的汗水没有白流,我第一次站在胜利的最顶端,露出灿烂的笑容。 秋夜,迎来了淡淡的哀伤。一篇有一篇报社的退稿,让我的泪一滴一滴划过。心中仿佛针刺般疼痛。我对自己感到失望。人生这片沃土上我已播下放飞梦想作文500字希望的种子,为何看不见胜利的果实?我的脚步已不想往前走。我,累了。看着桌子上写的文章,凝结了我多少汗水和心血,有谁知道?这时,我看见桌角旁写的字:无论

企业安全生产演讲稿 (1)

企业安全生产演讲稿 安全是什么,安全是企业的生命,是家庭的幸福,是工作的快乐,是单位的效益;是平安、也是一种幸福,更是一种珍爱生命的人生态度。安全上班,安全回家,会让亲人少一份牵挂,父母多一份宽慰,家庭多一份快乐。 做好安全生产工作,是企业生存发展的基本要求,是事关职工群众生命财产安全,事关企业发展稳定的大事,坚持“安全第一、预防为主、依靠科学、依靠群众”的方针。在实际工作中严格遵守“三不伤害”的原则,确保职工以饱满的热情,努力的工作态度,在各自不同的岗位奉献自己的聪明才智,为企业的发展与辉煌贡献自己一份力量。广大职工群众在生产经营和技改建设活动中牢牢绷紧安全弦,当产量、质量、工程进度和效益与安全发生矛盾冲突时,优先考虑抓好安全工作,别无选择,安全第一。事事处处自觉遵守《安全生产法》,充分发动职工群众与各种各样的不安全行为、现象作斗争,坚决做到一切从安全出发,千方百计杜绝、遏制、消除各种不安全现象;坚持安全生产常抓不懈,让安全生产,我要安全的警钟长鸣。

安全这根弦无论如何不能放松,无情的事实给我们上了一堂堂生动的课。 安全不是生产指标,欠产了可以追回来,安全是人命关天的头等大事。违规操作不仅自己有可能付出了生命的代价,也会给活着的人留下了无尽的哀伤,父母失去了年轻的儿子,白发人送黑发人,让白发苍苍的父母在本该安度晚年的幸福生活中如何去承受老年丧子的悲痛,年轻的妻子失去了心爱的丈夫,成为她一生中难以抚平的伤痛,年幼嗷嗷待哺的孩子将终身无法享受到父亲那博大精深的爱。给欢乐祥和的家庭带来了无可弥补的沉重打击。 生命不仅属于你自己。生命属于你的妻儿、你的父母和所有关心你爱护你的同事朋友们。珍爱生命,杜绝安全责任事故的发生,就是给企业、家庭创造的最大财富。 历数以往发生的大大小小的事故,无一不与粗心,疏忽有关,工作中的细心和精心,工作时一丝不苟地执行工艺纪律,严格按操作规程办事,遵守一切规章制度,从我做起,从现在做起,从日常生产工作中的每件小事做


放飞梦想演讲稿5篇Release dream speech document 编订:JinTai College

放飞梦想演讲稿5篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:放飞梦想演讲稿 2、篇章2:放飞梦想演讲稿 3、篇章3:放飞梦想演讲稿 4、篇章4:放飞梦想演讲稿范本 5、篇章5:放飞梦想演讲稿范本

每一个人的内心深处,都有一个属于自己的梦想,而我 们所有人也都是在为了这个梦想而努力着!下面是小泰整理收集的放飞梦想演讲稿3篇,欢迎阅读参考! 篇章1:放飞梦想演讲稿 我喜欢飞翔的感觉,像空气一样轻盈,像雄鹰一样自由。而几乎,每一个向往飞翔的人,都拥有一个生着一双美丽翅膀的梦想,因为,只有让梦想插上了翅膀,让它更高更高的飞翔,人生才会发出璀璨的光芒,才能成就不休和辉煌。 春秋季世,诸侯纷争,战火连天,太阳也失了光芒,大 地上到处是悲哭和苍凉,血污的现实让好多人,或是不问世事终老山林,或是得过且过苟延残喘,而,孔子,正是在这样一个人性压抑的时代,依然将梦想放飞,他的梦想自由而骄傲——那就是推行礼制,宣扬仁政,还世界一个完美而合理的秩序。尽管遭遇了无数的磨难,权贵的排挤,暴力的围攻,路途的坎坷,但这些都没有使孔子屈服和放下,他的梦想,飞翔前方,高扬复高扬,让他心中充满期望,让他“知其不可而为之”,最终成就了一个“万世之师”的人生。清朝末年,又是一个痛苦和绝望的年代,帝国列强在中华大地上肆虐横行,天地变色,草木含悲,满目疮痍,屈辱和彷徨充斥着人心,而,孙中山,正是在中华民族这样生死存亡的关头,依然将梦想放飞,他梦


2021安全生产的演讲稿5篇 2021安全生产的演讲稿(1) 尊敬的各位领导、各位同事: 大家好! 在现实社会中,每个人都有不同的需要和追求,而作为一名电业职工,的愿望莫过于“高高兴兴上班来,平平安安回家去”。在电力企业,说得最多、份量最重的也莫过于“安全”二字。 安全生产是电力企业的永恒主题。无数实践证明,离开安全,电力企业的改革发展、稳定、效益就无从谈起,职工的利益也就无法保证。大家都知道生活是美好的,生命是宝贵的。而美好的生活、宝贵的生命只有得到安全才得以保证。这一关系国计民生的大事,是一切工作的基础和重要保证。大家都知道电力行业一旦发生事故,就会殃及四面八方,祸及千家万户。因此,安全就成为电力行业的第一生命。 当医院里新生婴儿刚出生的时候,由于咱们电力职工的小小的疏忽而造成的停电,就可能失去新的生命。一个刚出生的新生命,一个和睦美满的幸福家庭,顷刻之间支离破碎,医院里母亲哭得死去活来。这难道不引起我们的深思吗?作为电力职工,只有杜绝违章,做好自己安全工作,就能始终感受安全幸福的阳光。 大家都还记得十几年前,我厂有一位职工在检修中,由于没有严格执行有关保证安全的规章制度,从屋顶上掉了下来失去了年仅三

十多岁的生命,而这个家庭生活条件本来就差,加上有两个刚上小学的小孩,家庭的重担全部压在没有工作的母亲身上,当我们看到小孩失去父亲那呆滞痛苦神情的时候,哪一颗心不在流泪,哪一颗心不在哭泣,然而这些同情的眼泪和哀叹为时已晚,两个小孩由于失去父亲沉痛的打击,性格变得很内向,少年生活永远失去了欢声笑语。这件事对我的触动很大,引起了我的深思,十几年过去了,两个小孩悲伤的哭着喊:“我要爸爸”的声音,那失去亲人绝望的双眼,颤抖的双手总是浮现在我的脑海里,怎么也抹不掉。 如今我上班已经七年多了,对安全有了更深的理解,我深深意识到安全的价值,明白了安全是事故的克星,是生命延续的重要保证。 如果我们每一个人,在日常工作工作中,坚持“两票三制”,严格执行各项安全制度,没有发生任何违反安全制度的行为,同时,多一点工作责任心,多一点安全保护意识和安全知识,那么,许多悲剧就不可能发生了。 安全生产至关重要,在我们厂这个大家庭里,大家在工作中彼此协作,互相爱护,不但自己注意安全,而且要注意他人的安全,始终把安全放在各项工作的首位,努力做到安全防护一次到位,做到万无一失。每项工作前都要做好危险点分析、预控工作和生产现场安全措施等三项措施,并严格执行“两票三制”。只有这样才能把事故拒之门外,才能有效地杜绝各种违章现象,营造出良好的安全环境和氛围,才能彻底保证电力生产中的人身和设备安全,作到对自己负责,对家庭负责,对全社会负责。


科技改变生活 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 爱吃荔枝的我,只需要让妈妈出门花费几元钱就能吃到,甚至足不出户,快递公司就能把鲜荔枝送上门。是什么让我们可以如此享受生活?毫无疑问,是科技。 在科技飞速发展的今天,我们看的是液晶电视,坐在家里就能第一时间看到国内外大大小小的新闻;我们已成为神话故事中的“顺风耳”“千里眼”。用水时,只需轻轻扭开水龙头;煮饭时,只要启动按钮,不久后,就能吃到香喷喷的米饭;出游时,地铁、高铁、飞机,任何一种交通工具,都能带你到达目的地;利用视频移动电话,相隔千里的亲人就在眼前;我们不会的问题,只需百度一下就能知道你所需要的答案;今天的我们之所以能拥有这样美好的生活,我们要感谢谁呢?是的,我们要感谢那一代又一代为科技进步而不懈追求的人。请大家记住诸如爱迪生、瓦特、贝尔、莱特兄弟等等科学家的名字并向他们一样热爱科学吧! 还记得前不久我们刚学完的《电脑住宅》这篇课文吗?它告诉我们,智能化的住宅离我们的生活已经不远了。说不定将来我们还能建造电脑学校、电脑医院呢!现如今,电子书包在一些大城市的中小学校已经尝试使用了,不久的将来,我们也不用再背着沉甸甸的书包去上学了,同时,它定会让我们的课堂更加有趣。同学们,随着科技的发展,这个世界一切皆有可能! 科技让我们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,为了使我们的生活更加美好,同学们,从现在开始,我们要树立远大的理想和志向,热爱科学,努力学习科学文化知识,用我们的慧眼去发现科技的奥秘。我 相信,终有一天,我们的社会会因我们的创造而更好美好!谢谢大家。篇二:小学生演讲稿-关于科学 小学生演讲稿-关于科学 同学们:当你们看着可爱的动画片,玩着迷人的电脑游戏,坐上快速的列车,接听着越洋电话的时候,??你可曾意识到科学的力量,科学不仅改变了这个世界,也改变了我们的生活,科学就在我们身边。翻开20世纪的壮丽篇章,我们发现人类在这百年中不仅经历了血与火的洗礼,更创造了无数科学奇迹。19世纪法国著名科幻小说家凡尔纳的虚构,当时让人不可思议,他所幻想的登月旅行、飞机、远射程炮等,在20世纪都一一成为现实。在21世纪的今天,高科技更是无处不在。作为跨世纪的一代,我们又该以怎样的姿态去适应新世纪,担起新世纪的重担呢?科学技术的日新月异,使得科学不只为尖端技术服务,也越来越多地渗透到我们的日常生活之中,这就需要正处于青少年时代的我们热爱科学,学习科学。参加科技“五小”比赛、阅读科技书籍,使我明白了许多道理。精密的机器人,不用燃料的汽车,虚拟的足球赛,高科技信息的传送等等,一个个生动有趣的现象,激起了我探索科学的愿望。我们每个人都要学习科学,传播文明,在享受新生活的同时,更要创造新生活,如今,科技产品的更新换代不断加快,可视电视、电脑上网、心脏起搏器,已经不算新鲜了。从1901年发明的真空吸尘器,到人造地球卫星、载人宇宙飞船,科技在不同领域里显示出了强大的力量。电子产业、通讯技术的日益普及,纳米技术、超导材料的广泛应用,不久的一天,也许就在你的餐桌上,会出现像太空青椒、人造牛排等生物工程食品。学习科学技术,不仅仅是为了成为科学家,也是为了能适应生活,更为了能成为新世纪的主人,担起新世纪,为国家建设,为人类文明做出贡献。新中国成立以来,我国的科技发展突飞猛进,人工合成胰岛素、断手再植、杂交水稻、爆炸原子弹和氢弹、发射人造卫星和飞船等等,这些令世人瞩目的科技成就,大大缩短了我国和先进国家的科学技术的差距,为我国的现代化建设注入了活力。邓小平爷爷说“科学技术是第一生产力”,的确如此,科学为我们祖国的腾飞插上了翅膀。毛泽东主席曾对青年说,世界是你们的,也是我们的,但归根结底是你
