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American gun control-谈美国枪支管束-英文习作

American gun control-谈美国枪支管束-英文习作
American gun control-谈美国枪支管束-英文习作


American gun control

President Barack Obama has made enhancing gun control one of his priorities last year, and unveiled a plan to address gun violence in the United States, focusing on expanding background checks and a partial assault weapons ban. The tradition of handgun ownership and gun ownership generally is deeply rooted in American history. The vulnerability to violent crime and the broad opposition to civilian handgun ownership has triggered a parading debate in the nation, and hereto the U.S remains divided over passing stricter gun control laws.

On December 14,2012, 20 children and six adult staff members were shot dead in a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School by a single person, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, which was the second deadliest mass murder at a U,S elementary school. The incident spawned considerate nationwide debate about stricter gun control. According to a Gallup poll in 2000, about half of Americans believed that the law covering the sales of firearms should be strengthened and half maintain that the law should be the same or less strict.

About a year have passed after the Newtown, Conn., school shootings took place, Americans’ support for gun control had tapered. Yet the controversy of gun control is still a difficult issue for the two parties of the U.S. For the American citizens, a great part of them regard handgun ownership as an incredible support for their personal security. From the political standpoint, the attitude towards gun control is one of the main distinction between the Democrats and the Republicans. It is estimated that the United States has a population of 307 million people in 2009, and based on production data from firearm manufacturers, there are roughly 300 million firearms owned by civilians in the United States in 2010.1Another Gallup polls shows that about 40% of Americans owns a gun, predominantly constituted by non-Hispanic Southern married males, and 17% do not own a gun but live in a household where someone does. The high level of gun ownership in the United States, with nearly one

1Dataset: "Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States, Regions, States, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2008." U.S. Census Bureau, December 2009.

in three Americans being gun owners and almost half of the households do, indicates that if strict gun control law is to be released, tens of millions will be influenced. So it is obvious to find why the gun control problem is so difficult to solve and the two parties have never reached a compromise. It is something of a choice, of seeing the gun ownership as an limit against the gun violence or as a unacceptable infringing on citizen’s right to own guns.

As a supporter of gun control, I’m more curious about the position of the opponents of gun control laws. A nationwide survey reveals the top reason of gun control as personal protection, at 60%, followed by hunting(13%), after which recreation or sports ranks the third, with 8% citing target shooting. Only a 5% of American gun owners cite “second amendment rights”, which defends the right of individual American to keep and bear arms regardless of service in militia. Self-defense is the top reason of the high coverage of gun ownership, which illustrates why the general operation of gun control is so tough, for gun owners oppose it in fear of placing their personal safety at stake.

Another significant fact is that the uneven distribution of gun owners and gun ownership supporters. The older citizens, the less educated, the conservative, the Hispanic and those go to church more often are more likely to own firearms. To some degree gun control is a campaign of changing values of those subgroups.

Personally, I am in favor of the restriction of firearms ownership, not solely due to my identification as a younger citizen. Let’s see some stunning figures collected officially. According to the report of Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S department of justice,released in September, 2009, at the current homicide rate, roughly one in every 240 Americans will be murdered. A 1997 survey of more than 18,000 prison inmates found that among those serving time for a violent crime, “30% of state offenders and 35% of federal offenders carried a firearm when committed a crime.”2 And ever since outset of handgun ban in Chicago, the city murder rate have be 17% lower than it was before the ban took effect, and the U.S murder rate was averaged

2Report: "Firearm Use by Offenders." By Caroline Wolf Harlow, U.S. Department of Justice, November 2001. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2311423889.html,/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=940

25% lower, though in June 2010, the handgun ban was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme court of the federal. All these data indicates that the handgun ownership ban is an essential step to confront against the severe gun violence in the United States. Nontheless, I am also approved to the so-called Right-to-carry Law, which permits individuals who meets certain “minimally restrictive”criteria, that is , a completion of background check and gun safety course to carry a gun in the most public places.3

3Web page: "Concealed Firearm Permit Information By State." USA Carry. Accessed November 6, 2012 athttps://www.sodocs.net/doc/2311423889.html,/concealed_carry_permit_information.html

"As long as you are legally able to own a firearm and [are] 21 year of age or older, you can carry concealed in the State of Arizona without a concealed weapon permit."


It is illegle to have huns 1,美国是世界上私人拥有枪支最多的国家,枪支泛滥造成了严重的社会问题。但是在美国,对于枪支问题的辩论,主要集中于如何管理,而不是禁止。在美国大约有4成左右的民众支持枪械管制,但是绝大多数反对禁枪。2004年特里竞选总统时播放的竞选广告是“抗枪打猎”,但特里其实是20年如一日投票支持管制的,但他从不说禁枪。 The United States is the largest privately owned firearms in the world, the proliferation of firearms, causing serious social problems. But in the United States, the debate on firearms issues, mainly concentrated on how to manage, rather than prohibited. In the United States, about 4 percent public 2,根据《中华人民共和国枪支管理法》枪支的所有权归属于个人,在我国是不允许的。According to"the people's Republic of China on guns",gun ownership for personal,in our country is not allowed. 3, 一个真正民主、自由的国家,即便人人持枪,也不用担心会被颠覆,而一个专制、腐朽 的政权,即使公民买一把菜刀都需要实名制!如果中国允许公民持枪的话,那些官员们肯定 会惶惶不安,人人自危了! A truly democratic,free country,even if everyone gun,also need not worry will be subverted,and an autocratic,corrupt regime,even if citizens to buy a kitchen knife needs to the real name system!If Chinese allows citizens toweapons,the officers will be on tenterhooks,everyone! So how could they serve the people? 4, 允许持有枪支不全是为了保护自己的财产,我觉得根本的原因是赋予了人民时刻都能推 翻政府的权力。 Allowing the possession of firearms is not all in order to protect their ownproperty,I think the reason is endowed with the people all the time to overthrow the government. 5, 枪支合法,那么火箭筒、坦克能不能合法呢? If guns have ownership,and the bazooka,tank can legally?


由于历史和文化传统原因,欧美发达国家如美国、加拿大、瑞士、德国、以色列等,允许公民个人合法持有枪支。但在这些国家,涉枪犯罪已成为各国面临的严重社会问题,枪支管控越来越受到政府和民众的关注。东亚国家更加注重非法枪支问题,中国、日本、韩国、新加坡等,均立法严格管制枪支。 买枪每个城市都有很多专业的枪支贩卖商,价格也不算贵。枪支严禁邮购,法律对枪支的种类作出严格限定,M16这类军用枪支禁止购买。 转让美国允许私人枪支交易,但是卖者要通知相关机构枪已卖出,购买者也要重新注册枪支户口。如果卖给非合法持枪者,或者替他人购买,要判处10年左右的有期徒刑。 追踪每支枪都有固定编号,记录了枪支的身份ID,持有者身份信息,有的还备有弹道痕迹信息。警方甚至可以追踪出哪一把枪打出了子弹。 持枪法律允许公民将枪藏于家中,但能否随身携带并无统一规定。加州禁止在自己家之外随身携带,全国所有联邦政府建筑都禁止携带枪支进入。 xx枪支管理规定 领证大部分州规定必须有绿卡或者美国公民才能够买枪。买枪的时候,必须提供驾照和社会安全号码,销售商通过联网电脑将做一个背景审查。 各国枪支管理规定 xx 瑞士是世界上军事化程度最高的国家,公民服兵役期间可以把枪支带回家,因此私人持枪高达340万。瑞士《持枪法》对购买、持有、转让和经营枪支弹药作出了严格的限制,公民非法持枪将受到严惩。 xx 巴西是除了美国之外,全球死于枪击人数最多的国家。据禁枪组织估计,巴西境内共有1750万枪支,除了10%属于军队和警察外,其余90%都在民间。25周岁以上的巴西人可以提出申请买枪,但所有枪支必须登记,而且不能带出

室外。巴西枪支登记证的有效期为3年,非法持枪可被判处4至8年监禁和罚款。 xx 根据印度法律,如果通过警察部门审查,获得枪支许可证后,公民可以持枪。由于政府审查条件十分苛刻,一般很难获得许可证。据统计,印度的私人枪支持有量高达4000万支,其中85%是未注册且易于藏匿的小口径枪支。由于印度女性地位低易受骚扰,在印度大城市以及富裕地区常可遇到女性持枪。 xx 泰国允许公民申请持枪证买枪,是东南亚国家中平民拥有枪支数目最多的国家,枪杀案件居亚洲之首。据内政部记录显示,泰国6900万人口当中,已有620万人拥有持枪牌照。 泰国法律规定,20岁以下的公民无权持枪,在公开场合带枪违法,非法持枪可被判10年监禁,但这类刑罚很少落实。 也门 也门全国约有2100万人口,但各类枪支高达约6000万,曾被认为是世界上私人拥有枪支最多的国家。也门政府对买枪人的身份和数量没有限制,但对枪支的使用有相关规定。 近年来,为防止恐怖袭击,也门政府发布公共场合禁枪令,私人持枪数量有了大幅下滑。 xx 澳大利亚曾经允许公民持枪,据统计,澳大利亚合法持枪人数高达76万,还有25万条非法枪支散落社会。由于枪支暴力事件频发,政府开始重视控枪,不但规定所有枪支仅用于比赛和狩猎,还出资从公民手中原价回购枪支。澳法律不但对普通民众授予的半自动武器牌照限量,还严格限制手枪枪管长度、弹夹容量。( http:

Guns in America 美国枪击事件

Guns in America 美国枪支 Broken hearted 心碎 “WE were in the gym and heard loud bangs”, said a nine-year old boy after the horrific shooting in Newtown, Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School, where at least 26 were killed, including 20 children. The shooter, who was dressed in battle fatigues, was 20-year-old Adam Lanza, whose mother may have been a teacher at Sandy Hook. His mother was found dead at her home. Lanza was declared dead at the scene. 在康涅狄格州纽顿市的山迪·胡克小学爆发了恐怖枪击事件后,一名9岁的男孩描述事件发生时的情形:“我们在体育馆里听到很响的枪声”。在这次事件中至少有26人丧生,包括20名孩子。身穿迷彩军服的凶手亚当·兰扎(Adam Lanza)年仅20岁。他的母亲是该小学的一名教师,事发后被发现死于家中。据报告兰扎本人死于枪击现场。 Before the school went on lockdown, children reportedly heard scream s over the school’s intercom sy stem. Around 9:40 this morning, not long after the start of the school day, police received word they were needed at the school. As part of a newly implemented security programme, emergency texts were sent to parents. Fightin g tears, an ashen-faced and unusually emotional Barack Obama, in an address to the nation said, “Our hearts are broken today.” 在学校被封锁之前,据说孩子们提到学校的广播系统里传出的尖叫声。今早大约9:40学校开始上课后不久,警方接到学校的求救报告。作为刚实施不久的安全措施的一部份,孩子的父母们收到紧急短讯。一向沉着内敛的巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统面色惨白,在讲话中强忍泪水:“今天是心碎的一天。” And so they are. The stories of heroic teachers who protected their young charges by ushering them into bathrooms and closets are only just beginning to emerge. The images of the surviving children being led out of the school, visibly frightened or dazed, while holding hands are chilling. Parents reunited with their children at a nearby firehouse. Twenty sets of parents waited in vain. 这确实令人心碎。在事件中一些老师冒着危险将学生藏到厕所或橱柜里以躲避毒手。这类故事现在才刚刚开始浮出水面。有的照片记录了幸存的孩子们手拉着手被带离学校,脸上充满了惊恐或是迷茫,让观者寒心。家长们在附近的一个消防站里和孩子们团聚。但有20对父母最终没有等到自己的孩子。 Even in a country as accustomed to gun violence (and, increasingly, mass shootings) as America, the murder of 20 children in their elementary-school classroom is uniquely shocking. Earlier this week, a masked gunman killed two people at a shopping centre in Oregon. Over the summer, there were murderous gun rampages at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin and at a cinema in Colorado. In September, a gunman killed five former colleagues at a manufacturing plant in Minnesota. That same month Mother Jones published a piece showing that of the 139


美国是世界上私人拥有枪支最多的国家,枪支泛滥造成了严重的社会问题。但是在美国,对于枪支问题的辩论,主要集中于如何管理,而不是禁止。这主要因为,在美国开国元勋们看来,个人拥有枪支,是天赋人权,尽管公民个人的自由、权利有宪法保障,有民选政府、有独立的立法、司法体制、还有独立的舆论,但这些都还不足以保证一个政府不会变坏。因此,个人拥有枪支武器,是保卫公民权利的最后一道屏障。 美国宪法中关于美国公民可以持有枪支的条款:《合众国宪法第二条修正案》:“管理有序的民兵是自由国家安全之所需,故人民拥有和携带武器的权利不可侵犯。” 《第二条修正案》的形成必须被放在200年前美国人不信任常备军的背景中加以理解.托马斯.杰斐逊在《独立宣言》中列举了殖民地居民对乔治三世(George III)在美洲土地上驻扎英国军队的不满。 1960年,法学教授海斯(Stuart Hays)首次提出,私人拥有枪支是《第二条修正案》保护的一个特权。海斯还提出,这条修正案建立了公民的“革命权利”("right of revolution"),武装起来的公民可以向他们认为不公正的政府发起武装起义。 海斯的基本论点是,《第二条修正案》的真正目的是使今后世世代代人继续享有美国革命时期爱国前辈所行使的那种对暴君造反的权利。海斯的文章与肯尼迪的遇刺加剧了围绕《第二条修正案》的起源及其当代意义的学术辩论,但更重要的是,这一宪法辩论被支持或反对加强枪支管制法的政治团体所支配。从此以后,这个辩论就成为在主张维护拥有枪支的“宪法权利”的人群与希望管制枪支所有权以及根本否认存在这一“权利”的人群之间的较量。 美国主张枪支管制的人各式各样,却几乎没有人要求法律彻底杜绝私有枪支,他们的各种立法建议旨在控制什么人可以买枪、对武器和武器拥有人实行注册、设立更严格的取得手枪的训练标准、以及对公民个人可拥有的武器种类给予限制。 警察尤其要求建立最后这项规定,他们常说,犯罪分子经常比警察拥有更好和更致命的武器。他们的观点是,一个真正的猎人是用步枪或猎枪,而不是半自动机关枪。 美国关于枪支问题辩论的核心在于以下几点: 持枪权属于个人还是集体? 主张拥有枪支的人说,美国长期享有民主政府和社会,个人权利受到保护,不受政府权威侵犯。正如一个公民有权利表述他/她的思想、有权利具有与众不同的信仰、或在受到犯罪指控时享有某些权利一样,公民个人有权利拥有枪支。

American gun control-谈美国枪支管束-英文习作

周冬暖0111119074 American gun control President Barack Obama has made enhancing gun control one of his priorities last year, and unveiled a plan to address gun violence in the United States, focusing on expanding background checks and a partial assault weapons ban. The tradition of handgun ownership and gun ownership generally is deeply rooted in American history. The vulnerability to violent crime and the broad opposition to civilian handgun ownership has triggered a parading debate in the nation, and hereto the U.S remains divided over passing stricter gun control laws. On December 14,2012, 20 children and six adult staff members were shot dead in a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School by a single person, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, which was the second deadliest mass murder at a U,S elementary school. The incident spawned considerate nationwide debate about stricter gun control. According to a Gallup poll in 2000, about half of Americans believed that the law covering the sales of firearms should be strengthened and half maintain that the law should be the same or less strict. About a year have passed after the Newtown, Conn., school shootings took place, Americans’ support for gun control had tapered. Yet the controversy of gun control is still a difficult issue for the two parties of the U.S. For the American citizens, a great part of them regard handgun ownership as an incredible support for their personal security. From the political standpoint, the attitude towards gun control is one of the main distinction between the Democrats and the Republicans. It is estimated that the United States has a population of 307 million people in 2009, and based on production data from firearm manufacturers, there are roughly 300 million firearms owned by civilians in the United States in 2010.1Another Gallup polls shows that about 40% of Americans owns a gun, predominantly constituted by non-Hispanic Southern married males, and 17% do not own a gun but live in a household where someone does. The high level of gun ownership in the United States, with nearly one 1Dataset: "Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States, Regions, States, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2008." U.S. Census Bureau, December 2009.


近年来美国重大的枪支案件实例 2012年7月,科罗拉多州 《蝙蝠侠前传3:黑暗骑士崛起》在美国丹佛的首映现场发生枪击事件,目前已有15人死亡至少58人受伤。 2009年11月,得克萨斯州 军队心理健康专家、少校尼达尔·马利克·哈桑在胡德堡陆军基地内朝官兵开火,打死13人,打伤42人。 2009年4月,纽约州 一名男子持枪冲入宾厄姆顿中心地区,打死13人。 2009年3月,加利福尼亚州 圣克拉拉一处高档公寓内,6人遭枪击身亡。

2009年3月,北卡罗来纳州 一名男子在一座私人疗养院内持重型枪械射杀8人,死者多为老人和病人。 2009年3月,阿拉巴马州 一名28岁失业男子开车穿越多座城镇,途中随意朝人开枪,致死10人。 2008年12月,加利福尼亚州 一名装扮成圣诞老人的男子潜入一场家庭聚会,开枪射击后纵火,将遇害者家庭所在房屋焚毁。枪手饮弹自尽。警方随后在屋内发现9具尸体。 2008年9月,华盛顿州 一名刑满释放男子当街开枪射杀6人,射伤2人。警方调查后证实,枪手患有精神类疾病。 2008年2月,伊利诺伊州 一名男子在一所大学的演讲厅内开枪射杀5名学生,射伤16人。男子随后缴械自首。 2008年2月,芝加哥 6名女子在一家服装店遭人悬吊并开枪射击,其中5人死亡,1人受伤。枪手至今在逃。 2007年12月,内布拉斯加州 一名20岁男子持军用枪械在一座购物中心开枪行凶,最终导致9人遇难,5人受伤。 2007年4月,弗吉尼亚州 一名学生在一所学校开枪射杀32人,射伤15人,随后饮弹自尽。这起枪击案成为美国2000年后最为血腥的枪击事件。 2005年3月,威斯康星州 一名男子在一场宗教仪式上连发22枪,7人死亡。


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 英文歌曲名称翻译浅析 2 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 3 高中英语阅读课教学策略 4 中美家庭教育的比较研究 5 从西方讽刺剧看品特的威胁喜剧 6 问题类型对TEM阅读成绩影响的实证研究 7 从女性视角看文化冲突—基于亨利?詹姆斯的两部小说 8 试析中文歌曲汉英语码转换的形式与功能 9 英语专业学生语音学习中的问题 10 从《欲望号街车》探析田纳西?威廉姆斯诗意现实主义风格 11 《老人与海》中桑迪亚哥的硬汉形象探析 12 英语广告的语言特点 13 欧美电影对英语学习者英语口语的影响 14 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 175 567 12 48 15 “黑尔舍姆”教育尝试的失败—析石黑一雄小说《别让我走》(开题报告+论) 16 A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved 17 论现实主义在《野性的呼唤》中的体现 18 从北京奥运会简析宝洁营销策略 19 A Survey on the Major Factors Affecting Oral Performance 20 福克纳对女性形象的塑造—以《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》和《士兵的报酬》为例 21 华兹华斯诗歌的和谐观 22 从小飞侠彼得?潘浅析詹姆斯?巴里的悲剧人生 23 从中美数字谚语看中美文化的差异 24 农村初中英语口语教学现状的调查与分析——以xx中学为例 25 《药》的两个英译本中翻译技巧比较 26 论田纳西?威廉斯《欲望号街车》中的逃遁主义 27 中英广告宣传方式的比较研究 28 东西方文化中团队意识的差别 29 从《喧哗与骚动》中看复合式意识流手法 30 论马可?吐温小说中的讽刺技巧 31 “美国梦”:《嘉莉妹妹》和《了不起的盖茨比》的比较研究 32 An Analysis on the Tree Image on Sethe’s Back in Beloved 33 十九世纪英国唯美主义的生成语境与基本特征 34 英汉习语中的文化差异及翻译研究 35 Comparative Studies on Metaphors with Animal Images in Chinese and English 36 论归化翻译法在宋词文化意象英译中的运用 37 跨文化交际中的障碍浅析及其解决方法 38 论中西方思维方式的差异 39 A Study of Translation of Chinese Idioms with Numeral “San” 40 A Diachronic Study on Sexism in English Lexicon 41 高中学生英语词汇学习现状研究综述 42 《雾都孤儿》中的批判现实主义


论美国持枪制度 【摘要】论文通过三个部分论述美国的持枪制度,首先简要概述美国持枪制度的立法依据、基本情况,然后论述持枪制度的优缺点,最后通过与中国持枪制度的比较,展示出两个国家不同的枪支法令。 【关键字】美国持枪制度公民持枪权 一、美国配枪制度 枪支权利的起源在英国《普通法》,独立后的美国做了继承。1791年,美国通过的宪法第二修正案,给予美国人在必须时反抗政府、推翻暴政的依据。原文使用了“受到良好管理的民兵对于一个自由国家的安全是必要的,人民拥有和使用枪支的权利不受侵犯”的表达,而不是写“享有”此项权利,明确认定枪权是一种天赋权利而非宪法上的创设。 在人迹罕至的新大陆创建国家,拥有广阔的西部和狩猎的传统,又历经独立战争、南北战争的洗礼,美国自视为“勇敢者的家园”,持有枪支是美国文化的一部分。 美国最高法院2008年6月26日裁定美国公民有权在用于个人用途的情况下拥有枪支,同时推翻了美国首都华盛顿实施了32年的禁枪令。这是美国历史上最高法院首次对于个人是否有权拥有枪支作出明确裁决。

枪支销售在美国一直是“大生意”,目前全美有8千万合法注册持有枪支的公民。枪支游说集团以及以美国步枪协会(NRA)为首的民间组织一直在用巨大的人财物力争取民间持有枪支的更大空间。不少遍布各州县的民间枪支协会甚至有超过100年的历史,不少人家更是代代相传的会员。 在国际范围内,美国、墨西哥、巴西、伊拉克、阿富汗等国家是允许私人藏枪的。但这些国家都分别对枪的种类进行了规定,比如一些半自动步枪、全自动步枪、散弹枪在不同的地域其管制的法令是有所不同的。美国是个联邦制国家,各州在立法方面拥有很大的自主权,有关枪械管制的法律也不例外。而且,即使在同一个州,各地的法律也会不同。譬如,各种半自动步枪在纽约州不列入管制范围,但在纽约市,某些半自动步枪受到限制。但是枪支管制在美国一直争论不休,美国宪法第二修正案规定,人民拥有武器的权利不可侵犯。允许人民配枪被认为是一种自我保护,切实维护自身权益,遏制犯罪的最有效手段。 美国德克萨斯州州议会今年5月10日通过一部新法,允许其38所公立学院的学生和老师在校园中带枪。这就意味着,在这些学校中就读的50万名学生可以持枪上学。德克萨斯州是第二个通过类似法律的州,第一个是犹他州。这样,校园持枪在这些地区也成为一种合法行为,其效果如何仍有待时间验证。



浅析美国控枪的囚徒困境 摘要:近年来,由于美国层出不穷的枪击案,枪支泛滥的危害受到美国各界的强烈关注,这也导致“控枪”议题不得不再次被提上了新一届奥巴马政府的日程。本文将从社会的三大领域——政治、经济和文化的角度出发,简析美国的控枪进程为何如此之难。 关键字:美国枪支枪支控制政策枪支文化 在美国,每次惨烈的枪击案发生之后,都会引发对“持枪”与“控枪”的争议,同时也会引发枪支销售增长等一系列效应。人们既担心“控枪”的规定变为现实,以后再无法购买,又担心自我安全受到威胁,“持枪”自我防卫的意识会大大增强,枪支带来的“以暴制暴”的威慑作用自然显现。于是关于“控枪”所产生的囚徒困境一直环绕着美国。 一、什么是“控枪” “控枪”是指在不禁止平民持枪的条件下,执行严格的申购、认证、使用、报告、监督等管控政策,超出一定攻击性能的枪械被禁止持有。 官方统计数据表明,美国每年大约有超过3万人倒在枪口之下。美国出现这种状况不足为怪,它不但有武装到牙齿的军队,更有全世界武装水平最高的平民百姓,它以占全世界5%的人口,拥有全球一半的枪支。枪支泛滥必然导致枪支暴力以及枪支犯罪,这已成为美国社会严重的问题。 那么,美国就没有要求控枪的呼声?有,但控枪在美国几乎成了政治“高压线”,谁碰谁倒霉。 二、控枪难的政治、经济和文化原因 (一)政治因素 1.持枪,美国人根深蒂固的自由、民主、共和思想的体现 美利坚民族是一个崇尚自由、民主、共和思想的民族,这一点表现在枪支问题上,大多数美国人认为,拥有和携带武器是公民的一项不可剥夺的天赋人权。枪不

仅是一种工具,而且是一种权力的象征。即使在当代美国社会,枪已失去其历史含义,但枪作为一种权力的象征是万万不能遭禁的,因为人民持有武器是防止政府走向专制、腐败的最佳方法。 自由意志论思想认为:首先,人民广泛拥有武器是共和制国家的基础。其次,武器是获得权力与自由的象征。他们认为统治者必须时刻受约束,人民必须有权携带武器,否则就会失去自由。 2.持枪,宪法第二条修正案赋予美国人的权利 “公民持有和携带武器的权利不得侵犯”被列为第二条修正案,位居保障人民的居住自由、人身自由以及私有财产等修正案之前。由此可见,在当时,美国人对持枪权是何等重视。但是如今,枪支在美国已泛滥成灾。因此在美国目前的宪政体制下,修正第二条修正案,以期彻底禁枪的希望非常渺茫。 3.立法受政党政治影响 众所周知,在美国共和党与民主党轮流执政。在国会中,议席的多少与某一党是否执政没有直接关系。这样以来,宪法所赋予国会的立法权——国家的最高权力就落到了共和党之手。出于党派利益的考虑,共和党所把持的国会当然不遗余力地阻止民主党所提出的政策、法令在国会通过,以便消减民主党的政绩,为共和党下次竞选积蓄力量。表现在枪支立法问题上,民主党倾向于制订严格的枪支管制法,并力图在国会通过;而共和党则从争取选民及竞选费用等党派利益的角度出发,竭力阻止法令的通过。因此,民主党人提出的法案是很难在共和党人占优势的参议院通过的。 (二)经济因素 在美国的现实政治中,除了政府以外,还有一种非政府的组织对政府制定的法律和政策有很大影响,这就是利益集团。 美国最大的拥护持枪团体非全国步枪协会(NRA)莫属。该会成立于1871年,截至2013年初注册会员逾450万人,包括尼克松、肯尼迪、里根和老布什等在内的8名总统都曾是该会会员。该会财力雄厚,具有强悍的游说能力和对政治的强力介入。在2012年美国大选中,NRA出手阔绰,投入了


2016美国大选第三场辩论文字全纪录 2016美国大选第三场辩论议题1:司法、女性堕胎 主持人华莱士的第一个问题是关于最高法院的:“您认为最高法院应该会在接下来的这一段时间走向什么方向?” 希拉里:司法证明了我们的国家、人民未来要过上什么生活。美国最高法院代表的不应该是那些富有的人民,而应该是怎么样为妇女争取权利,打击那些摧毁我们国家的黑暗势力。目前这个阶段很重要的是不要逆转我们的婚姻平等权利,我们要为美国人民的权利起来奋战。最高法院应代表我们的人民,这是我的看法。 主持人:你希望法庭让女性拥有堕胎权利吗? 希拉里对堕胎问题表态说,“政府不应该介入,使这成为一个最私人的决定”。 特朗普反驳:我觉得像希拉里说的那么做简直太可怕,如果按照希拉里所说,你就可以在第九个月把孩子打掉,把一个孩子从母亲的子宫剥夺,这太可怕了。 希拉里说,这是不可能发生的。“大多数情况下,这种事并未发生”,她称这是特朗普的吓唬伎俩。 2016美国大选第三场辩论议题2:修正案、枪支管制 希拉里引用新数据重申了她对控枪的呼吁,她表示每年有33000人死于枪杀。 希拉里坚持说她不想收走所有人的枪,但表示她支持更合理的枪械管制。“毫无疑问我尊重第二修正案……这与合乎情理的规则并不矛盾。”她主张推行“全面的背景调查”和“填补漏洞”。 主持人华莱士问特朗普,他是否反对任何枪械管制。 特朗普谈到了芝加哥,称这个城市有着美国最严格的枪支管理法案,也有最高的枪支犯罪率。 他补充说,他很高兴能得到美国全国步枪协会(NRA)的支持。 2016美国大选第三场辩论议题3:非法移民 特朗普重述了自己的立场,“我们要建一座墙,我们需要一座墙”。


《美国枪支法》思考 生活充满了偶然。就在Dr. Timothy Roberts来到我们学校做主题为美国枪支权利和枪支法案历史讲座的当天,美国加州再次爆发了枪支惨案! 一位加州大学圣巴巴拉分校名叫罗杰的男生,枪杀了7人!根据其本人录制了一段视频,犯罪者的动机是“我已经22岁了,还是处男。大学应该每个人都经历性和快乐,但女孩子从来没有喜欢过我,我会因此惩罚你们”。 由于通讯科技的便利,这次枪支惨案在中国也引起了轰动。 光天化日之下,以自己22岁仍然为处男的理由,公然枪杀7个人! 这不仅仅是简单的杀人案,很多人认为这应该算得上是恐怖袭击! 事实上,这次的枪支惨案不过是美国枪支犯罪浩瀚中的沧海一粟。 自美国立国以来,国内成千上万的公民死于枪支袭击,或自杀,或他杀。枪支对于平民的伤害是总所周知的。然而,美国政府首脑,国家元首,也是摆脱不了枪支袭击的命运。美国著名的林肯总统死于手枪暗杀;其后的詹姆斯·加菲尔德总统和威廉·麦金莱总统也死于手枪暗杀;肯尼迪总统遭遇步枪暗杀身亡;福特总统,里根总统,罗斯福总统均受到枪支暗杀,最后幸免于难。 拥有最严密,最高级别保护的美国总统受到枪支袭击的次数已经高得惊人,更加不用说容易受到枪支袭击的平民严重程度! 也许很多人会有这样的疑问,最为世界公认的文明程度最高,

号称最民主的美国,怎能容忍枪支继续泛滥,伤害自己呢?为什么不通过最高法院立法禁止枪支呢?总统为什么对枪支的禁止无动于衷呢?枪支在美国为什么就不违法呢? 在罗伯特的讲座之前,我也是没有深入了解美国枪支权利及其历史。得益于这次讲座的启发,结合自己查阅的资料,才对美国的枪支问题有了更深的认知。 美国宪法第二修正案以宪法的形式,明文规定一支受规范的武力乃确保自由国家之安全所必需,人民持有及携带武器之权利不可受侵犯。纪律优良的民兵部队对自由州的安全是必要的,因此,人民持有并携带武器的权利不可受侵害。 美国宪法即联邦宪法是美国的最高法律,是所有州和人民都必须遵守的,法律所规定的权利也是神圣不可侵犯的。美国人通过联邦宪法规定拥有枪支的权利,这充分说明美国公民对于拥有枪支的态度是非常肯定的。每年都会有非常多的美国人死于枪杀,几乎每天都会发生枪支袭击,几乎每时每刻美国人都在受到枪支的威胁,付出血的代价,然而这些都不足以动摇枪支在美国人心中的绝对地位。拥有枪支,最基本的就是保护自身的安全,必要时也是推翻暴政的最好工具。 通过讲座的启发和资料的查阅,我对美国枪支问题的认识如下:日益泛滥的枪支暴力,并不是拥有枪支权利的罪过。暴力来源于社会的不公,对政府的不满,对现状的失望,绝非枪支的拥有。倘若一个人怀有犯罪的动机,即使没有枪支,他还是可以谋

美国枪支问题 英语ESSAY

It is not another Gun-Control Moment? Gun control has never been a more and more serious problem in America, particularly after the increasing notorious shooting incidents nationwide over the recent years. Despite the shooting in Colorado where 12 people were killed and dozens injured, the daily average barely blipped: 268 people are shot by guns each day in America, around 85 are killed (33 of those are homicides). 97,820 were shot last year. This is really a serious problem we should think about, despite we all realize that it is a tough problem to solve. However, according to “Three Reasons Why This Isn’t Another Gun-Control Moment” by Jonathan S. Tobin, he believes that all these events will not be the start of another gun-control problem. In the article, he first mentioned the event of mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard by a lone gunman that shocked the entire nation. However, the author enlisted three reasons why he believes that these shooting events will not lead to establishment of new legislation on gun control. First, the type of shooting events is not frequently occurring. Second, the author insists that both the political class and media understand that new legislation on gun control will not work for preventing these events from happening. The last reason is the gap between the reality of gun laws and post-Newtown rhetoric. In my opinion, I am in partial agreement with author about the first reason. There are some sad events like the Washington Navy Yard or Colorado shootings. For example, in 1999, 23 people were wounded and 13 killed at Columbine High School in Newtown, Connecticut. There was also another shooting incidence just half a year

Guns in the United Stated美国枪支暴力

Guns in the United Stated A shooting incident at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Connecticut Friday, December 14th,2012 left at least 28 people dead, most of them were students from five to ten. This is one of the worst mass shooting in US history. It is reported that the shooter had been identified as Adam Lanza who was 20 years old. At the scene of the day, he first shot the school headmaster, then broke into a classroom where his mother teaches, he shot his mother and then 20 students. After that he killed himself. In the afternoon, Obama delivered a speech towards this incident with tears down. Also, he ordered flags flown at half staff at US public buildings. He said the United States must take measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. An American scholar says, "Every American citizen is born with a rifle."This is to some degree correct,as the American gun culture do have a long history. When the Independent War happened, people with private guns first opened fire which led to the beginning of the war. Many Americans think that the victory of the Independent War was largely determined by the fact that most Americans own and carry guns with them. After that, during the Civil War, the Lincoln government encouraged the public to own guns,and meanwhile support massive production of all kinds of guns. All these measures helped to establish the important position of guns in American’s mind.Consequently, the Americans began to take the right of owning guns privately for granted. Therefore,during the long process of history,the gun culture has been fully formed and developed in the US. As a result,the right of owning guns has been considered as a right that can not been derived. Because owing guns and using guns has become an important part of American life style and in some way , a significant part in the US politics. There is no denying that guns has great contributions to the history of United States, especially in the war time. But on the other hand ,in the modern time , guns are becoming a more serious problems these days in the United States. Guns are not only the symbol of power and masculinity, but also the symbol of violent. It can brings turbulence in society and
